The Cedarville Herald, Volume 29, Numbers 1-26

^v'V'^■w-v ' •TAef’lhtn-tf O tif Js jf, |W«l'L Will * nlUJfii'*"1 ivilL HhoZ^fim^ m W i u m , . . . Cedarville herald . T te item when caCcd tsl:'t ^rrtrsf?'"i; yv? r ' “.c”'7 toxettCz} owl ke ; rr.cnt t 3 curacy lydebited*. *»..« TWENTV-’SISITH YEAR W \ m CTDARVILUL OHIO, FRIDAY, HAY l5, PKICIi $ 1,00 A YEAS. SPECIAL ELECTION COT'S JUDGE FREES SACOOHISTS. plaeaMonday evening alb roomhero {,eins presentbutWteitner, Jt<i>SA3ts of different fommittlps wore read and bills allowed amounting to SSOi.SO. One was a bill fin* $25 ftm logal gmvices to J 0* Foley on the Mitchell cases, these ease* being prosecutedby the Maj or and offi­ cers ami not by the Anti-Saloon league. The state -was assisted; by the state organization attorney, Doty, of Columbus, whowasrespon- Bible for the discovery of tire error of the first papers drawn up by Foley* At a former . ‘meeting . council passed an ordinance to create the office of city solicitor and two ap« plications,were read Monday even­ ing, One for B, Hood and the other fromJ, C- Foley, the latter being tipped as the winner/ The applica­ tions were laid on the table .for future retefence. As to the report on cutting off Cedar street Mr. 'Hood “em­ planed the grade from a carefully prepared profile, After consider­ able discussion council voted,to cut the hill and make the fill at the bridge onBridge Street,^the county commissioners to raise"the copeing on the bridge. I t is not- thought that the improvement will cost over $300. The residents on the west end, of the street have wanted to pat in cement walks for some time 'but could not do so, until they were given drainage. Council authorised the advertisement tor bids to be in by June 4. . The meeting was, devoid of any­ thing sensational Just after'the cutting of the electric light polejast week. Then nothingwaft Said as to adding the ’ third1 man on the police.force,and make him street commissioner under an ordinance' passed’ last ‘ meeting.' Nothing farther 'was said-af taking into ■ the corporation some of the outlying residences under Mayor McFar- land’sJsnggestion, at the last meet­ ingand'winch wasopposedby mem­ ber Andrew, who did not, carp to have to pay the corporohon tax* tistiiiAmamJA '**-'*? **- 1 \lmuo of her brother in Dayton Ti i Iday after a long Illness. * Bin*, loft .hero (December to •rac 1 F & j ’o i . v m i „ m r J a m p e o p l e t o i m e w K cW T b W & S S T H E P m -V E J , M ffir! tw t r iM E Y C p T o A ^ l e P l f t i r a year -agd last ■i « talje obarge of her brother Wili’o home after the death of his wife, She was taken sick soon1after going thoro and never was able to return to her old homo. The deceased was horn SOyears ago and was a eoncintaat and de­ voted member of fho M. 13. church. She was a member of the choir and of the Epworth Dengue and was an earnest Christian worker. Besides the grief striken mother there remains two brothers- and a sister, Messrs, • Will and James Duffleld and Mrs Willard Trriute, The remainsarrivedhere Wednes­ day and the funeral took place from thuM, E. church, Thursday *after- noon being conducted by Dr. H. cl Middleton, Buriat took place at Massies Creek cemetery. Hio powder mills at (loco lot loose shortly .after midhighfe Tuesday, there being no lives lost but .great property damage. The glaring mill is where the powder is made into a finished product and in the building were several tons. The watchman was near, at the time but Was in the watcbhouoe • three