The Cedarville Herald, Volume 28, Numbers 27-52

-5 ^ ~ A SMAIL WRECK, Th e nvcond of train No. i-2 yyMIo doing some ffsvitcliiHg bt-x© O teu tfo a r f/t’Jot'Is tliia morning hod two cara badly crushed in by the a ir giving away just as.iho coupling was being made. The Xenia wreck tra in was called and the cars moved. The ears telescoped jiintuu the Slain street crossing. DIVORCE GRANTED. Judge Kyle granted a divorce to George Parker, Colored, from Ellen leet, Monday.” The defendant’s cross petition iu which she set np the allegation th a t the plan tiff Imd carried firearms and an ax into their bed-room to intimidate her, was dis­ missed. GRAM STOCK APPRAISED. ’ An entry has been presented ap­ proving the appraisement of the property in the case of Rachel C, Gram against John E. Gram, and others. The report of the appraisers fi’ed )jy A. H. White, receiver for- the general store of Mr. G ranru tC ii fton, shows tha t the stock of goods, ac­ counts, etc., amount to 41,722.40. The receiver was ordered to sell the goods for cash a t not less than the appraised value within th irty days, Mr. Gram has selected under his exemption, £175 worth of personal property in lieu of homestead and will take cash for the remainder of ius exemption, $500 altogether. BAKER RELEASED. '’Joseph Raker, the colored man from Cedarville, indicted by ; the grand jury for receiving good stolen from the creamery a t Cedarville, was brought into court Tuesday morning and the indictment against him nollied, Baker, when he turned state’s evidence and secured the con­ viction oj William Gordon a-ncl H a rry ghnll, for robbing the cream­ ery, was promised th a t he would be le t off as easy as possible, as with­ ou t iiis evidence it wool ’ have been impossible to convict the principals in the offence. Hence the action of the court tills morning, on recommo- dation of the prosecutor, in dismiss­ ing the ciiarge against Raker. Baker has been serving t jmein the work house for assault find ' immed­ iately upou his release was arrested ,by -Sherrill Tarboxunder the indict­ ments for receiving stolen goods.— ..Journal.. PUBLIC SALES. J>. H . McMillan will offer stock, farm Implements etc., for sale Thursday, October, 1 12. Howard Carry, will offer all his stock, farm implements etc., for sale Thursday, October, 19. FOR SALE A t a bargain Bouse and 3 acres, known as the Alex. Batts, place* Also a house of six rooms on College Avenue. Stable and plenty of fruit. Also twenty other town proproties. Smith & ClGrnrins. Like Finding Money. . Finding health is like finding money —so think those who are sick. Whon you have a cough, cold, sure throat, or chest Irritation, better act promptly like W. G. Barber, of San­ dy Level, Va. He says; " I had a terrible chest trouble, caused by smoke and coal dust on my lungs; but, after finding no relief in other remedies, I was cured by Dr. King’s Jfow Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds.” Greatest sale of any cough or lung medicine in the world At all drug stores; COc and $ 1 . 00 ; guaranteed. Trial bottle free. LIST OF LETTER8* L ist of letters remaining Uncalled for in the Cedarville postoffice for the week ending Sept. 22, 1905. L ist No. 38. Abbott John W, Jones Vernon, W a tt J . V, . T. ST. Tarbox, P. NT. StylishHats ymifcireTM** Onyour fall hat you can £?ave from 26 to 50 cents if youbuy it of Sullivan The flatter. |7 S, hW i'H lom Bh Uprltt#Jh;ldf 0 . Iff** T-atl:~.a(i. Stoat, rotates- - . trytyt I f i! Lawdi, ?n.% !S.y„****i “lavam’ytaogitO « ray terSzacr'ypiziztt *****fate. ci lit. litm i iltsarSSf’t-Virssiit Stratoj. IS Btjtrac*plxeo*»4*3a clCaUrobrfLa KIDNEY TRPDBLI* AlMO cf ImcdZhti&ia t 1 om 45^ jwiiii ^ isM <s**esfc.cfjsqr phsiictzsL** A HOFKUEIGNCURB. , Dr. Dnld Kesziedy* Jfavsrti* ) B£ic*dx«cf IJcp£Sa3t,sr.y^ s»a cor* ____ 'urtigo nwend/' for fltT7ccc«j, " lUu&ssittxa, Kidaer and Liter • okss ?! a ! e 4, *U £b* UU pecaLur to weaea. H elr.voi th* pssnemf—ra tc* {***£?