The Cedarville Herald, Volume 28, Numbers 27-52
m 0 m UPM IP. ID H^McOlure^of this city, Tho scrip ture was read by Ilov. J, D. Lytle, at Carmel, Ind., and Dr. Alexander Gilchrist, of Allegheny, Pa,,aled in prayer, after which the opening ser monwas preach»d by Dr, McClure. Theelection of officers resnitedpin TUewnnnlmons eiectfonoi the follow' ing gentlemen: Moderator, Bov,W. H. Patterson, Ph D., of. Princeton, Ind; clerk, Rev. E. O. Simpsoi/, 1). D. of Rellofontaine, O,; treasurer, Rev. Edgar MaoBlll, of Madison, Ind. The sesion was closed with prayer by. Rev. W» K. Fulton, of Columbus. comm ittees OP SYNOD. - Rills,add Overtures—Revs. Albert Gordon, J, P, Cowan, I, M, Rhine .and Elder Dayid Graham. , Judiciary—Revs. Edgar MacDlU, H .J.Bell, S. R. Lyons and Elder C. T. McCreary. Xenia Seminary and Monmouth, College—Revs. J.-G. King, S , W, • "Woodbnrn, J. H. "Moorehead, J. B. Lytle '^bdElder MitchelL Boards of'the Church—Revs. Wt JL Patterson, II. A. Kelsey and Elder J G. Raidt.. , narrative and State Of Religion- Revs. G« I. Gordon, C. M.Lawrence *and, Elder H. J. Asleep. Correspondence—Revs. R.- H. Hume, J.A, Barnes and- Elder W. W, Johpston, Signs of the Times—Revs.1J. G. " Carson, G- A. Roseborg and Elder las. Watt, • dominations—Revs. R. W. Me* Granahan, W. K. Eulton and Elder J.*A, Cooper* ; Einance—Rev's. W. P. MdGarey, A', K, Strane, .andElder E. C. Har ris, M. B. Records of Presbytery—Revs, »C: E, MeStravick, O. H. Milligan, F. w - S?nunk,’R. J. Kyle, J, S. E. Mc- „ Michaeland Eldei' N. ,C.’ Patton. HOMEBURNS. The residence on the Lee Barber, farm, about fctoeeihiles east of town burned, Tuesday afternoon. There was po- one homeat the .time the fire orgipated from a defective flue- , There was no ‘ insurance on the household goods Lewis Bnnri. ‘ To be sure, you are growing old .. But why lit everybody see. It, .In your gray hair? Keep your hair dark,and rich, andpostpone age. If youwill The first public statue o f ftnaeu p * * Alexandra l«a just ■been coBurna*- Having sold our farm we will sell at iioned. George B. Wade, the well > b lic aection oo the farm, lour mile* known Anninter has haen chosen *wtofC«darv|He, and two mde«we*tof known Bemptor, « m b «?» ceowu .SrimaOhio, on the Celumbtwpike, to <Io tho work, Tho <U#tiBAtx>uJ th iidchav a t t u % iaac o l tho statue is Hongkong, which | •UuKbLJAT# tyW* has already giyen commissions for Commencingat 9 :S 0 o'clock, sharp, the — * * M ‘ " a - h I I a d o F S o r s e s ,4 i nineyearsold; mare ten year*, ... IdiBSIdufyeps ft geWinethree year* old;l mare " .year* w " "" TJ jo second synod of the United Presbyterian church, convened" in _ J , its annual meetingat tho first U. P .1Prince of Wales. The new statue is church, Xenia, Tuesday evening. 1being erected out of The session was opened with in connection with ' prayer by the moderator, -Rev. W ,, coronation celebration. The queen “jjj will bo represented in. her corona tion robes. Tho statue will be o{ bronze and life sizgf and the pedes tal will be either of granite or mar ble. The king,’ to whom the pro posal was eubmitted through the « « . « , , vnvernoi* of IJoimkon". resdilv .