The Cedarville Herald, Volume 28, Numbers 27-52

WMHi 09WMM|flN ARE YOU HUNTING for gotxl stylish m w e a b le Fall Footwear a t ro e i bot­ tom price: We want to see you. if such be the case for we have just these qualities to offer, k Our shelves are brimming over with this falls most exclusive styles/ and were sure we can suit the most .43... A- ■~«r ■£,>?•* ^TTOTH?* Men’s, From $1.25, $1,50, $1.90, $2.5Q up to $5.00 bathe’s, 95c, 1,25,145,1.90, up to 4.00 Boy’s, 1.00,1,25,1,50, 2.00, up to 3,00 ^Y ouths, 75,1.00, 1.25,1.50, 2.00 Child's?, 50c, 75 c, 1 , 00 , 1,25,1,45 Infants, 10 c, 25c, 50c, 75c, 1.00. . Our basement is full of Kip Rubber and Felt Combi- - nation Boots which we ate selling a t a sating to you of 25c to 40c per pair. No better sold a t th e prices. We nvifeyou to come in and look through our * stock. Compare goods and pne6at With our large 0 assortment we know we can please you, - Meet yow friends and leave your parkages a t our , ’store. " ’ , . Successor to Young and N isley/, 7 EAST MAIN STREET 7 SPR xNG F IELB OH IO . . 1 have placed a line of W hite Cross B aking powder, eq[ual in quan ily fb any on th e m arket and w ith each pound," a t 50 cents per pound, you a re ehtitle& to you r choice of the following* pieces o fk iteh eh " ''- •. ’ ”w* ' «, ‘ - ENAMEL WARE D ish-pan, kettles, stew -pans,, tea and coffee pot besides a ro a s te r ,. steam : cooker, egg poacher, n ln+aH +oq vst >ft n h t s ti»a Tcettle, se t ot every dayKitcijen iunuu rc, glass uisn and six desert dishes, w ater pitcher and six tum blers, • ' W hen w an ting duck coats* overhalls, sh irts, socks, gloves an d m ittins inspect my stock w h ich is complete In every respect, ' * I F . P U F F E R , P hone 72 Cedarville, O. *- ~T“ - H * ' ,r • ■ . 4. ^ to j? 1 , j ,i-^ ^ Ikw Tall tailoredSuits Our selection of . New Tailored Suits in long coat styles and the ht short dessy jackets, is the largest and most complete we have ever shown!, All W ool Cheviot Baits. , < A t $9,75, $13.50, $15.00, and $20,00. All Wool Gray mixtures in suits a t $15.00, $18.00, and 1 $ 20 . 00 . SPEC IAL . A few all wool shits last reason’s styles a t $5,00 and $10.00 each. Ju s t half price. FALL W E IGHT JACKETS. Borne new styles just received correct in Style and material a t $5.00, $0:75 and $7.50 under priced. - JOBE SHEDS & GO., XENIA, OHIO. T H F H F R A T D FO R 1 I lJ u J u llilJU J t / 1 UJLl JO B P R IN T IN G HOME FROM THE FAIRS. TheDayton Journal has the .fol* lowing' to my of the firm of Wait and Foust, who have Just returned fromexhibiting their herd of Duroe Jersey hogs at the state lairs in Ohio, Indiana andJKontuekey. . “The firmmade a splendid show­ ing at each of tho three state fairs, taking altogether 63 premiums', in- eluding throe champions and three sweep-stakes. At. the Ohio State fair and again at'the Indiana state fairat Indianapolis, they took the 4100 silver cup lor the best display ofDuroe Jerseys. The pig list of premiums include all hut one of the finds competed for and six seconds, at the KentUfi- !:y fitatfe Tali’ at Lexington, seven grsta and six seconds at Columbus, live firstsand eight seconds at In­ dianapolis. There wore sixteen exhibitors of OuroQ Jerseys a t Indianapolis, d talve a t a t Columbus, and fire a t Lexington and a t one place there were 47 entries in One class and 8S in another. On the whole the Greene county men took th e hulk of everything in Sight and have reason to feel proud of their shoeing,’’ PUriLIC SALK 1 have decided to unit