The Cedarville Herald, Volume 28, Numbers 27-52

C*0t SCOTT 'S Emulsion V im n you ge t o t dtofi flow-, and t ik for ScotF* g p tW w i ' you know wf*»t yon wapts t k f : « w » knows y m ought to iWrtf IV pon’t he amiprlgaft though,; if amt1«y » «**e*tw ***' W ltos, cordials,, extract*, •*& « :©f cog *¥«*• oil t f » u itt ii* . v.1^f..hWfc don’t, frotgliio'you t f * • i k -m$ 'mentma. - tm t t t » tww f* cScM organ. declaredSteelf agatort ‘ 'Ctoodl.'- ' ' "tbaafibiw. '- - / •. O ■! Aecesdteg to preartd; as'Eimge- Hjc-cte Gai^. »* r tte k fB I speak to I#:feri!llRteaateteyrtoht 38, w&eoaSl ^ g iven * febaucstofear and 'fees fee eaftren Rerrteu "Id o l o f fee liberal tsartT* HEADACHES. “Tipy Are torn*# »y My Wbnim wt&Miptd. Pattinm, A write#: ^Tiieie' are fiasco stem quotes o f !te*4*she» scS- that c*He3. fesccw tort, ftveseivrt feat name so* bee&u§ela ft* *hap6it i* «t all S ic * <*w» test fcacase* #t <actsin*c*5ests1$j&25san sbctetexA B 2 .g j$ o f xsaik, I f grows la MSy: ifetrld^, wsita^v where m y SKjSf maftiare I® to i » tad fox seresit i mouths o f fee j<*re Thfrmskeslte mom m t e ia r i& t * j&sH tol fow of -mBk* will rear* frem fea' frqsk on idjsOff feto xi deeply#-) fe?gli4i;e%riaisie»l5»1k3E^, It is 5>eSletre3 fla t mast mSk ft get ■slim fte tree Is tapped *teo# saa- •*?»«« * %*!»**» «#*» SRfsfiS* is *»«S t 5<?fa ll. T k e K Ia iY o n H x ^ fU T ra y iB ^ I^ J U iJ tT rS t ie it i^ te e it • jb ip s atkt awe* SKI ywwt% I n * Imwst 9 m M gm Am tm tC HYHf S hu * fir on auaiffr* * e’**" M s jj>np" nwist m&eexi&mm s iaca ifefefiM w x. ^ jm e * * *U rm U h Im itaM m * m & “ J ’m 1 *m «K * * * '* * * * M M Exyatframta fe a t trig© r i9 t mawf a aawNg f r f b * haaft* oT Twfawfe t a i C k lliit p ^ y v S e a e a sgslm t Mxfrtfeicpfe/' ISffta#jfeiTtASiTiCkRIA WfekmWftckcsn,, Bres,, Sefe W.8r;:l5., T & g l f e , tsko tf^m . Ey««y y «* r for thirty yotrs, wo’vo hoon fncitsidog life 1-ssi«* o f E d p tft lEjuglflOP* {Wh9r? Socariso It fw » • **%& ■ hesn fjHsftof f h « « nny s w i» t it i^ for i t . * ■ 5, $apd for fro* snmpis s is o y r « IBQWH& tshwmm rfdg-dft Poorl Senssfe.,' MiWTodf , 'gQs,*»«l«X>0. JMtaEWKtfXS^ . A fAMOUS REMEDY W ill mma Mnd^ iperfoO sdviBethe p&Me mns s » to the hest .than to; S30Mr'ilie4»«5a3eji!!iea- cleerfeat The ^‘wets"^ Im fe Jbefeap retn l^ -fh s i the j fymn 1b© znsdh hat; ^J;feeweiafSovreEerH*r3'ie'h,« ieiishees r4r‘ '* ? 'i ’« 3 « g S S £ J * f f e r - fcttheSREansstHat drezd 3!ses»e^a ... feStEjt* pre^&z2:*.*&&4$ he gi.rea j S o - m»4?ef*moAsmcr^iaswEedyfcrOi J ■ooMs, eoBglra* «soi3^ aare tfeiwt.M : a»l ’oM ab 3' ?o#g- -i#^%3M5siwjis s-ewsafegtowt.Cta? s ^ a fe y , >- - S S a S H B S t f f f i * " '* »■ B r. tosdo they - hopeless. If e t*' H «lit . Care h *s ' i f heart# w ell after-.’ been _ I r his.- •-coOTplct^'' I cured^Ujousaadv .atKi ’-imU' ? ■j^ost Myariably^cure orbenefit cyery *k$c$:. , r ' ^Amt_ - breathy-1pirn arotsad 1 heart, palpitation, fluttering, , fainting and smothering eglected. y spells "should not b e n« !Take Dr. W te ? Heart Care :, and see bow quick you Trill be relieved, ^ ., * I t cannot make a hew heart, but Drill Restore a sick one by Strengthening the heart nerves and muscles,/ relieving the unnatural strain, and restoring its vitality., "T h*d *. ¥*rjr t»4 cam toC ’heart tmOAtu Par «I e J»r»nlh» X coolcl aot wane . xfit^jrair I va » jaofriR*r.«»ra End t>&4«U A n USSf* MNWin vihvrirK m*~rcv I feafl to l*r *rtW*,- or fait ahum, thr«« time*, ■air Frotablsr ( 3amaitoira''s xonnea hasn’t used tfee peoples money to Jatfsfy' petty epstes in rmovieg e'?ipeat»aiterSr«t®-» aindfmrliiEtreason liw»eleetrieliglits a^tdrnsneyta hnna. But: how ©an * newspaper be apsinst fhd saloon and at the same time advocate fe e m «s « o f the »leox it*l>ad frienUwfeo champions feehtquor f e i s t s 'i s a matter o f 3 2 SSST-SIS^SSTa 'S 5.1 </iEven ! ih ' «3d pohrigtl -aeeayed ■ vdfe 'fee ,wb ind , ofSidn?* "tite/*bhd; w^ i^gon „^eya8 l; ypM'dfefavpred; a a d fe § i^ y y # iQ fe to honest pri-*: nwdy- jBai^y»be<basefee^%oe^*: ifiasited fti? ^ ^ ‘ be^nseheiiilKr^ '' members what fee, Indepifedent ^ k e td p n e i?FO yearn, age- A ;rct- fei^primtriyyfonld <*n fe a t fe e y «t^ w d i!M nofafeadfor lianas ofSeisls wbpldhe elepted b y 'fe e ib « : dfepfendenfc feute, ^Rlfe' fe e ‘ fight; ^erymar E h frife iSfemWt, rs, Boa', spreading- fee; ,*/a*d’w?!;fte heat the, Pb litifel , sores^ before fee eleetieii, , . • ' : wffl #rfeB?afedg?i®k *• mtaral -regalf of serve afeda, fbe hpatyand and ■stscla'ani■ *treH3'of"lfe todaybar poarnsrvoas ^sternshave no «h*nre» fiomoment of jpsi.and feaetipn fern fee lime •rftarise in feemsgalng 131we go to feed at mgtf. ’She’pmanit o f pleas- nre3 fee .semrylng ceaselessly from one ji^se .to feofeer In searfe of amcsenimt, fee feet,feat, a eeiialn class of peopleShdHiea bore unless fesv are to wwtsrl df'endtemfet wS!l often mccofet torfese fasMsca- !£© headachy fee-headache of fee ##verw ke^*i^tow om !K to While, p5top^yJ‘«o if?aieC wfe, never pro- dace-s h ^ a fe e . It Ss ©ee of .fee best preventives of headache. Asm » f any bamsse4'*S; i0Sas.aK!i‘’4|rfiarif,' hovsfepld head o'f a large ftomlyxvsft}tfest% to .' ^5fe& enoughamongyoung^ rlso f IoW vi- telibf,is dhs to a nenronssfetoma l nosrifed^ w lfe^p d fsd feed Sttofe $11fey dfeuceia^ma^as