hundred away, T«J0 L5Js>7Cir:4 .election . ■%&* May21 to vote on the Issuing of $3o,ooawonh of bonds.. for purehas'* ing a site and erecting a building lias caused considerable, comment already and by election day the question will bo thoroughly can­ vassed, - A- The present building is saiip to bb; too small for .school purposes and yards also unfit for use m its present state. The board does not want to expend REALESTATBTRANSFERS. COMING EVENTS. May13, Baccalaureate Sermon for theHigh school graduating class. May18, High School Commence­ ment. :May22 TownshipCommencement. May 23, It, 1\ Bynod. May 21, Eva Marshall Shontz. May 23, Inter-Collegiate Contest.- Juno 1-2, Coliege Society Diploma Exercises, - Junes, Baccalaureate Sermon. June T, College Commoncement. June *?,'■Alumni Association Meet. SALE. .FOR —Two pure bred Chester White boat pigs farrowed last' September. Call on or telephone B. B. Barber. $1.30 Round.Trip in Cincinnati Sunday,May ldtli from Odarville. Special train loaves 7150 a, m. over Pennsylvania Lines. HOW ISTHIS- W. J , Wildman, ^trustee to S, w , Smith and O. L . Smith,'lot in Ce- darvillo; $i. * Bevels A. and Laura-Adams to J» A. Smith, lot in Cedarville; $650, • People’* Building & Savings Co, to W, P. Townsley, 1 lot in Cedar- Ville, $125, W. J , Cherry to Anna H, Cherry, H of ci03 acres, in Cedarvillo tp., $1800* ■.■" > John Williams toW. P. Townsley, I .lotdu Cedarville, $200. Sarah J* Gillaugh to F’red Braver and C. W. Crouse, trustees, 2 lots in Cedarville, $1. O. P .1and J , H. C, Nagksy to Hester Trumbo, 1 lot in Cedarville,. $000* Joseph McAfee to James H. Qvm- well, 25 acres in Cedarville, tp,, $2000. . ' NOTICE*} Notice is hereby given that all vaults, rubbish and ashes must be Cleanednpandcarriedaway byMay IWb, 1906, and persons failing to complywith the above r nice, shall be considered a Misd *ienor and punished accordingly. 1 By order of Board OfHealth* Arthur McFarland Health Officer. STILL BRANCHING OUT. Mt. W, L. Clemans, the well known insurance agent in a dozen counties in this state, has opened an office in Xenia having taken over the Will McGervey agency this week. This makes eight offices for Mr. Alemans with as large a list of companies as can bo found by any agent in the state. He has offices in the following towns beside the head office hero: Xonia, Washing­ ton, O. H., South Charleston, Yel- ow Springs, South Solon and. Sabina. Mr, Clemans has tholatg- csfc farm agency in the state and no doubt will have other offices es­ tablished before many months, INSPECTING MILLS. Wooffer Ono littered Dollars Eewsr. 1st any caio of t'atatrk Shat cannot be ■cared by Holt’s Catarrh Cure, P- &• fttasipy<StCo,. TolcJi/,D.; WetbcuuaorsJaueJ, hate known F. J. A'l.simeyforthe!::it 15 ycara, and fedlcvs /:::s ptrkaly tsonotaljic in all buslncsj tfonsjetfonsDKcl finontMly able to carry oat any oblipiSons titete by his firm. V&Ming, Kuutan & Has-rlst. W!®I c ? a 1 o £Yof;;isl«, Tolcu® O. IMI ’0 Catarrh Care J:> token Internally, tcdttgdkcctlb tipan the Lionel and mucoa. caiiaccaof tfco system. T-estbopiiials bee I.lfo ?3operliatfEc. f^ollby all drayglsts EiakaHall's Family PSIbf jf CoiJ'itibAtSeft. Mr. A. 2 . Smith left Tuesday for a trip down the Miami Valley to in­ spect a number of paper mills. Ho expected to stop at Franklin and look over the Franklin Board and Paper Chi. plant under the same control as tho Meal milt This is an exceptionally fine mill and Is Mr. Smith’s first visit to it. Ho also-ex­ pected to go to Hamilton,( West Carrollton and Mtoiisbtirg.1 Tho damage to buildings was the anymovemoney andthe proposition greatest in years from accidents of ig to he placed before the voters. this kind and dwellings and barns look as if an earthquake had vjsifed the section.