The Cedarville Herald, Volume 28, Numbers 27-52
*rnm O r . J C E N N E D T O FAVORTE REMEDY ^ 1'ottrttnltt * apt > A»a\%rlroinf)*D f io s E fw i i f f i lm £t*.&nr--War,avc::t-ir.?“f2y It-r*. •*>»*,-r v‘ ID oyour C h i l d r e n ] I ASK , **■*,*%W*!>M| HAfO! f Swarf^H 01 ttrarsa-tfiey do, B la the!* w»y®fIcai-sijdj*and Ifclayonrdai^ to answer. Yon may nco&a dic tionary to did yon. It nron't an- iwerovery rpteatina, hub th&ce fire thousamkriowhichit willgi^oyon true, clean and doflnito answers, not? about words only, bnfe about things, tljoenn, maebwiery, men, places*sforiesfind'thelike. Then*; too, the children can find their own answers. *• Soma of ohr greatest men have ascribed their power to study of the dictionary. 1Of coutHCyoil-wantthe bestdic tionary. Themost critical prefer the Newand Enlarged Edition of W e 0 s t e r * s ; I n t e r n a t io n a l ; .D ic t io n a r y / -'gSSfcv I f you have, my questions wtwujw A " about it unto us, feSSS» ^ &O. mebriam p # PUBU8HIH8, SPRINGFIELD,MAB8. The"; CedarviHe Herald. Sr,oo P^s4Tear* »t«WL fetetftar* FRIDAY, NOVEMBER- 10, 1303, AN INDORSEMENT. GOGS for OLD and YOUNG it* AugustSlower fcfecjsstli<?children healthy a*d , - ‘ sirctfs** * • Vtdl oTvjtfdr and thewhole day totig* go ipbctf Mai&nia $wqda ftiore they tuah oft 10 j- high - • " - • ■* ,1. < *. *1 And slifcmt la £bCdruggist:1“Pltase'give It to Die!" _ „. rpnabifity to get up brist; aiid fresh iu the morning, lack pf appetite^.. pallor,, muddy .complexion &nd^pQofc!spmto.-f ihtr.e nil indicate a disordered stomach andhaddigestion—in adults and children, too. 5?liey also indicate the urgent need of taking Green's August 'FJkwer regu* larly for a. tew days. . ■ tftVsti reliable o!a remedy.orall stomach troubles, never fails to cure indigestion, dyspepsia and chronic constipation, and is a natural tonic for body anu iuind. ti q iw o sizes, 25 c and 75 c, All druggists Bm c ■ Wisferman. Cednrvilfe.O ,'*1 You Must Sleep,, If you cannot, it is due to an irritated or congested state of the brain, which will soon <Jc- •velope into nervous prostration. Nature- demands sleep, and it is go Important as food; it is a part of lier building and . sustaining process. This period • of unconscjduoness relaxes the jnentd”and physical strain, and a!lows nature to restore ex- lidfesteil vitality* lib'. _lilies’ Nervine brings r ’efreshing deep, because it st dues the Irritation and re moves the congestion, ■»■ xt h also a nerve builder; it iiMirishes end strengthens ev- n j nerve in your body, &nd creates energy in all the organs. Nothing^ will give strength at S vitality - as surely and fjniddy as l)f* Miles' Nervine, tuo p tii vtl iter I had two till .(in s t Cruifi-ipt' ♦■’•iiS'-H left mo very wcatr, atidAu &&3 condition. I V.-'-'i fia t.-MmsI eoui-t not deep, J£y wife, ester irsttus different fcmcdics, w a s fov s Costo?. '±'ho ttOctnv.. waa if.1'?, us>l a nttaJibw.tccoinmsnaed i>& %l. ira" JaCS'vjnc. and tAcv hnn^ilit Hr,mo #, r jfCJc*. Iliaanetolr}>t#ore,)inot!iaF<, r- 1 paa fm'fiMu pains in mg. head. Aitdi falilrtr &2ow tfosss or sTorviafi - r-.o rein was «&t cn. covero, and I 1 ftm not? taklnn tho eceoaa l . 1 f" ■1 ftm v- r* mm>ti lmmmr-V* iiL’Jli? zz erriSfi, vmlerwii, vt. Cfv Mites* hetvtm to mid by ycur t V3i;o 'svill coardutco ^tiat tiio J «r»s cottre vj BI beflofit, if it fairc, 1 # 1 ¥>:<f tcJund jfou«f money. AlliesMedial Go., B i t o t , I n d R . E . C O R R Y ( ATTCriONEKE. g ‘ A ll M a d s o f A u c tio aep i'l& g . I \ i f r o u a g e S o lic ite d & t f e - ffty fto ii f }« a im t€ f ! tl , B e l l p h o tic , 3 3 2 , C lif to n c h a n g e . CASTORIA teg Iiifiaii had t&Itsoa, f t * M Y ob H i t | n**w * t « / y , y****;” . -1 g?ho resale of the election fuesdny shows th a t avlilto Greene county ran t far