*wr« by Stranger etc. Here is a fine "ridin"; J ■ ~ “ t-.; ft- '* -i .C riw aiil <»S1.3 7 ,V »lrH n rr v h r n a three .years did id Hair 1 aged brood mare in foal; all •weighing from 1800 to 1600 lbs. 8 two- year olds and 1 last springswilt, sired by Baronet 1 family drivingmare seven year* old, aired by Martin’s Hal); Igelqing five years rid,* --ighing 1100lbs. sired by Police, He Hiram — > - “ , 7 » H k A » O K C A T T L E ? ! L,ndon Express. . S ? . ... _ . Spring calves. A Ssnsifly* Post. 1 57 head good feeding cattle, weighing' Tho manager of a pteas dipping top to 1000 lbs, will be sold in tliree lot* bureau in-New Tori? said the other of 10each, day: 21 H E A D OFJHLOQ5 21 “Not long ago I thought I would. 1 ’Consisting of, 8 Boars and 6 .sows, try to enlarge our business, Accord-. eligible to register, . 3 brood sows to ingly I sent prospectuses to well ,farrow soon-, arid 10 feeding,hogs. known people all over the world. In thorn prospectuses I said that our bureau read practically every pub lication that was issued and that, a mah by subscribing to us cduld read every word about himself that ever appeared in print. ' - “'WelVww got a good niany ac ceptances and a good many rejec tions. One o f the latter came from the British poet laureate,' Alfred Austin. He said loftily.; • “ ‘Sir. Austin does not care to pay for gnats’ bitps.V' *. ir’,rni'ir l'-‘" L,u 1 -1■r-,^v—1< ^.1 ^ A Picture P6st Card Cr«s«. -, The picture post card craze threat ens to overwhelm the'French post- office department.’': The following case is said to have been typical. From a microscopical seaside: resort near Boulogne with 300 permanent inhabitants ; 30,000 picture post cards were sent oil in a month. The local postmistress,could pot handle the mails. Her-supply, o f one .cent ive oVt and the. demandfor FULLUNE OFFARAUNG j&OOShocks of com, 1400 bu. oats in blp, 85 tons bay inbams'. ■stamps ga stamps' of- that denomination a; Boulogne was so great: that she could not obtain there a new- supply The visitors hud to use'two cent ant. four cent stamps id send their cards What the daily sendoff o f such post- -als from popular; watering, places wascan be imagined. only use Ayer’s Hair. Vigor, your gray hair will spon have all the deep, rich "color of youth. Sold for 60' years. *1 hot . o tot Mr«n old, *n4 I 1>» t » i*.il>lckticl6sarbeadorIon*haltwhichJaa wonderlo oyorronaaboam& Andnot* %a. f o.ATMcow :Xowell,. Ha»«.* bottle. wmanSaMaai f o r W h i t e Hair OYSTERS A T Sphar’s Aiiyvmy you want them. Special Horheseckers , ; ' KXC tJRB lONB . . • * v t l LOUISVILES e HASHVJL^ l B; TO‘POINTS IN A iriliarpa , G eorg ia , MlwtflBHippl, F ie r iWo, K ortlr o»4<l HotutB C a ro lin a , , V irg in ia , tcen iu oU y , __ T e n n e s s e e , l.ou in la ria i Ociobo* 7 8nd Novembtr 7 and M th a n Ona F a ro fo r th o B o u n d T r ip , 'Ticket* limited w,return 31 days from cute of wiio. From full mforinktlort, rates, aohftittles, time tube* atuIHtefatUro, dwtcriplivo of the various resources, agricultural, mineral and timber lands along tins line, call on or act- dfreia ” s* 1 f t I k nrsif, lk V, A*. - • * fintiimirti f. K I>AVEN(i*ttfiE J>, P. As - fitt,iiU)9 it. r, BAIIEV, lf4 %VtP. A. * thlcdRb j/ir , MibMKifX*p. pi a . *, hiuisriiie 0 . B.BtOifB* <)**% Pm* ‘'Amm • Lacks Chin, but Not Grit, , It'is generally believed that Uman o f force must have chin. Not only the rnentum,’ but the .entire mandi ble, must -be well deyeloped. Yet here is John Redmond, the new leac lr of the Liberal party in England, with nd chin io'speak of, one of the most ambitious mem in public, life, . . . fighting coming * „ . ^ ’eat •an finally "accomplishing. John Red mond ,declared^war agaipst. Great Britain many years ago, provokip/1 shout* of laughter op both sides, o 1 the house of commons. There is no laughter now, only, wonder and obc ■dience.