The Cedarville Herald, Volume 28, Numbers 27-52

Kfnnane Brothers' Gompany, 6iVwMi#wvvyy^^ 1 2 , 1 4 a n d 16 E A S T MA I N S T R E E T , 5 PRINGFIELD, OHIO 22, 24, 26 and 28 NORTH FOUNTA IN AVE . /= . Ml a m R~;86S m L S i -■ ■)■„... 1 , ,^3 . C O A T S , F O R W O jV IB N , M B 3 E S A N D C H R S i l k s * B l * e S S Q O O C t e a°^ ^ S^ St t^e pr0^UC^011 Qt ^ best manufactures. !]_ Ja r rt/| Hncinfi7~The most stapleiines, and bought, that we can at leastsave ynu iom 25 to 331-3 per cent from U liU C lW C a l A1U1 l lU M C l j the regular retail prices-formen, women, and childrens, everygrade that. is . made and worth having you’ll get here-and in every possible, size we can fit, stout and their du a lly perfect, all our Garments and mad specially for us.andaccptdingto.durvmeasuteiuihts*............ , ^ ........ ......... ' ^ ., ' ^ ......: .,..... -Never did we exhibit a,greater stock, or better values having purchased earl- ......... ,, . , . , K 4 er before the advance in the markets took place, thereby saving you 1-4 to 1-2 the price. In fact throughout oUr Big Store you’ll And the biggest stocks of any store in America, a city twice the size of Spring- fietd, ,and everything priced attractively Low. ' T h i s G r a n d O p e n i n g a n d S a l e o c c u r e d S a t u r d a y N o v e m b e r , l ] t l i , l 9 0 5 Our New Bargain basement will be ready and filled with the chpicest of CWda/Bri^adjrac, emdracing our own importations from France, Germany? Austria, Japan, England, and other producing counties, and at almost give-away prices-Eour car loads of Enamel kitchen ware consisting of thousands of pieces of useful housekeeping articles-Dont fail to eonie and spend a day with us- you are cordilly invitedmake our store your head quarters. ,Baggage will be checked and deUvered to cars free of charge, The fare will not cost you a cent, as we pay your fare to Springfield on purchase of $5.00 or over, saveyour sale slips and present at office’ and receive ynur .full &re, fry showing your return half ticjket , 1 ‘ " , . ' _ ‘ \ .fi ‘ ‘ V Z 4 W T i' , i *' >■* , , . • < , , . ■ j. ’ . . „ - , „ * , * > r v , ^ L L / ' L . L . L : . . L L .......: : . L L ; ; L L L L . / . : .. ........................................................................................................ L : L L J L I b * r Efi C J A R E YOUR BOWELS RIGHT ? V. ' ■» ' ■ -• \V 1 -L ' .**- V ■X'il '*•'■# - . . That is the first thing thedoctor w*pt* to know when’ he u tailed to the bedside of one who is sick.. “Howare your bowels?” he asks* - That gives him a key to the state of your health. He knows, better than, ahyboe else, that where con­ stipation exists there are a thousand forms'in’which sickriCis can creep in and tear down the health and strength. Here ate a few of the ailments thill aredirectly caiisSd by a constipated Condition o f the bowels? # Sick headaches, extreme nervdtfsncw, indjgestwmL torpid and enlarged liv$r, weak kidneys, backache? piles,■ eruptions of the skin, in^pofehlood, hods, htv«,“and many- other diseases startwith disorders,.of the.,bowels.. - ■<- Ifyou would be healthy, neveVdefect the bowel*. Neglect makesmattersten tithes worse. Constipation, does not cure itself. .It.grows steadily works'and' Worse, when neglected,. < ‘ * ......... - ‘ v \ / 'When your bowels show, signs of. irregulanty* act them right at once! Dont delay. ' . r . lron*Ox Tablets ate not hke *any, o f,the ordinary remedies offered for cqnstmatito. They afe hot harsh ot sudden in action, neither do they fix a habit upon you; They can be used just as they are needed You c^air r^y on tMm to set the bowels fight without-delay. ........... They tu n constipation, not merely giving temporary U 0 RVES; PRAISE. Although Mr, R , C. Watfc do«?s not reside in the corporation be Was as. itiucli interested in tile cause' of a “dry*’ town