The Cedarville Herald, Volume 28, Numbers 27-52
v *> [ It" a.yMFj^ Corn lor Sale. W. H. Curry. &Sons %viU Bell 3G50 blocks of good Com out the farm" Tuesday Oct. 24th. at One o ’ clock I\ M. Terms same as Bale. , Rubber Tires. l nave the latest equvpement tor putting rubber tires on xvll kinds of vehicles which have the channels. 4 TVIIlUig liHi the ticSS yji ‘0 UpOd-ji»tiiV gan and Wright-known the world over and used on all first class Jobs, AH sizes o? wheels can he rubbered. Prices most reasonable anti Inquiry should be made before placing your order. ” Walter R. Sterrett. CONSUMPTION'S WARNING t Thej Cedarville Herald. $ i .o o P e r Y e a r . K A R h H 0 U W r ■* - E d ito r . .*-**"3 FRIDAY, OCTOBER 30, 1005. tosltlc fact, soon become evident In outside symptoms,—D*. G. G. G resh . <fXhe aid’ of scientific Inventions is not needed to determine whether yourdungs are affectefi. The first symptoms can ,readily noted by anyone of .telligende. ,With all the reports that the Re publican Governor pf . Indiana,' Frank Hanley, would come into this state to help, save Hetrick*s cause, we have not yet heard of any time being set for his first speech. We believe Hanley a Republican but pot pf the “ machine” -made order that Herrick is. ... . . . At the.meeting of council Monday evening, Mr, Theo. Voglesberg was present and handed in the petition asking for the local option election. There were 159 signatures of which ten were stricken off by council from the fact that the persons were not livirig here at? this, time or were not known. This leaves 149genuine petitioners. Counpll set Saturday, November H, as the time for the election. The “ wet” press of late baa' been' busy, hunting/up what the 'few “ Herrick” ministers in the Presby terian church has had to say In de fence of the ‘‘idol of .the liberal heart." The Presbyterian, congre gations are. not far behind the Methodists and the many others in condeming the wrong that exists in this state. The Cumberland Presby terian in an editorial, states that the only issue in the State is “ wet" or “ dry?" * - - , , x k WOJDEBFULKttVEBY. •fXfl&uutou M»*?«,*#**il Dr. D. Kennedy’s Favorite Remet igw4o«t,H.T. Pric*«J ttorfl. he anything but a staunch Republi can, As long as the party adheared toRepublican principles “ Rill" Gal vin was with them and the present average m- consumption, can. be so quickly reached, and checked if the medicine used is Rr. Boschee’s German Syrup,, which is made to cure consumption. ", flit Is in the early stages that German Syrup should be.taken, when warning*' are given in the cough that wbn’fcquit, the congestion of thebronchial tubes and the?gradual weakening of the lungs,’ac companied by frequent expectoration.' flBtft nO matter'how deep-seated yout ,Cougb, even if dread consumption has already .attacked your hiugr, Gerniajr• Syrupwill surely effect a cure—as it has done before in thousands of agparentlj hopeless casesof lufig trouble, flisew trial • bottles, ’ 25 c. Regular shut, 75 c. At all druggists. • f Isaac Wisterinan, Cedarville, C onvu lsion , F its, then ' A number Of menwere discussing Fie newspaper sltuatidh iu this coun ty a few dfiys-agb Vvhha one .gentle man, who was a strong believer in local optiqn, stated that he was sick Of the Xeuia Gazeite,fortho Herrick trash it carried after devoting so many columns to the cause p f tem perance In the Xenia elections. “ In supporting Herrick” Baldthe gentle man, the Gazette is only trying to undo what it and the voters ot that city.did at their, last local option election, The gentleman must not forget that the Gazette i s “ gotahte .its'always policy and the coin with the regardless of principle. Think o f the county “ pap",' and Ed. Schmidt's