The Cedarville Herald, Volume 29, Numbers 1-26

}■ 'W .r v ? 'fiifiiff um ‘\\\::k B j H « 'Mnj>«rf- tfrtiof .aftV utlrer H i m . * . . ffhe HedarMe fterald 1 Tto'a -; cq si'1'' is! with »s ? 2 iKUeinrtetrtefetiiiff yrar rfos«ii*» J i & r=‘-?o-;c oyi a f c s w S ]> tier!ia c;my§%decjrpd. J TW fiS T Y -M N T R Y f iM slH 0 , i g cnwtr’e-wt CED ARV 1U F ;, O H IO . F K H )$ Y , MARCH ?i(:, |90<3. PR ICE S1.0Q A YEAR . » t T H E , ag *iim ws Dm<bant gi(Rr4 at A mcago, andan «i('t«'fininoc.l. Thi-v P A P E R S S A W ,.. , ,.vw EfSto Stock had. their fetutiulo been. oHiefwisc» If time wmiJutlmvx amongthem, the dispobriton toimlnlge their pwmen- |W*Jo»i» iwt manifest. ijot -was it' PAOtt. suggested. ” T h o r n ' # 1 ^ - pmo harmony at tho Wlfinlngtoti - -- -- •*J **»•** v * E n f f h « ' B ( i f l A » a " * a i * 1 »• • . « > TO.«™ i.»v<* g. i'm ™ !' ’ ,wt -UiTtlOftMi %tlpffftt* =_jrhB‘CQfiS’<23?!?I jr-tSfiOlWeit«'<''«yt tliO cutest,, takensides,ood the contest, A\ill tin. jiFBtca. Tim Greene County Press givesfoeMowing; P iiJhenominee of tin* Xenia con- irntion, JudgeSmith, isagentleman .i J eUow"Hlu'fof?s News' thinks that Boss’'Solumdthad full charge. Hon, II. L, Smith while a man otability, and has been the brains mentally equipped to per'orm the of the Schmidt organisation in «Wtica of the office yet he has fie tjrccne county for the past ten nmnstratied on other occasions that or fifteenyews. His record on the « » allegiance to ‘■'•Boss’* Hchmldt hraohwas without flaw and his re- was so cutangling as to be offensive ............. to the voters ‘ ‘ |timeS within bhoufiht that i till*, period jfc wm isi?cotfld survive hut ia shorts time*, hut sho rallied with i »««*, Iwwinclerftaf-wiifintc until tired na- P A I I 0 1 T U O l L ! twro conid ro fongm* withstand the u l l L L t ' l i r i lT i r i * {onslaught of the disease, ;which WIK ma - W i ffiiowiy giipped ■ii**r vitality, She |suffered from uremic poisoning and for several das ladonsoutside of politics have l» r » tiioa^ of a gmfteman. Wore poli­ ticsin.their normal condition in the Sixth District, Judge Smith could $tul wpuld be an ideal candidate, Bothsidesin tea unfortunate state! ........ — 0„„, ofaffairs in the Sixth have argu- "*d illR automatic cmaehitoe, Andy utenteiutheir favor and luffh are tJackson, made Vico chairman, and •lilore-orlesa guilty in bringing on tethftt wiugoftho fpw y^ ts 8gl>dia she’ Boss rule dethroned,, the Boss.was11 much In evidence ter as soon nobis delegate* were seated heimmediate- ly toolc charge, distributed badges* the condition- that exists, 'When the election board decides who is the cuudidate then the other side Aughttosurrender, hut if not, well, there migh^be a worse calamity than sending Judge Bunyan, Col, ffu,fm>r MatBenveyto Congress” . ■TheClermont Itepubhcan has lit­ tleu>efor-Judge Smith, takings the followingfew linesi . >' “This man Smith has beep a stan­ dingcandidate ter Congress so long thatthe average voter of today rnnr «eth scarcely to the contrary-- in facthe Is a worse phronie than 'mi1* etcSeth BrownOfWarren,, Person AllyUeJs little known outside of ids ow» county, and there bis only dis­ tinctionis that for more thana duo delehe haspeen the head dhd front of the'rottenest gang of thieves and