The Cedarville Herald, Volume 29, Numbers 1-26

rnm m tm K-AUFMJW’S Good Quality Clothes Judged 1>ythehighest standards of style and quality, our Good Quality Clothes demonstrate at every point their superiority over the ordinary ready-to­ ff wear clothes* Yon are. not trifling with chance when you trade at JlauUmaifs, _ An Immense stock o f cleverly designed, correctly , 'fashioned. • * • H EN ’S A N D B O Y ’S S U I T S thebest values shown by any store in Central Ohioat $10 $12 $15 $18 $20 Good values also at $5.00, $6.00, $7.50 and $8.50 S T R A W H A T S The largest stock inthe,city includingall the newest shapes ranging in price from " . ‘ , 25c to $3.00 ■ .; '■ I IN AH UPSET. L Springfield’s Greatest Clothing Store. 1-23 S. Limestone St. ~ - Springfield,©. J r e c i t a l p r o g r a m W a t so n SUN&tt • . .... < 1 • •- * . ! -4>V.* tct. . Miss Kellie Turnbull, ’ Miss Vera Andrew, . MissJennieMurdock, Miss Charlotte Siegier, Miss Fannie lUff, Miss Lnuise Smith.- . .S onata P athictiquk Q i >, ,13 f - [Allegro demetisemtfrio ■’ ■ . Adagft Cairiahle HondoA lleg)a, ' , - , Miss Louise Smith B eethoven L a F gntains . 1mm ■ -Miss Ruth Flatter ' , M oonlight O n T he O cean Plano fourhands. Miss Martha Knott Uccondo Mrs. JessieHassell)' 1 n ‘ t ' P , , A DnEATii QV P ak AUI se Coral 1 " ' Miss Nel ie Ttimbul! trf f ‘ S onata N o . 8, Piano Allegro Moderate Larghetio-Pmto MissVera Andrew R|iVNAl.r> H a v e n G uay i „ ' i * ■ H avoen READING Selected Mm F kan I c Y oung M ehkel I n *T he M erry M onth of M. vy > Piano Miss Nellie Siebert * (a ) B lack K ey E tude C hopin (h> F iu ' i . ings R auschen piano B inding . Miss Florence Russell A ngels S erenade Vocal, Violin Obligato Ur.AGGA Mios Chart nte Siegler 1 C on A t . iore Piano ” Miss Lc-rta^Jcnlis MsobcmiEU N ights D a „ a ?. x Pianofour hands Mitolieik; Middleton tsemitfaMrs. JessieRussell) Lvfis Vocal Miss Jennie Mardor-l: UcitCUZASIlO Piano Miss Bessie Sterrett B e a bm o n t -M endei . ssohn H pbako V m Z O t t K A tin’ll B looihng M cadown ' Sextet WmenuN Miss VfcrnAndrew, ■ MissCharlotte Siegter, Miss Nellie Turnbull, Miss Louise Smith, MissJennieMurdock, Mha Fannie 11117. Beavercreek.*......... Oaesarcreek, Jefferson •Tile Assessors reports of the per- sodpl "tax in the county has been made known ancl It will, he inter­ esting to compare the different val­ uations. Oed&rvttte tp, ....................... .$260.12$ Bath tp ,...........*......: ..... 543 461,070 : 1280^410 168,002 Miami (east)............... 8a,L0$ Miami (west)......... ............... 421,425 New Jasper.................. ,231,441) Ross ....... ,261,735 SUverereek.,................. ......— 148,010 Spring Valley *i*«v .290,620 Sngaroreek ...... .........210,1 C'edarvlile corporation............$60,491 Jamestown 177,410 Yellow Sprlngo............. ...........103,571 Fairfield,.,,,............. BoSveraviHe..... Clifton .7,815 Bellbrook...,..... —............. .23,518 Xenia City.,..^...,„., •«*.