—>NewYork Tress. ’ PrIo« Llct of Wiv«». - Here is a partial list o f the price* at which wives are purchased m the, world’s market: •Kaffiriani, South Africa, price, of Wife, two tp ten cows# tJnganda, South Africa,.box of cartridges aud sir needlesKarak, S air of md,shoe's; Tartary, Asia er weight in hntterj Tirmo, pouni: of ivory or jackknife; Kamchatka, Apia, from one to ten reindeers; Mi- stiensis, Asia, from oho hog to ten •pxeriyHeylqn^^ia,iRa'n£jn5h^p|r; Navajo;. Mexico, Upward of twelve horses; Unyoro; South ‘ America merchandise, on the installment plan; Uperpivik, Greenland, whet stone or file. HI* 8*nlerity. A deputation o f Australian unem ployed called- recently on Mr, Car- ruthers, the premier, at Sydney. Two of the leaders wanted to speak first Said one, “1 claim the right td speak before you on the grounds, of seniority/' “ On grounds of what ?* “ Seniority. Why, I have been connected with tho unemployed for fifteen years!” ' ' - ...-*■* ■' Fir** In Co*t Min**, . ?The lisc of milk of lime for quick ly and effectively extinguishing fires in coal mines is recommended: by Inspector Wolfgang - Kummer, German. The suggestion is not new, but.has been newly tested with sat isfactory results, The, emulsion- which can he Used with hand or, power pumps-^-runs into and1fills the crevices pf the coal or mineral* City Otyitarsbip H*a*. ; . The HundesTey (England) parish council; which struck'out a new line in municipalization by starting poultry farm, has realized profits on the first’ year’s working which, are equal to A reduction in. the parish faxes o f a cent and a fifth on the dollar.—Chicago Journal. Cattle Sale* Mr. John Bryan wnlh offer afcPublic Aftie at his .Elver- side FarmnearVelloWBpring, 0*, Oct, 25th.; his entire herd of 105 Short Mom Cattle, ;Joi#arrangingto travel ex» eftMyely, t& *.- mPtEMENfS* HOUSEHOLDandKITCHENARTICLES. TfeRMS: On sums of $10.00 or less cash in band, above $10.00 dollar* .a erfedit of six -month's will be ’given purchaser^giving-note1 -with=approved sepurity. W. H. CORRY & SONS. , S, T, Baker >- ' , K. E. Cony 1Auctioneers. R. F. Kerr, Clerk. PRICE LIST. SMITH & SILVEY Agents. Lightblue will dye-dark blue, brown, red, greenor black; Darkblue will dye- wlne^dark-green, seal brown or black; Cardinal .will qye-dark-wme, brown, bl^ck or *ameoolor over Lightgreeftwill dyc:dark-green, brown, blue or-‘ black; Dark greenwill dyerseal brownerblack; Light brownwill dye-darkbrown, green, cardinal or black; Grey w«fi dye -any color; Black can onlybe rediped. Silks, dye sameas wool and price* are Accord ing to quality andquanity. f Prices for Cleaning tadies Wdar. Tailormade spits from,-,-* to $8.00 Evening dress................. ,f..;Jt,78 to $.00 Operhcjoaks,^-„...i.T............,...,-..,.1.00 to1.60 Silk w a i s t s . ....76 to 1.00 Woolen waists.......-----:—.,.,.,.,,,.80to 1,00 Dressingsacques.— ------ 60to .76 Skirts.,.,............................... 1.00 to 1USQ Single shawls...----- to 1.00 Double m to loo Shoft lengthijackets,,,,..^,....,to 100 Hip length jacltets..w„-.„-,..:..,.,..75 io LOO Tiuee-quarter length jOckets.J.OOto1.60 ,800to8.25 Childrens dresses .. ................60 to 1,28 according to she ' r - Children cloaks 60to,1,60 accordingto sue, 'j ’ 'c %rin| I a ^ .W amv ' *, TailormadeauU* irom.«.,»^.,1.60to2.60 I.<Wto,lA0 Dressing SActjucS»•* 60to.76 Single uiawl.....