h ive ibm&. very fenpl© ^rojan^ma. ,5 3% «to on f great o f beafe afeej^eyefeefea* ^anyamimvfen fs'safferihg fe&m eye «trri» assure his d«Jtot featMs eyesare «efefe% pdf; a t he .has %haaSd t$&U- I t is not h& rsmves o f sight wMeh ito 1affepto4t fed fee w * and njinnto rasscle o f ai^ntoxodi- fewa whSfe.hifsh®®sb®% nn- eonseiaasly fatiguiag In order *to- m feo Iferiglffc asgbol#S|he bimves . &lpeipwt 'g itm oa f feom James- toWals th&fvilbtg© |6 enarely out otdfefah& lat* ^^ fis feow rjH ja i*- ^newed a tonteactforelecaiellghta ....................... ftop*. ©r-glasseswoaM.feiEisMilatelyyoaove ■feu »e # i fo r feds, tonfeauaf stmdm iSsis form of htodn^e fofeosi olosa *ey6 vtofe> sa fe ’a^i^pihig, w riif'^ or se*'iag^ If-fe worse at.sfl^bi' ■rapes-■« * wMfe.fg a olear lifa ij," fep t la a fejlfeo, w d l e r r ie i rag,ws# cnee preserved fo r -several manias,. Wbe fsork on efemeted efeife1 out’ with’* load report, stoUmred by *liloisb.fmiA©.' !If:erm®:wjmti lit­ tle arid, bfe not d&»gte«Ke to; fesle. Caatorto i « mhmxs&em fM M tfeK to ib r €ka«ar goric , feoaGUtoE feyr«W«* I t 4* P 5 e * * «£ . It. eeatafiiai ascKJter feplaB^ W m tfM hvs m m #U»ar ySawwtle aRfeafeaee. Its age I « fto.caMnsHKtoe. »d te * t *a y » 'W a « « » aoafe aHays BeverldraHsaa. M mmm W isA Ckdie. I t andSere* 95w«Mto» « « « • CSwaatlyatiim JBSatailaiRUEy, I t auMasIkMtoa fika Pwwi* »e*w l*t«e few jia d 3BtoWdk% givbNC': D . J a g a ffe Asd, ClaBej A <^rj*a« fciwtom. 3feny aftir^jja’ Indian bribes' live *ro-mdlfe5*ea bay. I%s'Creek and Hasto^pto Indiana,#re':«TEong feese- tribeiwho havekpeeaSrlr customto. regarilto fegSrdead.,As toon as one o f fe^num ber Is $s*& de 'w rris- tog mM sf® p!g*» -fee dead vm to * boi.whfch they tog from, fee Hnd- ajm. Bay eomptoJ, R e s ile to o f ato aeeoiral- ‘3® imp tom am jtooed, wife a loaded gun* a'pow^fecifi, i tototop.’wotoh,,w fto| ’stow' for strilsng feto,fee smtoshoe?for trav- e! anda&’fef, - ; *. ‘ ' - - - . B »br t o r Is to fee f t g ^ f h S f£ud set^ttom. im ,d a ^W '^ ^ t"to ^ ^ ife e a , «®d. then fee relatives- remove the ■ hnd otto* vahtobfe^, todsevtog fee l; by that ‘f e e fee deale*# h ^ '«a>fee hif^.'hunfeftS gm2n-& aodl •has-fiofuiftfetsh ClfeHritw?# i^awwseaMltoai CEflOIHE CASTORIA ALWAYS B w f f t h » g l g n » t » r » e t HeMlou - - In ilte-Fw1' Over SO f w i t Off The -* ’ 2. i ;i, : - ’ 1 ‘ ' eu*fengUStoayejto *nd fetotoae-m^; tso»ly-;2,5I .