The Cedarville Herald, Volume 28, Numbers 27-52

5 W 4 * -rjra* i ' OR BOTH ThejCedarviHe Herald; #r.po P e r Yestr. 1 ' 0<ae tlisfuusq of thinness in aMklren is scrofula; in adults, sowumptioT). Both have poor Wood; both need more fat, Tfowe diseases thrive on lean* 'Dm, Fat m the best means of ovemiming them; cod liver oil makes the best and healthiest fnt and KAftLSX RUL fc - " E d ito r ." FRIDAY, OCTOBER 18, 11)05. SCOTT'S s i m s r o M Of alVthatlma been said »t O, E, Bradfnto, never a line have we read that was against him. llaa anyone- read any thing good of1 the saloon* keepers candidate, F* C, Arbona? -Editor Barns, of the Xenia Herald and M, J, Hardy, candidate for Common .Pleas Judge, against is the easiest and most, effective form o|jeod liver oil. Here's a natural order of things that ehowa %vhy Scott’s Hroulsion is of so much value in all cases of scrofnlnand consumption. More hit, more weight, more nourish* ment, that’s why. Send for five sample. SCOTT & BOWNE, {Chemists 409-415 Peart Street, New York S0c,»nd$i,00 » k - it AUdruqfrat IN D IG E S T IO N ’S DECORS — -L*-------r- n t-i-^-n i-». *-oujttS ouiumui) nt^voiMv candidate, Charles Kyle, was in town yesterday, meeting friends. It is reported that living expenses id Panama have been reduced to such an extent that everyone above the grade of an assistant engineer can afford to buy atleagt threemeals a week. r •‘•The--best remedy I cim'prescHbe for your fa, dtge«Uon,'mRdam, is Green’sAugust Flower, - I Snowof several otherphysicians nrKopr*. scribeitregularly.” ... * . ^Indigestion is making an awful record as a'cause of sudden deaths. It is beat, ing heart-failure in its ghastly harvest C(You read in the papers 4ady of apjrar, entty healthy and even robust men being Suddenly attacked with acute indigestion after enjoying a hearty meal, and of thelt dying in many cases before a physician could be called in, IJThia should be a warning to you who ' suffer with Tegular or periodical attacks of indigestion. I f these unfortunate vie- 'rims o f 1acute, indigestiqn had, taken a small dose of Green’s August Blower I ks fore or after their, meals they -would not’ have fallen a prey to such sudden seizures, ° ^August Biower prevents indigestion by • creatniggood digestion, It alsoregulates the liver, purifies the blood.and tones Up the entire system in a natural way. • r , QTWOsizes, ,25c and 75c, AU dniggista A special -train wasn’ t -needed to take down the. “ liberals’ *last night to bear H®rrick at Xenia. The opera house easily acconfldated the crowd that cared to hear the Governor go youpd the biitjlriu 'explain ing—why he vetoed the Brannock bill. ,It was quite plain from the shirt .that the New York bank robber must have coma out of Wall Street, That is the only place.they raise men with nerve enough to try to beat a New York bank. 4 - The Chief of the Bureau of En­ graving and Printing says the new $20bill is the finest piece of work the Bureau has evqr turned out; He need not expect anybody to take hih word for it "unless he 'sends a few samples. Should any one desire to express an opinion on the Fleiclilnnun letters as published in another column can do bo through the columns of the- Herald in Our next issue. The Herald wants each Herrick admirer to have a chance to show .why the Governor should he returned in Justice to the saloon,business. 