The Cedarville Herald, Volume 28, Numbers 27-52
•m m m m m m * wmm urn* iwiMMtttw ktf* *W '4 awbbiHktwt** An Attack of Cray#*. Wm ikm * 8 f»i.*»* mmwfmjm s f e f i a r - " H i # : fVifarvilt* Herald 1 x*ni*mv****nm Wn*^ ‘^'T * ***lf v ^ w i V i l i v I I v l f l l U i c ra tle la s t Tuesday. OutofU terigh ti ■■ pmnurtii, th* six wh ite precincts gave Rattfson am a jo rfiyo f 1 S$, Here is a lesson to r th e fla re tto thafctought MIMIlsoo antftSiie|ieople*n ' . $t,m >X:*«r Y«ar. K A m « U ;FVP&lr * - K r tito r, ® s s p wiiGViinNf&fHb Xj s^i ^- ^i l xr gy*^**s . r* P . Karmedy't Favorita B«m*dy# A m o k s ’* FRIDAY, NOVEMBER IT, 1WR k*-— Now toy Thanksgiving, The election Saturday was hard fought from both sides, !D o y o u r C h i l d r e n ! AIK| '- -KWTTiWiiJt ■_—,»i«t. * * * e a ,-tnsar,; Two victories for th e people in one week. Pattieon and a “ dry9* town* ( Probably Governor Herrick can toll, by th is time how it allhappened, Of cou rm they do. I t is their Wayo f learning and i t is your duty to answer. You may need a dic tionary to aid you. I t won 't an* rarer every question, h u t there are thousands to which i t will give you true, clear and definite answers, not about words only, h u t about things, th e sun, machiuety, men, places, stories and the like. Then, too, the children can find their own a n sw e rs . 7 B q jm o f o n r greatest men have ascribed their power to sfudy Of the dictionary, Of course you.want the host dic tionary, Thumoat critical prefer the New and Enlarged Edition of ,WEBSTER’S , I n t e r n a t io n a l ' D ic t io n a r y ^ . . J f you Mm any questions ' about it w ile its. G. & C. MERRIAM CO. puati»H*d»,, ‘«PRiNQFIEi,D, MASS. V; REST , WpeaSforl£l‘\*tiecriedto dbgjfkv f For siteintw In ijerlittls hearty f VitalGerman Syrup, home'sgreat tretwre, Couldhealthandjoy impart, , qTh* greatest tome on earth is a good niglittetest, _H.e§tlesa.night 3 and the ter rible exhaustion of se hacking cough ere dread da'iigera of the poor consumptive. t(But why this fear of the night 'when a from cough dr*night'sweat? Free ex pectorationin the morning is made cer. tain by taking German,fiyrup, QWp know by the Experience of over thirty-five year* that one 7S;cent bottle of OcWilau Syrup will .speedily; relievo or cure the worst coughs, colds, bronchial or lqng lroubl?jrg-aud that, even in had case*of consumption, one large bottle of German Syrup will work wonders. ,, "<g?wo suer, 25 c and 75 c, All druggist*. 5 ? I mbc Wiaterman, Cedarvillp.O. Every Heart-Ache T - jt E v e ry pain in th e b reast, dif- .ficuft b reath ing , palp itation , flu ttering o r d izzy spell m eans ■ th a t y o u r h e a rt is stra in ing it self in its effort to keep in motion. T h is is dangerous, , Some sudden s tra in from Oyer- ; exertion o r excitem en t vygill completely exhau st th e nerves, o r ru p tu re th e avails o r arteries p£ th e hea rt, a n d it will stop. Relieve th is te rrib le stra in a t once w ith' D r. M iles' H e a rt Cure. I t inv igorates and streng th en s th e h e a rt nerves and muscles, stim u lates the h e a rt action, and relieves the pa in a n d m isery. T ak e 110 chances; make you r b e a st s iltin g and v igorous w ith D r. M iles' H e a rt Cure. • **I suffered terribly with heart Uts» ***?, I iiav a hetn treated .fir (flPCrrent piivuiclaitu Sot my troabw w;;!.orit result*?, I went ta a efeal- tiin ia_ Memphis, who 'Claimed that i 1:3-1 dropsy a (ha heart. Ho put tfso >i*tay ora cub. and la cftsmeetioa with tta rr.-ilM&o ho catno ncap'iaak- J««! a lirfato of ( 30 . Homo lima befero *l..A c H?