The Cedarville Herald, Volume 28, Numbers 27-52

A R E YOUR BOWELS R IG H T ? That is the first thing the doctor wants to know when he is called to the bedside c f one who is siek. “How are youx bowels?” he asks, ' That gives him. a key to the stateo f your health. *« a s re - sbpation exists uiere are a - r* ..........- ..I.;, fi taftcsjutssssffMsati' chaess thousand forms in which ci can creep in and tear down the health and strength. Hereare a few of the ailments thataredirectly caused by a constipated condition cf the bowels: 3 Sick headaches,, extreme nervousness, indigestion, torpid and enlarged liver, weak kidneys, backache, piles, eruptions of the skin, impure blood, boils, hives, and many other diseases start with disorders of the bowels. Ifyou would be healthy, never neglect the bowels.. . Neglect makes matters ten times worse. Constipation I does not cure itself. It grows Steadily worse and worse when neglected. When your bowels show signs of irregularity, set | them rightat onceT PonE^delayC Iron-Ox Tablets are not like "any of the ordinary; remedies offered for constipation. They are not harsh or sudden in actiop, neither do they fix a habit upon you. They can be used just as they ate needed. You can ■rely, on them/to set the bowels right without delay. They /cure constipation, not”merely giving temporary relief. They have proven theii/value" in thousands of cases of chronic/constipation. Evei/in extreme cases, where, the •best physicians have not b^en able to break up this,, stub­ born/disease. They have proven that they can fiA do' curdconstipation. / ' , j I f you value yprir health you will always have a box of Iron-Ox Tabletshandy. They are sola, in a handy - 1— :-----case containing 50 tablets.. This dainty - ...... — vast nbck .little aluminum case -----------e __ _______ _____ ___ -j / box can be slipped into tfie purse or the ’.ve po et and ■ earned with you wherever yob go. When you feel sick­ ness creeping' upon you, one dose will generally enough to s^t you right again. 25 cents a box at druggists’, oj sent anywhereon receipt of price by Thedron- Ox Remedy Co., 'Detroit, Mich. ’ prow your Special Homeseekers E x c u r s i o n s • - 1 VXA. J LOUISVILLE & NASHVILLE R, t , ' TO POINTS I N " / A l a b a m a , G eo rg ia , M i s s i s s i p p i , F lo r id a , North, a r id S ou th . C a r o lin a , V ir g in ia , K e n t u c k y , 'T e n n e s s e e , L cm ia iapzi, October 7 and November 7. and 14 L e a s t h a n O n e Rare, f o r th e « . R o u n d T r i p . j Tickets limited to return 21 day! ' f romcate of sale. Prom full information, 1 . . ., schedules, time tabes and Iitorajhre, descrlptiye of the various resources, agricultural, mineral and timber lands along the line, call on or ad­ dress F. D, BUSH, D. P. A. - - ■ Cincinnati J. L. DAV15VPORT, D. P. A. - 8t Louis 1L (!. BAILEY, N. W. P. A. - - Chicago 3. H, MlLLlKEY, D. P. A. - Louiavillo 0> L. STONE, G eh ’ l P ass , A gent LOUISVILLE, KY. T1IE DR. GREENE TREATMENT FOR NERVOUS AND CHRONIC. DISEASES Dears the, stamp of Absolute and Genuine Worth, conceived and founded in the true system of cure, it is as Imperishable as truth itself, as accurate .in curative results as a fixed pciertce, a Wondrous Blessing to the Sick and Ailing. It has endured the test of time and- been tried in the crucible of experience. Generation after generation of Dr. Greenes have -have restored health to 'the suffering by thesemarvelous medicines, adapt* ing, organizing and perfecting the treatment through long years of en* oniouspracfical experience among the sick, 'by grandfather, father ana son, until today the third generation o£ Dr, Greenes is giving U*the world ,:u even more successful practice, a surer and more positive means of cure than has ever heretofore been placed before the depressed, weaken­ ed anddiscouraged victims of chronic complaints. Drs. P, A. & J , A. Greene aie theproprietors of that niost mar­ velous of all remedies for the Nerves arid Blood, ‘ O R . G R E E N E 'S N E R V U R A . ,All are privileged to consult Dr. Greene personally or by mail, en­ tirely free, Dr. Greene himself attends to all who call and answers ail letters in person. Office, JOf Fifth Avenue, New York, m a j o r ’ s p r o c l a m a t io n / •7 / For so c ia l electionmiider. the Beal lay. .