The Cedarville Herald, Volume 29, Numbers 1-26
that a at the interest e most rtationr Bradfute - and Hqn Wednesday evening a ngua animal to the Ohio 1Station a t Wooster. as p a y ' day with tl>o id Supply Co. -frith the dred workmen that are ho new gas line. The fiitih is said to he a o Standard Oil Com- me three or four hun- this section, Almost polity on the globe is Judging from the looks d. The company has a r. Thomas Meckling's of town tha t has about t men stationed there/’ ever in her history has my men of foreign a t the present time, hat the company paid between 17,000 amt Or alone. This seems jrmoiis amount lmt mty of business among nfs on that day. On wag reported that the ad sent to New York he dfspoalted In their The work of ditching e by hand it being so t ditching machines - s used in tin's section, iimcd tha t file cost of lbr< about #29.000 i>or inWdtViM, C O =! . . . . . . . ij: ^>,Vy^^S^'S^VNi^i^vVV^*v«^V Kaoriirtto# U u r t fm k w ilt iNDtujPHtrt* w ith thatoftuiy oih^rUm,, , , TWEHTY-WHTH YEAS NO. B Hedarvilk CEDARV ILLE O H IO . FRIDAY. JANUARY VdOfi iyV«li^VVl^VV-i^^"VVV>rfVVVVVV* This item when rafukfd with an Icdrx.decDtaMljit your tuwcnV is p m tfae ar-4 a prompt sfllut- imeat £#eacetliy dew'red, PRICE $1.00 A YEAH. THE STORY OF THE ILL WIND M M EGYPT. LEGISLATURE. WANTSWILL Tho papers came as usual this week and are always most welcome, gis of «s from Carlo went up to Asslont to attend the yearly prayer conference. Dr. Howard Agnew Johnston, gave six studies and they wore most heartily received. He spokh from ins own heart and from hia ownexperience and we have had evidences already that our Father has used It and that some have been gi-catty quickened. X am sure wo would receive more if Qur expecta tions were greater. „ Dr, Johnston spoke four times In Carlo and once in Alexandria be fore he went to Asslout. He is now In Luxor and will preach for them tomorrow. Every time he speaks, the power Of.the Spirit Hoorns mom manifest in him* His visit to Egypt, will surely prove a great blessing, for preachers and teachers are taking back to their villages .again with new ideas of Christianity* new ways of work ing all based on the old'story of His great Dove 'and'the" Comforter sent to he With us and, to open to'our hearts and minds new truths. ' We are so sorry tha t he can not hewith us'longer, but his steamer to India is due next Tuesday.' 'He is the Presbyterian -commissioner to the Presbyterian missions, in 'Turkey, Syria and' other parts of Asia Minor, and the missions in India; Japan, China and their other stations in Asia* Our Hoard of Foreign missions sent him to,us, and we are so glad. He does not expect to,reach the home Shore (the U, s.) until Match li, lfK>7 at Han Francisco. The’n ifa liis Well and they carry ont present *!1 rangementH he will visit their churches for several month* before returning to NewYork City (his borne.) His wife and -daughter are with huh. The daughter, is * girl of seventeen. Dr. Johnston does hot have a salary for this trip hut only gets his expenses paid. Dr*Johnston was a Presbyterian minister a t Madison Square New York for twenty years, but resigned when their Presbyterian Assembly appointed him to this work. „ Miss Radon, Miss Woods and I had antes trip to Zakaxifcdast Fri day evening, and had A fine visit with them iiaf night, MissMeCon- jMEghyi, Mr;codfrey and little Hugh took u*ottt to the ruins of Pi-beseth (Er, |0;1T.) We spent most of our time in an old temple which had beenmade of granite, and waa opO of the temples for the worship of theirpats. We found only part of a statue (an image) of a cat, though Wesaw Severalof thern chiseled on great slabs of granite, which .was covered with o'tlier hieroglyphics. It seemed'»o strange to bo wander ing through it and see their writing a> perfectly preserved through a ll these centuries. When the Homans and Creeks invaded Egypt, they destroyed the beauty of these places in bower Egypt and broke these im mense