The Cedarville Herald, Volume 28, Numbers 27-52
— .V i f * tfa w m * - Public i m f t w q p j j g u c SAL0 Tfco Cclanilto -Coltego In’cturoj “ -------- Kth, , , ^ , a,c fc>; *>* &!* * * ««« nxffal by Uuufcs Be-- * m a wiS Ealo at soy « i«m Kellogg, _ . . {residences |mile N* J3. of C&damlte iw^wiwyi '**&'mw l t. %fi0t t I will offer for sale a t the late jane Gaines home, Cedamlle, at 1:30,o’clock p. m. u t mMs CT0BS8 %m -The following property, consisting of beds, bedding, stoves, carpets, chairs, add a lamp. .... *■ - • •_ ■I I ' |,|.'' IVI !’i n 1 mi J:'imiii i.ill'^-1"" 1'■ .U! I- ■ ";"rr: TERMS OP SALE CASH, Mr* IJeltoSS iso, horn jmtaralMif, a Idfff naturalist, I t scwpsttaafc nature specially selected Isisi for this work as ho came* into this world. wltSieut fossils ©s soft , * . simtime- palate, hence has a bird throat, and n n iw om r tv to ^ M at the ago of three became endowed propert5 t0^ m ' with this nphiBOand famous g ift of bird warbling. Thfe isnot whistling yodling up? singing. We know some o f thoifaings ft Is-not bat no body knows whatJtls. Kellogg him- S. T . Baker, Auct. R. F . Kerr Clerk; I have placed a line o f White Cross Baking powder, equal in quanity to any on the market and witheach pound, at 50 cents per pound, you are entitled to your choice _of the following pieces' o f kitchen, ENAMEL WARE *«L; v <,•* t* *’ ‘ # , ' ■* ‘ ' ' Dish-pan, kettles, stew-pans, tea and coffeepot besides a roaster, steam cooker, egg poacher, baking pans, nickle plated tea and coffee pots, tea ^ kettle, set o f every day kitchen' funiture, glass dish \ and six desert dishes, water pitcher and six tupablers.' *' • ' - ’ ' When wanting duck coats, overhalls, shirts, socks, gloves and mittins inspect my stock which, is complete in every respect. 1 . F . Phone 72 Cedarville, O. Our selection of New Tailored <f Suits in IpUg coat styles and the { short dessy jackets, is the largest and most complete we- have ever shown. * ' ■a A ll W oo l CheviotSuits, A t $9.75, $13.50, $15.00, and 820.00. AH Wool Gray mixtures in suits at Sl5.00, $13.00^ and ' $ 20 . 00 . SPEC IAL . - ■ A few all wool suits last reason’s styles at §5.00 and $10.00 each. Just half price; F A L L W E IGH T JACKETS. Some new styles just received correct in style and material at $5.00, $6.75 and $7.50 under priced. JOBE BROTHERS & CO., XENIA, - OHIO. h ire f l r h Class Rigs Best and most up-to-date livery and feed barn in Central Ohio. Everything new. Especially equipped to care for funeral parties. Keep your rig from exposure when in town by having i t in our barn. C B D A R V 1 L L B , OH IO * -Scientists have discovered, how ever, by measuring thevibrations of his bird tones that-he hasa range of over tea octaves, three higher than the human ear can appreciate, and Kellogg knows by' experience’ that these high vibrations are Intelligible tq the birds and that ikeyareposess- cd" in counterpart by many of our feathered friends. This shows that KelloggTs bird-tones arehot what might be called' imitations but re-; productions, for to all appearances the methods andresults are indent!* cal with those of the turds. He claims that it is not through educa tion or practice that bo obtains tbe; marvelous ability to produce bird songs but that it is solely a gift of nature. He is able to produce two, threeandfour tones simultaneously, thus giving a grand symphony of bird voice?. In a recent recital lie Whistled a few bars of Ben Bolt and gradually increased, as. he whistled, from one tone-until, as he finished lie was whistling five disfinefc tones. Kellogg approaches lifs subject from a natural rather than a scien tific standpoint: his -position is chiefly an educator and he takes particular .pains to explain to his audience his methods of learning from his feathered friends. This bird warble. 