The Cedarville Herald, Volume 28, Numbers 27-52

The Kinnane Brothers 12,14 ana n E A S T M A I N S T R E E T , SPRINGFIELD, OHIO 22, 24. 26 and 28 NORTH FOUNTAIN AVE. A i> tiiii\ A n c im i o iiiyri e/11 F o i% r l i i l # ' H i . U Hit 1W ' riS COATS, FOR WOMEN, MISSES AND CHttBESsN. S i l k s D r e s s Q o o c l s Newest attd freshestfro,b the production of the world best manufactures. | t , Mira-iip i j Hhciai*i7-The most staple lines, and bought, that we can a t least save you from 25 40331-3 per cent from ItuUCl W ea l AUU IIUM cl j the regular retail prices-for men, women, and childrens, every grade that is made and worth having you’ll get here-andin every possible size we can'fit, stout and their equally perfect, all our Garments and mad specially for us and according to our measurements. - P f a r i l / a f c A * 1 A C r \ m -f/vt«4- c -Never did we exhibit a greater stock, o r better values having purchased earl- D l c U l K C l b / Y U (A v U l I l l U i L£»ier before the advance in the markets took place, thereby saving you 1-4 to 1-2 the price. In fact throughout our Big Store you’ll find the biggest stocks o f any store in America, a city tw ice the size o f Spring- field, and everything priced attractively Low . , , This Grand Opening and Sale will occur Saturday November, 11 th, 1905 Our New Bargain basement will be ready and filled with the choicest o f China, Bricadrac, emdracing oiir qw itimportations from France, Germany, Austria, Japan, England, and bther producing; counties, and a t almost give-away prices-Fopr car loads of Enamel kitchen ware consisting of thousands Ofpieces5o f useful housekeeping articles-Dont fail to come and ^pend a day with us- you are cprdilly invited make our store your head quarters. Baggage w ill be checked and delivered to cars free o f charge, The fare will not cost you a cent, as we pay your fare to Springfield on purchase o f $5.00 or over, save y oiir salfc slips and' present a t ofiice and receive your full fare, by showing your return h a lf ticket y ? ; = f t* 1 ’ ^ Respectfully' '.V\* v - . . ,V- - . ’\ A R E YOUR BOWELS R IG H T ? That 1 $ the first thing &e doctor want* to know when he is called to the bedside of one who is'sick. “Howone your bowels?” he asks. That gives hirifi a key to the state of your health. He knows, better than anyoneelse, that where con­ stipation exists theteafe a thousand forms in whichsickness can creep in and tear down the health and strength. J Hereare a few of the ailments thataredirectlycaused by a constipated condition of the bowels; * Sick headaches, extreme nervousness, indigestion, torpid and enlarged liver, weak kidneys, backache, piles, eruptions pf the skin, impure blood, boils, hives, and many other diseases start with disorders of the bowels. Ifyou would be healthy*never neglect-the boWets* Neglect makes matters ten timesworse. Constipation does not euro itself. It grows steadily worse and worse, when neglected, When your bowels show signs of irregularity, set them right at once! Don*t delay. Iron-Ox Tablets are not like'any of the ordinary remedies offered for constipation. They are not harsh or sudden in action, neither do they fix a habit upon you. They can be used just as they ate needed, You can rely on them to set the bowels right without delay. They mte