bchinit on tu« head of tho tiehet, 'th o rn was one eandidata thafcre- ealyed a vote th a t r a n f a r ahead of tho ticket. Representative, George t i t t l e received 8$& while Herrick j ivies acu iiv ii wiiii v « v a«s«. pKrontativs I.ittle. -during hiu first term d id some valuable work .in tho House and the vote he has received is a 8.rong indorsement, He is broadm inded and has the courage- of h is convictions which will make him a leader among the BepubKc&n members of the Honse. A LITTLE NONSENSE ; TIPS LEAD TO PRIBES, At the recent convention in.Ham- fcbrg of the Coal Dealers' association of Crermi.' y a number of delegates spoke qn the praetiee.of tippingand bribing^-They explained that sts^- fcers“and others having to do with coal used in manufacturing works and large establishments of any kind must be given bribe money or- have their influence usedagainst the coal dealers to prevent the securing of new orders. The deleg), is urged flio necessity-of taking measures to abolish the nefarious practice. Americans traveling in Europe find the tipping abuse very annoying. The tipping evil'has undoubtedly led to the bribery method^ which now has become so vexatious to business people.—Brooklyn Eagle. Advertising.. Many of the largest advertisers in the country have come to the con clusion that out of door advertising is a waste of money and that no re sults come from the placing of signs oh hillsides and in all sorts of con spicuous places. The concerns that do. that sort of work are curtailing expenses, knowing well that the be ginning of the end of-their business is at hand. In addition to this there is a decided movement all over the country to do away with the bill board liprror, the argument against it being its hideousness and the marring effect on the scenery in the Vjrtfi districts and its damage to •mtiguous property in the cities.— Rochester union and Advertiser. oO -■ ^ Comedians’ Early Careers. - . Few of the funny men on our; •stage expected to he comedianswhen they began their careers; De Wolf Hopper studied law before going in - ; to theatricals,- Peter Hailey wao a jumper in Whitney's circUB. Digby Bell was a purser for the White Star Steamship company. Bicliard Carle was engaged in Lyceum work, Hen ry ClayBanwbee was a cash hoy and, Thomas Q, Seabrooke was a batik teller* dame’s T. Powers was a West ern Union messenger boy, Frank Daniels was a -wood carver and Har ry Conor was a .plumber. Jefferson Do Angelis was\introduced to the stage at the age of three and has been acting ever since.—New York Press. - ! ipomisfiei soil Impoverished soil, like impov- •rislied blood, needs a proper fertilizer. A chemist by analyz ing the soil dan tell yon what fertilizer to use for different products. If your blood is impoverished your doctor will tell you what you need to fertilize i t and give it the rich, m l corpuscles th a t are lacking hi it. I t may be you need a tonic, but more likely yoit need a , concentrated fat'food,, and fat is the element lacking in your system. , There is no fa t food th a t is do easily digested'and assimi lated us Scott's Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil I t will nourish and strengthen the body when milk and cream fail to do it* Scott’s Emulsion is always the same; always palatable and always beneficial where the body is wasting from any capes, either in children or adults, Wawilt seadjoa a snmph fat* Utatmtfftfiab ihtet pfc* taw la tho form el & Safeitei&a tho.wrapper: of (jvetybottleoflimal* Gten^mmg*' SCCTTA 8QWME m m t u m m ■ -IbM*. . - «t«y About « G»tfi«h t* by ftosny, - Tho catfish h a elpfety. g«csy kind of £gk that inhabits nil kinds of Water*hut prefers dirty water. It loom like a large heal with a body and fail stuck on to if. Catfish Be- ^uently