1 ; uses no instruments Whatsoever-in his demonstration. Prom the time the earliest birds appear to sing their love songs and build theirhomes hebetakes himself to their haunts, and, Jives among them and as the birds "move north ward, -he changes ,hte camp. He spends bin entire summers- with the birds; He has fourteen cabins at KOrfh Hewry, Maine,, built to house his nature-study friends. Much more could he said of this man’ s work. Those who have not heard him can have no Idea of the charm and beauty of Ms wonderful gift; His production of the delicate tones of the birds must be heard to be appreciated. Bee. 4th. ourcitizens will have the rare treat -of heiag entertained by Mrs. Katharine Erlz-Bowdon In the reproduction of the beautiful, story -4‘Hiawattm” -This luimortalpocm is the. .great delight of all school Chidren, they have read and studied it andMrs. Bowden’S telling of the story inper most pleasing and con vincing manner, combined with the reproduction of the entire drama In the .mostmagnificentmoving picture scenery ever presented on the American platform, give it a fascina tion for. both old and young .that can hardly bo realized. Mrs. Bowden ft an authority on Xndiaulore ; she and her husband having spent much time among these people carefully Studying -their manners and cos tum’es with the result that they actually produced the poem. Thcs Ojibways have become so fond of the Bowdens- -that they them into their tribe and given them, Indian names. A ll of the lending characters are given In this produc tion and It hasvery great education al value that, appeals to every audience. Feby, 22nd. L. B. Wickersliam the great Master Lecturer who has delivered sixteen hundred and one paid lectures in his home state (Iowa) .will appear on our course Ho ft spoken of as a trinity of actor, orator, preacher—the Prince of Popular Lectures; eloquence, wit, pathos and logic combined. There Is an intensity of purpose, a spiritual insight and amoral earnest ness in Wickersham’s lecturer that islnsx>iclng. He has rare gifts as a platform speaker very original and striking in his way of putting things; a-genial and ready flow of wit and humor. This lecturer grips lift audiehee with hook of silk and steel and holds them fast with facts and philosophy, tragedy and comedy, Sarcasm and system during lift en tire lecture. ^ On March110th we will have the opportunity of hearing probably one of the highest priced male quartet doing regular lycenm work-The Chicago Glee Club—, The repertoir of this club is. very extensive and comprises the best of alt classes Of music written for male voices. These singers possess fine voices which are admirably balan ced and they sing with an ease arid grace that is remarkablo, This season the club offers a decidely novel feature in the form of a tpiartefc of Slide Trombones. The trombone is con ceded to he the “ King” o f Wind in struments and the effect prOdtihed by the four quite approaches in sweetness and volume the quality and power of a pipe organ, Mr, 0, H« Bixoti has been reading with the club for several seasonsj; Ms work ft distinctly along the line of Impersonations, A thorough control of fAo'at expression and an Intimate 1howled jo of lift subject enables him ft bang hft audience the character true to life. These: readings aro a strong feature of tlm program, op tboGolambsis Pike mi THURSDAY, OCT.,12,1905, Sale f t commence promptly at ID The follow- 6 HEAD OF HORSES 6 i 2 draftbrood mare«j; 1 draft three year old marc 1 two year old draft gelding and 2 draft spring colts. 12 HEAD OF CATTLE X 2 3milch cows, 1twoycar old heifer liw o year old steer 3yearling steers on« yearling Jersey heiffer, and 4: spriug calves, 29 HEAD QF HOGS 29 Two poland china brood sows and, 25ahoaft. . 125 D E LA IN E SB EE P 125 49breeding ewes 23 yearling owes and 53lambs, 000 shocks o f corn, 2. stack? of hay, hay 11 ; barn, one bin der, 1 mower, drill. 