The Cedarville Herald, Volume 28, Numbers 27-52

That gives him a key to the state of your health, H e knows, better than anyone else, that where con­ stipation exists .there are a thousand forms in which sickness . can creep in and tear down tne health arid strength. Here are a few of the ailments that are directly caused by a constipated condition of the bowels: . # Sick headaches, extreme nervousness, indigestion, torpid and enlarged liver, weak kidneys, backache, piles, eruptions o f the skin, impure blood, boils, hives, and many other diseases start with disorders o f the boWels, If you would b e healthy, never neglect the bowels. Neglect makes matters ten times worse. Constipation- does not cure itself, It'grows. steadily worse and worse when neglected, - W hen your bowels show- signs of irregularity, set them right at once! . D en t delay. ' Iron^Ox "Tablets arenrror Uke—a n y ^ f^ h e 'ordniaTjr remedies, offered for constipation. T h ey are not harsh or sudden m action, neither do they fix a habit upon you. ^ They can be used just as they are needed. You can rely on them to, set the bowels right without delay. They cure constipation, not merely, giving temporary ■ relief. ’ • ■ They have proven their value in thousands of cases of chronic constipation.. Ever, in extreme cases, where the best physicians have not been able to break up this stub­ born disease. They have proven that they can . and do cure constipation* If you value your health you w ill always have a box of Iron-Ox Tablets handy. They are sold in a handy little aluminum case containing" 5 0 tablets. Th is dainty box can be slipped into the purse or the vest pocket and carded with you wherever you go. When you feel •sick­ ness creeping upon you, one dose w ill generally prove -enough to set you tight again. 25 cents a box at your . druggists’, or sent anywhere on receipt of price by The Iron- O x Remedy Co., Detroit, M ich. The Yellow Springs Nows reviews the political situation hero a s fol­ lows; + Cedarville furnished the scene of a m inaturc riot Saturday, I t being the occasion of a prim ary election. T h a t village contains two factions, the ono contending for reform in municipal affairs the other striving to maintain its presen t power. Time and again have charges been made th a t crooked work has been resorted to’a t the polls. The Herald of tiia t place has con­ ducted a bitter campaign against those In au tho rity especially the leaders, Andrew Bros, and Andrew Jackson tne eoumy central commit­ tee chairman. Saturday, when Ed itor Bullof the Herald, went in to vote he was told his vote was challenged and tb t challenger not being present, Bull proceeded to vote and upon leaving the room was attacked by T. B, Andrew who was judge, bu t had been out of the room, this precipitat­ ed a general fight which lasted several minutes bu t with no serious resuits, othcr^than a few broken ribs for Andrew . Suob actions and such tactics ard doing more to h u rt the cause of the Republican pa rty in Greene county than could be dope in any other way. I t casts an odium over the name o£”the^party-^hat xionored.—Boosevelt- in the late election, the party th a t furled the banner of victory in the sixties, the party th a t has won the splendid victories in the past for the mpral forces Of the state and nation,' I f such tactics are long resorted too I t means the defeat of the party*! for the honor and integrity of the people are in peril and they will roll away the obsticle for party lines. People form themselves into politi­ cal parties in order to accomplish certain ends. When th a t party loses sight of the mission for which it was REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS, Lottie S. and Mary Sayers to Chas, Lightbiser, ono half acre, $10, Mary A . Duck to Josephine I j . Tato, 4 loin in Bcllbrook, $1200. O, 0 . Wiko to A lbert Wifce, 2 lots in Yellow springe, $iooo. James L . Good to Mahlon H . Sei- ver, lo t In XenIa, .$3,Q00. Charles H . Kyle to L ittle Miami Ratli’oad Co., two strips of land in Cedarville tp., $110. Heirs of Ju lia Whittington to Car- oline Turrell,- two lots in Xenia $1,500. ' T. H . Carpenter to H attie E , Hunt, GOacres in Wilson and Jeffer- in : .. ---- v ■ *.