attain ihe size of a good: big schoolboy md am quite irritable pad ferocious. They have sharp jiggers on their aides sad elsewhere with which they can jab you like every thing. When you suddenly pull a small catfish with a large head and a yellow underside out of tho water and flop it on the hank it sometimes makes- a noise like “glng,17winch is catfish for swenrino. Once therewag « iiiuu why lived vn the HicsaiErdpsil river, Alarge catfish hod broken all hia lines and swallowed all his hooka, lie made n big iron hook, fastened it to the end of a long leather strap, took- a porterhouse steak for bait and caught the cat fish, I t weighed 21-pApounds, Ho told another mafi about it and the other man told.-father, .If it,had weighed 215 pounds he would have said so. The works of creation are wonderful.- Let us always he honest and courageous and obey our'■par ents and teachers and we will grow up to be useful.-—Chicago Tribune. Not Competing Now. ; . A few years' ago in Cincinnati^a musieaT' was given- in IFonor of James Lane Allen, the prominent1 novelist. A wealthy society woman of that' town, somewhat -limited in her' knowledge -of-music, hut anx ious to pose as a patroness of Imislc and art, rushed up to Mr. Allen and effusively exclaimed; . "Oh, Mr. Allen! Are yourfohd of Each? Is- Bach still eowpos-. mg?” ' "No, madam,” gravely replied the writer, "Bach is now decomposing.” *—Lippincott’s Magazine, * High Tragedy, , > CONDENSED STORIES* He* a Smtfuf l»****f»r W*» Fan* (ilM# by « 4oksr, J ) tM n l \ Haapcll of NewY%^ whoHO emulsion of fats and com* poand of vcgetablo Joyces douo $ q much ffip tho euro of copsiflnp- tiea, said at * meeting of physSeiais th a t be did not. r ir ii 'to .praiso.too ardently Ida dfceovcri.c-a "For they'who ®f their own work, ways a little ridiculous, and some times 1 they stumble, like a certain innkeeper, Into a pitfall "This innkeeper, a New Hamp shire man, was noted for the fine quality-of his beer. "A joker from Sunapee, a gen* that he.would put up a trick on tho A^'egriabiePrepwelionrorAs- Willing to Obtia*. Mr. Dudling— Waitah, you Iibv fohgolten the—aw-rfingah howl. •Waiter — We don’t serve'finger bowls any more, sir, hu t when you get through rooting around among the vittles I ’ll, bring you a wgsh basin if you want it.—New York Weekly. ; ,> ■ » FrUndly Pat*. Bodrick—They eay- Cholly- Good- fellow is very popular around town. Van A l b e r t I shoidd ssy so* Why, he wears out two coats a month ju st from people slapping him on the back.- -Chicago News. Never Sttlfc Church-—I thought you eaid you gave your wife hush money? Gotham—I did. -1 "Well, she ought to he arrested fo r obtaining money under false pretenses.”—Yonkera Statesman. Convincing Amicus—So you have another baby at your house* What, is he like? • . - E rficen t Critic—Well, ho la not very interesting, hu t ho is mighty convincing.—Life. A Good Artist. Dauhor—Mrs. Goodoole, I believe, remarked th a t she though t I was a very good artist. Criteek—’Yes. I t seems oho oaw. you in ch reh loot Sunday.—Phila delphia jord. l»ov« Is Biindk Pearl—They eloped in an auto mobile. i Ituhy—And was i t a success? PeatV—Yf-s, Even Cupid wor# goggles,—Baltimore News, W‘.rso and Morn of it. Grutnbcll—Moat women have hut one idea, and that’odress, Jenks—Huhl My wife has about a dozen ideas, all on that subject*— Philaddphia Press. she nftxnnOun i t t i ® m gjabs . innkeeper, and as he sat a t a table w ith-some friends in the inn he poured ,a :lo t fpf(;vinegar and pepper into a glass, of beer before him. "T h e n 'P e rid f'm a d e a horrible face and-roared’ou t; " ‘Dre'adfulf ;IFs- a shame 1 This 'is no t beer.* I t i s poispn.’ 1 ' 4< fiPale with rage,’‘the Jandlorilhnr- yied in. \ ’ ' V “ . : ’ "'W liaP s- the 'thatter with you, PerleyP lie said: "T ha t beer Is all r ig h t/ ' " fAlk righhvti&4t?’»