■ ,•/. • / / Whenfa potefcion signed ■by 40 per cent or the qualified Electors of the Incorporated Village of Cedarville, Qhio/was presented to the Honor- fc f : O Av t able body of .the Village Council on October the J6th. A.- D. 1905, the Said meeting, anjl whereas being a recess meeting from the second day of Oct ober A. D. 1905the Said peitition was duly accepted by .council .and special Election ordered for Nov’om er the Ilth. A. D. ltk)5. By council rherefore the qualified Electors of the Incorporated Village of Cedarville Greene ' county, state of Ohio.. Are hereby Notified/that an Election will be heKatthe usual Votlngplade in Said Village-eskthe Eleventh nay of November A. IX. 1905; Between the HoursAf Six o’ clock A. M* and Six o,olopk P. M. AhjviiTfth Elec tion it will be determined /Whether Saloons will be prohibited ‘ or whether they wlll-not be prohibited Givbn under my liand and seal of the Village of Cediyville the 19th Day of October A. D. 1905. 7, •D. H. McFarland, (0enl) / Mayor, WRITES LETER. We are having nice cool mornings and evenings, though it is pretty hot in the middle of the day /and until four. I find it much wanner than at Tanta. , - ; Dr. Anna Watson and three of her friends from America came yester­ day to visit Cairo. One is a lady physician, Fullerton, who whs inturn' at the hospital, where Dr. Anna studied surgery, and so washier in-: Irvflvr Hr* -tnoi*' sister, Miss Fullerton. Thtfjf were both born in India, theirparents be­ ing missionaries there. They are accompanied by a young lady, Miss Atherton, who is their cousin, and has just graduated fron Bryn Mar, ftMiss Fullerton is returning from her third missionary furlough and j Dr. Fullerton after her first. The* cousin is to visit them fora year and if the climate agrees with her she will become a missionary too. They are of a wealthy family, and are very charming people* They are Presbyterians. 1 Dr, Annals better again but Is Still a little worse from her attack,of tonsilitis* She sends her love to both of you. Miss McCampbell has been sick Bince Tuesday night with a high fever and for ythe first twbdays and xiightBcould/not take any food ex­ cept water o r tea and could only re­ tain one dose of medicine. However she was hungry yesterday noon and is much better today and expects to be at work Monday. She asked to b e ' remembered to you. She is very nice kind lady*and she sings so sweetly and. clearly. She Js very enthusiastic about her work anc likes ft. Miss 'Kyle was ^lcli -ln bed for two days last weeek. from <over­ work, gettirigready for her boarders; hums better again, though very/tired as she can not get another woman rVant. As you know,, bed-room work for/ eighty girls is not'light, when on4 has the superintendahee of all t^e other departments as well, besides the day school. •. Miss Smith is well, though her little body is ratherfrail after so many years of hard work. She is very kind to me; Miss Thompson has us many prayer-meetings and visits as many' houses as- last year add keeps well. Miss Ingram is liv­ ing with Dr. Ewing’ s this year and so ip Miss .Woods. -They ate our senion English teachers and •are so jolly and/enthusiastic. It is ' an education to talk -with them, they' are both well. They in company with Dr., and Miss Fullerton, Miss Atherton, Dr. Anna Watson, Mrs* Harvey, Miss Thompson and my­ self took our.,sappers and had a pic­ nic 7at the northeast corner of the groat pyramid. :We went out on the sixth street car and returned at,nine o’ clock:, all are so kind to me here. It always makea us so sleepy to be out In the deser^air awhile. MAYOR’S PROCLAMATION. . For municipal Election the quali­ fied Electors of the Village of Ced arville, Greene county, State of Ohio. Are hereby notified that an Election will be held at the usual Voting place in Said Village on the 7th’ day of November A. D. 1995. Between