*«**625,781 Osborn..... .................. . ..... ...128,21B U *T OF LETTERS. List of letters remaining uncalled or in the Ccda^lUe^Ofitofilce for the week ending June 8,1900. T. N. Tarbox, P. M. Clark, Will Holston, Mary C. Murphy, Mrs. Anna W. ‘ Mussa, Giuseppe Warner, W. G. Weather report for May, iOOG, Rainfall, 1:C0inches? per cent nun- shine, 40; No. of rains, 10; thunder storms, G; clear days, 25; cloudy l ; part Rcloudy, 13; average tern. C3; range of tern. 17; highest tom, £6; lowest tom. 33; wind direction couth- v/esti killing frost, 4. May was •umisally dry and bool Uamuol Cfeawell, observer, ■Nazareth Portland cement for sale at Kerr Sc Hastings Bros. ■Thursday owning 'while M rs . Roliort Willamson and eon, Gowtfy, were on fhew way- home they mot with an npuet that mighthovo provo fatal. In attempting to tore on Miller street near tho old Mitchell lumborshedo the horse, which was young, became isighMsd ate-pas® IngtratoaiMl inan instontovertnraed the buggy- Mm, 'WfiiiamootV and Gowdy were hath thrown out- of the buggy, the former being drug some distance, Both were taken to the home of Mr, J,I). Williamson where the wounds were dressed. Gowdy escaped with afpw bruises while Mrs. WilltaWEon sustain several bruises and cuts. The buggy was badly demolished. . vo D r any a E. Dr, J. W. Dixon has purejianed the property atthenorth-wesfccorneT of Main and OhlllfcoUmstreets own­ ed by Mr. George Smith and known as the Stretcher property for a con­ sideration of $1,460. Dr. Dixon in­ forms the Herald that for the .pre­ sent hewill rant theproperty though at. some future time he may im­ prove it and locate there. Consid­ ering that the new Blowy, is to be located on the opposite corner the lo­ cation for residence purposes is ;ui- mirFbie. Mrs. I. C. Davis and children re­ turned to Cincinnati today, Friday. mmmm Nearly every orje likes a fine hair dressing.. Something to make the hair more manage­ able ; to . Keep it from.being too rough, or .from splitting at the ends. Something, too, that will feed the hair at the same time, a regular hair-food. Well-fedhairwill bestrong,and will remainwhere it belongs— on the head, not on the comb! •rh- boatkindota toitfinoniol— . ’ ‘ Sold toe oyer ilxly year*.” A / x r-ata-sssafw’— X jjC T S CHERRYFCCT0KAL. HOW lit THIS. We offer One Hundred Dollars KeWu*. for luiy coco of Catarrh- Ihat cannot bo cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure, F. J. Chenney.4&Co., Toledo, O. We the uhderaicned, have known F. J. Cbenney for tliohvst15 years, and believe Him perfectly honorable In all business transactionsand financially able to carry out’ any obligations made by his firm, Watding, Rinnan & Marvin, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. Hall'aCatarrh Cure is taken internally, actingdiret-tllrupon theblondand inUcou. oiirfaeea 01 tlio cyntem. Tcatlftioniafa free Price75c perbottle. Coldby all druggist? Take HolVoFamilyPillsfor constipation, A Mountainof Gold could cot bring as much liappmesa to Mra, Lucia Wilke, of Caroline, Wio., rb did ono ho:: of Budklen’a Arnica Balve, when it completely cured a running eoto on nor leg, which had tortured her 23 long yearn, Greatest aateceptlc healer of Piles, Wounds and Bozen. 23c at All Druggists. SHERIFFS SALE. ? wcsu'tspt* h?o ersi-ea lz tor/lrc'-T c f v.