4* Isaac W istertnan, Cedaryille.O , $ 5 , 0 0 0 life f. I Reward will* be paid to any person who can find one atom o f ”opium ,' chloral, morphine, cocaine, ether or chloroform, in any form ’ In any of, Dr. Miles’ Remedies. This reward is offered because 0certain unscrupulous persons make false statements about these remedies. It is under* stood that this, reward: applies only to goods purchased m the , open market, whitjh have not been tamperedwith in,anyway. Dr# Miles’ remedies cure by their soothing, nourishing, strengthening and invigorat­ ing effects upon the nervous system, and not by paralysing and weakening the nerves as would be the case if these drugs were used. For this reason Dr. Miles' Anti-Pain Pills are universally considered thebesf pain remedy " l have suffered tor £5 years with severe pains In my head, heart and hack, nnd have tried everything: I could hot and could not find any relief -until f pot a box of Dr. Miles* Anti- Pain Pills; I suffered, as long as 12 hours nt a time with such severe pains that I feared’ I would lose Jny mind, TliO Anti-Pain Pills pavo me relief in from 10 to 3(1 minutes. I do not,have to use Morphine nny more. 1 wish you would publish this so that Other sufferers im jrfind relief,” B. BVD. No. 6. . Salem, Ind. Dr. MlIes’ Anti-Pain Pills are sold by Those <t the outside o f the churches have little reason tocfear fcbafc the Crifcicism avalist Governor Herrick will harm this greatlnstltu- tlon. Bo long as the-church mem­ bers don’ t object, why need the out­ siders and the. few “ wet -Insiders” care? - The gangs official organ in declar­ ing against thq.sai^ita, and at the Bame time upholdingHedrick enjoys a rather unique position. Opposed to the “ wets” at home but opposed to the “ drya” over the State. The organ wfiT then he'- listed ■:in the “ damp” class,‘ neither to “ wet” hor to “ dry” . The Osborn Local states that at a - • 0 1. recent meeting Of the village council the subject of politics' cames up in Which the ffve Republican members of that body give Gov. Herrick .the worst of it by positively declaring that they would not vote, tor him. youi* druggist, who will guArantM that th« flfat package will benefit, vfil r ' “ The inheritance tax law, theBran* nock hill, the canal steal, the law -Changing the times of elections are all measures that were enacted against the sentiment of the voters. The Brannock law was passed, after it had been badly crippled by the Governor. -These measure* Are all charged up the Governor. - .... ..... ...... ______ _____ if it fall* he wil eturn your mehey. . 25 duMt*. 23 cants. Never told In bulk. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind R . E . C O R R Y f f ] A U C T IO N E E R ,' All kinds of Auctioneering. Patronage Solicited. Satis­ faction guaranteed. Bell phone, 352, Cliftonexchange. Cedarville. 0hio.*ll-2£ Cincinnati is without doubt the most corrupt city in the state and With all the graft that exists the tax rate is about -$$.60. Think of it l George B. Cox, the operator for the, “ machine” Only asking the tax* payers for thatamount. Hut then it is different With Cincinnati for the public’ s money wasn't used tore- move improvements and convifen ailcek to satisfy personal Spite. * 5 ** REVIVO fiESTOfffil VITALITY M ad s* Well Mart o i M#, £#* We have had a good business ad- ministrgjloii and the evidence We have to offer, is a tax late of $2.90, with Jamestown at |5Ui and an annual expense of $1,500 a year tor electric lights. Such talk about the “ business administration” with the tax rate where it is reminds us of a “ business administration” in a wholesale grocery house that is now defunct, in which a number o f oar citizens asistoeklmldcfs were caught in the “ landslips” . , D r . J C E N N E D Y ’ 8 FAVORITE REMEDY «veryHem*., Kili&r«iiU)f£R«vn. ssisjg&'s OosMlp*' ’.»B* | i lB a '* S5E-£si5&i ticB came up and then came up the discussion of the Ohio local option laws. The stranger was by no means he very enthustiaobyer local option judging from his breath. He stated that he had been in Xenja and that he found no trouble in getting just what he wanted in theway of a drink We naturally inquired as to where he got his refreshments and he said at a plaqe called a hotel, hut he thoughtxtwas nearer a .slop house. When asked. a$ to who was'the own­ er Of the place-all be could say was that he heard people Call the pro­ prietor by the name of “ Grassy.” H® used this-place as an example that the local option laws could not Kn^anfrii'fiinfl nnd tlulf, noHHfflilnfl . 