—,.....^...,........,60 to Boubifcshawl...------ LOO to 160 l.Mtto 6.00 Silk waists........,,....... .,.,..,76 to 1.00 silk shirtH................ ,1.25 to 2.00 Short jackets........... .76 to 1,00 Hip length,..........................1.00 to 1.60 Three-quarter le n g th s '..,1,60 to 1.78 Full length,..,.,— A60 Clnldrendress..,,....,,................ 60 to1,86 according to size, - Children cloak* to 1,60 according to size, ..Goods, do not have to be ripped. Portier curtains-cleaned,1,50 to 2.60 pr. Rbrtier curtains dyed...,,...1,60 to 2.60 pr, Danjaskcurtainscleaned.1,00 to 1,60 pr. Damask curtain* dyed,..,,1.00 to' 1,80 pr.‘ Lpce curtains, clcanud without injury from £0 to 1.60 pr. Blankets cleaned without shringago from 78 to 1.60 pr. .10 to 26 eacli ned from.. Tipsclca Tipsdyed from..-..,.- Riumsclcaned frtmji„.„.„.„25 to 76 each -Plums dyed frond..............38 to 76 cadi Kid glove* cleaned from....l(» to 86 each Mens hatsf r o m .---- --- 25 to 60 each Prices for Dyeing Men*Wear., Dyeing suits from........... $2.60 to $8,00 according td quality, . Dyeingcoats..... ...............,,,..1.00 to L60 Dyeing t r o u s e r s . , - , .....,',1.00 Dyeing vests—..................... „EO , Dyeingshort lengthov*rcow»lAOto 1,76 D/ei&g mediumH*ngth,u..„...L75 to 2.00 Dyeing full length...........„,it .00 to SU 50 Dyeing suits-arefrom,,,........1.00 to 2.00 according i» size. ■ - . . Boys overcoats from—,----- -.76 to 1,26 ac i i ccdrdtngtOffir**'’ .PfiCri for G^Nn^Mei* Wear? Suitscleaned...:,................ $1.60 to $2.00 Trodsers Cleaned....................80 to .76 Coats cleaned....... ,,75 to 1.25 Vests cleaned;.,i.:.,............. ,.3SS 1 . ; SiIkvests phaied,f».M,..„.„.,„.,, 60 , Short fengtii overcoat*......... 1.06 to 1.60 Medium length cleaned.....L60 to 1.76 bull length cleaned...;.,..:.,..,.,1,76 fo 2.00 Boys suits cleaned*•«*Wiir,n<in.u60 to 1.86 Boys overcoats cleaned........ 60 to 1,00 Mens suits sponged and-pressed ir 6 m .. . . . . . , . . . , , 7 5 to 1 .C 0 Men* trouser* 15 dens coats...... ;....... 50 , Mens overcoats.,...,...,..,..,.,... ,.,.60 to M , Wc guaranteeare dyed goods not to ruboff. We make a specialityOffcHning L.adiesandGents cloaks and coats*, also furnishnewvelvet colars at reasonable prices. ■ - . In fact tlicre is nothing in thecleaning dyeing and repairing line we do not and' Catkiot. do, .. t All Work giqfr&nteedfirstclass. Please do rtot get' iis mixed up with inferior places whichhave justedstated business Without anyknowledge of same, We have established 28 years’anddefy compition. Nomatter if you have had goods spoilt elsewhere in cleaning and yfhg giveusa trial andweare Sureyou will call again, Special attention given to .mall and express orders, Wfe do not dye for any other dye-house*. SPWPIEM STMJK DYE WOWS, 116 N» Center g t, flprinfft*ldr (>• * It is agoodjstock, there isnoneLetteria theCity of Springfield Youknowthat to be a fact, and, what is |more, all competitorsconcedeit—ButweMast sell it—Not onlywouldlike to, butMuat--There is onesureway, and wehave takenthatway. We have Gut! Andeverycut hasbeena deepone, andamoney-savter andmoney-maker foryou—-Thissale is not a price-sale, not a siock-reduein": sale, blit a Slaughter, cut- YouknowtheHannanShoesforMen andWomen, youknowtheBanister Shoes, youknowtheKeithKon- querors, youknowtheEdwin.0. Burt, Patrieian, MajesticandE, P. ReedShoesforRadies. Youknowtheirrep utation as“topnotchers,“ andyouknowhowmuchthey cost. Wewant you to knowtheprices we are making to sell thesehighclassgoods at once, andif youdon't readthemyouwill lose. Come early today; for this sale will be,fast andfurious. Thesebargainswon't last-forever.