constipation, not merely giving temporary 'relief# ., ; They have proven their vaW in thousands of cases of chronic constipation, Even in extreme cases, where the he:i physicians have not been able to break up this stub­ born disease, They have proven that they tan and M m r t tomtipation* rntiG dtumuntui Luduuiut^ iauitiM %, ms uaiiiijr box can b e s% » ed into the purse o f t h e vest pocket and c a b le d w ith you wherever you go. ^ h e n yon feel itch* ness creeping upon you, on e do se w ill generally prove enough to se t y o u right again, 2 5 cents a b o x T U your «kugMts*»of sent anywhereon te n a n t o f price b y T h e Iron* Ox’Kamdy Or.*;Oetrol» Mkfi* ( twenty REASONS FOR yOT- INO AGAINST-TH£ SA­ IGON. 1. I t never b u ild s up manhood, b u t teara i t down. 2. I t ntever beautifies tile homo, b u t often wrecks It. c 3. I t never increases one*a. useful­ ness, bu t often lesseua i t . . 4. I t never allays tho passions, but: imflanies them , 6. I t never stilla tho tongue of slan< dor, butloosens i t ft. I t never promotes pu rity of thought, bu t poisons it. 7. Itn ev e r empties almshouses and ' prisouB, b u t fills them . ; 8. I t never protects the ballot box, h u t defiles It. . 0, I t never makes happy families, ho t miserable ones. * 10. I t never prompts to rig h t doing in anything, b u t to wrong, 11. I t never prepares one fo r heav­ en, h u t for hell. 18. I tn e v e r diminishes taxes (with all i|a revenue), bu t increases them, 18. I t never renders tho Sabbath quiet, h u t desecrates it. 14. I t never protects our property no r porsonftt safety,"Jbqfr endangers the, 16. I t never helps one to. get a good insurance policy on his life, bu t militates a g a in s t it. lfl. I t never creates) ambition and th rift, bu t lu ites laziness, profligacy, poverty, idleness and crime. 4 I 17. I t never builds up the church, b u t peoples the station houses, prl* sons and chain gangs. 18, I t never refines character no r promotes Christian grace, b u t ie a destroyer of th e soul. 19. I t never teaches honesty aiid uprightness, bu t Invites the Ineendi a ry to apply tho m idnight troch. 90; I t never protects a man, bu t robs him of his money, his fam ily happiness, h is good name, h is hopes and a ll endearments of life. si WB HAVE fawns toSell Rtid tm itelt yours FflHU iiOAHS five yew*. ’SMITH * CLEMANS.j fllother’s mi fives’ Appeal toVoteps. Because of the strong tendency of young men and boys in an open satoon' town to inCbriety which ruins home*,happinels, andmoral*, and becaused we belhhre it wise to save tbe boys from forming the:taste for strong drink and because We the mothers woo are the greatest sufferers from the curse have no vote where by we may express our convictions a t the ballot box, therefore We the mothers1who sign this petition, very earnestly and prayerfully appeal to you the voters •of Ced* arvillc to vote against Ihfe repeal of the Beat Law at the coming, election Saturday November, 11,1V0$, Mrs. H. C. Middleton. , 1 W*L. Jimmerson, W. H. iliffe. Susan Broadiee. Minerva Haggard. T .N .LctL j Ethel Shepard. G. E. Boyd. Hayes McLean. Ida Lowry, Mita McFarland. Ella Buckner. Martha Sbingledccker. Elizabeth Ann Bailey. Mary J. McMillan, Grace Trucsdale. u 41 II II II •I *i II 4 t M II ■I Laura Rorthup. iret Baric*ow. Marga Alice