1• - VSevIAO.. ALL OVER THE HOUSE. Various Ways *f Qvokiaf wad. Ikrylnf. Oatm^l Appotixingiy.. . To om CnpfttJ oatmeal add 4v f cupfuls water; let stand i or seven hours, ftirring. occasionally* #ay$ Housekeeper# Salt, put in double boiler and Cook until a smooth, soft Jelly, -which, will take about.five jours. Add more water if necessary during the proeeaa of cookings Four in>mall molds. When ready to sene, place molds’ in individual dishea, preferably glass* just deep enough, ‘ o accommodiife n generou# jdlow-- unce pf oyesm. Fresh sliced peaches or bananas can he molded into the jelly, or apples, pared, cored, quar­ tered and cooked in a sirup until the imolds and fill the hoHowi with a .spoonful o f orange marmalade pr. quince jelly. For persons o f seden­ tary habits mold with figs or dates: cut.small. - Another way is to servo the plain jelly with a prune sauce, instead of cream. For the sauce chop: fine stewed pitted prunes and return, to the water in which they were.” cobbed. - ■ would . always support the liquor people. He said that in conversa­ tion with a loafer about this hotel in discussing the enforcement of the laws that the owner of the building was the “ Boss” and that he always saw that there was nothing done with the cases brought against the proprietor. The ministers also came in for a “ rub” la the part they were taking in the campaign. The trave ler, while not being warm to Gover­ nor Hetrick for votelpg the pool sel­ ling hill ami-killing the Brannock bill outright, had. the warmest feel­ ing for those ministers who came out for, Herrick and denounced; tak­ ing politics In the church. He stated that be had a brother living- in Co­ lumbus and thatho held a position under the present admishnation and that it was through' him he found out that already some twenty ot the ministers that had,come out- openly in support of the Governor Were ap* plicanta for political appointments. I f those New York insumhceVom- panies really get reformed what a lot of senators and other pebple will have to go Wwork for a livingi ,Having passed $ pica'quiet-sum mer. vacation hunting hears afid making, .peace, the. Tresidenb has now come home ahd is gettingready to tackle the yellow fever district# A Bar For 8om«. Miss Modem—Does Jenkins en­ joy golf? Mr. Enthusiast—Don't sec how he can. lie doesn't lose his tem n j c in per ind employ language when he makes a bad play# * Probably- Ha Had Batiifui Eyaa. Don’t be afraid of a school­ teacher. A young man called on an Atcluson schoolteacher, andTin ex­ plaining some previous «neglect said# % I ’d V khowed you wanted, to went I'd V came -and took-you." And .she married him in spite of it. —Atchison (Sflobc. 1OtaSpAlMMLtSd If DKlWitlMt _ _ . mm ■ “ *#»*«» ' " " rjgJk 'R The Writer had oc«waiOit n few ays ago to he on the train and bv chalice sit down with a gentleman, whom wo after found to he traveling for a Fittsburg concern, hut who claimed to haveoncoUvediff ffolum* irtig. IfmwBWy Bahjtet $f f4 t* M«d«rn Methods. Tlie Contractor—Wi«at in thun­ der is tlie inatter with that'new hod carrier you hired? He’s let another hod of bricks fall to the pavement. The Foreman—Oh, he learned hia trade by mail from the Hod Car­ riers’ Correspondence institute.