> \'osifv, t t 8t. I^alo. was la hzv town. Ho caw mr/ coa'UUaa, *nd rtc3Eu®eftacJ 13?. Jiacs’ Heart ejtra.t© tfi?, I givn it Uttlo attention Hr.tU r.iy rcinrn front Memphis, .when X c 'r.'ir'tca to fsy It, aaa am pleasoi f« say twes 1 fttfles eareJ me, ^ . c-iiAiu.Ha m o v n t c i t ^ .. . .camtisersvilifti sis. Or. Miki* Hiifi Ours is said by y**if rifisa'i-A whavriir rmsrautes'thst iw fi“ss i) .t:» will htRsht. if it fail* f»* win ttiuesi year rijonsy. U ilen Medical Co., 231feliart,Ind R. E. CORRY P AUCTIONEER. ”■ ; ;3H kinild of Auetfancering. fa t mruffin Holieltel, fmtfoti giiaro.ii|eicI, B e lt phone. Xtis, VMtm cxctuungc. (^ Iru fY ille , ( J i n o A b i i * C A S T O R I A fMr lufiiat* i » l O d iu m , . mb mm IH XcfVlUVip BMpe m tr a a tncro been jiw re pyUuea ill the church the poUtlcluna-would, have bbon'clear ou t o t busiriess. The Gineinnatl Tiuios.,Sf*r vlows thing® now quite differently, For a time rttmng the campaign there iva .3 danger of tho downfall of the republic owing to tho church and state becoming so closely associated, We must fake our h a t off to tho ministers as campaigners for they p u t in a hard days work, Saturday. - The prfeachers d id i t Saturday and they did much towards the good Work In the campaign the Tuesday .previous, - r , The liquor forces w ill he pu t to rout with Republicans and,' Demo cratic officials both after the honor of doing such. Cleveland city and the county two years ago gave Herrick a plurality of 14,009 bu t th is year Pattlson car ried every precinct by 12 , 000 . I n an interview la s t August Hen- rick stated, th a t he was proud tp be associated with Cox in politicsv The people took notice 3 f tho fact also. V % u ................. 1 * 1*1 Itil 1 'jin ’ «|t [ , w The Anti-Saloon league will have no fu rther Jroub le w |th Governors like H e rrick th a t w an t to change temperance bills in justice to the. li quor traffic., ' When your home city goes back on you then i t is time to q iiietly re- Hre(from public lif e ., Herrick was r e tire d , on Tuesday- So was his friend, Gox. ■’ ^Herrick on the Republican .ticket and^ Mason on t h e , Democratic ticket were each fought by the A n ti- Salpoq,league and each ran aWay. behind their- tickets.. • Those mimsterB th a t came ou t in support'of H errick ’are really to be p ittied, Pattison ,is elected and they won’t got the fobs th a t Herrick hud la id ou t l e t them . * With wmajorityof^57 in ’this coun ty it behooves the ^‘Bosses1’ to take notice of where^George B. Cox land ed. GreCne county is only tumbling and will do the same thing. 4 Cincinnati wanted no “Boss” so the people jiist elected the whole Democratic ticket a fter givlngRoos- evelfe over iJijQOi). Philadelphia also turned down the “gang” and elected the cUIssen’s ticket b y ltX),600f v j. . v •• | E ve ry Two M inu tes Physicians tell us that nil the b l o o d in a healthy human body passes through, the heart once iff every two minutes. IF this action be comes irregular the whole body suffers. Poor health follows poor blood; Scott's Emulsion makes the blood pure. One reason why S C O T T ' S EM U L S IO N is such a great aid 13 because it passes so quickly Into the blood. I t is partly di gested before It enters the stomach t a double advan tage in this, Less work for the stomach} quicker and more direct benefits* everyone In poor health* Scott's l^mttlslon does just that. A change for the better takes place even be* fore you expeer i t ' * ■We»5fi*SSMw»* ,, '#* -tfft fkwitsin 'I b #ftsin at , «kteS{t®BlSi*#rirr» f »ye#*»«ji bsttk,*|, $m & A ibwnk .