©• &• D r. D. Kennedy’s Favorite Remedy, Prepared U,??.Y. P rio tl; ttcz%s, " . A LITTLE NONSENSE. It W »:m Great 6 p««ckkJhouaht PUtC* Fallow Stud.nt. T* ’- b 7>i- t of Con­ necticut was more than just an able executive statesman. He was. a scholar and a student, with a knowl­ edge of oratory, to mention bu t a single one of many subjects, second to no fellow member's in the senate. With sound reading and the best of the world’s great examples to de­ pend upon, therefore, it is not sur­ prising th a t he was a hard critic of the a rt of public speaking. . To win Mr. P la tt’s approval a m an’ must say something, and Bay i t in the best way a t that. ‘’The criterion of oratory in the back districts of Connecticut/’ he once said, “is not hard to satisfy. I remember when I was studying law how a fellow student came back to the office to tell the quiet old judge, under whose patient eye we were reading, th a t he had just heard a wonderful speech, made by a local light (and not a bright light either) before a certain magistrate of the peace. * “ Indeed!’ replied ' tlie judge. ‘And what did"he say ?’ “ ‘I don’t exactly remember much, but it was a great speech.’ ‘“ I don’t doubt that. But let us hear some of the points that were made.’ ' “The boy scratched his head for a moment in embarrassed silence and then blurted out, ‘I can’t repeat a word of i t; but, say, he jumped as high as the table every time he raised his voice.’ ” — Philadelphia Ledger. ’ BIUs In- Death;------------— She—I f you cat all tha t candy up ma aez you’ll die. He (ecstatically)—- O h ; death, w’ere is thy sting ? A Matter, of Spice. “I wouldn’t care to see you tu rn ­ ed intS a pillar of salt, as Lot’s wife was, my dear,” said Smith, “but”— “But what?” queried Mrs, Smith sternly. “But I wish you weren’t quite so peppery,” continued Smith. — De­ troit Tribune._______ The/ Usually Are. Mr. Subbubs—I understand the ladies of tho neighborhood are going to organize a Dorcas society. ..Mrs. Subbubs — Oh, that’s all talk. Mr. Subbubs—Of course. That’s what i t ’s intended to be.—Baltimore Hews. ______ _ Not Enthusiastic. “I wonder if- dey’ll ever abolish railroad discrimination?” said Me­ andering Mike. “Never,” answered Plodding Pete. “Some of us‘11 be ridin’ in parlor ears on’ some on trucks as long as de world lasts.” —Washington Star. Couldn’t Stand That. Tees — What’s the m atter with Iva Black? Has she broken h e r en­ gagement with Mr, H a rt? Jess—Yes, You see, she realized that after she. was married to him she’d have to sign herself “Iva Black Hart.”—Philadelphia Press. In the Near Future. “Is it really true tha t your ances­ tors were once poor ?” asked the in ­ quisitive person, “Yes, comparatively,” replied tho young Croesus. “My great-grand­ father was merely a millionaire.”— Philadelphia Ledger. A Definition. Willie .— Pa, what 3s a philan­ thropist anyway ? Pa—A philanthropist, fny son, is usually a man who spends his time getting other peoplo to spend their money for charity. — Baltimore American. At the Banquet. •First Microbe—Are you going to the banquet this evening? Second Do.—Of course I am, and so must you, They are going to pass a loving cup, and it will be the chance of our .dives.—Detroit Free Freon. Heart and Head. “Do you think that athletic train­ ing injures tho heart?" “Ho,” ftUHwered the college pro- fesoor. “I t is only when it causes it man to fo'sa bio head tha t it docs damage,”—-Wflohiftgtop Star, Calanh-Cabinet Be Cured. With tosal applications, as they canno t•' reach the seat cf the disease. Catarrh is a blood or constitutional dtetass?, ond ja order r to .euro it you tru st take internal remedies, i Hail’s <atarrts Cure is not aquack medicine j It was jirterrihed by one of the best pbysi- t cions in this country for years and is a rtg -1 alar prescription. I t Is oomp'.ised. of th e 1 best tonics Knotts, cornbiWd vrlto the beat blood purif.trs, acting directly on the isu- conn surface?. The perfect combination of two ingredients is «hnt