2 bay rakes, 1 roller, 3cornplows,3double shovel plows,4! two horse breaking plows, harrow, mm planters Single tree? double freesi three sets work harness, chain, spades, shovels, corn shellc-r, buckboard, C stands bees, and many other articles used on the farm. The above is all my own property and wall he 4old‘without reserve to the highest bidder. THUMB made known on day of sale DAVIDH. McMILtAN. S. T. Baker 1Auctioneer. R. F. Kerr j Clerk. PUBLIC SALE Having $cM oar farm we -*121sell at psfcffe aactfau e » the ftnn, ftsr mm* easicJCedarviOe,, asd two mile#well Of Selma Gfahvcn theOaftmbas p;ke„ „ THURSDAY, OCT., f9, 1905. ’Gommescfegat 920i?«tock, sharp, foJlsjwftgpeiwjjal’propeiiy; • 14 HEAD OF HORSES 14 Conr-|£tfogof2gddftgs nineyeaisold; tihrec years old m foal; t aged'brood mare n?foal; all weighing from 1300 to 1S00 lbs, 2 two year o’ds and 1 last springs coSf,-siredby Baronet, JjfemiJjr driving ‘ ‘ ,J Martin' wefthft1 SSj Zs+TaZsj^vT -C«w ££&*& m 3 m mui S j£<v*£|2ig||1 soundar.a right- 1gelding three years old, Sired by Norvard. 71 HEAX> OF CATTLE 71 Consisting of *1 highgrade Short Horn cowsand.l gopd jersy oovr. Six early Spring calves, . 57head good feeding cattle, weighing 900to 1000lbs, will be sold in three lots of 19each. , 21 HEAD OF HOGS 21 Consisting of 3 Boars and $ saws, eligible to register. 2 brood sows to (arrow soon, and 10feedinghogs. FULLLINE OF FARMINGIMPLEMENTS. 1800Shocks of com, 1400 bu. oats in bin, 33tons bay inbarns. HOUSEHOLDandKITCHEN ARTICLES. TERMS: On gums of £10.00 or less cash in hand, above $10,00 dollars a Credit of six month’s will be given purchaser, giving note with approved security, W.H. CORRY & SONS. S. T, Baker } . ft. E. Cony \ Auctioneers, R, F, Kerr, Clerk, CHEAP BATES tSouth. - m xM i' S c m f h e & s i * QUEEN&CRESCENTROUTE, FROM CINCINNATI. $ 4 7 0 K *ogy i8h> fd RaU «w ... « .I5 C h a tt*a o o *» a « lR e t« f* f.9 0 A*beviBe»Kl Rrfara 11^40 , I fJ 0 msmiatkMmjMi t S M Macoa aad Retera *3-’ * * ~ * ^ - ? * * * ! ? ! ------------------ ------ ^wtoaeioe write; ©tPdBRUWH.fLE.P.A.HaB3qodl^&, 2 Qs 5 r~% m ±. ft $J6Q iSJ» 16,75 16J60 t6 M M S O M M ^avaaaah «od Return Mobile andReturn Jacksonvifieand Return New-0 fkmmaxxi Retam VfckifeitfgarsiJ Return JKIaisiawd Return Tampa and Return tMftapzizti k> HaaeSa *u. A,«*sM®nr» W.C.KJNCJUUrSH, i* «r »> .< > $ « • « * iVtirk will eompwri thJof**? othertr t w e n t y - e i g t h cw cw iw n . FARM FOR SALE. A t cut price, if quick.* Situated near Clifton, CVdarville and Yellow Springs. 'Consists ot about75 acres, buildings and land gooff. Yours at bargain price if get a movie. Write orlsee O, H. "Anderson, Gofc- ww l Bldg., Springfield, O. ANNOUNCEMENT. w are authorized to announce the name of W. H. Barber, a$ a candidate for renomination for town ship trustee at the Republican- pri mary to bo held, Oct. 14. We are authorized f t announce, the name of W. H j Owens, as a candidate foragnomination for town ship treasurer before theftepublican primary, October I4th. PUBLICSALES. jD. H, McMillan will offer stock, farm implements etc,, for sale Thursday, October, 12. Howard Cofry, will offer all his Stock, farm Implementsetc., for sale Thursday, October, 18. NOTICEOF APPOINTMENT. Tii the Matter of the Publication of Kotice In the Estate of Jeannette Bosalie Stewart Deceased. Notice havo^adopfcd|Xahereby-given4lifttthetmderslgned has been appointed and duly quali fied by the Probate Court of Greene County, Ohio, as Administratrix of the'above named estate. A ll per sons indebted ft said estate must make immediate payment} those having claims will present them for settlement. Mary Lillie Stewart. Plans to GeC Rich, are often frustrated by suddenbreak down, due to dyspepsia or constipa tion. Brace up and take Dr. King’s New Life Pills. They take out the materials which are clogging your energies, and giVo you a new start. Cure headache and dizziness too. A ta ll drug store} S5e, guaranteed* LOW FARES WEST AND SOUTHWEST., Special Home-Seekers’ Excursions via Pennsylvania Lints. Anyone eontemplatinga trip West may take advantage of the reduced fares for the special Home-Seekers’ excursions via Pensylvania Lines to points in Colorado, Idaho, fowa, Kansas, Minnesota, Missouri* Mon tana, Nebraska, the Dakotas, Oregon Washington, Texas and other sections m tile West and in all the