The Cedarville Herald, Volume 28, Numbers 27-52
----■;--- Dr. KENNEDY’S “ FAVORTE REMEDY I'Jcacant to tsk*. l'ow e rla l to. Curo*- ,in<lWclc»me|a ■ every Home* K1DHEY tniUES tiri* .................... j>r, Vavctftoltanedte J r ASsctCdtocli crxs tad fcuf i easts, aKorttosRto' waneutrr:tc£!a»'l caerafansra liyImparityortho The]Cedarville Herald. jtic .o o P e r y e a r . K A K t H B U L L E d i t o r . PllBUC SALE! . I will oiler a t public sale on ray farm , ltnow as the McHatton farm, throe miles north of Cedarville and two miles south of Clifton on the- Cliftvn and Wilberforce pike. WEDNESDAY, NOV. 1 , 1905 , Commencing a t 10 o’clock the fol io wing property! 5 H EAD OF HORSES 5 Consisting of 2 two year oid colts, 1 three year old jnare, 1 brood mure 1 road marc, 7 year old. 2 H EAD OF CATTLE 2 Consisting of 1 Jersey milch cow, 1 yearling heifer, registered Polled : Durham. / 17 H EAD OF HOGS 17 Consisting of 10 head of feeding shoals and 7 head of brood sows. FULL LINE. OF FARM ING IMPLEMENTS, Consisting of 1 Mllburn wagon, nearly new, McCormick hinder, bug gy, Deering mower, 2 cultivators, springtooth harrow, weeder, 8 break ing plows, 5 set work harness, set of double carriage harness., : 100 SHOCKS COHN, 3 TON OF HAY FARM OF 101 ACRES, I will offer this farm a t public sale on above, date. ■ • TERMS: All sums of $5 and under; cash, over .|B, six-months with two approved securities. A discount of 8 per cent for cash. CHARLES COMPTON, R. E , Corry, ?Auctioneer. R, F.Iverr, ) Clerk. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 27, 1903, “More politics In the church” was the cry Monday by the “ gang” whenever mention was made of Rev. Van Pelt’s great sermon Sabbath night in the M. E . church. THE LIVER QUARANTINE 1 ? “TAKUJOHI8 iCCALt OOT.** SJHurried eating haa ruined manya man’* stomach. The digestion-destroying pro cess is gradual, often unnoticed at first. But it is only a short time until the liver baits, the digestive orgatis give way, and almost countless ills assail the man who endeavors to economize time at the ex pense of his health. „ <fA.torpid liver causes a quarantine of the entire system. It locks in the diseased, germs and body poisons aiid affords them : full play, inviting some serious illness, tjlnfamilies where AugustFloweris used a sluggish liver and constipation are un known, so are all stomach ailments, as well a* indigestion, dyspepsia, heartburn, headaches and kidney and blader affec tions. No Well-regulated family should bewithoutthis standard remedy. t ((Two sizes, 35 c and 75 c. All druggists. J? Isaac' Wisterman, Cedarville,O. A L i v i n g Monument. I f we were to assemble all those who have been cured of heart disease by Dr, Miles’ Heart Cure, and who would to-day be in their graves had not Dr. Miles’ been successful in perfecting this wonderful heart specific, they would pop ulate a large city. What a remarkable record— a breathing, thinking, moving monument, composed of human livens,—that for, which every Other earthly possession is sac rificed, The Miles Medical Co. re ceive thousands of letters from these people like the following: *‘i fed indebted to, the T>r. Aliks' Heart Cure for my life, I desire to call tho attention of others suffering no I did to this remarkable remedy for the heart. For a Ions ttmo I had suffered from shortheas of breath. after any liltla exertion, palpitation of tho heart} ftr.d at times terrible pain in tho region of tho heart, eo serious that 1 feared . that I would ooino tlwo drop dead upon tho Street. Ono day I Toad one of your circulars, nml Immediately Went to my druffirlst and, purchased two bottles of the Heart Curo, and took it according io directions, with the result that I am entirely cured. Since then 1 never rnir'fl an opportunity to recommend this remedy to my friends who have heart trouble; in fact.! am a trawling adveetlsment: for I am widely known In this locality.’' , J, H. BOWMAN, . Mftnajjer of Lebanon Democrat, Nashville, Term. Dr. Miles’ Heart Cura Is sold by your, druggist, who will guarantee that the first bottle will benefit. If It fall* he will refund your money. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind R. E. CORRY VSt A U C T I O N E E R , 9 • Alt kinds of Aufltionperifig, P a t r o n f ig o S o lic ite d . S a t is - fniTlori gUHrattt($(l. Boll phone, Clifton exchange* Cedarville, Ohio,41*#4, Rev. VjmPelt, afc the M. E . church Rabbfttff n igh t made some of the pol itical?s .feel like “little fellows” “weaklings” ,etc. The fellows th a t steal a prlmaFy and then shout “Wo Win.” W hat did Rev. Van Pelt say about those who sneer a t the church and its members for taking a stand against immoral issues th a t are backed by political parties? You will probably Arid the answer in the An drew -R idgsvay-Jack son organ, the Record. The people seem to like “ politics in the church” judging from the im mense audience thatheard-Rov. Van Pelt. The M, E , church will now come in for jeers a n d . sneers from the Record as did the U. P.. congre gation after Dr. Moore gave his ad dress. A voter stated a day or two ago that a politician approached h im as how he was going to vote for Gover nor. He politely told him th a t al though lie always voted for the Republican ticket he would vote for Pattison this fall. The voter was- told th a t he was no t a Republi can and then he was certain th a t Herrick would not get his vote. The Xenia Gazette makes a great out a t covering up what Secretary Taft hocMtrnay about “ bolting” his homo-ticket.. Taft will not worry much about the Gazette’s opinion Taft denounces' Cox, and such men as “Boss” Schmidt and the Andrew* RidgwAy-Jackson ring, while the Gazette represents this elasB. One is for the |people, the other, for politicians, j As is the Custom the Republican politicians poll the precincts in the state to get some idea as to how the Voters stand. I t is reported th a t One committeeman in tbo- county- pollod his precinct and found that, about three-fourths of the voters were against Herrick on account of his stand on the temperance laws, the canal steal and the agricultural ap- porpriations. The committeeman in discussing the situation with some of his close friends concluded th a t it would no t do to send such a report to state headquarters and they de cided to send in the same poll as was taken last year. I t will he sometime before the Re publican state machine sends for Taft to support a Cox ticket. I t mUBt also be remembered th a t Senator Foraker took "sick” and lias been unable to helpJHerrlck, The Sena tor probably hasn ’t forgot tho treat ment- he received afc the National convention and a tth e Ohio State Re publican convention. Peculiar Isn’t It th a t so many Republicans are be ing- placed as ‘‘Democrats” this year. ' \ THE PERIL TQ THE REPUBLICAN PARTY. Hon. .Julius Fleischmann is mayor of Cincinnati—Coxopolis. He is the official head and front of the Cox machine of Ham ilton county. HE IS THE MAN COX PICKED FOR MAYOR -COX ELECTED H B L , Mr, Fleischmann is the head of the Fleischmann Company, “Distillers, Redistillers and Blend ers/' according to their letterhead. I t is perhaps the largest distilling company in Ohio, Hon. Julius Fleischmann is a leading member of the Re publican State Committf11. He was the chairman of the Republican Convention in .Cincinnati week before last. He has been a member of the Governor's staff j and a delegate of the State Convention time and again, f Mayor Fleischmann is a close persouaUiRaid of tho Gov • ernor’s. The Governor is frequently entertained' at his home when he goes to Cincinnati. On the famous S t/ Louis Ex position trip, he was one of the Governor's chosen compan ions. ^ - I ■ This gentleman, Hon. Julius Fleischmann, head of the Fleischmann Company, official head