- ‘ M E N ’S SH O E S : „ Hannan <&Sena* Shoes, known as the beBfc the world ovar in vied kid, patent cplt, leath er lined, heavy weights for winter, - light weight* for dress wear, lace, button, or * Blucher, allshapeUahdstyles.rr ‘ Starkey’ s price $ 6 , 90 . Our price! pevper,...;,, Bannister $ 6,00 Shoes,,in fine viol kid and Gordqvan, all sizes, good styles. We’ are Closing out this line, and mfike|t>/| . ,SS ....;: 3 >o. 5 U f Keith’s Konquerors, In vtci kid, patent It and leather lined, .heavy ana light |weights, All styles, Mce, button and Blneher. Starkey’s price I.$3,60,■Our price, per pair,.. . ,-Hand Welts, heavy and light solos, Blueh- A'ndhic'e, all stylea Starkey’s ^ * ------ price $2,5p. Our price, per pair.. * Men’s Fine t?m eAin vie! kid and calf con- I gross or lace, wide toes, heavy Nor light, ‘for •working, or dress, Stark6y'sri» S *» 1price $1,86, Our price, | fk * | per. patri.,.,...... A All Men’s Kid Shoes that,#fv -g j a Starkey sold for $1.60, we price T$ 1 /§ 1 1’ at, per pair.-„..u. , ....JL• jc V All Ladies’ :$2.60Shoe*, in heavy and lighs weights, for streetwear Ordress . woor.;_Onr price, ’ soles stock" per-pair:. Shoes That Everybody.Wears, light and heavy, Rlucher or lace-patent or tips. Starkey’s price $1.05. 'Our-**. ' price' per • , pair Old Ladies’ Comfort SiiOes/j* 1 A £\ ,thatwere^«'tharga|natStarkey’s M isses-vSb o^ s* All Patent Leather vlci kid, welts, heavy soles and- light', that Starkey asked$2.50 for, "we ask only per palp- ^ &EL ■ A ll Misses’, Foot From sh< 3 J* vici, Iftoaoj: bnjtqn, ^Sjarlcey’i $ 2.20 , oes in patent, price $2.(Xj, per pair, Our price, $ 1.65 price, $1.60, Our ptice-per pair- Boys’ Shoes, $ 3.00 very desirable go it ^ " for Fine Dress Shoes, just what the boy wants for Sunday and dress wear.JL /%, *| JV Starkey’s price $ 2 . 60 . Ourprice, jk w * 1 11 per pair..,...... ............ ..........— *jrArf* JLV Boys’ Heavy Shoes, the kind liard knoclcs, made that stand of box cAlf, v.elour and viol kid, heavy and lightz solep. S.tarkey’s price $2.00. Our price, per pair,:. ....... .... . Boys’-Solid Shoe*, made from heavywear, Starkey’ s pries $1:50*. ^ ' * ' Our price, per pair $165 Ladies’ Shoes. ' ‘ Hannan A Sons’ fine kid and patent lfiath- -Cr shoes, hand turns And hand* ' Welts. Starkey’s price $6.00. Ourprice, per pair...............Jin ' ■Edwin O. Rurfc’s-iiatent.colt, hand turned „ and hand welts, button and lace, new fall I styles. Starkey1* price $4.00.1" > 0 »rp n « ., PW Youths’ andLittle Gents’ Shoes, , Famous Patrician-Shoes, in all leathern and all style* for streetWear or fine dress 00 tasslons. Starkey’s price$3.60, Ourprice, per ■.. • . Majestic Shoes, in afi Joatfiers and «U styles; hand turned and hnndtfs ^ . / A welts,Btnrkey’s price ^.00. % / f|| ft, Our price,, per pair.,.,,,,,..,....—„ww f i f * v V . f t ; r $ 2.10 echoes in all $1.65 A ll Good Substantial shoes,- fhade toWith stand hard wear and hardriv^’i'* ' ^ g\i knocks, thftt.Starkey sold at w I «&KI $ 1 . 