•said Parley, winking a t his companion. ‘Well,, ju st taste it and see if it's all r ig h t/ "TbmJandlord put: th e fu ll glass of/doctored;,be,$y to his lips* .H e drained the vile mixture to the last drop*. Then, determined to Btand ‘up for'himself a t all costs,' he said; <"‘Ah.'cScelMgt glass of-.hCer. I neverthfete'd d^fjetw r/” •—'.Kansas C il^Jo ttriia l/-i,?irs:1 T,:??1v'» , 7 , t-•*' '« T>n«4W»« Flrj«d. - -Tfio la te * J n d g o ^B if f ^ ,H a ll of .Ghsgago *took,;gre^t d e ligh t w toll-- dhg the following ’story, of "Punch” Wlierier; fi; .-AVlieel^r, a tth f it rime the advance, agent oLorimmsfcrcl company, had returned tot.Ncar York before the .close of tho theatrical season, and a friend, ‘MCQting. him.-,on Broadway, -asked .ljim how vlm h ad, found busi ness., •„ . . , ( * , . - x “ Very, had,” Jsaid,. "Punch,” “so had thqt the bmy way .wo could, pay the members the troupe was to fine them. I f ^worked splendidly, top,; and, ;by„the .time we -reached Texas the manager; had squared up wjth the whole.^company excepting tlVc first tenor, was such a prop er chap .that tnepo was no chance to jinfi fau lt with his actions. A t Gal veston Mr, Temrn.kUng fo r his solo /T h e the Sea* and for an encore’responded with 'Over the Hills to, the Pdorhouse/ T h a t gave the boss t h e ' opportunity he was loolcing for, and he levied on the songster’s salary for th e entire Amount—first, for telling the busi ness we were playing to, and, sec ond, fo r giving away the route of the show.”—-Judge. PATENTS iCawsto, m i •MtleZMaik*<&t*>atdtud 1stfcal«rt*<»sdo«leato#Mots hats Nit. Duaorineieiscawnn u.M.miiitrorrit* ,*«aW8J*a terMSTAKU tows*foitWtltMltkOM ' Beadwadil, ftswl.i: or fchftia*with Wftw?38*, II j sleftttUftftffcSt, tm oi ■thitfa, 0 a#to*.i&ldiiaJill . ; ;o* 6 m « tm m tie t?-&tad taeigkmmttkt mt tt££* ■ O . A . I H O W . V » . Helpful Little Dfothen Admiral Evans, at a dinner at Narragancetfc paid apropos of dis appointment; "Tlie poor fellow’s feelings in this misfortune must, have resembled those of a young planter whom I knew, in my youth in Virginia. ■ ■ “Tho young man was in love with a girl of great, beauty. She had many suitors, and to all of them she wao more partial than to my friend, But he, though snubbed continually, remained very faithful. “One Sunday evening when he called tho girl’s Jittlo brother ad mitted him. The“youngster led him into tho parlor,.went upstairs to an nounce his name and then, return ing, said; “ ‘Sit down, Mi*. Sparker. She will sco you in .a few minutes/ “ ‘I am glad of that, I wao afraid she might atsh bribe excused, ao oho has done cp often before/ “ ‘No fear of that this time. I played a trick on her,’ paid tho littlo brother. “ ‘How was that?’ Sparkor asked. “ ‘Why/ saidflho lad; T protended yon were some one o lso /’L-Kancaa Gity Joqynal . Extraheavydoublebreasted fleece lined underwear, to flSO, at Sullitfafi The flatter S?S, fjlmcstono St. ’ Springfield, G. Gedarvltto customers who doslrb tholrwork tfafopiihristmaa, should nmko tin In. by next Fw« d ay tiro l?th. H possible, Dowfilng’flStudir. I S il VN I S - H i l l l ) K l N I . Bl f>#nwutosDi’H'sHrm.Checrful- IUS3IVUinil'q«I*« cmiumMorniiiue iwrrusefal N o i N a b c o t i c , - JRmftmSaU~ j H x .S m m * JMMSJk- ffHM w J t W* w f ,**W» »<f«i«e*eie*lB*e*ei»«(e»ift^r^T —r Aperfeci Hemedy fo r Consllpa- Bon, Sour Stomach,Diarrhoea Worms.Convulsions .Feverish ness and Loss OF SLEEP. ■ ,|W|« i««Mew>>pweiw»q»»ft . . - rac Sunile Signature of _ . NEW* Y O H K *__ __ CASTOBIA y o f lfa f lu iti «nd Childrwi. iTheKindYouHave AlwaysBought Bears the Signature. w In Use For Over Thirty Years EXGHfifiGE BARK CBPARYILLE, OHIO, M W O m m m M Wham zndl^. *** dN