The Cedarville Herald, Volume 29, Numbers 1-26
l- i JL r THESTOREOpTHEPEOPLE 23, 25 , 27 , 2'j and 31 High Street S PR IN G F IE LD , . . . . OHIO. WREN’S THIRTY.FIVE STORES UNDER ONEROOF EACH 2Ox 150 FEET CLEARANCE SALE1 B E O A N !8th, Following the custom adopted by us more than a quarter of a century ago of never carrying over goods from one season to another, preferring to sell at any price rather than do so, we shall, commencing Thursday, January 18th, place at the disposal of the public our entire stock of Dry Goods, Notions, men’s and ladies’ Furnishings, infants’ and children’s Wear, Shoes/Millinery, Car pets, Wall Paper, Lace Curtains and Draperies, Furniture, China and House Furpishings at prices less than we_ would be com pelled to pay today to the manufacturer and importer. WREN’S GREAT Are' events of the utmost importance to every money-saving buyer, and have acquired such popularity - throughout Ohio that a formal announcement only is necessary. As the purpose of these Sales is to dispose quickly of all merchandise on hand at the close of the season, to achieve and excel the success realized in all our former sales, we have made such prices that should interest evey householder in Ohio though hundreds of miles from Springfield, and make this our 29th Annual Clearing Sale the most memorable merchandising event in the history of the state, r , T" R EAD C A R E F U L L Y TH E C IR CU L A R S L E F T A T YO U R HOMES . ^ Additional with the unexcelled low Prices, prevailing during this sale, to save out-of-town buyers the expense of transportation, we will pay fare to Springfield on all purchases of $10,00 and over within a radius of 50 miles of this city. ! ' LOCAL AND PERSONAL | Mr, Charles Hopping left the flmfc of the weeklor Hot Springs, Ark.., where he w'lll remain some time. _ Mias Bessie Boudelnlsh of Milfor t is the guest of her sister Mrs, M. I.' Marsh. Mrs, HolmOentertained a numbCr of her,fdtmds Wednesday to dinner it Wing the occasion of her 88th birthday. Mrs Matt Baser of London, was the guest of Mr. and Mrs, -0. M; (’rouse, on Thursday. Mrs, J. B. Winter Ims hcen visit ing*,relatives near Dayton several days this week, Mr. Walker McCoy and wife, of Illinois, have been visiting relatives and friends hero the past week,. Mrs. Gertrude Howard, after a •weeks visit with her parents, Mr. Charles Marshall and wife, has re turned to her home ijnDayton, Mr. Charles Ervin, of Xenia, v. ho recently went to Tacoma, Wash,, ,to visit his brother John, '.‘•ho was jfdek, has started home. - -For ten days we ofFer Prussian S‘ oek J<’ood lb pallu for 210. Herr & Hastings Bros, Mrs. J. II, Oreswell and son, Paul, who have been visiting irt Sparta, 111.,- arrived home Tuesday morning. Paul, who had been quite sick with dipthorn, while away has recovered and is about as strong anti well Os over. Bey. Edwin McOHntoek and wife; of McKeesport Pu„ who have been visiting at the home of Mrs. Jennie Hutchison, are ill with typhoid fever. Bov, McOlintock took ill shortly after coming here but is able" to sit up some at present. His, wife was just ‘ taken down with the fever a few days ago. J —Wo offer a 15 per cent discount on storm fronts for the next ten.days Kerr & Hastings Bros. ’ - ■' ■<••' : ■ r •••,. ‘.r -ft*:..-.v■, • • The storm on Monday evening caused some damage afctboresidence of Mr, James McMillan-on the Col- J ambus pike east of Town, Thewind was so strong that about 25 of the .'window' glass were broken out. Mr, and Mrs, Oliver Anderson and daughter, of Springfield, have gone; to Dos Angeles; Cal,, 'where they expect to make there future borne. Pianos, tuned by an expert.. Leave yptir order with .George &'Biagler. The twenty months old daughter, of Mr, and Mrs. Henry Mazo, died last1Saturday night after an illness of pneumonia aiULinflamuHonof the stomach. The funeral was held Monday from the residence, Con ducted by Bev, O. H. Milligan, Burial took place at tlie.MassIes Creek cemetery. • The annual.dinner of the M. 33. congregation was held Thursday, The Social hour was held in "the church, dinner being sewed only in the parsonage. Tim weather Was bright and Cheerful which was re sponsible for a large