The Cedarville Herald, Volume 29, Numbers 1-26

/pun? C’i't 1 »,*<“ til!*!, | <t ^id ‘ *, i *, jmi *' \ itfiy ^Iiufc o f any <-titer i>'ui\ . „ j “ r/yvv'/Y-^w |h [, j A <i?’cr i a ; ,) cic: t .3career:;,,/c, a •pslERTY-SlNTH YEAR SO. 15 C E M S m iE , OHIO. FRIDAY, HAY 4. i90'3. M C E 51.09 A TEAR. TiERASD JURY READSKiS FORME.! SCORESOFICBLS. ® fl cMfogo hxm that ihfletl fa •-!;ma4a5‘s pan tod; ft; upm* them* t'vlves Tuesday night to burn Seniors ift effigy ami bar** tis<>m. jn C?;ystruggle WKk.w Sibaw received cn injury to a tltelecated UtottUtor winchwasputtoplacoby I)r. I?, c. OglOfibOP. Home of the boys 'flunking that flttrvnce Ward was rcrpmipiblo fop theaccident wanted au apology but thiswusrpfneccl, Ware was «arrfod to (he itexmill swtoumn# hole east of townandwould havebeen thrown intotin* streamh:ul it not been for officer Konnoft who interfered in’his behalf. The Affair happened about two o'clock in the morning, LOCAL FORECAST. X j land i I Tin>Orawl jury m t%m ensinfv .«&. ___ *.-. a v v '**»*• ■jr.e-srs5.ffi r?.rarr-sss-sv re.-\ -c: t?■>'•'*»*•*.•*»**%*■*«**. t( p-*- to it worn many atarflfog} ■Ininas, The jury wancomposed of' many ofSprmgtfoiate best oifteobg } a«d business men and^nsf a loot into ibejrecent riot. Instead of find­ ing -alot of hoys tobo responsible for BetweenApriKJGand May f,’—-Bate. . BetweenEldand 5 th-—Iteir. - ' 'Between fifh and 9Ut~Storing, heavy rain andwind. * Tenth and llfch—Batoy, unsettled weather; high. wind. r ' ' Twelfth—Unsettled weather, between lStfi and lefh—Cooler •Wtalher; storm, vfiin attd wind. - , Between 16fh and '2lst—Generally fair; cooler oh 21st, with rain. Between 21st and 23rd—Storms, windand rain. Between21thand 20th—•tfohefally fair, except storm of shorn duration oh27th. Thirtrethamf ffist—Bain, . - W. W,'Marslb 1"Winton Place, Ohio, *tinsHots the "blame is placed on tho city and county Government, <. Officialshigham},syw , eonmInfor scathing criticism as to bow the ,laws had boon disregarded, The piry lecpinpimute that ahotter claw of rasp, ho placed in office,"particu­ larlywhere tlie enforcement of tho law is expected. ■Democrats and Ifoimblicans alike are blamed, j Politicians now have taken , tho matter up ana1men in both parties are trying to shoW that tho report was issued to further the candidacy of certain men for office, probably the class of foon that desire law en­ forcement- A ■genuine poll(lean does not want all laws enforced as] it would work a hardship on the liberate class attd might effect the' vote that always goes with the *tthews*?* Wilber 3>, KOrAlfj tin* Cisfcneo Titht-ut! pool tt-iitl iff & bit*Sk* of poemstliatiias mgt public fovSr'J hasgoneontheplatformtoreadhisj owfi poems.. He has appeared be-] fore, mm$ literaryclubs inChicago 1 and hanmet nothing but praisefor] hisworks. Some time bad; he appearedat tins Pattee opera house in Mon­ mouth, 111 . and tho followingfothoj way tno Daily Heviow of that citycommentedbn the appearanco ofMr, kfosblfc, Mr, iSFesbifcpleased from the start anda numberoi ,bispoemsmadede­ cidedhits, He can hardly be said tobothesame -successas a speaker thatbe is as awriter and yet there isnodiscountinghis abilityto read hisownversos. Heputthembefore the audience i» a new light and made themmore fascinating than ever before'. ’ ‘ - . ’ COMING EVENTS. .May 13, BaccalaufoafceSermou'for theHigh .school graduating class. May .18, High