The Cedarville Herald, Volume 29, Numbers 1-26

mm jsjiWMr-nti«gpBiinrifir* KSanaii. mam _ WR jroiuvep 'r “7rrrrr:il K ’W d m z m m & i H m ® F « R » g UBWITH A ^ L o f ^ g ® >TOTHE BEST PLACE BU 5 TEftB«oWM. 'ft waieirf iQefli w »nitr».fc>owMto^Mi<,*«£» AM YOU NOT THEN GOING'To TAKE THE TIP NATURE QWtS YOU AND CloTHE YoURGELF SO THAT. YOU WILL APPEAR. WELL AND FEEL COMFORTABLE? IN CLOTHING GRAY IS THE C^LoR OF THE -SEASON. . WE CAN FIT YoU, IN MANY GHADEG OF GRAY GUITG'OR INTHE GOOD OLD* RELIABLE DARK GHAPEG IN GERGEG AND CLAYAALL ESPECIALLY. MADE FOR US AND FOR BY Y o U.R o GERG, PEET AND C o . , KIRGCHBAUM AND PECK. *IN THE SUMMER THE WEIGHTS oF CLOTHS ARE NOJ ,SO HEAVY THEREFORE FOR NOT MUCH MONEY THE QUALITY CAN BE A3 . FOR $9,65 WE CAN GIVE YoU A ’$ 9.65 SUIT —NOT AN $6’ SUIT MARKED "$J 5 REDUCED TO $ 9 .6 5 . " FOR $ 1 4 ,6 5 WE CAN GIVE Y q U, A- $14.65 SUIT? EOR $ 20.00 WE CAN GIVE YoU A $ 20.00 SUIT. MANY KINDS t o SELECT FROM, THE FEW- LIGHTWEIGHT OVERCOATS WE HAVE LEFT WE ARE REALLY SELLING CHEAP. YoU KNOW WHY. PRICE'S $ 9 ;6 5 , $L1.6 5 , $ 12 .6 5 , $34.65, $ 1 6 .6 5 , , . ' . RESPECTFULLY. . - THE WHEN, ARCADE. ' SPRINGFIELD'S GOOD’ CLORHES SHOP ’ • ?,S:-SEND US YoUR NAME AND ADDRESS AND WE WILL. MAtL YOU FREE A BUSTER BROWN SOUVENIR POSTAL CARD, JUNE CALENDAR. Jiev. a . W%Wilson will fill the Z LOCALAND PERSONAL X p* plUpi* Sabbath, >***&***#*#* Mr. Fteuk Ort leaves this evening , ,, for ldaville, Inti.,, whero liC will New Potatoes at Nagley Bros. ■ j,rcftCj, aiming the summer, 5 M .... ' ' » | - - , WANa®ft:-~A cheapUratt ttorsoi 2>,^ ^ ev. A]vili orA Itev. C\ A^onng, h, iLrvm. ‘ |Davjd Brigham, 'William Ritter lefti ' IThursday for Philadelphia. ’ COEN! CORK!! Four cans far twenty-five cents, at Nagloy Bibs. Thomas Langon oi Xorna was the guest o f “ Ted” llioharctn over Sun­ day. , , Mr. and Mrs., Harry King of Washing!oh, CkH.; are guest of Mr. Charles Dobbins and family* . , MI bs Margaret Cushing of Spring- held is the guest, of Mr#. W. J. Smith. Mrs. John Aiken of Olefha, Kan. mvisiting her asister, Mrs. W. H. Creswelt. ’ Mrs, Gertrude Bilbcy of Coium- Mr. Hugh Morton ot Illinois is the guest of relatives hero and attended college commencement. Mr.L: H. Bullenhcrger inattending the state Babbath Boliool convention at Mnnetta this week. •» .TUHWS AP 1MISES... TRUNKS $3 TO $12, DRESS SUIT CASES 98c TO $12.00 VALISES 50c TO $8, Sullivan, TheBatter, HftwngH/'Mj 4f l.u , % JLa.kfa test, between] 5*>Mu- <•' uj.-'Ut'. r-i. r.*.sH;r3; Jri'nSci.TOo, Jlvtxiiii tothtete'tho. - j Mr. and Mro. Jor™' Maohc}!! uS Socfo loft tSifaweek farTashK 51a ,1 where they will viriot Mr. MorohciUte: aawfiMeftj, Mr. ft ft t*n Pott who has boon flQltosick for several weeks iomuch Isnpravcil, and wide to Jar around again. ■ Prof. F. M, Koynelds, o f Htwwya* burg, fjowly eleeted superintendent; oS thopublic sehoote, was in town. Monday. » ■.Mr,- Verne ilenvor and esstera. MissesDoraand Mat**have been the gaeste o f the Mieses Matthews for a * vckh nay;;. Mr. L, F. Dorn moved Ulrahouse- holdgoodao,nil family .toKentou_tkl& weal; whore they will make their future home. Mias Margaret!* Watt expects to leave Baturday for Wooster to attend the commencement .exorcises for the coming week, , Mr. andMrs. It. F. Kerr entertain­ ed the members of Mr. Kerr’s,Sab­ bath school elites in honor of Mr, and Mrs. W. J. "Wildman, Monday. Miss Mary' Paris of Indianapolis has returned,homeafter being enter­ tained at the home of Mr,' Frank Spencer for several days. Mr. 