States of the South. Stop-over privileges pcrmtt’trave- lers to investigate businessopenings. These tickets will be onyalo certin dates during the summer. Details information as to fares, through time, etc., will lie freely furnished upon application to Local Ticket Agent of Pennsylvania Lines. ExcuwSon Farfj io Richmond, V#., vta P«u»ylv$ni* One*. September 9th, Idtli amt lith ex- eursion tickets to Richmond, Vir ginia, account Annual Meeting, Farmers* National Congress, will be sold from all ticket stations on the I ’eiiiisylvAhia Lines. For fail part- iculara regarding fa r * , route, time- of trainsj etc., apply ft -laical Ticket Agent of those iiitea, . PRICE LIST, SMITH & SILVEY Agent#. Light blue will dye-dsrk blue, brown, red, greenor black; Dark blue will dye- wine, dark-green, seal brown or black; Carolina} will dye-dark-wfte, brown, black orsame color over Lsghtgreeawsit dyeriark-green, brown, blue or black; Dark green will dye-seal brownor biack; Light brownwill dye-darkbrown, green, cardinal or black; Grey wifi dye any color; Black can onlybe rediped. Silks dye & ante as wool and prices are accord ingto quality and quanity. Pricci For Cleaning Ladies Wear. Tadprtoade suits from.... Evening dress Operacloaks ................ Silk,waists....... . ........ Woolen waists.. __ ____ Dressings&cques... Skirts Single shawls..— Doableshawls. 81.BOto$2.0O .....Luo mi,so m - ,,>„L00toV0 to LO0 Short fenetb jackets,-,.,. - ___ ..,.50to 100 Hip lengthjackets ... ......m1.00 Tbree-quarter length lockets.:.!.00to IJJ0 Full length,.....^.... .............. 200f t 2,25 Childrens dresses,..,.... JS0 to 1,25 according tosize Children c loaks ..,___ ___„...50to L60 accordingto size. - * Dyeing Lathes Wear. Tailor made suits from „ 1,60 f t 2.60 Skirts 1.00 to 1.60 Dressing sacqueS Single sltawL:.... .Double sbaw) . Silk dresses....- Silk waists..,,...___ Silk shirts...,,;-,...... Short jackets ...SOft J.00 ----...60ft .75 ......... 60 to 1.00 ........1.00 to 1J50 ...... 1.60 to 3.00 ..,....75 ft J.00 ......-.1,25 f t 2.00 ... .75 f t 1.00 Full length................ .......2.00 ft 2.60 ChildrendressiB*-;**-. 60 to 1.25 according to size. ChildrenCloaks............„75 to. 1.30 .according t <size. ‘ Goods dp not have to be ripped," Portier curtain* cleaned.1.50 to 2.50 pr, Portier curtains dyed.... .1.60 to 2.60 pr. Damaskcurtainscleaned,1.00 to IA0 pr. Damask curtains dyed. 1,00 to 1.50 pr. Lace curtains cicanud without injury from...........................A0 to 1,60 pr. "Blankets cleaned" without’ shririgage" from........... ...... ..„,.76 to 1.50 pr. Tips cleaned from . .10 to,25 each Tipsdyed from .. ......!0 to 26 each Plums cleaned from.... .....23 to 75 each Plums dyed from.. ...... . 25 ft 75 each Kid gloves cleaned from ,.lu to 3$ each Menshats from-.. ..........,,.,..25 to SOeach. Prices (or Dyeing MensWear. Dyeing suits from.......... $2.50 to $3.00 according to quality. Dyeing coats..,.......................,,...1.00 to1.50 Dyeing 'reusers............ Dyeing vests......... ..............50 Dyeingshort lengthovercoats.1A0to 1.75 Dyeing medium length...... 1.76 ft 2.00 Dyeing full length............. 2.00 ft2.50 DyeingSuits are from.....,...,..1,00 to 2.00 according to size. Boys overcoats from.. 75 ft1.25 according to size. Price* for CleaningMensWear. ..$1.60 ft $2.00 75 1,25 1.50 1.75 100 1.26 1,00 Suitscleaned........ . Trousers cleaned...... ....... ..60 to Coats cleaned........ ..........75 to Vests cleaned............ „25 Silk vests clra red...... .... ,60 Short length overcoats.... ...12# ft Medium length cleaned,,...1.60 to Full length cleaned ...,...,....1.75 to Boys suits cleaned .... ..... ......fio to Boys overcoats cleaned...,.... 50 to Mens suits sponged and pressed from -............... .75 to 1.00 Mens trousers..........’........ .15 Mens coats.............. 50 Mens overcoats.,............. .50 ft ,75 %Ve guarantee are dyed goods not to rub off. We make a specialityof refining Ladies andGentscloaks and coats also furnishnewvelvet colors at reasonable prices. 