The Cedarville Herald, Volume 28, Numbers 27-52

y» * X S^PTV^^ „ The Cedarvie flerstd, $j,o& 3 put Viws-rv r ' *»*< ?* KBU&V JUNK ift, » * • Eplwttfitift :WWBj Tin* Anti-Saloon League* v & now I is t 4 % ehamplafi for tbair p*us 0 i» 3 *T. P* 0 *o«, tl*e lltfPoejraHc *#»~ ttidato for Governor. Ru**i» »»ye «he Is going to build itxpti her great fleet.—Buraia-would find lit cheaper to bury her sailors nulawL There 1*Just one tiling hotter tliah the-weather »n<l that Is the Cincin­ nati political situation since StoffenS used his pen* • - Invert, If Mayor- Weaver was a member of the machine which dom- tested Ptelanielphte he should not he denietnthe credit for the good work he Is now performing. “Boss Schmidt owns -too much - property uketTtor saloon purposes to have » plan go to tbfc legislature to enact laws th a t would be detriment­ al to su ch business/ . Irpagine, If-youi turn, drinking man as delegates to . a convention to .nominate a “ dry 5 ’ candidate. The Grand-Puke- of High-Ball-ton was ^delegate* T ~ i - J - * . The cities.were unable to control •. things this year ih the Democratic convention. The rural districts were to solid lor Pattisoii, and Johnson and Bernard had to take a back seat, Perhaps the Czar now regrets tha t lie never departed from the high IdetTls which he enunciated when he called the first Hague peach eonveip tion into Session. The poor Czar is a pupet in- th e hands of a restless bad system. One of rhe cries t<i be beard this year against Pa ttison is tha t lie is ' the president of a great life insur­ ance company. Herrick is or was president of a great Cleveland trust ’company until -Thursday, when he . resigned. Herrick; is a ' regular 11 Handy-Arid y ’ j P r . Carson was given to under­ stand th a t he, was not wanted again as State Senator, f t will be-reiiiem -bered th a t P r . Voted In favor of the Hraunock local option law, against . the, Herrick canal steal and one or , two rifcher iinportautm^isuree which didn’t suit the liquor interests aud those Whose expected to make mil- lidn(f out of the canat. W it h bBoss’ ’ Schmidt a t the head of the delega­ tion to tiie Senatorial convention if would have been almost Impossible to have had a man of P r . Carson’s views go back to the legislature. The Conductor Scored, . -~_Jknte_iime_figfi_ eeycraLtravcling men were sitting together in a car On a' tr a in . which daily.makes- a ’ round trip over a certain division of the Boston and Maine “railroad, One of the number, the'Boston Herald says, had no t only monopolized the conversation, but from time to time ,had ’.poked fun at the quiet con­ ductor; As the train approached the Hav­ erhill station the traveling man turned to the conductor, who stood near by, and shouted boisterously: "Say, George, what made them, locate the station so far away from _ ih $ village V* " I don't know," the- conductor gravely replied, “unless they thought it would be-more convenient to have it down here near the railroad." A Correct Plagnosie. „ An exchange tells of an old col­ ored woman who called in a doctor to prescribe -for her husband. The following ia the conversation be­ tween the woman and the doctor: “ Wliat did you say was the trou­ ble With my husband?" said the wo­ man, aX said," replied the doctor, “that the most annoying symptom seems to he Water brash, jpr pyrosis, as we doetdfs caU if. Ife must be more eateful regarding the food he eats " ^SJ&t am just what the matter with him—picrosis," said she, “He's the biggest han' for pio you ebber sec. He cats most ttyree pieces chary meal. I t surely am picrosis he am ' suffering with." ’ Terrain and Nature. By the great Italian masters land­ scape has been used almost entirely as a ; background for the figures. Claude Terrain went a step farther, making hi# %are$ of e/mpnmtirely little importance aftd concentrating hi# effort upon the ideal or heroic character of the landscape, into which lie incorporated the beauty of architecture. lie was a elosdstu* dent of nature, sketched and painted in the open air and filled hi# skies With sunshine. But-the use that h t jfiade of nature was u n n a tu ra l^ 0 M M 11, Caffln in St, Nicholas, KIWfEVTROUBLE, | |t aj, aMph-, I at tte,‘ f-i mvara tha t tli GEORGE IV. FO RERTIEMAN. H* WI# f#M 9 * 6 «c?* awl Ancibpr Tint* He Proved ft. Ttttea Jew! Lh^rpnol vim fng Ii|, in Ite tiinagle ”*»-aiiy to huve ilu:* UMimit A 1 SOVKKKICJNCFKK. Mia a iw ftjy "c's~nrrg-f-;' *f*1-—MS tiw _______ __ __ vttwMt. It “ d wtw*‘ tis* B t v b . Kennedy** Favorite Remedy, bn.y.. yoM*t;«rwt 6 .y rt-j.vyi oiiVe, a’ritomrt -> Jeffersen Davis' Sword. Tbe-HtfctiKscavir£y-utjEirLGib.-_ son is a sword which Editor Holden believes was owned by Jefferson Da­ vis, as. it was found in the ruins ot a house where Jefferson Davis lived When he was a lieutenant in the reg­ ular army at Fort Gibbon. The tword is owned by F. X. Xasb and is in a good state of preservation. Xhe blade is two edged,.about twen­ ty inches in length. .The handle Is carved-ivorvy with brass mountings, -Kansas'Oty Journal. An Irish .Complfmenl, The Irish, with .that happy in­ stinct of theirs for the paradoxical, have hit oii. the right method for paying homage to the memory of ■ Moore. They propose to remove from College street, Dublin, an abominable effigy .of his which has long filled his admiremwith horror. —London Chronicle. Egg In a Bottle, I f an egg be kept in strong viie- S ar. for a short while the shell will ecome more or less plastic, and the egg. can then be rolled out sausage- like until it be of small enough di­ ameter to go with ease in at the mouth Of a beer bottle, If cold wa­ ter be then poured in ike-bottle, the shell, the life ofi which has been softened by the vinegarywill harden/ and return to its original shape. Terrific Race With Death. • “Death wits fast approaching,” writes Ralph 1»\ Fernandez, o£°Tam- pa, Fla., describing fais tearful, race with death, “as a result of liver trouble and .heart disease, which had robbed me of sleep and of nil iri- terest in life. ,1 lrad tired many dif­ ferent doctors and