hoodlers - that ever infested any county ip Ohie-T a gang that teas lootedthe treasurybf Gfrefene coun­ ty of thousands of dollars, ,fn pdlir ticsin hisown countySmith is coun­ ted ftboodler* a debauchee of prim- aries, and hismethods-embrace fctfo . worst features 'of'the pot house polititipnand the Ward heeler. He is a typical peanut statesman*’. M,'‘$is$mnan of Jamestown ad­ dressed a communication to Jbo Jamestown Journal last week in answer toan arriclo in tin: lb cojsJ> •-Aha Week ptevimm. The wrifew charges the .“gangs” "official organ with Bluring the Greene county^ delegation to the Wilmington con- Teiuioh. Tinsis* mostgrave charge againstthis organ for it bn#always uoastifiiUyclaimed to “slur” none, hut defend flte gambler*', ballot boxthieves, hoodlers and “reBpecte able” drunkards, fI wish,to call attention te, and waphuticaliy dcoyTa slur hist week intheCcdatvilloBecord, castgratui­ touslyafth;i Greene County delpga- ”tfon'tothe Wilmington convention; In thereport js a paragraph that rends thu-., speaking of the possible nomination of Judge H. It. Hnntli, •fXenlfti “ThedelegatusfromGreeneCoun­ tyemnototlieconventioninstructed tovoteforHildebrant’first, last and all the time’. Hud there been the bustprospectof securing his nomi­ nation there is no doubt that the Ureeno County delegation would nothave hesitatedto violate itsjn- strachousand vote furJudge .Smith, huttherewere «in<P-eu votoashort, «>reluctantlythey made the best of a very unpleasant stfuanott and obeyedtheir instructions, by Voting forMr. Hildebraut1*. The openingof this paragraph is true, cnto how long the delegation wastooupporbAir.Hikkbraut, from ilfst?to last. The seermd proptgd- tun; uj telKO, ter tiro dekgationas a w!;oIeWere true, and intended »o to hef to nk-ir Jnstmetons, To inti- tsiatuthat tlioy tveroready Wviolate Misir obligation i:; putting them at bant Oil the raggt d edge of honor, ( * «t*4ppJtenough ineutal capacity toI r ailtlftf ' ■-/ , adjusted his collar and chain on Michcal Broadsteno, the handy man, so that he could manipulate him with case, rt was only the work of a few- minutes, tpr the Boss has been there before, So thus equipped he was ready for business ahd he took up the reigns, cracked thewhip, threw off the brake and With his wagon drove ruthlessly overall who' would not step aside. He'manipulated the reigns with a deftness that surprised ,his most ardent admirers,” y > > U » * ”* / * *\ x T» *H > fi .N4^ f It. •Hist of letters remaining uncalled ter in the Cedarviil© poateffice for the week endingMar. 23, BKKi, , y ' “ Ws tXo i l l ,. , ‘ Caceavello Domenico, . BingatonHurlgao Isekop, * Diihenfcb Abred. Viucerao Xarssia 'Duigifl,’ ■( ' , Borefgff . ’ * \ Domlnico fnAuthilODIutirtOj • ,* Fnlnoholdo VlgehuoCavalar#, ;, -peconne Antoniuo Gorma, Tarbok jK M , , THE SPRING PAINTING Is a taskof nolittle importance to owners of property. pateJuiJB^mmanddhawM Seal BiffUfd Paint, iHH'auHeof its ex­ treme purify. „> ° For salebyHerr &HastingsBros, death of Afifis Nannie Nlsbet eatno as a shock to her many friends in this place. For about nine years Miss Nisbefc had been a sufferer from rheumatism but' her condition had not been known to ho serious until last Habbath. Mistj Nisbe.t was for a number of years a teacher in the public nchoob In this place and also at'Clifton and had friends by thescore, Her early lifewas spent Jn this vicinity and -with1 sister Miss Flora, locate m Yellow Springs. ■: The deceased was the daughter of Samuel and Nancy Nisbefconoof the well known families in- the County at that tipie. Both parents have passed beyond as has a sister, Mrs. I). Bradfufte. 