School. Commence­ ment. May 22TownshipCommencement, -May-23rBMP. Synod. May 24, Bya Marshall shonta. • i May 25, Itxter-CoJieglafe Gontest, JuUe l- 2 , CollegeSociety Diploma 'SfCfoiSfeS. * •■i:'-'-" v;, J ime3, Baccalaureate Sermon. June?, CollegeCommencement, June 7, .Alumni Association Meet, ALWAYS THIS- THIS GBEHN SHAD PAINTS ' With pure Linseed Oil tor all out­ ridework. This paint 5s of. heavy bidy andneeds thiuning.i It ‘ thus, becomes more economical for' the consumer. Barsaleby Iferr & Hastings Bros. FOR SALE, —TWO pure bred Chester- White boar pigs farrowed last September. Call on ortelephone is, B. Barber. mam mm Does Your HeartBeat A PROBLEM, The Prohibitionists of Greene county will meet at the- ‘officer of, George Ifodd &Bon Xenia, Tuesday Mayfith'ttfc two o’clock to appoint delegates to State convention and nominate a county ticket. , - ' George Dodds Cdf. Sec. Mr, David Bradfute not being satisfiedwith his station in life has decided to .work by the ‘week and, has hired to M r, Frank TowUstey, beginningMonday.. The terms are very low* for the first week, being one cent. The contract is for one year, of '3‘i weeks, Mr. Townsley pays-one centfor tpe firstweek*, two for the secondand four for the third etc. How much will Mf, Bradfote have «Qmlng..tox>.]tlxn at the end of the year? ,The amount fo bepaid in full at this time. \ —Nazareth- Portland cemebf for sale at Kerr & Hastings Bros. .Deaths fromAppendicitis deereas in tlie'same ratio that the hso of Dr- King’sNew.Life Pills in- *Thfy save-yod from dan­ ger and bringquick ana painless re- lea^e from constipationand- the ills growingoifoof It, Strength add vi­ gor always follow their use. Guar­ anteed by Alt Druggists, thorn. 23c. Try Yes, 100,000 times each day. Does it send out good blood or bad blood? You know, for £dod blood is good health; badLlood, bad health, And you' know, precisely what to tak& for bad bloodAyer ’s Sarsaparilla. Doctors have endorsed it for 60 .years# Of.jTr.—cr.W'ri;.->rtM.1Warfl»*<r«|lrt ISvfV. *Hi:S1 , 3 f 1 v* 1L' mi 1 ft.,r i Ip!' 1 ,it#M«w, iKtpnocs-'.ttif; ‘.ii k i, si i1^-* ” . s^sssrtsea........ - . Ayf * * * . *•« ...... v.i’i-.'.ti'lA’ttst ef ) BAiirtttMt, Aw; 8 tcic. ; •. yrntot ijers as w#i«»u»a itofctssttf’*«fftUcayattaiRUw^. CROWDSDOINGTOTHECIRCUS, Intenseinterest has been aroused in tills community by the announce- ment that Kingling Brother’s im- men'cc clrous toto exhibit inSpring- field,Oi, Friday, May II. Several big excursions witt giyfrom this vi­ cinity and focal people will be Well represented at tbe big show. Those who go from here should make ev­ ery eiforfc to arrive in time to see the magnificent newfree street parade* which is given In the morning"pro­ ceeding the opening performance. Three miles of paradeglories are di­ vided into thirty sections and each Section is a ahow in itself-1a parade such iis the world lias never Beet?be­ fore. In this wonderful display are shown 10Obeautiful dens, liats and edges of rare animals, a herd of for­ ty h\Q and little elephants, 030 hor­ ses, and 12;9people. One section of the procession todevoted 20 magra- ^cent and costly floats representing' JG^rmdhy, Russia, Ragland* France, :India, Pemia* ^cotlandi tho United States, gaud aifijr countrio?. The performance thatfollows*andwhich ineludt & the superb spectacular pro- |ductlott ofTho Field of thoCloth.of Gold, is tho most magalflcont dis­ play of aronic wonders over present* od by any amusemettfc eutefps'isa m American/The menagenp ia filfedto overflowing with rate bcaato. and birds, ineittdiog tho dhiy baby ele­ phant brexl and eaccccofiilty rained to tho United States, the only rhin­ oceros In captivity and the last liv­ ing pair bt gimfifeifi * - „ LIBRARY NOTICE! * By order of the Trustees, h meet­ ing of the Library Association ig WiltedforMay 18th' 1ED0,4p. m. at the Library room,' to fake measure fop dissolution. . L - ■ F, A.