The Cedarville Herald, Volume 28, Numbers 27-52

»< iwi'ii»Mirivi[in GRAVEL DISORDER. ** 5 &i?s?i;!t 3 bcssntntay3s332ey» rve* c ::: b ycasae*;••> er .3 S:.:ci« c-.'i> lUSKf c»r*C!s<l.i:>t*cST»> E!?SSJKMKJ« S4S&4 BRIGHT’S DISEASE, ch-TftotwcbBa^efofScf'.-cg, 55a Xe- 4 i 9 v-s aS-cu-.-a»'.:e?IiiaJfc«a o'jxjtiCT cj c.'.’iM.<"-~p'»:r.i, U jclx U i aa<ncstistyscarsciuco xawl . (jlmTOi . V«wmt°Ucnrijc:-JsO«)a;cdttaCassis m 4 naOo -jCij)*Etraoff.vffforonawoman. ■ So y o u r C hildren I ■ • ASK. a Q U E S T I O N S ? T h e | C cda rv ille H e ra ld . $ i ,o o P e r V c a r . Of couia6 they d o .' It is their way of learning andit iayour duty to answer. You may need a dic­ tionary to aid you. It won't an­ swer every question, hut there aro thousandsto which it will give you true, dear and definite answers, not about words only, but about things, the sun, machinery, men, places, stories and the like. Then, too, the children can .find their own answers. ' Some o f our greatest men have ascribed their power to study of the dictionary. Of course-yenwant the best dic­ tionary -. Timmnut critical prefer the Now and Enlarged Edition of WEBSTER’S I nternational D ictionary / / 3 S \ Xf you have any questions / w S s \ ' about it write us. rS S S v i/ Q« & c . MERRIAM C 9 „ ^icnomw/ publishers , ^ W'-— SPRINGFIELD, NIA 88 ; A FAMILY SAFEGUARD Dr, Green arranges with the Niece of Dr. Bo- scliee to handle her famous Uncle's Great Throat and Lung, tJThehest family safeguard !» a reliable household medicine that ■will cure croup, ■ ■coughs, colds, chilly sensations, running eyes and nose, sore throat end' bronchia, affections—that will keep the children, proof against all contagious diseases. <ijSttcli a medicine is hoschee’s German Syrup, which has a record of 35 years in tile cure of consumption, catarrh and all lung and bronchial troubles.•_ <jJTlie fame of German Syrup as a con sumptive cure, since its purchase by Dr Gfeen from the niece of the famous Dr hosehee, has extended to all parts ofth« earth; It has big sales everywhere, to < 3 Two sizes, 25 c and 75 c, All druggists f Isaac Wisterman, Ccdarville,O.' taking H e a d a c h e When your head aches, there is a storm in the nervous sys­ tem, centering in the brain. This irritation produces pain in the he d, add the turbul nt nerve current sent to the stom­ ach causes nausea, vomiting. This is sick headache, and is dangerous, as frequent and prolonged attacks weaken the brain, resulting in^ loss of memory, inflammation, epi­ lepsy, fits, dizziness, etc. Allay this stormy, irritated, aching condition by I)r. lilies’ Anti-Pain Fills. They stop the pain by sooth­ ing, strengthening and reliev­ ing the tension upon the nerves ■—not by paralyzing them, as do most headache remedies, Dr. Miles’ Anti-Pain' Pills do r.ot contain opium, morphine, chloral,cocaine or similar.drugs, "filch hcadaClio la hereditary In my family. 7.1y father Buffered a great deal, and foi* many years I have had sptlln that were so covers ,that I waa unatlo to attend to my buslnc-a affairs for a day or so at a time. During a very oovcro attach of headache, X took 7 . 1 *. TUileu* AntM'aift Pills and they relieved mo almost immediately. Since then I tai-.o themwhen I feci tho spoil co'.n'wff on and It stops It fit once.’' . . JOHN 3. hIeF.tlt.AlN, Pffst, S. B. 'ilinr. Co., Henth fienU, Ind. Or, Miles' AOtbPaln Pills aro sold by your cJrucnffit, who will guarantee that tho first patimfid will benefit, if it fall# ho wni return your money. £3 ecsoS, 23 cents. Never cold in bulk. Miles Medical Co„ Elhliart, I«d R, E. CORRY f ! A U C T IO N E E R . All Lindt? of Auctioneering, Patronage Solicited. Satis­ faction guaranteed. Bell phone, 3f>2, Clifton exchange. Ccdarville, QIiio.