The Cedarville Herald, Volume 28, Numbers 27-52
y» * X S^PTV^^ „ The Cedarvie flerstd, $j,o& 3 put Viws-rv r ' *»*< ?* KBU&V JUNK ift, » * • Eplwttfitift :WWBj Tin* Anti-Saloon League* v & now I is t 4 % ehamplafi for tbair p*us 0 i» 3 *T. P* 0 *o«, tl*e lltfPoejraHc *#»~ ttidato for Governor. Ru**i» »»ye «he Is going to build itxpti her great fleet.—Buraia-would find lit cheaper to bury her sailors nulawL There 1*Just one tiling hotter tliah the-weather »n<l that Is the Cincin nati political situation since StoffenS used his pen* • - Invert, If Mayor- Weaver was a member of the machine which dom- tested Ptelanielphte he should not he denietnthe credit for the good work he Is now performing. “Boss Schmidt owns -too much - property uketTtor saloon purposes to have » plan go to tbfc legislature to enact laws th a t would be detriment al to su ch business/ . Irpagine, If-youi turn, drinking man as delegates to . a convention to .nominate a “ dry 5 ’ candidate. The Grand-Puke- of High-Ball-ton was ^delegate* T ~ i - J - * . The cities.were unable to control •. things this year ih the Democratic convention. The rural districts were to solid lor Pattisoii, and Johnson and Bernard had to take a back seat, Perhaps the Czar now regrets tha t lie never departed from the high IdetTls which he enunciated when he called the first Hague peach eonveip tion into Session. The poor Czar is a pupet in- th e hands of a restless bad system. One of rhe cries t<i be beard this year against Pa ttison is tha t lie is ' the president of a great life insur ance company. Herrick is or was president of a great Cleveland trust ’company until -Thursday, when he . resigned. Herrick; is a ' regular 11 Handy-Arid y ’ j P r . Carson was given to under stand th a t he, was not wanted again as State Senator, f t will be-reiiiem -bered th a t P r . Voted In favor of the Hraunock local option law, against . the, Herrick canal steal and one or , two rifcher iinportautm^isuree which didn’t suit the liquor interests aud those Whose expected to make mil- lidn(f out of the canat. W it h bBoss’ ’ Schmidt a t the head of the delega tion to tiie Senatorial convention if would have been almost Impossible to have had a man of P r . Carson’s views go back to the legislature. The Conductor Scored, . -~_Jknte_iime_figfi_ eeycraLtravcling men were sitting together in a car On a' tr a in . which daily.makes- a ’ round trip over a certain division of the Boston and Maine “railroad, One of the number, the'Boston Herald says, had no t only monopolized the conversation, but from time to time ,had ’.poked fun at the quiet con ductor; As the train approached the Hav erhill station the traveling man turned to the conductor, who stood near by, and shouted boisterously: "Say, George, what made them, locate the station so far away from _ ih $ village V* " I don't know," the- conductor gravely replied, “unless they thought it would be-more convenient to have it down here near the railroad." A Correct Plagnosie. „ An exchange tells of an old col ored woman