Farming nodwill offer at public sale at my residence 1mile N, R of Cedarville on the Columbus Pike on THURSDAY, OCT., 12 ,1905. Sale to commencepromptly at JO o'clock *• in. suntime. The follow­ ingproperty towith 6 HEAD O F HORSES 6 2 draft broodmares 1 draft three yearold mare 1 two year old draft geldingand 2draft spring colts, ^ r \ n r ^ A 'VT'* w ‘ PORSAUI At a bargain house and 3 acres, known as the- Alex, Batts, place* Alsoa house ofsix rooms on College Ayeiuio. Stable and plenty offruit. Also twenty other town propreties. Smith & Olemans; M*T 0 ^ hlfTTBH*. Lfofc o f le tte rs remaining uncalled to r in the Cedarville. postofficq for the week end ing Sept, 80, 1005, ^ M e t tfo. 39. Ferguson, Mrs. Jessie T< 3ST. Tarbox, P , M, ■fflto -'Btadiait •M sgat ■ * m E A P r a t e s %6M f .f S 9.90 11.40 11.60 13.55 13.90 * 4'? ’SM: ,•(- . *'r ^ t j1 j f’.'t'." - 1 '•' n ' .1 ■ * »ti r „ &, Crtc-ei - "'t , A TRIED HISCORN CUTTER. ‘Sheriff Tarbox, who has been working some timeon amachine-to harvestcorn, has finally succeeded in getting eatisfin,ory results m the test last Saturday afternoon on the Ed. Haney farm,' The machine is built of two of the McCormick har­ vesters and cuts two rows at a time Mr. Tarbox hasbeen working ‘prin­ cipally on the shocker. The test was v.erysatf&fatcoryandthechang­ es that will be required can he ensi- lymade. 125 D ELA IN E S H E E F 125 ^ “49broodingewes 23 yearling ewes and 53lambs. 600shocks of corn, 2 stacks of hay, hay m barn, one hin­ der^ J mower, wheat drill,62 hay rakes, I roller,.Ocorhplows,3donhle shovelplows, 8 two horse breaking plows, harrow, cornplanters Single trees double trees, three sets work harness, chain, spades, shovels,corn sheller, backboard, 0,stands bees, andmany other'articles used oh the farm. • ■ . ■ FARM FOR SALE, • A t cu t price,,’ if quick* Situated hear Clifton, Ceddrville and Yellow .Springs- Consists Ot about 76 acres, buildings and iand good. Yours a t a bargain ' price i f get a move, v rite or see C .H , Anderson, Got- wald Bldg., Springfield, O. . KILLED BY A TRAIN, *Dingimo Gumto, an Italian—who has been in this country but. a .few monthsand employed by the. Penn­ sylvania rallroacFJcoraparty was in- ,stantly killed 1 by having his head, severed fromthe bodyMonday at a point hear South Charleston. He had pupped from the work train to ’the ground and fell in front of-a comingtram. , Hewas said to bo 5 It- years old and hasa wife and child­ ren inltaly. ' - • , ANNOUNCEMENT* We are authorized to announce the name of W. H. Barber, as a candidate forrenominationfortown­ ship' trustee at the Bepphlican pri­ mary to heheld,, OCt. 14. PUBLIC SALES. D. H. McMillan will Offer stock, farm implements etc., for sate Thursday, October, J 2 , Howard Corry, wilt offer all his stock, farm imptemontsefe., for sule. Thursday, October, 19. 3 milch cows, l twoyeat old heifer % two yea r old steer 2 yearling steers qne yearling Je rsey iieifler, and 4 spring calves. 29 HEAD O F HOGS 29 Twopoland china broodsows and 25shoats, ' The above is all my own properly and will he sold without reserve to' the highest bidder. 1 TERMSmade known on day ofsate DAVID lb McMlLLAN, S. T. B a k e r) Auctioneer. 5-1 B* F . Kerr $Clerk. QUEEN & CRESCENT ROUTE. FROM CINCINNATI. KwwvffteafldRMura Cbattaaoogaand Return Ashcvifio aad Ratam Atlanta and RM«m Birmingham and Return Macon and Return Montgomery and Return comesnuwumlvlow " Savannah and Return Mohite and Return Jacksonville and Return New Orleans and Return Vicksburg and Return Miami and Return Tampa and Return a to wmunsATCwiHTt. is so Attbjjng. ftsorgia,Tfetsdppi, Northcaj vAu# Tanntwoet’l'pyifttapE'icpt Memphis ,iB, topoiat3 fa Florida $15.60 iSJSO 16.75 16*80 16.80 20.00 30.00 ,aawahl Wteiw ksoavll yOrteai, ksburg tttpaanl ItXiWM efw**.