The Cedarville Herald, Volume 28, Numbers 27-52
none* its >ar, IBF CS, ; T 0 | ty §el Wf# t h e c i t y ’s kis s t o r e a js in c s s s u r - ke s t o c k is are em- Lmifacturers Iconceivable iew shades iding make fe anythink an oppor- tnd up- Iful and louse nr b u y test good clothes [finer & i, Rain >ver- p a d y - to -p tit-o n [A m e r ic a . N o iWellj, w e a r a s sh s a ti s f a c tio n . ,, $18.00, 125 . 00 . o d S u i t s a n d U l e a m i g o o d md12.00. ilfabfa goods. Kpflngfieldi 0 . C«ar«MCMp We are ready to serve you with the best there is inSuits andOvercoats for Men, YoungMen and Boys, and offer sugges tions for gift-giving that will bring pleasure to you and the recepient. Never before had we such a large orfine stock of high-class apparel, nor did we ever offer j such big values as we do firguoRMi«* this season. Gome and examine our, ' Smart Suits and Overcoats and try on your size garments. You will be mor .than surprised how easily :'we’ll fit and wonder how we can sell such'fine clothing at such moderate prices. Sack Suits for Men and Young Men are here in single and double-breasted styles and in all the fashionable fabrics and patterns; superbly tailored and finished in a manner that would do credit to a swell custom-tailors $ 9.85 to $ 25.00 Overcoats for Men and Young Men in tl e smartest single and.double-breastedmodels, from 44 to 52 inches long, made of warm serviceable over coatings, in handsome weaves; beautifully lined and , finished throughout < • - $ 9.85 to $ 35 . 00 . ' Useful Gifts for Men I n .our Haberdashery Department you will see a great assortment of wearables that a inan is always in need of, Bath-Robes, Smoking-Jackets, Night-shirts, Pajamas, Hoisery, Shirts, Handkerchiefs, Cravats, Gloves, neckwear, mufflers, suspenders etc. A R C A D E S P R I N G F I E L D , O C e n t r a l O h i o ’s G r e a t e s t C l o t h i n g S t o r e . CEDARVILLE LIBRARY: We have just recloved from the Snpt. of the Traveling lib r a ry tle- F—__partment of (' ambus, Ohio. Forty volumns • c history, biography, travel, fiction, etc, I would like for all those who SIMPSON LEAVES, The Simpson Construction Compa ny, has finished its work for the th e t;£f«~ T7?hr.aiy , Pennsylvania Railroad company and shipped every thing to 0 point neat Pittsburg, where they will do some grading for a scenic railroad lit a park. I t is stated th a t most all of the new track will be in use In a few more days, are Interested in good literature to call anJjoxainlne the same, Library la open from (5to 8 p. m. Wednesday and 1:50 to 8:50. and C:S0 toil p. m. Saturday. Price of tickets 3 months for loots, and D months for 23 et;:. Florence E . Forbes, Librarian. FOR SALE OR TO LET. - Look for the 8A. stay under strap when you buy a Horse Blanket, We bny direct from factory. Kerr Si Hastings Bros. AH those knowing them selves to be indebted to the . , 1undersigned will confer a . The elegant property known iuw« . . liThe Farris place1*siv rooms, sum- f a v o r b y c a llin g a n d m a k in g mer iiouse, good cellar andwellgar-’settlement of their accounts den and fruit, sanitary conditions ,,g G00n convenient, perfect. Impme of | ... J. . . b . Hood. N e llie C ondon . |[ {Dublin in loot .iA hotter iuuit fjervice eastward. Huefi was the information received by Agent Keyes, Thursday evening. Bince the new schedule went into effect there has been no morning train eastward which made accom odations very unsatisfactory. I t was impossible-lor persons com ing from Xenia here to spend the day and- to give