«ll-24. CASTOR IA For Infants and Children, U s Kind You Cafa Always Bought Dears tk* K A R W f 9T JL L - # E d ito r . FIllDAY, NOVEMBER .3, 190$. Don’ t forgot to vote Tuesday. “ What is morally wrong can never ho politically right.” —Burke A mark before each name that you want to vote for ami your ballot will be counted. Make good use of the pencil in the voting booth Tuesday. Not from a political stand point, but your duty in support of the moral law. “ I would ratber be right than be president” does not appeal toGover- nougHerrick, who would “ rather be governor than be right,” Tuesday, when you cast your bal­ lot remember O. ID. Bradfute, for Senator against F, C. Arbenz, the acknowledged liquor candidate the Republican ticket. on JKT fitr_ tj f baf GfHbn . fnib y»f , ................. v — iT u r# ««i— T=rwr bossism is silly,” while the New York Tribune the great exponent of Republicanism says “ To overwhelm the corrupt and criminal Republican machine is the first step toward de­ cent local government.” At the last minute it is expected that Governor Herrick and his co­ horts, who will publicly denounce George B. Cox and agree with Sec­ retary of War, W, H. Taft, This is known to toe a cut and dried soheme between Herrick, Cox and tfbeliquor people to deceive voters, though ii may not toe,sprung at all. It is stated that the “ Boss” in Xenia has''placed bets of $60 each that Herrick will carry the county by 1000 , it being. 2900 last year for Roosevelt. Later reports are that he has lost confidence and nbw has his figures at 800, but should the tide continue in' the same direction 600 would be a high estimate by Monday. Thousands upon thousands of our Ohio boys have gone down to drunk­ ards’ graves through saloons, who for saloonswould have lived honored and useful lies. How, then, pan we listen with approval to Governor Herrick’s talk ot ‘ fair play” for saloons?. How can we vote for a mail who shields this public mur­ derer. .................. They say saloons help a town. Did you ever seo a real estate man put iii liiB circular something like this : “ This town has uwo smeltorp two brick factories, gas and electric plants, a Carnegie library, Y. M. C A-, 14 churches and TEN SA­ LOONS,” If saloons {.help draw people to a town, why do not towns advertise the saloons more?. WHICH SHALL IT BE? Which shall it be the boy or the Dow tax? This will be the question for every parent to consider be­ tween now and Saturday, November, U. We hear that the argument is being used to influence vot­ ers that the saloons must be returned to get the Dow tax, This is of course one o f the thread bare arguments used to influence a certain class of voters. But let us see if the Dow tax can be substituted for one boy that has fallen a victim to this curse. ‘ To get the Dow tax We must have the saloon and with it comes the drunken brawls, rowdyism on the streets and pro- O.asn fkii/rvJIW s ’ ctt * W4>*4* A*/L’4AVAbty ?r> * id aiid educa l q get 1 man muel iMu^i uC-F. ......................„ must at some time or anothef k$Ve‘ fb come in contact with these victims of drink if the saloon is allowed to return. To get the Dow tax we bring about that which is infested with evil and brings ruination to all. I t breaks the laws both civil and moral. It defiles public order and tramples under foot the tenderest and dearest feelings o f humanity. It is a moral pestilence that blights the town and the sur­ rounding. community and poisons the labors o f our church tional institutions. . the Dow tax we must scarifice life. God values a h higher than man values himself. Money and men ate both necessary in the conduct of the affairs of life, but when a premium is to be placed upon either, it must be placed uponThe m a n . ~ ^ 7 - " To get the Dow tax we are told more money will be in circulationdn that more people will be attracted to town to do their trading. We doubt if there is one merchant in town but what will admit that his business is better than when we had the open saloon. It can be proven that the whiskey traffic imposes a burden on the public in j£he ratio of six to one, when compared to the little receiveijl by the Dow tax. , ' 1 To get the Dow tax the parents must yield the j boy, for boys and men are needed to support the saloon. The parent that advocates the open saloon says that he will sell all the prospects of happiness in this life and the life to come for three hundred and fifty