slabs and columns of granite into bits and pulled down ‘the houses. Ibis old city is several miles long and I do not know now wide. I t Is all a dark brown color, for i t had beon made of sun dried brick, Some places, there were walls of houses standing yet, with , their openings for doors and windows. At present, they are tearing it down and filling up valleys and building up roads with the car-loads* of earth that are taken away daily. Then we visited a cotton mill and saw it in its different stages until it reaches the immense bales of over TOOpounds, ready for shipment tu England to the manufactories. I t was wonderful, JRev. and Mrs. H art were so kind tons and were saddened though, by the Illness of Walter, their other ton, and the death of a little boy in their congregation," the son of one of our colportents, who was absent attho tij rid a t Alexandria, attend* i&*their coptef.enfe «f prayer. Mr*. Harveyh*«l 13 at her fable yesterdayfor dinnerand the reat of fitsMission,circle w the *\ M. for doughnuts, cakeandcoffee. Miss Mnth'o from Aasiout has arrived go Goodby, lots of lovo to both M yon. Youra truly .= Alfaretta- Hammond. PASTORFOR 25 YEARS. «<W«»!fetlro B, H. Homan, Ha. introduced the much talked of p?i°. mary election Jaw. The bill m fash ioned after the Wmconson law and I b sweeping in reform as to the old methods. All candidates formwnici- pal, counjty and township,offices must h©nominated by a direct vote of the people. The candidates for congressional and judicial offices where th e ,district- comprises more than one county shall he nominated conventions, the delegates being elected by a vote of the people, The first Saturday in June te pet te r nominations te r delegates t o . state conventions. The first Saturday in September for delegates to Judicial and congressional ,conventions and ter candidates te r municipal, towp- ship and county otecies. Members of school board must also submit tbeir claim. The time of voting is from 8 a, m, to sp . m, The central and executive complitties must bo elected by the people te r the 'differ ent parties. All candidates for th<$ various offices and- delegates must go on the ballot bypetition and have a t least three per cent of the voters a t the previous presidential election sign his petition, The Boardof Elec tions must .he assured that such names on the petition are genuine and of the right political pary. For violation of this provision a long Im prisonment in the. penitentiary is proyided. SETASIDE. J t e i ssaBrejj qjiiuttfl’iv has. bronchi suit in-€owimon,Flcao 0 Consta^iteat; John A., Charles H. and William (jrillaugh, Mary C. Crouse, Jennie Braver. Fred Fraver and.O, W. Crouse, cxcutora of the late Horace Gillaugb, in whicli she alleges that a document purporting to bo the last will and testament of Horace Gil laugh was not what it is claimed to he. ■ . The plaintiffgays that site Is the widow ofHorace Gillaugh, who-died leaving no issue, and tha t the do-, fendnnfs, with the exception of the executors, are brothers and -sisters of the deceased, She says tha t her husband died January IP, JDM, and that at the time of the 1 date on the paper, he was incapacitated by tea CLIFTONINSTITUTE. The tellowlM % the program of the Clifton Farmers* InffiUufe to bo held a t ihe Clifton Opera House, Tuesday and Wednesday, January 30 and 31. The Tuesday morni session will be open 'by music and prayer. *'‘Beef Cattle,” Fred Estloj Discus sion; Appointment of Committees, Afternoon session -The Dairy Cow” by Prof, i \ a Plumb, of the Ohio State University; Discussion; Heading, Wallace Hite; Fertilizer, B. J> Cqfry. Tuesday evening, Heading, by $liw Nellie Brewer; Heading, Miss Buoy Shaw; ‘'Among the flocks and beards of Great Britain,” Prof, Plumb; Heading, George B ., Black; Song, America by the audience. llev, Joshua JSyto, who lias iuftoy fib-ads and relatives In this county tNtiSwhq ia the father of Mr&> J* Wtcy l$yle, of this city, recently rcnsplotedht'r 23 years