-:s3 to cti'J rottoo Trio a tcas.y hvgraslscs tho e , co ^ a baW Sc? u Litciiou garJeo, yet tint half aerc, 0 ? cvl ' u u«re, ccttcr ro* thO-l) 055# C^U5'0VCSJCU Tea often tia cerCcE fe C p ocst CPglEEtcd criMG4 too ptccc, G03U Zfr fitjlto caopot bo expeeted frem mesgev feediug and clovealy ctfltteffcs, " . With ow b gardca xrsrk it is ‘’aatf. or never.*' Tito gardcacr who. osfew tto tog end 0£ tho procsEshm Um& f to setaato ©ore. c. Tito kitohehgarden will take all« !C70 SO.VOto 0lV0; II feClB& W$ oil tbo aches, ita yard swasiscpj loaves, wood pile teach, solidTmdlldMd vofreotsbioats and commercial few** rets. Itsmaw Is tee!? Insatiable. Hire a little estra labor1(If y®1* o*ra find it) CKd get- ahead of too came for <sw.ofc least, - „ ,Thoco who “maka garden” generally grow only the commoner and most easily raised vegetables because of the popular notion that choice kinds can only ha raised by market gardeners with hotbeds and greenhouses. This is not always a right coaclusiov. Try * few of the floor things, HEADACHE •‘WrftthertudbBon MTiffererfrom «!ckhe»a*e-h* fortho iasttwor.ty.fivo yeas* «a<I cover fooudany relict until ho fco«»n taklr.p your Cwcnott. 8tnc» hehMhegar, taWc«.C?«*caMt» ho baa aerw lirt the headache, They have cutlrcly carea^hififc Ctsc*ret3 co what you rccominchd tbeia .-j «*, m -wUl give you the prlvilogo o t ualne hia cawe,’’ E.M,mclceou,m»R««faerSt.,W.lDai*napolU,I»il, Best For r v j ^ TheBowels ^ . h i i a f r j i a i a n CANDYCATtUiCnC ^ OuariSscJdio cSteorsont cfonoyhBClc. SteriliseRemedyCo„ChicagoorN.Y. 59 * ANNUALSALE, TEHMILUQMBOXES -LINES- SPECIAL LOW J „r , ' V J-fp A ^ - , * - ^ Sts Pawl ^Muy 27 h? 80-AVomon’s Club AjfilyYS, 24, fci—Saougorbnnd Boston ' May 31 to .Turn First Church' tist, Convert,-, at New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington. New Haven * Jmu* 3 to 9—Knights of Columbus Louisville .. June 11 ,12, to,—Home-Coming , week Portland, Ore. . June 17 to - 21-Hotel Men’s Meeting Omaha Denver July 9 - 12 --B, Y, 1\ TL July IT, 14—B. P« OiE, - Milwaukee August 20, 11,12--I5ngiu Grand „ '- Aerie fUnneapoIis August 10, U, 12—G. A. It. If interested ask E. S. KEYES, Ticket Agent Cedar- . villc, Ohio- WHY COHPLAIN OP SORE FEET T 17 a pair of our Bliotei or Low Onto an d yotfU eomplaia no more. TI mj gr^aicai; vtirioiy of styles made upin ail leathers, TRY US Thelowest - pi'lred ShoeStore in the eity, quality considered, leiiJs and women's dress Shoes and Oxfords in Patent Colt. Kid and Gun S tatu of O hio , G heenc C ounty as P h rationt to command of an order of nab? innuod from the court of Common PJcaa of raid county, and to me directed and delivered, I will Offer for Gale at. public nimfinn, at the front door of the court house, in tho city of Xcrn'a, in nald county, on Saturday, iuo« 9 th,A.D. 1906 , AID o’ clock P, M.« the following de- ncrihed landn and teneirtentn to«wit: Situate In the Village of Cedar- yille, County of Greene, State of Ohio, and bounded -find demibed a<? followa; Being tho whole oflot No, 14 of Samuel Kylo’ a addition to the Village of Codarvllleo« theaanu* in denlgnafed, numbered and known on the recorded plat of «aldaddition, Said prondcea were appralfied tmdef an order 0 ! the Cons t o f Com­ mon Please, Girono cmiuty, Ohio, for His Hundred and twwdy-flvo C?023.