The Cedarville Herald, Volume 28, Numbers 27-52
fvivtfiwttfinest ipje <-'i ihv f r (TS ?;'yv v house ,"3 iV'-K T.W? , ’TOP" isjtf'n ?tr*o£^y, cv'j ?> . YirDw tv i r , 21. JV f*s&- 4 r] r$ -*j{rt tC Tt/’',*T5 KP1 Y!U‘*il cystny riS't&r *J tej> r-'ttr,,} (]■' iTc f-on ^ low-* ftU Ztti /TP© IP t ; t scsf , czao- O *1, *uvkemb h a i hma f.h ti# <%w'i‘ portru. Tho ftan 'py Ci«i* <?V (Arest su-y M i sigh d<w&tib H3J'vi is fhcitetoro Imppeacd that ftp? 4r*'\Cr'Si pdftlSFft fi<‘,Vf. 1.’ fcCilRDCl *fVthortgi&Mi'te.s/Dioriopyiog way-imr, At.tongth* iiovmer, » ta ll tuU hvni yovug may- ft-J.bjejJ paA J\e » ms tbubbdy drecte&botXhfJft •yps-fi^w^sM!*?' iti hi? beano# wfcH» pructemied good bxeedmgi nod this voxsiplickmVfwMr.raskwr^ wms ’ vwwst cmd uoinesvJini twccgdric on?- • ..* r . P ■ pase, *>, -j;Hl j'.il" “Kr*** ojudd you i oauo pp here fer .0 ino- }im;i ? 5 ■Tim jwpg mew stopped fchortand guarded Rijn villi awairefl eves- _ v -“ you vr<ini‘?” bc uskediu a well bred but surly t«o.R. “X tt-uwt tv fj)eak -to y w / J The \oull heijitiUed fer ft mo- aiiejit nod then swung himself into ■thy doorway.' . • ■^‘jir-'-oouip iu bore out .o f ' the jain,wmuttered ffy. Vftrimr dopes, Jto .led the ; way ioto .ft rtPftR •.P.juohexoooi at the year oHhe bowse and thaw, surveying the young mas, xmd abruptly: ‘hire you disengaged this even i M f ” xtl t'.'pw Ji 5UU o ts i $ r A r , i j i ^ l iU J ^c.ry / y / 5€.H> rtt-J **’ . I l f - r i 'k d *•1 ivy ^ tr.ik ry of il»A.e tr-03>irk l'ay.i of si isr.U‘>r,v v.i> ; '\U'V !IiC Iftti Vi)»W Viii‘‘h®1' gftyrJ& j' i !tiO 4\Ue idtu /dope, vciu- b p ri’'kdw tpat vI u i l ; v; trds <(ftoo /'ye or pen, ,bt* £itl .; *\r;% nrt- tltcse-'ii isigut iatR feetn, J ; flu- te n d e d into W«tb eyes frhHi \nM ?journal ifitpret. “Ho yaw icow,'3iltf vl'^rvetl in ft , 'gppr*»p**i?5nl yon*’* *'du yon h w f , tltDt i think Tont«« tefe- •jrg very wrWr-,i.-V! •il, v t I i n "3’he -other smiled bitterly. “l£p tell you the truth," .he jo - •plied, **l had ah augagement with a oerujn peraonage whojii we must all yfteetifti some lime" • ^iBr—-who may that ■he?> ,asked --jBdryPark.orlJ'bheg."-'" ' ' “Xleathl" .replied the youth, and ■his voice was so har*h that the M. P. leyped backward ,wi terror. ■J)ea’-', dear! Jiow shocking1" /nyrmuxed the S3. I t presume you are—er—unfortunate 2W vl am starving, lluv&nt had a meai since yesterday." Mr. -Parker doneg rubbed his ? i‘uds. '"jjpo.n my word, tins is most $ot<- ivmtef* he observed, <ffor my ob ject in summoning you to my house was to .invite you ho dinner." The youth stared. j “J)mXi<?r?v he echoed. have almost forgotten .the meaning of the •word/' . ‘‘'Jhen refresh rou.r memory by maIcing one of my*wife's party this .evening, f perceive that 'you are a . gentlemanand that you will do noth ing to make me regret my some what unconventional invitation," -Thejouth smiled. *& nertainjy don't <?# my food like a-savage,- if UM is what you m ean / he replied* / l i n t why-.on •anyth have you besW ed this honor upon n'-ek'-’ ' ■“Per fjre very best o l reasons, My wife is the most superstitious ■ • person in hondon and absolutely ra- fusen to ait down tbirteen a t table/' ffc Mien went on to explain that ■the fourteenth guest had been pie- vented from attending by.yeason of a domestiedostt" and ithat'ns there ■had been .no lime to hire a proles- • siojipi diner -out he had been com pelled to fall back upon the first /likely person whom he had crpktB ir Vm'k lane. "Well, fids h o Irn-ky accident fox me/' observed the young man, with a laugh, ‘‘and X cap promise you •that Xshall do justice io your cook's nvhievements. J)ut Xcan't sit down to .dinner in these clothes/' <fb>f course not. <'ofiw to my room, and you shall have an evening suit of my con’s, whbh he left behind when ho wont io Oxford, Your fig- fjfo M-er-- -very dmilar to his, and