■ R««!tl only. UaiitSl D«y*- Stb^^pm U^H : J F a c f a w r i t s ? D , P I B R O W N , N . B . P , A , D e t r o i t , U i c h . w. a. uanitcrr, w*c *R,NCA"*ON* awMout-MMiAvni. CINCINNATI* t x m M JAMtotfcn Aeon Finding hea lth is likefind.mgmoney —so th ink those who a re sick. W hen yon have a cough* cold, sore throat, or chest irritation , be tte r ac t promptly like W , 0 . Barber, of San­ d y Bevel, V«. H o says? “I h ad a terrihle chest trouble, caused- by smoke and coal d u s t on m y lungs i but, a fter finding no relief in other remedies, I was cured by H r. King’s New D iscovery -fo r Consumption,- Coughs and Co|ds,” G reatest sale Of any cough or lung ,medicine, in - the, \y»rld A t a ll d rug stores; 50c and $ 1,004 guaranteed. T rial bottle free* «fi The Genuine ,5» Spoons, ForK$,Knives,etc. DYEYOUR ,JNrJhWr* XnV* Lave all the qualities in design, work­ manship and finish' h i |he best ster- - lingsilver, at one-fbuith’to one-eighth, the cost* PRICE LIST. “ SMITH & SILVEY Agents, . Light blue will dye-dark blye, brown, »;ed, green Or black; Dark blue will dyfe* wine, dark-green. seaj brown or black; Cardinal wifi aye-dark-wine, brown, black, or same color over.Light greenwill Much of- the sterling now on^the market, is entirely too .thin and light lor practicaluse, and is far in­ ferior in every way. to “ S ilve r . Plate itia l Weprs ’ BtrAriMr# Pith Jbrki . Having sold our farm we wilt sell at public auction on the farm four miles east OfCedarville, and two mlleswest bf jSeima Ohio, on ttie Columbus pike,1' . ' THURSDAY, OCT., i% 1905. cardinal or black; Grey will dye any colour; Black cap only bfr refiiped. - Silks dye same as Wool and prices are accord­ ing to quality and quanity, ‘ Ask your dealer for ” 1847 ft 06 ERS; . ESOI." Aroidi substitute*. Our. fctll^- - tr*de-rna?k is: ” 1847 pflCERS BROS,” ;;,; look for it. -Sold by leading dealers everywhere. Before buying write- ’ ", our catalogue *'C-Jifi’*'- *•:/ ' V. ■ ' „mEitSAiioNWBn.vfn-co .,1 >.T ' , Succtse^Mo- ' - MERIDENBRITANNIA00,, Merliert, Conn. V-MlvSi Prices Epr Cleaning Ladies Wear. Commencingat fl:SGo’clock, sharp, the following personal property: Tailor made suits front Evening dEess^—-..-f..- 14 HEAD O F HORSES 14 s f k w t S i t . Woolen waists,..... Dressing sacques...., old in foal to Baronet; I gelding four years o !d ;i gelding three years o !d ;l mare three years old in foal;’ 1 aged brood mare in foal; at[ wefghir *-— *“ *■— 1600- lbs, H two year, springs colt,-'sired-by<Baronet. ’J family driving mare seven years' old, sired by , j :__________ . ij .„£L6f! to $2.00 .,.,,..,1.76,to 8,00 .... ll.OOtoLfitK ,.75;to 1,00 . ..30 to 1.00 !•••* f......... .60 to ,76 A Touching Story *«.*>■" Sound and right'. 1gelding three years old* Sired hy-Norvard. , 71 H E A D 0 F C A T T L E 7% ' ConsiStingjof-7, high grade Short Horn cows'and 1 good Jersy, cow.- Six early Spring calves. ." " 57- head goodfeeding cattle*-weighing' 900to 1000 lbs. will be sold in three Jot* ofI9 each, 21 H E A D O F H O G S 21 Consisting of 8 Boars and 8 sows, eligible to register, 8 brood sows to farrow soon, and 10 feeding hogs. FULLLINE OF FARMINGIMPLEMENTS. Skirts.,...,,,,.,.. . . . 1 . 