the Hours of Six A. M. and SixP. M. at which Election the fol­ lowing officers will be chosen for full Term, One Mayor, one Clerk, one Treasurer, ono .Marshal, one As sesof, three Council, Given under my hand and the corporated seal of the Village of .Cedarville this loth day of October 1905. , / - D. H. McFarland (Seal) Mayor. SPECIAL ELECTION. lowPart* JoWest Barden. Account American Water Work# A«eociationffiwMijig. linjoy &tt out­ law At noted gpstiflna' of wonderful nnntUvo. power, similar to famous wafers o f (Tarlgbad. Particular# $bout fate# and time of trains may tw nwtMhhvnl from ticket npp fs of yeiinijrftitftii. % . To the qualified voters of Cedar ville toWiisliip, Greene* Countv, Oliio; You are hereby notified that On the 7th day of November, 1905 , between the hours of C:{J0. a, m. and 5:30p. m, at the usual .voting places In said township,-a special,election will bo held and the question sub mitted whether there shall, he an additional tax levy on taxable property Of said township, for the purpose of a public library* made and levied by the trustees of said township. All voters In favor of said library shall put upon their balIoto‘ -tlie words “ Public Library, Yes,” and those votingagainst said library, the words. “ Public Library, No.“ H a majority of the ballots bo in favor of the eamej such levy will be ordered. W. H., Barber, , John W. McLean,. George H, Binlth, , Trtmtoeoof Cedarville Township, Attest ? Frank, A iaekflon, 5 Clerk ofsaid township- PA-sed Octoeer, If, tow, We miss Bey. Bruce Giffen, sou of Dr* John Giifen, now that he. has moved to LeXor. Mrs. Giifen still has For headaches and Is.not very well, she does a great deahmf work anyway. They are always so good to me.. We are - so glad that Mr* Wilson is coming so that he can re­ lieve Dr, Griffin, who has entirely too much resposibillty and work for one man to do. Mrs. Harvey told me 'to tell you what nice, long, newsy letters you write to me and that she always on- joys them ro much, when I let her see them. I amglad to tell yon that I am growing Btronger every day. My stay at Tanta was bettor ’ than medicne for i was out of doors so much. Last Monday was the Coptic New Year’s day some of the girls said but I behove It is only a least time, However they attend church that day nnd Bay that it is in memory oj! John the Baptist, They believe that if one rises before sun-rise on that day and secs, the sun come up that one may see the head of John the Baptist dancing up and down in the sun, and that any one, who does not believe this, is an infidel. This morning, I heard a big brass band playing, so I looked out of my window and saw following the band about twenty men carrying bric-a- brac for a parlor, most of which was covered with bright colored green, red, blue, purple, pink, yellow, etc, velvet or plush worked with gold} behind them came a man with a side-board on ills head; near him another man with a dresser on his head; others with the marble tops, and than three men with a^ward­ robe on tlicir heads; then came eight wagons loaded with beds, lounges, -and divans of all colors, The beds wero partly covered With pink satin counjter-panes worked in gold with two pillows to match, on top of each .counter-pane, one -was red Instead of pink, Next a wagon with a beautiful tray, chairs, etc. for lie dining room, and the last wagon iad their huge brass cooking cald­ rons, kettles and etc. for the kitchen, !:t was supposed to belong to„ a daughter of a pasha, who Is a bride. This was the richest procession of tills kind I have seen; All brides’ j'nfbiture is moved In a similar~wnyj the poorer ones often being richer in friends than furniture* Of course this adds to their expensive wed­ ding customs. Well I must close, lioplng this will find You both well. Love to each of niy enquiring fripmlo. Your losing noice. Alfarotia Hammond. THE COW THEE A V«#*i»W* Fmk Found in Mountain fUftlofto of Vonoxuol*. 