advertlsirig that papal wduld loose-ill they refused to sUp* port any thing hut a “ gang" candD dhte. We don’ t think Brother phew wants to hut it 3s a case of he *“ has io ." , . wiitiraffcutn 51c. fhvt Im WHO WILL ANSWER? ^Dr. Miles' Restorative Nerv- inc has been so successful in curing; these brain-wrecking', .diseases that therfi is every1. { -<i&on to believe that even the triost “hopeless cases can -be- benefited, if not fully restored. W e will be pleased to refer, any one thus afflicted ton ia ftyJ who now enjoy ther blessing o f health, after years o f hopeless suffering. *'1 have a'sou that had: brain fever when twa years old, followed, by 1 fits of the worst type, and he wua pronounced Incurable. 1 spent hundreds of dollars: for him,-.without relief. After, about fifteen years ho became so bad that vr* sent him to 3 .onitcHft hospital for the insane, at XARanspOrt, Ind. lie was there neatly three years, but he eon* .Tlnucd to grow worse, so we brought him' home July 20 , 1902 , ln,an awful condition. He had lost his mind almost entirely. He hardly knew one.of the family; could not oven And his bed; was a total wreck. Ho bad from 5 told fits a day. Wo wore urged to try Hr, Miles* Nervine* and before the first ' hotlle Was used, we could ceo a change for the better. Wo have given it to him ever since, and ho has had but two Tery Ught spells since- last August,. 1303 , and then he was not well other Ways. We pronounce him' cured, as he can work and go anywhere. If any one Di*. Miles’ Nervine la sold by your dmooUt, who will guarantee that the first trottls wilt benefit. If It falls, ho will refund your money. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind jSSH*^ R. E. CORRY p AUCTIONEER, m All kinds of Auctioneering. Patronage Solicited. Satis faction guaranteed. Bell phono, 852, Clifton exchange. Cedarville. Ohio.-11-24. The Herald is of tho opinion that every voter 'flint haB made up hltr mind to support Herriek hag some reasbrtfor doing so And has a reason he Is pot, ashamed to give to the public. We ; have some questions below which we wish answered by the Herrick press or his supporters, The. answers, it from Individuals, must he signed by thewriter, will be printed in these columns, . I f GovernorHerrick 1 b tho temper; ance man he claims to be and ran enemy of the liquor business, why, then* arc the liquor men SO eager to have him re-elected? How can a newspaper be opposed to the saloon and at the same time urge Herrickl l , re-election, who himself states that he wanted to give the saloons a “ square deal?” There are few Ih’thls county that do not know of W, S. Galvin, editor, of the Jamestowii Journal. For sev eral years he had charge o f the Herald and he was never,kftown to R E V IV Q m t r n m m m t Well M iff tm p o l i t e . o k m a m m The season's J^rst cold may he slight—may yield to early treatment, but thd' next cold will hang on longer; it will be more troublesome,, too. > U n necessary to take chances on that second one. Scott’s Emulsion is a preventive as well as a cure. Take a®L xmwm * «b*if wmba mm Sr wmi O.IifBleklyftiia mst*T.rtmormwmm* or sswMaaa ftWlweiiNfteMW.lwiwwwr- BTtMrifjFirifn ,wxwswg*wvfHlWMn*MWVM>f " T S t M f f A ' ” iwnia «l'vl mrttMmtL.- ....... M when colds abound and you’ll have no cold. Take it vsrhenthecold is contrapted und it checks -inflamma tion, heals the membranes of the throat and lungs and drives the cold out. • Send for ftee tAmpte* SCdTit * 80WN& Chm teU m m W M * * * AHimiMm known him to “ the harness" Herrick and Cox are„ to, much for him as can he seen in the maimer ho rounds up tho Xoaiu Gusstto; ■ “ What’s thq matter with standing by your colors, this fall? It’s grand tow,jnunder the old flag, or go dpwn with It to deteat. Better anything than fighting, even though lb be to victory, in. the enemies’ ranks,"— X en I a G azistte . * W e thought the Gazette lenew “ What’s thenifitter.’ ’ Bub it seems not. The intelligent and untram- meled musses of theRepulicaii party are in revolt, “and the Gazette is ap parently nonplussed^ So it seizes On the metepbor of'the “ old flag," and tall how grand it’ is to follow it to victory or go down with it to defeat. But it don’ t mention any sort of leadership. It don.’ t say whom it will follow Wheni t proposes to pre cipitate itself, in wide-eyed desprea- tlon, into ofie of these* heroic alter natives.* * ' ’ “ * The Gazette vaguely intimates the possibility that, the major part of that 109,000 pr more that Herrick re ceived i wiirflghtnmtor the Battison banner. If'this be possible, tbch why fe’ it?' “ What’s the' iriatter?" W0- may Inquire, thhfc snob a5re vulsion of sentiment in the party’ s ranks should develop? Tito Gazette should not'mention the “ old flag*" and “ fighting" *and plunging in. Its mmtal charge, Into the absys ot do feat, without showing the courage of the scrapper. Why dent the Gazette' tell Its readers the true situation, and “ What’s the matter,,* That yrofdd be a “ Square deal,” and serve a sin* cere purpose, far better than1’stand' Ing pat" And dealing in’ little Sent! mental squibs that mean nothing. The JotritNAbwill eome fto the as sistance of the Gazette and in frater nal kindness take tile job off its haiiUSand tell “ What’ s themalter." It to this: Governor Herrick lias shown himself to be a poliiical au tomaton, n sort of punch hnd Judy governor., Geci. B. CoX has strings attached to-him, and these'he has pnlle'd ail during his administration.- 'When the Governor essayed to.tja fiOmetliing to please* Geo'rgc ’would give him a jerk atid he would do the- Other, The* Governor never knew just what to do unless directed by Cox. The Governor chose« ' man to phthlm in nomination, and Cox-al most jerked- him -off his feet, and then selected hlsown stylo of orator for the purpose. ‘ And three months or mote before ‘'Hie ednvonttori, Cox and Blok deter mined that Horrick should have second term. Hobodv outside of the bosses1,'wanted him. Bat these fel lows determined to thrust him on the party. •They had the state ma chinery in their hands, andtelfc con fident they could win, and contom* ptuonsly bruShed astde a ll .protest, and sent out word to|tft6little hafld* machines all-oVOr the state, atid in .dye time Herrick’s nomination by Cok.and Hick Was very formally ratified at a so-oa.Ued delegate state convention. And in all this, and more,, itie party’s rights were trodden under foot. It la-needless to give-ln detail the blunders and woeful weakness -of Herrick, and the high-hamled methods of the Cox. gang. Bike a thunderbolt from a clear sky the ro volt was on. Hot against the Re publican party, but against the gang* ‘sbers who have throttled it. *The real flag stands for Freedom and Right, .Courage and Protection { but the imitation, as carried in this campaign, stAttils as the exponent Of Bossiam and Incoirip6teUce, Corrup tion and Robbery, ahd every intelli gent voter knows it. The Inherit ance tax law alone sristefAS the charge # of robbery. Heiite the -ominous signs of a tremendous up. heavah 1 George B. Cox would not date to, run-for governor of Ohio, and if he did he would be Overwhelmingly de feated} then why elect Herriek, who Is his pliant and abject tool, and is ready to do his hiddipg'whenever George pulls the String. It is a mere distinction withoUtadifference. But the time Will conie, should present machine methods' provail When Geo, B. Cox, through the. IRtle hand ma