* y • Mary 1 . Itoof to Lizzie McCon­ nell, 6 acres in Xenia tp., $2,500. Sheriff to Jacob Miller, six acres In Bath tp., $274. Geo. S. OrmBby to Jessie M. Martin, lo t in Xenia, $1000, Charles W atts to Clarence G. Miller 103^ acres in Bath tp, $600. Joseph W. Tulte to Amos Briden- stine, 72 acres in M iami ty., $6200. James T. John to Martin C. Louis t t acres in Beavercreek tp., $5,100. Emma and Martin Hornlck to H i R. Swan, lob in Xenia, $2,600. Clayton Huff to'Joshua A. Brown, fJ0-acres in Spring Yr.Il6y-tp^$0,28Pr Marla Crouse to Mary MoElroy, quit claim to 5 acres in Xenia tp., $1 and other cbndsiporations, PRICE LIST. •' SMITH & SILVEY Agents, Light blue will dye-dark blue, brown, red, green or black; Dark blue will dye- wine, dark-green, seal brown or black; Cardinal will dye-dark-wine, brown, black or same color over Light green will dye:dark-grcen, brown, blue or black; designed and ' the machinery falls I Hark green wili dye-seal brown or black; iv| Light brown will aye-dark brown, green, Special Homeseekers E X C U R S I O N S VTA LOUISVILLE &NASHVILLE B, E. .TO POINTS IN A l a b a m a , G e o r g i a , ■ M i s s i s s i p p i , F l o r i d a , N o rth ., a n d S o u t h C a r o l i n a , V i r g i n i a , K e n t u c k y , T e n n e s s e e , L o u i s i a n a , October 7 and November 7 apd 14 L e s s t h a n O n e ’F a r e f o r t h e . R o u n d T T ip . Tickets limited to return 21 days f from cate of sale. Prom lu ll information, rates schedules, time tabes and literature descriptive of the various resources agricultural, m ineral anti timber lands along the line, call on or ad dress , : F. D. BUSH, U. P. A. - - - Cincinnnti t. 33. DAVENPORT, D, V. A. - St Louis H. C. BAILEY, N. W. P. A. - - Chicago J. IT. MILLIKEN, D. P. A. - Louisville 0 . L . STONE, G en L P ass . A gent IDOISVXLLE, KY. Don't Borrow Trouble. I t is a bad habit to borrow any­ thing, bu t the worst thing you can possibly borrow, is trouble, v 'When sick, sore, heavy, weary and woTn out by the pains and poisons of dy­ spepsia, biliousness, Bright’s disease and similar internal disorders, don’t sit down and brood over your symp­ toms, bu t fly for relief to Electric Bitters." Here you will find sureand permanent forgetfutness of all your troubles’ and your body will uofc be burdened by a load of debt disease. A t all drug store. P rice 50c Guar­ anteed. in to th e h and s o f un scrupu lou s per­ son a ls t h a t party w ill certa in ly lo se its poAver and m e e t its d efea t a t th e h and s o f an arou sed and ind ignan t pub lic opinion. Between partisanship and patrio­ tism there is a v a st difference. P a rtisan sh ip is a ll r ig h t w h en that p a rty con serves th e b est in te re sts of th e p eop le, b u t Avhen th e p a rty is in d iscord Avith. p a trio tism and lo se s sig h t'o f th e end s o f w h ich our free in stitu tio n s w ere crea ted , it sound s its own d ea th k n ell. T h e , people of ..Cedarville have suffered an indiginity Avhich only time can Jerase, and there is an urgent call to the b e st citizenship to arise and stamp ou t the the odium th a t hangs over her ballot box. THEOB. GREENETREATMENT FORNERVOUSANDCHRONIC DISEASES . Bears the stamp of Absolute and Genuine Worth, conceived ‘ and founded in the true system of cure, it is as imperishable as truth itself, as accurate in curative results as a fixed sriencc, a Wondrous Blessing to the Sick and Ailing. It has endured the test of time and been tried in the crucible of experience. Generation after generation of Dr. Greenes have Slave restored health to the suffering by these marvelous medicines, adapt ing, organizing and perfecting tne treatment through long years of en- ornoua practical experience among the sick, by grandfather, father and son, until today' the third generation of Dr. Greenes is giving to the world an even more successful practice, a surer and more positive means of cure than ha3 ever heretofore been placed before the depressed, weaken­ ed and discouraged victims of cliromc complaints. Drs, F. A ,.