0 The mountain region of Venezue­ la is the home of one of the most remarkable botanirai freaks known to grow upon the American conti­ nent. It is a tree which flourishes only upon the mountain sides and always at the height of about 8,000 feet above eea level. It is lofty and slender for its height and has broad, stiff leaves of a dusty white color, Which give it the appearance of be- 'ing almost dead. What is queer about this tree with the tall, slender trunk and dead looking leaves and branches? It is odd enough, sure, for although it is a very stupid looking forest growth, it is^kaown the world over. as the “milk” or “ cow tree"—-the famous “palo do vaca/* which Humboldt so glowing­ ly describes. It is an evergreen va­ riety, qnd those who have used its “milk” pronounce it “ perfectly de­ licious.” When the traveler, hunter or native of the Venezuelan mourn tains*is tired, hungry or thirsty he needs but ta cut the bark of the cow tree in order to be rewarded with a copious flow of this milky sap, which is said to be even sweeter and richer than the milk of the best high grade Jersey, If collected in vessels and allowed to stand for some little time, .say from eight to twelve hours, it grows thick and ~yellow, and ‘the • “ cream” goes through the process of “ rising to the top,” just as it does in ordinary milk. . At about the time of sunrise, ac­ cording to scientists, is the- hour chosen*by those acquainted with the tree's peculiarities for tapping the .bark. ’■At that: time the milk is be­ lieved to be more palatable and nu­ tritious than if taken after tlio sun has been acting for somO hours upon t,he leaves. Attempts- have been made to cultivate tlve cow tree both in .Mexico and in the smaller Central American republics, but so •far all, such innovations have been failures. ' As soon as it is remold from the mountain sides, even in ffT native land, 'where the natives have tried to grow it in the valleys, it withers and dies. | On' the Honeymoon. | She Said something that pubbea him the wrong way. 1 ! Seeing the look of pique, on his; face, she cried: ? ■ ' i * “Oh, my darling, -my darlihg! I ; .have hurt you I” , . \ “No, my dearest,” die replied gravely. “The.-hurt I feel is due to the fact that-t-knowdtrhurts you to' feel that*you havo hurt me!” “Ah, no! Do not let that hurt you for an instant. My hurt is bo-' cause-I know it hurts you1to feel that I havo hurt myself by hurting you,” ' * / \ ' “No, my precious. \My hurt is be­ cause you are hurt.oyer feolihg that 1 am-hurt because you feel that you have hurt me and are therefore hurt, yourself and”— " \ . i Let us leave them, dear reader. They will get over it in time.—Lon­ don Answers: / , Diokctrou*. “Maria-says slie'l! ever get off a street cor the right way again/' “ Why not?” . “ The-other day she the wav George told her, ana at the same moment a fat woman m the seat -ahWd0Stepped off, the wrong way trndUhe car started, and .Maria and the fat woman mot face to face and Maria bumped squarely *up° against the fat woman, and-the fat woman fell against Maria, and Maria clutched tho fat woman 'around the. neck, and the fat woman placed her fat hands on Maria's shoulder as if she meant to waltz with her, and then they both went down in a struggling heap.” —-Indianapolis Star. , _______ Art invitation Daolinad. A keeper was juu’the hyenas' cage at Hall t>y the Sea, England. One of the animals- improved the oppor­ tunity to turn upon the man in an ugly mood. The keeper promptly defended himself, and, to tench the Son Lo tf Mother. “ Consumption runs in our family, and through it I lost my Mother,” writes E. B, Bold, of Harmony, Met “ For tho past five years, however, bn tho slighesfc sign of a Cough or Cold, I hayo taken Dr. King’s New Discovery for Consumption, which has saved m o ' froih serious lung trouble,” His mother’s death was a sad loss for Mr, Bold, but he learned that lung trouble must not be neglected, and how to cure it* Quickest relief and cure for qoughs and colds. Price 60e and $1.00; guaranteed at All Druggist, Trial bottle free. LOW FARES WEST AND SOUTHWEST. Vr—i-l-'l ll-.—o,,*—*??-■>* !£<«•!» w ! ab <$ vl.% ------ - - i'‘> ! " w Pennsylvania Ur.