The Cedarville Herald, Volume 29, Numbers 1-26
MSCOM T Jfi lief tfcitMWtM’it f i MI ;rc'JUt5csffJ to Foci ximHias ttonipany on 1, so rvtetofccm ecj h V tim ca&cd fm BISWERE i ■ nnr/j/C note o& b; :• iMO\)( lijUarcsit jyjpnifjf'jro f>t eormril boM t?,nt tiip price* Cncents per thoasaml v»£i i JoWrjfroml thatbefore any time fitfn .o ft (iucfSon shoaltl lue Tix-time far totfng the price was. w i«‘n tli©or<linan©o*i.vasgranted awl It wqs csKjmsptetf Uiat the eui r.paay v('« iW have foadnorooTirotfi floito [sera'by Urns tuna bite for sotoo reason of another it ten not even fi-'f-’B started. Ha» feBometiunffthat tin- people want ami there should ho „ &o dilltufytactiea uaeti to keep the eompafry out* It i>not udeocsoiy for tbKvempa- ny to sell their gas hero pfi otter to;vno that are progressive, grant most any concession in'get some- thing that attracts jgaimfactttrera' a id is - of great use about over/ lioygeteld^ ' ° It is for this reason that council „ , 0 , pouta igmestoiie fotreet this matter and .encourage them^ o lining ia rather than to discourage. The people want the gas atod hay» not yet advanced a » argument on tho price." Gas at thirty'" coats a thousand is paid to bit equal, to coal « t fff.QOPer tow. It is readily seen that gas wilt bit the cheaper to say the least of the convenience.. It deyefoprd at the last meeting of council that the company had en dured pipe shipped here butanconn* O i e i i a o * * H a t s "Every maw who fifst triea ’ a Stetson wondtes why he didn’t do it years before, - {isrs fa ailtiials:«t «>dc»i SllltlllVflJi, THE HATTER, d l had refused to grantah extension of time the company, bag canceled .the order. Oas company^ want to salt their product and fortunately for them they have a commodity that .people demand and for this' toatota council should have granted the time in the interest of thepublte* Wo agreethat ,jf there was a chance to get its at a hi\vey rato.fhatit was proper to do so brit not go so far as to loose the opportunity altogether. The reason .being' advanced by many at the present time as to why council refused to grapt the exten sion was .that the use of gas would, probably Interfere, 'with the coal trade ‘ 'of one of the members of 'council, Andrew, While Mr* An* drew has displayed no attitude to this effect; be has objected to the price and this may be tho grounds for hilling the chances of gas in the corporation, As a rule corporations are perfect ly able to eare for themselves and the only Interest f he Herald had in tbe case is that we want the gas, the people want'it- am,l are willing to pay tho do cents rather than tniss It. It thenmatt ers llttlo to council so long as the public favors the price. Tho only thing for council to do is to grant the extension of time, By doing this the company is giVen an other opportunity to come in. I f they fail then give them otiil more, time. It (’Ontonothing and lseeps no other rompany out. Council should, n’t let the nueceoa ot onb firm disap point a whole community and per haps keep out others that might be induced to locate hero by the intro duction of gas. A Mountainof Gold- - could cot bring us much happiness to JifA Lucia Wilke, of Caroline, Wl9«, as did one box of Butlklcn’o Arnica Halve, when it completely oired a running sore on nor leg, which had tortured her long yratt. Greatest aatcceptic healer i f Piles, Wounds and Bores. £Sc at A il Xheaggfefg. I ' ' At theadjenmcistoeettego?eotierii | heM Friday evening a levy ,of ten mills was ashed of tho rowdy audit* i; or for {■noatog the?vllliggetho mmlvg year. . 