chines thickly scattered ovor the state, will deem It the acme of* wis-, dom tVsoml up*A legislature which would he delighted to honor him with a title and credeptals to a neat in the tTrilted States.Benate as a senator frfim the State of Ohio. The m&ctiine hae already done kl- mosfc this idenflcaj thing. The prin cipal reeommodatidn for the place that the incumbent had was that'he had been a clerk In the wire-pulling department o f the irt&to machine for sdtenjffliaf he knew What wife to jerk oh the great apparatus to land 1dm snugly ami securely In the high est branch of the greatest legislative Atld tfil* wlth- out axaited talent, brilliance or the mdirsary qnalitlea of statemansbip- merefr<#im|*y to thebutton on {be machme, and to ope of Its products; all. . And now, Broth#* Gazette, tli* “ aaemlfs* ranks," warned *9 they have been, can furnish no worse Bosses and Misfits in office than has the Republican Folticul Machine of .Ohio. And* there are those in the RgpuUUcaP party who dQpot bgiievo that tho time has arrived to transfer .their privilege of opiblon, and the exercise Of their sntfetage in the choice.of officers, whether state, county o r ,lo ca l/to the tender* (?) meteles, and discretion of a con- kclojusnessl. -machine., And ,that's “ What’s tiie matter," HOW ISTim. Weoffer One Hundred pollsrs Reward for spy case of Catarrh that cannot be cpred by RsU’a CatarrlT Cure, F. J. Ciioaaey &Co., Toledo, O. • _ We the upderskned, h*ve knpwn F, J, Clienhey for thelast 10 years, and believs him 'perfectly honorable In all business transaetiomrand financially able to carry out any obligations madei hy his firm. Walding, Kmhan A Marvin, WJiolesale Drozgists, Toledo, t). Hall’s CatarrhCiqe Is taken internally,- actingdirectlb upon the bloodapd mucou. surfaces of the system* Testimonials free Prjcc 75cperbottle. Soldby «U druggists. TakeWall’sFamily Phis forconstipation Cattle Sale. Mr. John -Bryan wnll offer at Public sale at hiB Biver- pideFarmnearYellow Spring, O., Oct. 2fith., jiis entire herd of 105 Short Horn Cattle. He is arranging to travel ex tensively. These are good useful cat tle, not pampered but ingood stdek candition. Fine steers, bulls, cows and especially fine heifers as good as the best, An honest sale. - THE REAL $AHARA. " Haw Uia V«*t D«*«rt App#*r» to th» • \>t . Caravan Travalir.. A’he.Salxftrft is-ttdt at toll as-pop ular belief pictures it* a vast plum u l moving sand, dotted here and there with tortile oases, somewhat like a leopard's skin. -From 'Tunis westward at is g vast-depression o f sand and clay not much above sea level, in some’ parts perfectly level, in others hilly, with low depre? siona containing water saltier than the sea, which’ generally evaporates, leaving 1 coating; o f brilliant crys tals Which app^S-f like snow in the distance. The riVcrs ’from thwAurea inountams on. this north servo to ir rigate the oases,o f the Zibatt, Some times they flow above the surface, but often betew it, Tliere is * fasci- Ualion about ..the desert that is in describable- and that none can un derstand uhless-they have spent Sev eral weeks with'a caravan. At times tho heat is very great, but, being perfectly dry, it does not enervate as our humid atmosphere does at a temperature 40 degrees lower* Hear midday the desert appears to be a molten sea o f dazzling, vibrating light, Now and then,the mirage Appears, and the tired eves of the stranger are refreshed with visions o f beautiful lakes near the horizon, even sometimes of trees and moving caravans. Alas! ..This is a case where seeing i&flot believing. After many disappointments of this kind the camels suddenly raise their heads and snuff the air through their curiously formed nostrils and move at a quickerpace, instinct tell- ,ing them that water is near.. In the far distance a V>w‘ black line indicat ed palm trees, and in a few hofira the oasis of Sidi Okba appeared, dis tinctly relieving the doubts o f those who feared i t Was only A mirage, Our dragoman kicked off Jiis slip- pert and climbed very nimbly up a na&palm to get some o f the luscious fruit Growing at the top.