- Ckaftite ( ■Mfl mmm I f tho Herrick nowapapers bad conliuned the criticism of tho church much longer from a political stand point PattiBon would have eo com- piersjiy vwit“t u tsw "ido l ibo li be ra l heart*' unde r th a t im >vduia never have been beard of again, ' Bev, d idn ’t know w ha t, the word “ gang” meant bo be addresses an open le tte r to Dr. H . G, Middleton. The shoe must have pinched m ighty tigh t from the time o f i h e D r’s u t terance on October 29 until Novem ber, id, the publication of the le tte r. I t is well th a t “ Boss” Andrew did no t addresR his open le tte r to Dr. H , p , Middleton until a fter the regular election o r there would hove still been anbther chapter added to th e political history of this township when i t came to recording the vote for Herrick; ■ Even Cedarville township p u th e r self In with the people and1' PattiBOn The’ corporation stayed w ith the “ idol of the liberal hea rt.” I t took the tw<mtj^-fiae cent peico and the floaters to 1 do it or the story would have been different. Tiie “Boss” al- v e y s ’ ^divides p a rt Of the country Campaign fund with the “ boys.V . Tfie AntHSaihon league and the preachers are credited largely for Herricks defeat. .Secretary Of War, W. H . T a ft also -dropped a 'good sized brick a t -A?cron which ,had- a Crushing effect. Governor elect Pat- tn»on certainly'cah give as good s a t isfaction as d id H e rrick ., We don 't see how he could possibly do worse* ’ From a number of sources we find th a t Hon. George L ittle Js being' ’talked of for Speaker of the House. There'ceftainl'jrIs no one more bom- pe tan t and 'Greene county would heartily accord in Mr. L ittle being honoredwlth this place.’ H is work ih:the House the flrst teiftrf against the Herrick-Cox attempt' to' steal canals is enough 'to justify him in getting the Speakership, There is said to be one preoieflfc in the county where a ll the judges and clerks openly declared th a t they voted for Pa ttison rogardleas of party lines i As the judges, and clerks were h a lf Republicans and half Democrats th is, means a good deal in a “ Boss” ridden county. This is nothing as to the three or four cen tral committeemen over the corinty th a t were o u t and o u t Pa tti son men J Andy m u st have been for Rattiaon fo r his precinct went th a t Way, ' ■ The Cleveland Leader, a Herrick supporter, states a fter tho election th a t the canals w ill he saved b y the election Of Pattisod. I t states edi torially 1 th a t there was a well a c t plan w ith Cox and others to control the legislature this coming session so th a t legislation would be passed tu rn ing over this property worth millions of dollars to a Philadelphia syndicate of which Cox and Herrick, are members. „Cox was to endeavor to steal ih e canal as lie tried qwo years ago* The election Satu rday Will settle the .m atter M a “ day” or “ wet” town l o t more than two years judg ing from the results and from ex pressions from both sides a fter the Count. f&j.eoiifldehfewcTfl the “ wots” th a t they would ckrifr th e day, they are quite “score,” Then th e demon stration th a t night made tho vic tory more impressive. I t certainly was a le s so n ' to jthe yonna*'folks th a t instil with them the ev i|_o | the sa loon so th a t it never will ho forgbtten Such thing's leave agreatimpreasion on young minds. There is considerable speculation a t tho present time a s to w ha t k ind of legislation tho Anti-saloon league will ask fo r a t the coming session of the legislature. Both of the leading parties a te aware th a t th is organ ization m ust he recognized and m any beloivo n that each Bide will try to out do the Other In passing th e laws needed fo r liquo r conirol in order th a t one or the o th e r may secure tho cred it, Despite tho fact th a t Herrick turned down th# Bran- nock hill in its orghiial form a re* prcSHiia annoumxl Uud ii# wiii *>ffH an amendment to m a k e ' the present hill a* affective jw i t was before Herrick prnmied ic, This move is from a Republican who wants- the: Anti-saloon league to work m con junction with the pa rty leaders. Another h ill th a t is talked o f by the Republicans la to make tho Dow tax $1000 instead of $350 and to make a more rcslriflgont law governing drugstores. Still another law Is a search and seizure law for towns having local option. This would In sure easy enforcement of the law and little trouble to convict offend ers. .I t is stated th a t a t tho present rime »»”?’