- The shock was felt, as far as Ironton 300 miles away. \ ,' The damages hero was slight the windows being broken in the house occupied byDavid Strobridge and a few lights at the papOrmiU. The quivering of houses and the roar of the explosion soon got people but from their slumber to, see if wo ligd fallen victims to an earthquake* * BENEFIT BALL GAME, A benefit game of base-ball Will be played -Monday afternoon be­ tween . Cedarville. and Wilberidrce for William Marshall who had .his arm broken at WUberforce sqme time, ago in, a game between iihe same teams. The admissionwil|be is cents and a Targe crowd should see what promises' to be tho best game of the season, j !■ “CHILDHOOD DAYS’V iI, The Herald will in the next issue contain an extensive poem from-tho pen of "Benax,” whose Wrltingsate familar to all. The poem is particu­ larly interesting in that it has -past history woven in rhyme that will he readwith interosthy-old andyoung. It is .something all' will desire! ,to save and to he able to supply those who may want extra copieswe ask that your order be placed as early in the week as possible. Bee that your friends and relatives get this troarsuro. BUILD STOCK PENS. The firm of Kerr and Hastings Bros, has at a groat expense-added several new stock pens at the rear •of the (Scales tor weighing stock that Ispurchasedby stock buyers; Since the railroad compady made their improvements things have been un­ handy for farmers in earning tor stock and to make things inorenatls* factory to buyer and seller tliis enterprising firm made these im­ provements. Stock can boloadod in cars right from the pen&, — - -rffot an. Oliver Steel breaking plowof Kerr ’&Hastings Bros. FortunateMsMouflam. “When % was a druggist* at Livo­ nia, Mo.,” writes T. J . Dwyer, now of Graysville, Mo.,*‘fIirce of my cus­ tomers wore penmancntly cured Of consumption by Dr, King’s New Discovery, and are well and .strong' today. One was trying to sell his propertyand move to Arisono, ;but after usingNew Discovery a abort time he found it uftnecessary to do so. I regard Dr. King’d New Dis­ covery as tnomost wonderful mede- cine in existence,** Surest Cough and Cold euro andThroat and Lung healer. Guaranteed by all Drug-' gists. G0eand$l. Trial bottle toco. BAPTIZED FIVE. We Trust Doctors If you arc su ffering from impure blood, thin blood, ue« bilrty, nervousness, exhtus* tifiii, yeti should begin *t once with Ayer’s $irsip*flto» Sawapafilia you hive known a2! your life. Yuur doctor toows If, too, Askhimabout If. *4, -.«*._,a. - - f r- rn. A Mtt* a*..|N«t!i JL lww»*U mt ItAM, yers MOtfVVtt, jWKitSUit. pmm isktotn - *«s»SHWNHWW* TJto A." M*113. church and llto Baptist; cimrcli held their baptizing last. Sabbath at. tte “Flax” mutin town. Thojo wore three eeaverto from tho former church and fw» from the latter. The crowd that gathered w&s- probably the largest tor* tunuy- years, ?