who called in a doctor to prescribe -for her husband. The following ia the conversation be tween the woman and the doctor: “ Wliat did you say was the trou ble With my husband?" said the wo man, aX said," replied the doctor, “that the most annoying symptom seems to he Water brash, jpr pyrosis, as we doetdfs caU if. Ife must be more eateful regarding the food he eats " ^SJ&t am just what the matter with him—picrosis," said she, “He's the biggest han' for pio you ebber sec. He cats most ttyree pieces chary meal. I t surely am picrosis he am ' suffering with." ’ Terrain and Nature. By the great Italian masters land scape has been used almost entirely as a ; background for the figures. Claude Terrain went a step farther, making hi# %are$ of e/mpnmtirely little importance aftd concentrating hi# effort upon the ideal or heroic character of the landscape, into which lie incorporated the beauty of architecture. lie was a elosdstu* dent of nature, sketched and painted in the open air and filled hi# skies With sunshine. But-the use that h t jfiade of nature was u n n a tu ra l^ 0 M M 11, Caffln in St, Nicholas, KIWfEVTROUBLE, | |t aj, aMph-, I at tte,‘ f-i mvara tha t tli GEORGE IV. FO RERTIEMAN. H* WI# f#M 9 * 6 «c?* awl Ancibpr Tint* He Proved ft. Ttttea Jew! Lh^rpnol vim fng Ii|, in Ite tiinagle ”*»-aiiy to huve ilu:* UMimit A 1 SOVKKKICJNCFKK. Mia a iw ftjy "c's~nrrg-f-;' *f*1-—MS tiw _______ __ __ vttwMt. It “ d wtw*‘ tis* B t v b . Kennedy** Favorite Remedy, bn.y.. yoM*t;«rwt 6 .y rt-j.vyi oiiVe, a’ritomrt -> Jeffersen Davis' Sword. Tbe-HtfctiKscavir£y-utjEirLGib.-_ son is a sword which Editor Holden believes was owned by Jefferson Da vis, as. it was found in the ruins ot a house where Jefferson Davis lived When he was a lieutenant in the reg ular army at Fort Gibbon. The tword is owned by F. X. Xasb and is in a good state of preservation. Xhe blade is two edged,.about twen ty inches in length. .The handle Is carved-ivorvy with brass mountings, -Kansas'Oty Journal. An Irish .Complfmenl, The Irish, with .that happy in stinct of theirs for the paradoxical, have hit oii. the right method for paying homage to the memory of ■ Moore. They propose to remove from College street, Dublin, an abominable effigy .of his which has long filled his admiremwith horror. —London Chronicle. Egg In a Bottle, I f an egg be kept in strong viie- S ar. for a short while the shell will ecome more or less plastic, and the egg. can then be rolled out sausage- like until it be of small enough di ameter to go with ease in at the mouth Of a beer bottle, If cold wa ter be then poured in ike-bottle, the shell, the life ofi which has been softened by the vinegarywill harden/ and return to its original shape. Terrific Race With Death. • “Death wits fast approaching,” writes Ralph 1»\ Fernandez, o£°Tam- pa, Fla., describing fais tearful, race with death, “as a result of liver trouble and .heart disease, which had robbed me of sleep and of nil iri- terest in life. ,1 lrad tired many dif ferent doctors and severalmedicines hut got no