do s la f-alfcated, Coljeff—. promptly mado and remitted. T|BAFTS on New York acd (sB, ** cionati sold at loarct rates. The cheapest and meet ec-avenientway ^ send money by mail. 1 ~ # { HUTCHISON & GIBNEY 8 DpToDate. WRAPS, down in prices Suits Skirts. SILKS, Hew As sortment 371-2 to 49c. BLANLETS, com forts, Beddings, ‘ low prices. UNDERWEAR, La dies, Gents, Children, 25 c^nts up, JACKETS, CAPES, and LADIES’ Su its. F a lsa le a t HUTGJllSOlU GIBpEY’S, XENIA, HALCS HairRenewer Makes the hair growlong and heavy, and keeps it soft andglossy. Stops falling hair and cures dandruff. And it always restores gray hair. Sold for fifty years. T OANS made on Beal Estate, Per. * • aonal or •Collateral Security. V ' - . WilliamWildman, Pres., Seth W. Smith, Vice Pres,, IV. J, WS hhiou . CaBuser, . O. L. Smith Asst. Casbio P l iA f tn ifK r O f f T im Best Chops i w ha t ‘you won’t complain of. We w ill do It a n y time you call. Chops And Steaks going a long :w ay toward making you healthy. • I f you. buy them of us you are sure they are good. ’As long as, you continue to trade with us you can rest assured you’re getting A 1 meats and low prices. . C .H . CROUSE, CEDARV IL L E .O . Gain’s Restaurant and DinigRoms Corner High and Limestone street Springfield,,Ohio. r>Tl1CT11S> Tbe money making u l l l j i S l U crop. ’E asily grown, u n i w i p u B0om yflUr garden togrow -huudreds of doUats worth annually. Roots, for sale. Plant now. L iteratu re free. W rite today. Buckingham’s 'Ginseng Garden, Depfc.9, ' Zanesville, Ohio, The Genuine Ml R ogersbros : Spoons* Forks* Knives, etc* a JfertiMrt haveall the qualities in design,work- manship and finish of the best ster lingsilver, at One-foiirth toone-efehth the cost. Much of the sterling now on the market Is entirely too thin and light for practical use, and is far In ferior isi every way to Silver Plate that Wears " Ask your Sestet lot " |* 0 KOfttRS 8R0$,W Avoid eutertitole*. (hur fell tead«*ffla#k is ’rijM? R&iiRi brm .» lafek to? it. Sold hy leada-g disters eve? firhett. Before buyingwrite far ca?catal6gn3"G-L.,t RfKUAVSOMAt. StoVftRCO., triftiM* t u r i S f o f , M t e , * m , J Tti\ ibr*. wiPBWWi AliCADf SPRlNSHEtD Wholesale attil Hetall H. Nelson’s ’ T Business £ f College 'Arced*, Springfield, Ohio JEWELERS W ithout« $ m . Itt OhkL J fiOOKKeeWNO It SHORtHARO* You lack feith in an untried ...] remedy? YeuWillHamFaith n t ♦ Llchfnfiii;Laxafiva QuIaMeTablets after one trial. Sold with an nb< ■olnte ga*rentoe to euro or druggist will refund your money. Will cure. COLDS, LA GRIPPE; NEURALGIA, COUGHS, • MALARIA, HEADACHE, Ate perfectly hamleee—n o v e x gripe nor sicken—-never cause dis* tree*—no bad effect upon the heart —never injure the most delicate Stomach. ACCEPT NO SUBSTITUTE. i i k for Rod insist on getting7 Q G U 1 N W ^ | j IPA1IV£ SS - <^jgt coos • Q uinine R a m s AT DRUCK318T8. THEHERBMEDICINECO., SPRINGFIELD. OHIO. XeunURectmrer* at theCelebrated LIGHTNING HOT DROPS. V n M B M M O M M B M I T akcc wmG** CARDUI ay H om e Are you * sufferer? Has ycur ledkt bm iim&i j-ftiftfref? ■ ■ V CCfffwI WOwiDI yOU pCMVf 19 f i l l yeuwtIflAT’HOHE? „ Neatly 1,1500,009woertn hfcre’ bought Wine of €ardui from, their druggist* and have cured , themselves At home, of Rich 1 trouble* a* periodical, hterisg down and otmiaa ptuM, fence** DKrlj DWIcJlnWIj flwnralnPWj- dininew, nausra and d«tp6«d> «tty,«Attied hftrmhs yrmmA J m m -m mb n r y Wine- G«nM msmyihm te* ftn*ti*rat.’t. trictheergiNi, inllietwawiSA. . t<mieof healinihArtei,l« i torn strong and d « ^ » « i g « . lif e ' •oceenefil bcceete I t eurea te ft ttm p m d t^ g ir t i t |l .w i fejttfe * m ym *m b«im th»l tMfttmtnttedAy. WiByouttyilt 1;• ***** , 9PBMRMMR A bs **| j
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