60 , we ask only, per pair.,...,.;, 8 l / A * v V All Little Gents’ and Youths’ ; $1.50shoes go during this sale at, per pair- , All Box Calf, velour and viol kid and ent leathershoesfor youths and little mints that Starkey asked $2.50 for, We sell at, per pair,,..! A11Little Gents’ and Youths’ s styles and lasts that Starkey* asked $ 2.00 for; we ask only, perpair................. ......... ....... ; The new foot-form, last gives the shoe a broad and natural form, makingft very com fortable and ju^fc the thing for young people. A ll Misses’ $1.50 Shoes, school and street wear, this sale at only, per pair. 7 >. ‘ 5 v ^ at f ” i- * t ‘ ■ - Children’s Shoes. A ll Children’s Shoes, made on foot from last and have natural shape, in patent and vicikid. Starkey’s price * 2 . 00 ., Our yrice,.per . 1 ,-.* ., pair................. ................... .......3f/ M Children’s Foot Form Shoes in vici kid, patent and gun metal, heavyrib -g >$ A nnd light sole. Starkey’s pribewi 1 -%|| n . 60 . - Ourprice, per pair..:, *$J/ I * t / V ’ , , CJ jt . 1 - Children’ s Shoes thatStarkey sold, tit $1.25, we ask only, per pair...:.„.„..,...t.;............. . - Children’ s -Shoes that brought, Starkey.$l.QQ, ask only, per pair:,......— ............ . $ 1.10 90c $ 1.10 Infants’ Shoes. Infants’ Shoes, patent leather with fancy white and tan tops. Starkey’s p r ice /k /k ‘ $ 1 , 00 . Our price,, * * • ( I f I r i per pair,...:....... ................ ....... .......... / W ’ Infants’ Shoes: fine kid and patent .leather, Starke; s price -76c. Ourprice," per pair;...,.....,.;......... Infaqts’ Shoes, made Of fine kid, 60c , with 76c. patent tips. Starkey’s “price Our price* per pair................. ' s Successorto thoStarkeyBoot sndShoeCompany, Springfield, O. THEDR.GRENETREATMENT TORNERVOUSINDCHRONIC DISEASES Bear*'the' stamp of Absolute and Gtn.uine Worth, conceived and founded in the true system of cure, iHs as imperishable_as truth itself, as accurate in curative results as a fixedscience, aWondrousBlessing to theSick and Ailing. It ba*tendured -the test of time ana been tried in the crucible o f experience, Generation after generationof Dr. Greenes have have restoredhealth to the- buffering by thesemarvelous medicines, adapt ing, organizing and perfecting the treatment through long ye$fsofen* offious practical experience among the sick, by, grandfather, father'And son, until today the third generation of Dr. Greenes i* giving ti<theworld an even more successful practice,'a surer and more positive mean* of .cure than has ever heretofore be?n plated before the depressed,Weaken ed anddiscouragedvictimsOf chronic complaints, ' • Drs. V. A. & j. A. Greene are theproprietors of that most, mar-; velOus of all rdmedies for the Nerves and Blood, DR.GREENKS NERVORA. All are privileged to consult Dr, Greene personally or by mail, en tirely free. Dr* Greene hunselt attends toalt whocall and answers all' letters in person, , Office, 14t'Fifth Avenue, New York, LOW FARES WEST AND SOUTHWEST. Anyone contemplating atrip West may takaAdvantage of tho reduced farea for the special Home-Seekera’ . excursions via Pennsylvania Lines to polnta In Colorado, Idaho, Iowa, Kansas, Minnesota, Missouri, Mon tana, Nebraska, the Dakotas, Ore gon, Washington, Texas ahd other sections in the west and in all the states of tho Boutin Low Fam to Wed Barden, * 1 . Account American Water Works Aacociatlon,meeting. Enjoy anout- lug at* noted springs of wonderful curative powerTsimilar to famous waters of Carlsbad, Particulars about fates and time of trains may be ascertained from ticket agofifs o f Pennsylvania Lines, ' UnionVetenm*’ Hgoinion* To Sidney, 6 ,, State Enaw^tnenf, October Sid and S#d. Tickets hold at all station* In Ohio on jPennsyl* vanta Lin?