benefit, until I. began to use Blectrie Bitters. So wonderful was their effect, tha t in three days 1 felt like a new naan, and today I am cured of all'ray troubles.” Guaran teed a t all drug store; price 60c- ■CEDAR’SPRINGS 'few Health and Pleasure Resort At, tracting Much Attention. Springs of wondeiful curative, pewra Similar’to the famous waters of Cars- sad are attracting many to fhe, health dal Treasure resorts of Cedar Springs, reached by thp Pennsylvania lines' via •’tew Paris, O'. . Hotel' accommodations tre under capable-management Varied ’^creation is offered: '_Outdocrs-oa the ennis courts and" croquet lawns; in- loors in the Club house where there ir- i diversity of amusements and games; tor particulars about fares and tlihe of rains apply to ticket agents of Penu- ■ylvanla Lines. d-3-l 120 ACRE FARM FOR SALE. On the Yellow Spring# pike three fonrths mile from'Cedarville. •' This farm Is nicely located, being lesr thdn One mile from college, churches -mdhigh-scbooL - -Improvementa . ate good. . Land produces -good crops. Jfice young orchard, bearing ^eycel. tent fruit, Xever faiUng ~epfjnga of farm. If interested, call ou or ad Iress, W. J . H awthorne , R. F. D„ 2, - Oedarville, Ohio Maa. 27,;1905. . AXIUS 2 8 300 , MAPLE LEAF FARM STALLIONS, AXIUS 28300, son of the champion Ax tell 2:12. the greatest family In tho world; dam Typhoon 2:28, by LordliiTssell ful r broi lrar~to~ Maud H. 2108 ^ 4 . Hccond and third dams great brood mares, COL. (JOLT 2:1(1% the hull dog race nOrse, ot Alcyofio blood, son of AlatiiH 2:17^ and the noted brood mare Arab Girl. He is one of the game 8 t liotees in Ohio. TANFOKAN 8281(1, by Expedition 2 - 16 ? 4 , son of Electioneer; dam Tan- lahuoiia 2:20,11, by King Wilkes 2:22- X, son of Geo. .Wilkes 2:22, wllh three great producing dams. Is ISjf hands, weight J160 Ib#.t ami in one of the hnndffonmsfc horses living. DANDY, the Well known black Percberoit. For full description, fabnlaied pedigree#, terms, etc,, send for cir culars or visit the term ami Sec horses thatareJiigh class with gilt edge breeding ami a lot of young prospects in training. „ | I). A, tiFRAGDK, toittii Clterlestoi), <>■ y:i|n ,’nt f:5*.rsf w b i 'ft •jg*’ IY . Ti<? IhUv <-f, ’sa.'-lfirto'/ft r.r’ph >;jnt of L««l IJv»K|5f>nrs SetofihjnaDon. ^ , As sooij as' the v;h,ii was wanted him lie broke m ix ^Artlptr, I t is ib:e, l raid, eh roy•honor :» n gimtltinoa. he feh«>u!»l nsM% he'-pm o f my ministers actin'. > I am gnre you will a jpw with mh that l-earn ot do whal j. fuid on my; liquor ns a g<'ntlcman I would n o t ' do /’ ' Another mas V-rniWhave been h ~ 1 enct d 5 but the givat soluicL always equal-io an emergvncy, rcpiiei: - ^I'urdors bjp , sir, hut I dm ’t agree ■ with yon a t all, T m r majesty. Is h a t 1 a gentleman," . Tile hold a«ternon startled t h e : king, lint The duke yve^f-oji, “; majesty D not a p.