0 0 to 1.60; Single shawls.,.,.......,,......,,,.60 to 1.00 Double shawls....... ...........,....,..,,76 tq LOO Short length jackets;.j(l..*.^„..„..50 to 100 Hip length j a c k e t s , . ..*.,.,,.,75 to 1.00 Three-quarter length rockets,,1,00 to 1A0 Full*lengih.„...;.,!„.,.,.<.„„,.„„.„,..)200to2.25 Childrens dres§es.,„............. ,60 to 1.25 .according to'Size , Children cloaks...,^.... .....„,...,.....60 fo 1,60 according to site- * Dyeing Udies Wear. Tailor made $nifs from „....,..„L&0 tO2.60 Skirts,,..,....... ...... ........ ...........l t0i*.to 1.50 waists.;..,,.,,,..... ........ ...... .,,-.60to LOO Dressing sacques.,............ ,.,.:*.....60to .75 Single *liawl..,.„„ .....^.....^....iDft lo .1.00 “ ” . 1.00 to 1.60 is the saving from death, of th e baby girl of Geo A.JSyter, o f Cumberland* 1 Md., H e w rites: MA t the age of 11’, months, qu r little girl was in .declin­ ing health , w ith serious T h reat Trouble, and two physicians gave her up. - W e were almost in dispair, ■ when we resolved to>try Dr* King’s Hew, Discovery fo r Consumption, / Coughs and Colds. The first bottle gave'relief; a fte r tak ing four bottles, she was Cured, and is now In perfect health*’' Never fails to relieve and cure li cough o r cold* A t a ll D rug storesi 60c and $ 1,00 guaranteed* T ria l bottle free. 1 G ^ y o u r C h i l d r e n ■ , . . 'u k je ( laUiESTIONS? Of course they do.^- I t is their way of learning and it is your duty to answer, You may need a dic­ tionary to aid yon. It won’t an­ swer every question* but there are thousands to which it willgive you true, -clear and definite answers, not about -words 5 only,.hiit-about mi ,1800 Shocks of-cpm, 1400 hu, oals ip bm, 85.tons hay m bams, HOUSEHOLDandKITCHENARTICLES* TfcRMS: On sums of SlO.OO or less cash in hand* above $10.00 dollars a credit of six month's will he given purchaser giving note with approved security. W; H. CORRY & SONS, S. T,-Baker jj K, E. Corry f Auctioneers, R* F, Kerr, Clerk, jusbaud pr in t . .FOR SALE. On account of changing locations, I have 29 Shropshire owes for sate. Inquire of John Turner, Phone. 5 on 191. NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT* I n the Matter of the Publication b f NoltceTn the E state Of Jeannette Rosalie Stewart Deceased. Notice IS hereby given th a t th e undersigned, has been appointed and duly quali­ fied by the Probate Court of Greene County, Ohio, a s Adm inistratrix of the above named estate. All per­ sons indepted to said estate must make Immediate paymen t; those having claims will present them for settlement. Mary Lillie Stewart. Are You Engaged? Engaged people should rem em be r th a t, after marriage, many quarrels Pan be avoided, by keeping their di­ gestions in good condition with E lectric .Bitters. 8 , A. Brown, of BennettSville, S. C;, Says: “For years, ray wife suffered intensely from dyspepsia, complicated with a torpid liver, u n til.s h e lost her Strength and vigor, and became a mere wreck of he r former self. Then she tried Electric B itters, which helped her a t once* and finally made her entirely well. Bheisnow strong and healthy. All druggist, sells and guarantees them, a t 60 c a bottle. Double siuwL, Silk dresses r*s*r ,M*>*Mi>T*v*»*fjt*l.n 5.1,60 to 8.00: Silk waists..,...,.,.....................„„78 to 1.00 Silk shirts;..,..........,..,....... ;„„.,...1.26 to 200 Short jackets,....,,..,,,.,................ 76 to 1.00 Hip length...,.............. ,.,...,1.00 to 1.60 Three-quarter l e n g t h s . , t o 1.76 Full length............... ,,,....2,00 td 2.60 Children dress.,.