the public bettor service the Editor of the Herald took up the matter with Mr. Samuel Moody, of PlttBburgGeneral Passen ger Agent of the the Pennsylvainia Lines west of Pittsburg. We stated the case, to Mr. Moody in as business like way as possible and on Wednesday had a reply as follows: Mr, Karlh Bull, care Cedarvjlle Herald Cetlarvllle, Ohio. Dear Sir: Permit me to say tha t your letter of the 4th Instant has been re ferred to Mr, It, K. McQarty, Gener al Superintendent of these lines a t Columbus, Ohio. Your suggestions will be given careful consideration. At the same time you will appreci ate, I am sure, th a t in order to maintain a through express service betweni prominent commercial cen ters Itisnecessary to eliminate many stops a t the smaller stations, winch as a matter of convenience to our local patrons we’ should otherwise be glad to make. ■ Very respectfully, • Samuel M o o d y . ' General Passenger Agent. The following, letter was received this morning from-Mr. It, E* Mc Carty and is the official announce ment tha t No. 0. is to be a regular stop, Mr. Karlh Bull, care of The Cedatville Herald, Codarvilie, Ohio- Dear"Sir Yonr letter of December 4th, addressed toMr. Samuel Moody, General Passenger Agent, lias been referred to me, andT desire to say that 0.iiarv»lito will be made a regu lar stop tor No, 6, commencing a t once, Yours truly, It. E . McCarty, - General Superintendent. | The malting of train ,:No. 6 due | here a t 10:31 a. in. a regular stop is [fare more than we had anticipated. | We would have been satisfied with a flag stop. In most respects this train will be of more, service to travelers than the other morning train In th a t persons chn get out of Cincinnati a t 8:50 and ho here two two hours hitter. The Strain is due in Columbus about noon. This train ntopingwill mean that the ofllces of the Hagar“ Straw Board and Paper Co., will remain hero. Had- this not been brought about, it was expected th a t the office of this company would have been moved to Xenia about the first of the year. : XV3- .;::y g js .: oer tlieanspiecFfW the Ladies Aid Society of tlio M. E, church prom ises to be extra good as can bo seen by the program. L ■ Clmrous— . kIn the Gipsy’s Life” ........ .....Ralfe 2. “Lutnpkil Overture” ,.,......... Bela Miss Dora Siegler. Miss Belie Middleton, 3, “Good Bye” ..................!........Tost! Miss Charlotte Siegler. “ In the Gloaming” ..... ;... ..Parks Messrs. Sanderson, Sullcnberger, - ' Marsii, Siegler. <$■ Beading,. Selected Miss Clara Kembler. 8. Chorous— ‘ - “ Ihcesure Odors Hov’ring O’er Us” .................... .’.................. Von Bell “Sunrise OTc the Sea” , ... .....Smart 7, “Comeinto the Garden Maud” Miss Daisy Hill. 8. Voval Duet,.. ..... .......... ..Selected Messrs. Siegler and Ustick., 0. “The Song that Beatified "My* Heart’ Jordan Mr. L, H, Snllenherger. 10., Beading...... ............ ....Selected Mr. Frank Young. 11. , Chorus— A Spring Song” -..,....,.............. SinsnU 12., “ The Mighty Deep” ..........Judo *Mr. George Siegler. 13. “ Ah! tH a v e Sighed To Itisfe Mo” ................................ Verdi Miss Hill, Mr. Sulienberger. * “Nobody a t All”.............-.Parks’ Male Quartette, ‘ “ Forgotten” .................... Cowles Miss Hill. 14. 1 C . 16. „ Chorus— “ Good Night, Good Night, Beloved’’ ............. ........ ........ . w,.Sinsuti PLAT OPENS TUESDAY. The plat? for the entetainment ip, the opera house Friday evening, Dec, 18, given by the Ladies Aid, Society of the ,J£. E . efiuren,* will open Tuesday'At McCollums. Ad mission 23c. no extra charge for ref serves. Children 10c. but tickets cannot bo reserved a t this price* —Wo have the iowest prices, filial^ Ity considered, on oilcloth, a t Mc Millans, —Holiday -rocking chairs a t .Me-: Milians. A MATTERO FHEALTH COUNCIL MEETING. Tiie regular meeting of council j took place Monday evening. There was n o ,business of special impor-' tattce oilier than the payment of the usual monthly hills. Tile matter of the electric light pole in front of T. B. Andrew’s property was brought up again. Council will meet again the last of the month to close up the years business. The newly elected officials take their seats the first Monday in Janurary. —We have added oil cloth and linoleum to our stock. Bee McMil Han. A b M l a t t f y P i iM i HASMOSUBSmum A Cream of Tartar powder, free from alum or phot* ph a tic aold ' ,ROVALDAKlfJQeoWPES CO.( NEWVOfcK, Advance We have fu t re eived several thousand dollars’ worth of the^most beautiful patterns in Holiday Slippers for M e n , Women and Children, These are made up in all the latest leathers and embroid eries and range in price from 15c to ^2,00 per pair. We are the Ideal Shoe fitters of Springfield and guarantee you comfort and good service in every pair we sell you, I f you need Shoes, Rubber Boots, Felt Combinations, Arctics or Rubbers Remember we carry the bestgradesriln these, ^ ' 4 , shoes from $2,00 i& ____________________„ . appearance of a dress shoe, but will stand the hardest knocks. W& will sell you these at $1.00 to $a,fio, and know you*U be p le a s e d * - - v 1 - - S o l e A g e n t s F o r W * t>* D o u g l a s B lio e a . HORNER BROS. & CO. rA’S S S f f 's'“ * N. II, W1 ,V**wttil! ki Ei c-v-i-ry Yv plvo you a tawl ropreGrBtlng iu mei’diandiso wlsou wo havo pniiehed fhlo card for tls&fi Amount Mitlrtrcl to ft iatiTi ernyon jiroimlto of Any of ymirfamily trm. mnr fie«wy VHm, flrtio, Rubberandfell Boots, ^ , T h a t w i l l k e e p t h e f e e t w a r m a n d d r y , T h a t h a v e h won for us a leadership in Low Prices, that is beyond dispute. Nowhere else arej | -you so certain of finding just what you want at the price you want to pay, -i I H^e are a few prices on FEET and RUBBER BOOTS: MEN’S BOOTS. Men’s Felt Boot with’ 0 C Guaranteed, Overs, Sell every-where at,$ 2.25 .Our Men’s Felt Boot with Snag Proof overs good value at $ 2 . 75 : Our rij'Tl ' J C -price,. . . . .............. L * L O Men’s Russian' Felt Boot with Snag Proof Qvers Good vahieat $ 3 ,QQ. Our price. BOY'S BOOTS. Boy’s Felt jBoots with O G Guaran-i „teed Overs, Sold every-where at $ 2 , 00:1 Our price...... ........ .......... 4 1 . 7 5 Boy*is Russian Felt.’ Boot with Snag 1 . Proof Overs. Very eheap at $ 2 . 50 . } , Our price............................ <! Men’s Guaranteed O G Gum Boots, jl Good value at $ 3.25 C ^ *7 Z I .Our price........... .... ........... &j£fm I O ' Men’s Snag Proof Vamp Gum Boot Sells always at $ 3.25 $300 Our price A Big Assortment of Holiday Slippers 25c, 45c, 75°, $1.00, x.25 2.06 - Men’fi Shoes, heavy or light weight $1.10,1.25,1.50, l.9o, 2.50 Boy’s and Girl’s Shoes made of solid leather for hard wear *75c, $1.00/1-25, i. 5 o, 2.00 V Ladies Shoes for every-day or dress wear '; 95C, $ 1 * 25 , 1 . 