«, Anyone contemplating a trip West may take advantage of the reduced fpres for the special Home-Seekers’ excursions via Pensylvania Lines to points in Colorado, Idaho, Iowa, Kansas, Minnesota, Missouri, Monk tana, Nebraska, theDakotas, Oregon Washington, Texas and other sections in the West and in all the- States of the South. Stop-over privileges permit trave lers to investigate1business openings. These tickets will be on sale cert’n dates during the summer. Details information as to' fares,, through time,.etc,, will bnfreely furn ishtd upon application to Local Ticket Agent of Pennsylvania Lines. —Oil cloth one, one and one half two yards wide at McMillans. PRICE LIST. SMITH & SILVEY Agents, ■ Light blue will dye-dark blue, brown, red, green or black; Dark blue will dye- wine, dark-green, seal brown or black; Cardinal will dye-dark-wine, brown, black or same color over Lightgreenwill dye:dark-green,. brown, blue or *black; Dark green will dye-seal .brownor black; Light brown wxll dye-dark brown, green, cardinal or black; Grey will dye any cojlor; BlDfclt can only be rediped. Silks dyie same as wool and prices are accord­ ing to quality and quanity. Prices For Cleaning Ladies We#r. , Tailor made suits from.....'... $1.60 to |2.00 Evening dress....... ...............1.75 to 3.00 Opera cI0aks...„....... .......... ...LOO to 1.50 Silk waists............................ .75 to 1,00 Woolen waists........ ...r.:..i......,„.;80 to 1,00 Dressing sacques........,/................ 60 to .75 Skirts,..'..................... 1.00 to 1.50 Single shawls... .............. :..... . 50 to LOO .Double shawls........... 75 to LOO \Short length jackets..............„.,C0 to 100 Hip length jackets.,............... „..75 to 1.00 Three-quarter length jockets,.1.00'to 1.60 Full l e n g t h ................... Ji 00 to 2.25 Childrens dresses................,,...60 to 1.25 according to Size Children cloaks... ..,.60 to 1.50 aciording/to size, 1 _\ Dyeing Ladies Wear, Tailor made suits to 2.50 •Skirts............. LOOto L59 .whists............................. ........,60to 1.00 Dressing sacques ..,,....................50 to .76 Single shawl.................;...*...... 50 to 1.00 Double shawl... .................... 1.00 to 1.60 Silk dresses............... .1.50' to 8,00 Silk Waists.... ............. ..... ,..,, .75 to 1.00 Silk shirts..,,.......... .............1.26 to 2.00 Short jackets... .................. ;.,75 to 1.00 Hip length............. °............1.00 to 1.60 Three-quarter lengths........,,1,60 to 1.75 ill\leng ' iidreni :ordrnc Fufi fl th,......................... 2.00 to 2.60 Qh l dress,,,......... ..... ,,,'.,50 to 1*26 acc i g to size. Children cloaks ,..................... 75 to 1.50 according to size. Goods do not have t6 be ripped. Portipr curtains cleaned. 1.50 to 2.50 pr. Porticr curtains dyed......1.60 to 2;60' pr. Damaskcurtains clearied.1.00 to 1.60 pr. Damask curtains dyed... 1.00 to 1*50 pr* Lace curtains clcanud without. injury from,...............................50 to 1*60 pr. Blankets cleaned ‘without shringage from........ ........................ 76 to 1.60 pr. Tips cleaned from .10 to 25 each Tips dyed from............... .10 to 25 each Plums cleaned from,,,.... .’ 25 to 75 each Plums dyed from,,;,.:......23 to 76 each Kid gloves cleaned from,,JO to U6 each Mens hats from,,.,.......... .§5 to 50 each Prices for Dyeing MensWear. Dyeing suits from .... $2.50 to $3.00 according to quality.. Dyeing coats................. 1.00 to 1.60 Dyeing trousers,.................. ,1.00 Dyeing vests............... 60 Dyeing short lengthovercoats,1.50 to 1.76 Dyeing mediutn length........ 1.75 to 2.00 Dyeing full length... .......... 2.00 to 2 J50 ” ing suits are from...........1.00 to 2.00 according to size, Boys overcoats from............. .7$ ta d i s ­ according to size. mm B H R G j im s Ladies’ Heavy all Wool Bladj 40 Inch Cloak e.on’ect Kew Btyle would be good value at $10.00 special price S6.50. Very Fine all New Kersey 43 inch cloak in blacky and . costor special price ^10.00. Childrens cloaks size 6 to 14 ygars. in all the new cloths and stlyes at 83,50 4.50, 5.00 and 600 each— e* Strictly all W ool excellent new shape in black, gray, navy, and fancy mixtures that would be cheap at S6.00 special price $4.50. Fine Walking Skirts in the choicest new styles and material at $5.00, 6.75, 7.50 and 10,00 each. BAIN COATS in the good cravinettes all colars $10.00, 18,60, and 15.00 , M IL L IN E R Y B A R G A IN S . . 