1Besides Alisa Flora NTsbetr there remains' h brother,’ Mr. John A- Nisbet as­ sistant ■ cashier of tj)e Xenia National Bank.'. ' The funeral washeld Wednesday at teno’clockaud the’exerciseswere cotiducted by Dr, Joseph. Kyte of Xeni^ds#itfd i ^ ^ f t gan o f this place. The deceased wasarinemberpf theUnited.PrCsbj^ ferian chnrch of this place. Interment took place at Massieu Creek cemetery,; ■ ROBERT ERVIN! Mr, Hubert’ Ervin, .formerly of this place but for thelast four years a resident of Fittebnrg died in" Hint city last Saturday after a ‘week’s illdess fropfhnmnuonia. „Home time before Air. Ervin had an attack of tyih id fevpr and had never-fully recovered his strength. ■ , He was,born Sept.’10! IBIS pear Bloomington Ind„ and ijvas the youngest■of iv ' family of children. ■ He remained in tluifc section until he grew ta manhood when he located Ur GodawJlie In 187E Batter he moved te Yellow Springswhere hewasengagedm the,-Tv*f« dme business tot elevenyears, up-m »ate , {xi, returned to ihH t m W i m m - ' ' p Wanted r Traveling ' Salesman, Must furnisb references and invest 11000,00 in first class 8 per cent Bonds.- Salary and expenses paid. Experience nob required,' WO teach busines at our mills. “The Wheeling Hoofing & Oornice Company, Wheeling, W. Va. ; NOTICE! HORSEMEN. ■Horsemen‘should see our service nooks where a tabulated dfscrlpfiou of all information necessary tan bo kept. These books havegiven satis- faction to a number Of horsemen the pastyear and should bo used by all. Thb name of each hOrse printed on tile cover ofeach book. Our water proof Stock makes desirable' horse bills. In fact thereis nothinghetter. A livelyTu*te v with that old enemy of the race, Constipation, often ends in Appe­ ndicitis. T j avoid all serious trouble with Rtojnaefi, Liver and Bowels, take 1)t. King’s* New Life tills, They.perfectly regulate these organs, without pain ox discomfort 25cat All Druggists. pm t iiCM ADVERTISING FOR TEXAS. 1 u ythsnmiv® TTm Greene Eouiity 'delegation THEOLDRELIABLE Royal BAK/f/a POWDER absolutelypure ThafrMteat *f Midan-iftMfcaipt fcparfnl Manaf ^ 1||- •**tha« m M tm e<* yekm operated the flour mills before moving ta, Pitts­ burg. About twenty-four years ago he was. united in marfmge to Misa Mattie .George, who with tWO daughters* Afnrlo and Mable survive him. - Tim remains arrived Monday evening and were conveyed to the residence of a brother, Mr. D, K, Ervinwhere* the funeral was held onTuesday afternoon, ThuServices* were conducted by Rev. W. j . Sanderson, bin former paster, Unsiui* ed by Bovs. H. O, Middleton, A B, Homy* O, H. Milligan and Prof. W, R. McGhesney* - » “ Tlic deceasedwas held inhigh es teemfor hia uprjght clmtecfer^uul conscientious acts, lie wae-amem­ ber of the Reformed Presbyterian churchandwasa devoted Christian worker, The followingSnrviye him bes Ufa the immediate members of his tamilyr