The Cedarville Herald, Volume 28, Numbers 27-52
F , 0 . . I S The Dea Moines Register and leader gives an account o f the pro- motion of JPUBtIC SAIEI i ALONE IN It CfiOWa On* IH im * ## Ap*rtm*«t Hint* Litej 4fw Of**t ettte*. There are wrhaps 300 peopl# ia l 1 will offer at puMlc state cm mj «»• 1 it * » « « . k»owwith* MeHatton farm. oo¥ apartment lmu^, ^jwt) or <e . tttr»e vnlleg^orfcla c* i'edam lle (Bid may bo JJ>000 or 3,000 in our block, ftwo miles south of Clifton chi the flw y live in small, comfortably fur*.Clifton and Wiiberforcqpikc. nished and very convenient apart-J u /cnk ipcnAY N fW 1 ion s ments, but they live alone. No one I WCUNi&tJAl,WHMt . one of our prominent c i t i - l f f $«* any exchange of courtesies j Commencing atift o'clock the fol- . ■ ■•Pflfwl in inn TiwiflTliifl of tnft IlVftfl o f i■>..-. j 1jQ^jp ^ «tedi# tU v m i 0 t tie H vm ofIv FTOondvici. recotTOdtotW» rltyift« J»P>» ih™- Yo“ ml«.h‘ 9 yesterday the promotion of former flea Moines railroad axon Is learned' A Waubaah railroad circular from head quarters at St. Louis under, date of Oct. ft, states that Mr. F« O. live there a year or ten years, and X doubt if your next door neighbor Consisting of a two year old eoIt«i 1 three year old mare, 1 brood mare. would oven so much aa know of j 1 roH(* lakre, 7 year.old four existence. He. is. top- busy.1* H E A D Q F C A T T E E 3 freight and Passenger 'agent, with headquarters at Das .Moines, in charges of ?fcttions Moulton to Ofe» tumwa and Des Moines, inclusive, and all traffic passing through junction points on his division, Mr, L .R , Davis is appointed traveling freight and. passenger agent, and Mr., William Clapper, is appointed contracting agent atDes Moines, re* porting to Mr, McMillan, This promtlon gives Mr. McMillan chavge of the road’ ri freight and ' passenger business for the states of liw a , Minnesota and Forth and South Dakota. Mr. McMillan has for the pasthve years been stationed at dies Moines tie the divisUrofteight -agent of-the Wabash for.Jowa, -trod, he has well earned, the promotion tbafchas come to him at this time. Mr. •William Clapper is a Des Moines hoy and has well earned his promotion. by .his diligence and faithfulness^ while Mr, L. &. Davis, who has been with the road formany years at this point, .will also receive the congratulations of his many friends at hib preferment b y ’the company he has served so wejl. It is understood' that all the business ‘ in this' new division, both freight and passenger, will pass through Mr McMillan's office, and all the offices in this territory will now report di rect to him. y . _ r . , , Your business might fail, your chil- ( .. ncrinh. Yffii jrvfsrht suffer- everv 1 Consistingof \ Jerseymilch cow, calamity from heartache to literal • ■’ 10 “ physical destruction, and I rKffihtj * whether he would, over hear of it. 1 7 H E A D O F H O G S %%■ Marriage, birth, death, any and all, ^ . . . . , „ ‘ , , , .. L n {L„u., "Consisting o f JO. head of feeding shoats and 7 head qf brood sows. SPECIAL ELECTION. To the qualified' voters of Cedar- , vjli'e townships Greene- _County, Oh io,' Yon are hereby notified that on thetth day of November, lS0a, -between the hours of 6:80 &. m. and ' 6iS0p. m, at the usual voting places in said township, a • special election Will he held and the question sub mitted Whether •there shall'be an additional tax •leyy OH taxable property o f said township, for the purpose of a public library, "made and levied by the trustees of said township. t . All voters fn favor'of said library shall put upon, their ballots',the words “ Publlo Library, Yes," and those voting against said library, the words. “ FUblic. Library, No." ' I f a majority of the ballots be in favor o f the same, such levy will be ordered* W. H, Rather, John W. McLean, George H. Smith, Trustees o f Cedarvllie Township; Attest: , “ - Frank A Jackson, Clerk o f said townsbip- D o c to r s first p re scr ib ed Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral oyer 6<r years ago; They use it today more than ever. They C h erry P ectora l rely upon It for colds, coughs, b r o n ch it is , con sum p tion . T h e y w ill te ll y ou h ow it heals inflamed lungs. *•1 ji»a » *«r eooNfcforihw»sy»*w. Theft1tlrfodAjrrtCherryPector*l. iff ton hut**wet*Moa:he«edud mj oonghdropped Mei&if* Hits, TKXKt, t i n s , Gotfcrf* Oatre,I*. i&sagaa. f o r J*r. AYttltOOW Inwall, KiUly Old Coughs on# Ayer'a pro at bedtim* Insure* # natural action next mcrnlng. Special Homeseekers - M ty c c tm & x o& s :. . VTA ■ LOUISmiB &NASHYILllB.B. TO POINTS IN A l a b a m a , G eorg ih , M is flt s s t p p i, FTcsrida* W orth a n a Bau tH C a r o lin a , V ir g in ia , K e n t u c k y , 'r e n n e » « i c e , t o u i s i a h o , Odobtf *i and NpV«mb«r 7 and 14 X .e#« t h o t i O ite F a r o f o f til# H o u n d Tickets limited to witurn iil days from cate of sale. From full information, rates, xehedulosr, lime tabes and literature, descriptive of the various resources, agricultural, mineral and timber land* along the line, call on or ad- dress f ,k f t t > u ,i ) , V, k, * * * Cincinnati 9. It-PAVISIPfUtT, ty, P» A * sttoffi# W .ftA * * Chicago 3. F. MlhtlKKy, Jh i\ A. * houIavHIa 0 , b m o m , « i * ?t Pkmi A osfT ' u WWWYiUA, XV, o i tbs other ,homely and really es sential happenings o f life ate all , trivial un&r tlie new cUspensation. FULLLINEQF PAI^WINGIMPtEMENt?. Neither you nor your wife nor chil-, consisting o f 1 Milburn wagon, dren nor your children s children ’ ~ ............ have any interest for him. It, is all as if you really did not exist. The pathos of all this is that these people never quite realize un til Boine o f the xeal calamities of life overtake them what they have been leppairb—Theodore"Dreiser in Tom. Batson’s’ Magazine, ignoring and casting aside- Until they are old, until they are stricken with illness^until they stand bereft of fortune dr until they are visited by death—thci}' and then only do they become- aware of the im p - tance of the individual relations It matters not in such an hour what the prime importance.of the work may he. It will not avail them to know "that the world still goes on and. that the principal thorough fares of the great cities’ arc alive with a spectacle forever fascinating and forever new. Life in the ab stract cannot aid them then. They are alone, left longing for a per sonal relationship, with an' aching and, too Often, 'a breaking heart Friendship, affection, tenderness, how they loom large ,in the hour o :f d j ................. ' “ • ’ “ ? • - How to Walk Uptfafr*. "There "are hut few persona who knowhow to walkupstairs properly ,5'* said a well known physician. “Usu ally a peraon will tread on tijle bal •rif hiBfo’ot in taking each step,spring ing himself'up teethe next step very' tiresomeNmd wearing on the muscles, as it throws the en tire suspended’ weight of the^body oh the muscles £.the.legs and feet. You should in walking or climbing stairs seek -for the most equal dis tribution;,of the body’s, weight pos sible. In walking up stairs your feet should be placed squarely down on the step, heel and all, and then thework should be performed slow ly and deliberately. In ,this way there is no strain .upon any.particu lar muscle, but .each oho is doing its duty in a natural manner, The man who goes upstairs with a springing step you-may ho sure is no philoso pher, or at least his reasoningshas not been directed to .that subject.” ■ - -Ip#• ' ■ i»#i> 1 W m S*;^n ijUMI—i 1 l«»I■ I Il* ,■ In th« bay* of bhlvalry. Most people will be somewhat sur prised to hear that the idea of wom en requiring escort, especially of a really protective nature, is of com paratively modern origin, says a con tributor to the Grand Magazine. But such appears to be the case. Nothing strikes one more forcibly In the study of mediaeval literature than the absolute freedom women enjoyed to travel ancTwander alone without fear o f molestation. The times were unsettled, undoubtedly, andmen-lived