as those ‘who live bore and- those who had charge of the work are greatly under obligations to him for his horse and carriage for the day. When ever-'questiohs come up concerning the public yon usual­ ly find Mr. W a tt on tho righ t side, Dr, J . O. S tew art also contributed the use of h is home and buggy, to­ wards gettxogont voters which was" much appreciated. t relief. Th-jy have proven their value in thoutondse l cases of ,chrmak; constipation. Even in extreme cases, wh’ete the leal fhyskhai Immnot been able to break up this stub­ born disease, They have proven that they tan and die tun emtiftthn* of little aliiiriffitim containing 50 tablets* This dainty boa can be dipped into the purse m the vest pocket and carried with you tfhewrvef you go, When you feel sick* — -weeping upmi von, one d m will general prove to igtjftht right agitn* Z% cenfi a box at your »*,« sent Awwberioft recent df price by The loite Cfc, UrtPOit, Mtch, b ; OBITUARY. Mrs. Mattie A, JimmcrSoto, wife of the Itev. W. ti, Jimmerson, was bom a t Newborn, Halo County, Ala­ bama and died a t 'Cedarvillc, O., Nov. 12th, 1905# aged S8 years. Hhe was the daughter, of Mr. and Mrs. John Dotts, she was united in m arri­ age to Itev. Jimmerson m 1S85, a t Newborn, Ala, She 1ms two living children? Viola A. and Sadie Fan ­ nie A. Jiminerson, the la tte r an in­ fan t of three months. She had been agreu tsuffercrevcrsm ceherso journ among’s tu s , h u t here her suffering w ith Christian patience and for­ titude. She leaves beside her bereaved husband and children, a father, mother, five brothers am i three ais- | tors, a ll residing in Alabama) She died happy, ready and willing to go to her home in Heaven. Tire services were held Tuesday Nov, 14th,at 2:00 p. in. a t ‘the Bap tist church, Hev^ ‘[Tompson officating. The remains' were taken to Milvvaukeo, Wis., for burial. B —Fo r wagon or buggy repairing go toTownsley Bros,, oq South Main stree t —Wo have th e lowestpttoes, qual­ ity considered, on oilcloth,. a t Mc­ Millan^. r , , ’ ' W E HAVE •I I M S to Sell cttti sell yours FAHIB ItOAHS Hm year#. iw iT ^ * cw m n ^ WHITE PROPERTY SALE. The George M, Whit© property was sold by the administrator D, G. Bttlt la s t sa to rd ay . The one fou rth in terest in the homo place was pur­ chased by Moss e ; W hite, 145:. The house and lot where M. V». Denny resides was sold to George Baker for $409, The following Jpersons pu r­ chased vacant lota: Jonah Weakley, m \ W . W . Northup, $85; John Mc­ Daniel, $51? Chak. Gl|laugh, $48; C, C. Weimer, %ri. _ ___ MUST PAY BOWTAX. Columbus, O., Nov. 12-State Dairy and Food Commissioner Horace Afr- keney frsued a notice th a ta fto r Jan r na ry i so-called m a lt whiskey would be treated as such Instead of tonics, and Would bo Subject to the Dow tax. IbisbeKoved th a t he expects to go a fte r a ll paten t medicines, too, th a t contain a greater amount of?Hl- coholie stimulants than is allowed by th e Government without paying the revenue; JOKE ON COL, SMITH, Xenia, O., Nov, Id—Colonel J . h , B in ftb ,. guprbfintondont of tho Or­ phans* Home, tells a good story on himself. On a recent trip to his old home in Cleveland, shortly before the election, lie got into conversa­ tion w ith a fellow occupant o f the sleeper and the ta lk naturatly tu rn ­ ed to politics. Colonel Hmitli bcinga friend of Governor Herrick, was not reserved In his denunciation of the slander th a t had been heaped Upon the Governor during tho campaign. As tho Conversation went on, ho throw off all restrain t and paid his respects to tho Anti-Baloon League for making personal Attack”on the Governor and singled ou t Perlcy B aker a s being particu larly deserv­ ing of scorn, saying th a t ho was a fak ir of the first water. The strang­ er listened atten tively and finally remarked: “ Do you know I am Mr. Baker.” The talk then drifted to Other channels. j There is no be tte r stove made than tho iVnlttsular, wbottior i t is a range, soft o r hard coal burner. They have stood tho tost of years of usabilities* and Always give th e best of satisfaction. 