The Cedarville Herald, Volume 28, Numbers 27-52
a c u its k w ith o n e L tused ► y d a y 90 s. iroille. inti &ra in position see instruments di- red are guaranteed, i pdtejinsiftg.. Or- G L E R * :k Cedajrville, G. : STYLES. &>mbin*ifong of cob -*o-tiafce fairies in **fsrstripes*, tweeds, cheviots are wait- rinspection. Skilled are also waiting; to ?m. into the best fitt- S»ely fiiusheit Mils, Art always reason- T ie Tailor, tenia,, O ; ve you nail as isit to ourstore, wlmtyouwant* eeauso the lass vcr <1liniyes d Forks' $ S p o on s i e xp e c ted . And ban you hmg~ Jewelry that* % e lo ifii? -Well# tenia, 0. n o s f l teKss&sesthe to?M A «te f rnmmrn Mifydtit**** £ »W .4 f t <w, - tv if .-Sfr- n. &. i" H 8 v x: 1 * *'■■ **!?> Fur KArelifiHt** O u r Juh Work will compare with i that of any oi lor firm., , TW EH T Y -E IU TH Y E A R N O , m |Tii«* itemwhea ffStkf'4 with *n Jmieir, despifi tto? yewr i*>b*tiip-- Is past d«o «ud a rrjicjpt scute*; Kent is earnestly MmnA, , * » . « . ««j ZS&&SE2SZ21 C E D A K V I L L E . O H IO . F U B A Y . DECEMBES 1. |Q06. PRICE $1,00 A Y E A R . q i p n m n i i c u u l u o r i l u i n e U i From » suit tiled this week it kiiif *«*4>^%A+a/ ifb&tjUiztkg<%&■ £c£*raci4ifti*it£ J«. A—TL.— - - 3 TJ—— A-J 1 ;*- .. ... **. .. *. that Mr. J* 8. Brownwas arrested along with Messrs. Kd, Dean and D; B. MoBlwaln at tho instance o fth e “ gang” tor Mr. Brown- was a- candi- •date against Andrew Jackson lor central committeeman. Mr. Brown was defeated In tho count, Jackson getting credit for 148 while Brown was given 66. Brown latter called oh the voters of the township and secured about 120sworn affidavits of persons that had*never voted for Jackson. With this there were a number of voters that wfefe not called ttpon. The suit is for damages and Istold . joi In the following! " 3. & Brown died a suit on, Wed nesday in the Court of Common Pleas, in which he seeks damages in the sums of I100Q as the outgrowth of an election trouble at OedarviUo last spring. . The defendants in the action arh B. H, McFarland, Mayor of the vil- lage, Frank Jackson, W» B. Steven* son and J. C. Crfindle, the latter be ing constable.v - ■ . Mr. Brovin avers in his petitioh thaton April. 8 ,190f>\at the primary election being held by the Bepublh cans he was one of the two Republi can candidates for Central commit teeman. Frank Jackson and W, B. Stevenson Were election fudges. "While.the election was in progress Mr. Brown says that he was in and aboht the voting booths where thja election was held, demeaning him- ' self in a quite and orderly’ rrtatmeir and while so engaged he charge^ that the ftaid Jackson and Stevenson ‘ falsy and maliciously swore to and ’ filed with Mayor McFarland an aftf- - dkvit charging BroWn,-vDennis Me- Etwain and Edward Bean with loitering' within 76feet of the poles and interfering with the electors, a& they Cfitered the polls, by.talking to thensu'dby going behind the railing, ■ The caul McFarland- then,' it ijs charged, without authority of laW, issued a warrant for the arrest of the plaintiff, placing it in the hands'ojt Marshal Grindie, who falsely arresii- ad Brawn, and for the space of one hour .at noon imprisoned pralyftff and unlawfully and by force depriv ed him o f hi» liberty and prevented him from supervising Jus candidacy for Central Committeeman. Mr.. Brown said that he pleded , "hot guilty to the charge and was by said Mayor falsely* required to ad- pear before tho Probate Court at Xenia, where he Was required to enter intobond o f $800for hisappear ance. The case was dismissed ip ProbateCourt on April Id, 1906. Mr. Brown Seeks damages in the Sum of $1000* His attorneys are ' Charles- Darlington, M. R. Snod grass and R. I/. Gowdy.—Gazette. * JO H N ERV IN I L L The many 'iriends here of Mr. John Ervin, were pained-to hear of his illness at Tacoma, Wash,, whefe ho'and his family have been fdr some months# Visitingand sight see ing. Mr. Charles Ervin, of Xenia, a brother, received the first Word by telegram last Friday and again On Saturday received more ehcouragfflg news as to thesituation. Mr. Ervin has been moved to a hospital in that city and it is to bo hoped that lie will continue to improve. Ho lea son of Mrs. Martha Ervin, of this place, NOTICE. 