45 , l 9 o . —- -Meet yonr friends and have your packages checked free a t nisley’s Arcade $ m Store jStarkcy’s Old Stands Springfield, Ohio, Ketail A t Wholesale Your Money Back I f Shoes Don't Suit. Less than one year old*—when brought to our store, wifi be given a Solid gold Ring. We didn’t know just how many to buy for this occasion but believe we’ve enough to supply the Greene County demand. If not, we’il not believe in this talk about Race Suicide, , . Christmas Almost Here. The earlier you do your shopping the more Satis factory you will find it. Eaijly buyers get the choice things. This year we’ve taken greater care selecting and getting together a collection of Watches, Fobs, Chain, Jewelry, Silver Novelties, Spoons, Silver plated ware, cut glass,;Hand PaintedChina etc, etc. etc, that will be pleasing and profitably to buy. To make this Years volume of business bigger than any other we’ll give back to -you 10 percent of any Cash purchase during the balance of this year. No Christmas Present can givemore lasting pleasure to the whole family than in Phonograph McCOLLUM,TheJeweler. PHILADELPHIAN LITERARY SOCIETY. DECEMBER WEATHER, Tfcia the intention of the. Philo* delpManLiterary Boiloty fromnow DUto publish cash vteek/tho pro4* gram, rendered on,, each Monday nightat the college. This is dons so that our ofiteldo.friends will Know What the society is doing, Tho programo, rofidcred -on last Monday evening was as follows: Biography, R. W. Ustick?Declama* tion, V^m., Boggs? ;Music, Mis* Moore? Bcclamation, John Stewart? ■Current 'Events, Miss .Williamson? Musks, Fred.Bird? Beading, Ml*. Brighain? Mnsie,MisSBelleMiddle* ton. The extemporaneous class eonisted of the following! Mrv Ware on “Society Work.” Mr. Marshall, “Our Basket Ball Bros-' peels” , Mr. “Graham, MyThanks* giving Vacation” , Mr* Siegler,: “Tim Chord#” . Miss MfiCown, “Hiawatha” . .ill friend# arc cordially invited #<i.- attend all meeting and every hospBj fality will "ho extended to them. Thn next meeting is .Bestt Monday eveningat 8 o’doeK, Temperature#' of Boeember will average above normal in tiie Mieo- onri and upper Mississippi Valleys, and in Canada, between the great lakes and the Rockies. Not far from Decomber 2,10,18 and 20 cool or cold waves are expected In the latter named sections, bu t they will nofibring very low temperatures ex cept) during tfio first week of the month, while'"iho warm waves neat the 7th, 13th, f 1th, and 31st will bring unusually high temperatures altogether making the making the monthly temperatures. average above in the middle northwest. All other sections of the continent will average about normal, and if the first week of the month ho ex*: cepted, all other sections will average above normal temperature. The last i,vcek o f the month will average wanner than the first week, in a 11sections, and thus reverse the natural order. I t Bings Songs, It Renders Instrumental Music. It Tells Funny Stories. It Entertains Children afi well as Adults. I t Entertains Visitors or Sick People. It ProvidesMusic forDanc ing* It Records Voices and In struments. The Edison Gold Moulded Records are carried in stock. The latest numbers arrive the first of each month and can be .heard at George & Siegler* E G , LOW R Y . Agent Cedarvllle, - 0 , InH»d €h*k, .. ’ o' Million# rush In mad dm#ti afu-v health, fromnno extreme e f laUdlsne to another, when, If they wouhl onl.'v eftfc gimd food, ami keep their bowei-i regular with Dr. King’# Now Life Bills, the!r troubles would alt pa*-! away, Dfompt relief and tpdek eur for livor ami and itomaelt vtrouM Hm largest lino of Buggy robes All Druftgtsi#? guatantwd, In towd from which maYo yourf __.«»«? * ttennlna 8A, H n r^ Kerf 4k 11a■•♦mg# Bw.# fo sK I . etoy arhetion i# a t Krrrdti Maafinga Broa.j Blank' f. at - j
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