dollars. Such is the estimate o f life and happiness with some men. * T o get the Dow tax is all some men want for the say they have no son to come in contract with the saloon influence. To such we say that you are responsible for the welfare of the neighbors son, “No man liveth to himself.” Humanity makes demands upon every man to see that the best class o f citizens are feared here. What is to be. the status o f a community) money or morality? . ’ Is it possible that such a question must be weighed in the balance of finance? - 3L . ■ ■- f T i r E M r i J ^ j ^ A Y r T h e PaU isQn**H erjticft C on qu est. ‘Consumption There is no specific for consumption. Fresh air* ex­ ercise, nourishing, food and Scott’s Emulsion will come pretty near curing it, if there is anything to build on. Mil­ lions of people throughout the world are living and in good health on one lung. ®f From time immemorial the doctors prescribed cod liver oil for consumption. Of course the patient could not take it in its old form, hence it did very little good. They cm take S C O T T ’S EMULSION and tolerate it for a long time, Theae is no oil, not excepting butter, so easily digested and absorbed by the system as cod liver oil in the form of Scott’s Emulsion, and that is the reason it is so helpful ia consumption where its use must bo continuous. We will send you a sample free. fj Hi sure fftft (lilt }‘ktar& inthe farm c t alabel Iscnthewiftsp- .pit cf every lotile ot Eir,ui;!c:t vr.i 3 . Scott 6 tBowne 'Chcffibts 409 PearlStreet NewYork Battle Cry; For God ami Country. Of tho Home The Of the Church - Of the States ■ Defenders Of the Law Of the American Sunday ofill e . ..JQ£Civic Righteousness - Of High Manhood Faith Of Bure Womanhood tAml Free Civilization 'The /Bosses The ' The Serfs The Boodlors Armies The Brewers, The Distillers of tho The Saloonists The Dive Keepers Alien The Anarchists \.And the Mob ' , “ Choose, you this day (Tuesday) whom you will serve.” Battle Cry; Zwei Glass Lager. F. C. Arbenz, candidate for Sena­ tor, writes the Herald wanting uS to detend him in his fight against the Anti-Saloon people, whom he turned down while a member of the legisla­ ture. Our position with Mr. Arbenz is the same as that of Governor ■Herrick, nothing political but en­ tirely moral. Both have taken the wrong side of the question. main closedL there will not be the same temptation and danger to the boys, who lire still free from the accursed appetite top -drink. Open the saloons and you increase their chances of becoming drunkards tenfold. Keep tho saloons closed and Bavo the young. The meeting in Xenia, where Sena­ tor Charles Dick was to speak Tues- Governor LaFollett, republican o f j day evening did not turn out the way Wisconsin recently made ttie follow- the Republican managers nntici- ing statement In an address. “ RE­ PUBLICANS OF OHIO: There lias been an awful change in this Country since the days of Lincoln I appeal to you to drive out the big grafters who run your party. Vote to restore representative goverment to the people. Vote for your country rather than lor any party. Do a good job of house cleaning this fall and get rid of the machine bosses and lobbyists.” Some people say, “ well if a man has no more sense than to drink himself to ruin, let him drink and take tho consequences.” Yes, If it only ended there. But the Innocent suffer with the guilty. Look at the mother, or the wife and children of the drunkard, and answer who takes tho consequonces? Look at the criminal reports and tho expense to tho public of tho crimes, tho paup­ ers and general waste resulting from drink, and answer who takes the consequences? The drunkard drinks and wo all take tho consequences. Those who have already formed fe'to drink habit will, with but rare exceptions, carry their appetite with them to tho grave. Many of these wilt gratify that appetite in some way oven though tho saloons are closed* but so long as thcisaioons re- pated. Senator Dick, suddenly took “ sick” and was Unable to be present. Hon. J. H. Schivley, was not there either, but Congressman, Balph Cole, put