& J. A, Greene are the proprietors of tiiat most mar­ velous of nil remedies for the Nerves and Blood, DR, GREENE’S NERVURA. Ail are privileged to consult Dr, Greene personally or by mail, en­ tirely free. Dr, Greene himself attends to ail who call and answers all letters in person Office, 101 fifth Avenue, New York, PublicSale tow Fafti ti>West Barden, Account American Watef Works AmmfoHoiCfiieotiufr. Enjoy an ou t­ fox tit ijoloit ■flprinfsn «f wonderful cnmtiYo pinvoG oimH&r to famous waicra of ■Cari.obaiL I’nriiculato About faroa find tim e of trains may Im m & tfa liittt tiftm ticke t agents of As I am going to qu it farming and thh dairy business, I will sell a t my lWldenee, one- half mile south of Yellow Springs, on Tuesday. Oct. 81 the following property: Six head cjt horses, consisting of a team of bay ge ld ings^ ixyea rso ld , Wellmatched sixteen hands high, w e igh t-1400 pounds, this is a tip-top team, suit­ able for coach, fire department, pa­ trol or anything eise tha t a good nervy strong team can be used for; one 5 year old brown gelding by Ad* visor 1C3£ hands high, a nice rangy horse, one 6 year old, dark hay geld­ ing, a good family horse, one 2 year old bay Ally, ono 1 year old bay Ally ten head No, 1 milch cows, (grade Hoisteins and Jerseys) three fresh with calf by side, others av IHhe fresh during the winter, the rest giving a good flow of milk and will be good winter cows one PolledDurlmmhull, 20 month .old, eligible to register, Hogs; 25 head fat, ready for mar­ ket, 14 head good feeding hogs, onq, Duroc Jersey boar, eligible to regis­ ter, 8 brood sows with pigs by side. Fam u Im p lem en ts; One Doering self hinder, on McCormick mower, H ay Tedder, Self dump hay ralce,.| one breaking plow, lR idingCultiva- tor, 1 Walking Cultivator, I 50 took Harrow, 1Richmond Checkrow cron planter, 1 No, 3 Ross Ensilage cutter and hultivator, 1 horso power Gas­ oline Engine 1 milk wagog and cans 2 top buggies, 1 oden buggy, 10 ton baled rye straw, 400 shocks fodder, 1 double Bet breeching harness, 1 cou- blo set lead harness, 1 double setlfght driving harness, 1fanning mill, grain cradle, brush Heythe and othcrnrtie* les too numerous to mention. THUMB: A credit of nine ,mouth AVill bo given on all sums of over $6. Under $6 cash. Purchaser giving note with two approved securities cento on the dollar off for cash. .-8th Ohio, Ed ito r National Tribune: Reading the sketch of Comrade Weaver’s service for Uncle Sam is a reminder th a t the 8th Ohio Cav. was a fine regiment, The 8th Ohio Cav. be­ longed to our brigade the year of 1864. "That year I remember of see? ing the.Sth Ohio Cav. with our regt- menfc, the 14th Pa. Cav., in the fol­ lowing fights: May.8, a t Jefferson­ ville, W . Vft., May 10, fought Gen. John Morgan near Wytheville, V a .; May 12, skirmished near Chrlstians- burg, V a ,; May 18, fought Morgan -in a mountain gap near Blackburg, V a .; Juno 11, fought McCausland a t Lexington, V a .; June 18, fought Me- Causland ncar the Natural Bridge, Va.; June 16, skirmished near Liber­ ty, Va.; June 17, fought Breckin- ridgo^JH&ihjchburg, Va.i June 18th ight E a rly at- Lynchburg, V a ,; June 19, fought a t Liberty, V a.; Juno 21, fought a t Salem, Va. ; J u ly 19, fought n t Martinstnrrg; J u ly 23, fough tE a riy near W inchester; Ju ly 25, skirmished near Martinsburg; Ju ly 29, skirmished a t Clearspring, Md.; Ju ly 80, passed through Chambersburg, P a .; three hours after i t was burned ; Ju ly 81, skirm ­ ished with McCausland and John son a t Hancock, M d ,; Aug. 7, charged the enemy’s camp a t Moor- fleld, Va.; captured and killed several hundred; Aug. 31, fought a t Martinsburg, Sept. 3, fought a t Darkesviile; Sept. 4, skirmished a t Bunker H ill; Sept, 5, skirmished near Stevenson Depot; Sept. 7, skirmished near'Bunker H ill; Sept. 10, skirmished near Darkesviile Sept, 18, skirmished a t Martinsburg; Sept. 19, fought on the extreme righ t a t the battle of Winchester and charged the rebel fortifications; Sept. 21, skirmished bear Fishers H ill; Sept. 22, fought a t the battle of Fishers H ill; Sept. 23, skirmished a t Woodstock, Va; Sept. £4, skirin ished; Sept. 27, fought