-Jurkni, pres. MEMORIAL DAY, Those^ intending^fo erect monu­ ments! or%tembstones before Decora­ tionDay should call soon and' give their order. J * - We leave a good stock of nice work ip select from, - , ; . GeorgeDodds & Son, "•’.“l , ‘ •■’:/ ICenia, 0 , NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that all vaults,,rubbish and ashes must bo cleanedopandCarriddaway by May lSthj fOOC, and persons falling to complyWith the above notice, shall be considered a Misdemenor and punished accordingly, By order of.Board of Health. . Arthur McFarland Health Officer., Mr. Halph lU-tford oftd Mrs »;k;-ii5iar /UinsI; law ==’= h " v.n (jntosperlcttco J»si Friday evening. They had started nut for a drive in theearly evening when tha homo “acted up” <>n Main street near Cedar, Ac they neared the cross street somennercm in fronto ffhem and tokcepfpmneMUdingMr. Wol­ ford, with all hto strength pulled up on the reins cau%mg some part of the siiaffe to break and leiitng tho buggy on tho Jiorfjf. This so fright­ ened the animal fhatut resorted to kicking and for a few seconds things looked dangerous. Tho horse got one foot over tho cross bar and that the young people escaping injury to any extent to attributed to this fact. , * ' „ , In tho excitement, Mtoa Bfoith with a lunge, tookjr.doge in thewide expanse of”the' street while Mf. Wolforddevotedbln timeand energy hi holding the annual in a 'position that it could not longer display its kicking qualifications. The homewould °not put up with standing with one leg ever the cross bar and Taid down^irioways thereby completelymasking&fofowheel. • in a fow seeomifc after the acci­ dent friends assisted i»L straighten­ ing put affairs. The harness and buggy were badly damaged. As to the.yotmg couple, Mr. Wolford re­ ceived .several light cuts, on tho hands and arms from the horse’s hoofs. Miss Smith escaped injury other than from fright. ^ OFFERED GOOD POSITION, Mr, George F» Sicgfor, the super­ visor ofmusic in the Greene town­ ship schools Clark county and also in this township has been plforejl an excellent position as instructor of music in the jmblic schools at Stubenvilfo, O.v at a salary 'of$ 1,000 a year. The offer Was niado by tbe board. of edneatiutt of* that VJty knowing that they Would have ix- competattt instrut for in securing Air. Piecler. Offer * have also been received from, or three town­ ship in this contfy. Mr. iSiegler has not yet decided What offers he will accept. The township Board of Education has net elected yet but has raised the salary for this position to $toper month. • FEARS NO DANGER —AT— WISTERMAN’S ■ •• ■ .r-•‘ ' i ■•*.