severalmedicines hut got no benefit, until I. began to use Blectrie Bitters. So wonderful was their effect, tha t in three days 1 felt like a new naan, and today I am cured of all'ray troubles.” Guaran­ teed a t all drug store; price 60c- ■CEDAR’SPRINGS 'few Health and Pleasure Resort At, tracting Much Attention. Springs of wondeiful curative, pewra Similar’to the famous waters of Cars- sad are attracting many to fhe, health dal Treasure resorts of Cedar Springs, reached by thp Pennsylvania lines' via •’tew Paris, O'. . Hotel' accommodations tre under capable-management Varied ’^creation is offered: '_Outdocrs-oa the ennis courts and" croquet lawns; in- loors in the Club house where there ir- i diversity of amusements and games; tor particulars about fares and tlihe of rains apply to ticket agents of Penu- ■ylvanla Lines. d-3-l 120 ACRE FARM FOR SALE. On the Yellow Spring# pike three fonrths mile from'Cedarville. •' This farm Is nicely located, being lesr thdn One mile from college, churches -mdhigh-scbooL - -Improvementa . ate good. . Land produces -good crops. Jfice young orchard, bearing ^eycel. tent fruit, Xever faiUng ~epfjnga of farm. If interested, call ou or ad Iress, W. J . H awthorne , R. F. D„ 2, - Oedarville, Ohio Maa. 27,;1905. . AXIUS 2 8 300 , MAPLE LEAF FARM STALLIONS, AXIUS 28300, son of the champion Ax tell 2:12. the greatest family In tho world; dam Typhoon 2:28, by LordliiTssell ful r broi lrar~to~ Maud H. 2108 ^ 4 . Hccond and third dams great brood mares, COL. (JOLT 2:1(1% the hull dog race nOrse, ot Alcyofio blood, son of AlatiiH 2:17^ and the noted brood mare Arab Girl. He is one of the game 8 t liotees in Ohio. TANFOKAN 8281(1, by Expedition 2 - 16 ? 4 , son of Electioneer; dam Tan- lahuoiia 2:20,11, by King Wilkes 2:22- X, son of Geo. .Wilkes 2:22, wllh three great producing dams. Is ISjf hands, weight J160 Ib#.t ami in one of the hnndffonmsfc horses living. DANDY, the Well known black Percberoit. For full description, fabnlaied pedigree#, terms, etc,, send for cir­ culars or visit the term ami Sec horses thatareJiigh class with gilt edge breeding ami a lot of young prospects in training. „ | I). A, tiFRAGDK, toittii Clterlestoi), <>■ y:i|n ,’nt f:5*.rsf w b i 'ft •jg*’ IY . Ti<? IhUv <-f, ’sa.'-lfirto'/ft r.r’ph >;jnt of L««l IJv»K|5f>nrs SetofihjnaDon. ^ , As sooij as' the v;h,ii was wanted him lie broke m ix ^Artlptr, I t is ib:e, l raid, eh roy•honor :» n gimtltinoa. he feh«>u!»l nsM% he'-pm o f my ministers actin'. > I am gnre you will a jpw with mh that l-earn ot do whal j. fuid on my; liquor ns a g<'ntlcman I would n o t ' do /’ ' Another mas V-rniWhave been h ~ 1 enct d 5 but the givat soluicL always equal-io an emergvncy, rcpiiei: - ^I'urdors bjp , sir, hut I dm ’t agree ■ with yon a t all, T m r majesty. Is h a t 1 a gentleman," . Tile hold a«ternon startled t h e : king, lint The duke yve^f-oji, “; majesty D not a p.