Mrs. Farris, Bloomington, Ind., Mrs, 'Ewing, Kansas City* Miss Jennie Ervin and Mr. I). S. Ervin of this place. Burial took plaeo at Mtteoien Omek cemetery. »-*•#*#* mnm Tlie second annual meeting of the Northern Settler’ Association will bo held At San Antonio, Texas* uniter the auspices of tho Houthrrn Padffc, assisted bfr fko Business- Men’s Club of that city* thd dates ctedinAthe mmiim beingApMi ®th and Slst, Advertising matter looking to * wide publicity of itm occasion is being prepared, and will bo forwarded toany person making tamiArfi therefor, The object of thisassociation is to-.haveany pro* nprfcttw*scUter or intestorfurnisb.rd } reliable date as guidance in any ItratisacHou ho Kiayotecb to make, f A very low found trip » W will im Imade to Man Antonio fur that ee-> casion, and low rate excursionswrit fbu run tmn 8an Antonio to such Ipoints vlstoremay <lf sire to Jusjwft |Tim puS'iiblHflcs afforded by a toaHicringofthls eharacter ratmotl fikovorosfimab d, mil t would sug4 Igeftt that 5on begin » » td pfm and | InMse ftirangcmfuts to vWfc Texas| ai, that time. In ihis movenreut tho iHotohmii Fmdflc idis the co-ajrete-J rttoiMif all Uta h hi yotot tortItorv4 wuU*m wilt tomh'tessbe solicited Site tftelr imulmp; rfptc«entefHes.l I literature and additional fa“f urmaihrn pl«a*oc..isim'inteatuwilti ’ -ft j, Amtoteon. funeral ra-s cnirer Alfeid. Houth-fn 1 ’aettl- 1 ftouaton. D fM- i , " MRS. ANNA BtltL. After 'many weeks -of pSttenfc snlTcflugin which the nhadowu have beengradually tathorlug lilsyUfrliev, tho spirit of Mrs. Hunter Bull tools Its flight oh Tuesday morningjaboafc four o’ctoid: ana the tired body found surcease <ff pain, miffning dawning for her In the laud of end­ less sunshine. ^ ’ jilts* Bull had been to failTg health for the past tour yearn, and tor the past*thirteenweeko oho had bc-’fi eoailffed to her bed. Many a PttetM3K* hud been, noyci’ftwnkci h <1. Betom marriage she was Miss Anna C, Oony, belonging to» well known and prominent family, Shfc urnsa daughter «rf Fm. ana Elina Curry, her wotlu r having preceded her '■toIthe «fh*-r world only the* past winter. Sh>f was horn in tins countyG8yearaiigo andwas married to Mr. Bull U.5 years ago, her husband being th* well known su­ perintendent of Woodlawn ceme­ tery. Hlie was a life long resident of Greene countyWith the exception, of rax years after' her marriage, When the family 'resided iu low*. The family- have peen^residents of Xtmia tot* eighteen years Besides,her hutfband she is sur­ vived by the following children; Charles L., Bull, at borne* Mrs. Kittle Andrew* wife of Thorton Andrew, of Portsmouth} Mrs. Car­ rie Gillift, wife of Jiev. W. B. Gillis, of Fort ColHns, Colo,, and Carry, at homo. Mrs, Glib* was not able to pome toXenia to attend the funeral of her mother. y > ‘ The surviving"Mothers are Ililojr, Lee, Hap-y* Ftenk and Robert Carry, all being residents of this county except Lee,' whoso' homo is in Clark county. Her, sisters urd Mi’s, GeorgeE. Jobe, of near ^elma, and*Mrs, ;F’fhnk-1’urrip: of *0pripg-- fleid.' y r i v ! Mrs* Bull had long bfeun a faith­ ful member of rim Presbyterian chni-ch’of this city and scores of frlomls .throughout* tpo .^ointau,pity- will bo saddened at tho tidings of hejrtteatfi.