'W- J.' Wildmap and family expect to leave -Monday for their futue home tin Missouri. They will visit enroute in Illinois. Miss Mary, Sterretfc left Tuesday for Ddvifta Center,' N. Y.,1wWre She will spend some time ,yisitmg her sister, Mrs. W. <k Fobb/' OIGAKS:—-Orange Flower, San. Felice, ShOnadoah, John1 Drew, Wm. Gillette and George Walton at Kagley Bros. ' . Mr. Asa MoDean left Tuesday for 'ElPaso, Texas, where he has a po­ sition. Mr. McLean has been home on a months vacation, Mr. and Mrs, Samuel -C-reswell jhave issued invitations to a number of friends and relatives is honor of their sixtieth weddfuganpiyersary, NOTICEs-Of have moved my office* to the neW'Hxchange Dank budding where I will be pleased to meet my patrooFand friends. Dr- J. W, Dixon. Dr. Bell ot Dayton, a .member of the G. A. B. ot'thiaplacot who has beOn yisltisg his daughter, Mrs. Frantaj has returned to Dayton. Sill I. SELLING tor Cash Only 8 Bars Star o r L e m Hoap fo r iOa 8 Baro Btar o r L o im S oap fo r 2Se 0 Juoavea o f B read fo r 2Sa 1 I|i. ArhueMe3 ■ orLiotf Cofieo for 18 a C o u n t r y ■ Lard per3h. 10 c 1 lih. Can Qld Keptuqlgr BallingPowder for 08c 1-2 lb. Can Kenton Baking Powder (10c size) for GSc 5 Gallons ' Gasoline for 75c 25 lb. sack Bine Granulated Sugar for §1,25 Eggs per Dozen I5e Positivelyrnogoods charged at prices named Here. . Jelly Glasses Tin Tops 1-3 pint for 25c Boz. Mason Jars, Lightning Jars, SeaTing WaX Jars in Pints, Quarts and Half Gallons. | Parrafine Wax; per lb. *. : 13c WE PAY 15c per Bozen for FRESH .'Eggs, . - ’ ,(t<' ''*.• ‘ BIRD’S MAMMOTHSTORE Smith &Clematis report the sale of a 135 acre farm near Mechamcsburg last week at' $10 an acre. Mrs. Frank Shepherd and son of Dayton arc? being ontertainod by Mrs. 0. A. Bridgman. husis Urn gueat of her. parent^ Mr. Mw Ui a t Pinlllpn turn for her and Mrs. Daniel Dean. gueat her sister, Mrs. J, It. TUomp- fion and daughter, of Zanesville. Mr. H. L. llamsey attened. tlio funeral of Ids uncle, Wm. Bell at Morning" Sun, 'O., Thursday. Mr. llamsey expects to return home this evening, Mr. John’ Lott, who has been at ' homo for borne time owing to an in­ jured hand, has-improved enough that tie relume to Pittsburgh Thurs­ day. . i- . . g_ ; . ■> Mia'sehMattie Matshallnad bister, Mrs. 14, F. McLean and son arrived home Monday after a visit Of sever­ al days With Mr. James Barr and family of Dayton. ’ Mr. J. W. Pollock shipped a fine Folleil-Dnrham calf to U. W. Ben­ der, Kyle, Ohio, Thtiruday evening. Mrs. W. IT. Walker, Mrs, James Murry, and Mas* 14. R McLean attended the funeral of the lato Josejdi Cavatiangh In Xenia, Wed nesiiay. •- ■ Ik. and Mrs. J5. (U Oglrabeo ont- j ertained a nuinhes’ of friends lastS Mira Mary T.ittlo oi C!onneroville, Friday evening in honorof Dp. rikiles vXud., is ftl©guest of Mrs. liliralteth and Uaughtov, Vera, of Chicago. 1(lalbK-ath during college festivities. . WHITE CANVAS OXFORDS, all flizea and styles for Men, women and children. Also a fine lino of WHITE‘ LACE HOSE At 15 and 2oC per pair Mr. O. T. Wolford shipped a two year old steer to the Agricultural department o f the Ohio State Uni­ versity today. The animal will be fed for the Chicago show. Mr. and Sira. J. K» Cooper have i-'/jned Invitations announcing the marriage of their daughter, Jtmuio Belle, to Mr, D. L. Crawford, Tues­ day evening Jtme 12. 2? Fv. !;trn<v V/, W. Marsh theWeatherprophet, has touched thorigiitopotso far this month In hm predictions, On the third and fourth unsettled and storms. On the fifth to ninth wind, rate and lighnitig/ - Mr, W. J- Wildmnn and family were the gucs£ of Mr.Wm. Wildman *11 i3pringfiold this week. They will attend the wedding of Mina “Edith Smith of Sdffiu Saturday and fln Monday^npecfc t o leave lor theWeek ' E6V. John Wilson IMfc Wetlsmoday torlitohlaml Ctontcr, Wis„ whorphe hag gecoptod a call. Itov, 'Wilcots eapeetod*>G« IastThamdayoFcntegi hut v;aw detained by a npmineii ankle. m m m m m # -a m m & t t . JAFIDSOME ANDHONEST,> •o , • ft. A Two W ord Description of Our Suits For Men. Handsome: . B e c a u s e - ' i' ' S t y l M i - ' - i a - m t - and perfect in fit) Honest: Because rightly tailor­ ed from reliable fabrics / ? LL sold with a guarantee of giving satis faction and whether you pay Us $! 