12 Inch black ostrich plunes.......................... ^............................. 85 C.' Untrimined hats black and costors,,.,............. ................ ......... »oc. Trimmed .Tailored Hat............ ................... ............................. $1.00. Children school hats.................................................... .................. 60c. JOBE BROTHERS S- GO, X E N I A , OHIO. South and SoutHeast* r .HEAP RATES QUEEN & CRESCENT ROUTE. FROM CINCINNATI. $ 6.70 8.15 9.90 11.40 11.50 13.55 13.90 Knoxville and- Return $15.60 Chattanooga and Return 15.80 Asheville and Return 16.75 Atlanta and Return 16.80 Birmingham and Return 16.80 Macon and Return 20.00 Montgomery and Return 20.00 Savannah and Return Mobile and Return^ Jacksonville and Return New Orleans and Return Vicksburg and Return Miami and Return Tampa and Return CORRESPONDINGLY LOW BATES TO INTERMEDIATE POINTS. 'Tickets onsaleOctober 17thto oil points in Alabama,Georgia, Mississippi, Northand SouthCarolinos, Florida all pointsexceptKeyWest, Tennesseeall pointsexceptMemphis. November7th, all-territoryexcept points in Florida, November th, topoints in Flonda only. Limit 21Days. Stop-overprivileges. For informationwrite; D, PjBROWN, N*E. P. A* H&nmondBldg., Detroit*Mich. W. A. QABBETT, . W. C..RINEAHSON, odksu HAiuom • . sdioui. rMinwnSonr CINCINNATI. KHElih and ROYAL PIANOS Wo have agency for Krell and Boyal.pianos and are in position to sell at the lowest prices, owing to.handling these instruments di­ rect from the factory. All pianos tuned or repaired are guaranteed by us. See our display and get our prices before purchasing,. Or­ ders takeni for sheet music. . , “ ' GEORGE & SIEGLER , Display parlor \v't h Elmer Sphar in Crouse Block Cedarvillo, O* 72&Swm S*stm’e s i k L a d i e s O n l y Wo trn (tlvlbtf army »TX7»ESl BETS. OJIASITE. WAIU5 SEW. COUbHiat. MEiVtMW ■and hundreds or oshcr articles, till .full tiro lor /family nso, to enable ns to lntroduco cur Swan Bakina Powder nnd Salvonalirundajit ToaieCotfcao and other Hou>wliold Supplies. Tlieia are ail Llgh-urcio rooss —et/:,.-lut(.'ly chape of asci i us—becauseyou risk notliSnfj. °orI>i?n1of sctliPfjnondswill 1x5fullv explained"!* youwin onlyEcni xm WChavoJiunriredsof natromwhoin.... .....- ■• - • ” w w /suw uibua I'akum ;; »fuow<J CUStODl ^?ClSJOOUrCd J5y itlfS p lf n* iX£Ow^ <1i,ot.')at.rP,',,eo unless-wo pave themfull vnluo and liitc. troatment, \Va wohld. not expect themto. Besides, tho c-” ----- * - paper triu_tcll you that wo aro tborouehl; h d eds f p ns i t u* o f p , .Be de editor of this e a e h g y rcapons'bio. Write us today—a postal-card fust _ givingyour namoat>4addresswill do. This U a Chance That Docs Not Happen Xtory Bay. SALVONA SUPPLIES COMPANY, ' 4127-1139 Pine Street, St, Louis, NTs*' Suits cleaned................ .>..,.$1.50 to$2.00 Trousers cleaned........60, to .76 Coats cleaned.................. 75 to 1.25 Vests cleaned................. ,.,25 Silk vests cleaned..........!.>..... 50 Short length overcoats..-.......1.25 to Fe the spectators, a dear old lady, then remonstrated with the keeper and thought he had acted cruelly. The man stepped out of the cage andj'ad- vnnclng to the lady, said, “P’raps* mum, you'd like to come inside ana manage him!” Tho invitation WaA not accepted. A Smart 81H. , *“She told me she" had made a study of palmistry;” “Well?” “Well, she offered to, read- my palm,- and I let her.” “Naturally.” *■- “Arid then she told me I was go* ing to suffer a disappointment in love, hut would got over it and mar­ ry a poor girl,” “ What did yon say?” “ What coifld I say? She's rich, and I had intended to propose to he* that ycry evening.” WB HAVE Fafms to Sell and can sell yours FARR! LOANS five years. S M I T H . . * 0M3MANS* 1.50 1.75 2.00 1.25 1.00 Medium l ngth cleaned..... 