> • sate Nazareth Tostlaad. eobionfc tor at Kerr & Hastings Bins* memorial day , s u s o m t i o m - Graduation Gifts Parents or others - think * ihg o f gifts fo r graduates will find hero many Suggest tiotts in JittmciteOi Service* able and (Appropriate pros* entsj . IVC Those liitefidiog to erect taonu- incuts or tombstones before Decora* ti“UDay should call feemt d“ d thdr order. - - Wo I'A’JO* S6UU I3t0f 1, work to sclent from, ttemy/’ IteildsA hut of ttico Xenia, thf DAIWTI^D' WHAT IS WDKM T* worth psiJdMg w'4'li» llMt yte cunsistHd, *«d n h t it t n i b ‘* i j fniiib p,,r «nte t*V■Kf-rr «»<,*», UntilJune 15 W e m ill g le e a tU scoan t o f 10 per. r en t o k m e t? €m h pm'i'hme* c M t s m s b b m \ if m e c a n n o t 'p ltttse you , yon wilt not be urged to buy* McCollum, ‘ T h e J e w e l e r * , The water iw ,eaid to bo impure and has been condemod by the board of health. The present building is in a very undesirable place, The board Is said to havo options on the Walton and Dock propsrboe on north Mainstreet south oftheold B , F , church and If the proposition carries it is thefntentionof the board to erect a budding thoro. “There aro already many objections -heard, from high enough taxes, poor location, to too nmeh money. , - , ■Wiiild$ 30,000 should put up con- sidwabte of it* budding some think that this is too much compared to the cost of some of the churches, college and opera house. The suggestion has been made that the whole township be made raid One n(strict and centralize the schoolsdint' tke township people do not toko to this idea as they 'claim to have -.the- -best schools in the county doe no doubl largely,to the fnteth&fc-Wcy are from under the curse of political influence, Thegroatestbbjection’yetadvahc- ed ip, the location in that it is" not central, beingas much to far north (is $h&.old building, i r south. The drainage is not as good there os shouldbe. The hesjbplace as suggest­ ed is the purchase of tho I. O, Q, F, property, .Mrs, Ida Lowry, J , W* MoLean, Mrs, ’ .' Anna ^Mdtor,and! Holdman' properties and erect the building there. This „would make an ideal place Is as central-as could be desired being Within a few yards of throe churches. Drainage and five protection would he better and aboye alt it would he an im­ provement thiit would be of Value to tho other.tobHtiitftMw. The whole matter lies with the voter on tho proposition as to the issuing of bonds. A SUGGESTION. L8 e >£VatViJvIbti mtoiatSfiftlE-;360€K OOPof Cincinnati calledon Mayor Dompsoy to urge tho enforcement of tiie closing law for saloons on Sunday,- button- laymen worn dis­ tinctly told that such a thing wan, an impufisibilltv with tho machinery that had been given him for this work. ■ Dempsey Was tho reform candi­ date for this office and was elected over “Boss” Cox’s man by a groat majority, As only a few of the old administration men were put putof office the Jaw enforcement end of toe go\urnmentj that part which tho mayor Is expected to have control of, still belongs to Cox, Saturday night the Mayor had policemen dressedw citizens clothes preform detective work and-a num­ ber of the swell places in the copter Ofthe city were1pulled, Tho pro­ prietors Were taken before Judge Feeders and were imtpediately dis­ missed, in that, kind of evidence could not be accepted, yet ibis same judge bab.sehfc many.a thief to fho workhouse of penitentiary on the evidence that was furnished by these .saipe policemen, ‘ The* situa­ tionwill hemore clearly understood wbenit Is known thatJudge Lueders has his private office next door to that of “Boss” Cox over toe MeCca saloon, the favorite resort for the “Boss”, * V % . •* - * , The ministers of that city cannot expect enforcement of the laws from any officer regardless of party until too Cox. men are eliminated, Cox drew «in strength from.the liberal element by uonenforeement of 'the gamblingandsaloonlaws. •The Times-Star, Cox* ^Republican and - Dempsy, Democratic have finally struck one cord.' This paper though opposed to Dempesy politi­ cally has had nothing hut praise for himsince he told, the ministers that to:try to enforce the law under the'circumstances would bed farce. There is no hope of Cincinnati; as long as tho courts ard under Cox’s control. WARES A 5 P& 1 AUTYpmESS 41JbJiA&.s* A_es.r-g£?