1■ -/ ■ ^ilioprlnclptoobjcef efettto meet ing wah to open bids fosiiio cutting -oftho-grade-pB-Ccdhf jsfieei* Them, are three bids ’In bufctmao of, them f were opencii. as the committe© aito l»t*ssiic4 «t> wtet tho . had failed, to have :amcetingas4d' tho raising of tlio,.coping of "thp bridge on Brldgeoteet-*' Mto9.l«ftfihe- dirt taken fmm Cedar street -Will bp -used on Bridgepteeefc ,iho bids Will be opened :-# thh-texf -regujay meeting. ■ • ■ to'-;- toto; Ordinances :word htrodufied; io adopt th'e grade and curb llne on Main street it was found that thograde establish- ed by B* Hood would not do and tho street- committee will have an other one spado. Tho enrba will bo moved oufe three and oneiialf foot on each side of Main street from J Xenia avomie to, the railroad. A l lowing two feet for gutter on each Nni'inerfield OMoT^he^tehteeersvflfte nairjroWBw^bouf * ** * eleven feet, “Boss1,( Andrew' and W* B. tUemans \vote the, petitioners for the tvorh while other property owners' have protested. Council in moving slowwith thiswork knowing that the corporation might have to stand damage suits. , jr, o, Boley, the solicitor* was in structed to draw np a notice foj Xenia avfepue for a new .grade. When this is done it will bo three or four for that street., Although counpll suffered a defeat in the de cisionof thdWolford Injunctioncase, fhe Androw’ s have sharpened their ax ahd will try to'continue the tight. MemberAndrew InstructedFoley,to see .'that the'papers were made “ate tight” this time, the solicitorwte warned probably in view of the fact that his blunder on the Mitchell case cost-the. tax payers several extra dollars. __ K IN G S B U R Y Special June Prices on Many Sample Lines tecor- “ Iter Postmaster Robbed, <i. W. Foate, Pcstoaster afcK-Iver* toru la., nearly lost his Hfp'and was robbed of nearly all comfort, d!i'g f^>hio tettep^vluch ooysi ty* y<arj I had chronio liver com plaint, wlsfeli led to hueo a covore t :i ,ou i jauiidlre that even my flu- ft r teiJl!) ftiruSd yellow f when my ctetesr pneneriiied Meetrlc Blttorsi wldeh eurofl urn and iiavo kept'mo wr!l fets -eleven yenri!.” BUro euro IV,r IlMinannr'iJ, Jfettralglo, Week- S3' and all Btomaeh, Inver, Kid* u f j aud Bladder doraugeinents. A wuuefrr f«f Tonic. At All Drug* fs» r j cents. onq r f w - f th e o f the Hair Thercarefoufversss* Vefdol* Ayer’s llafrVfeomops falling hat& t/fefee 2 , aAyer’s Hair Vigor fiiales tUp hair grow,.- Verve 3 , Ayer’ti Hair Vigor tai'eo dmitlruf, Vereo 4 Ayer's Hair Vigor tMic$ the sealjt heafrfiy 5 and fioe| 3 a it so* It h « regular haf^fooslf tills is the real scores of lie tj/oa» deifal anmebs* 'ff'if *sftkte4c ts-tositeonis!-’ "M-* t f ‘K So** sc*>v A n . A;Wta*» Sf WM.t. !; ; r in ■ nfcm ifi- .*txat . a ■CWRI j flwIwwSr*. yers During tho five months of Governor. Paitieon's illness jtherOwas greOt -Certainty as to the nature of his trou ble, and a statement just issued by Drs. Oliver* HOit and BfeUtwho attend' pd him, ip ot much interest, in the course of their Statement they nay; /‘The illness of ihh late Governor,Pat- tison was essentially due to" overwork. Although hut 53years of age, ho show ed the effects of stress and strain which ordinarily nceoippany a life ol ‘three $eoro years arfd ten/ His symp- .oms were drat apparent, in damage wrought in‘ his blood vessels. His ar teries ' showed; the changes’ whieh nsuaUy-uppeur fa tiie blood vessels ot men .farther advanced iii years. His kidneys also indicated that he had lived more years physiologically than, had actually elapsed since hid birth. The deficient elimination through these organs, led to an'attack of urae- mia, which very nearly proved fatal, before- he . left Columbus for Christ hospital. During a period,of-six or seven weeks Governor Pattison exhib ited a'marked, improvement We were all much encouraged and hoped for a prolonged period of freedom from uraemic poisoning." but after a rapid improvement of some weeks there en sued a period ot insidious .approach ot threatening symptoms, and he grad ually .but surely approached tho end of his life. Governor Pattison's mind was clear and his intellect was unclouded except a short period when tiie urae mic symptoms were moot active.’' UNSETTLED QUESTION A« to Status of General Harris Since Death of the Governor. ' . Columbus* Oi, June 20.