produces suib won­ derful results in curing Catarrh, fiend for testimonials free. Address F, 3. CHENEY &CO, Toledo, O Bold by druggist, 75c. Hall’s Family Piiis are the best. C HEAP RATES South and Southeast* QUEEN & CRESCENT ROUTE. FROM CINCINNATI. .Are YouEngaged! Engaged people should remember that, after marriage, many quarrels can be avoided, by keeping their d i­ gestions in good condition with Electric Ritters. H. A. Brown, of Bennettsville, 8 . C,, says; “ For years, my wife suffered ’ intensely from dyspepsia, complicated with a torpid liver, unfil she lost her strength and vigor, and became a m7/re wreck of her former self. Then shje tried Electric -Bitters, -which helped her. a t once, and finally made her entirely well. Hhe is now strong and healthy. All druggist, sells and guarantees them, a t 50c a bottle. DYEYOUR GARMENTS. PR ICE LIST . Light blue will dye-dark blue, brown,- red, green or black; Dark blue will dye- wine, dark-green, seal brown or black; Cardinal will oye*dark-wine, brown,, black or same color over Light green will dyetdark-green, brown, blue or black; Dark green will dye-seal brown or black; Light brown will dye-dark brown, green,- cardinal or black; Grey will dye any color; Black can only be rediped. Silks My£_aam.ejts_v -ol.arid-prices are accords, mg to quality and quanity. Prices For Cleaning Ladies Wear. • Tailor made suits from....;.:. $1.60 to $2.00 Evening dress......... :............. 1.75 to 3.00 Opra cloaks............................ 1.00 to 1.50 Silk waists.......... ................ ; ....76 to 1.00 Woolen waists ........ ...........80 to 1.00 Dressing sacqucs...........r............50 to .75 Skirts........ ’ .........................1.00 to 1.50 Single shawls.................... . . 60- to 1.00 Double shawls............. ........75 to 1.00 Short length jackets..................50 to 100 Hip length jackets...... ...........76 to 1.00 Three-quarter length jockets .1.00 to 1.50 Full length.............................. 2 00 to 2.25 Childrens dresses......... ........... 60 to 1.25 according to.size Children c lo a k s ........................... 60 to1.60 according to size. .A ' Dyeing Ladies Wear. Tailor made suits Lons _,.1.60 to 2.60 Skirts.............. 1.00 to 1.60 waists............... 60 to 1.00 Dressing -sapques ..*s....... ...........60 to .75 Single shawl.........................,.,,.60 to 1.00 Double shawl.................. 1.00 to 1.60 Silk dresses......................... 1,50 to 8.00 Silk waists.... ........ 75 to 1.00 Silk shirts....!.......... ....... ‘___1.26 to 2.00 Short jackets............... 75 to' 1.00 Hip length............ !....... ...... 1.00 to 1.60 Three-quarter lengths........... 1,60 to 1.75 Full length... ........................ 2.00 to! 2.60 Children dress................... 60 to 1.25 according to size. ■ Children c lo ak s ................ .., .75 to 1.60 according to size. Goods do not have to be ripped. Portier curtasns cleaned 1.50 to 2.50 pr, Portier curtains dyed..... 1.50 to 2.60 pr. Damask curtains cleoned. 1.00 to 1.60 pr. Damask curtains dyed. .1:00 to 1.60 pr, Lacc curtains cleanud without injury from................ .................. 60 to 1.60 pr. Blankets cleaned without shringage from....j..... ......................... 75 to 1.50 pr. Tipscleaned from.,..........10 to 26 each Tips dyed from .. 10 to 25 each Plums cleaned from..... . 25 to 76 each “Plums dyed from............. 25 to 75 each Kid gloves cleaned to 85 each Mens hats from................ ..25 to 00 each Prices for Dyeihg Mens Wear. Dyeing suits from.............$2.50 to $3.00 according to quality. Dyeing coats......... .................1,00 to 1.50 Dyeing trousers...................... 1.00 Dyeing vests........... ................. 60 Dyeing short length overcoats.1.50 to 1.76 Dyeing medium length .......1.75 to 2.00 Dyeing full length..............2.00 to 2.50 Dyeing suits are from...........1.00 to 2.00 according to size. Boys overcoats from ............. .,76 to*1.26. according to size. Prices for Cleaning Mens Wear. Suits cleaned.....................