for lighting onlyj but, nevertheless, the helpless and de fenseless were safe enough, so far as one can judge from contemporary literature. I do not deny that they came to grief occasionally, hut as a general rule men respected the other serin the days of chivalry, and even the worst o f scoundrels allowed an unprotected woman to. rids by Un harmed. HtnryV Conundrum. “Helen/’ said ’Mr. Whykins, who somehow never,getf hold o f an idea until it is old, “ I have a good one for you. I think you’ll appreciate it, only yon must not let it make you angry*” . “ What is it, Henry?” “ What’s' the difference between a woman and an umbrella ?” “ The difference,” she anawexed serenely, “ is that a matt isn’t afraid to take an umbrella with him Wher ever be goes and that he doesn’t try to conceal the fact that it's above him when a real emergency arrives. That’s the principal difference, Hcn- *y " it The many natural curiosities of Japan include a species o f singing insects. The mosf prized of ipese tfny musicians is a black beetle named''“ susumushi,” which means “insect bell/’ The sound that it emits resembles that of a little silver bell of the sweetest, and most deli cate tone. OYSTERS AT S Anyway you want them, nearly new, McCormick binder, bug gy, peering mower, 8 cultivators, springtootnharrow, weeder, 8break ing plows, 5 act work harness, set"o f double carriage harness. 1 100SHOCR3.CORN, 3TON.OFHAY FA R ty t Q F 101 A C R E S . I.will offer tbiB farm at publicsale on above date, ’• TERMS t. All sums of $5and under, cash; oyer;f 0 , :six mouths With. tnu* approved securities. A discount' pf ftppr. cent for "cash. ’ CHARLES COMPTON, R, E. Corry, t Auctioneer, R ; F;Kerr,. JClerk. PRICE LIST. • SMITH Sf S1LVEV Agents, ' Liightblue Will dye-dark blue, brown, red, green or black;Dark blue will .dye- wine, dark-green, seal brown or black; Cardinal -will aye-dark-wine, brpwri, plackor same color over Lightgreenwill dyeidiirk-green, brown, blue or black; color; Black can only be rediped. Silk* dye same as -wool and prices are accord-- Ingtoqualhyandquauity. - ‘ Price* for Cleaning Ladies Wt*r. Tailormade suiteJrom,.v.... fiL60 to $8.0ft Evening dress................. 75 to Optracloaks......................... LOS to 1.60 Silk waists to tOO Woolen w a i s t s , ... to i.00 Dressingsacques...^.... ,.......„..„.„60t6.76 Skirts.;.,,.^......... 1.0ft to ItSO Single shaw!s,..„,............. „60 to i.00 Double shawls.......... ....... .......76 to 1.00 Short lengthJackets...... .,,..,,^...,<60to 100 Hip length j a c k e t s , .. to too Three-quarter length jockets,.1.00to 1.60 Full length 800 to 8.85 Childrens dresses,..,,,.,.;....*,......., .50 to 1.86 afccprding tosize Children cloaks.,..,,....... ..60to J,50 according to size* , Dyehtg Ladies Wear. Tailor made suits from.....«.,.,.1.60to 8.60 S k t r t s . . . . . . , , . t o 1.50 vs 60to 1.00 DrcBsutg sacques,,76 Single sin 6ft to 3.00 Double-slnwl. ......— l^ft tol.60 Silk dresses*>*)*«^p«*eM.*s*4ft**#**(*M*jfci*60"10. **00 ,,76 to 3.0ft Silk shirts^,.... ............ 1.85 to 800 Short jackets,........................ ,75 to 300 Hip length 1.00 to 3.6Q Three-quarter lengths.......... 1.60 h> 3,76 Full lengthMnvtf.etVMftfMftlMftSitftFrtStStOQto '£^£0 diiidrend <60 to 3.36 according tosize, Children cloaks ,i— .^....,76 to 3*60 according to size. Goods do not have to be rippedi i Fortier curtains cleaned. 3,60 to 8.60fpr, Portiercurtains dyed 1.60 to 2.60! pr, Damaskcurtainscleaned.1.00 to Damask curtains dyed.,.,.2,00 to 3,60 pr* Lace curtains cleanud without injury- from....-..... ,,,'00 to 1,60 pr, Blankets Cleaned without shringiage from... . . 1 ,.76 to 1.60; pr. Tipscleaned from, 10 to 86 each Tips dyed from 10 to 86 each Plums cleaned from....... .,.85 to 76 qach- Plums dyed from.•trtirf*«<»«»*•> 96 to 76 each Kid gloves cleaned from„..lU to 66 each Menshats from..-----.„..U..WS5 to 60 each Price* for Dyeing Hen*Wear. 5 Dyeingsuits from ......,...