The Cedarville Herald, Volume 29, Numbers 1-26
( nces Kino Taiteppa n tup ttf-w ligUt • rw n egufarly | 2 ^0?> •MAlAngsale.atift itK colors ■ to*** tu©|?rieo ol • 7 s EACH LKING SKIRTS tyles that'you do not, this popular price of in Mack, navy, ya, ana ato regularly T.GOskirts, all special- lie weak at for KvcrUtii‘ 4 *»! * 1 * 4 *| ^V.f&L WiU *’* .ik itu fa n j * -ib r u riD „ . . ■*•"■^jV M e r a l d , 1 Tl'b item wern rea'Ac'S with w | ;'\ .T9f.: '.1 r; "? $ , p ;,o:j dee Ctrl a g’" r ’*a «*.M> 5 > crk;a vacrrdydcirtd a TWESTY-SINTU YimR NO,.?; GKDARVILLE. OHIO. PRlMY, JUNE 5 . iQOG, PRICE $ 1.00 A YEAR. & TENTH ANNUAL COMMENCEMENT, ! fc=s* n —1 » sm * CUUL.CUC i i i » n v i i i h s H A V E E N D E D *W¥=*3=H*»e«>;— Ten Graduates Receive Their Diplomas aiid Have De grees Conferred—Scholarly Address by Rev. Robert *W*atson9 who is Given Honary Degree of “Doctor ofDivinity”. $ 5,00 ialf price Ig wrong but they s iftyour opportu n e ,.' ‘ <. .V & Co. Ohio. The tenth annual commencement of (jediirville College Took .place Thursdaywhich ended the regular =Bullae events ot the week. The alumnilast night was the means of *rwlnate3and friends meeting once JUinla the your. The college year gjy, beena prosperous one in point *f attendance and ’ financially* the endowment having been increased merRi thousand dollars. The estertalnmenth ot the week hftve ’ bseni well patronhied and- great, interest manifested. « oiiASB xr<m* The class night performance gave the members of the Class an oppor- tunity to show their ability before the footlight. Tho first %rof So Bad, After All” was a comedy In three acts the cast being as follows; •Captain Herbert. vMarchmont, Claud Kstlot Lieutenant’ ‘Wm'thing- ['%), Walter Morton;, .Dr, Brunt, ; Peter* Knotty Captain Poppet, Emerson , Shaw ;* Smarts Walter .Shaw; James Banks, Joe Finney; Mrs. Marchmont, Loul&e' Smith; l$$ Rig» cry aed feed bam new* Especially trties. Keep your . by having it in [) 2 qq outfit4to be IVEJSSIR P r e s id e n t d a v i d M c K in n e y , ik i>, tim prnwiWA Siena? BxnTtoisEs ’'Mrs. Dr.- Brunt, Effio Crawford; 1Mrs. Capt. Poppet, POarle McCamp; * 5 VS ,! boll; Miss’ Clara Smeaton, Bern ^iehtmary^cictm sas ia?J je a r , E gaily afaytma. Eleanor irid theirmeeting m the Reformed: PhMhyterian church jointly. The meeting was presided over by Mr. C. ft. Ware who presented the <U- ptomas. The program of the cvoniug vm , recitation, Ernest McClellan; meal'solo, Miss Jenulo Murdock; |Unoaccompaniment. Miss plleanor Hio‘?FlagRush>” second, “ Thu ERE )F 1 9 0 6 w a n t t h a t tha t i d r e -tu b b e r e d tat, G a ll an d irk d o n e n o w Xmlth. Bev. John H.* Kendall D* 3).of Tftrcntuoi, Pa. made the „atl» drewof the evening. BACOALAtJKkATE FEUMOW The baccalaureate sermon to the daw was delivered by President, McKinney in the Reformed Presby terian church Sabbath evening be* foraan audience that crowded the h#Me. Prayer was ottered by Rev. Smith. The second pars gave the audience a taste,of the hour, in the library this being the time when- the class handed out the “ rubs"1to professors and fellow- students, The third part; consisted of four tableaus, the Election,1’ a burlesque on the prima ry - last October; third, “ Snipe Hunt,” fourth, “ Good Night” . FACiTi/rv nrcBPinfoN' The faculty gave their annual re ception to the class of TG in the college society hallo Tuesday even ing. The shalls;, had been prettily decorated for the occasion, the AWiti Orr of Philadelphia and also guest being received in Philo Hall, by Prof, W. R. MeChesnoy. Dr. The dining room on the second floor McKinneydelivered a sermonwhich prcsoMcd&n attractive appearance, forubly taught the coarse to he per- the guests were served a dainty ijj^jr luncheon. Many of the Alumni were present which added greatly to the enjoyment o f the evening, MUSICAL HEOITAL Tiie musical department of the collegers the pride of the institution and judging from the attendance Wednesday evening at the recital a) the college chapel the friends have become much interested in this part o f ,(he work. The depart ment tijis year was under the direct-, tjon of Mrs. Jessie, Russell Of Gln- eipnatl and it was her first recital. The program consisted of