& . Ills * i'isy is'jffe» _ ............ you J10HT P o c r c R ’rf/JftSEU ' y p o j! O oBT PO 'Y ou aOW L A V C U J J J !f 3 5 ! WHYfCcnr I.ET THOSEWlioKttCW ; HoVVbRESS *5 to ... ] BUSTER BAOWW Mr, Bobert Hoodwill address the V*M, C. A, Sunday Miiy HJtb,', at t o'clock p. in. All are.covdijslly in­ vited to attend and enjoy the dis­ course of this- eminent Scholar on “The Seventh Day’s Creation. ’ A. M. E. Church. “ , As we are Soon to vote on issuing $30,000 in bonds for a now school house svhynot have the building,put where*<meside of townwill not have to go iartour than the other to get there. Why not take in the square occupied, by tho B* F. church and put up a fine building thoro -with well shaded, grounds and a small town. Let the grounds be arranged so that people can have a place to spend the cool of the summer even­ ings ns is done in tho cities. The amount of money asked for will do all of thinif properly handled. Taxpayer, EVA MARSHALL SHONTZ, Xfcio with tho greatest pleasure that I anticipate Cedarviil*&troat in having -the opputtmuty of hearing Miss Eva Marshall Shunto in her* peerless address *My Captured Blag.” Last Bummer I had the privilege of hearing Miss Shontzon thinsubject at Winona -Lake, Ind. She drew &s largo an t»«die»C6 hot only, from the Assembly Grounds but also from 'tho surrounding country as over assembled in that great auditorium* 6bo hold that vast-cultured audience- spell bound; until tho coaclado and as she was about to leave tho platform the audieuco called foieher toreturn, FSho is truly a Speaker for the whole community, every body bn* joys It‘and Wave her patriotic ap­ pealswith patriotic ftKseuf* She la tho honored and worthy GMorotThoo B« Shunto, Fresident of tlie Panama <%oal Coinmlgaton. MyBiaec-rohopes to that no pofs&n In tins community for mites around will inlss-thi®address. , 1 Eemoinbor it is fret? to all. I t is illio piany othor free things, o. g.? air, light-, water, ole. far bettor tor _ AMountainof Gold _ ^ _ could cot bring as much happiness toMrs. Lucia Wilke, of Caroline,' Wifi., as did one box of Budklon’s Aripca Salvo, when it completely cured a running sore on ner leg, which had tortured her 23 l(>ng years. Greatest antecoptic healer of Piles, Wounds and Sores, 25c at All Druggists., —--------PoslnMUtw—Robbtdjr- -— — - G. W, Fottts, Postmaster at Biver* ton, la,, nearly lost his life and was robbed of nearly all comfort, accor­ ding to his letter, whichsays: “For 20 years I had chronic liver com­ plaint, which led to huco a severe eftso of jaundice that even my fin­ gernails turned yellow; whett my doctor prescribed FlectriC Bitters; which cured-me and have kept me well for eleven years.” Sure cure foi* Biliousness, Neuralgia, Weak­ ness andall Btotnaeh, Liver, Kid­ ney and Bladder derangements. A wonderful Tonic.' At All Drug­ gists, 50 cents. Bov. W, J* t'andOiwon Will de* Uver the baccalaureate sermon; for the High school graduating rite Sabbath evening in the opera house at ?:80. mim Wisterman’s DRUG STORE man than atony tliltiga tor winch:: he pays* O. If. Milligan. f)e«th$ from App*ntlkifii 1deercas in tho same ratio that tho |use of Dr. Ktog'a Ne-rddto PUls in* |creas3. They frftto you flow dah- ger and b/ingquick a»apainted m- |Faro from eonstiputton,and thoTito j growingout of it. Btfenglli and vl*- »r>altvayft tellwt tlidr n*^ Gtiiu’* UJ/ vli 9?