In Ids appearance and ad­ dressed the small „crowd, said to have numbered 75 persons. Tliero are numerous reports as to what caused such a sudden change in the program. One is that the “ Boss” saw .early in the day what was com­ ing and sent word to the speakers to go some place else. It is said that they went on to Cincinnati, I f tho “ Boss” has no more faith than this in Herrick’s campaign, wha*t can lie expect of the result. “I Thank The Lord!” cried Manna Plant, of Little Rock, Ark., “ for the relief I got fromBuck- len’s Arnica Salve, it cured my fearful running sores, which nothing else would heal, and from which I bad suffered for 6 years.” It is a marvelous healer for cute, burns and wounds. Guaranteed at All Drug­ gists; 25c.. AOhasirouf Calamity, It is a disastrous calamity, when you lose your health, because indi­ gestion and cohsHpatipnliave sapped it away. Prompt relief can bo had in Dr. King’s New Lifo Pills. They build up your digestive organs, and cure headache, dinslnecu, colic, con­ stipation, etc. Guaranteed at All Druggists; Use, E X G f i f l H G E BU JLH The Kind YOU Have Always Bought, and which has been, in use for over 8 0 years, has home the signature o f and has beenmade under his per­ sonal supervision-since its infancy* Allow no one to deceive you in this. A ll Counterfeits, Imitations and “ Just-as-good” are hut? Experiments that”trifie with and endanger the health o f Infants and Children-Experience against Experiment. What is CASTORIA Castorla Is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare­ goric, Drops afid Soothing Syrups, It is Pleasant, I t contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Itsi age is its guarantee. I t destroys Worms and allays Feverishness, I t cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colie. I t relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the 1 Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children’ s Panacea—The Mother’s Friend, G E N U IN E CASTORIA A L W A Y S Bears the Signature of The Kind YouHave Always Bought In Use For Over 3 0 Years. thc ecnTAun » tmu . kav »T*trr, newvon*enr». HUTCHISON & GIBNEY Up To Date. WRAPS, down in prices Suits Skirts. ' SILKS, New As­ sortment 371-2 to 49c. BLANLETS, com­ forts, Beddings, low . prices. UNDERWEAR, La­ dies, Gents, Children, 25 cents up. GOODS, CARPETS, JACKETS, CAPES, and LADIES’ Suits. Fall sale at HOTCJilSOJf & GlBjiEY’S, XENIA, OHIO. AyersPills Keep them in the house. Take one when you Feel bilious or dizzy. They act di- rectly on the Hver.&wrtT.1Sffli: BUCKINGHAM’SDYE ADeantimibrown,ornenblack t, use «mcn.o, uKi-Guma m *.».mu*co. ruum ,».•a. 0 9 StrktMrt luh ■ .Khtf*. The Genuine W R ogersbrqs : Spoons, Forks, Knives, etc. have all the qualities in design, work­ manship and finish o f the best ster­ ling silver, at one-fourth to one-eighth the cost. ' . . Much o f the sterling now on the market is entirely too thin and light for practical use, and is far in­ ferior in every way to “ Silver Plate that Wears ” Ask yoar dealer for “ 1847 ROGERS BROS.” Avoid substitutes. Our full trade-mark is “ 18<7 ROGERS BROS,” look for it. Sold by leading dealers everywhere, Before buyingwrite for our catalogue “ C-L,” INTKIWATIOJUI, SItVEtt CO., Bncttdircrto M eriden B ritannia co „ Meriden, conn, Serkthir* nthTorh. CEDAIiVILLF, OHIO, ACCOUNTS or M rchants in * * dividuaJa collated. promptly made aad remitted, f TJEAFTS on New York and fin* cinnati sold at Jovpst rates. Tin cheapest and most convenient wav to eend money by mail, J T CANS made on Real Estate, Pei, eonal or Collateral Security.’ , -v/iijiaiii V/iluiiiuiij Seth W, Smith, Vice Pres., W. J. Wildmnn. Cashier. “O. xjs S<ujtu"3£e3t, CltBiiigjf- f t Chopping* Off The Best Chops is what you won’ t complain of. We'will do it any time you call. Chops And Steaks going a long way toward making you healthy. I f you buy them of us you are sure they are good. As long as you continue to trade with us you can rest assured you’re getting A. 1 inputs and low prices. e . H. CROU SE , CEDARVILLE, O. Mam’s Restaurant and Dining Rooms Corner High and Limestone street- Springfield, Ohio. You lackfaith in an. untried remedy ? YouWill Have Faith IN LightningLaxative QuinineTablets after one trial. Bold with an ab­ solute guarantee to cure or druggist will refund yourmoney. Will cure COLDS , LA GRIPPE; NEURALG IA , COUGHS, • MALARIA. HEADACHE. Aro perfectly harmless—n o v e r gripe nor sicKen—never cause dis­ tress—no bad effect upon tho heart —never injure tho most delicate ■tomach. ‘ ACCEPT NO SUBSTITUTE. Ask for and insist on getting I P I M G ^ P A I I V E ' w• 4 P *cmj& Q uinine tablets AT DRUdCSlSTS. Pr» 7 «»<IOnlfbj THE HERB MEDICINE CO., SPRINGFIELD, OHIO. Mannfactnrcru of the Celebrated L IGH TN ING H O T DROPS, <h ARCADE j ew e l ! * 5 tobe _ SPRINGFIELD Wholesale and Retail «. Nelson’s E*i« T Business t, iStte College Ita" A rcad e , S p r in g f ie ld , Oh io ‘ ^ t f & L ' * ' * * * * * ™ * **»*• JEWELERS Ne tfh iH fiii Yw* Open Alt Y «*r, Without a Peer in Ohio., BOOKKEEPING & 3110RTIIAND, Writ*’AT Gfttftfogjft, T akes W IN E 0 ' CAROM AT HOM E A re you a sufferer? Has your doctor been unsuc­ cessful? Wouldn’ t you prefer to treat yourself— A T H OM E ? Nearly 000women have bought Wine o£ Gafdui from their druggists and have cured themedvea at home, of such troubled asi'periodical, hearing down and ovarian pains, leacor* rheea, barrennees, mcnrousntoSj dissiHfEj, nausea ami despond­ ency, causedbyfemaleweakness, 'l’hesa iaa iic-t easy cotes. Wino of Cardui tareswhen the doctor can’t. Wino of Cardui does not irri­ tatethoorgana. Thera is r.opain Iniho treatment, It IsaeOBJninJ tonic of healingkerbs* tccs>fp\a strong and drastic dtu/ t « succcsfifjl because i t ' ores in a DAturalWAV, ^ Wino of (tela! c.iahaIfiuftid front your druggict OS fl.w bottlo anil you can trg»n tks treatmenttoday. Will youtry j —-— tsM Incatesm e i t l w = KdOres!,,Hivingfcyjwtif.B.*, XrtjM* Aa«i*n:w ltcpf , gtw l-hsnwaoi* Medina* Ca, ttinmmote, **»». £ LOCAL Afro PES&C Vote fo?Ap»Miu librar Finder jOroflo sHam to Djics Sforic Ciarlough. - a number of ladies Don Saturday. Sir. and Mrs. O- 'K. J iaino about twuty-hw dinner Wednesday. ; / Notice:—My midlin|fy aot be open, on Tuernld.v evening after si-x <||el( Nellie Gondbn. .. il : Do not forget to voM fi for a puoi.v * . ’ be separate from tho r ^-We have added q’jjtf - luiolcam to.mU-stoek. jam. Mrs, Lucy MeGlt*llA|) been visiting friends old ■here tor some weeks, her home iu Indiannp Wednesday. \ Mrs. J. 33. Annis and Jlarilla, and Miss Sarah ings, of- Chattanoga, Ten guests of Messrs. F. F. Hastings and Ihoirfamili Mr. Will Marshall, haf fruit and vegetable store ii -roomnn the corner of X o i and Main street and will to have his friends give i He had a similar store i cation during the winU last year. —We*have the lowest pr •Jty considered, of), oilclot Millans. a O T ii n T i t e The money making u i l i b l N u er 0 p. Easily grown. ' v Itoom in your garden to grow hundreds of. dollars worth annually. Boots for sale. Plant now. Literature free. Write today. Buckingham's Ginseng Garden, I)ept;9. Zanesville, Ohio. You can saye money <5I your Underwear of S u l l i v a n T h e 1 27 S. Limestone Bf. fSpri fa - fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa our regular stock wi figures. Black coney clust with six tails......... Brown coney scar of six tails.... ...... Electric seal or hi tie scarfs Brown marten ch rel or brown coney with cord trimming Electric seal sliajl Iamb iusort; electri scarfs, 75 indies lol Sable or Isabella I large single tails; iL tlouble scarfs, 7o in| Natural river mil wed; sable squirrel ed river mink tie J Isabella Mouflid scarfs with cord tr brown douh’e scar| long with cr.rds anl Gray .Siberian sql river mink Ne vpof tra quality sab e o| scarfs with large J twenty other attral Biver mink tli| double stripe novr river mink, moufil etc..... Bow ties in JapJ beaver sable squill *....... L * j Collarette, effectl river mink, browil Genuine natural blended .Siberian belln, marten doui Persian lamb zaza marten Newport;-] The. above, prie. of Fur ftenrfs we.' Ia Fur C’nalP, Gwa-to make- a f