„............ .......60 to 1.28 according to she. Children cloaks.,,.................. ..,15 to 1.50 according to size* Goods do not have to be ripped. Porfier curtain* cleaned, 1.60 to 2.50 pr. Portier curtains dyed......1.60 to 2.60 pr; Damaskcurtains cfeaned.1.00 to 1,60 pr. Damask curtain* dyed,.,. 1.00 to 1.60 pr, Lace curtains clcacid without injury from...,...,..... .60 to 1.60 pr. Blankets -cleaned without shringage from.......................... 76 to 1,60 pr, Tip* cleaned 26 each Tips dyed front.... ..............10 to 25 each Plums cleaned horn 26 to 76 each Plums dyed from.,..........„,.25 to 76 each Kid gloves cleaned from.,,.10 to 86 each Mens hatsfrom„„....... _..„...26 to 60 each Every bouzcketpcrshould know that If j they will buy fiefiance Cold ‘Water Slurch j for laundry,use; they witt saveTiot obly| time, because it.never sticks.tothe Iron, but | because each package contaiiir 10 oz—otic full pound—while all other Cold Wafer Starches art) putnp in % pound, packages, and the price I* tbp same, 10 cents., Then aeafn becausefiefifnee Starch is free from injurious chemicals. If yottr grocer tries to sell you a 12-oxpackage it Is becauoehe has a stock on hand which hewishes to dispose of before he .puts M Deftibce* He knows, thatDeflsnce gtateh has i*rihted on cV«r> package in large letters and flgnres ' ‘l t ozs,’ fismand Defiance and save much timeand money’tn 1 timannoyance of the iron stick* gni’ Defiance never Sticks. , Price* for Dyeing MemWear. Dyeing suits frOm.... .,,.,..,.42.60 to $1.00 according to quality. , Dyeing coats... .................,„„..1.00 to 1*60 Dyeing trousers.,...... ..... ...1.00 Dyeing vests...,,......................... 50 Dyeing short length overcoats,!.50 to 1.76 Dyeing medium length...... „1.76 to 2.00 Dyeing full length,..,,....;.......2.00 to 260 Dyeing suits are from.......... .1.00 to 2.00 accordu LOWFARESWEST AND SOUTHWEST* AnyonO contemplating a tr ip West may take advantage of tho reduced fares for tho special Home-Seekers’ excursions via Pennsylvania Dines to points in Colorado, Idaho , Iowa, Kansas* Minnesota, Missouri, Mon­ tan a , Nebraska* the Dakotas* Ore­ gon* Washington, Texas and other sections in the west and in a ll the s ta te s of th e South. ling to size* Boy* overcoats from, according to size. 76 to 1,26 'Public ii Arotited. Prices for CloningMens Wear* Suits cleaned...............,...$1.60 to *2.00 Trousers cleaned.................;>$Q to ,76 Coats cleaned................ 76 to 1,26 Vests cleaned...... ...............,,.,*28 ' Sfik vests cleaned... .............. .60 CaiarrhCannot Be Cured* LOWFARES WESTAND SOUTHWEST. Special Home-Seekers* Excursions via Pennsylvania, Lines, Short length overcoats.........1.26 to 1.60 Medium length cleaned..... 1.60 to 1.76 Full length cleaned...........,.,1.76 to 2.00 Boys suits * With local applications, as thoy earshot reach the scat of the disease* Catarrh is a bloodor constitutional disease, and in order to cure it you must take internal remedies, Hall's Catarrh Cure is hot aqunclrmedicine I t was prescribed by 0110 of tho best physi­ cians ih this country for years and is a teg­ ular prescription.