of Cincinnati and Ham ilton County and creation of George B. Cox, who settled the nomination of Herrick—Hon. Julius Fleischmann, leading member of the Republican State Central Committee—thus, by his treasurer, his agent, tells the liquor traffic to get into line for Governor Herrick, so that the liquortraffic may have a claim on the Republican party. Temperance voters of Ohio, do. you ’suppose that, since the i combined liquor trade of Ohio will vote for Herrick, the traf fic will not claim its reward at his hai/ds, as this high official says it will? Are you so blind as not/to see that it will fore close the mortgage it will thus locate upon Herrick? The ,only thing that will save the -Republican party from the damning burden of this mortgage and phe ruin of its foreclo sure will be the defeat of Herrick. / / - j ' B is defeat will serve final notice/ on phe liquor element that the temperance element of the party intends to remain in control—that they will not abdicate this control at the dic tation of the Cox-Fleischmann-Herrick ( liquor combination of Hamilton county. , To defeat Herrick looks now to us the only way to save the party for future Usefulness. For the liquor element to elec p Herrjck will be one of those victories more ruinous to the Republican party than a dozen defeats. . f r ■ Who can have any doubt that Mr. Herrick is*a party to all this back-stairs dealing with the liquor traffic, even While lie is posing before Ohio .'as a “temperance'* Governor? Ip :is precisely the same line of conduct that he was engaged in before his election, when he made the bargain in. Cleveland with Joe Miller ancl the Ohio Bowers that in return for thpir. support he would veto all temperance legislation. That he did not keep his threat was because he dared riot. He tried to get General Dick to consent to it, but Dick not ified him that a local option bill of some sort must-be passed, Herrick was compelled to turn the liquor people down some what, but he did the best he could, to keep his bargain. . THERE IS MORE DIGICERING OF.THE SAME SORT NOW BEHIND THIS FLEISCHMANN LETTER BUSI- NESS.-DEPEND UPON IT. Temperance voters of Ohio, will you for the sake of party walk into this open trap? We have torn the covering off and shown it. to you. God help the Republican party of Ohio if it allows itself to be tied up with this last liquor ar rangement! * ; ~ The temperance Republicans of Ohio Who ye4 'cling to the notion that Governor Herrick is a “temperance” man, and who intend on this account to vote for him, now have notice served ou them by the liquor, interest that’ every vote for Herrick is a vote to surrender the party, with the Cox 'Fleischmann-Herrick liquor combine at its head, to liquor controL-American Issue. Shall It bo Cox, George B. Cox, the owner of saloon-controlled Cin cinnati, or tho Republican party that shall say who is to be a candi date Tor Governoi’7 W* II* Taft, secretary of W ar under President for Yourprotection we place th is label on every package of Sco tt’s Emulsion. .The manwlthajfl&hon his back la ou r trade-mark, and I t Is a guarantee t h a t Scott's Eraul- slon will do all t h a t Is claimed for It, Nothing better for lung, th ro a t or bronchial troubles In infant o r adult, Sco tt’s Emul sion la ono of tho g reatest flesh- bnllders known t o the medical world. \WU yitt * stmplt fr*. SCSTT& IQWSE, Roosevelt, says th a t Republicans “ should rule” in his speech a t Akron last Saturday. He said more than tluit too. He told the audience th a t lie would vote against the ticket nominated by the Repub lican convention in his home city Cincinnati, Why did he make such a statement? Because he represent ed broad Republican principles In th a t one man cannot nominate a ticket representing a whole party. W hat would Taft nave said should he have known of the kind of a primary the voters of Cedarville had? W hat would he have