*—D. F. Rfmeftdorf in. Scribner’s ,, Waotad Hanging. Douglas Jcrrold, the famous hu morist and satirist, and Henry 'Compton, the Well known comedian, figure in a capital story told in a ,memoir of the latter celebrity. The two men were on intimate! terms of friendship and one morn ing went to view the pictures in a certain gallery.. On entering tho anteroom they-found themselves op posite » number o f very long look ing glasses. Pausing before one o f these, Compton remarked to Jer- rold: “ You’Ve come' here to admire Works o f art. Very well, feast your eyes on that work of nature 1 Mpoint ing to his,own figure reflected in the' glass. “Look at it, there’s, a picture for you!” * "Yea,” sqid Jcrrold, regarding it ‘ intently, "very fine indeed 1 Wants hanging, though 1 ” P A T E N T S Arws*mrrraSit*u a m m o m e t 1 ch.rpi. <UUK KCftd, ot 0.A.8NOWAOO, CASTOR IA The Hind Yon Have Always Bought, and which ha^beea In. use for over SO years, has horn© the signature o f and heenmadeunder Ids pur# sonal supervision since its Infancy. . . AUowno onetodeceiveyouinth£*. * All Counterfeits, Imitations and “ Just-as-good” ar©tmk Experiments that trifle with andmidanger the health of Infants and Chlldren—Experience against Experiment. vvriat ii» F! /•+ Cteustorla js a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Hare- • gerls, Drops and Soothing Syrups* d t Is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other jsarcowe. substance. Its ngo is its guarantoe. It destroys "Worms and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. ' It assimilates the Food, regulates the ' Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep., The Children’s Panacea-The Mother’s Friend* CENUINE . CASTORIA ALWAYS BeantbeSignatureof EXGfiflfiGB 3m CEDARVILLE, OHIO. A CCOUNIB ot M nhunta acdjp, A * dividusls sfilicued, C(i!!wfJrt promptlymade and remitted,, TVHAFTS on New Y«rk ond Cia- * * jjinnati sold at lowest rates. The cheapest aud most convenient v/cv to send money by mail. Y OANB made on Real Estate, Pei* A* sonal or Collateral Security. * 1! L William Wildman, Pres,, jsr ck - - % t * ^ jb ^_____ W . J, Wildman. Cashier, Q, L, Smith Aest, Cashier TheKindYouHaveAlwaysBought In Use For Over 3 0 Years. thcoc . t . u . teunuo, T»nunaavOTittcT, mewvo . koitv . , ____ HUTCHISON & GIBNEY ft Are making: a Point o f ^ low Prices To insure a good saleat this season of the year. Sheets, ready made, full s»zo„„... Cotton is advancing, Sheeting........ Women’s Ribbon r outerwear,,... i— ......... Men's Summer Underwear.... * ItoO yafttls Lawn, White Goods, etc.... . „50C .........60 10 e, 8 for 20 c .2oe and OOo „«Hc, ISKclOc Chopping Off The „ Best Chops Is what you won’ t, complain of. We will do it any time yon call, Chops And Steaks going a long way toward making you healthy. If you buy them of us you are sure they are good. As long as you continue to trade with us you can rest assured you’ re getting A 1 meats and low prices, ' f . C* H. CROUSE, CEDARVILUE, O,_____ . lilam’s Restaurant — “ and Dining Rooms Corner High and Limestone street- -Springfield, Ohio. Bummer Silks for...r .„ ...^— .................. ...........................3??^e ftooft yards All Silk Ribbons... .— ..... .................... tie, loo, lt>c Never bt-for such large sales toOdpairs Hose, best makes.... .... ......... .................. 