- It is composed of the best tonrcs'knownVcombiiHd with tho brat blood purifiers, acting directly on the mu ecus surfaces. The perfect combination of two ingredients fawbdtproduces snfcb won­ derful results in curing Catarrh* gelid tot tcaliiuoniais tiets. Address F*.3, (EKBYi ACO, Toledo, O £old by drUgg' , />5e. Iioll’s Family fi^lls are the best.. Gol Off Cheap. Anyone contemplating* trip West ttiay take advantage of the reduced fateh for th e special Hntne-Seekera* excureionavia pensylvrthia Lines to points In Colorado, Idaho, Iowa* Kansas, Minnesota, Missouri, Mon­ tana, Nebraska, the Dakotas, Oregon Washington, Texas; and other sections ill the West-'and In a lU h c States of the South. Stop-oVef privileges perm it trave- Iers to investigate business openings- These tickets will he on sale eertln dates du ring the summer. Details Information a s to fares, through time, etc., w}lt he’freely furnished upon application to Local T icket Agent of Pennsylvania Dines, „ . cleaned................. 60 to 1,28 Boys overcoats cleaned,,.,...... 60 to 1,00 Mens suits sponged and pressed from j i ......................... *.................76 tb 1*00 Mens trouser*....... :,............... 45 Mens coats,. ...... ........... ;.,.50 Mens overcoats.... ............ ..,,,.50 to *76 Ho may well think, ho has got off cheap, who, after having contracted constipation or indigestion, is still able to perfectly restore his health. Nothing will do this h u t Dr. King’s New L ite Pills. A quick, pleasant, and certain cure for headache, eon- stfpatlon, efe, 26c a t a ll drug store j guaranteed, LowFarr* to W«t Bard**, Account American W a te r Works AscoHation meeting. Enjoy an ou t­ ing a t noted springs of wonderful curative power, sim ilar to famous waters of Carlsliad, Particulars About fares anti time of trains may be Aneeriained from ticket agents of Pennsylvania Dines, We guarantee are dyed goods' not to rub off*We make a speciality ofcriming Ladies and Gents cloaks and coats also furnishnewvelvet colars at reasonable prices. ■- " . In fact there is nothing in the cleanjng dyeing and repairing line wc do not and cannot do. ’ All Work guaranteed first class. Please do not get us mixed up with inferior place* which have justed stated business with out any knowledge of same. We have established 2*years and defy compltion. No matter if you have had goods spoilt elsewhere in cleaning and dying give osa trial and we are sure you will call,again. Special attention given to mall and express orders; We do not dye for any other dye-house. The public ia aroused to a knowl­ edge of the curative m erits of th a t g rea t medicinal tonic, E lectric B it­ te rs, for Rick stomach, liver and 1 kidneys. Mary 11. W alters, o f S40 8 t. Clair A te ., Columbus, G., w rite s; “F o r several months XWas given up to die. 1 had fever and ague, my tierver Were w reck ed ? ! could riot sleep, and ihy stomach was so weak, from useless doctor’s drugs, th a t X could no t eat* Soon a fte r beginning to take E lectric B itters, I obtained relief, and in a sh o rt time was en­ tirely curee.” Guaranteed a t a ll D rug Stores? price 60e, Excuriion Fart* to Richmond, Va„ via Pehnsytyatda Line*; September 9th, 10 th and l lt h ex­ cursion tickets to Bichmotid, V ir­ ginia, account Annual Meeting, Farmers’ National Oougress, will be sold from a ll ticke t stations on th e Pennsylvania Kibes. Fo r full p a rt­ iculars regard ing fares, route, time Of trains, etc., apply to Local Ticket Agent of those lines. SPRINGFIELDSTEAM DYE WORKS, J 6 N, (Vmter 8 t, Hprlngfield, O. Attacked By a Mob. and beaten, in a labor riot, until covered w ith sores, a Chicago street car conductor applied Bncklen’a A rnica Salve, and was soon sound and well, “ Xuse i t in my fam ily .” Writes G. 3, W elch, of, Tekonslia, Mich, “ and find i t perfect.” Simply g rea t for cute and