—-Some "differ ence of opinion exiStq as to the Official status of General Harris since the death of Governor pattinon. The ques tion Is whether as acting governor he WtU remain lioutenant governor with thp salary of that office, ll.GOO per year, or whether he succeeds to the full righty-title and emoluments of the governor. If the latter ho will draw a salary of $1,0,000 tor tho -next SJ,i years, ahd is the first governor to re ceive- more than $8,000, The salary was raised by tho legislature) ibid spring, but the increase "could not ap ply to the incumbent, It has been es tablished that an acting governor Is paid the salary ct tho governor. If ho succeeds to tho fall power of Coverssr an effort will l)o made to have h» 4 i aupoiaf a lieutenant cover- tor, as Governs? ftfasti did when CaB fJlpport resigned from the office ‘of lieutenant governor, la that Instance Harry (Jordon- of Cincinnati was- ap- sciuteil over Coaa’or Frank Archer, rjho was pvc-sJdeut pro tom of tho sett- -ate, the same position nowoccupied by ffmater Y/iHiatno of Cleveland, The courts in that case stfstateed the ag- puntmout. General Han-ie, after Issuingthe effi< -dial proclamation ateoaffeiag the death of the governor, returned icr tiii homo fa Baton to rc-main thsro uatil tho funeral, aim? which ho Soexpected ‘o Co:::o to Golumhur/and enter active ly upon Ida official duties, Ho would act eaprocs himself oa tho policy of hio -administration, although an effort wao mafia to cot an oxproacioa ffca him 03tto tho enforcement of Sunday laws, ‘As to file official staff ha said: “b have requested Bcerotary Houck anU tho 'clerks in this office .to romaift for tho present, and they liavo kindly "greed fe? so.” ' AccoMtogio custom thoombiemo ot ciOmahig now hung «p6n tho capittff will roffiaia oaa month and’for tho cgbio potlsa Officers of tho* national guard will wear crops on their oabom Tlio oxeeativo staff is named at tho pleasure of this locamhoat, eo that tit* am coarfio tad presoat employes jn tho govefaor'a offieo will ho cupcracdcd by General Harris, Among those mew* flatted as likely to succeed Oeerctary Lewis B, Hot^el! are John B.'Malloy* foteiiev oil Inspector; Cl. O, tetoo tt of Kenton, otioeatlvo clerk ttadcr Hash aftil IMi'ielb oad H, V/. V/altoji, an- t other elrrii to tho noveraor's office tto> f dor Mcoh aud llcrt-telk This’matter, fdiho tho otliote to csaio tip, will not ha Jtat;on nj? till after 1M fanoral at *Milford, ; Bailing way* ran Held am! rub bfti a at Iv'af;!<*y Bro.i, HOVNS THft. Wo offer Ono Hnndrett DoUar$ R^wnr. for any case of Catarrh that cannot he cured, by Hall’s Catarrh Cure, 3?. J, ChenncyA Co.. Toledo, O. We the uaderSiuncd, have known F. 3. Chennt-y for thelast15 years,-awl believs bim perfectly honorable in all business transactionsand financially able to carry Out any obligations mafia by his firm. Walfilhg, Kwnpn & Marvin,.Wholesale Druggists, Toledo,% . Hall's CatarrhCore is taken internally, actingdirectlhupon thebloodand tnueou. surfacesot tho systotu, Testimonials free Pricp75cperbottle. 8oldby«H firnggisti TokoHall's FamilyTillsfor constipation. Wisterman’s A fu ll stock of strings fGr violins! guitors, mandalins and banjos* AGBH0Y FOR . American Druggists Syn dicate Medicines, the best readymade remedies eve* offered to the public* Here you can have your household prescriptions for home and veterinary use honestly prepared and at reasonable prices* Also you will always receive better treatment than you can even hope for from travel ing agents, quad© and mail order houses. CROUSE BLOCK Cedarville, Ohio. Men’f Two mad THroo g j jjWgjNfflte About sev en ty hve single and double breasted suits, in regulars and “ stou ts” Materials— all-wool cheviots* cassimeres, etc* one or two of a hind only* but your size in something. Regu lar values $io* §xa and $15 Tun e S a le P r i c e $ 7 * 5 0 •■dCWMkMS^*.