*, Do your C h il d r e n ] ■ - Of course tlwjr^doi^ It U their Wayoflearningandit ifyourduty tp anawer. You mayfUeeda dic tionaryto aid you. Itjson’t an rwerenery queetion. but there are thouwiifd*to winchifcwfllgiveyou true, clear and definite' aturiven, not aboutword* only, hut about thing*, the ran, machinery, men, ilaoee, atonesandthelike., Then, 00 , the children cab find' their own an*wer*., ' Somfi, of onr greateefc men have ascribed their power to study of the'dictionary. #Of courseyonwantthe iionary. The most criticatpreter tho'NewandEnlargedEdiwon of - ' W E B S T E R ’S . I n t e r n a t i o n a l d i c t i o n a r y .’' Jf you hoi* tmy gtudumt * aboutit vSritiut. . Q .k C . MERRIAM CO^ vuRuwmn*, •fRIHOVIStD,MAS*. The Genuine -Jiff kMft' JTA ' -JBwu LOW FARES WEST AND SOUTHWEST, Special >■ Honk-Secktri' Excunion* via Pcmuylvania Lines, Spoons,Forfe$*Knives,etc. haveall thequalifiesinResign,vrork- mans^Pmidfth$tof thebestster lingsilyer#atone-fourthtoone-eighth the cost, : Much of the sterlingnowon the market isentirelytoo thinand light forpracticaluse, and-.isfarin feriorineVfefywayto ilSilver Plate that Wears M A*k yo*r dealer fot ” iSJ7 ROGERS M o s ," Avoid intetitaie*. Oar faff tarie-mark I* " LSJ?» SOBERS SROt.'’ jovk for it. Sold by iekding dealer* tttrp rh trt. Before baying write for ow cfiUlogOe “ G-L,” w Y kssatioxw , * h , ykr co, SRSiSCK 8RU*NN!A OP., »d»r(4t«, CM*. IBtrkiMrt n tiki fork. Anyone contemplatinga trip West may take advantage of the reduced fares for the special Homc-*Se.ek*era’ excursion* via Pensylvania.Llnes to points in Colorado,. Idaho, Iowa, Kansas, Minnesota, Missouri. Mon tana, Nebraska, tho Dakotas, Oregon Washington, Texas and other sections in the West and in all the States of the South. Stop-over privilege* permit trave lers to investigate businessopenings, These, ttekets will lie oil sate coftlil dates during tho wtitemor. Details information as. to'fares, through Reunion of Wildm’ viU ! V t time, etc., will be freely furnished * W 1W> V» , J upon application t6 Local Ticket Agent of Pennsylvania Lines. ‘ } Don’t Borrow TrOubtc, - Lit is a bad habit to: borrow •any thing, but theWorst thing -you can possibly borrow, is trouble,' When sick, sore; heavy, weary and Worn out by the pains and poisons' of. dj*- Spepsia, biliousness, Brlght’s-diScase afid similar internal disorders; ,don’ t sit'down and brood over your symp- tonis/but*fly for relief to' %ectric Bitters. Here yonWill find Btireand permanent forgotfutness of all your troubles* and your body will not he burdened by a load of debt, disease. At all drug store. Price, 1506 Guar anteed. iAw fig** to FwmXfort. ind., . ■.Getohefiithandistb, ■$xmedm tickets raid at all stations in 2nd* i tona, Ohio and Illinois on Pennspl* fiheajier^han ever 85 lb Hack Flue 1 ^ iltes. J^rAftrttetea Bop ,, tiM - | Boo(hi 8IiM () „ R l„ ,l)m i ktBi:rci *,|■ ■Af-Hlrd’*, -4- -f= PUmteGetRkh, are often frustrated by sudden break down, due to dyspepsia or constipa tion, Brace up and take Dr, King’s ;NewLife Pills, They take out the ^materials which arc Clogging yoUr energies, ahd give you a new start. .Cure headache and dlxxiuess too. *Ajball drug store; 86e, guaranteed. 55 m HA1TE FaPms toSell ^nd Cftti fielt yours FARM ItOAfiS II yo y ik im S M IT H - a C L EM A N S ,
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