—* Brooklyn L ife., ia >4- t » Much, iavod. Mcligger—So old Stinginess dead. Of course he hated to die. Thingumbob—Ko; his death was i«He a happy one. In another Week quit the ahnim premium on his life iff. t» enranco would have been due. iimore Kews. Troatmant of vyoun<io« "Vthen .one is wounded by knife, nail or otherwise, smoke the wound ui woolen rags, Put dirt or ashes in a diBh with bits of old woolen cloth and set on fire. When smoldering, place a tunnel or make &cone from stiff paper, -poii-over-thc-dish nnd hold the wound in.*the.smoke several' minutes. I t draws, out pain and any poison and will prevent both lock­ jaw, and blood poisOn, also drawing, the edges o f wound’ together. This is. effectual and-WfiJl worth,a trial, for it has been proved many times. - To WMt*o t4n*n; Handkerchiefs and doilies that have become yellow from the use of- too much ,soap or. from- old age- may be whitened in the following sUnple manner; After theyliavc been wash­ ed in the usual way in soft water with ti good soap, pwt them to soak overnight in clean water into which has been put isnpie cream of tartar,, A teaspoonful to a quart o f water is the right proportion.- After-they have been, rinsed' and ^ironed the next day they will he almost as white as when new, . * . Withing Black IMusiin. Boil two .quarts of wheat bran in two gallons of water for half Ah hour; Bet aside until lukewarm; then strain through a cheesecloth. bag, -pressing hard#. I f -tluckr thin with cold water. jtq f he vjeppristcnoy. of what fe •knowfeaa. Ijfatnch- ter" Wash fhh'kirir In4his,,nsinp neither soap nor shach, .Shake and wring and to. dry. While atilt daton.iifp^pn the wrong aide over-1qldrihmhi#: tgcked upon the ironing b o a r d . ^ A spoonful of ch&rjde of litne in a quart -p f and strained through flannel is .flie jbest solution case plenty o f » sential. red and any ng simlight is es- ■ Launfiry Mint*.0 Cold rain water gnd Soap will re­ move machine grease. * A little borax in the last rinsing wafer will make,handkerchiefs eas­ ier to iron and look bettor when done. , Ten cents’ worth of sugar o f lead in three gallons of soft Water will prevent’ any color of'blue from fad­ ing in the laundering. Yimtate Butter. To nine pounds o f ripe tomatoes, peeled ahd sliced, allow three pounds of sugar, a pint of vinegar,-three ta- blespconfuls of cinnamon, one and ond-half tablespoonfnUr of allspice and a tablespoon!ul of cloves; cook nntil thick, stirring often to prevent scorching. t#«wnrf«rinf ■*H*nbvrs. Soap the' doilies well. Let stand in warm water and a littlo. ammonia for an hour or So. Give a good rins­ ing, Tack a piece of white cloth the size o f doily tq the- carpet, pin every point down firm,- stretch good and let stay until thoroughly dry. - Brtfss BwtKtM<% Brass bedsteads should be dusted with a soft cloth every day, and if the brass looks soiled rub it with a cloth slightly moistened With sweet 'oil, and then polish it with a cham­ ois leather# To $e*rtt jCletiUf.' A good sized pi^ec. iff' orris root wrapped *in a cloth an<£ put in the - - Water in which your clothes are boiled will impart Adaiaty fragrance to your lingerie. Crust on fpongo Cako. A delicious crusf i$: formed on sponge cake if ti e top is dusted over with powdered sugar juit before the cake is put into tl ov«in# fkusMlunf ftffset. <JIt WAS t-atiffg so much candy that ihado mo plump,” explained the obese maid, “Ah/' rejoined the smitten youth, "that accounts for the sweat weigh PATENTS O . A . B N O W A Q O , EXGHBfiGE Bfl^K CEDARVILLE, OHIO, AvfegriablePreparaUonferAs- slmSatingfieFoodimdBegula.