-wMle fe e taapayers 'of Ocdarvfile arecalled upon to put; up %%, aud jfre bare m atecirfc fight h ilf » f ffittofiifc ok of^itetsa ifuadfed doM»meither. .'TbefSfetfeafcffatoea* town Is a ” «iry” town Only add? to ite credit while the poliiieiaue hero are crying for saloons iefeetihe Bow ■ granted fea t htodachi'preseht'to 'fee feota* tog to not duo entirely' i f at ag to eye rfirato. A ll sufferers fromltoad- ’afed ehodld have fee ir eyea exam- toedfeyantotilufc *. * **A. very. large touatov o f head*' afev* conm under ’ gofy—namth .ftoSona to ft bing headache' is often caused by what medical men cafe over blood • • Tb» Mas* fi«»d S« e . fe e bottom to A P tto ways .some gwm''ani's'iiricsi m m tjfjCws*^: Mr Ofeto viftrfi k& 3 tom m -m to makeSt * toll bead C fd ito iieitorilb^w ifea 'liftto , seed to few fid ^ to ^ w ^ ftfem iio r i' ',bnt insfead m dotogto only totog •fiat n Mttle^edon & bottom, 'Aftr. erward feh fe e Jtoaee seed and fee'aj^ffenee,!©eelng- f e « #0^3fea t is ■ fast «n,;wSII:jsitorfely feihk theboot fe fu fe -Biem-iake. fe e boy to fee fefef tomd, b tob o* hai to fee left hind and cot « cj fee box an# fe «-f !fee*topfyri&K A]pto'covet fee box ftlirni fee,box andshowfe e fuUfecto ■' ■Arernaktiig a Point of... ,r.-C] i v '>••» {• f . “ fe w P r ic e s J ‘ ’V,f; J . . fv ^ t , • / I1, / A 1 1 T & liis q rc a good s a le a f '- f t Sheets madymade* fhil ^fes,- Cpttofi to advanefeg, Shecjacg, Is09 yneds ^aws, WMto’fetoSxi.'e to ; Etofeuer ESOfe, ;-ii»y a id a A a 'S a k \/A Tfkit w ife fiMfa, Stoofcfetoe , u ito'aak bhetif $mfe mate* to tfee ifiy card oaf o f fee, ‘ -machine made” administration They'have it and the taxpayera are jiaylag faiTt a t the rate o f $2.90 Intnilrcd and loaningmppey afe p5M per lmiulred, Ifyonhad money to load would you rather list it in corporation wheto the people rule orWhere the ‘'hDachIne',Tor**systeto’ 1' rules? ", .* . . tog to fee Mood, Bsev generally arise from ditorders o f ;digestion to the stomach and bowels- from Im- ■t diet, fee overeating o f meat fe e feme, . , ‘ > •r Them-feuiSe^syto fe til) once or twice and deal oaf, and whoa yoa eoisc to fee bottom1 card which yoa looked at the, bee before St fee card that yonr mate took oat and placed on the bottom. ana rich dishes, imperfect mastipa- l teefe lion, foul th and lack o f exer­ cise. Relief will not be permanent so long as new toxins are betog pro- Ytte U iM »vw«r«f nypruuum. We owe bar earliest jmawledge to o f the Of kwt tbtolbeti as ttioyEfc It wm»td Durst tbro-jgts, ar.v 1 naa osnkrattyw ...... - -— elsa«3t " wetttHX- w fc«atB» vmctiasea *- Saitts « f U r. trie s' llsari fare, *rA fitm s Z JiAa.nfxd halt «r Jt I eccX4 Sir.