•■ • ■ DRUG STORE yOTJ CAN BTJY Material for spraying fruit trees-Btill have aa assort­ ment of household paints, brushes, etc-Putman Padeless dyes-Gold and Silver Enamel that will resist coap and wat- er-Reliabio Hair Ileatorer, a prepatation thatwill do more for the scalp than anyothe? made-Best .quality of House­ hold amoniain full quarts at W cents-Parlor Match© to save you 2$ per cent. Here you .canget, the {celebrate*! A H#S. Bemedi© at all times. CROUSE BLOCK Ced&rville, « Ohio. ii'ilffllilriiiiiiimifTi W c wan t yotf to buy your next pair of Shoes or OKfords at NISLEY’S ''asa Their eho© wlii give, you the best service And voti get tlas largest assortment ofnetv Fiktfijiv styles for dress wear In t ’outml i t im to select from 4 i Also the be.-Aleaflier for the puce . In fill Itmtif.? of liin^y shoes I nifti (2 your lwadt|uarters at Nisley’sArcadeShoeStore <howing hay* I- mid In tit v * ji»“h ila.v “ SprinjcfteUl Beeauno v/e r.crve ■you best' Mr, o. H. Anderson, formerly bf Springfield, and well known here having lived hero sometime, writes an interesting letter to the Spring- field Sun telling of the confidence of the people of Southern California In that they fcol a&safeas thepeople in Ohio; Mr. Anderson some months ago located in Los Angelos and says in the letter that the people in that place scarcely felt the shock that brought distraction to San Franslcd, and yet they are only about soo miles away. From the letter the people Of that state greatly appreci­ ate tho manner In which people all over this country have expressed their sympathy attd giveii of their means. . Gharies Smith the temsorl£>Iartist, had thomisfortune tostop a batted ball Monday, at tho Wilberforco game with his foot. Since then he has been suffering considerable pain in thatmember, keeping him from hisplace of business a day or so. Bo careful of fire with gasoline duringhouse cleaning. GREEN SHAD SPREADS, ■ I t covers & greater tmHoeo eati& faetonly, than any other paint on tho market., Try it ant! bo convin­ ced,. For aafoby Horr & Hastings Bros, A Mountainof. Cold Could cotbring os much bapptoesh to Mm. Lncth Wilke, of Caroline, Wfo„ as did one bos of Budklonfo Arnica Salvo, when it completely cured a ruumng sow' on nor fog, wliich bad tortured her £3 long years. Greatest tmfoenfdto healer of Wlori, Wounds and Sores, £3s«t All Drdggiute. MOW ISTHIS, Formany months people worked Attn -feah tte'SMSffl*.' before tbo citicons of thto corpora* and township at thepresent time is who cubthe electric light pole near Boos Andrew’s residence? Messrs John Stewart and Martin Goffeymade a remarkable discovery Wednesday morning in that some hyena in the form of a. human had performed a dastardly trick In cut­ ting the electric,light pple that has given “.Boss” Thomas Beveridge Andrew somuch trouble. The job had been done In the darkness of the night, the ‘‘‘Boss” ot the gang­ sters slnth not dareing to do the underhandeddamage to an innocent man* in brbad day light. Tho pole had been sawedsopiofive or sto inches from the ground and WT.toabout eight,pr teninches itt di­ ameter and was (tawedground with the exceptionof an inch or two, tho dastard leaving it m such shape that a strong pull of a frightened horsemight finishthe job. Had such a thing happened at night When the current'was on the storymight have been quite’differ- entparticularly, If, some person or beast came in contactwith the elec* trfofluid, ButAlum the man-that would hire-another to do such a thing has no regard for anyone oth- ,or,than himself, ■The same. man that did the work conld be hired to burn your house and the man that wouldhire Spell a, thing done would hire tho sameman lid fire another’s property. 