1 In fact there is nothing in the cleaning dyeing and repairing line we do not and cannot do; Ail-Work guaranteediirst class. Please do not get us mixed up with inierior placeswhichhave justed stated business with oat any knowledge of same. We have established 23years anddefy cOmpition, No matter if you have had goods spoilt elsewhere in cleaning and dying give usa trial and we are sure ypu will call again, Special attention given to mail and We do not dye for any.Otherdye-house, SPRINGFIELDSTEAM DYE WOlffiS, U x (renter Bt Hpringffoht, 0, Full of Tragic Meaning a are these lines from J. H. Simmons,. of Casey, la . Think what might have resulted fromIristerribleeoaglli if he had not taken the mediaine about which he writes; UI hod a fonrfai rftngh, that disturbed my nlghtjs tost, il tried everything-* hut nothing would relieve It, uivjiLI took Dr. King’s Now Discovery for Con sumption, Coughs and Colds, which completely cured me, ^Ingranly re lieves and permanently cures ail throat and lung diseases; prevents grip and pneumonia* A t all druggist guaranteed; 50c. and $1.00. Trial bottle free, .................. Every housek*’-pershould■know tjiul- If IbeywiUbuy DeEans*: Cold Wafer Atoreb faritenadryuse, th^y wist 'wily', time, betauseIt neversticks tothe iron,but Hip length .......... LOOv> 1.60 tecausecarb package contain 1G os .—one Three-quarter lengths..... - .X.00 to 1.75 -faH pound-while all other Cold Wafer Starciu*areputup In J£pound packages, and the price is the (time, 10 cents. Then atrainbcCanseDefianceStarch Isfree ’ fro;u Injuriouschemicals; It yourgrocertriesto sell youa 12-oZ. package it tsbecauisebe ‘htsa astockon handwhich hewishesft dispose ol beforehe puts in Defiance, He knows that Defiance Starchlias printed tfn every (tackageinlarge Ictters.cndfigures "It oss.* Demand Defiance end savemuch timeand UH>ney-*n4-tlje*nnoyance-pf-theIroe-stkfe- gni* *Defiancenever sticks. LOW FARESWEST AND SOUTHWEST. Anyone contemplating a trip West? may take advantage of the reduced “ fares for theajidcial Home-geekc-rri | excursions via Fennsylvanfa Lines j to points in Colorado, Idaho, Iowa, j Kansas, Minnesota. Missouri, Mon-1 tana, Nebraska, the Dakotas, Ore-1 ffon, Washington, Texas and other | sections in the west and in alt the j states of the South. ; D o . y o u r C h i l d r e n QUESTIONS? Of coursa they do . % It i3 their wav oflearningand it Isyour duty to answer. ‘ Ton may need * dic tionary to aid you- It Vftu’fcan swer every question, hut there are thousand*towhichit willgiveyou true, clear and definite answers, not about words only, hat about thing!, thoenn, machinery, men, places, storiesand thelike. Then, too, the children can find their own. answers. ~|Soine of onr greatest men hate ascribed their power to study of the dictionary ' Of course youvraptthebestdii - tionary. The most criticalprefer the New and Enlarged Edition of WEBSTER’S I n t e r n a t io n a l D ic t io n a r y / J f gout Aura any gMKffdfM aiouf t( trriit vs. G. &. C. MERKIAM C04 “ maumo**. Low Fares to West Harden. j Account, American Water Works * Ascociatfonmeeting. Enjoy an out- j ing at noted springs of wonderful* curative power, similar f t famous waters of Carlsbad. Particulars about fares and time of trains may be ascertained from ticket agents of Pennsylvania Lines* Special Homeseekers ' E X C U R S IO N S VTA ‘ ' ISmSYILLE, 1 HtmiLLE B. Ei. TO F O IS T S I S A la b am a , G eorg ia , M is s ia s lp p l, F lorida^ ■ N o r th a n d S o u t li C a ro lin a , v V i r j i n i a , ICenttzclty, T e n n e s s e e , L o u is ia n a , October 7 and November 7 and 14 L e s s than . Oats F a c e t o r f lic F o u n d T 'rip . Tickets limited to return 21 days from cate of safe* From full information, rates, schedules, time tabes and literature, descriptive of the various resources, agricultural, mineral and timber lands along the line, call on or ntte d teas1 *\ 1). m m , I). P, A. * - * <infinfiati t* KDAVKMPOBT, IX P* A. - FtLoUiti it. (\ 