-ntlemnn. Into the ; sovereign of Englnrrdj with dmlcs- to yopr people rfu-r-'above any to yonr--ejf, and ti»cK> duties’ render It i.mperatiVft that you sTjonld employ the abilities of 31p. (Samnuy/J “Well, Arthur,'* .said the idng, drawing a long breath, “if I must,. I m u st" ’ . . . . Although, he did hot like being fold he was not a gentleman, George IV. luul once, a t lea»t,'white regent forgotten he was oiie. Thin ‘wa’,; w'hcn Ju: flung’ a glass of wine, in Colonel Hamlyis’s face, with lyn, you hte n blackguard’/ ’ The insulted officer could not re-! turn the corardimcni without, com mitting something like trea-ori—it was out' of the qaesiion to challenge the prince, while to let Uie' insult pass unnoticed was equally impossi ble. The colonel filled in- '*;?= and threw the contents in the f..ce of hi- nc-ighhor, spring, _‘Tlh» mpje^ty’-i toast, pass it on!” “Ilamlyu/*' cried the regent, “you’re a capital fellow! Here’.-, yonr- health." . , • — And' they were fast friends from- that evening. /• • SCOTT'S ER1ULS10Nwon’t make a humpbackstraight, neither will it make 4 a jhort legionjg, butli feeds suit bone J and heals diseased bone and is among g; the ftw.genuine means of-recovery, in rickets andbone consumption. " ’ , Ser,3 for frta< . SCOrrj t llOWNn, CbemUls, *00-05 PeartStree?, . 'NewYofij.s! yjc.antJ dtufeBljts, ■ THE SEW SHORT LINE LOUISVILLE & ffASHVILLE B, B. FROM Cincinnati and Louisville KNOXVILLE Two Trains Daily _ from elach city 'ThrougLCoaches^Buffet Parlor Cars and PuU- - man Sleeping Cars For Folders, Maps or other information address C.L, Stone, Gen’! Pass. Agent, Louisville, Ky. T H E BEST HEDICIME 0 WOMEN If you are nervous and tired out continually you could■lave no clearer warning of the approach of serious female trouble. Do tootwaifmntil you suffer an- bearablepalnbeforoyouAcehtreat ment. YoU need wine of Gardni nowjust as much as if the trouble were more.developod and tho tor turing pain# of disordered tnen- BtruauOMj bearing down pain#, leucorrhoea, backache and nead* acho were driving vou to.tlio un failing relief that wine of Cardut ' baa brought hundredsofthousands ofwomen andwill bring you. Wine of Cardui will drive out all trace of weakness and banish nervous spells, headache and back* ie and i m<p gerous to check. Secure a $1,00bottle of Wine of Cardui today. If youi: dealer does not keep ft, sendfthe money to tho Ladies' Advisory Dept.*The Chattanooga Medicine Co., Chattanooga; Tcnu., and tho medicinewill lie sent you, W tNE if GA ttD 1 Jt All j.;miu find f**i»U nuokfi ruid pmtliiio, iuarhi’d W, R, Htonoif itn* frnw the properly of Kelt and Dust ing# Bro#, I'loft-.o ffslurn rmicm tr . W. it.Btemdi. i fEho Tllpdt Yor. A lways Bop'glsf* sm d TrSttete fees tpesm • ’ I n mbs for- <r*i‘r CC Das tm iuae.llie a t * cjiH Das tr em p u : -X<i Iris bcs >« r . gpualfinypc-irteloB slae^- Ife fiifaae jy .. r _ A llow jio oteft t o deeeiwa In. thin^ —AH 4jtfQni4-vftiU% .Im ltathmS-3toU#«l*tost-as-gooii,!i'4iFC tm b . 'Espsriinp iiis t h a t tr if le xeitU xmtl enadn ^ t-f tit® h e a lth a t fy&txtis s* a il (Tilidreti—H sp e rlen ce ’ stga im t iJxjierfciaat-*. ... What is GASTORiA fSqstaria, i s a lia ra rlew shb&Utni-G C a s te r O il, gorlc* Drop# a n d SmAliing- Syrwns. I t Is PIea#n 9 at*.