a t Wiers Cave, Va.; Oct, 18, fought a t the battle of Cedar Creek; Oct. 267 fought a t Millford, Va,; Nov. 12, fotight and routed enemy a t Nineveh, capturing several hundred; Nov fought near Newmarket,' V a .; Dec. 22,fought a t L iberty Mills, Va,; Also skirmished with Meshy's men and other commands too numerous to mention,-^- James F. Hays, Co. K. 14th .Pa, Cav., Avonll’s Old Divisions, Md, . ;cardinal or black; Grey will-dye any color; Black can only be rediped, Silks dye same as wooland prices are accord­ ing to quality and quanity. Prices For Cleaning Ladies Wear. Tailor made suits from...... §1.50 to $2,00 Evening dress.......;.............,;,1.75 to 8.00 Opera cloaks........................... 1.00 to 1.60 Silk waists.............. .............. ...75 to'l.QQ Woolen waists...,,........... ...........80 to 1.00 Dressing sacques....................... 50 to .76 Skirts......................................1.00 to 1.50 Single shawls............................50 to 1,00 Double shawls.......... ................ 75 to 1.00 Short length jackets..................50 to 100 Hip iengtli jackets... .-................75 to 1.00 Three-quarter length jockets..l.00 to 1.50 Full length... ......... ................2 00 to 2.25 Childrens dresses.......... ......I... .50 to 1.25 according to size Children clbaks........ ............. ...60 to 1.60 accordingto size. Dyeing ladies Wear. Tailor made Suits from......... 1.50 to 2,60 Skirts...................................... 1.00 to 1.60 waists.... ........... 50 to 1.00 Dressing sacques........ ........ .......50 to .75 Single shawl............................. 60 to 1.00 Double shawl..........................1.00 to 1.50 Silk" dresses...........................1.60 to 8.00 Silk waists........................ 76 to 1.00 Silk sliirts.... ;......................... 1.25 to 2.00 Short jackets............ x__ ;.......75 to 1.00 Hip length............................. 1.00 to1.60 Three-quarfer lengths............1.60 to 1.76 Full length................. 2.00 to 2.60 Children dress..........................,60 to 1.25 according to size. Children cloaks................. 76 to 1.50 according to size. Goods do not have to be ripped Portier curtains cleaned. 1.50 to 2.60 pr. Portier curtains dyed......1.60 to 2.50 pr. Damask curtains cleaned,1.00 to 1.50 pr. Damask curtains dyed... 1.00 to 1,60 pr, Lace curtains cleaned without injury from...............................,...,50 to 1.50 pr, Blankets cleaned without shringage from..... ...... 76 to 1.60 pr. Tipscleaned from,... ........,10 to 25 each1 Tips-dyed from.................. 10 to 25 each Plums cleaned from..........25 to 75 each Plums dyed from.............. 25 to 75 each Kid gloves cleaned from....l(> to 85 each Mens hats from.,.................25 to 50 each Prices for byeing Mens Wear. Dyeing suits from ..... $2.50 to $3.00 according to quality. Dyeing coats.............................1.00 to1.60 Dyeing trousers.,............. ......1.00 Dyeing vests...t..........................50 Dyeing short length overcoats.1.60 to 1.75 Dyeing medium length.........1,75 to 2.00 Dyeing full length................ 2.00 to 2.60 Dyeing suits are from........... 1,00 to 2.00 according to size. Boys Overcoats from................75 to 1.25 according to size, Prices for Cleaning Mens Wear. Suits cleaned..................... §1.50 to §2.00 Weaverly,- Baltimore, Trousers cleaned............... ,...,50 to ,75 Coats cleaned....... ........... ,,,..,.75 to 1.25 Vests cleaned................ 25 Silk vests cleaned...................60 Short length overcoats..... ,....1,25 to 1.50 Medium length cleaned...... 1,59 to 1.76 Full length cleaned..............L75 to 2.00 Boys suits cleaned............... ...50 to 1,25 Boys overcoats cleaned...........50' to 1,00 Mens Suits sponged and pressed from „ 76 to 1.00 Mohs trousers,..,,....................,15 Mens coats..... ........... 60 Mens overcoats........... ...... 