fho'bdothea will J i you fairly well/' tffow, tho If, P.fs hehaviox waa coyfoinly unusual, hut he was in t>M M his wife, and as that lady had announced her intention &i abandoning the dinner party unless a fourteenth guest could bo pro* rated, Mr. Xlarker Jones had decid ed to do the first desperate deed that w n trc 'l io his inventive- brain. Hence did ft come abou t th a t half an hour later Mr. Talbot ■ la b stood ih lire druwang room,' gas bed In £bOWy *hirt and splendid clothes, chatting With hiS'hoitcss as though ho had lived in J'ark los* nil his life «mS had never dined on eaueago and fmslmdr/oiatets. . Bfm. I'arkcr was delighted gad beamed upon the youth with psrat kindliness, introduced him to pretty Bfofcte Hope and asked him to take that young lady down, Tho dinner was good, and the talk was not more ,<WiJ tirnn usual, m that kvmtyrjvd hjin?o}f immerses * te. But there was a skeleton a t i}w feast, and the sluleton was named Tomorrow. Tomorrow ha must go back to the old life o r seek relcaro In the river. Tomorrowl wiXotr rad you look!" said Matob WJsS H A V E v> f a p f l i s t o S e l l and cancoUyoura FftHIW LOANS J iv e y c a r o , ‘ S M I T H & C E B M A N S , “ tendeedP l;v icinmci amile. *' Yc;> nuked 1 do; A t o u r age liicre is «y jjdgbt bin c-been. ‘Hhali ’ be' or-aht to be jour motto anti nuib- ijig flse.p. fie laughed bitejwTy, “My 'whole life has hec*» -ft fail- ityeA he ametesesh “Theii inghe it ft ouccrss hence* fo rth /’ _ ’ * '. f.'uee^sgftln the low, bitter Imigb his lips, and he -W.ul in ssn iw -, dcrione:, Whr/fc is a man io do when lie is ■ deserted, beaten back,. cruidieiL and ’XaJ8QSftblypoa.r?v Maifiie umilefl jiroudly. “The young/' Mm -declared, ^fho.; young are never poor/' The words echoed through^ the avenues pf the young mm/b bruin fts he sat at the .gorgeous dinner table, and ..he wag about to -tell the girl how .much her counsel had encour aged lhtn when on episode occurred which sent him sick with horror. Ju gfretching forth her hand to take some fruit from the dessert d,sb klaisie Hope .lead brought down the shaded candle that stood/beside her. Theyfhune had leaped into her 1Umy sleeve, and, lo, already ehe was"enveloped an lire! Without an instant's hew.union dd/ibot hake wrenched off his coat and flung it around the pi% unit soon the tknie u as .extinguisUed. Maisie, te.mlied and well nigh on the point of fainting, was borne .away to Mrs. Barker Jones' room, and .a dc-tcr was-immediately sum moned, He pronounced the girl's injuries trilling enough, but -added, that the thock might prove serious. But fortunately the doctors fears were not rcali.c*ed, for/ when on -the Jhilowing day Talbot' called at her house to inquire concerning the girl's condition he -was fold that the was already <*n the point -of recov ery. • “Miss Hope is anxious :to ace you, air/' said the .servant.- “Will you step into the library ?’' ■ The youngman followed the foot man through the passage, and « ni'> ment later he stood in fh c hanh-/ somejy furnished room. Maisie was lying on an ottoman, and she rose sligbily as he entered. - “How glad l tun. to .see youf' rfer Said softly* “Bat, oh, hov/ can f thank you; for wluit you did la s t, nigJif? One cannot thank a person for taring one's life ns if it was a - -Chrietmas present!" ■“'then Why not /dispense with Uuuj.ks altogcjheri"-' he said as he -took her baud. . ' “How nicely you talk!" she acid. “.Now, suppoaerou bring up a.chair close to ibis sofa Ssnd tell me all about yourudf, for X feel .sure you hdre had air interesting history." • There was something in her face .and hi her voice which wooed confi dence, and a moment later Talbot TotmdJiwfy,eJf in' the act o f reciting his story, ending with the -episode which had made him the fourteenth guest a t the dinner parly <u ihc previous evening. A T£ »y ? fcltefp -WitiJ %Kdts Ufcul* t J k m #*i? tedflfsntte*. j 2 j thvluatr* '’u^t (h>gembj^r r k t u l te- ^ ] # ' Mount Yetejuit t >on'-1 sn l r i :n 1 Uittii * io ite bar m u eaar£*.cf /W wjf» kx’^ing* ^h*- neenced, t i’gin- lW wt*lgh^', whece r*/ficci>i;i inert' ef.H:t'f‘liSiS'3/thin. o’ro'Ut/, tut tp*oih- n n r ing & fern fm-ial teur* ‘ - bh iu> wife, u i n r -'. tin te d - 1 # » h k »M ih*1 r4'>r, i . t Srr 1 2^ \Vlun thsr and tic '•mi'Amrc*.'