-ntlemnn. Into the ; sovereign of Englnrrdj with dmlcs- to yopr people rfu-r-'above any to yonr--ejf, and ti»cK> duties’ render It i.mperatiVft that you sTjonld employ the abilities of 31p. (Samnuy/J “Well, Arthur,'* .said the idng, drawing a long breath, “if I must,. I m u st" ’ . . . . Although, he did hot like being fold he was not a gentleman, George IV. luul once, a t lea»t,'white regent forgotten he was oiie. Thin ‘wa’,; w'hcn Ju: flung’ a glass of wine, in Colonel Hamlyis’s face, with lyn, you hte n blackguard’/ ’ The insulted officer could not re-! turn the corardimcni without, com­ mitting something like trea-ori—it was out' of the qaesiion to challenge the prince, while to let Uie' insult pass unnoticed was equally impossi­ ble. The colonel filled in- '*;?= and threw the contents in the f..ce of hi- nc-ighhor, spring, _‘Tlh» mpje^ty’-i toast, pass it on!” “Ilamlyu/*' cried the regent, “you’re a capital fellow! Here’.-, yonr- health." . , • — And' they were fast friends from- that evening. /• • SCOTT'S ER1ULS10Nwon’t make a humpbackstraight, neither will it make 4 a jhort legionjg, butli feeds suit bone J and heals diseased bone and is among g; the ftw.genuine means of-recovery, in rickets andbone consumption. " ’ , Ser,3 for frta< . SCOrrj t llOWNn, CbemUls, *00-05 PeartStree?, . 'NewYofij.s! yjc.antJ dtufeBljts, ■ THE SEW SHORT LINE LOUISVILLE & ffASHVILLE B, B. FROM Cincinnati and Louisville KNOXVILLE Two Trains Daily _ from elach city 'ThrougLCoaches^Buffet Parlor Cars and PuU- - man Sleeping Cars For Folders, Maps or other information address C.L, Stone, Gen’! Pass. Agent, Louisville, Ky. T H E BEST HEDICIME 0 WOMEN If you are nervous and tired out continually you could■lave no clearer warning of the approach of serious female trouble. Do tootwaifmntil you suffer an- bearablepalnbeforoyouAcehtreat­ ment. YoU need wine of Gardni nowjust as much as if the trouble were more.developod and tho tor­ turing pain# of disordered tnen- BtruauOMj bearing down pain#, leucorrhoea, backache and nead* acho were driving vou to.tlio un­ failing relief that wine of Cardut ' baa brought hundredsofthousands ofwomen andwill bring you. Wine of Cardui will drive out all trace of weakness and banish nervous spells, headache and back* ie and i m<p gerous to check. Secure a $1,00bottle of Wine of Cardui today. If youi: dealer does not keep ft, sendfthe money to tho Ladies' Advisory Dept.*The Chattanooga Medicine Co., Chattanooga; Tcnu., and tho medicinewill lie sent you, W tNE if GA ttD 1 Jt All j.;miu find f**i»U nuokfi ruid pmtliiio, iuarhi’d W, R, Htonoif itn* frnw the properly of Kelt and Dust­ ing# Bro#, I'loft-.o ffslurn rmicm tr . W. it.Btemdi. i fEho Tllpdt Yor. A lways Bop'glsf* sm d TrSttete fees tpesm • ’ I n mbs for- <r*i‘r CC Das tm iuae.llie a t * cjiH Das tr em p u : -X<i Iris bcs >« r . gpualfinypc-irteloB slae^- Ife fiifaae jy .. r _ A llow jio oteft t o deeeiwa In. thin^ —AH 4jtfQni4-vftiU% .Im ltathmS-3toU#«l*tost-as-gooii,!i'4iFC tm b . 'Espsriinp iiis t h a t tr if le xeitU xmtl enadn ^ t-f tit® h e a lth a t fy&txtis s* a il (Tilidreti—H sp e rlen ce ’ stga im t iJxjierfciaat-*. ... What is GASTORiA fSqstaria, i s a lia ra rlew shb&Utni-G C a s te r O il, gorlc* Drop# a n d SmAliing- Syrwns. I t Is PIea#n 9 at*.