sextette, solos, piano and vocal, and an elocutionary number by Mr. Prank Young, The prograp was well re ceived by, those present. noAitn of ceiursTims t e E i The annual meeting' of the board of trustees was held Wednesday at winch .time the usual reports and routine business was looked after, It is expected that Prof. J. R. Erits- patriek will take’ over some of the science classes, He will review for this work ht the Chicago University this summer. Rev,, Thomas Wat-r tors, D. D, o f Pittsburg is succeed* bd op tue board of trustees by Rev, 0, A. Young of Philadelphia, ReV, Young is - secretary Of the hoard, and is the first alumnus to be thus appointed. . ' ■ , AXtfonn PkiKEi? ’’ The John Alford prizes this year were won by Misses Jehnette Orr,' Mable Hawthorn and Fern Ervin Pin- first tw« Wt'fC "lieil for firs, lionore with a grade of ,1)0.9 width the latter received iiitoufh The prizes were $10each' to the; first two and $5 to the latter. The members of the class are as follows; Eflle Crawford, Joseph Finney, 'Peter Knott, Foarle Me* Campbell, Emerson Shaw and Walter Morton, classical} Eleanor Smith, Walter Shaw and Claud Estlo, philosophical; Roul&e Smithy musical. The former were confer red the degree of Bachelor ot Art® and the latter Bachelor of Pldhn sophy, j , . IV Y DAY EXEllOWEB • , ^ * Tim planting of the class ivy was changed this year to the planting of a maple tree in the same*manner ortd customary ceremonies, A dec lamation was' delivered by Miss ' Verna Bird, a coronet solo by Elmer Spalsr, and piano solo by Mins Louise Buiith. The exercises took place in front of the college Wednesday afternoon. The spade which had been lined to plant the tree was handed down by the preoi- dent of the class, Joseph A. Finney W. RENWICK McCHESNEY, A. M,i, J. H, F1TBPATRICK, A. B„ J, F. CLEVENGER, B. S„ M. B„, and waa accepted by li, O, WarC-on behalf of the’ Juniors. 1* ~ COMENOKMUX'r Thecommencemeut°oxercises took place in the opera house Thursday morning, the attendance being the largestin the history of the school, Instead of each graduate delivering an oration tlm class had an orator for the day in the person of Rev. Robert*Watson, professor of Lade Beminaryin Cincinnati,-' « The speaker used for his theme “ A Fit Man” ip Which he wove man/ beautiful thoughts in educa tion as the' development of4 the whole man. Tim speaker spoke as to the developeibent of the body as a fit house to care for the devolope- ed.mind and heart. The greatest cause assigned as to the failures of college gradhates is that they are satisfied with the attainments of college days. The miriU must be educated to think and reason but not in the ordinary lines of thinking. The brain is not only a store house but a power bouse for fitness and energy. The Heartmust be educat ed to maintain social, relationship and feeling. Borne of the greatest5’ evils result from the improper*train-1 ing of -the heart. God delights to honor “A Fit Man” . '• • ■, ‘ . a o t s i DARQume The alumni association gave the annual banquet Thursday evening in honor of the class of *0G, Places1 were laid to the number of fifty-tour, for the members Of the association, friendsand the incoming class.’ The (function was beta in the, college hubs while the guest were served in, the banquet hall below, An elegant four course supper was served by a cateeresSi Mrs. Esheridge, between the boors of ten and twelve. The music for the evening, which Was one of the prominent features, was furnished oyKocco Batalia, the harpist of Dayton. Mr. B, 0.- Wright, ’0$,' acted as toastmaster and gave the address of welcome, Mr. J. A, Finney, ’06, re sponded fpr fbo incoming class. Other toasts were given by Rev, W. w , Riff, ’00, Mr. Frank Bull, ’Ot and Miss Vera Andrew5, '03. f; ALUMUrMEBTIXO* ,* ‘ The annualmeeting.of the'Alumni Association Was held at the college' Thursday afternoon at which trniej pfficerS-were elected forthe coming, yeju\ President,- Frank' Young, l$t’ Vice President, Isabelle Winter,'2nd J. A. Finney.