- jStOSMK tinglhc oi iB I.M \\ I S . ( HU DH1.N nessandRestiContalnsnelBser, Opium,MorphinenorMineral. F o x R A b c o t i c , F o r ln fitntg and Ohildroc# IThe KinfYou AlwaysBotight hears the Signature of A CC'OUirrS oi M rchsots and In# dividual* solimwi. Ooll^iiear promptly made and remitted., TkRAFT^ on Hew T«rk and Cin- f f clanati sold at loueat tttea. The cheapest and most1 convenient way to •endmoney by mail. - T OA.W made on Real Estate, Pet- **■1 sonal or Collateral Securitj'. V g & J f if AperfeclRemedyforConslipa- Tlon,SourStomach,Diarrhoea Worms.Convulsions,Fcverish- nes- andL o s s OF SlBEP. FacSittuis Signature of E»W Y u SK . A t b 1 1 *o »»Ih s o l d ] 3 D o s i S -- 1 M S 1 EXACT COPY OFWf?APPER. William Wildman, Pres., j * ■/ •£ --tJ- ft 3 fiwwA«.cS 3 «| W, X Wildman, Cashier, O# L# Smith Aset, Cashier > 1 ...... .... ... . I Chopping Off The Best Chops T )ft«C N T * V fl M M M N Y , filTV. HUTCHISON &GIBNEY Are making a Point of <. ■ 7 -\ ' •V- » ’ . ^ # ..An.- -■ , .■ ;■ . y:;".-.. :.t. low Prices To insure a good saleat this season of theyear# is 'Wimfc won’ t, complain of. We will do it any time you call. 4 ' 1 i v 1 J-# Chops And Steaks going- a long way'toward making yottiiealtby. - . • I f you buy them, of, us you are sure.they are good. AVlong as you eontimie fo tTade with us yoii can r e s t , assured you’re getting A 1 meats aqd Jdw prices. C. H. CROTJSB, CEBAIWlULBv O. . Sheets-, ready made, full hiko ................. ........... ........ .......,,.,„5pc Cotton Is advitnolng# Sheering..,........ ................ „.fie Women’ s Bihbon Fuderwear,............ [. ... ............. 10c,Jdforf20C , Men's Sunumirt/nderwear...,., ................................_________________ ..35c and 60c ,, 1500yacda Hawn, White"Goods, etc Sttcs I2K« 15c' ^Summer Silks for..,...,,,.....,,..,,-----....................... ;H*oO.yards -All Bilk Ribbons,,,.,....,,— lOC' dSc • Never befor such large sales fiOyOpairs Hose, best makes-... 7/,., ..... .............. . ,.i0c and 25c; • 5000yards Matting Q ^ it safes Wrappers, Walsteund Bicirte* , Adam's, Restaurant m v and Dining Rooms Corner High.and Limestone.street- • -Springfield,.Ohio,. iM p, The money making * crop# Easily grown. Boom in your garden to.grow hundreds, o f dollars worth annually, Boots for sale. Plant now# Literature free. Write- todayv Buckingham’ s - Ginseng -Garden,- Depths. - » - Zanesville, Ohio. I JiUTCHlSOfi & GIBHEV’S j j XENIA, V V A * W v e g e t a b l e S IC IL IA N JtlA L sL rO HairRenewer A high-classpreparation for the hair# Keeps thehatesoft and _ . i j glossy and prevents splitting at the ends# Cures dandruff and always restores color to gray hafr. tl1** Ebersole Pianos ABSOLUTELY DURABLE. «We hare tor a numW 0*yews used filwrsole Pianosln the Conservatory where they iro constantly subjected to the bard* •st kind ci use# We have fourid tb« Ebersole to bo a good, durable piano, Well able 1* svmd <tu »wear and tesrot themusic room,” tea ,tfte themusic M-srf Cmh a B aub , Directress dIn»iL; &t(Ooasemtoryot arasla - MAMurrtoTuntosr ' 'The Smith fir Nixon Piano Co* 10 and f? E. Fourth 8treat. CINCINNATI# O. T H E WORLD’S W0RI T h * m & d & d i n * j k t f k f c h f t i t f a 1 € > jf t h * p r o g r e s s ' o f f A # W Q p f t f * i h r & t k g b k * t € f n d e r f t t l p t c i t A r * ^ a n d a #**«?/#**• * Yoalick’faithin anuntried . , J remedy? ’ ,v ' ' Y o u W ill H a v e F a ith nr LightningUxatlve Q u I r I ro Tallfift after one trial. Sold with an ah* eoluteguaranteeto cure or druggist | will reuindyourmoney# Will cure COLDS# * - LA CRIPPB; NEUnALatA.COUGHS. ♦ MALARIA, ^HC^DACHIE. Are perfectly harjnloe*--ncv or -gripenor sicken—never causefiis- lree»—no_badeffecttiponihebeiurt: -never injure, the most, deliowB, •tomacb. ACCEPT MO SUBSTITUTE. Ask foraud iusiston getting— - f t S - J j g l f . CENT*. Q u in in e t a b l e t s AT pRUaaiSTJB. THE HERBMEDICINECO*, SPRlNariCLD. OHIO. JUaanfactnrers ot th«Celebrated LIGHTNING HOT DROPS. . T a k k K N i ^ CARDUI a y H o m b Are you a sufferer? Has