of service as 4f the Reformed church a t Amsterdam, N, Y, HJs long term of amice was made the occasion fof a joyM fotebratton .by the msmtefl of hi# church which proved ’a very notable ,oee#*k«b Tborcla only tim pastor in Am- Jtefdrow te has s»rved t hepeople lecgpfftsA'imster than ILKyhV'-** mttitQ* Mr. Metzger of Cuyahoga, intro duced his state banking bill in the House. I t provides for the appoint ment by the governor of ap inspector with sweeping inquisitorial powers. The inspector is to receive a saiary of 1 5000 a year and is said to have power to appoint assistants. All persons, corporations or firms hand ling deposits of money come within the scope of the hill. Banks must publish onqe a year -the last report made . t o the department in two papers within the .county* The bill is said to meet the views of ’ those Who opposed the banking bill draft ed by the State Chamber of Com merce and the . Ohio Bankers* As sociation, Bepresentetive Basneteof JAM**, Introduced** bill creating a state boprd of education to consist of the president'of the Ohio State Uni versity, the presidents of tile State Norma) schools nnd four persons to be elected from four districts into which the state is to ho divided. The State School Commissioner is to be secretary .ex-office of the board/ The board' is to Superintend the en tire public' school system of the state including the boys* and girls’ industrial schools; The hoard is also to have charge of the Normal schools, The “New Brannoek Bill” was of fered by Representative Jones and is quite different front the original. Besidehce sections of cities may. have local option by petition after same has been present to the mayor or common pleas Judge. The district shall have 5,000 population instead of i,C00. The object of the bill iff to do away With the elections winch are so expensive, The,Anti-Saloon League is supporting the measure. The Bathbnm Two-Oent Fare hill reducihg the railroad fares in this state to two cents a milo was passed by the Senate, Thursday. Every Senator was present and voted aye on the measure The House will next take up the hill. son of prolonged illness, ofmakinga I The Wednesday morning cession win or proper mspositioiror his pro- by invocation, and music, Th« perty. She asks that the will bq set -aside. C, L. Spencer, attorney. 3 Hot-Breads ROYAL BAKINS POWDER ********** *tltfe«att I************ *t«m »y *•**#»» w ith m i t a t i fitgMttfil *<r* i / t . % % ' M k 9 W ' aviHl i A nn _3 fi* A ll m Sfrr— - / No. I, shows how helpless Mr. You-N-Me used to be in the clutches of the ,file insurance agents. No. 2 depicts how one sweet day M|\ You-N-Me had hisiunlngs. , ' The House and SenateWill cele-| brate the anniversary of William McKfnley on January 20 , as provid-i eain a resolution offered by Senator] Hypes. A"WU has been offered' by Van Duser of Huron ’ to. empower the county finding persons guilty ofvio lating the liquor laws t o prevent them from future ‘traffic in intoxi cants. ^ i. OF PUBLIC ROADS. WILL ENTERTAIN,. The Ladles’ Aid Society of the Selma M. E. Church will give an entertainment in Tues day evening February 8 . The read ing for the eVeriliigwill be'delivered by Miss'Ora E. Carpenter of that place. Miss Carpenter possesses a deep, rich voice, "chairhung manner MRS, J. C. BARBER. A tribute of love -and respect to the memory of Mrs, J. C. Barber, Who. fell asleep Christmas, 1205. Since It has pleased the -AllWise Father, to take unto himself one, who delighted to serve the Master; it is with heartfelt sorrow, that we, as members of the WomansMission ary and Ladies Aid Societies of her beloved church, bow to' His Will, knowing that “He doeth all things .well.” ' * ’W® extend to her bereaved ones our sympathy and conimehd them to the Savior whom she loved and served^ - ., • / She said i'Good night” ..and in the shadows walked, in the valley, and crossed the still waters, fearing no evil, ‘for He WaBwith her, •May we all in a fairer brighter dime bid her “Good Morning*’-^ ■1, , ,. -Mrs, J . O, St wart Lv Mrs. Henry TowhSley Mrs. Lida Archer tr. F. Church - 1 ' CedarVlIle, O., Jam 06. A NEW ROAD. ■war-'. ....... . . ............. seclection of the Sire” .by Dr Gay; Discussion, afternoon, Mimic, Question Bex; Beport of. Commit tees; “Beets and Sorghum,” by Gilo Dobbins: Heading, Miss Marie Garlough;' Music, “Good Hoads” '' A. H; White; -Discussion? “The Draft Horse,” by Dr, Gay. Dr. Gay is Assistant professor of Animal Husbandry of the O- S. IT. CINDERS FOR SALE. ; . The Hagqr StrawBoard andTaper Company is offering cinders for sale ht half price.** The company has morC'on.hand tlian civn be cared for and is making a special price to dispose of ' same, - A, two-hptse wagon load for twenty-flye cents.' Farmers W"ntinggood straw manure can have ail they want by coming after It. ‘ 1 CARD OF THANKS. ‘We desire to" thank those who so kindly assisted ns during the sick ness and death of our beloved moth er especially considering there kind neighbors and-friends who so gen erously contributed floral offerings. Robert and John McFarland. Representative Judy of Darke county has offered a two cent rate billAnd is making special effort to get some active work done Jn ibis Connection. A number of two-qent rate bills are in ihe hopper hut none of them have been passed on. Representative Tinker’s salary bill has been Introduced to put all county officials on a salary hated on populnfion. Officials are prohibited from accepting any part of compen sation of deputies under a penality of ffiOO.or five years imprisonment. The General Assembly of thdState of Ohio a t its last session amended' section No. 1001 relating to the bar- , dens allowable to fraheporfcover any ' ca^WGS,her audiences gravel or stone road imnny vehicle 'Dth hef by her irresistihlc .persom having a tire of less A three in- Rlifc* * he ^m ission will be 20 cents ches In width, a.burdSunclndlng »nd a large audience should be out weight of vehicle of more than, th ir-i 011 t,,1Boccasion, ty-four hundred (0400) pounds. The{ . ^ County Commissioners of every!. .Itis.stated "that tile Pan-Handle county shall constitute a board of railroad is contemplating the erec- The House has passed the Graw- ford appropriation bill allowing Ohio University, #158,000. Miami. #120,d0o; Wilberforce, #18,000; There is much feeling between the friends of the Ohio colleges over the attempt of President Tkampson of the O. 8 . U. to haveMiami and Ohio univer sities reduced to normal schools. TheDcmoerAtie Senators on Fri day took advantage of the absence of several of the Republicans in this branch of the house and repeated the Inheritance tax. The day previ- ofir ttie minimum was raised from #3,000 to $10,000. I t ft now up to -.the House as to what vjill be the final Outcome on this measure. Some con tend that there are cnougn dissatis fied Republicans in this branch to assist the Democrats In tho final re peal of tiie measure. SWINE BREEDERSMEET. directors for their .respective coun* ties with power to prescribe the ' in creased gross weight , in quality greater thaii thirty-four hundred (3100) pounds that may he carried Including jfreight of vehicles. Thcrc- foro be it Resolved, By the Commissioners of'G reene county, Ohio, that the burden permitted to be hauled' in any vehiclo having a width of tire three Inches In width and not more than four inches, thirty-six hundred (3000pounds, and four inches and over, thirty-eight hundred 3£00 pounds. The penalty prescribed in tho foregoing section provides for fine in any sum from five (5) to fifty (50) dollars and imprisonment untilpald. Be it further • Resolved, That the auditor be in structed to immediately notify all pike commissioners and road super visors of tho regulations hero In pre scribed with instructions to strictly enforce same and to cause the ar rest and prosecution of any person or corporation violating tho same a t all times when tho Weather condi tions are such that heavier burdens