^lib con tains n e ith e r Opium , A lo rphm e no r o ti:o r Jfavcptie • Rub$tanrp. I ts tige Is i t s g u a ra n te e . Ifc'tetestroj’S W orm s find allays XteverisJmess. Ife cu re s rtiarrfuiea, a n d AVind CJoIIc. I t relieves T e e th in g T roub les, cu res Constipation a n d F la tu lency. Ife. assiiu Hates t h e Food , regu la te s t h e - S toinach an d Bowels, g iv ing h e a lth y inm n a tu ra l sleep , T h e Ch ild ren ’s H anaceu—T h e Tdoilier’s Frieud* CEr^yfNE CASTOR]A ALWAYS Bears the Signature o£ . *** In Use For Over 3 0 Years. ccHr^yn^oM-FAiJr*7TMVBrff.ysTBEtrr, rtewvoBiterfr*. EXGHflUGE ■ CEDAUVirXE, OHIO, v£:n \ A CCOUXXS o f ereliant? And Xn- j X a djvlduftlii gylirik'd. ColW.tionE promptly made aud fcuutted.j 5 TJAPXS on Xew X.'te-k .a n d ' Cin s t lo y 1 *t rate#. The . cbcajiV.-t au<l must eijuveniept way t< , ti!uv.ey,i»y jnail. ■ THE KINDOF ROAST p- that m*- n-* id r*>5‘i, :• 1 -VS cuff be hud oiry by biiyiug ciiide'- istien^. ■ WHtteru Wi'diuan, F jvs . t ,— • ' %'th W .^iajtlj, Ylce.Pre-,, XV, J . Wildman, Cushite O. L.dSmitlj Asst, Cashier . .. . . . . . . . . ........ .................. r enn’th;: had rw/yv.-iViv, it Rn’t: CHOICE MEATS’ \^ _ ____ _ . WINONALAKETHISSEASON <5Y<frybf>ay time h<nv*fo t-vkci'H . tlu-m. We do knd oar „i „.v b. w b v i W fae AiixtwA for an Out- you .always ’ fiati iTiom. 'Utte JWtf weather .buy roa^ss uf u*r. inid C. H. CEOXJSE, C F .jM R V f.L L lh O. isitt,- J. •The‘sumfti*m;?,'i\M!'i3:i»tfs>Ti!e su:f,sSii:eh®y: 1 .r>y.yatiraetlw^&iua ■i ;X«rlhmi' iijidiaaig .• • •rF*.‘«p»yIvasiia. Um s;... .The -'-'IjCvMyftsfah . i R ph ' i'iil .ts-oiii?*dy-‘vih rxiHtai’liar May : I'-di.- N . -tH'..- :'!!■! pitirouatis fiuvt ,!Jutl2 ^ .,l2 ^ r.,!?!SK55!l!SSaB,!f,*!a^SstK j t««u vlMrm 1 f i I h *msirniier v»t Ttuhe ' There ziH bn «*tiiVijiiiun«:iiid in- T H E S E C R E T O F S U C C E S S r w . m M;-v |un,d hi-pn-iuLr- I5;<'j.-bi' r,- ixnr,.-:ctda- j w i r , tepjrifdii-Ht' 'ludifter,it.willte I# ,wiK;t eaIoeait<maify« ITvaitiVi'frii«'t aBputltn»l tke&uitf* m»-rATiOnl tritiM ra luath-teTisdife, .. •- lus'p.®lathi*, tenui^totutte itaaebalLwwd -^rowniD.■■Iwtiitlug,- Ibh- IV> -te “Kb, Sir! Vo-.temu-t fwlmf.'T-5nv cminc. I'vebeen b .<.; ui ' Attg«tI'lmvrrsioee I was a toy, ami I II have c? v.tor.” ii ji, MW.iiiii-ir.e:m i mc51:tt-.o. Tin lYttiit-f ivai.jfi, Liut- Juti hi tint jtark i‘» *■. £. Ltiu-mii! •! >!(:'.ti-«?:.y <°mi7r- m <*!»t! mw hi* <»ht.::«'.d lidkcl «gciit-v! fi-’ . Ii.Lir- i.Lithat at Win-': i I.'in.*, tl.a M.i-etiV {(, hoi 1a>i<»£tin..iuiiut.O c«ii; be :..:.>rt.ivu <i :r'.'u S, f* |*3» Stcr;,tar.v un«l«-> iy.,1 Mait.i(:er. IntL —3 li. * i, Sawd byDynarjiito . Sirih'-liuv ?t, a jjas.dug c-ity is saved Ly clymunitJii^-a <-pav“ that tin> lire rtoi!#-tini*;s, a vough gitorly million tetllraof August rte-.rei ‘’niC?: vro>«. Httim n= . « i sold in thej'uik.i St tics ntoiie riuce its iisinsrs «*n .*-<i ynwL'elas Tf umh- At:d the dciudsjd ! iify-buJ dyuaiiiit** wotfid t*ur» iL* id. Mill fffmvifttf . ft Rfirt ! ... * sti growing, Lw’t t ’iafc a fine showing f .