^lib con tains n e ith e r Opium , A lo rphm e no r o ti:o r Jfavcptie • Rub$tanrp. I ts tige Is i t s g u a ra n te e . Ifc'tetestroj’S W orm s find allays XteverisJmess. Ife cu re s rtiarrfuiea, a n d AVind CJoIIc. I t relieves T e e th in g T roub les, cu res Constipation a n d F la tu lency. Ife. assiiu Hates t h e Food , regu la te s t h e - S toinach an d Bowels, g iv ing h e a lth y inm n a tu ra l sleep , T h e Ch ild ren ’s H anaceu—T h e Tdoilier’s Frieud* CEr^yfNE CASTOR]A ALWAYS Bears the Signature o£ . *** In Use For Over 3 0 Years. ccHr^yn^oM-FAiJr*7TMVBrff.ysTBEtrr, rtewvoBiterfr*. EXGHflUGE ■ CEDAUVirXE, OHIO, v£:n \ A CCOUXXS o f ereliant? And Xn- j X a djvlduftlii gylirik'd. ColW.tionE promptly made aud fcuutted.j 5 TJAPXS on Xew X.'te-k .a n d ' Cin s t lo y 1 *t rate#. The . cbcajiV.-t au<l must eijuveniept way t< , ti!uv.ey,i»y jnail. ■ THE KINDOF ROAST p- that m*- n-* id r*>5‘i, :• 1 -VS cuff be hud oiry by biiyiug ciiide'- istien^. ■ WHtteru Wi'diuan, F jvs . t ,— • ' %'th W .^iajtlj, Ylce.Pre-,, XV, J . Wildman, Cushite O. L.dSmitlj Asst, Cashier . .. . . . . . . . . ........ .................. r enn’th;: had rw/yv.-iViv, it Rn’t: CHOICE MEATS’ \^ _ ____ _ . WINONALAKETHISSEASON <5Y<frybf>ay time h<nv*fo t-vkci'H . tlu-m. We do knd oar „i „.v b. w b v i W fae AiixtwA for an Out- you .always ’ fiati iTiom. 'Utte JWtf weather .buy roa^ss uf u*r. inid C. H. CEOXJSE, C F .jM R V f.L L lh O. isitt,- J. •The‘sumfti*m;?,'i\M!'i3:i»tfs>Ti!e su:f,sSii:eh®y: 1 .r>y.yatiraetlw^&iua ■i ;X«rlhmi' iijidiaaig .• • •rF*.‘«p»yIvasiia. Um s;... .The -'-'IjCvMyftsfah . i R ph ' i'iil .ts-oiii?*dy-‘vih rxiHtai’liar May : I'-di.- N . -tH'..- :'!!■! pitirouatis fiuvt ,!Jutl2 ^ .,l2 ^ r.,!?!SK55!l!SSaB,!f,*!a^SstK j t««u vlMrm 1 f i I h *msirniier v»t Ttuhe ' There ziH bn «*tiiVijiiiun«:iiid in- T H E S E C R E T O F S U C C E S S r w . m M;-v |un,d hi-pn-iuLr- I5;<'j.-bi' r,- ixnr,.-:ctda- j w i r , tepjrifdii-Ht' 'ludifter,it.willte I# ,wiK;t eaIoeait<maify« ITvaitiVi'frii«'t aBputltn»l tke&uitf* m»-rATiOnl tritiM ra luath-teTisdife, .. •- lus'p.®lathi*, tenui^totutte itaaebalLwwd -^rowniD.■■Iwtiitlug,- Ibh- IV> -te “Kb, Sir! Vo-.temu-t fwlmf.'T-5nv cminc. I'vebeen b .<.; ui ' Attg«tI'lmvrrsioee I was a toy, ami I II have c? v.tor.” ii ji, MW.iiiii-ir.e:m i mc51:tt-.o. Tin lYttiit-f ivai.jfi, Liut- Juti hi tint jtark i‘» *■. £. Ltiu-mii! •! >!(:'.ti-«?:.y <°mi7r- m <*!»t! mw hi* <»ht.::«'.d lidkcl «gciit-v! fi-’ . Ii.Lir- i.Lithat at Win-': i I.'in.*, tl.a M.i-etiV {(, hoi 1a>i<»£tin..iuiiut.O c«ii; be :..:.>rt.ivu <i :r'.'u S, f* |*3» Stcr;,tar.v un«l«-> iy.,1 Mait.i(:er. IntL —3 li. * i, Sawd byDynarjiito . Sirih'-liuv ?t, a jjas.dug c-ity is saved Ly clymunitJii^-a <-pav“ that tin> lire rtoi!#-tini*;s, a vough gitorly million tetllraof August rte-.rei ‘’niC?: vro>«. Httim n= . « i sold in thej'uik.i St tics ntoiie riuce its iisinsrs «*n .