<*, (p Ifitllb - 1 - “ te’ iry !*>! AVhm wiiMiuig r“inuiit routo!% *thus b «-wA lift**!bigs Utex ito.u- Is w I icds you,can -always got tlie Iligli (irado Amor** lean Druggists Syndicate Rettiedics fully guaranteed, Headquarters fo r AVrigtoy^s wholesale - Chewing Gum and Detail* M IH S GHBISN’t Hulpliafo Gopper and other gewhaoktoand insectTies** troyera inquantitiestocnit M l fh t ig UoatWes Guaranteed , C ROH S li B L O C K - Cedarville! Ohio; YKA , A 6UAW€A<S UAH U S V 5 T A S MUCH A "P T L O rE S S ldU A l" ' MAH A S I S A LAWYER , OR. ' A D p C T oA . THER .E A R E dO O D *L AW Y E R S AND D o e r o R , ^ AND BAD o H t S . YOU d o TO T o TH E D o c t o r WH o .H A ^ a R ,E P U T A T IoN .* WHEN . YO U AR .E C L o T H E - 5 -^ lC K W H Y NOT C oM E T o TH E M ERCHANT WHO KNOW .5 W H A T T o P R ,E - S C K I h t FO R Y O U ? OUR. R E P U T A T IO N * ]^ OUR D IPLOMA . A A K OUR P A T R O N S W H E T H E R OR N o T W E H A V E mWEN THEM c l o t h e TH A T H AV E CU R ED THEM FROM LOOKING BAD AND .MADE TH EM F E E LG O O D . A S K THEM I F :W E H A V E OVERCHARGED THEM* .SPEC IAL L o W , PR IC E A ON M EN 'A AND YOUNG MEN^A CLOTH ­ ING DURING OUR G R E A T M A Y .SA L E , ‘ I F Y O U R DLD GUIT NEED'G J V S T A ' ‘ L I T T L E . T b N I C " ~ ~ N E C K T IE , C O L LA R S AND C U F F S , S H I R T S , H O - ' S I E R Y AND . U N D E R W E A R , W E ' HAV E TH A T T o o , . a t l o w e r p r i c e s - - q u a l i t y c o n s i d - -E R E P — THAN , EL SEW H ERE * No ONE L IK E S MEDICINE THAT. T A S T E S BAD WHEN H E T A K E S IT ." W E T R Y T o SUGAR COAT ALL O F , OUR MEDICINE WITH POLITE ATTENTION T o EV E R Y PATRON . ■ R E S P E C T FU L L Y , THE WHEN, ARCADE , S R I H c r jE L P ' S GopD CLOTHES SHOP, B U S T E R BROWN SOUVEN IR PO STA L S ,* MAY CALENDAR , F R E E FOR THE A SK ING . ARCADE * - - SPRINGFIELD# OHIO ENTERTAINMENT, OPEHJt HOUSE t FRIDAY MAY 11, 1906, ADMISSION 25 cents, ti PER PART O N E ; . T ELEPH O N E ” Guy Hariing .......... Ned Austin.......... .... Nan Cozzin ............. Mary Maleteo....... Nora, a Fervent....... .... lolffiXarii ..Lloyd Uoufara V< rna Bird Janet Tarbu,- ,u Jcaacttb Oir SYNOPSIS: P A K T TW O “MR* BOB tt Philip IvGyssas...................... ........................................ I te te t Brown ................1 ...... . . . . . . . . , ........... , ItebeceaLuke......................................... , . .... ............ Katherine Itega 3 ................. ....... Marion Bryant ’ ............................... Jjpnkina, a butler,. , . Patty, tho maid . . Act 1. Atiufeilocky has rate on tho hrhln. tiro&ti t dis?ortattoo, Btinvii ttainght to P.) fir. Bob. Af-f 3* Baity gota drafimtSa* Brov.n in froylilb Tlmsga arft inadp i-h af Mr. Iteb* Piet yf>u»a Taa-ailay, jSay at hu fMtoha.f'j- I’rcd Wiiiiaip'i- nt fit* Wb thri/o l hip t-jLibHiortf rf‘ vUil S%C$ ftfnjni- DatiCl K»r Jnifeirmbb'.. , I’iditt c T»Mophonononvotoatton. Guy ealla to cco Nan. Telephone l;<tqB Hitt from propusihg. He leaves tor Ihiropo, Mary b pronora! by teteph* >ne. Arnintatie. Ned damart fcaek from Australia* HayraUirmmursprsd -J?;** Bvery-tSjjng Is esplatoctf, ‘ All’s Well. Vocal Duet fMeeteiL.... . ........................ .. ..Mcrvew. Hlegte and iMn k ' <5 «