* of r.tiPi-;-s? Don’t it prove! 11 . ‘r'l-V. «F ('iillitiun, Ga.. wrllos: cure of i:i !i.;t:“ m ' i --.d th ■p-.ra -t'sa worst c:n sail-., r.f h> Zlh and BJDot-sit not asteid ts.»- Inst vsi surctiiat Hotter is a sure sj». rinc for all slouuili and uiK-tlnal fits .oless? -tin t it is the Ix -.t r.f all liter rt ruhitoi-,'’ qAuanvt Hor/er ( :;s h jint-lsh : ^ record of oVef ,* 5 " yv ir-; in . using the .■idhv' sail- lionSof tlitett c]5<Si =—* ■*■ Floweiriui'! had unfa.Eng w o t a in the j *"My v. ifo Intel a vc y siuy;! avafod (■•c.iirii, lj-pi Itor stwako nigh is Two pttynivlaus<*«uld not*. htep s«»s!»* Dr# King’s Xto®.-DlsterV*- <«fy for f.h*Bm{inj»fipjit Coughs and Coirts, which fnwrut . lu r .cough gave lir-c sh‘»>p, anti .finally cured' Sts telly ccl'-ntific cstte.fitf hronchitis lag tosnrl ’is;!-', b tJTwoutes 25 c as: 1 "$c, All [ aud La Grippe*. At all drtnr store. price hoe and vt.iio; gunruutcciL Iviac Wi.tU titiun,.,( ediirt il!c>, 0 , To Investors, Rl’fdVi’pd s-tofik in fin* (Ytkir- villd Tolt'i'ilpmc (*nnij.'any i> b e in g oftyre'l to locul in v e s to r - at jittr. It is ifH.’ivunti . it to 6 ] ht amt inteiot pt*r Trial bottle vr**f% Low Farrs to West. Barden. ' .Yce?hmC,\;ij< rleau W ater Works Asencia.fbu j»r -ting. l-Lijoy an out- ring a t ntoi! d spri.u-'i of Wrndcrfjil ••imtnv - iViv,, j-; •diiiilai' tu j'auuujs iva’ejs of Citri-Fiail. 1 ‘afiiculars niton! far* m ud time of fralns may !>.■iiM'.-vtnhscd from (ickf f a g -n tso f I’oniij-ylvanjn' LiiU*:. I l l l t t ' s , ISStStfilfit v'; "■. ; v , . , t sml Dining Booms niinnni and is to bo ]>;utl >t un* ., ’ . v. -.v , :* , {Gorin r liivti a*ul JAUK-sfono street amnmByv - 1 be. M w . lh lMt> ’ Exemptfromtaxes. f)'lns is .a jvmul investment for a lumie eoinj>any tvlivro you baVv Wiitelu-d its r a ti m p :d jfi'oA fln Jm im rc m fs.,^ v fl!l tlln K x d , a i t , „ r . ™ ■ D. Bradfute, Proa/ o m im x m S ot lui.i.avj siut Cliiiev!":*, ^ S F R T N G 19 0 5, DRESS FABRICS ** ti: mt hur* vie ivivh a files? m ileelim w & !•* ili.u cf.viyil- is C*4rt»C*» - - . , F lirrF ?f i h T h i a y t U to ?M*f ‘ M»>!sa?rs m : to $3.7*. BiCiiamh Fieti «* Nea! !*!«• Fbf i-}: Crepe il>- CL* :.* Jnx.xtxafi* ID urlet^fi t-feths, £4fflkHfoixt AValst H. j :' Jte'l/V-. riiil; Fettle ?afe- Ito* firing C«d*: Maslhi C toh-rficar,. . . W INDOW DRAPERY. ricrlwis i:>vr patR*ns«r Maslras, pretty *tylejs; Ruffled Swiss.. 73c, an:’ ll-'O a. paly. Bnhbim'lt $1.50, $±W $2.75 a, pair. ' Xoi!iugi.ain.iVJc. fxo-Itent tor U M pair, Bafteriherg 1-3,75 to Kduardtenf^lT*?,, $3,7*5, hi. Ivory, Saxony,'Bor:- tevllosiMSie, J a d Sniportodc .. ' ' BOTGHlSOfi & GIBflEY’S, X E N I A , OHIO. 6®3*S&- SPR ING t f zp M iP M f0 W% - itr " FOR ifjul Cat*u>irA $10.00, $12.50, $15.00. Two Specials Covert Jackets. O n e is liw tio l C o v e r t g o o d s a t i n lU iin g te to sfc a n d R e s t o f s ty le iv riy b l i>e g o o d v a lu e a t § W . O O K p e o ia lly 'p r ic e d , $ 6 ,7 5 . T h e o t h e r ' lo t