-■-»« a -*"-*-»«-#m m.#* - ,.1. . Thirty-live suits In black Thibets* B lue Setges and neat checks and mixtures, alt sizes and many hand tailored. $14, $*6 and $18 values J a n e g a l e P r i c e $ 0 * 7 5 June Sale in B o y * a n d T o d t l i g * -Sss'its A special purchase o f part o f the sur plus stock o f Hackett, Carhart tk Co ., about 56 young men's suits (14 to 20 yrs) single and double breasted styles. N e a t grey worsteds, blue serges, black Thibets, stc,$i2. $15, and $*8 values. Cho ice luring June Sale . - $ 9.75 : ; Young Men’s Outing Suits f a piece) a limited quantity. June sa le $ 7.50 Hundreds o f New In the smart Negligee and Yacht shapes 25 c to $ 5 .00 Store HUed yvltli splen did merchandise and ninny special va l ues during the June Stale Knee Pants S’diis "*/ Nearly one hundred and twenty- five suits in this lot. Double breasted and N orfo lk styles— many . With bloomer pants and every suit of, all wool material. Values $5, $6* and $7 June Sa le Price $ 3.98 B louse Waista and Shirts f o r Boys 50 c U S . 50*52 East Main Street SEE GET OUR PRICES ON PRINTING Pennsylvania - — l i n e s --------- - V m feu calte at : feivfa cheap. Wol» SPECIAL LOW ■■ .■ , St* Pant May ‘27 to so—^yomen’s Club Meemif? - ■ julyiffi, 21* S5-«-Sasn0etbundi Boston . - MaviJI to Jtwi# 0—Medical and Pitofi Chusch of Chriot, Beien- tlaf, Conveuiioiis—Btop-ovsso af/^ew York, Pbiiadolpbia, BfflUtoioro, ’WasliinetoBi* ‘ N e w "H a v e n iJutteOto in-Knigliffl oi Colutobua Lottisvilie U, 10 , Ifi,-II<SMO-Cduito0 _ v »M t ^ . , iPortland, Ore* S u m 17 to 2l-~3totolJifeuto Meotuiff. Omalta Denver Jul# M S -B , V* V. IT* 4uJy si, 14-B, P, O.B. * Milwaukee AUifmot Hi, II* 12-BagIo Umiul ■ ..,'9 Aerie flinnenpoHs AUljtiflf, HO* 11? I'A-IL A, K> If intoKoted aisli B. I KhVB, tieki Aijciih Ctdst- vilk, bhlffi a v. hire first Class m Best and most up-to-date livery aud feed barn in Central Ohio. Everything new. Especially equipped to care for funeral parties. Keep your rig from exposure when in town by having it in our barn. Tickets given on a $200 outfit to be given nwtfy December 24 , iqob. *M***£yi C j5 a n CEUARVH.I.!;, OHIO. nriMiii If YonWant City* or Country f-e&t estate in Central Oliio write or call on Deaton&M y 11ArcadeSpringfeld, 0. Both 'Phones 717. $125 IN GOLD $125 W ill be -given away Monday December gi, Tickets w ill be given,with each @5 cent cash pur chase* O m $ig,oo prise; F ive $ m t » prizes;' Twelve $%m prizes* m m n o rm t i c k e t s . I .jU4gs*£|; , HUt 6 ‘* 1 ito * U X R, McGldlan* FiMtiCMFP MAIiBLU GEAUITE WOKKS, SlPRlGOflfeLD, oliio AttWcfk Daa« by Dnenittafie Mxdsinisfy 1 EELtcv a, xmttim, r.ovo tb,0SXVes!?«*Sa'8keSt RicfiBlackfarm ftnid i n k o iit h h a s t t b x a s , along iho texas IPidlatid RAIL ROAD ' ',4n a aorotottiaitr not iar behififl j ' yoeitowu in doveloptnont. V^l-J nfs rong® -from ton io flit-ydollars < per aero* atui tho land is all £Otffi; -“ -absolutely tho boflfc in Texas, ‘ Oat* poopto want YOU, antfa' neighbour woleotoo awaila thoj ilttifty man and his feniiiy. Stotnut trip honteseehcr tiehetol are on eale m lm monthly to coif points in Texas, and tho eight- socking; way to Houston, Gaivos*, ton awl San Antonio (Vith inter*| toetliato etop*ovors) is via.thof Frisco, Texas Midland and Smith* cm Baeiflo Byatonw. Further partScuiafesyfti be glrJly tomishcit upon applicationto H. W. TRUAX, ' L A N D A W t m b m mrnng, im \ I* * -• -nr..... ft. AteKAV, t&tfttml i%iss«figisr A&enL Terhif, turn, mr i
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