$2.80 to $|.O0 according to quality. j Dyeingwits 2.00to 2,60 Dyeing trousers.,.................. .13)0 1 Dyeing vest!....... ................„...60 , Dyeing short lengthovetcoaW.l^O to 1.76 Dyeing medium length........1.75 to 8.00 Dyefngfult length....... ,.,,...,.2.00 to 830 Dyeing suits are from.......,...,3.00 to 8,0ft according to size. Boys overcoats from.,,,,.......... ,76 to 1.86 according to size, Prices, for CleahfagMcmWear. Suitsdeaned.....„.............. J1JS0 to $8.00 “ ............. " ‘ ' “ ■ ' .76 3*6 Trousers cleaned *utf4***<a**1t*ftMlt*B*s 60 to Coats cleaned....,,....,...... „.......*76 to Vests cleaned.......................,86 Silk vests chared................. 6ft Short length overcoats__>.,.,1,36 to Medium length cleahed.....1,60 to 1M 1.76 8.00 1.85 1.00 Full length cleaned............. 2.76 to Boys suitscleaned 60 to Boys overcoats cleaned..........60 to Mens suits sponged and pressed front ...................... 76 to 1,00 Mens trousers....*....,................16 * 1 Mens coats.,.................... 60 Mens overcoats 60 to .76 We guarantee ate dyed goods not to rub off. We make a speciality ofrelining Ladies and Gentscloaks and coats also furnish new.velvet colars at reasonable prices. In fact there Is nothing In the cleaning dyeing and repairing line we do n^t -and cannot do. , 7. ; All Work guaranteed firstclass. Please do not get us mixed up-With inferior placeg whichhave justed Stated business with out any knowledge of same. We have established 88years and defy compition, No matter if you have had ;oods Spoilt elsewhere ih cleaning and lying give usa trial and we are sure you will call again, Special attention given to mail and express orders/ We do not dye for any other dye-house. SPRlNGFIEhDSTEfijH DYE WO^S, 16 N» Center Ht, %rin«fftld, O. p G r a n d F a l l O p e n in g and Saturday O c to b e r 19 , 2 0 a n d 2 1 MUSIC B Y H JIW KEN ’S CAD ET BAND THURSDAY AFTERNOON AND EVENING, - ' FRIDAY AFTERNOON; “ ' — SATURDAY AFTERNOON AND NIGHT. NO GOODSSOLD ON THURSDAY EVENING. f r , ) * * ^ , __ ,f - * (*' A „ f. EVERYBODY w elcom e THE EDW ARD WREN COM PANY |v V , 1 ). - - ^ ^ ’ r - <• *■ ’ - . , SPRINGFIELD, OHIO. ■ THEDR. 6 RTENETREATMENT FOR MEMOUS tHD CHRONIC Bears, the stamp oi Absolute and Genuine, Worth, cohceived • and founded to the true system of care, it Isas imperishable as troth itself, as -accurate to curative respite as a fixedscience, a Wondrous Blessing to theSick, and Ailing. It has endured tlie test of time ana been tried in the .crucible of experience; Generation aher gcneration of Dr. Greenes nave have restored health to. the suffering, by thesemarvelous medicines, adapt ing, organizing and perfecting the treatment through long year* of en- omous practical ‘ experience among '■ ' ■ ‘ - ....... d f r d • i , by grandwthcr, fatheram “ « third generatio: to theworld son* until today the r n of Dr, Greenes is giving di an even more successful practice, a surer and more positive meahs of cure than lias ever heretofore been placed before the depressed,weaken ed anddiscouraged victims of chrome, complaints, . ’ Drs, F. A, & J* A Greene are theproprietors of that most mar velous of all remedies for the Nerves andBlood, DR. GRJEENffS NERVURA. All are privileged to consult Dr. Greene personally or by mall, en tirely free. Dr. Greene himself attends toall who call andanswers all letters in person, Office, |0f PWi Avenue, New Vprk, LOWFAHESWEST AND SOUTHWEST. Anyone contemplating a tripWest map Griceadvantage oi the reduced fares for the special Home-Seekers1' excursionsvi*. Fennsylvanla Lines to points |nColorado, Idaho, Iowa, Kansas, Minnesota, Missouri, Mon* tana, Nebraska, the Dakotas,. Ore* gon; Washington, Texas, and other Hcctlonain the west and f» all tho •states-of tlie South. LowFites to Wot Barden* Account American Water Works Ascoclatlonmeeting. Rnjoy anout ing at noted springs of wonderful j curative power, Similar to famous waters of Carlsbad. Fartlculara about fares and time of trains may be aseertainedfrom ticket *gente of