-* v->'' | v s 4 4 r e a t e s t JiSr <& d£y*2£ $ t> u £ h Z i m e s t o n e M fym e f, S p f i n g fM Z ^ l , -7 ff lh o . m C „ J3X.JJ. * To n - s e l l e r aft CBAM5 VMM prices fhan any ’i J J J V ' . 3Sat sf • if. ¥ TRY -US AND BE -CONY! . 4 4 4 4 . 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 t t 4 ^ T i “or nos'r inffi v i na.Tn.xua;.'1 timony of other witnesset hud been heard* the judge turned to the pris oner and atm ih exclaimed: “.Stand up ihere, Holahan, and let the court hear whtti detense, if ary, you have to make to this charge of • bruteUia!” ■ ■ The ‘prisoner staggered to his fcet> and us the.blood trickled from : his wounds'at- if to emphasize the f luhnrtt'-ti.m;s-t+f -lus-renmnutraucef-. e replied: “Beggin' yer piadon. ter honor,: but Oi U oh ' i t'ink Oi bate her/' “What/' indignantly shouted the judge. “Dou’t think you beat her?" After all the damning testimony we. have heard hare you the uudaeiiy io j | expect the court to believe your un -'; supported assertion that you didn’t beat her?" “Axin’ yer mercy, joodge, for me j bowldniss,” deferentially replied Ho- lalnup “but, ,uii the same, Oi do be. -finkin' that of yer honor had been rHcreeih' the schrap yersiJf ve’d draw." m K % * $ m & rnG W , >zmw. 'a ' culled it a Times. Hew York . you see," he continued* ■“yon etc, it was the’-merest chance which brought me io your side." “A lucky chance for me," Hte re plied, and"the 'if, changing her tone, site said fcofllyj “Mr. Lnkc, you did me a very great sortie e, and Xshould like1to do so: letbiag for you in return. Have J your pmnimon to speak t<> my fa*' ther concerniigy you?" TaJbot'fl heart boat with wondrous .exdtcroent, John Hope was one of the most powerful men in London, and a word from hka could achieve wonders. . “Dare I u>k eo touch kiadnees?" he murmured, “Then I diafi epcak io him, and he Miall fcjpyea, Jihe kept her word, and a month b ie r Talbot found himself Appoint* id rxoroiary io one of Mr. Hope’s inning companies a t a very consid erable salary. From that day onward fortune favored him. lie embarked in a lucky specul. don, which was follow ed by several more, The hour ar rival when he was among the rich est men in the financial world, and he fought o«t Maislo and asked her to he his wife. “ It was you. who helped me io put my foot on the ladder of eue- f<:-ss," he murmured “help me to remain ihere," And Mabie, with a vronderiul |ov Honing from her eyes, raid “Yes, »- Pietoriol Magazine, vOvm ^rtz'Mujjh L«e *nfl the Peddler, The late llencral J‘Utz-llugi Lee was fond of a joke, and he .some time? played fhero. A friend of ike dead gehenil tells ibis; '“One -day the general was silling _oul under a large shade .tree at his home in Virginia, A peddler--and there were hundreds of them just after the close of the civil war’-—rode up and a&ked if he could n il any* •thing, xt*l don’t care for anything, sir/ courteously answered the general.- “The peddler insisted and dually got down oil his horae and began to .remote pack after par.,. *e/l must haic something you wish/ said the peddler as he ’untied the paelis, “ ■‘MVll, J might buy something if I found what X wanted,' said the general • -■ . i-/ ‘-'J’hib was enough for the peddler, and he pulled out calico, ribbons, thread, buttons, pins, needle?, cheap jewelry, etc,, buy -still the hoped to •be customer didn’t see what he wanted, -“ ‘TVhat do you want?' asked the eeddier after about ten minutes ex- .