<«fDollare, , ‘ ; Tofttia of Sate Canh, ’ Tb ho nokl by oriter of raid court In eano So. IK(.)3wIit-re3nThe Home Btdldinrf Sc Cavln/rs Company In |jJa!nflfi’ and M'm. ?.L Hfitcliell e t^ , txto defendanfn. 1 ' ’• FRANK TARBGK. 1 'hratf Grato' temiuty, fftly. If, tt, RC5«ULi Plft2t;?5sf’n Aft'y. $ 25.00 I S $ 25 . -----WILL HCY A. ----- Kiel) Black farm band IN NORTHEAST TEXAS, along the Cesas midlaiNl r a i l r o a d , in a community not iar behind your own in development. Val­ ues range from ten to fifty dollars per aero, and the land inall good —absolutely thO beet in Texan, One people want YOU, and a neighborly welcome awalta the thrifty man and hie family. Round trip homenceker tickets arc on sale twice monthly to all points in Texas, and the night* necking way to Houston, Gaiver.- toh and San Antonio (with Inter­ mediate stop-overs) is via the, Frisco, Texas Midland and South­ ern Pacific Systems. Further particulars will be gladly furnished upon application to H. W . TKU A X , land agent tJelfctaM «««.»*« Mlitt., -......-OB— -- ■ ' "'P.&.'AlcKAYt - Geacihl Posoengor Agent. Terrell. Texas. If YonWant City or Country real estate In (teutral Ohio writehi* call or Deaton & Ruby I I Areatie O . R o th ?37„ ladies’ Tailored Suite AtVerySpecial Prices Gao tnore week o f dearlwg prises on Badles” Floe Tailored suite at puces yoo will ho stirprlccd at, $10.00, SU IT§ About £3 choice suite t o ladlea and mtecesin the new light flannel effects, and hlaek, blue, and brown Panamas, C,’ r'vsn-fue“ fSCtetlss. They r-gFiinxly ^n.{a>t " $>and 122,c», .fmfcno differeaea ft ion elearing sate &ad yoa fake yoar choice--»t - . $ 1 0 . 0 0 $5.75 SUITS A limited quanity o f good all wool suite In dark colors (last season's styles) no two alike, at less than the price of. a skirt. ' $ 5 ,75 EACH $5 WALKING SKIRTS Qualities and styles that you do;not usually get for tkjta popular price of ffi.Oth They are in" black, navy, brownsand greys, and are regularly 16, ffi.OO and $7.50 skirts, all special­ ly priced for this week at ^ $ 5 .oo Soiled Muslin Underwear at half price Ladies' And children's garments, nothing wrong but, they are sotted and mussed handling, and this is your opportu­ nity to get two garments for the price of one. Children’ s muslin 25e and 39c. Ladies’ gowns at 39c, 50c and 75c. Other garments in-proportion, Jobe Brothers &Co. Xenia, Ohio. wpeeim hirefirst Class Rigs Best and most up-to-date livery aed feed barn in Central Ohio. Everything new. Especially equipped to care for funeral parties. Keep your rig from exposure when in town by having it iii our barn. Tickets given on a $200 outfit to be given away December 24 * 2906 . 1 CEDARYILLE, OHIO. LOOK HERE THE SPRING OF 1906. Is now here and you will want that that buggy or carriage painted and re-rubbered and I am now able to do that. Call and get prices. Have your work done now ready for good weather. J. H. WOLFORD. * (i 2 M§, Xhave secured the services of a first class car­ riage painter. . $125 INGOLD $125 Mill! be given away Monday December 3s* Tickets will be given tyith each a$ cent eash pur­ chase, One $tg,eo prize? Five $10,00 p rto ; Twelve $0.00 prizes, u mm YO tfK TICKETS. R MeCklian, mm