1 * ' The eleetrippole hasten discus-" sed hr -council meetings- until the members themselves have become dlsgnsted. But the “Ross” ’ is de­ termined to have tbe pole away land fitpresent has made fair- progress^ Ibyefcremains to be seenwhat other meatikwdl be employed to1*destroy anotbers property foeatisfy g person­ al spite * A strong net of suspicion has haen woven,aroundAndrew himselfUs he has "declared that" the pole would come down. “Innocent” Sunny Jim fins’also expressedhimself that tho pole would come down ■ if thete Was just enough time given. To u- W'ni'dsuspicion the “Boss” drove up to the pole Wednesday morning and liitehcd his horse never for dminute casting his eye to the ground. Tim remarkable' part of the Incident was that, the instinct ot the horse seemed to displayitself in the fact thatthere .was danger in the polo falling over, tho liprad befog rest­ less.' The .“instinct’ in the. driver waunot nOticabio in the least.;1 Mr E, G. Lowry, the ownerof the pole as we all knowhas labored hard to give the town better lighting fa­ cilities and by' ids endeavors "has tried tomake an honestlivingat the same time. Again we alt know that ho is,unable to stand the ravages of a contemptable degenerate oh, hlS property for he never, had tho opor- lunity to buy and sell bis wares to bis own half-bushel,or sell a com­ modity at fiftything loss than 2,000 poundsfor a ton, to-order that hto bank account could bo swelled. Legal advice was taken, on the matter audonce more tbe corpora­ tion was placed in a position for damages from private individuate, Tlie public money has to be spent even if it la t o law eultainpreference to improving the condition of tbe streets. When Mtv Lowry was asked to move the pole ho took steps tomake tho changes and proceeded ina busi­ ness and gentleman like manner. But tho Andrew Brothers to chow their “authority” -wantedjust what would benefit- them, the people damned. Councilfixeda ttmvlocation for the TH E M A T ‘ %\V. Q U E E N f$ 5 £ 8 & ' 1 f j n , ’ " ' -j THAT M A V fS A M C U T H O F b w a M jgt&m then nr j^Ay ig ix i r m mm * make p m n m s ^ m m u r BAVETo KEEFT«E%Vvy D g W t J m M -ro m m ? m n m § if Ym nave f%r ru g j ■57- wjswx r-»itrvafi£r-5 n hr-.Bw. ip~H ^ f? ' B t S f F3/ITERIA1U M m & f i Q HOT. AIR. JUST <OME W m M E PtiKS WILLTALK.. I ' w & r m m M H * WE CAN .MAKE ANY MAN OR BoY Look LIKE . A TRUE "KING" Of THE MAY, V/E ARE #SURE EVERYONE wi-SHE a S T o BUD OUT IN NEW fSPRINC CL o THE a ? e)U*- 5 T LIKE THE TREEfS Po, WOULDN'T A' .SHAPE-TREE LOOK BARE THI^S MONTH WITHOUT GREEN LEAVER UPON ITf DON'T. YOU NEED A FEW ''GREEN LEAVER” ‘ YoUR^ELff WE HAVE THEM FOR YOU. YOU kNotV WE DON'T CARRY IN OUR HoU.SE CLOTHED THAT ARE , 5 LUNG AT U,S, BUT WE . l|AVE OUR JUIJJ AND TOP C o AIVS ESPECIAL- UY TAILORED.FOR U i ’AND FOR YoV BY ROG­ ERS, PEET AND C o ;,-PECK AND KIR^CHBAVM T o MAKE-YOURSELF LOOK LIKE A-KING. YOU NEED, ONLY GET* INTO'ONE OF OUR ^UIT^. HoW WOULD ONE OF THE^E STRIKE YoU? A- PECK EMPIRE ^U 1 T% FOR $ 14 * 6 5 , OTHER .STYLES $ 9 .65 To $ 5 ? . 0 0 ,> AND THEN HOW ABOUT THAT NICE HAT?' A JKING WEAR^ -A CROWN. -WE CAN CROWN YOU WITH A , YOUNGS HAT,, AND A'.GOODONE-IT iS TOO, FOR $ 3 . 