* ■ "" — ~ arsd «lt<p mil xhstt. ,Ttz\U mmtr‘1hs.a to wet op fe>a» Bv# to ten ■time* * matt, I fcxv* takta UerKtal ---- . --Eg ety tjg- - -........... - - Dot!i«r» mr .a jh Y Uftfcrt & SOwstaSar«u <Wfc w£-tY. ,1 *e<1 i a » * a t m *txt esn sreyfcvoarJ'Je-attoVarX* -«** ' * * * Heart Cur* J* Dali hr y#ur ansBOir.trsrha vn!t o'jarantea tfiat fh* Oratbiitl* mm b-fteflt. If » feita M wilt rrtfir.d y.iur rooa-y. Mile* Medical Co., Elkhart, In# hypnotism to those wise men east, fee Hindoos, to whjun we'owe oar Jangnago, our vreligloa, our p!iil«op£y and oar oriental rug* ** well as cholera and the opium Habit, Who first to that land o f dreams and dirt made use o f hypnotic passes to pat his fellow men Into in -; voluntary sleep is as obscure a. per­ sonage in history as fee discoverer o f fee oyster and as unimportant, for, while we enjoy all fee material; ndvgfitagw o f the discoveries o f ' these unknown-heroes o f invention, we are not obliged to consider fee claims o f envious contestants every year, - ■* , Tlw tl*ly TO m U mm . The Tibetans are-not beautifuL- How could they be when by their own confession fee nationalancestry rar.s back to fee king o f the mon­ keys and a hobgoblin? Bonvaiot says o f them, “ The very beats are better looking.'' The type is m il- way between the Eskimo and the Chinese. Broad, flat noses, without visible bridge; no eyebrows, wide mouths, 'full lips, oily skins, hair as coarse and straight as horsehair and short, square, ungainly figures— these are fee elements o f the un- plefcring picture. Tik* big, emptycottonspools and paint them to bright color*; then pound into them stumps of lead pencils or round trick*, leaving about half an inch at the totter.. Sharpen few iato a point, and you hare a fine. top. I f yoa with, * abort, Huffy skirts mz J8 b ’ ' .^USSoAuffa#©’ - JQ gfy l «& # fe ■* .VfAmsw.- ^ 2?ev*r Ijssfersuoftto^o^Aea. H3ai^r>esk^makei^. ?(Sifriy«rds ^afetog -w * ........ -.vUViM •. ; .^jftoais^aaofj G rtotsid t^ ItT tf^ i^ iW idateand Skfrfi 4S^ 'to ;toc5 ;w fifl■*•£;»$ yon iwcri’fe csx ^S sjb <gf, ^© 'w Ill-^ s^a^ fe^p sa cs iS IL ' ’, Gliops- And Steaks £?cfcg ia #B3( way foarajid caSfcg y#u fceadt^* . JBfy^U %ay t e n «d you am > patei^oyasOpaeS. A rtea ga s y « «jS±ti&X3fe 823x2e wftlh ids J0a «aa Vist 'n^pmeS'- far^sm I I ' - naa^s.aoSIO'aryrf^i®., . G i H - -H H O 0 S B , lia M s Ees& sfast .'', \ s t i DiVii^ Rotmis s’ r«»£r_ffigb '-»»J Eftaetcos^ atmto ' IMSa, Er^s^s* xrakfr.s' «H5V m.«5fy ; , . lSoetoaa««sufr^aife?.sn i:.ogtow 'lauKSrefis 4s$ #rsp»«l|yn, JtecJs '&*• ease.', 3B«aS ■Waste Bav|csoatomi"a Gtosetg <2*m&ao» IlepfcjS. - S&azssxStot OhW • . c .......... 