5 .oo or. $30,00, our guarantee is the same. r ou need have ho f e a r o f making purchases of us at night, as our new re- Postmastcr Robbed, 0 , W, Fouts, Postmaster atRiver­ ton, Ia.t neatly lost his life and was robbed' of nearly all comfort, accor­ ding to hto letter; winch says? “ For 20years X had chronic liver' com plaint, which led to such a severe case of jaundice that even my fin-' ger nails turned yellow; when my doctor prescribed Flectrio Bitters; which cured me and have kept me well for eleven years.” Sure cure for Biliousness,. Neuralgia, Weak­ ness and alk Stomach, Liver, Kid­ ney and Bladder' derangements. A wonderfulTonio. ,At All Drug­ gists. 50 cents, ■ . Fortunate N*«ourians. “ When I was a druggist4at Livo­ nia, Mo.,’ 4writes T. J. Dwyer, now of Graysvllle, Mb.,“ three of my cus­ tomers were penmauently cured of consumption by (Dr. King’ s New Discovery, and ace well and strong to day. One was trying to sell bis property and inove to Arizonar but after using New Discovi :y a short time he found }t unnecessary to do no. I regard Dr. King’s New Dis-. covery as tno most wonderful medi­ cine m existence.” Surest Gough and Cold euro amtThroat and Lung healer. Guaranteed by all Drug­ gists.. 500 and $1, Trial bottle-free. —Two office rooms for rent, Formerly odcupled by Dr. J. W Dixon, fh W.Crouae. TO WHOMITMAY CONCERN. ceritly installed makes it easy tor you to disting- ush any color at night. We simply have Daylight at night. A Special Discount of io per cent given Students* HALLER, HAINES and HIGGINS, .35 EAST.MAIN STREET, ' XENIA; OHIO GET OUR PRICES ON PRINTING To Cure a Cold in One Day TakeLaxative BromoQuinineTablets. m A SevenMlffionboxes soMInpast 12 months. TfalS signature, tfon. itutyFM'Ufd ofGcmfdfitown Went & low ita^ntii* tent of fiw n u d e with h o? brother Mr. E. G. Lowry, Hiho loft test knight ter 'L’ ttn'AS €Ify wlioio olio nfil %1 p 5! f„r a white. For several yearsprominent people in this city have been carrying ..... special accident policies in con- ot Bird’s ,. junction with a complete system of registration With the American Regiotery Co., of Washington D, (1. It inthcmosfe reliable policy on the market today and the small premium of $3.05 a year Will poy you $15,00 a week for accidents you are liable to meetwith at any titan not fatal. It pays a death benefit of M,tW0; on loss of both eyes $1,000; loco of both feet or hands or otto hand and one foot, a $1,000; loss o f one foot or one hand,$2^0.00and for loss of one eye $103.00, Mr. $t. <*. Nnglcy, promlneatly known ifiere meet with att accident very peculiar iu itself, Kb %VaS driving homo from ripringfield on the evening ot March 29th when fiomotiting blew, Into- bis eye- and disabled Mm tor» short time. TM following will prove what can ho done by purchasing &policy of this kind. To "WitoM I f Costfijms”. This Is t o ' -certify that X hold a policy with the. American Itegte try Go,, for* the post year and can say that Xnut perfectly oatlaficil in the way this compa-y h© ttcatoi'. mo in t!m accident that beldl me on March 20th. Ao wo all know that far away Insurance Is aMtewa to do Qiieattened bai t<?anfcci onto in tocomimndtot? thm company to atiyosio wlitewould earn to purchase in thofwtore. teortein|y coneMcr myrieK well paid tor my poJtey In tills one thing, VLnrff E( npflclftiily Moody iU Stagtejit Iter future itifoi-tnufMi or a&uh cation apply to MvhitM tS. -tlQ 3 t! ttti Novfh ftelf'At? Htreoblteyton; REGIMENTALREUNIONSANDFORTV* loft to do this noble work. Cum Grip