0 0 . VE.HAVE IN OUR .STOREEVERYTHING A MAN OR BOY;WEAR^, EXCEPT. , 5 HoE 4 L ALL AT . /.ITTLE PRICER QUALITY CONSIDERED. , ’ RESPECTFULLY, THE WHEN, ARCADE.' ‘ THE GOOD CLOTHED 5 HOP. ARCADE, - - * S PR IN G F IE LD ^ OHIO pole and Mr. Andrew saw that‘it was to be placed-in front of ‘W. L. Ctemans’property This was objec­ ted to by Mr, Clemans as would be by anyone -else but Mr. Clemans Statedthat hewould objec­ tion tosetting the polfi on the line between his and the Andrew prop-; erty even going so far that lb might be set a couple of feet on his side, Mr. Lowry Btarted John Spencer to dig the b to and Thomas Bever­ idge Andrew being the corporation “Boss” told Spencer to skld-doo. Spencer filled the bole and the pole still stands to its original place. Postmaster Robbed, G» W, Fouts, BontmasteratlUver- ton, Ia.t nearly lost hto life and wad robbed of nearly all comfort, accor­ ding to hidletter, whichnays: ‘’For f!) years I had chronic liver com­ plaint, which led to ouen fi severe case of jaundice that even my fin­ ger nails turned yellow; when my doctor prescribed Fleetrlc Bitters; which cured tnoand have kept mo well for eleven years.” Sure cure for Biliousness, Heurfllgia, Weak­ ness and all Btomacli, Liver, Kid­ ney and Bladder derangements. A wonderful Tonic. At All Drug* gists. GO cents. =F HABMOHIODS COMBIKATlOHd ‘ Of Colors are easily-, secured with Green Seal Liquid Faints,, They aremade in 1C. different tints aiul shades. 1 For saleby Kerr &Hastings Bros. $1,00HoundTrip toColumbus Sunday, May 0 th from Cedaiville, Special train leaves fi:r>3 a. m. over Pennsylveuis Lines. ■"-Get aft Oliver Btetfl breaking plow of Kefr & Hastings Bros. FortunateMsjsourians. “When I was a druggist* at Livo­ nia, Mo.,” writes T, J, Dwyer, now of Graysville, Mo.,“ three of my cus­ tomerswere ppmuam-ntly cured of conaumptioft by Dr. King's Kaw Discovery, and arc well and strong today. <)ii« whs trying to sell hie; property and move to Arteono, ?mf after using Ki»w Discovery a ubori timeho found it mmeccSsary to do go, I regard Dr. King's Nt*w Dis­ coveryas tnomost wonderful medo cine m existenvV' Gurjst Ontudi and fold euro and Throat wui Lung heftier. Guaranteed hy all Drug­ gists. ©)c aud$1. Trial buttle* fire. V/ooCa1'One ftoaitedDolkrs Sowesv foe coy ts:o ot tlatawh that auniii Ip carfd % Itelt’fl 4p;fatrh ‘.Jute, F. J. Lacnney t)» V;c thoun.lesricfie3> have known F. S, t loftncy $<)? thoiivtr* and kdiava Ida* pcffdtfy !^; as . s M o in all hertoo a.-ikasor.-l tlevin>'?!,i 3 v d!-!o tomfo? 't,,afc ary uhh; .ia ics-lo ly Ku Crib, Wcl-linr, llsoi.ia 'Jt MswSo, mckAfc Ib'ticrk Totefei*■*. 1 | llcii'uthtar.h fuse P bo.! n IntfirMfiy, a tii 2 gdkt*.t 5 ?sng ntV-1•>'1tod t.iu;ou. f-ospe i"i i -n '!> lj , »>«!'*■)>.»!;,',?< t frto I'fi.i'V. {-.«SIf>ysit 1 A ' PV'-n'd?'. I'id 'f ft l'*ltomtit ij(0 Now is the Time to Buy Your Spring* and Summer FOOTWEAR Our Shoes and oxfotdswornnever better; Ryles nwi ranfokaidIfni. They Wiltdelight your oyer?aud please your feet. Monte Womonte told childfon’ftOsfofd Ties rn.d fllappeftrlss all tho brat leathers, xmu ndiveftfe oktip; .■?, - ifor Itoi■-iff -bulb s white Canvass Low fut;i surpasseti any thing iff fli Springfield^' > ■ r Men's low fiiiU fav 'dters liatltes' low cuts lot*flrecs Tadics lowouts for general wear CasiFata ovilottlofor ladles Caiwatff osfortlit im lloeo f’Vf■r : hi Op C—• M t So r>l .cut US.I .im to• & i 01 to-81..YJ V-' < } U i l l 611,Vtl fe'l, U » (•all Inand lake a look. It. mnU i you uoflilo/> in rh HORNER BROS. & CO. ~ j: & HIKiiofli lifucToilf SliTof ' t-Vij-.'W',-? tdii