9 9 $ AyerkPills Ayer's Pills. •Ayer's.Pflis. Aycr's.Pais. Keep saying this m e t *&d over ataia. The best la x a r iT c .i^ ir ^ : ;c*fi put spoolandmake a tinvhat or bonnet forfeep ‘ ............................. W ia tyou rM O B s to cb e c rb cw d S U f i K i N f i l i l l l ^ S D Y E A b a s t lM h rm t r r ife H a ^ F lls e 9 P I E wrtidB-«r3 art o f fee pencil fea t sticks out above, andyoa will hate a ballet dancing to p ,____ - - - , - - A Imafi Mwkini. Th# A4W* Retort, n p m o D v *C w IIS * v U i \ l ! \ * p Axxmmmn. * ■ / A i! kinds' o f Auctioneering. iTttmftag^ Solicited. Satis* faction i^torantccd. - B e il phone, 352, Clifton exch an ge . ik ilia m lie . 0M fe 4 1 -2 lV * * svsat*RWtfWO \mmmnumi im M a ria * m m m m mm J555P' jmUK jk*yw* BBKSw^Wi^SKMS' wafWw -Jtis 9m a ? rftea* ” ■•. r i - i r i i '.. RMnMMr allW-w4RR-wWtTI*! Auuw P w M <rMte atowcy. Cnstomer—Fifty* cento fo r fiRing' this ptfrstription? Why, at fee drag store down fee street they charge me only a quarter. D ra/^tt—That's all it's worth ct that store, ma’am. They put about d rents* worth o f' drugs in tfcn bottle and then fill it up with water. I put in th* same drugs an# fiH the jx itife wife fee finest aqiui. eiser A good story Is told o f land, fee pred&atssor of Desprczto fee arfetushoprioof Ton- lotisa, He was passing one day through the pinmarketwhen a man shouted a t him, “ Thc-fe are only prfete amt pigs to this place/* Tha f ahbe, ns he then Was, stopped and .... ... — p ,im ,'m % 6 n * priest?*' “ Hot V * ratonato Jfea E b e r s o l e P i a n o s A B S O U I f e L Y O tm A S L E ^WOtovefor amndriarofyaMelw*«tWredfekliatteiatSe OciMiiinBoiTrWhemil»ey art euNMaafijMab^cato** fe* iaxA - artt^NLjfn*s, W « tomtoti^to*3te*r*olato^ wgooi, thnraijleptiao,ureSaWfio «te*£«Mtw*araa$ •“ rnTflinwiiiilr tooib ; ' "Mrf*&.»&!»B*r»„ Bi»rtrew axrfLiau3>im'»«iiEy«ei&afc w*a9WMSn*fc»#v Tlte Smith & Nixon Plano Co. W *i«J I2E .F «^rthStr*rr. para. Thanks.'' Anything other, 'Then/* said th* tbfe, “ toft naturally art fee other thing,''— I(O.fld0BUlolrt to *to s-ssbywarn, »f toe viwV* woato, aawtVtofcv to* *o-j»toE-««a, Aa&he him A tune bj-.»lheXlsXtcf ' toe esooss, XterAwater- cfafhi W$t tob . *rf». Stiiisslss. .*i < r . .* 5^ XcwaiCK*R«M*w*i*CTe*K-' t ? Cb r &•* I i d B I b i F # • .• . - lor ------® *JWm»B.|j3*l SfMwifeamaV te«*S wSlw^^yaBraftMtej-. 'IVMosrt e d io s . u iem p pE j WEUHALfilA.COiKiHS, •iiA IAH lA . HEADACHE. A i* podfetlSjr S«m3e»--» eve r ■gu^*aMwxidblsR-rsetrfmB& law no1*3rtfertxgMwfeoMsrt 1« J TTI[ fett mu** RGGEPT * a SHBSTOTTE .-- AiikJorant inwirf.