—Gazette, ‘ ' % Tin?, funeral services, were held Thursday-afternoon from the resi­ dence and wore private. Burial took place at Woodland cemetery A b D I T I O N A t L O C A L , -Got your Locust fencepostsht Kerr wHustingsBros. AttorneySf. J, 'Hartley of Xenia was in town Monday oil towhiept. Garden Seeds: bulk-—-atBmp’s. Alt varieties in Mr, ,f. D, Williamsonwas a; busi­ nessvisitor inXonitt, Monday. ’ Mr* Robert Harbtoson of Cincin­ nati made Ink parchts a stwrfe visit Tuesday, ', . Faint with Green Seal ahd bo numbered among the happyones* - . Forsale by Kerr &Hastings Bros* DOW H IS INCREASED. II it-.-*iTt,i.Iil„ Hiat Ui*j leglslaturp.will, adjourn- Monday April 8, This it iff behoved will greatly relievo the Governor’ll con­ dition «*} ho Iiaa been over taxed for hi$ physical strength, SenatorEspy has offered a resolu­ tion giving thoDrake tem-stigatlim committee powers until Jan, 13rJ0b to continue tho upheaval of tha financial, affairs“in Cincinnati under Coxfs rule. HEAL ESTATE TRANSFERS, L James 8. Elliott'to Harvey J3,j Hurley* 150 acres hi Sugarcrcoit.! fUTPWH ‘ f P? M» Shanor, adpir*, to Horyoy j S. Bone, 8 acreB In New Jasper tp„ I 1^0* ' } Representative Litile, has offered a bill to abolish, tho- Estate canal commission and iprn evorytbiug over to tho Board of Public Works. This board would have full charge' of ihe canals. • „ Tiro House ’-haspassed' theWertz bill, recommended by the Good Roadsmovement. H will do away with road puperylfcpra and labor fax ana provide money tax and super­ intendents. fSpfeaker, Thompson of the House appointed,a committee pf two from each political party to revise, the calander and place in, order :j«st such bills as are fealy needed. Representative Little of this county Was ' gamed' tor hue,' tThis Was necessaryln order thafcadjournment could bo takcivnextMonday* , The saloOn license lirOhio wiltbo by tho action of ihe Senate Tuesday, -•Thd'Hotisehadprevious­ ly 1 passed this pleasure and it,will become,a law on, the Governor’s signature. The votewas' nofjaZLto­ gether a-partv; owe yot.-flte Republi­ cans fathered ihe measure'. The Antl-Baloon Leaguewould nobtenp- porhthe measure yet had notnlpg againstRon (bp ground that itwae against tltq principles of the league to licensetheHonor traffic* Ketnitor Arbetts of the Fifth nml SiXth dis-*- triet whd was elected-.over-O, Ev Bradfute cast his vote in favor of thesaloon lobby that* was opposing the measure, Nineteen votes were rgftithMi to pmw .O ul MB * mb UE««- motethan wore necessary, won re­ ceived, Nine’ democrats arid if, Republicans voted.for thebill. The law will do away with IKK) saloons in Dayton*Td to Springfield, and alike porpprtion over the*state. It is-estimatedHiat0,003saloono will close /doom. , ^FRANCIS’ FOLLY*” ! Bow * Youno Enalish Engineer Eaved, howell Prom a Flood. - I'TTrioii i\* Boydcff'detetod tonOkhte _ r ,*.**■' . < tention to investigating a-traditioff Mrs. W* L. Marshall and children £ . & fl ^ fho jJtetximao ill rt \ vpva rFiirsE t\f frlPrtfiA rv *» _ ^a-.- guire of Ed. Dean,' of Springfield were gue t of iends hero several doy-s thisweek. 