4**11 and see our display and g e t prices before pur- riinsing# K e rr A Hastings Bros, BECOMES CLERK- .William Gregg,, of Xenia a Penn­ sylvania hrakeman, who' had bo th legs run over more th an a yea r ago and who f o r a short time has been employed as watchman, a t th e Cin­ cinnati avenue, crossing, is now clerk to the yardmastor a t the, Pennsyl­ vania Station. The . company has Just created the position a t thiB point. His duties will he to keep a record o f a ll freigh t cars b rough t Into or gCntfrom theTocakyardBr ———— ; u f r OP LITTEM. . L ist of letters remaining uncalled to r i n the Cedarvllle poatofflco lo r the week ending Nov. 11 , 1005. L is t No* 45. Clason, D* W. Edwards, Charley, Frinke, E . H . Hodeck A Dunn. Myers, Glenn. Foreign. 'Giovanni, Corregiani. Kalmauak, Legnan. T. N. Tarbox, P. M. KREblt and HOYAIt PIANOS ; ^ J.. ....... Vi'p'Wly-'-'rV?. .. '**'~T**r**'.’*''l > We have agency for lfre ll a n d Royal pianos .and are in position to Sett a t the lowest prices, owing to handling these instrumen to di­ rec t from the factory.. All pianos tuned or repaired are guaranteed by usL See our display and get our prices before purchasing. Or­ ders taken for sheet music. GEORGE & SIEGLER, D isplay p a rlo r w ith E lm e r Spha r in Crouso Block Cedarvllle, O. FAMOUS TRAININ MUSIC, “The PtnlUylvanJa Sptcisi” March by B*ndm*ittr Inivfi Score* *Bjj( Hit. Thu latest musical composition,to strike the popular ear and scoro as .| the d istinct h it of th o season 16 VTho Pennsylvania Special” m arch , com­ posed by the fatuous bandmaster, F , N. limes, and played to t the first tune recently in Chicago by his noted New York Orchestral Band. Tho two stop captivated the aud i­ ence and encore a fte r encore was called for. The march possesses th a t irresistible quality which do -1 stines I t to b e played, whistled, atjd j danced. Composer tim es d ed ica ted , tlie march’to Samuel Mood, General Passenger Agent of tho Pemwyl-i van ia Lines, I t bears the name ot I the pioneer oighteoii-iiour tra in tween Chicago and Now Y o rk« established over tho Pennsylvania! Lines la s t Ju n e and which h a s won i a world-wide celebrity. ^ The piano, score ha* beep itaud-t somely engraved and p rin ted In* keeping ‘d’itii tho hlgh-clask charac­ ter of tho composition. A ptestsnta* turn copy of th e mnsie may be ob» tatned by sending a request w ith ! four cents 1 postage to Pem tsyi-f van ia Lins* Advert IslngBu?**u( 7 {}i DaiaalWiiMtoh, Mttabnifh, Pa, ccojih BflRgjiins Ladies’ Heavy all Wool Black 45 incli Cloak correct New Style wouldbe good value a t $10.00, special price $0,50. I V e r y Tine all New Kersey 45 [$1 IK;, i inch cloak in black aiid ct^tor special. price $10.00. Childrens cloaks size 0 to 14 years, in all the new clotlis andstlyes at $8.50, 450, 5,00 and 600 each- ' LAD IHS WALKING SK IRT , Strictly allWool excellent new shape in black, gray, navy, and fancy mixtures that would f e cheap at $0,00special price $4.50, Tine Walking Skirts in the choicest new styles and material at $5.00,0,75,7.50 and 10.00 each, RAINCOATSin tltogoodcravlnetto*all color*$10,00,11,60,and 1$;Hr ■......... . o ■ M IU -IN E R Y BARGAINS. 12 Inchblackestrtohnluncs............ ............ . . .TTwtrtrutowlhats htttoKandnostoto............... . 4- ....... TrimmedTailoredHat.. ............ Childrensehuol hat#............ ............... . ....... ........ JSf* »l«>i»i<i ................... ................... $ 1 .N>» ............................................... JOSE BROTHERS & GO., ■ xm t& , . - . » '■ OHIO. ■w ^ ^ jj. W a* - TjTj'n L r n c k T V DTI T Q J l E i j ^ L u o A L L t 1 3 1 L L O j L£L