* 3rd Minnie Ritenour, 4fchGeorge Harper, 5th W. W*- Ilifl, secretary and treasurer, Vera-An drew, corresponding secretary, J, R. Fitzpatrick, A committee was appointed to look after the financial condition o f the association and what host to do with the , funds in the treasury. This committee consists o f Rev. C, ; A . . Young, Rev, W, W. Xlilf and Mary Ervin, The banquet committee; Frank Young, Carrie Hutchison, Louise Smith, Rev* Alvin Orr, Carrie Rife - and j.A , F»mey, , / - Upon amotion to appropriate tin to build a fence around the athletic grounds on the condition that the Board of Trustees give double the amount and that the grounds bo ., properly-graded, the following com- miftee was named* John M. ,Fin ney, Frank Bird, Frank Orr, Fred Barber and MiltonHanna, - The constitution of, the association, was changed and revised-and adopt ed at this meeting, EDITH MORRIS, A. B, PRANK A* JURKAT, Av M., MRS. JESSIE RUSSELL. An alarm of firewas turned in last Friday evening about eight o’ clock owing to a scare at Walker Masonls, colored, over the ignition of some gasoline on the lower pi jet o f the stove. The'blaze shot Upin an in stant and the stove was thrown Into the yard before any particular dam age was done. ,» $1,00 Round Trip to Columbus Sunday, Juno lOtli, from Cedarville. Train leaves 0:57 a. nl. Central time* PennsylvaniaLines. 0 L F O R D ! a firs t e lm ^ GEORGE 0. HAINES. f r a n k s * eon , a , m . SELLS OUT. Smith & dowsim closed ode of the largest deals of the year in real estate when fho City Hotel proper** ty, livery ham and residence o f Mr. Tlieo, Vogleshorg on ChilHcothe olrost, nil h&longlngto Mr, Voglrfl*. hofg, -wore Haded to Mr, Howard iMottan, for a SifihHb farm. MivBfttewati I o & kosi of Mr, Hoary Bateman of ’BnMH Charleston, oho of the wealthiest; tne» In IClariscoun ty. Ho lias been conducting a ateet; farm four nilfco north olLoveland Awl nSnotcoii mllen from Clfielnnatl which S&flhiCSte im 0001 el tlte heat injpivvrd te'iift In tliaf of Warren county. The land that Mr. Vogleabsrggou'lolovoiami in a high state « f cultivation and was taken in ht $83per acre. - e ' Mr. Bateman, we nhdeistttftd, will conduct a- calm stable for fancy S , he already having an es - md trade In this respect, The hotel property will Also, he greatly improved. . . Mr. Voglcoberg will slot imm to his now farm until September hut will dispose of, his livery stock at public tic in about threa wTeks. Ttio Itefohiiul PresbyterianSyned tMljonrited at Bello f ’oiiterj €>.« Tnes* day, I’ ov. W. J. fiaudefsan; D. E, Hrvln, Mrs* \V, I t ^terteti awl daughter* Hereto, hlru. lltvtn bVfrls stud daughter, !na» and Mr, J. D, f and Wife woroamdhg .thosn fftiSM hero that aftended. George D, Haines died May 25th . ISOO, ab Phoenix,, Arizona, aged thirty-nine years, nine months and nineteen days. The remains were brought to Cedarville, O., and in- tered in Clifton Cemetery. Tim funeral services, wore held Monday Jane 4th, at 2:00 o’clock p. m., m the borne of bis father. WW. P. Haines. Rev, Daniel Brownlee ot "Clifton officiating, Psalms 23if, waa used as the text of appropriate remarks. ' At about the seventeenth year of his age lie united with the Presby terian churca of Clifton, 0», on profession of his faith in Christ, in which connection he lived a eemsis- .tantOhfwtiah life till hit; decease. In October Ifttiftho waamarried to Mlso Doha Bird of Clifton Oiiiw. About two years ago ho wont to Fhouoix, Arlsana, in -starch of health hut latterly a now complica tion developed which disappointed hidhopes, Mo faced death resigned** ly, and testified Ma faith hi Jcsan and Rope of eternal life. Ho leaver a wife and son Howard, and father and mother and 000 slater, ' together with a circle of ffioiwirt to mourn bio death. COUNCIL MEEW TONIGHT. Monday evening waa the rc-gfitar flmo for council to m'-iofc but*owing to BfsVcr&lhicmbete being absentAtid tho entertalntflcnt at tho hall the mooting was deferred until tonight At a meeting of the- Library Trustees for tho erection of tSte new UarfteSto library beW Motday ctu.** ing It was decided to eteefe tho ll!>fa=, fy 011 tho loS owned by HH, J« W. Pollock, m the c.mici’ of Maloasad S'otth httcete, %h«u the- obi tavtui for yearn, Tho fsUEteo.TlAvo taken uo &o>Na 'ftsfo plfmaorcn atehlfee*. Me, I-hay !;''1 leopard ol I'aelea I h ’Lhltiny latae* a brs.’. ’ *
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