attendance. The ministers of the town and their wives were present and a Very en joyable time is reported by all present. ’ Mrs. Mintu Fndge, daughter .of Mr. Dave Howard, died this morn ing at a hospital *in Springfield where she had been taken to under go an operation. The operation had been performed and was thought to have been successful but complica tions set causing bor death. } —We have a wnmber of, •second hand organs that wilt sell at most •any price. I f ydu want something' [cheap and yet in good condition •come and see us. George & Slegler. Boy. Jero Kyje of Tiption, Tnd„ ac companied by ins two children, re turned to his home this morning af ter several daysvisit with his father, -Mr» Henry Kyle. T The Springfield and Xenia Ti’ac- ' hop Company has raised the fare on The Swine Breeders’ Institute will be held in Dayton Tuesday, January 23. The meeting opens at 10 o’clock a. in. Those from this countyon program areS. S. Puckett, Yellowy Spring; W. A. Paxton, Jamestown; I, T. Cummins, Xenia; L. C. Peterson, Spring Valley; B. C. Nixon’ Lebanon; B. C. Watt and OUn Dobbins, Oedarville. that line to 40 cents each way and the patrohs along the line have been busy with petions, remonstrances and indignationmeetings. Notonly has the; fair been raised but the hourly service changed to a car every two hours. As the fare is now ‘ about.the railroad rate there are re ports going that the Pennsylvania Irailroad company willpufc additiou- ! al trains on that division to care for 1the traffic. Should this be done the traction company will be compelled to give the people better service. At the present time tlm “ railroad pass” is a tiling of the 'past and to. satisfy those imngty for-tlie “ pa'it-. board, b Mr. G. A. McClellan of the Indianapolis Star bas issued a very clever, duplicate of, the Penusy pass. The first sight of the card makes one think that he really has' the original, but on reading it farther it wIU be noticed that it will only 'admit you into the circulation'de- partments of the Star papers, Mr. McClellan always finds time to put out a clever scheme to ndvertisohis papers.- Mr. J. W. Pollock has pun base ( ‘ the .-vl. Gaunt property on Main [street through Smith & Clemons ’ for $600. The house -on this lot is probably the oldest in town having been used for many years asa hotel. It Wasthe stoppingplaos lor travelers during the days o f the earlier Set tlers. Mr. Pollock expects to dis mantle the old house and put up a residence there some time this com ing summer. He has rented liis farm to a' Mr'. Chandler of Yellow Springs and gives -possession in March, lliitii hisjigw home ivready for occupancy hewill rent adwelling •in town. The Toledo Blade some time back asked the editors of this state to ex press in about 50words their views du tl»e raising of the Dow taX to Messrs. D. Bradfute dud Son skipped on Wednesday evening a fine 'PolIed*-Angus animat to the Ohio Experimental Station at Wooster. Tuesday was pay day with the Ohio Fuel and Supply Co. with the several hundred workmen that are putting in the new gas line. Thfe. company which is said to be a parent o f the Standard Oil Com pany, has some three or four hun dred men in this section. Almost every nationality on the globe is represented judging from the looks of the crowd- The company has a camp in Mr. Thomas Meckling’s woods south o f town that has about two hundred men stationed there, Cedarviilenever in her history has had so many men of foreign languages as at the present time. Those wantingplanos tuned should leave their orders with George & Slegler who have arranged with a practical and experianced piano tuner to come here from Cleveland to do this work. Mr. F. Pnehringer has been tuning piauos here for a number of years and hag always given satisfaction. The Grcehe County Medical So- tclety mot in Xenia Thursday anq had for the speaker of the occasion Dr. 0 . A* L. Beed of Cincinnati, Dr Beed-was sent to Panama by President Boosevolt to examine into 1 the sanitary condition. Ho is a fine speaker and a mail of great promi nence in the medical world. The . Clinton, Fayette and Clark societies: ■wore present, The thunder storm on Monday night was