burns* Duly s*« r t 4 H d rug store. things, this sun, maohmery:,'men, ^ -tyrTesan&thicllktri; Then, children cab find their own answ ers. " Some o | our greatest men have sscrihed. their power to study of the dictionary. ( Of course youwant the Bps};dic­ tionary. The most'critical.prefer the New and Enlarged Edijtion.of W E B S T E R ' S •- I n t e r n a t i o n a l D ic t io n a r y . i f you h im any quettioM dboiit it torUcMt... G. St C. MERRIAM CO, vum.iSHciw, ePBINOAtSLO, HASS, ' THE DO. GREENE TREATMENT FOR NERVOUS AND CHRONIC DISEASES Bears tiic stamp, of Absolute and Genuine .Worth, conceived and founded in the true system of cure, it is as imperishable as truth itself, as accurate in curative results as-a fixed science, a Wondrous Blessing to the Sick and Ailing. It lias endured the test of time ana been tried in the crucible of experience. Generation after generation of Dr. Greenes have have restored health to the suffering by these marvelous medicines, adapt­ ing, organ!ring and perfecting the treatment through long years of en* omOus practical experience among the sick, by grandfather, father and son, until today the third generation of Df, Greenes is giving to the world an1 even more successful practice, a surer and more positive means ol cure than has ever heretofore been placed before the depressed, weaken-, cd and discouraged victims of chronic complaints. . * - Drs. F. A. & J, A* Greene ar& thfi proprietors of that most mar­ velous of all remedies for tile Nerves and Blood, DR. GREENE’S NERVURA. AU are privileged to consult Dr. GrCc-ne personally or by mail, en* tirely free. Dr. Greene himself attends to all who call and answers all letters In person. Office, 1(H Fifth AveHue, Nfw York, W E HAVE FawnstoSel . 1 \ and can sell yours FARM LOAtlS five years. SM ITH « - CI.BMANSi O l) First $ptdpdx Sparks on “M Widespread eoi| The pastor, made an elocp h u ts stand && m w Governor.^ Ai B i l l t j o n b r u s f c i n t c l / l i church. The sermon VC$,« a u d m a c h i n e j . j;he hearers t h | | m the policies be v in power in 0 1 ^ Among othe on^ Republican^ Si “The Eeput iow on and the minis! a-imd 1 “Some thin! idea is wrong. \ ligion and edu losEfts. which i t was i g « | ‘; it easy to do 1 dealers \ r - ..... . ite-for-< 'Regut* Tho, fegalair washhldMonday bers beingprepot! ‘OUR Bills to the amfl ordered paid.,, I fevent committiei cepted- Theflria por ted th&t the had beori paid. ES .The.residents of Koyth street, ® - yj - walks can put th , ‘ tionri council 4 *eEVatJ sooted at a torn ncutow for a grade in on _ down a pfemenbv property on sout ie also wants co ^ sw en enpugh ground t lfc men ] street. A h it la 1 to tho s id e ’ onrse J will try to prevn ^ 1rpgg owners to donate L an(? l yards to make Should they reft k A / e | ell w ill he com j this ground in t F E R f walk can he ^ tr s l. ■ tor was placed i n l l C 1 I street comuiitte^L i f ya I t igould ‘ he Herald to use things found in i pers in th is disj hstsemed fedo’t fate, who is a Senator. The re taken from thel vial paper pu ll S ta te Dniversiij “ To fill the v l of Trustees canl the esteemed n f McLain Smithj lias appointed of Cedarville. Bradfufce has _ th is ^section of m any respects and h is inftifol the euilro co| has d irected hj advancement 1 suits, Stock raij he has found' enoe of h is tire bus o ther inter, which have all wholesome SB*] H e 1ms *l\v* tried to-do tin was needed m | atice o f such a most" v ah t a r i ) . H e hi I. GRE IERV0U DIS [he d Don’t ANB can