will cause permanent injury to tho Highways. By order of the Commissioners of Greene County, Ohio. J . F* Hafehihafl, R.H«Nasbr J . W. Smith. tion of a new depot in Xenia. The building, will ho on-Detroit street so that the trains from the Springfield branch can run into It. Tim old de pot and baggage-rooms will be. torn away for more room lor t-rar ’ s. The building will have' train sheds and Will be modern in every particular, Mr. James Mitchell had an excel lent day for his salo oh Thursday and a large crowd was present Everything sold a t good prices. Mr. Mitchell and family expect to move to Pittsburg this coming week. The farm he has been residing on will be rented to Mr. Harry Wilson. . Columbus, Ohio,—The Department of State granted a charter of the Co lumbus and Miami Valley Railroad Company, with an initial capital stock of $ 10 , 000 , add headquarters in Xenia. The road will be operated by steam,-and will,pass through Franklin, Pickaway,Madison,Greece Fayette, Clinton and Warren Coun ties, -with tho termini a t Xenia and Columbus and a branch to Oregonia. The incorporators are GWynne Den nis, J. M. Dawson, Charles Follett,, W» H. Thomas and J. W. Jones, o ft Cincinnati. Xenia is t o be the char ter headquarters. Cincinnati and Eastern capitalists are interested in the project. , .d iaries Ervin, with his brother and sister.ln-law, Mr. and Mr. John Ervin, and their little child arrived in Xenia from Tacoma, Wash., Sat urday evening. Although he is still very Weak from the effects of hfs re cent illness, Mr. Ervin stood tlu trip well. Falling hair means weak hair. Then strengthen your hair;, feed it with the only hair food, Ayer’s Hair Vigor, It checks falling Jiaif* makes the hair H a i r V i g o r grow, completely cures dan druff* And it always restores color to gray hair, all the rich, dark color of early life, ”Mj*hulfr«u falllne out bsdly wM *rr»SdI-wo;iliiloieit»tI. Xlien1triedAyeCi ifalrVJffor. Itquickly«tofMdthefMllegittA m*d»ntf linlrnl!IcanidwuhIttobe.” „ „ nzniCCAK, ■1.90hbattle. Alldrfllotl«t«. for J.C.AYBXt<0*l Falling Hair m The National Poland China Rec ord Association was formed onWed~ ‘ nesday a t a Joltttmeetlng of tho Ohio Poland China Record Association and tho Central Poland China Rec ord Company. ’Tho next mooting Will ho held in Dayton on the fourth Wednesday of January, 15*07. Officers and directors were elected as follows; President, L. O. Ninon, Lebation. < 5 ,, vfco president, Adam P. May, Fiatroek, Im t; secretary, A. M. Brown, WltteUepfer, Ind ,; treasurer.,] to please alt. J , H . Lafikoy, Jamestown, O.; exe cutive committee, J . M* Klevel*, Bloomlngburg, W. O. Canaday, Anderson, lud., andJ. W.WIHiama, Bryant-, Bid, • - A MAGAZINE SECTION, With thio edition of tho Herald wo offer our readers a magazine section that we feel will be greatly appreciated. I t is neately printed and Is beautifully illustrated, tho different timely articles covering a variety of subjects. The gheccssltil newspaper of today Isas something * ' f ** Tho cartoon service* w \m STOVES AT COST Kow is your opportunity to get a heating stove at about cost price owing to the open winter. All heating etoves. regardless of make, find our line comprises all the economical heaters, goes in this cut price sale rather than cany the goods from one season to another. You will profit in this sale if you need a stove and take advantage of the re markably low prices, The stoves must be moved at cut prices to make room for spring goods. Abu9idc3» fficoUh# cf the Y. M. A will he*hcldTWiad&y evening, Jim tho m$giudno section, the special Columbus corfospondencd, a com plete repastof thd ideal nows happen* iiigB, an acConnfe of public even’ t as fhoy really occurred and wo “white- washed” articles In defense of oi- fletol wrongdoings Is floinotlilng to be. found in tho Iterald, No other requested to |lo'pteSonh 1 j « « « w o is as inm.M, CALL AND S E E THEM . ■ C. M 1■%%%%%**
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