| f you hare ever attended one o f our July Sales, .€be mere' azmommee- 'm ea t will be sufficient to bring yon t o ' the store. W e pronnse yon, th a t every expectation based on former sales will be realized 'to 'toe fullest ex ten t. ■— • ' EVERYTH ING IS REDUCED. — ^ ■During these Ju ly Sale Days, we simply give yon th e opportunity to buy through our Immense stock under the regular prices. ’ ELL m m THE m m e C pm gound F p r Q M o g O ra p e r- , .HE .0 r ;s in W a s Jn th e P rim itiv e Ahode* j 3e«An<J F u rn itu re . ! o f-E a rly T * W The following recipe makes onc oJ ■ ,yhil ,aVxlaa of narlv tec imea cojapaandB fo r cleaning | itihefi Jeft.-Jbeir impms upon . buyn>na rug?, chomlie drapm e?, , lil(. .^dh te c tu rc of mere. .fMlurad te JjJUMJ ......... ....... intv, . cotored’ conches und furni- time?, for -various featnrax o l ih e * ’•; _fc.a/ y> Boston Looking ( mf>ii .elaborate* buiiclinge. are pre- , pc Ijihjtmg his goods. c, nnswtr- “ T wanted a grindsto: cd the general * “ ’A grich tone’. Do you think X carry grindstones around cn horsc- .Hihool Magazine: i^have H o'and one-half bars of Ja’.awlfy soap line and boil until it i s . lii*soiled in one and one-holi quarts of m fi water; add half a pound -of boraxyboil tenminutes longer; e-teep throe ounces of soap hark in a quart « I water for half an hour and etrain; add one-fourth of a pint of aqua am monia, put -info a quart of told wa ter; mix all -together and add water enough to make good Ax gallons. .Soft water is preferred. Bet aside to cool and .cover to keep clean. When ready io me dust the articles 4 1 and apply with a good The dwellings hack?'' “ Y/o, no, dr, I hapa you might trend Kansas City Bter, thought per- foo t/"— PATENTS »)s4rtafoUatlH (MtitK&tfHi allPst *r.tfcctiwsso«idetef4 farMfoDmart ret*. pioiO^<Cji;i#t*ro«)*(U,*fAttttr<!imce '*Ji4W* t»l)Ui rtM If)Ow W rr.-.O t VJ&Ur.&icv, C*ni3ciC(3tJ,4t*w r , cW„Wilhdf-ftfrlp .-.O-r.ssU'o(.?Rr;t»< ccr cl ctfaCWirfd. Jica. c I/hww; i)urfc«Retc«0fil(tatc/i! *A tnorAfpp . i-flst At fcaiiwf In fte teo. sad <ws!st)teftROfes tt.-itft.vj, A44r*is» '* O.A.SNOWdbOO. !t <w, pAftwyttsiBi, n . «. Bark, and Bite. Senator PcUnr-, flm vc-teran stafoman from Alabama, is an jn- imitablc teller of darky stories, and among his collection perhaps the 'felloe,:ng i, one of thb hast; “One day a farmer in my state while in his barn observed his dog rush oat and begin to hark furiously at a darky from a neighboring farm, The negro a t once look to Jus heeds, although ho had come to the barn on a matter of more or leas impor- Iniiai, Some time .later ho returned ami, making euro that no dog was abouii entered the barn, “ ‘Why were you so frightened, Pam?' asked the, farmer. VIIan sronMn't hove Jammed you. Xkwetn- ber tJic old saying, “Barking dogs never Into,"' “ HMt's all right, eah,' re.'!pond<*d the negro, with numb gravity. ‘Vott know dat an' I know dat, but when do either of no know when dal con founded dog is a-goin' to stop bark in' ?"te-Kew Yorfi Times; . DX^l'U^JOrhi T( VOWUMH) JfMO te m TO JtlbY m VIA PBDBnVteVADlA T.INE3, gfccJal Jov.’ fare-; m Iicrtv/r, Cote- fa to I’l-mi/ra sn*l puteilo, nc<ount '.»• (MiioitonaJ KjnvorH) l/nqui> umv »»- (ten (toad OJiie for lualOi and p'* s. me Mi’ht'rn io visit famous HncitW T.Iounlain n;r.f,rto. ftet full lutormaM m from t e i e t ogeuta of Pewisylva 1 !i ,l/ute, . ■ 7-)’ large brush, rabhjj-’g vigorously; then wjpo wish a cloth un til quite dry. Xor ■doing large tugs i t is desirable to have two people working, one to fol low up with the dry d o th as soon as a space io rubbed. Packing Away Clothe*. Lever hang a sk irt by the bot tom. Fasten i t a t the back and su'-ptad i t evenly from two loop 3 r/’v.ed on either side of the band. If possible secure for it a wire sk