10c and 25c liflOOyards Matting..................................................12j^c to 25c Great, sales Wrappers, Waists and Bkirte. HUTCHISON& GIBNEY’S, XENIA, . OHIO. />Tlf P i l l f > The .money making G lf lS I f lG a , to grow hundreds of dollars worth annually. Roots for sale. Plant .nowriLitoraturofree. .Write, today. Buckingham's Ginseng Garden, Jlepfc.O, Zanesvilte, Ohio. A y e i ^ F i l l s Sugar-coated, cosy to take, mild in action; They cure constipation, b iliou sn e s s , slck-headache. i l S . Wan’ yourm ^ t e c b e .r b e .r d BUCKINGHAM’S DYE qpeaoiuamowflwrncaoiacitruse, nRic»wMminiMz,,iiui«MtfiiM.zi. E b e r s o l e P i a n o s < a b s o l u t e l y d u r a b l e . ffWe have for anumbero{ years used Bh^tsolePlehosin the Censervetory where they Are constantly subjected to the hard est kind vf use, We have found the Bbersolo to be a good, dnrable piano, well ablevt. standme wear and tearof themusic XOora• • M-H’iiih* xa B aur , Directress 3»ndn: stiOonstanratonyol Music. MAMtirAOTOSansV T h e Sm ith & N ixon P farto C o . IO and IS E. fou rth Street, CINCINNATI. O. Yea lack faith in anuntried ' remedy? . YouWillHavaFailh , •• _ n r • Lighfnfng Laxative ; . Quinine Tablets after one trial, . Sold with an. ah* soluto guaraUteoto euro or druggist will remnd yourmoney. Will cure COLDS, LA GRIPPE; NEURALGIA, COUGHS, • MALARIA, HEADACHE. Are perfectly harmless—n e v e r grip© nor sicken—never canto dis tress-no bod effectupon the heart —never injure the most delicate stomach. ./>. ACCEPT HO SUBSTITUTE. Ask for andhunstpn getting ILGinHwejasfiAiA'nvE CS ■ jJ K g . CENTS Q uinine ’ TX biets AT D RU a q iSTS . rnyaredOnhl? THE HERB MEDICINE CO., SPRINGFIELD. OHIO. Ihurafactarcra at the Celebrated LIGHTNING HOT DROPS. T a k e W INE0 ' CARDUI a t 'H o m k Are you a lufferer? H*s your doctor been (mute* cestfutt Wouldn't you prefer to trait youmlf—AT HOME? Don’t feel like wrong, and sfsot j stomach and " fjjSrsv.-O*Tabii postpaidctt r?c*l i LOCAL AND ;| —Jimo iniiijiiiib iOj Millanff* Do not overlc School eouveiition-lj “ * Mr. W- H. Neal . ii?nffbi» daufc'ht^r who is «lelt wltli fji Mrs. Clevenger, at the college arrive! exp ect to-go to hous| , „>When wantiU{ siriitliiog or A fieconj buggygo toTOwnglt Charles Smith, bnl ville, this week owij fo-an aunt. ........Mjvnnd •M-rs,.A- % tertainod thirty o fl •' jijid friends Fridaj delightful manner, ‘ —For wagbn or bul toTownsley Bros., j .street Prof. F. A , Jnrkall confined with typhj number of weeks wt ' ’ “Tuesday. Mrs. Ju] - to Improve. ■ Those wanting waj - con have same dqr next week, by notify •at Henry Robinson’ t . Mr. Morgan Kt champion raiser of ,■ date. He- had s ix ij day, that weighed six ounces. They >\| ROse variety and mens. Surveyors for Harl ■, trie, lineWere in idwl ing. The line is bel tween here and Sprl jo Wilmington. - Ti i| •asure go this time.- Mr. and Mrs. C.:| the proud parents who arrived TuesdaJ —We have the lo\ By considered, on , Miilans. r-There is . no ^ e tl Ilian the Feninsularl a rahge,, soft or. haJ *They have stood thel usefullneas and alw:f of- satisfaction, display and get prij chasing. lie r r& H fl The following ii| been received h ere :1 Small requests your marriage of his Irene to Mr. Henryl Thursday eveningl twenty-sixth, ninetel five at half past s ix ! Mulberry street-,- Spi At home after Hov! 247West Mullbery i Winter Underwei $1.00 and $1.50 at Sullivan Tl r|7S. Limestone St. m The magaxine loohtch ietis o f ihe progrejf o f the koortd through heonderfut pictures &nd terse jpritotes tJOUBLHDAY, PAdB A COMPANY N«w York K 0.-AND1IKV CAtHlOtS my*t *1AMctill WGULh’i tQEK r***d»M*,” J>C. ft hardkn ! RO,
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