15A1LLV, K, W. P. A. . * ebka*>$ 3. JLMILLIKBY, D*Xs, A. * Louisville <3* L MtOKK, F ains * LGrWVHXS, KT, . THE DR. GREENE TREATMENT FOR NERVOUS AND CHRONIC DISUSES Bears the stamp o£ Absolute and Genuine Worth, conceived and fouUded ln the true system e.f cure, it Is as imperishable as troth itseif, as accurate in’ curative results asa fixedscience, a Wondrous Blessing to the Sick,and Ailing. It has endured the test of time and been tned in die crucible of experience. Generation after generationbt Dr. Greenes have have restored health to the, suffering by thesemarvelous medicinc-s, adapt ing, organizing and perfecting thq treatment through long years of en« ornoas practical experience arm'ng the sick, by grandfather, father and soa, until today the third generation of Dr. Greenes is giving ft theworld an even more successful practice, a Surfer and more positive means of cure than has ever heretofore been placed before the depressed,weaken ed anddiscouraged victimsof chronic .complaints. Drs, F, A. & J.A* Greene are tho proprietors ol that most_mnfc, velour, ol nil remedies for the Nerves and Blood, DR. GREENE’S NERVURA. All ‘ ate •privileged to consult I)r. Greene personally or by mail, en tirely ■ free.-v Dr. Greene himself attends toalnvho call and answers all letters in person. Office, 101 Fifth Avenue, New York. the opening of tlie canj presentatives of llie i portGovmm Hemekl d e a t j i ^ i o ^ e jq i the'St& Ohio/" The letter is a veiyj Herricksod is seufc Ofi| Companyz disGllers, of| jnanuoftlmtBMyiat’ The eiectiGHthe let directly or indirectly ■ i(& plain business proj The letter will fully eachand every voter against good jgpvf that play the sham of cannot be opposed to sj noi^scause. TheHerrick press theconservative eleme stand they have taken] whichwarning the “B< nated but the good m : of the sayings of the ' heart.” The following is the > “ The FleTschmann Cornj - “ Distillers, Bedistillersl - Blenders “ Western Divl “ CincinnatiT,Ohio,Sept, 2| “ Dear Sirs: Have you col . the importance of the appa gubernatorial election in -Ol bowvery seriously the resuj election will effect the liquo^ of this^staft? “ It wiU vutally affect eve - ness concern and every ihl , dependent tor support, diij indirectly,npon.;thellqaor ij “ A.plAlnhUBinesa prbposij 1 fronts “ On the dlft band. Isa. wfia-wau nominated hy thl SaloonLeague*’ “ On the other hand. Is a < whom that organisation is . with every effective fore command, „ . *The elecUpn o f the *Anti| " candidate, John Mr Fattisl mean theeniire sribberviencf and'every restrictiveand pm policy for which the ‘Antil League openlyand avowedlJ ■\- itwillmean theeomptete doil of the Legislature add a dej to the liquor business and f interests inUie state Of Obiij the above letter crril pears that’the compaDj ‘ ingwhat the Govenior - - interests, Anoth^leij ’ company and signed' ■which.shows, that shoi menwill demandlof tl ’ terferencewith the ]bu| lowing is the letter in | it best to do thee&mi I « * f “ Cincinnati, Ohio. Octal “ D sar S i b ; We are In yours ofjthe 2d and regrets] ly to hear of the unf&vorAq tions obtaining in your cm We have had auftbguB her our friends who also. |liou{ would be well to kehp alo any work which they] necessary todo quietly. T l however, beenwoe » ver f t [ f f Rjghtnlg in the open, an plaih argumentthat the otj fighting in tile open, always fought-In the opet it never has shown the liqtl thestate ahy consideration J ^dl show them any < tion; Should , thq . Ar League he successful ill »>eir candidate and defea{ Herriek they will point ft| Don as an example In tl W a n t e d —Heiiabie yearsold; goodpayw immediately It youw. Jtivelyall winter’s jol UlenBrothers, Boche: Rubber W E H AVE farms toSel and cait sell yours FARM LOANS five ycFts, j s m i t h : a c l e m a n s . ti y»«awi ^ hhve late? Putting rablHTtlri which In Nothing hut that, Ran and Wright*, 0vm*and used on ; ■^UlKes of whcfcli *riC03 hftfttTClMiO) should bn made i> b rte , if ~wmm
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