-aagetteeg.. jpnw cg feH iAnvf es M cans QUINIHETAByETS a r t ia sR tu i. omo. . u o k im h ic ho t sn o re . Rtownfoj,. - - Browning used to belittle himstH to belaud hiawife by saying feather i?ork tfm m much more tosttertirt than his that Ms was fee predate Ofpatient effort and cdtobroua p tm ’ oration. He compared Mmrtlf n some angel fclwriously btdldtog uj a planet, working first on this ai® and fetn <la the other, and mam* while without an effort Hod "tort* yeao ta little iter," Th* D W , Pet JAmt. "1 never do things by MveS/* xe- -marked Biffjdna, and the waiter a t ' hit elbow put pa an expectant grin. If* hadonlyexpecteda 50centtip— maybe the gentleman would give him fitorih "As I was saying/’ said Biilking, pushing tack his chair in#: arre-eptinghiahat, UX nevefcd# fefegs * f halfat, especially i s tipping, I , [wJyattrt quarters, Her* yon art," • ■^BetroftTribtncio. . ■ Atuhafadx,- The number of lelteia contained in fee alphabets.of the dsfevot languages,is given herej Russian, 35; English, 25; French,. - 2$» Italian, 40; Spanish, %*t\ Her* Hafln, 15s Hrrtk, M ;.Art^ tc, ffft/ Ferriaa, 34; Hrinew; 4% and Sanserif, 44. THE T a k e W INE* CARDVI AVHOMK m m r .. asm - *. t-wrfrftyarWNAiia'- ■*■• ___ „„ Ti'iiWittfiiiHitfi wam* -.. •- Am ■I*#' KSfi* m* Ifark tW*f« W m fitoj^toilva. A friend mote lo .Shirk Twaiit asking lift opinion on a certainmate ter w d teeeivcd no teplv. He waited a im dAyl an#wrote again. ■ Ilia art* ok # letter was *te» Ignored. Then l:e £ «it a third note, indftsing a shfet o f jjaper and » two rtn i stafim.. By rtte fii mail ho wed ted * post*'', rarfe dp whi:h was the following* “ Baper and atettp rtwived, IT tfet ■ m am rita p t,* * « .u&^ytiaUwatiUElUrft at-'’* "iu-'B-A1 r0-4eSB-.' ■• . ■*, ***r ’'W..*--re- A Weodaifut fipiaae* The saperitticndait of fee Eon- dob roolo^ieal gatjletts bus called nttehtion to a ‘remarkable habit'of fee Australian spiders '-of the genus dte% Thee spider# live In the rrovlrts o f trtks between time xttonrt' 'marks on th i shorn m i by i^n - ntng a dowdy woven sheet of «ilk * ^ & ^ » W ^ ^ * ^ * * * * » t « m the antranee imprison a m m if ajr in whtehfeey Rif *Wt |« ivy Sanfig m t A m A ' t ;«M. W* Mto®.« *w«HHe rt *rf. i irs3?..r-gjg.!?!» *x to iw n t t o t o i;; E^ufea '^rtwiPiPu^fM' If O.A.SNOWAOO. ;fijUin 'ijkwiiwMp'Jtea^ito^fe^yiiifes fix!* ^, i , i ,. imi mi aaiiriWafififai '*■ f 4 c f f i d i a f i m # f e E f • ^ m h m p r & g r f jt * * * > f t h k * x H » r M " t h r o u g h t P t o n d m r jf u l- p w t u r s s juv' jtMi; s gmmKKtwtt u » • . - m L^ v wMBR ^ •wuwJUIfli ■ ' ■ ■ ^ CCHMIi * •■ ^, w B|Qut,;4HP -IRU^Mis ywodf-ATHO§ae BfeNdsil'i^te>IWoearsi have Wrafet tVi^* « feffiS# fttm tkete dragWate *e3 kata cirred ttea^Kteev at fcmo, rtE xxb tttwttoi aa baasfcf fiewaaad ctaariaayao*, l&ycv- ^aaOBRfcsieja, xsewe®i®—ssss^, CnSwtor. Jwtitw and ferpm#* au irt,rts »ily fw ^ J a w eaor, taw*. W