1 hereby notify all persons that I will not be responsible for debts con tracted by my wife, Ollie Gordon, Frank Gordon, BOLDON Baking Powder is made of Crape Creamol Tartar. Absolutely Pare. Makes the food more Wholesome and Delicious. viur nniiTipp u m a i ULiiibd. A political writer from Zanesville urriiue iimmiv iminnumunuHi, «* .« .* * - • WWi, Wk 0 , ‘c-O'rt^XZtn cw- Aibi-t '**JM£V«#EJP 4 U|£ ^AA 44 ? itig to say concerning Andrew Jack son and Fred Blenknor, two ot ttio attaches of the House; There is Andy Jackson, who has boon Sergeanl-at-Arms since before FreuBlenkner built the Statohonse. Hewants his old job, whichlis his by right of inheritance, and now he is getting a shower bath from some of the cold-water Republicans. They say that }! Andy is elected again it might take so much of his time that it would keep him from visiting the Shrine o f Bacchus, and he Would die of thirst—of course this is a wicked slander of the same kind that was so unfortunately used against the “ late” Myron Timothy Herrick. In my recollection I never knew Andy to take a.drlnk—of water—-or anything else; unlesshe was invited, These yahoos that are coining here don’ t seem to have any veneration or respect for anybody. Why, the next thing they will start the report that Colonel Fred Blenkner is -not a candidate lor Third Assistant ?3er- gfeant-at-Arms, that he willpostive- iy refuse to accept the office unless he is madamused by the Supreme Court. Jimr Bieket, who tried to take Colonel Fred’s job away from him two years ago, and got butted off the bridge,’ has crawled-out of the creek and got on the track again." He has his picture, and he is ‘ circu lating apedigree with it that would make a Jersy bull ashamed of. his ancestors, Yesterday I asked Col onel Fred if he was working for Bjckct against his old friend, Andy Jackson. - ——~ . “ Not It’s a lie, I am not for any body hut Blenkner.” Patricio Malloy has a scheme. He wants‘to take"charge o f the relic, room and use the new embalming process* to preserve' ail these old relics ip a lifelikeraanner and place them on exhibition With the worn and bullet-torri banners of the re public. • A meeting of the ^rational Good IK owuh AHSuciimtiu wilt .be Ovid IU. ® 'pKf opera house. There .will ho three sessions,-10a. mM i p, m. and 7;9ft p. m, All interested in this move-? ment are requested to attend. sThe; program is af follows; Invocationby Rev, Dr,. J, G. Carson; address of* welcome on behalf of tho City by Mayor W. F. Trader; address o f welcome from the county by Hon* Horace Ankeneyj response by Col* W, H. Moore, president of the ■'Na tional' Good Road'sAssociation. Reg istration ,and, appointment of com-* mitteesY Address by .Hon. R, B, PROPERTY DAMAGED * About two o’clock Tuesday ‘night this section was visited by a terrible Wind storm, supposed to be apart of the one that raged over the northern part of the country. A number of fences were iaid low and more, or less damageto shedsand bay stacks. The principle damage was at the CroSiRoads school house where the bellfry was taken from the building. The stable near by was lifted over a fence and rolled out into Mr. CresWell’s Held. Other buildings about tho place were un- roofedalso. Gowdy. At this H o’ clock meeting an address will be given by -Col. T» P, Rixey, o fMissouri, National lect urer of the National Ootid Roads Association, on the subject of “ Reg- islation.” Also an address byCapt, 'William Bradburn, of Texas,'con sulting' engineer ■of the National Good Roads' Association, on the eubjecfc “ PracticalRoftd and Street Construction." After a number of ttve minute talks by delegates there will be addresses on the subject a t road work hy J.' W. Pollock, of Ced-^ arvllle; T. R. Magruder, of -Xenia,i and Dr. H«gh F.Rorimer, of James town, after which there will be dls-. cassion o f ’ tne report o f the com mittee on resolutions and the com mittee on organization, ‘ - At'7:30 p. m. there