PennsylvaniaLines. . Td Sidnsy; G „ SlateEtvtempmttd, October 88d and 8*d. Tickets soft! at all stations in Ohio on Pennsyl vania Lines, . D o . your CHII.DREN QUESTIONS? Of oonm they do. Xfc» their waToflesining audit is yourduty to answer. Ton mayhoed a dic tionary to aid yon. It Won’t an* twer every question, hut there axe thousandsto whichrtwilldiveyou true, clear and deficit* answers, not about words only, bat about things, the run, machinery, men, places, storiesand thelike. Then, too, the children can find their own answers,. ~ Some o f onr greatest men have ascribed their power to study of the dictionary. Of course youwant the bestdro* Nonary. Themost.critioal profer the New and EnlargedSdition ot ' WEBSTER’S INTERNATIONAL.' D ic t io n a r y / - I f y<nt hem any gvctfAmi t otaritf write««. ■ 0 . 6 0 . MERRIAM OOn 'MKiAMUiLr swbnowelo , aw**.' The Genuine JMrJ rJtuh Don’t Borrow Trouble. It is a bad habit to borrow any thing, bat the worst thing you can possibly borrow, la trouble; When sick, sore, heavy,, weary and worn out by the pains and poisons of dy* sptpsfa, b(llou«neM$'Brighf*Adisease and,aimilarinternal disorders, don’ t sit down and brood over your symp toms, but fly for relief to Electric Ritters. Here yon will find sureand permanent forgetfulness of fell your troubles 1 and your body will not be burdened by a load of debt disease. At all drag store. Pries »Qe Guar anteed, •' LOWFARES WESTAND SOUTHWEST. Special Home-Sttfete* Excursions via Pfennsylvani* Lines. Anyone contemplating a trip West may take advantage of the reduced fares for tho special Homo-Seekers1 excursions via Pensylvanfa Lines to points In Colorado, Idaho,, Iowa, Kansas, Minnesota, Missouri. Mon tana, Nebraska, tho Dakotas, Oregon Washington, Texas and other Sections ih the West and In a ll the States o f the South. J Stop-over privileges permit trave lers hi investigate business openings. These tickets will be on safe certfn dates during the Bummer. Details information as to lares, through time, etc., will be freely furnished Upon application to Local Ticket Agent of Pennsylvania Lines. Spoons.Forks,Knives,etc. have all the qualifies in design, work manship and finish o f the best ster lingsilver,,at one-fourth to one-eighth the cost Much o f the sterling now oil the market is entirely too thin and light for practical use, and is far in ferior in every way to “ Silvir Platethat Wears n Ask yOar dttfer for “ 1847 ROOERS SROS.” Avoid sabstUutes. Oar fall ,trtd«-m*rk Is “ IM7 ROSERS * * « . » look for it. Sold b j loading dealers trtrprhere. Before baying writ* for oar cstaiogie “ C-L.17 ; mnwxTioxzi. sn.vwi co„ 6wd4***y(ts KXRISENSRIIANWACO., WtrMeft, Cem. artriin , n,h Jfbrk, S o u t l k r .HEAP RATES QUEEN£ CRESCENTROUTE- FROM CINCINNATI. t Rater* M i ItetNRl i itotM 0 49* t i im M tm l 8 .1A Citftttaooog* j *.90 AshsvlM*and . It^tO Attoatoimd ltetoni 11A0 Blntriagharaaad Rotors* 121$ MAcmsaa i R*ti«ra 13.9* Mowtctetoevy aad ftetWNi 313.60 I3J0 16.73 IAM 16J90 30.00 30.00 SsvsaiiwliilNhi R&m* Moldf* and Retws Jtocksoovllf* and Ratera NewOrle*aswad Return Vicksburgsuid R*bim Miami «sd ^tuM Tamp* and Rstarai •Mr. ihaRi wamrswii^itvuwmTWViwftfmtwAtxPswta. In 2Kbrlttfotin«tio<|vnW«( 2>,P^6ItOWH,K.S.P. A^BimMoMIU^XMMtollldfi. WrAaaewifcTt, w .A'WNW uhkw , LaWFaresid Frankfori. Ind.. Hroridh of Wlkfert* Drigsde, 72d I.V, L, October llth and 12th. Excursion tickets sold at a ll stations in Ind iana, Ohio and Illinois On Pennspl- vania Lines. W E H A V E Farms toSell arid c a n s e ll y o u r s FftW ROARS five years. SMITH & .. We have agency for Krell and Royal pianos and are fn position to sell at the lowest prices, owing to handling those fmimmniH di rect from the factory. All pianos tuned or repaired areguaranteed. by us. See our display and get onr prices before purchasing. Or*" tiers taken for sheetmusic. GEORGE & SIEGEER, Display parlor With Rimer Hphaf In Oronse*Bldek Gedarvlllc, o . JHERALDSALEBIL S
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