arn « f Carttei CHseawtea flb* fietter rts't. m m m k % v » a h h * c im p A fft ■. Hfeir Ymtlfc ■":■ fc mndmiaw riarntmt wr*» ’**«nk TfiUWOtflUB'*.Wb*3K txdft<gte*d;»gl«i(^free.fK23 iteecg aad fftmfia dm**. B u sNrtrtdJ Isnwt iirtrtis Sa a Wiaeci© «# # «* » tohswit fetm your drtgxMj #t*Sw* MOe a«4 y t e r m .tegi'A tbs k&tortitoday.1't'Jywelayil? ’SWPKS8K3| i rt«i i*UL<*laiE. M M * ® ' * de v r t a - lM » .w a iT Mrt- Hert ja tea, f* ependtog* * oh ‘ y ^ g rd a iiv e * . w J '*1! *. ■ - S W J . ? - ^ 0.r,£* fets week# JJnte AsMey ofC4*» s s io r * fcw a g . y .1 0 j :e#55to»e*xEae,«f- n >y ad k IfpWS flisrt# *&n3* Rev* W - A - ■^®doa1 drove »P from ^n fiiri day. ■♦fefywHtxIsfeb mom* Stev* Condon « madSyne# atXenlfeo K sB gaM & o by w localsMtvertisIng M tei money- „ . - a,Ir. and Mrs. tSHS paytou speat u tow . weekwifeMr^undM; 'artou; • ton^friA# esmetM® m ^isitwifeMr- 3?*‘Hr*s ' ' y^aicoBeady Made 1 q fes newest Fabric ^wafSfiBfolMOewfe m , WaB B lafr a ■‘ temfelecB, of.-tomete®; ; aofljeii.afrn* Satterde fete. " • yirt George SSIvey o i ; ylstMagifelaHves h e*» 4a. Stowwrfe bornealter » two ’wee Bldgwwsrot yfr. and Mis, F- M . "tolaedilurty five veto nerSaturday i » bouor "tiuadtogamifixertary. ,»•fiev. Thomas Turner ■ftensday to r^ ew T o i wilt be fee gawd; o f ! jaieuSst f Mr. O rt €3fcte h* I ,householdgnofigfto*an ! ■-property', oh Xerfex w 'I Harrisoa’ a WhereM is < I rtekvrtfewhmfib a f h j sfeveral weekssufierta; r teer* i . * - '< ‘ >i>_i< P1onr—Oo|deuBrfie, ■#tdbfetekfec - w* MjnXd-Baam «t- fine Shorfr-iforc*” /doa,Wednesday. , Mr. Charles & r - :Miss'®snme ’ o f 'whohave- been „ fJLowsy, feave teimmed ^ Sir, and Mrs. STeSst, ■J*jse?town, were gues ;*Wolford and faimly, For Salei—Two m il Homed and Foiled : ' too fere© year ©Id,, •' The other eight years C '- M ;* —AE kind# » f Idftol White Cross Baklugi Paffer’s. Mss. Bohert Bird 11for some time herself in careing’ for] .Mary, -who isjust «vt typhoidfever. ' ^ W . C . T . H * tlficTemperance ■at the home of Mrsl Friday' evening • Oe{ o'cloefe. A coUectlaul , t e old Mrs. Mi work in Mexico. * Mrs. Wesley Ostej^ Spending a few day here. Mrs. AnnaOnfW ii retam to hex horn, Michigan,Tuesday s| tisiewlfe her parent h R. Orr. ShssVtotefcSE.ay,, J tbs guestof Mr. and I hean. We have had qnlt fern at this office t o wasmlsedby M r.fil feo m r Is «s!d iol ®oote Mr. MeBorml means that ho has , cropof extra good 1 Mr. 3; C. Cteorge, Cinctonati to finfi jOonree. Me W|U •prttag. Miss Mary MaxosJ toymorning for 01 visit relatives I Shewift then g » tod,, to be the got] 14trie. aC»! /•;»« dta -rfsatftovfWaUMi Sph; A n y w i^ $ m , ihtt Idm, l^ti % ml*