will be an in- vocatURi' b y Rev. R." Ames Mont-* goMCry; mUslc, flOlp. hy1. Miss Har riet Bcarff, followed -by an address by George-A. McKay, on the subject of “ Improved Bocal Conditions.” Also a sterepoticon lecture by Cok! VK H, Moore on the subject, “ The Roads of the World*” After dlscUB-! aienot the programMr, Wellington , Roueks, National Organizer o f e National Good Roads Associa- Hon, who was present at the meet ing# .gave •a very interesting and valuable talk on the subject o f1road, miking, and it Is evident from what ho said that the visit of the Nation-# al|Good Roads" Association will bti the means of saving thousands of dollars to the taxpayers of tho city and county, and. that at the same rijmeibsrewmJbu* ricuc^t,tmptiN^anfi improvement in local conditions which will redound'to the advantage o f both farmers andmerchantek It is earnestly urged, that all citizens taken part in pushing this non-par tisan movement to the front. The Cali for tho convention will bs found in another coluftn. Duett Song ' Solo : Solo Duett Reading Sola' Duett Song Sold*. Solo Reading Solo Duetr A SM ALL F IR E . An alarm of fllrewas turned in last Friday evening about 6:30; the de partment being called to a box car bn the siding cast of town where Bomo Italians have been living dur ing the work on the railroad* An overheated stove Is supposed to hate been the causo. The men lost most all of their belongings. ELK'S MINSTRELS. The fifth annual mihBtrcl show given by tli&XeniaEUcs wasproba bly the best porformanco o f its kind ever given in the county. The sconry and costums were great and stage Sotting in tho first act was equal to tho best. The team work of Swartz and Xiefnan would plcaso tho most critical audience. Ifamed* al was to be awarded for individual hits, Harry Higgins Would be an easy winner, Harry has no business behind* clothing counter when hb is so close onto Row Boekstador. FOR SALE OR TO LET. The elegant property known as “ Tho Farris place” six rooms, sum mer hows#, good cellar anti well gar den and fruit, sanitary conditions perfect* Inqurioof R. Hood. “ For seven ports,” writesGeo, W. Hoffman, of Harper, Wash., “ I had a bitter b*mo with clboiiiG stomach and liver trouble, but at last I won, and cured my diseases, by tho uses Electric Bitters. 1 tmhcstatlngly recommend them to all, and don’ t intend it: the future to bo without them in the house* They aro cer tainly a wonderfulmedicine, t« havo cured such a bad ease as mlrnn*' Hold under guarantee to doth# same fur you, bv All Druggists, at«9ca fettle. Try them today* NO T IC E WHO SPEAKS. The press of the country has per haps never shown Itself mote virile or more independent in its- treat ment of public questions, and the people have never shown a more active disposition to-think for them selves and to vote along, the line of their convictions. Bold and out spoken local leadership against ma chine politics or against corrupt or meflcientmethods has never found such widespread encouragement as has been given to it almost every where this year.—Review of R«- vigws. WANT PRIMARY LAW. Miami county takes the initiative in striking fofa state primary, and has called a meeting Of alt citizens of tho* cbttfity to- bo held at Troy, Dee* 9, for the purpose o f discussing and adopting resolutions, requesting the general assembly.of Ohio to pass * law which shall provide that all nominations of all political parties, for public office, shall he made on the sable day, by primary election, conductedm the same maimer, by tho same officers, and subject to tho same laws, as regular state, county, township and municipal elections. Among the names o f petitioners wo see tho names o f Hon. T. B. Kyle, W. F. Orr, H. 3. Ritter, Walter Jones# T* E* Seoboy and many other leading Republicans. CHANGED TttE DATE Tho date has been chahgcd for tlaO entertainment under the auspices of the Radies Aid Sodoty of the M. E, church owing to so much sick* ness among those who take part in Use chorus. Tho entertainment will 'then bo given in the opera house December 15, arid It should bo llberaly patronized, Those who ro- ffiembor the entertainment?lust year remember that it was one of the best things of the wintar, The ladies will make greater effort this year to please tho people with a homo talent entertainment. «*We hate tholowcstprices, qual ity considered, on.blteloth, tit Me» Miliaria* puetfc Solo* S p I q ; • riicmn nan nee. o, Mrs. E, B* Frants and Pupils assisted by Mrs* JawMfiu: ’A i#uil>0» umu nip. A ftuB ? tr, JJuiipy, ’Tbc Sleigh Ride" Carrie Trcssie Elder “May Ha* Come",?.,,':............ ..... ........... Maud Graham- " "Leila Gavotte’-1 * . Carrie E, Elder - The Res*Shoe m . i i W i x w s J f c - i / I i v w is the ta lk o f the shoe Itself* Oars are thpfcest talkers ..Bobru Reading ■ '■ Solo. Solo. I Hester Trumbo. "The FlOwer Song",.......................... ..... ..... Lange Jessie Baffin * “Ra, Fontaine,...... ........ ............................,.„Bohru May Garlpogh - “Progress March**..,.—................................. Huffier Maud andViola.Grahaip Selected Airthur.G, Duffey “The,Mill Wheel’’ ..;;,.................. ... ...BoyntooSraithj Rutil Duffey "Vaffe inA:Flat,„.......... Duffind Tresaie Elder “Rutspiel Overture,.......... ......— ....... ..........,Bela Edith and RuthDuffey Hester -Trumbo. "Cathedral Chimes’* Maud*Garlough "Lutspie! Overturn".................... *,.„Bela *Edith and ftuflf Duffey - * Selected ArthurHi.Duffey, "OldenTimes.Minuet’.' ViolaGrahSm ."Faust .... .................... Laybacb Edith M. Dfaffey ■ Hester Trumbo; “San Sonci’fGalop deBarvnri..,.......:.......... Ascher ,v-MrsrE, B* Fraip^v' ~ j : , TheHome Stretch’’ Carrie andTressieEider, Number of District Number PfeSent Every Day.. Per Cent Present Every D*y~ Number of Visitors................. Rank for November...... .... ik.tinfc***.»• &sf" ,.aano E3D- a i i F •SCDor 'tt | t $ •a <5; 1w ’•*3’ w ■^ » OB ‘ 99 E. 'r*t> ? toss niffeirl,. .... & ?» t . 1i ;«* 8 M & 7 so » IV 38 :3t 19 147 m 31 10 SO *13* *0 17 187 os n 96 m 9ft 96 00 -98 is a 0 „ 8 4 0 0 88 u l* 8 11 6 8 *8 70* so so 80 SO .46 89 43 68 0 a 0 0 0 O 8. 8 6 6 1 4 8 it 7 is responsible for the large, business we now enjoy, Fxery want of the season iu footwear,, can be met here*' ■ ’ ■ ■ Notice the Prices Men's Shoes, any leather or: T».i a . 'J E£ l style desired/from.......... W t / i d v Ladies’ Shoes, any leather or A P 1 e*A stide defiired, from* 7 t ) ' ^ u > d U Boys'Shoes, any leather or. | A A * F A style desired, from....... *. . 1>U U lO ^ * 3 " MissesShoes, any leather or. style desired; from.. . . . . . Youth's 'and. Little Gents Shoe Infant's andChildren'sShoes 95 to 1.90 75 to 2.00 25 to 1,00 Our line, of HOLIDAY SLIPPERS this season sur- passes any of our previous efforts, for siyje, beaiity and comfort.—Prices xauge from,25p to $2-0Q~We are selling the very, best grades of Rubbers, Arcticsi Kip. Rubber and Felt Gombination Rpots,^at a saving of from J5 to 20 per cent, to the wearer. Brice and sieg marked in plain figures. Money refun 4 ed on goods not satisfactory, returned iu good condition* We in vite you, to come ,in and look through our goods, whether,you care to buy or not. Meet your friends,. Ifeaveyour packages at our store when in the city* 7 E; MAIN: ST; SPRINGFIELD, O. D; R, Gx4.wxo.kt>, Sup’ t. MILLINERY sale . A lt trimmed and Rjtady ta wear Hates w will sell at $r*at Reduction, beginning Satur* day, November* 25th . CALL A m SEE THEM Miss A. L. Craufurd. Tfirr Jewelers & Silver mitbs. Our extensive holidaystock is nowinand we will be pleased to show you what- we have-never before have we had such an attractive display ofSilverware cut glass and hand decorated china* Our. watches, necklaces, jewelry and rings are all of newest designs and} workmanship. In diamonds we are showing clusters and single stones in alii varieties. Perfect stones and right prices. We gladly lay away goods upon small payment Tiffany Favrille Glass 6 E. Main, Springfield, O. OVERCOATS They Buy Best Who But At A N ’ S :*s Greatest Clothing Store 19 9 t 23 South Limestone, Street, ' V RAINCOATS t- i . ■ • • • ' < i l
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