* «»ii.tica ii*rt To do most anything'towiifUi* -legunuiwii for the; Anti-sal >qn league? The re cen t (flection being a lesson to the Republicans, and a warning to the. Democrats, Biticd the election there has been much' talk about Senator Dick, who is chairman of the s ta te .commit tee and whom for a number of years' h a s vmarshaled -- th e Republican farces in th is state to victory. Miiny Republicans express themselves against Dick* owing to him being So closely associated w ith Herrick upd Cox, bu t if matters are looked into It >yiU be found t h a t he was In’a Clone ' position; - He being chairman a n d Herrick being the. nominee,'be w^s obliged to domany tlungs th a t were p rob ah ly '' very unpleasant, both to himself and his friends. The HCrald opposed H etrick t o t his first nomination, to^hig secondand final ly, his election tor th e second term, atfd’yefcWe have nd fau lt to find per- sdn'|liy w ith General Diek, r\yhen Herrick was first nom inated Dick was the choice of the people a t large hu t wasnotof th e pbHtlcalmahagers. and iie was sidetracked. The w riter in "discussing the situation-w ith Senator Hypos finds; th a t most-all the politicians agree th e t Herrick Wiefa lbad to carry,.realized Itfrdm the s t a r t .a n d ”have *now ’been ’con- y in ced ., Boyd, the Republican can didate for-uiayoi* In Oieveland,, who went down to defeat, admits th a t his Chances fo r eiOction were s lim ’ with H e rrick on the head of the ticket. So th a t' because there was a candidate for governor th a t the people-did no t Want nominated and d id nofcw au t elmrifidto no discredit to the political®1'management of General Dick, |.§ . M,| Give nature three helps, and nearly ev e r y ca se o f con sumption will recover. Fresh air, most important of fill. P e c t o r a l Nourishing food comes nekt. Then, a medicine to control the cough and heal the lungs. ;.Ask any good doctor. ' ; AIM’*CherryPectorkl it jitn t e . I li»v« «e«ntefrlbloemt* of *M«*euratlbr 1 *. 1 -Brttie.ervltliotitIt/’ AtMKTO. llAJtJLTOS, Uai|(tU, Ohio. #e,.Me.*jrt.«#, * A ftirnc ft, •ili^iwSlISteteo f o y « mm £S mm J mh Consumption Health Ctema bow ria. Aid ri M l a daily aetton o r th» I natur* with Ayar’a PHI*. Millinery. A suprfctnoly attractive showing of heW designs of the deepest interest to women—moderate prices. SPRC lAL -S ty llsh trimmed hats of Velvet, felt o r novelty braid, black and colors .............. f 10.00 up OSTERLY ; S I Greene St. X e n ia , O. VVVfcV*«VM P A T EN T S ^ImtlRHtrMSiRtellWMalicMf k ft**, ’; . .Art of WWW! In!»**v kassaJ*** JL J» .“MHIiWnWPS jCTtWBIwIrw'# , 0 . A . S N O W A O O '. *m, p m m prrm , wmmwwnm , a. • . : T h e K i n d Y o n K ay o A lw ays B o u g h t, r a d i A U h h a a h e e w i n u s e ton o v e r 3 0 y e a rs , Staa h o m e t h e a lg n a tn r e M a n d h a* b e e n m a d e u n d e r M s p e r gonal su p e rv is ion g ln c e lto Jn to n c j* ... Allowno one to deceiveyouin this* Tmltations and “ Juxt-as-good” arehufc Experiments that trifle with and endanger tbs ■<* Twfartfw laid Children—Experience against Experiments What m CASTORIA «kistoria is a Siartalesjs* itor ORj genic, Drops and Soothing 3yrap»> It in *“ cpnteiqq neither Opium, Morphine nor other Harcotie substance. Its age Is its guarantee, It and allays Feverislmes*. I t cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. I t relieves Teething Trophies, -cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children’s Panacea—The Mother’s Friend, GENUINE C A S T O R IA ALWAYS £ear» the Signature of In Use For Over 3 0 Years. THEecitTMift. . mmm V, yr mu „* y rnnirr, wtwv.itwctTv. HUTCHISON & GIBNEY Up To Date. WRAPS, down in , prices Suits Skirts. SILKS, New A s - .’ sortment 371-5^0 490. BLANLETS, com forts, Beddings, low < prices, UNDERWEAR, La dies, Gents, Children, 25 cents up. GOODS, CARPETS, .JACKETS, CAPES, and LADIES’ Suite. ■ Falfiale a t 4 1 . X E S +A, • , 1 A y e r k P ills The great rule of health Keep the bowels regular. And the great medicine Ayer's Pills. --------- f.O.lwrO,., Zimr.ll. M m *. Want yourmoustacheor beard B U C K I N G H A M ’ S D Y E abeautlfalbrownorrichblack?Use The Genuine “M R ogers bros : Spoons,Forks,Knives,eta have all the qualities indesign, work manship and finish of the best ster lingsilver, at one-fourthtooiie-eighfli the cost. MertiStr* ' ASMr Anlfc Much of the sterling now on the market Is entirely too thin and light for practical use, and is far in ferior in every way to “ S ilve r Plate tha t Wears “ Ask yinr desist fot “ tag. SOGERS BROS,*' Avoid sabgUtnlrt, Oaf fall trsde-taatk- & “ l»*7 ROBERS BROS,” look Idr if. Sold by leading dealert tvetfwheta. Before baying vrfite for cut catalogue “ C-L.” i^mtiSAtiosAt oavsn ci>., EacaOnMk o MERlOEKSfiliAfiNiA00., MerMaa, 0»aa, ito’l'tAli* JUl.V JTbrk, cPD iiu riR ip r n Nelson’s m . Business £, College, SprinK«eld, Ohio WhofeMte add Retail * . ....... . *«,* w®WfPvBtBrp*' * I P W P l P D Q IWtrlaimnf*#* OfteAfiIter. a ^ Y Y BOO^KBSPINdl A ABOPTHANU>* W ihouf a Wm to OWto. I WfH* fir m m m EXGJifiHGH CKDARVlLLli), OHIO, A OCOUKJfS of MTfehanta and In dividuals euliefled, Coll^tionf spromptly made and remitted'* T kR A P IB o n New y« rk and Cin- * * oinuati sold a t I qr M rates. T]ie cheapest *nd most convenient m y to send money by mull, T CANS made on Ileal Estate, Per. ** aoaal or Collateral Security. William Wildnjan, Pres,, Seth W . Smith, T ice Pres., IV. 3 . Wildman, Caohier. • O* ti, Smith ikssi, Cashier Chopping Off The Best Chops is w h a t you Avonto cqmplain of. "We w ill do i t any time you call. Chops And Steaks going a long AVay toward making you,’healthy . I f you buy them of .us you are sure they are good, As long as you continue to trade with us you can rest assured you’re getting A 1 meats and low prices. C. H . C R O U S E , CEDARVILLE, 0 . idam’s Restaurant andDiningRoms Corner High and Limestone street Springfield, Ohm. GINSING The money making crop. Easily grown. - Room in ymrr garden to grow hundreds of dollars worth annually. Roots for sale. P lan t uow- L iteratu re free. 'Write today. Buckingham’s Ginseng *Garden, Depfc.O. J2anesvillet Ohio. " You lackfrithinanuntried remedy -? ” '1 “ * YouWillHaveFaith IN *ih LightningLaxative QuinineTablets after one trial. Sold with an nh- solute guarantee to cure or druggiri ■willremnd yourmoney, will euro COLDS, LA GRIPPE- NEURALGIA, COUGHS, , •MALARIA, HEADACHE. Are perfectly’ harmless—n e v e r gripe ®tor sicken—never cauae dis tress—no hod effect upon the heart —never injure the rnoet delicate •tomach* ACCEPT HO SUBSTITUTE* Aak for and insist on getting B P I N D K ^ p n i y E QUININE DBLETS A T DRjUOOlSTS. Fnaarifbablv THE HERB MED 1 CIHE C 0 », SPRINGFIELD. OHIO. » e IfiaiAdaren of tkeCetebniM LIGHTNING HOT DROPS. T a k e s WINE0' CARDIN AT HOMK Ale you • wiferer? Huyctir doctor bem m*& ceijful? WouidnH you prefer to trad ymirWJf-AT HOME? tfeariy. women hate bought Wmo of Gatdui front thtir druggists and have cured thrinDclvcs a t home, of auch troubles as periodical, bearing down and ovarian pains, ieucor- rhosa, bamimess, mstvouimes*, dizrisras, mvix* and despond- esry, caused by femaleWeaknes*, ufaeee aw , b it crisy tasw. Wine fef Uardtii ctuoa whrii the doctor can't, . . ■Wine ofL-ardai doe* not; ml* iato the organs, There is nothin itttlio ttehtnienL It is a soothing tonic c 2 healing herbs, free Irons strong and drastie drugs. It is sueofsslfi became I t cures sn a UNaassagaa^
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