*-<i ynwL'elas Tf umh- At:d the dciudsjd ! iify-buJ dyuaiiiit** wotfid t*ur» iL* id. Mill fffmvifttf . ft Rfirt ! ... * sti growing, Lw’t t ’iafc a fine showing f .* of r.tiPi-;-s? Don’t it prove! 11 . ‘r'l-V. «F ('iillitiun, Ga.. wrllos: cure of i:i !i.;t:“ m ' i --.d th ■p-.ra -t'sa worst c:n sail-., r.f h> Zlh and BJDot-sit not asteid ts.»- Inst vsi surctiiat Hotter is a sure sj». rinc for all slouuili and uiK-tlnal fits .oless? -tin t it is the Ix -.t r.f all liter rt ruhitoi-,'’ qAuanvt Hor/er ( :;s h jint-lsh : ^ record of oVef ,* 5 " yv ir-; in . using the .■idhv' sail- lionSof tlitett c]5<Si =—* ■*■ Floweiriui'! had unfa.Eng w o t a in the j *"My v. ifo Intel a vc y siuy;! avafod (■•c.iirii, lj-pi Itor stwako nigh is Two pttynivlaus<*«uld not*. htep s«»s!»* Dr# King’s Xto®.-DlsterV*- <«fy for f.h*Bm{inj»fipjit Coughs and Coirts, which fnwrut . lu r .cough gave lir-c sh‘»>p, anti .finally cured' Sts telly ccl'-ntific cstte.fitf hronchitis lag tosnrl ’is;!-', b tJTwoutes 25 c as: 1 "$c, All [ aud La Grippe*. At all drtnr store. price hoe and vt.iio; gunruutcciL Iviac Wi.tU titiun,.,( ediirt il!c>, 0 , To Investors, Rl’fdVi’pd s-tofik in fin* (Ytkir- villd Tolt'i'ilpmc (*nnij.'any i> b e in g oftyre'l to locul in v e s to r - at jittr. It is ifH.’ivunti . it to 6 ] ht amt inteiot pt*r Trial bottle vr**f% Low Farrs to West. Barden. ' .Yce?hmC,\;ij< rleau W ater Works Asencia.fbu j»r -ting. l-Lijoy an out- ring a t ntoi! d spri.u-'i of Wrndcrfjil ••imtnv - iViv,, j-; •diiiilai' tu j'auuujs iva’ejs of Citri-Fiail. 1 ‘afiiculars niton! far* m ud time of fralns may !>.■iiM'.-vtnhscd from (ickf f a g -n tso f I’oniij-ylvanjn' LiiU*:. I l l l t t ' s , ISStStfilfit v'; "■. ; v , . , t sml Dining Booms niinnni and is to bo ]>;utl >t un* ., ’ . v. -.v , :* , {Gorin r liivti a*ul JAUK-sfono street amnmByv - 1 be. M w . lh lMt> ’ Exemptfromtaxes. f)'lns is .a jvmul investment for a lumie eoinj>any tvlivro you baVv Wiitelu-d its r a ti m p :d jfi'oA fln Jm im rc m fs.,^ v fl!l tlln K x d , a i t , „ r . ™ ■ D. Bradfute, Proa/ o m im x m S ot lui.i.avj siut Cliiiev!":*, ^ S F R T N G 19 0 5, DRESS FABRICS ** ti: mt hur* vie ivivh a files? m ileelim w & !•* ili.u cf.viyil- is C*4rt»C*» - - . , F lirrF ?f i h T h i a y t U to ?M*f ‘ M»>!sa?rs m : to $3.7*. BiCiiamh Fieti «* Nea! !*!«• Fbf i-}: Crepe il>- CL* :.* Jnx.xtxafi* ID urlet^fi t-feths, £4fflkHfoixt AValst H. j :' Jte'l/V-. riiil; Fettle ?afe- Ito* firing C«d*: Maslhi C toh-rficar,. . . W INDOW DRAPERY. ricrlwis i:>vr patR*ns«r Maslras, pretty *tylejs; Ruffled Swiss.. 73c, an:’ ll-'O a. paly. Bnhbim'lt $1.50, $±W $2.75 a, pair. ' Xoi!iugi.ain.iVJc. fxo-Itent tor U M pair, Bafteriherg 1-3,75 to Kduardtenf^lT*?,, $3,7*5, hi. Ivory, Saxony,'Bor:- tevllosiMSie, J a d Sniportodc .. ' ' BOTGHlSOfi & GIBflEY’S, X E N I A , OHIO. 6®3*S&- SPR ING t f zp M iP M f0 W% - itr " FOR ifjul Cat*u>irA $10.00, $12.50, $15.00. Two Specials Covert Jackets. O n e is liw tio l C o v e r t g o o d s a t i n lU iin g te to sfc a n d R e s t o f s ty le iv riy b l i>e g o o d v a lu e a t § W . O O K p e o ia lly 