irt form, as th e results are more eatisr fai-tory. Always hang a sk irt a t fail length, uht-tber fo r an iiour or for set era! mouths. I f there are ribbon trimmings on the clothes the ends should be roll ed and pinned and the loops stuffed with tissue paper, which h invalua ble in pu tting away clothes fo r a season. All metal trimmings and buttons should be carefully covered with paper. Hong clothing always, in prefer ence to folding, bu t if ibere is not enough closet room pack loosely in pine chests, trunks or drawers, with plenty of paper between to avoid crushing, __ Flowerpot*. Do not empty pots and pu t them away dirty, for the chances are tha t they jvijl never ge t cleaned, and when cold weather comes plants will bo hustled into them, with all their pores clogged with old d irt and ab solutely unfit for tice. When tho piunte are bedded out pu t tho empty pot? into a tub of water, Jet soak a few hours, scrub with an old whisk bloom ami drain dry. I t takes but a little time, and the plants do enough fe Uer in .them to pay for the trou ble,*—National Magazine. * 1 * fcaged in ikt* nulet-’t flrm-tarea dome i« t,een in' mound .■and nr ike Jtekimo's fnow hut, .tlop-; ibg 0 ofe, in tent -files, many storied . masonry, in tke elevated ^chambers ( -of cliff- dweller^- pillars iin matimd | rock supports in caves, towers ana treetop lookouts, spires in lent j poles, ' J An arbor'XbrinecI !>y intertwining, the branc hes of adjacent trees would in time lie ehbvxpcd by the addi tion of branches .severed- from other trees and of stakes to help support this augmented roof. Tims would be developed oventeiallr inclosed hut-i with roofs of thatch', and these by gradual stages would give place to cabins and framed house*. Similarly a wigwam develops in to a ten t, and th is by th e substitution of more substantial material be comes a permanent building. Cay e dwellers naturally- enlarge o r multiply their abodes by excavating chambers in the mountains. Tins leads to the use of piers o r pillars as need requires to support the roof, and masonry* is a logical sequence. From an unhewn stone, s e t up to mark a burial place o r io commem orate some event, a polished, monu ment is gradually evolved, and a modification of a mere stone heap, o r cairn, results in- a pyramid o r o ther symmetrical tomb. A tree trunk fallen across a stream or stepping stones through it were the forerunners of modem bridge architecture. ' Verily acorns contain oak tree s.-- Forward, Detected. The Marquis of Waterford once fihowtd remarkable detective skill. A robber who had broken in to the marquis' house a t Curraghmore, Ire land, was pursued by him and fol lowed to a public house four miles off. There the robber bad seated him self among a number of men, w h o , were drinking and smoking, and not one of them would betray him. The ] marquis, however, was master of the | situation. | lie insisted upon feeling all their i hearts, and as he was their landlord arid the g rea t man of the county not one dared to refuse. The man whose I k art- wa3 .still beating quickly was tho robber who had ju st ceased run ning, Meeting at Xenia 100yard running race, Sato race, Wheel borrowraceand iBase ball. GOOD MUSIC m / bring your dinner and spend the day admission 25c noextra charge for grand stand or quarter stretch. THEHERALD FOR JOBPRINTING E b erso le P ianos “ We lm-« tor i*number bt se^mt»j5«llES»)se&t>}oi^«mratothe t?rtitem to iy Wtere they xm m the kua - 5s*gM*1*y* fcse. Wo have feucd tto Ebcrsoto tcy iis k gaud* » piano, wej? abl« i t jS'.ae?. uawear and leer of ttsumustc xooia* M ’■** SI avk *»irertte~<3 ■ • . ’cite/AIOs&scjvefoiiyetMtitto. . ' . WUJftfASTUBKO t f ■ - The Smith & Nixon Piano Co. id and n E. tonriH sttom ^ DixctNXATti o« I 4 H H m m m ■ M M
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