Brown, B. F. Donaldson. Alice Lee. Julia Hcnshaw. S. E. Lucas. Cora Arraentrout,. Mary Randall, Anna Bokse, Emma Baker. M. B. Campbell. John Grindic. Annette Harbison, Etta Hagtes, II. M. Cooper. T, E. Hastings.' Hattie Daniels. w Ella JolifiSbn,. " Daisy McFarland. M. A. HoOselon. D .ll. McFarland; Kate Morris. Annie Bridgman, Julia Alexander. Belle Dorn, J. H.Nisbet. Lydia Weymouth. Annie Kennon, Rosa Minsef, Lila Young, L. G. Bull, 14 e* if «< st I? 4' U n. u (54) i) ii t 3 ii ' « tf Addle Badger. Ihisie Hall, Amy Fi*helr. Chas.Weakley, a A. McGee. Rebecca Jams*. Grhzlta J. Finney. ■ J. A. Fields, Anita Boyd. ‘ Ida litufkfcy. V/*M. Edgav* Maifha Moffoti, Mary A.L’feiireli, tjf. if, Milligan, Robi. Bird, Belie Gray. Mwrditrk, '#IL Gwen*. CttHil*. Mr*, Ann* Spilth. 61 H 4* O u u si U <1 44 si St St SI 4 4 1 <1 44 4 . 4 E . Creswelli, Rosa Smith. F. P. Hastings. Lizzie Townsley. Lydia B. Turnbull. L. H. Sullenberger. C. M. Phillips. James Winters. W. H. Barber, W, W. Troute. Lida Archer. Dors J . Kerr. J. F , Clevenger, nlarinda Fisher, Bettie Spencer, > Sara A. Wood. Mary A Phillips. Elizabeth Biair. Adah B. Jeffries. Laura Albright. A. D. Townsley, Albert Stormont. Cora Clemahs. E. Galbreath, W, Dixon. A, Stewart, lartin Coffey. L. A, Troute, C. IL Dean. Tames Townsley* Daniel Minthall, S, C. Wright. John Cooper. C.M. Harris, V. T. McGiven. I . 0 . Williamson, II. m . Stormont. A, L. Barber. W. H. Richards. L H. Wolford, 1. G. McCorkelt. jenuette llarbikson. S. R, Turnbull. ” J. A Gillaugh M ." ' ‘ 4 44 191 tl ti 41 *** ti ii H ti ti n n o tt 94 «4 9 ii « W* it a ¥ Shepherd. John Ross. Anna C. Hill. Rose Dixon. M. L. Bratton, W.T. Wiidmau. M. C. Ervin, H. P. Maze. At?,, Smith. E, 0 . Oglcsbee. 0 . S. Ervin. Lena Johiison, Louie Frazier. Lillie McKinney, Retina Grindle. Annie T.Kildow. Minute F . Smith, Ko*a McMilUn,- Clam B.Dean, W» At Spencer. T. B. Andrew. i\ A. lurkat, Mary A, Barr*. Mary McMillan. M, A. Boyd, W. M. pirlKL Wo have agency fo r K rell and Royal pianda and are in position to Bell a t the lowest prices, owing to habdling these instratnentB d i­ rec t from the factory. All piano,s tuned o r repaired.kre guaranteed b y u s . See our display and got ou r prices .before purchasing. Or­ ders taken fur sheet music; GEORGE&SIEGEER, D isplay pa rlo r w ith E lm e r Bphar in Crouse Block CMarville, O. aaiftMN t W Ladies^ Heavy all Wool Black 45 incli Cloak correct Hew Style would be good value At $10.00, special price $0.50* , , * Veiy Fifte all New Kersey 45 inch cloak in black and costor special price $10.00. Childrens cloaks siieO U 14 years, in all the new cloths and sfclyes at$8,50, 4.50, 5.00 and 600 each** LADIES WALKING *SKIRT, Strictly all Wool excellent new shape in black, gray, navy, and fancy niktur# that would be cheap at $0.00 special price $4.50. Tine Walking Skirts-In the choicest new styles and m^cnaj a t|5 .0 0 ,6,75, 7.50 and 10.00 each. 1*5) t o A x s lu the8°°a cravlhettesAll color#110,00, it,SO, and MILLINERY BARGAINS, I t Inch black osttieh uluhcs,. , mu, f i a a i i ^ r i .... IT) Idrah aeba/il I« mu .................... ........ *....fhw. * * * « * « « u jn e iu u r e u * U A r „ <iu> k - - - - - - - - - -i t m . Chil ren school hats... ., .,............. , , ........ ............ JOBE BttOTHEilS & CO., XSWM, OHIO, IHERALDSALE BILLS