la Two Days, on every box.25c. THIRD ANNIVERSARY BATTLE CHICKAMAUGA, CHATTANOOGA, SEPTEMBER 18-20,1906: On September Ui 1003, will occur the 43d anniversary of the Battle of Oinelmmauga. It is proposed to Celebrate this memorable event with a reunion of the various regiments that participated in this memorable battle and the various battles fought around Chattanooga. This re.nniou Will bo bold at tUdckamaugaNation­ al Bark, SeptemberIS, 10and CO, and flu? present indications are tbafcit IB. It will be many years, if ever again, that ««eh an opportunity will present itself. Bea thatyour tickets read via the Louisville £i NaubVilio B. B „ the Battlefield Eoute. Call on your nearest railroad agent for: rates rindadvertisingmatterpertain- to the reunion or -write nearest representative o f the Louisville & Nashville ».TL J, H. Milliken, D, B.A„Irfmisvite, Ky. . F, D, Bush, 1), P. A. Cincinnati* Ohio. J, E. Davenport, D. P, A., St, Louis, Mo. ■ * . . II, V. Bsuly, N* V?. P, A „ Chicago, would bo <Sangt?r0UH, ami there would he n-> telling when it might inflict corioua injury upon, her, if she should attempt to handlo it as a pet, Mica Marlowe decided to take, a r-; * monkey instead. will be the largest and most notable* j gathering over Isold in the South, s ififj the. above dates, tte rctnnanto from the armies of 10 states, coin* prising the following: Pennsylvania, Ohio, Michigan, Indiana, Illinois, Wificoiifsbii Minnesota, Iowa rasita, MlnRonrl, Kannau, andlien- tucky, will assemble, many for tho first and lost tlmq sine© theymarch­ ed from its blood-stained fields, forty-threo years ago. Hero la one of the great opportuni­ ties for tho education of the youth. JtotPtsfail to fake your children am! show fhrih historical Chattanooga, with all Ite historical It lotlso opportunity of a lltotiino.- (to anti aect the old War gvsioniSn: owl otiiopofilceropoint out tho places: of interest on tho battlefield; tel thnafihowyou and ('r.pltiln, topes, thn inariiera erectCid osi the, battle- field fihowitsg tlsSps.eittesiS of the Ml ip'wiitiigntmiroat tho llssscnifhat tk : It, will isaf- lielojsfT dteil nrw> vJUi ■' A great many people have an idet _ that Osoy would ho happy if they : could have a young lion for a pet, ] They ara o? the- belief that a lloft I usui * itaken into a household when a little I Neb- mils, will remain gentle and “docile. I There arc thf-eo flnoTittfa lion ouba At tho Cincinnati Zoological Garden, | alwufc four wioutho old, and Julia1 Marlowe, tho aetresn, wim vicifed1 the 2uo not long agd, was vcryi atisiottij to sccnro ono of thorn tor a j pot. ABthenrrcub.i bavpheon with j -their mother over aiwc they were I biiwj, and tiring raised by hoy, kfies * Marlowe Wtcrieici tSmt they wtoikl be very dangerousplay-Mlowo even now, althor.gti If they had tern tekosi fi’Mtsi the «tothor at hhih and .1 rained by a tl«sy, »:•) hi i;iwiv fffrfiuwfi- ly tin i-ano, (!jc-y would bn qnltn <;a:.jly batute d. Let'll tlsc-ig Mfns Marisiwo was totoiincd l y the te op- i r, tjiataltor ,tho Httte c«h FiMisM, to ?-.* ft. gn-id fiferd tutenai, it H ere ye ti prill fin d a H up asaorfcmeDl o f VerliiritCB and T o ile t s o a p * fponges and & great variety o f tootL b f n s t e j a lco cldtlieo, hair atad b a th bruolics, hand, « a ia t and vtsebixSk b rn sk .-. Quart bottlea Household Amm on ia , IS etn Mateli safe brand Uarpet Taehs A t-tft COO Parlor l la t e h c j nil straigh fltlckfid ots, ICenajk’ Celebrated IStoeL P o ird iT - a few 1 lb , b&xerj le ft IS r is ea ch t o elts.iP ou t. A b o Konafift W ilbura, Quaker. ai\d Turk ish P ou ltry P ow ­ der, A lw ays r e la i sicsgoosb and fa ir B ffit't U tfel'CriV&l IHtn M ilHJIig a «m erm L ily dutys r !« aj?er Sc* the city. • CROUSB BLOCK Cedarville, Ohio.