50 to ,75 We guarantee are dyed goods not to rub off. We make a speciality of relining Ladles ahd Gents cloaks and coats also furnish new velvet colars at reasonable prices. In fact there is nothing in the cleaning dyeing and repairing line we do not and cannot do. All Work guaranteed first class.,Please dt> not get us mixed up with inferior places which have justed stated business with out any knowledge of same, We have established 23years and defy compition. No matter if you have had E V E R Y I N D U C E M E N T That the most particular shoe buyer could want is of­ fered by us. The latest styles, the best styles the best qualities, and shoes that are built on foot-form lines. Then there is another big inducement— Our* Prices. You’re reading a lot about low prices right now, but our usual low prices have got them all beat to a stand­ still, new goods and quaility considered. Our Stock of Fine Shoes • 7ioy^ hfi«n, rf3 romnWe. and fr?. the plainer sorts for hard usage wh carry lines that have proved to be “just the kinds” for the service intended. Don’t fail to see our Kip Rubber and Felt Combina­ tion Boots before buying. We will save you from 15 to 20 per cent. We can,afford this; our expenses are low. Meet friends and leave your packages here OsGar 7 East Main .Street ! Successor to Springfield, Ohio. Young & Nisley, , ____ _ Do y o u r C h i l d r e n ASK .O QUEST IONS? Of course .they do. * It is their, way of learning and it is your duty to answer. You may need a dic­ tionary to aid you. It won’t an­ swer eTery question, but there are thousands to which it will give you true, clear and definite answers, not about words only, hut about things, the sun; machinery, men, places, stories and the like. Then, too, the children can find 'then- own answers; " Some o f our greatest men have ascribed their power to study of .the dictionary. Of course yonwant the best dic­ tionary. The most critical prefer the New and. Enlarged Edition of WEBSTER'S I n t e r n a t io n a l D i c t io n a r y . I f you have any gueftion* i about it wHUits. ■ G. & C . MERRIAM CO., PUBLISHERS^ , • SPRINGFIELD, MA 88 . ' The. Genuine BcrkiMre yith Xniff. LOW FARES W EST A N D SOUTHWEST. Home-Seekers’ Excursions Pennsylvania Lines.------ 1 M 7 ROGERSBROS. Spoons, Forks,Knives,etc. have all the qualities in design, work­ manship and finish of the best ster­ ling silver, at one-fourth to one-eighth the cost. Much, of the sterling now on the market is entirely too thin and light for practical use, and is far in­ ferior in every way to “ Silver Plate that Wears " ■ 1 Ask your dealer for " 1847 ROGERS BROS.” . Avoid substitutes. Our full trade-mark is “ 1847 ROGERS BROS.” look for it. Sold by leading dealers everywhere. Before buying write for our catalogue “ C-L.” INTOlXATiONAI, SHlVEtt CQ.,. 5 , SucccisoMo MERIDEN BRITANNIA CO., Meriden, Conn, 9> Btrkihirt nthJibrk* Special via Anyone contemplating a trip West may take advantage of the reduced fares for the special Home-Seokers’ excursions via Pensylvania Lines to points in Colorado, Idaho, Iowa, Kansas, Minnesota, Missouri. Mon­ tana, Nebraska, the Dakotas, Oregon Washington, Texas and other sections in tim West and in =all the Stales of the South... Stop-over privileges perm it trave-r lers to investigate business openings. These tickets , ill bo on sale certin dates during tiie summer. Details information as to fares, through time, etc.’, will be freely furnished upon application to Local Ticket Agent of Pennsylvania Lines. SPECIAL ELECTION. David Hughes. A. T, Hwcptson, I Auctioneer. Geo. Drake, iClerk. - For wagon or buggy repairing go toTownsloy Bro'sk, oh #oiilh Main a te o i . . goods spoilt elsewhere in cleaning and 5 Low FARES WEST AND SOUTHWEST. “sa triaI ftn<! wc are m e y0a Anyone contemplating a trip West f Spccml aUf tion m > Ufa, advftrttftgti 0 1 t!