said concerning tho manner Charles H , Kyle secured the nomination 'for Common pleas J udge? Such things as these are what William Howard Taft strongly condemed, rogardless of the*fact th a t ho has been mention ed as Roosevelt’s successor. In the face of the strongest “machine” In tho world, this g re a t Taft would "bo lt” his party ticket for mun ici pal affairs. The Herald is no t alone when It comes to denouncing wrong in the Republican party. The “gangsters” content themselves and ease, their minds by listing the Herald as “Democratic.” That’s what we hoard a Republican, hu t a 1 ‘gangster” say Monday about Secre tary Taft. Tho Herald has no objections to being classed with Taft, who cam© to Ohio w ith Roose velt’s views as to the situation. I t will he remembered th a t tho “machlno” po litldans of Now York tried to hurry Roosevelt for his liberal ideas along party lines.” You can save money if you buy your Underwear of SullivanThelatte? W B, Dimestone Bt, {Springfield *‘0 MUST APPEAR TUESDAY. Messrs. J . H . Andrew, T. B Andrew and Andrew Jackson, ap peared before Mayor Thomas of Jamestown Monday on the charges of assault and battery. Their cases were B e t for Tuesday October 31, a t which time they will have their trials. LOST THE GAME. The second team of Cedarville College, lost the game of foot hall Saturdry to Jamestown, by a score of 10 to 6 , on the latters grlhdiron. There was a dlfforanee of opihifon as to two touchdowns th a t were claimed by Gedarvllle, but the refree refused to allow them. The homo boys say they want no more of Jamestown. MUST PAY FINES. The Circuit court handed down several decisions Thursday, which hleana th a t Thomas H. Mitchell of this place and a number of other Beal law violators m ust pay their fines. Anoteer decision important and th a t It is no t neccessary to state tho nam eb f the person to whom liquor was sold in the affidavit under Beal law violations. A former de* cislon by another court In the state held th a t It was necessary to give tbe name. Tills will make it much easier to convict violators. "‘The case of W illiam Kiser, former court stenographer,;agalnefc William Dodds, auditor was decided against Kiser* Comforts $1.00 to $2.G() each. Cotton Blankets 65c to $3.50 per pair. Wool Blankets $3,00 to $ 7.00 per Ptfr, A t B ird’s f i E f f M W S l AvfcgetatalfiPreparalionforAs similating ttvcloodandfiegula- tiiigihcStomachsand.Bow®»sof I N LAN I S / ' ( H 11 . D IU -N PromotesDigesfionTheertuF ness andRest.Conlalns neither Opium,Morphine norMineraL WOT N A R C O T I C . j^trou jJrs/iiba .ett'CM R / flnyifun Setd- ’Mx.Smnx* jHaueSM/C* . }Kn»Sai- ■ j , ...... . . [ | • I Aperfect Remedy forQonsiipa- Tion, Sour Stomach,Diarrhoea Worms.Convulsions,Feverish- nes~ endL o s s OF SLEEP. .---------------- / Facsimile Signature of / N E W Y O R K . - F o r In fan ta and Ch ildren . The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Bipuature of EXCHANGE CEDAHVILLE, OHIO. A CCOUNIH ol M rrliuiits dud Iq dividuals solicited. ColWii/iEc promptly made and remitted. D ^AFTH on New York and Cin cinnati sold at Ioviest rates. .The cheapest and most convenient way to send money by mail.* OANS made on Real Estate, Per. * sonal or Collateral Security, , A l b ii ifin IVis. o i a ■j 5 D.OSX S - ' i 5 < -l N ' l S c EXACT COPYOF WRAPPER. In Use For Over e m u Thirty Yfiorc 1 I I I I ITT B « THECCNTAUHCOMEENV. N«l V«H*OITV. " HUTCHISON & GIBNEY Are making a Point of / low Prices f I . ; : * •- ■ ' . / To insure, a good sale at this season of the year. Sheets, rtw ly made, full ,size......................................... ..........69o Cotton’is advancing,. Sheeting........... . ...... ............................... 6 e Women’s Ribbon C n ierw ear.............. ....... ....... .10c, 3-for20c .Men’s Summer Underwear ......... *. ............... ..25c and 50c 1500 yaeds Dawn, White- Goods, etc..................... 8 #c , 12>^c 15c Summer Silks for.................................. ‘............................... 