te a c te u u ' tip o f mu* $ 1 0 ,0 0 to $ 1 3 .5 0 , F i n e C o v e rt- J a c k e t s a l l . w e ll L ittm v d m ill o f s ty le s , .F it G a r r a n t o e d a l l v e r y s e p c ia H y priced...; .v„„ . . . . ------ . ,.,hh-.,.,,-,,,,$7tSO <* ^7 ~ Great Silk Sale, W«* hivvo ju-s s* cured from a Silk Mamifaeture ji .large Jot of choice 3 i,viv si,vie of fancy silks fh<tt were made up to retail a t 7£ets a yard, , . Iu >ust--tii-j coloi-uig-s rliat ,u.e wanted now we hoiighfc them so we can sell tor the cttsomely Tow iwtee of 50fcts ft yard. This will he ybur'riltj opportunity of ibis yrhr. Jobe Sros; ^ Xenia, 0. EIGHTEEN PREniUnS to be distributed on ; Thursday, August, 31 , ’05 4 ' I . - • - *■ % The premiums will be paid in Gold a,s follows, First, $ 15 ; next*five in $10 each; next twelve in $5 each. Ask for tickets on all. 25 c purchases, o . O . W B I I V E E R .Fresh and Halt Meals, Fish, Oysters etc Q ueen &C rescent R O U T E ' Southern Ry. ----- BETWEEN------ C i n c i n n a t i • C h a t t a n o o g a . . * A t l a n t a B i r m i h i g h a t n ^ “ l i n o a t v i l l e A s h e v i l l e M p b i l o .; j a o H s o h v i l K e • U H o w O r l e a n s i S h r c v i e p o r t ' '■ H R d i h i s flca&is 9a,QyS u U rj - o $«##!-« t.t» I Chhtthnotiga, Atlanta, . J&cHsftftYllie* ' ■^New Us*lda»s Bifiintj end Obscrvatloii tar^, Cor?:€;:K5aJwati firic# fctftfmi . [j * 4i*»a*££jSheet?,^terMwswk jW , A, Gaactt, • i{ fieu'SL y ' ' filaelttUI* Strife T i r e d - N e rv o u s !VVhen you feel languid, tired, nervous amt irritable, your vi tality is low—your, supply of nerve energy exhausted, and your system running down for lack of power, ’ The organs o f the body are working poorly, or not at all, and you are not getting the nourishment needed. This soon impoverishes the hlood and in stead o f throwing -off the im purities, distributes . it # all- throttgh the body. .This brings disease aud misery. Feed the nerves with Dr. Miles’ Nervine,, a nerve food, a nerve medicine^ that nourishes and strengthens the nerves, and see how; quickly you will get' strong and vigorous. “'My wife' Kuffow-d witii nervousne*? , prr\ lonsr ttf a tteoit «tuek <*t typhoid xrvi-r, Imt after Ucr rct'i>\cry;from t!io I tw t slie wats mttvh worse, nnd ewiM karaiy Tioswelf lieihsr exceed* . iPSlr hervoitft thp hast wasted. She tvas very vestiess at niyhL oiul Hover Cut a jrofut tiinht'a retst.* She tiro safftrefi imseh fcord -nen-iina liestl* nelK', ns-. Miles' Nervine tvao wfew* I'lf-r.ilo! isy a friend. After the tin t threo (tn';fs ‘nho l.tul a coml night's r«;t, nji.i at lists esttt ot the firet wedtte tfe stmeiit she tt-ws rw.ul* rfutty Isa* jifovoil. f'ositlsau-tl use of Xtrvine l.n# coHspiaca tef «ndro evire.” , . - . . . . fm'ft xronn, It ?01 cherry St., uvanstiile; in<t be. Ml.tcis’ Nervine i# *oW by yovf dfitiqqtst, v.-tid will gsiapaftten tii*t thfr first bi)UI» v.'iH benefit/ If It he -win refund yotsr rnertey, .Miles Medical Co,, gClkhirt, Ind j. J kui
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