your doctor beet! tRMUe* ■ ccssfai? - Wouldn’t you prefer te traat yourself—AT HOME? tXHJBLBDAY* PAGE At COMPANY N«w Ycflrfc It*. QAakSdli *«y»t *t Bfadt tffft voatb’l WDKB Nearly 1,SO0,OOOWomen have bought Wine of Cardui from their druggiris and have cured themselves. at homo, of such troubles as periodical, bearing downand ovarian pains, leucot? rbosa, barrenness, narvOuioesS*' dferineM, nauiea and damond*- N^y,censedbyfemriewafttaciw# These are net « m cases. Wine of Cardui C&reewhen the dodertftn’tv ‘ . ^ *» . Wme of Cardui does not Itri* tatetheOrgan*. Thereisnopain inthetreatment, Itir asoothing tonic of healingherbs, free from strong and drastic drugs. It is successful because it dues in A iMtoMdiniy,. j Waneof Cardiff m» bebfwhf thl* r » f m lyjCAL AftR Mr. M* ^ m i l™> w£ i 0 i « * 11 Thursday' irigii jfafF Bratton, o f j yiiitingbf* nmriJ«?rsHis* ton, I lrUnkst#» and upward tan TBOHatter Ppri»gfl| Mr. a«d Hrs* Carl Paul M ln IndfanaP^8’ Mnr.T- F# Stevenson, 0„ is viritins h«r tester* Wils«n' a p f l h s , Migheiitprioespaid* a* *?!«» Nant| /riendS tendered -her a . 0j pnday evening# „ I Messrs* Chirk »hd Hot Wn, entertained tbete Friday evening. - _ Z(nc binding for oil el Millans. Mrs, A*‘ C. Turnbull, RobertMcCamphuM.. in Springfield, , Miss Belt Middleton, her Friend Miss FegersoiJ held tiffs m e*-, 1 FJDOOBOIL CLOTH, and.widths.- AlsoZine i same. Mrs. B. 'G. rridgway -Dayton,-are visiting f relatives here., Mrs* W* H. Clay, w| blacksmith employed by j ford, is very i l l With typl Ladies Beady Made DJ in the" newest T'ahrica,« from 12.98 to $7.50 ea ch . The College foot ball tel Dayton Saturday, to plaY ,wood Athletic team, - - Mrs. Hugh’ Turnbull, Condon and ‘Miss Nelli spentTuesday In Dayton] —We have .the lowest pi ity considered, on oilcloj Millans. *■ - - fb * r 1 ' Mrs, Bessie Bruce .Baltimore, Ind*, spent - the first of the week tl] Mrs. LynnWilson. -> > r # Mrs. J .L . Henderson,.>] five’s in Xenia, *fbr a fe^ .firstof the week. Wo pay gOofcs, per lit Butter. - We pay I8cts‘, per B.oJ Mrs, tFl°re?1<?^- He*- Springfleld* anjlMrs.. Aij Sail, of^Clneiimatij’-sper, rith Mn, and*'Mrs,"X HI One of the largest swej raisedthat we have yet h| on. the' Henry Hyiel weighed three pounds'[ ouncesi —We liaVe added oll| linoleum to our stock.* Ian. . . Mr*L> H* Dean and W| nee, Neb., are guests of ihia coiinty, Mr. Dean i| of Mr.Mantel Dean of and is a.well to do owner,-iu.-the west. Mr. W, L. Barber is tosucceed himself at tl for the office" of towns* He haaBersi I onAterm J fsfactlon of all a1id w ill1 withoutoppossiom Kev. aiid Mrs. I near Springfield, Tuttle’s brother, ■M___ and family, the first o f i The W. C. T. U. will l tegnext ThUjfpday after, o’clock, at the home of bethGilbreath. —Oil cloth one, one at two ytSrdswide at McMJ —Better examineyoui see that everything is a l not wait until the las} purchase a stove. We tj Plete display of Peninbl stoves arid ranges. Itv l to see them and gefcohrl « Haididgg Bros. For assessor this year! «hip Mr, 2 . T, Phillipsil h&for^tho primary. H f mthis capacity before 1 the support of a iftrg6 friends. His work in * Sugarte1251bSackf,lnI iJl m Ch0ice per Hu, We Sel*Quaker Oats] WeHemfibjsackGol BwrW? a11Flour WeSell goodHulk ■ higher at«on thoh ig l) fu st soli his ^hoovos ah i ^ coimcihnei: thatwelmveff ^ ,00* Our nt ^uiestGwn hs n ta x rai f f i l l : Ion I Eaters Ian, .Su ■won kny ti n i way ’ then Ijdod, ide ‘a -yon pric CR i.KV3 Itaur, and land . lingfie The1 I- Crop •H001 Ireds loots , lirefr, Ik -G v tfaitl feme xt ■gL i |Qub i f ha cken- |H0 llXLi s-er« pi liNGI ,1 l«rffcn . P» t-ATli 1500,00 ie of, ists at fat ho perm rian sues* ,!3f» &yfe« > not rdul < prdttj] us. B „ at, 1 Sing he [drastit HUM rwrchi rtrggl |X9W « my. 1 WlSftl J