'p r ic e d , $ 6 ,7 5 . T h e o t h e r ' lo t te a c te u u ' tip o f mu* $ 1 0 ,0 0 to $ 1 3 .5 0 , F i n e C o v e rt- J a c k e t s a l l . w e ll L ittm v d m ill o f s ty le s , .F it G a r r a n t o e d a l l v e r y s e p c ia H y priced...; .v„„ . . . . ------ . ,.,hh-.,.,,-,,,,$7tSO <* ^7 ~ Great Silk Sale, W«* hivvo ju-s s* cured from a Silk Mamifaeture ji .large Jot of choice 3 i,viv si,vie of fancy silks fh<tt were made up to retail a t 7£ets a yard, , . Iu >ust--tii-j coloi-uig-s rliat ,u.e wanted now we hoiighfc them so we can sell tor the cttsomely Tow iwtee of 50fcts ft yard. This will he ybur'riltj opportunity of ibis yrhr. Jobe Sros; ^ Xenia, 0. EIGHTEEN PREniUnS to be distributed on ; Thursday, August, 31 , ’05 4 ' I . - • - *■ % The premiums will be paid in Gold a,s follows, First, $ 15 ; next*five in $10 each; next twelve in $5 each. Ask for tickets on all. 25 c purchases, o . O . W B I I V E E R .Fresh and Halt Meals, Fish, Oysters etc Q ueen &C rescent R O U T E ' Southern Ry. ----- BETWEEN------ C i n c i n n a t i • C h a t t a n o o g a . . * A t l a n t a B i r m i h i g h a t n ^ “ l i n o a t v i l l e A s h e v i l l e M p b i l o .; j a o H s o h v i l K e • U H o w O r l e a n s i S h r c v i e p o r t ' '■ H R d i h i s flca&is 9a,QyS u U rj - o $«##!-« t.t» I Chhtthnotiga, Atlanta, . J&cHsftftYllie* ' ■^New Us*lda»s Bifiintj end Obscrvatloii tar^, Cor?:€;:K5aJwati firic# fctftfmi . [j * 4i*»a*££jSheet?,^terMwswk jW , A, Gaactt, • i{ fieu'SL y ' ' filaelttUI* Strife T i r e d - N e rv o u s !VVhen you feel languid, tired, nervous amt irritable, your vi­ tality is low—your, supply of nerve energy exhausted, and your system running down for lack of power, ’ The organs o f the body are working poorly, or not at all, and you are not getting the nourishment needed. This soon impoverishes the hlood and in­ stead o f throwing -off the im­ purities, distributes . it # all- throttgh the body. .This brings disease aud misery. Feed the nerves with Dr. Miles’ Nervine,, a nerve food, a nerve medicine^ that nourishes and strengthens the nerves, and see how; quickly you will get' strong and vigorous. “'My wife' Kuffow-d witii nervousne*? , prr\ lonsr ttf a tteoit «tuek <*t typhoid xrvi-r, Imt after Ucr rct'i>\cry;from t!io I tw t slie wats mttvh worse, nnd ewiM karaiy Tioswelf lieihsr exceed* . iPSlr hervoitft thp hast wasted. She tvas very vestiess at niyhL oiul Hover Cut a jrofut tiinht'a retst.* She tiro safftrefi imseh fcord -nen-iina liestl* nelK', ns-. Miles' Nervine tvao wfew* I'lf-r.ilo! isy a friend. After the tin t threo (tn';fs ‘nho l.tul a coml night's r«;t, nji.i at lists esttt ot the firet wedtte tfe stmeiit she tt-ws rw.ul* rfutty Isa* jifovoil. f'ositlsau-tl use of Xtrvine l.n# coHspiaca tef «ndro evire.” , . - . . . . fm'ft xronn, It ?01 cherry St., uvanstiile; in<t be. Ml.tcis’ Nervine i# *oW by yovf dfitiqqtst, v.-tid will gsiapaftten tii*t thfr first bi)UI» v.'iH benefit/ If It he -win refund yotsr rnertey, .Miles Medical Co,, gClkhirt, Ind j. J kui