$1,60 to $2.00 Trousers cleaned. .......... 50 to .75 Coats cleaned ........... 75 to 1.26- Vests-cleaned.............. ....,26 Silk vests cleaned...................50 Short length overcoats......... 1,25 to 1.60 Medium length cleaned...... 1.60 to 1.75 Full length cleaned..............1.75 to 2,00 Boys suits cleoned.................60 to 1.26 Boys overcoats cleaned...........60 to 1,00 Mens suits sponged and pressed from ...............................................76 to 1.00 Mens trouser*............... ...„,16 Mens coats... .........................60 Mens overcoats....................... 60 to .75 Wo guarentee are dyed goods not to rub oft. Wo make a speciality of relining Ladles and Gents cloaks and coats also furnish new velvet coiars at reasonable prices. In fact there is nothing in the cleaning dyeing and repairing line we do not and cannot do. All Work guaranteed first class. Please do not get us mixed up with inficior places which have justed stated business with out any knowledge of same. We have established 28years and defy compition. No matter if you have had goods Spoilt elsewhere in cleaning and dying give us a trial and we are sure you will call again. Special attention given to mall and express orders .1 Nn.98. We do not dye for any other dye-house. SPRINGFIELD STEHJH DYE WOWS, 15 N, Confer fit. 0prl»ffflel<i, (.)• $ 6.70 8.15 9.90 IMO 11.60 13.55 13.90 Knoxville and Return Chattanooga and Return Asheville and Return Atlanta and Return Birmingham and Return Macon and Return Montgomery and Return 515.60 15.SO 16.75 16,80 16.80 20.00 20.00 CMlESWHOtKCLYLOWMTESTOIHTESUEDIATETOIHTJ. Tickets ca saloOctober 17tkto ah points in Alobopia, Georgia. Mfckdppi. North anJ Sooth Cimimaa, Florida tsUpoints exztrpsKsy IVcS. tennc^xen-l pcrcls enoept llrapius. November 7th. all temtoiy eccept points in Florida, November th, to pesnto «a Florida oedy. Limit 21 D*y*. Stop-overprivikijes. For fcfcnaationwrites V, PB3ROWN, N, E. P. A, HammondBldg, Detroit, Ukh. W. A. GARRETT. W. C. BINEARSON, Savannah and Return Mobile and Return Jacksonville and Return New Orleans and Return Vicksburg and Return Miami and Return Tampa and Return ernf »LP a »« cnoi 3 i Aum < a A&rkiMrs #ttA Xntf*. The Genuine 1847ROGERS BROS’ Spoons, Forks, Knives, etc. have all the qualities in design, work­ manship and finish of the best ster­ ling silver, a t one-fourth to one-eighth the cost. Much of the sterling bow on the ■ market is entirely too thin arid light for practical use, and is far in­ ferior in every way to 1 ‘ Silver Plate that Wears ” Ask your dealer for “ 1847 R 08 ERS BROS;” Avoid substitutes. Our full trade-mark is “ 1847 ROGERS BROS.” look for it. Sold by leading dealers everywhere. Before buying write for our catalogue “ C-L. ” IXTEliyiTIOXAI. 8M.VEP. CO., Koecettorto UERIDEN BRITANNIA CO., Meriden, Conn. BtrkMrt nthFork. A Touching. Story ‘ • ’ <. \ is the saving from death, of the baby girl of Geo A .Eyler, of Cumberland, Md. He writes: “A t the age of l l months, our little girl was In declin­ ing health, with serions Throat Trouble, and two physicians gave her up. We were almost in dispair, when we resolved''te-try*Dr. King’s New Discovery for.‘'Consumption, Coughs and Colds. The first bottle g/ive relief; after taking four bottles she was cured, and is now in perfect health .” Never fails toi relieve and euro a cough o t cold. 'At all Drug stores; COo-and $ 1.00 guaranteed.; Trial bottle free. I3very'housekeeper should know that if they will buy Defiance Cold Water Starch for laundry use they Will nave not only time, because it never sticks toth^ iron, but because each package contain 1G oz.—-tine full -pound—while all,other Cold Water Starches are put up in % pound packages, and the price is the same, 10 cents. Then attain because Defiance Starch is free from injurious chemicals. If your grocer tries to sell you a 12-oz. package it is because he has a stock on band which he wishes to dispose ol before be puts in Defiance. He knows that Defiance Starch lias printed on every package in large letters and figures "16 ozs.’ Demand Defiance and save much time and money and the annoyance of the n on stick- gni* Defiance never sticks. LOWFARES WESTAND SOUTHWEST. Anyone contemplating a trip West may take advantage of the reduced fares for the special Home-Seekers’ excursions via Pennsylvania Lines to points in Colorado, Idaho, Iowa, Kansas, Minnesota, Missouri, Mon­ tana, Nebraska, the Dakotas, Ore­ gon, Washington, Texas and other sections in tlie west and iu all the states of tlie Bouth. « :---------- Public is ArouseiL I,'. The public is aroused to a knowl­ edge of the Curative merits of th a t great medicinal tonic, Electric B it­ ters, for sick stomach, liver nrtd kidneys. M a ryH . Walters, of 510 S t.C lair Ave.", Columbus, O., writes: "Fo r several months I was given up to die. I had fever* and ague, m y nerver were wrecked; I could not sleep, and my stomach was so weak, from useless doctor’s drugs, tha t I could not eat. Boon after beginning to take Electric B itters,’I obtained relief, and in a short time was en­ tirely euree.” Guaranteed a t nil Drug Stores; price 50c. Excursion Fares to Richmond1, Va., via Pennsylvania Lines. September 9th, 10th and 11th ex­ cursion tickets to Richmond, Vir­ ginia, account Annual Meeting, Farmers* National Congress, will bo sold from all ticket stations on the Pennsylvania Lines, For full pa rt­ iculars regarding fares, route, time of trains, etc,, apply to Local Ticket Agent of Ihoswlines. Attacked By a Mob, and beaten, In a labor riot, until covered with sores, ft Chicago street ear conductor applied Bucklon’s Arnlca-Balvc, and was soon sound and well. “ I use It in my fam ily,” writes G. J . Welch, of Tokonslm, Mich, "and And it perfect.*’ Bimply g reat for cuts and burns. Only E5c r t AU drug store. D oyour C HILPREN - " a « k £ ? T " " " *■ QUESTIONS? Of courea they do.'** I t ia their way of learning and it is yonr duty to anawer. • You may need a dic­ tionary to aid y o u ,. It won’t an­ swer eTery question, but there are thousands to which it will give you true, cle; • aud definite answers, not abot , words only, but about things,-the sun, machinery, men, places, Btoriea and the like. Then, too, the children can find their own answers. ' Some o f our greatest men have ascribed their power to stndy of the dictionary. Of course you want the best dic­ tionary. The most critical prefer tho New and Enlarged Edition of "WEBSTER'S INTERNATIONAL' D ic t io n a r y / m yt taa ilH timdluMIrj ncrerwofy/ & J f you have, any question* ■ 'about it write us. Q. & C. MERRIAM CO. PlIBUSHUia, SPRINGFIELD, MASS. THEDR. GREENETREATMENT FOR NERVOUSAND CHRONIC DISEASES Bears the stamp of Absolute and Genuine Worth, conceived and founded in the true system of cure, it is as imperishable as truth itself, as accurate in curative results as a fixed science, a Wondrous Blessing to the Sick and Ailing. It hasaendured the test of time and been tried in the crucible, of experience. Generation after generation of Dr. Greenes have have restored health to the -suffering by these marvelous medicines, adapt* mg", organizing and perfecting the treatment through long years of en.* ornous practical experience among the sick, by grandfather, father ana son, until today the third generation of Dr. Greenes is giving tv the world an even more successful practice, a. ■surer and more positive means of cure than has ever, heretofore been placed before the depressed, weaken­ ed and discouraged victims of chronic complaints, Drs, F. A, & J , A. Greene are the proprietors of that most mar­ velous of all remedies for the Nerves and Blood, DR. GREENE’S NERVURA. AU are privileged to consult Dr. Greene personally or by mail, en­ tirely free. I)r. Greene himself attends to all who call and answers all letters in person, Office, 101 Fifth Avenue, New York, W E