1.60 to Full length cleaned.........._„1.76 to Boys suits cleaned................ 50 to* Boys overcoats cleaned.......... 50 to Mens suits sponged and pressed from ................................. 75 to 1.00 Mens trousers.......................16 Mens COats................ 50 Mens overcoats.......... ........ ...60 to ,75 We guarantee’ are dyed goods not to rub off. We make a speciality of relining Ladies and Gents cloaks and coats also furiijsh newvelvet-colars at reasonable prices. In fact there is nothing in the cleaning dyeing and repaifihg line we do not and cannot do.‘ All Work guara'ntced first class. Please do not get us mixed up with inferior places whichhave justed stated business with Out any knowledge of same. ^We have established 2ftyears and defy compition. No matter if'-you have had goods spoilt elsewhere In cleaning and dying give iisa trial and we are sure yoil will call again. Special attention given to mail and 'express orders. We do not dyC for any other dye-house, S P f f l f l G p I E k D S T E f l J I D Y E W 0 ! $ S , l®N> Center S t Springfield, O, Rirc first Class Rigs Best and m ost up-to-date livery and feed barn in Central O h io ,. E very th ing new . E spec ia lly equ ipped to care for funeral parties. • Keep your rig from exposure when in town b y hav ing i t in bur barn. CEDARVILLE, OHIO. Ebersole Pianos A B S O L U T E L Y D U R A B L E . “ We have for a numbero! years used iibsfsole Flanoflin the C*,^?rIR^ ry w ,fcw thoJ' ‘ro C(ifl9t*nt!y subjected to the hard* es* kind of use* We Imva found tho Bbersale to bo a rood P^no, wel/ abls 6ian»l ,newear and tearof thomusic room* M .in-TiAUAtm, Directress - . Oonservetoryol Mnric. MAaurAOrtnuo nv T h o S m i t h & N i x o n P l a n o C o , IO and 12 E . Puurth Street. CINCINNATI, O , HERALDSALEBILLS l ? « r k w ill • ’ tiiAti o f a u y firiB, t W E N T Y ^ l O T I I X l l l l ISSUMTE Tbs election iti Olncinu ■ *—-j«r< -nTT ■ fkc? ■ S r g e B. O 0 X, was vh ipp U h d ono candi -'jo wbolo citv apd county tit inveVcted. Thisis tho aocoi that Cox baa been defeated* is the second time ho lias through timpress that he wo tireiron* activepolitico* His letter is as follows: “ How that tho election iso t h e people have signified the ference for city, county an officials, and I sincerely trui have selected wisely,. I wish nounce to the pnblic that fro day, after 25 years of active la the ranks of the Bep party, niy personal activity : T will coni TIVBT’W1"*’ - ------------ vote, the Bepnblican tick' Othersmustbear fchebardeno campaigns.. TO the local Bep organization and'the many .'that have stood with ns w ti I tender most grateful than their unswerving loyalty an| port. I hop)? for their futur, wili. Bespeetfally yours, ■ “ George B The fight for Mayor in th resulted in Judge Edward D being elected by nearly 7,O' . the rest of the ticket by ab same pluralities. . When Cox nominated Herr summer for governor he organization promised' the can ticket a lead of at leas The vote shows that the ci ounty only gives Herrick over 1900*; The demonstration in Cii on Tuesday night was the; ever known in that city. Th f that surged the streets wltl horns, tin, pans, red fire, 1 etc., was estimated at 100,00 people acted as though th, been in slavery and had bee ed their freedom. The Cox yotod thousands of floa otaer states aiidthen lost, illegal voters have been bou • to^Re courts.% The reform meniwzM! agreat • victory, th elept®nt» of *11 pewrttes 'rmitii the Democrats to sinaf “ machine.” James Gamble' dent o f the Proctor ' and > company, manufactures o soap and one o f the weathi in Ohio Jed the reform m- and was active in the work. |There is jiq better stovl than tlie Peninsular, wlietbl a range, so ft.or hard coal They have stood the test of I uuefullness and always give I ■of satisfaction. Gall and [ display and got prices befil chasing. Kerr & Hastings 11 AMATTEROFHI P0WDEI A h w j I u t e l y P u i MASm SUBS) A Cream o f Tartar Pc, fr*o from mum or pt pha tlcu cld tacVAI,CAXIN3 POWDERCO., Nl ■m m m rn /»rn j « *