1785 and found an'old man who to - memhered that his father marked i lied per quart 8)4 eta. 1 4White 1,1 (cente. Onion Sets 1 per quart 0 HtoTieighi of tlmwgfer opilmin andpplo tree. Mr. Roydeti pej^evei;ed iff his search until he . ___ __ ' foimd the f fee iff Tynf-shoro* peveral Miss SarahWolford loft Tuesday,™*J« al,ovf Lowell- for aweeksvisit with iicr brother to hellow, and, entermg it from txlou■* a H. he discovered ihe spike, ih head " ’v *' ‘ .wholly concealed by the bark, at, 8 Washington *Tim Ladies, of tho XL V, church, will give on Easter market iff tno Barber block Saturday April ilth* considevahlo disiaimo above the ground. It showed that-in 1785 the’ water had risen to a point thirteen and a half feefc higher than the top of ihe dam at the mouth of tho e> *v,u Rum:-10 head of pure fared ^ fumished tho Lowell wa- O. I* i . brood nuwo, will far*ow ter in IH5o. coon. ’ A. O. Bridgman, fit* 1 nu,n. onn-tocet- to of thia 2acres to Now Jasper tp., 1230. Gbcster A. GampbeU toJ.' P. Dye, 1 l lot in Jamestown, $90ft. j Homer <X Hudson' to John L, Stroup, 127 acres in Xenia and Oeasarcreek tps», |L Lciin A. Patterson to Anna R. knd Jeanette Morrow, U of lot in Xenia, $400. VeronaM. Patterson to Anna B. and Jeanette Morrow, H of lot in •Xenia, $400, * Laura A. .Doutlmtt to Wm.'A. McIntosh, 1tot In Xenift, $1 anil ex- Miange of property, Wm. A.. McIntosh to Laura A. Doutbctt, 23acres to Greene county* H, '■ ; . • •■'-* ' ' *" O.M. and Adalbert L. Spifuerio W, E. Envoy, 1lotto Xeilia, $ 1 * Mary Ap, McIComy to Bertha ,J. Wilson, l lot to Xenia; $1,800. Jesse fj.,FaintertpJohn A. Deyocs, 101acres to Geasarcreck tp,* $8500. John A.' .Devoe to'fJhester.A*Do-; voe,.^a of 100 acres in’ CaesarerePk ip.,'$2135. , , *: yVarcen.Robinson to,Florence and Alta Bryan, 8 nerfes iff f-fflvCroreeic 'tp.,$i,45o.-.,^ v . * ’ : : '’V ’ > ; *% t, Dorcas L. Frazier and Others to James B, Smith,.1$aotes to Greene Go.* $5001), * ' \ s Mary L. Bro.wn toJ. B. Brown, 13 acres to Jefferson tp., $700, . . - J.D. Brown to T. H* Garpenter, 6 acres iff Jefferson tp., $808.50. Joseph, H. Mleltoor to Dorcas Li Fmizorand others, 61acres inXenia tp., $30<7.85. > j . • *. David A. Feterson to tffo Conover Creamery Co,, 52-ffH) of air acre iff Spring Valley*'$l.. Anmi C- Hoimeb, and others' to Flora F* 'Davidson, 170 acres to SUgatcrfipk, $33,600,A. R. IL Nash to Joseph H, Micbe- ner*57acres to Xenia tp,, $5OQ0, ‘ ., Ellen V,. Babb ,toHarley Doybe,’6 acres in Caesarcroek ip, $ 1 , 400 . Charles Atoxandcr to .Walter Fleming, 1, acre iu Beavercreek* 153. , ‘ 1o **‘ James>McQann to Martha Brad­ ford,11}Jots to Xenia, $1475. Chester A. Campbell to J. ■ f ■ 51 for 4 ‘imteday ti)*r the having -o* l*- quor in ids possessiondid not com** off ns was expected. The charge was placed under pro­ visions of the Real law to prosecute iter offender for tho liquor taken .loot week by Officers Grindle -and Kcnnon underthe .search and selx- 'Qw* law. " Tho, mayoi’s court roomwas tilted with spectators eager ,to hear the proceedings but disappointment, Cniffb wJmn the attorneys filed out of the roomwith out making public any statement'. * , it had become known that the af­ fidavit under winch Mitchell wax arrested was do Tectiye,- this being varified by j . C,‘ Foley’s statement to His Honor, - The statewas repre­ sented by J O, Foloy* wffo drew up- the affidavit andW, E* Doty of Co- umhus, attorneyfor theAnti-Saloon League/ Tho dcfendeiit was repre­ sented bV HarryArmstrong,and G.