something new to the old est residents for the month of Janu ary. The wind was reported at 40 miles an hour with thunder, lighten ing, and plenty of hail. At various places over the county there was Plight damage. Two loads of straw were caught by the wind out by the Cross. Bonds school house. Tlie teamsters dia not attempt to gather up tlie loads until flm nextinomlng. The storm was followed by falling temperature and enow flurries. *1,000, The letters of 160 were pub- j It is stated that the company paid ifished ono day last week and make *out Tuesday between *7,000 and : yery interesting reading. Some ■$8,000 for labor alone; This seems think that the taxis high enough | like an enormous amount but and others favor different amounts ’ there was plenty of business among ranging from *350 to *2,000. The Mho merchants on that day. On majority however are strongly in Tuesday it was ,reported that the 'favor of the *1,000 bill being passed foreigners liad sent to New York by the legislature. Some do not over *000 to he deposited in their .want any license at all and think hanks there. The work of ditching that the only remedy is stronger legislation along the lines o f loeai option. The out;, way to reach city and rural districts that cannot be voted “ dry” is by makingthe tax Very excessive*............. is mostly done by band it being so muddy that ditching machines conld pdfc be used in this section. Wo are informed that tile cost of the line will be about $20,009 per mile. / 5 KINGSBURY’S 1 "ftp «e22 A T U l v C H 1 SALE & B E G AN : Saturday :s 6 1906 A discount on winter clothing of 20 to 50 per 50 and 52 E Mam St S. KINGSBURY Xenia, Ohio. Work will m ijutf-of * » y oili twEsry^w LETER F! •fid%■ *>S The and are always #ix of ui from C m Afloat to attend thf » conference. Hr. I f Johnston, gave six st were most heartily ,poke from h » own his own exjierlenco at evidence* already tl bus used it and that* greatly quickened, would receive more i tions were greater. Dr., Johnston spok Carlo and once, in j fore he went to Asslo in Luxor and will px tomorrow* [Every tii the power ortheSpiri miinifesfinldm. His visit ,to Egyp prove * greet blessing and teachers are ta their village* again u uf Christianity, new ing all bwed on tin great Dove 'and sent to he With u» and hearts and minds new ‘ We ate so sorry th« he with us" longer, bu to India is due next the Presbyterian to the, Presbyterian Turkey, Syria and c Asia Minor, and th India, Japan, China a stations In Asia. Foreign missions sei and we are so glad* expect to reach the ht IT, S.) untd March ii Francisco. Then if a they carry putpresent he will visit their Several months before NeWYorlcCity (his he "His Wife and daugl hnn. .■The daughter seventeen* Dr. Johns have a salary for this gets his expenses paid. Dr*Johnston was a minister at Madison York for twenty years, when their Presbyterl appointed him. to this Miss ppdew, Mum t tad a nine trip fco Zaki 4ay evening, and had with them^*dnight. Jtftgliy, Mr.Godfrey an took hs out to the ruin (E*. 10;17.) We speftt time in an old teriipl beenmade of granite, of UiCtemples for th their,cats* We found Statue (an image) of a We saw several of'-then gretfe slabs o f granite, covered with other b It seemed so strange h ing through it and see so perfectly preserved these centuries, Whei Wid Greeks Invaded destroyed the beauty o inDower Egypt and br- msuse slabs ajndcoluin into bits and pulled houses, This old city Is seven tnd Id o not know nor *11a dark brown cole been made of sun home places, tbero houses standing yet, openings for doors p At, present, th ey ; down and filling up building tip roads with of earth that mo taken Thou we visited a coi Rkwit hi its different s leaches the immense Wo pounds, ready for England to the manti was wonderfuls ***» and Mm. Hart to ur and were siutd the illness of Waite fipn, and tho death ot their congregation,-tl Mour colpLirtems, wij ■tmo «mo at AleXhi "•their conference < Hfs. HarveyJind p ^*^"day for dinner Mission circle in , •fuighnuts, sake and c Mies Moore from drived m Gooiiby, ^horyou . Yours t! Alliiteti «) PASTOR K IR 2!
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