>« reduced 5 , Z l ,*S? . S X ” S 1 . We t u r n lo r the ftpeclal HomcSookcW 140 * ° * ,OT excursions via Pennsylvania Lines to points In Colorado, Idaho, Iowa, Kansas, Minnesota, Missouri, Mon­ tana, Nebraska, the Dakotas, Ore­ gon, Washington, Texas and other sections in the west and in all the ! states of the tjowtli. SPRINGFIELDSTEflJS DYE W0f{KS, |16 N» Center St> BpringfieltJ, O.1 To the qualified voters o f' Cedar- vllle .township, Greene Gounfcv, Ohio; You are hereby notified th a t on the 7th day of November, 1905, between the hours of 6:80 a. m. and 5:30p. m. a t the usual voting plages in said township, a special election ■will be held and the question sub mitted -whether there shall be an additional tax levy on taxable property of said township, for the purpose of a public library, made and levied by the trustees of said township, All voters in favor of said library shall p u t upoq their ^ballots* the words “ Public L ibrary, Yes,” and those voting against said library, the words. “ Public L ibrary, No.” I f a majority of the ballots ho in favor of the same, such levy w ill be ordered. >. " W . H. Barber, John W. McLean, George H . Smith, Trustees of Cedarville Township, A ttest: F rank A Jackson,. Clerk of said iownshlp- Pnssed Octpcer, 12, 1005. WE HAVE j Farms toSell j and can sell yours 1 FfiRJWliOAJis! five years. SMITH & CLEMANS,’ C HEAP RATES QUE SotitH and SoutHeast* EN&CRESCENT ROUTE. CINCINNATI. PROM $ 6.70 Knoxville and Ri Chattanooga and 8.15 9.90 lMO 11.60 I3.5S 13.90 letura t Return Asheville and Return /Atlanta and Return Birmingham and Return Macon and Return Montgomery and Return $15.60 Savannah and Return 15.80 Mobile and Return 16.75 Jacksonville and Return 16.80 New Orleans and Return 16.80 Vicksburg and Return 20100 ‘ Miami and Return 20,00 Tampa and Return CORBESrONDINfiLV LOWRATES TO INTERMEDIATE POINTS. Tickets.on((SaleOctober 17thto ell points in Alabama, Gcorcia, Mississippi, North and W. A. Gjumz ..- Oimw I CINCINNATI. W. C. BINEARSON, 0 ftmauLfM»cn«nMfNT KRElib and tjOTitli PIflROS We lijavc ageticy fo rK rc ll and lloyal pianos and arc in position to sell a t the lowest prices, owing to handling these instruments di­ rec t from the factory. All pianos tuned or repaired are guaranteed by us. Bee our display arid get our prices before purchasing. Or­ ders ta k |n for sheet iijusic. s GEORGE & SIEGLER, Display 'parlor with E lm er Spliar in Crouse Block Cedarville, O. rm sm m , i ' T h i s Ladles' Only w o . pro plvlnii away SRO nSR ftr.TS. ORAX ITB - XVAHB H K S « , UITWHXC} 5uA4’E ira n e s and imndredu of other articles, all fell dco for famllr asa, to enablo tis to intradnro our Svr.-tn BaMfiR rowjor S52Jt5ftLvo*>n>.JlraP'*3-■?* Coffosn and t.ttio? Jfcutehald «nn4it!n m S? jo Oncllty—cost ao mora than1yott hto now payinn for the r.atna cootls, and Af,o!r » o rlt to ccenro vortr fa turo orders. Com«qacaUybvnmGs P ’S r:re»luws t70 pain notr eiistofners ftnu y o n m v * iho profit which forreo-iy went l-v doaljhtt jh o . r.ioiit . I t VM to /tliS dealers, as t.’ioli-aitio and intallcrs, which W B 6ut Ofteiiln- Bandawill bafull wo have hundredsof in the sbspa cl use ni ' bciiwa j oa rtslt ix ililn s. OOf I'realnms fy cci ‘ill ba fully explained if you will onfvtccd ns patrons whoso custom wo soeured by this plan, p c i f a l l W ln o and f a i r U r s tm e n i. V.’o Tliftt (f a Cljaaci That Does Tfot. ITtnpsn livery Dev. 8ALV0NA SUPPLIES COWTANY, »(^7-uao Pin© S treet, st* Loula, Wtn. w m m m m M m m m m m m m aam cm a i l HERALDSALEBILLS The whole bu tjfie foie Mayor Thon •the political firm and now comes t Andrew Jackson The cases of K men for assault a pubiican primary Honor of Jamest one case, that of es called were W. Mr. Andrew did Mayor could do . in fche^sum of J&3 Jackson asked to a peculiar inciden of High-Ball-ton, who was not subj The State was and the defendan in-chief of the “ g tributes the Herri the Brannock law criminal side of t times it was hard for>ssault and b was being tried the “gang” editor This of course onl pleased the more TAFT VS; Secretary T a ft’s n t t ron la st Saturday , w the in terest of the Re .tickets, was so positi Cox organization-in ty, th a t it w ill be ap other counties to loca th a t have' a hold on. and arq. using i t fa x se Is the y ea r th a t the sp dence seems to run when such a m an as S who is considered the our nation’s Chief E x Cedarville Number of District.... Enrollment.................. Average Daily Attend Fer Cent Daily Atton Number T a rd y ...... . Number P resen t Ever Per Cent P resen t Eve Number of Visitors . Rank for October...., We ate bers, Feltboots A saving of from the rcgul B, Mam St,