H A V E Farms toSell iand c a n s e ll y o u r s FflRJI LOANS fiv e y e a r s . SMITH & CLEMANS, MANUFACTURERS WHOLESALE PRICES VEHICLES““HARNESS W e se ll ou r entire p rodu c t d irect t o the u se r a t w h o le sa le p r ice s and gua ran tee a MgofXrtiioiiielailPta I*tr s m h i t f y*V! TO GALL A N D IN S P E C T OUR WORK LARGEST S T O C K We carry the largest stock o f vehicles on our repository floor of any concern in the world. All o f latest style, thoroughly reliable vehicle*. Our line Includes Carriages, Buggies, Surreys, Phaetons, Station Wagons, Delivery Wagons, Runabouts, Road,Wagons, Spring Wagons, Carts, etc.. C O M E A N D S E E U S B E F O R E M A K IN G YOUR ‘ P U R C H A S E . W E CAN SA V E YOU MO N EY CATALOGUE FOR 1905 Send for onr free catalogue. To out-of-town buyers who cannot come to see us, we should be glad to send, on reqnest,,onr illustrated catalogue, by means o f which yon can buy as safely smd Satisfactorily as if on the gronnd. PR ICE ,Extra 3-4 Rubber Tires, $13.00 Guaranteed «s good In every way as sold by middlemen for from $70 to $75.' Not* some of the good points. Has self-oiling, dust-proof axles. FuU wrought Brewster fifth- wheel with bent reaches mor-. Used into the bead block. Oil tempered and tested springs. Wrought steel BsJley body loops. Strictly second growth hickorywheels,with tires puton hot. Bradley shaft couplers. FuUlength bottomcarpel. Rub­ berstep pads. Spring back and spring cushion. Finest finish throughout. The greatest Bug­ gy In the World attho Price” NO. 30TS. NEWYORKBUGGY. TH E MANUFACTURER ,can always offer you more for your money than the middleman. We are the only house in the State o f Ohio selling direct to the consumer who manufactures the vehicles, aud harness they offer for sale. Ko. 4066. STRAIGHT SILL SURREY HARNESS -GUARANTEE A SAVING NOT L E S S THAN 2 6 $ Our No. 246 Single Strap Driving Harness PRICE $ 12.60 GENUINE RUBBER MOUNTINGS, Extra $1.75 Weetrry2000till olHtmmIntloek . P R IC E $ 81.50 Extra 7-8 Robber Tlrei, $ 1 5 .0 0 Ko. 4066ts a tight,compact vehiclewithample seatingca- padjy for four, large persons. Furnishedwithhellcol* lar seff-oUIng axles. Oil temperedandtested springs. Full boitom wrought -fifth*wheels Strictly second growth wheels. Fall length velvet carpet. BradSey shaftcouplers. Hand- somelyfinlshed. • Guaranteed as good as sold b£ others for $35.00 to $35.00 more than our price. ( We Manufacture 65^STY.LES Highest Quality— Wholesale Prices CO M E A N D S E E U S OFFICE—REPOSITORY—FACTORY S M lh H 'jh Street, crossing Hocking Valley Railroad, Terminus Electric Car U n i. 2 0 minutes ride from corner Broad and High StrseU Th* -------------- — ----------- ColumbusCarriage&HarnessCo. COLUMBUS, OHIO Public Sale I will offer for sale at the Residence of Miss Mary Hensel on the Yellow Springs road at one o’clock sun time, Saturday, September 23, 1905, the following personal property: beds and bed clothes, chairs, heating stoves carpenter tools, tables, carpets, win­ dow curtains and blinds, dishes, lamps, gasoline stove, pictures, looking-glass, buckets, glass and stone fruit jars, cooking utensils and many other arti­ cles not mentioned, TERHS OF SALE CASH. LEWIS HENSIL. © , > S . T. BAKER, Anct. f o r I3 ac eV The inissioi' through Jesr God. Herre^ Christ. The miaisM&fj to lead .the C\ the world. The Churc from the wor ly and fearle 7 ‘ coinmerciffl, ' IntemperaiK fearing the ii to the politic.1^ with the plea l ing to meddle! This plea d|[__ church and a the Church ‘ When pc ' seek to enthi ^ests of huma1^ trust if she f. t- U nation of the j*tet- ical garb. erfo The Churc. f " pion of any p , But she ig b(i sibility to Go and all measi-j^ God, God’s I In as mua i j applies to th y to the privab j to declare th state as well God’s Day a*__ as the needs Ma * JK .# VO G o c S Boo ts/-i knocks wF prices aslflo« other des Wewaf ^ bei i he trade. an . thanyou* ^ We ia%QJ rest. h ^ lar'mr H( v f n : 39 * Jm■ slE N. B. -JS dty. \ 1 {