- I . Maxwell of Xetoa* ■ Timaitomeys withdrew from the roomto plan for another date, anti have Mitchell reartested under an alficfayit.thatwould bold. The case was dismissed against MifcheU tor the above reason,at the efesta oi the Mato.’;'., f 1" 1 1 _ “/^ - Mitchell was rearreste'd .'and ac­ cording'to arrangements no*y will have his trial-Tuesday April at nine o’clock. ft is expected that Mitchell" will try to prove that the whiskey was for bis personal use as it has be^n noised about be' often used ff quan­ tity atm lime to hath Ins feet for rheumatics. This is not the first time Mitcffdli has been up for viola­ tion of the liquor laws and' hi$ T£r cord in this particularwill be much against him. Then in the labt few years hehas been without a govern» itemfclicense faufea fowfoonths at a, thne^i'’ ’ j ,f ‘s'"’ J. O. Couwell to Fred J. and G,; E. Grain, 1 lot In Xenia, $ 200 . ■Mr* Wf W. Northnp found a rare speeiman of a bird 'forthis section, tentSaturday ina barred bwl«a The bird had taken refuge in a rick of •y^t 1 baled straw at the paper mill and had died from hunger or froaon to “HANNACE X j UBTRO-FINISH” Aiirenb H. Fetors to James A ;{ beautiful colors. Gurrfo, 3 lots to Xenia,'$6,500. ’ I? W wonderful what the George W. Elliott toLewis Revue* 2 acres inCm'sarcreek, $875, Pllmer. N, Shigley to Elizabeth Townsloy, Slots in.OedorvUle, $ 1300 . Joshua Davis to Justina Alice Davis, 3acresto Sngaroreek, $1. AfocrtJacks toD.E* Bealtp acres.: fo Jefferson, $0350- ,' ’ LauraB. Miller toW, E. Hodges, 2 lotsinBellbrook, $ 1100 , Catherine Breen to Joseph Fletcher, 1lot in Xenia, $1030. G. W. Elbe to D, S. Harner, 13 acres toXenia tp;, $1500. Win. Highwood to O; S. Har­ grave, *4 acre in New Jasper tp., $806., W.H. Carry et al to Frank M. Harper, tffi acres in Ccdarvllle tp., $ 7500 . CJhas*L, Spencer toHarvey Edvr, Taylor,1lot in Xenia, $1C0. ladies are accomplishing with this ■flnhsli. It makes an old flour look like new* Old furniture arid wood work brought to life, ifob samples at Herr & Hastings Bros.' 1 Tim railroad ' company lias been making considerable improvement ; ibont tho freight station in grading. During the Soft weather it was itmost impossible to drive ahont the freight house. The stock pens yet remain to be looked after as they are in bad condition in wet weather. 1 * Hr The old ebld geesj & new one <i«Je!cty eomss* tys tfte story of % weak tlHoafs fongs, a iendcncy to eonsumptlofl^ A y e r ’s Cfeerry Peetorffi breikstip thetalia^eold Isafelf* It «tretifi!thens» soothes, 3ieals» Ask your doctor about it, Thefeestifiadto* Q'ftoM tot over stety yealsJ1';... A tteHAWtlfif, 'lAllVWti,'.. , Bridgman, st. | engineer iff eliafse ol^tlim .power was Jaffioti 1». Francit;, a Mr. Robert Hood resolved ft tele- young Unglislimaff, ivlid tirgcJ tlm nrum Monday ftiinouiidiigthedeatb directors o£ the corporaiioa to pro­ of hla brother, In Wayne county agatei die rcemrenco of such n rise of water. Bis nr^umenbi pre- yatef,, awl lie t e allowed .to co«a nt-foct two Imiaeh'ie';iviag rMfe;of toas0tt^:-3iverglag' froto the .canal, loelf aadlnefostoii'tlift efftifo' cotta* i t ® the wutetwav lip hung-tiff ?to- .-taefftolystrong ftato, weighing ft?