87tfo -- 3000 yards All Silk Ribbons........................................5c, 10c, 15c Never befor such large sales • 5000 pairs Hose, best, makes................. :................. .....10c and 25c 5000 yards M a tting .............................................. -..... V2*4e to 25c Great sales Wrappers, Waists and Skirts. flUTGHlSON'& GlBJlEY’S, XENIA, o h io ; CLOTHING is one of ourstrongestHnes for aSu it , pair Trousers Coat or V est try us, w e can fit and please you. M E N ’S STYL ISH SU ITS . B lack and Dark B lue worsted Double Breasted $ 10.00 to $ 15 . 00 , each* M EN 'S STYLISH OVERCOATS new est effects 46 and 52 in lengths at $ 7 . 50 , 10 . 00 , 12.50 and $ 15 . M E N ’S DR E S S TRO U SER S latest sty les at $ 2 . 00 , $ 2 , 50 , $ 3,00 and $ 3 . 50 , each At BIRD’S. William. Wildman, PreB., Seth W, Smith, Vice Pres., W* Wildman, Cashier, O. I*. Smith Asst. Cashier HA L L S HairRenewer Perhaps you like your hair; then keep it. Perhaps not 1 -H i * then remember— all's Hair Renewer always restores color to gray hair. Stops falling hVirr also. Ebersole Pianos a b s o l u t e l y d u r a b l e . “Wc havo for aniilnbcr of years used Ebersole Planoslu tiic Conservatory where they arc constantly subjected to*the hard est kind of use. Wo have found the Ebersole to b l a good, durable piano, well able ve fitsnd tbs wear and tear of the music roorn‘ , Mi.iF C ura B a tin, Directress dlMor,&ti OoKsmatoryot Made* MAHUFAOTUnefi BY The Sm ith & Nixon t^iano CO. 10 a n d I 2 C. Pun rfh S tree t. CINCINNATI, O. Chopping Off The Best Chops is w h a t you won’t complain of. We will do J t any time you cull. Chops And Steaks going a long -way toward making you healthy. If you buy them of us you are sure they are goad. .As long as you continue to trade with ns you can rest assured you’re getting A. L meats and low prices. . • C. H . CROUSE , CEDARVILLE, O. yam’s Restaurant > and Dining Rooms^ Corner High and Limestone street- Springfield, Ohio. GIJJSIflG The money making crop. EaSIJy grown. Room iix your garden to grow hundreds of dollars worth annually. Roots for sale. Plant now. Literature free. W iile today. Buckingham’s ' Ginseng Garden, Dept.9. Zanesville, Ohio. You lack faith in an untried . . remedy ? YouWillHaveFaith i s LightningLaxative QuinineTablets after one trial. Sold with an ab solute guarantee to curo or druggist will refund yourmoney. Will cure COLDS, • LAG R IPPE i NEURALG IA, COUGHS, •MALAR IA , HEADACHE^ Are perfectly hannlesfc-n e v e r gripe nor sicken—never cause dis tress—no bad,,effect upon the heart —never injure the most delicate stomach. ACCEPT NO SUBSTITUTE. Ask for and insist on getting 25 CEN T S Q uinine T ablets A T D R U O a i S T S . Prtptrid Onlyby THE HERB MEDICINE CO*, .SPR INGH ELO , OHIO* M a n u fa c tu re rs o f tlic C elebrated L IGHTN ING HOT DROPS. TAKB WINE*' cmnv 1 AY HOME Are you a sufferer? Has your doctor been uruuc- ccjsful? Wouldn't you prefer to treat *- yourself— A T HOM fp " Nearly 1,500,000women have bought Wind o£ Cardui from their druggista and havo cured tlieniEcIvea at home, of such troubles aa periodical, hearing down and ovarian pains, leucof- rhcea, barrenness, ncrvoumicsl, dizzinecs, nausea and despond ency, caused by femaleweakness. Tlieso are not easy cases. Wine of Cardui cureswhen the doctor Can’t. , , Wine of Cardui does not irri tate theorgans, Thereis nopain, in thotreatment. It iaa eootmtig tbnlo of healing herbs, freo from strong and. drastie drugs. It J* success'ol because it cures m * natural way, , . ,, Wiiio of Cardui can bo boflflv* from your druggict at $l.w * bottle and you catf begut twj treatment today. Will youfryur *"iiatoV.csreqviltlnc Adinso.V Dept ,t tM MeUlclms Co., cfaiktww*s*,
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