#*- i f tons, wTiIghwk^suspsteteu by ff wtottgM atoh chain* . & ?fcdge tiMk fi fold chisel were’ptaecl in'the ©tiff of Btewaieltmaa for wheft iteed«* ed. The work 'ws -flaishcil iff lSSfi Md lo t iW M m t?M Iwglitil fft ffff f Great lino 5cents perbolt. Wail I Bofdete fiamo price, Let a*«a showyon new-stylco of Paper I papering, _ ' . ^ M Bifftoy. •'ft#' iVSJh* 191* <jtn . latHrf ft* VL AP6.W«V -—O m bio right eye that litis cattscd hfot bomotronbfo of late. During treat* ti nt ho Ifoff'not been at Work .Iff Bird* atastv ^ '" -Twenty boaatiful combifsatiotio ra ttolomthat baristonlSio, can fas Ob'* tabled when you use THE GREEN SEAL FAINTS. \ SeeKerr feHayings Oocfow Ate hassled, TSsorcniarlmMo recoveryof Ken-! noth Mofwtr, to Vimecbom, Me., te I tho nuSiJOid maeft tofercst to the !medical fraternity a«$ a wideclMlb pf frlmids,^ Ho sayeof fate Case; I ‘‘Gwiitg to W e re inflammation of I k doctors i;avowo tip to ts Icmf; iTuoff, I was] thbhcafofffLowell, tho-Thtoat mad emsty-stiotr of the I three il-dfej When - i ( luducol betoy D a KbaR’ff New Dis <covery and I am faapiiy in cay, It * jtvt d my Ute.'” f ’nteo the wotet 4 mid f ’elite, Brm« hi*te, Ton* uilitji’, tVrik Htiftv-mss ami HlufU’S i T - " . - a t All Drtig^ # .,.1 $1 (*b Trial h'-llte ft**. ‘Fi-Jinm* folly ,*5 On tteomufaiff 1832^ tho waii-ra idto of m April 83. high that ihb city of Lbv.elt t;ao threatened with dcdmoMoa, cad the young eff ^ ginier woosent for. lie rode to tho" data withoto a caddloffitd Imfricdly cot the chain, rotea'iing tha great gate* Hte work otood hravety, onu tha Boston 'Adverti.iT five. Java later caid that if it had xwt facr-n conotvuetctl *fo’0V;/roili, ;o gufird gate.} w a ll l;avo I jsc . i uwey ftiaighty and BUfialwha Mo iiv ti ‘Adffhl lifivo swept thtobgli ASrfeniific Wonder, Tho cures that atami toitg credit makes Buckleii’n Arnica Salvo a Bdcntiile wonder, it cured E. it. Milliard, lecturer for tne Patrang of Husbandry, Waynesboro, Fa., of a -distressing ease of Files, It heals tho worst Bunn:'., Heres. Boils, Dicers, Guts, Wounds, Ghilblaiim and Balt Rlsr-mn. Only £."0 at All Drufgistm *■ => Among those from hero that at­ tended thofuneral of Miss Nannie Nei’.blt of Yellow Springs -Were D. Bradfute, C. M. Grouse, O* E. Brad- Jute and wife, W. B*>Stevensonand wife, R. F. Kerr1arid wife, F, P, Turnbulln?nl wife, Mrs. W. H, Bat- bfi-, Mrs. J, H. Andrew, Mrs. L. O. Bull, Mre. J>P* Rodgers of Wheel­ ing W. Va,, and Miss Lulu Barlmr. ALWAYS THIN THE <HIEENSISALFAINTS. With pare Linseed 031 for all out- olds work. This paintm of heavy bodyand nrnlr, tluumng. Xt thus becomro more economical for the consumer. For cate by Kerr and Hasting# &m, - M ILL IN ER Y OPENING. i&t thdold. irtiiJis fe',««» H M i s s *0 . L C ra w fo rd * Bpgs ta announ ce th a t on Friday and Saturday S i x t h a n d S e v e n th • > ‘ a f J b p r i l Wittbe prepared la thaw 'Anittt selection of 'iJte latest model* . , - for Spring and SiU'jmer tvtor. M U am c tinUa tfa JtnvUmt, M i ..... L f in its iom.tV 7 A t.A-^as’o of | plitb WiH pEi':rnti i ib Sir, Fiiiw-I^s: and thniny the sohuind -r of S’i ‘ hf*' hotvfi.ione *»|f.Uv'.oll"i iKiboivd fU i’- fW, 1 i-br nr";-*!! .1*5 ?>1 -I;-, tme-nt.i.f t?i,i t to- ffnlbrnr the |-Awr*V Miss J. £ Crawford,