The Cedarville Herald, Volume 29, Numbers 1-26

o - _tp■ V lo r d : d ra ft CtO- Zi&K-r iEiiO that 5I b (> tegHarioncanti mpfeted in- flamJftevr-ridge Amendment fop maper lot paction »f tI;o meat pro* I <ln*'t Chicago p;'j*f;|ti0 Iinnst^ wish I »K'S«* i s a ® f e l o on Kca! Estate, r^rcQmlflP Colbteral Security, l,»J4:r-: I!>jr,r,': a A. M, t*»G, P» M. rT. V»\ r-rtixrj, President. <». 4*. Hr.ii'rw, Cahhieri n, K, IVinjicm', /Vsfj’t Cashier. tm secret of success (W\ sN *uJQNliV@QWERS« 1J li-rljif* bJoeiy'd te itsimssogo \i*fl m« -r mm- 1| roneyr: s» , President Roosevelt lias - s*>! In, | | *„-* {?j!' iteplol fho renort o f llte . ,i | frtvu t\ruKmnmir.'jtmcm Mrmta* K e lli. and Reynolds ■who ' Imd mado (lie tour of the houses when reporta of tholr- unsanitary■ aoM iUm ;-ww 'tedngM to him. • .- I f anyone expected the report to ho an anti-ebimtts after:aB»tfcft4fe'', gusting storfes-flist had beenprlpted about Chicago w i i ^ o s ^ l i e j wpie -fiiqaimolhted,. , 4?3h»-, report Rhelf ift some degrees worse than anything that has been.written most- ae ^at{on&iaOs®papi3r«.'I-It is-, nob sensational"in ; tone*;; 'Ih:faobIi: tedeadly culd afl^rocfeot'-jgi^ l^ il by the statement that though many offers of testimony had been made to the .mnmisfiioiiCTO, *they, were compelled to decline them and that the report as submitted was simply What they had seen with their own eyes and. not what they bad been told by any witness interest orother­ wise. Tim President by way of comment on this report- says that he Inis already ordered that the inspection tables bearing the goyenunent cer­ tificate shall only ba placed on such meat packets as have been actually inspected and shall slate merely; that the animal ■when slaughtered was inspected and found fit for food. Bnt he says that unless effective legislation Is secured* he wlll- be compelled to order that tiergovern- mspecthm lable shall he used on any canned products hereafter, This would fie a most serioUs blow bo the packers and unless they-.have gone too far in attempting to in­ fluence legislation and will . come into camp lest a worse thing befall them. . , But while the govermuentis attend­ ing to theinterhal economy o f the packing houses and endeavoring to Clean them, up, it might bo Veil to in a word ior the poor beasts whoso: ultimate destination is the noisome packing district of Chicago.. I’h© humane, societies' all oyer the country have called attention to the conditions proceeding the slaughter of the have shown timdattd agaln lhab t h e . cattle are without food or water, hurnlhg mfid with thirst, thrown down, legs broken, gored and traniipiedvfll that a few cents mighb.'he saved to the: cattle raisera 1ft thep traospoftattoft. .The simple seraedy for alt this is; to break up the greateentiai krfliftg : houses and havetbeeattle slaughter*- e l and inspected where they ate raised, shipping the carcases were, necessary for treatment in the can­ ning and packing establishments. otuaa, t r,wv million bottles of August Blower geld iii the United States alone ,since its intrcducticmi And the demand-for it is sfiU growing. Isn’t that a fine showing o f success?. Uoh’t i t prove- thatAugust Blower has had unfailing sncCesa in the c;lre of indigestion and dyspepsia—the , and intestiucjl di< is the best of all liverregnlafors? ffAugnat Blower 1 W 3 a matchless- record of over 35 years in curing tlie ailing mii- iiofiAor these distressing complaints. c <JTwo cscec. 35 c and. 750 . All druggists t . . . 1 ‘1 \ Iwac WistermnM, CednrviHe, Q. Must -Sleep,; ' If you cannot, it i$ due to*an Irritated or congested state -of ’ the brain, which will soon de­ velops Into neryotis-prostration, Nature demands sleep, and It is as important as food; it is a, part of her building and sustaining- process. This period of unconsciousness relaxes the mental and physical strain, and atfoiys nature to' restore ex-' hausted vitality. Dr. Miles' Nervine brings refreshing sleep, because it soothes the irritation and re* moves the congestion. I t Is also a nerve builder; It nourishes and strengthens ev­ ery nerve in your body, and creates energy in all the organs. Nothing will give strength and vitality as surely and quickly as Dr. Miles’ Nervine. "D;i~;r~ 11 :t) Fist vdntfr I had two <>ITX-crioTid tnUyi! kft mo very went, and fn lied CcnOition, I wot ao ncryoys J conM not clceji. tsy wife* uJtcr trplnrr Hlffotcnt rcmcdlCB. v.rcs for a dor-tor. Tho darter wao •..."A flR't a Bt'tghVti?TSC 01 SS&SB 3 CS. 15 ft. — ‘ Wet-vino, and Clio itrouglit homo mo E-sia.wan sot tx* eotrere, and 1 tJc^c1 I uttt now tc sldnri tta eceon* X n u i i eta vorvtjti -u imumvcd." aiurhnr zs. amvis, ucaerhia, vt. Bo. PStcs' t.crvii’.o Id cold by yeui* <WW3flf35.i.V3lso,wl!} guarantee tiiat tsio ftsfsti-Cottto- wi!f Dcr.ofift If it fails, I:o vait roJotttf yonr menoy. i j i f c s X«2c”* ” 1 Co., Blhliart, IisS D M'J:n a c„X d x , £5, M X tJ nc.rv',1«5« c" 5.3,' !..f. ?;AoI'er.;tk.;lh>tf dgn i :j i '’d a vs. 1 telta 0 ifsi, I f /,.:■! t.eA 1 wA tm gdpifSgay r t • '.ifi fled l/pkh as f r i ca a r ,J‘: v.'lj,, fa s.varlVialof Alaaoat Heady Hade* Bow people realise what escollent boEc-a for hcincifing frait end vogotablee on the farm' or for shipping egga are to bo found almost ready mafie in the or. aiige boxca that are cblppod east by tem o t thoucanfia from*' California every oaam ec aafi fall, remarks! Baritt' jourfiaL Roa'ail tlie bklea Oiifi battoia fat otrength and eat ^ * A JIAUbVBOX. two rounded ofits h» ouch end to fittko tdryJa, awl you have the bos nhawa Sa Ehe eat* haMtug About a beohel, strong, yet very light, and to be had to m eat riSiageafos* the Gsking. ftaioflt teSosa cnlicupe, tteiu tire hv.ti uetlons ffooa an ejrpe- riefleed gaideaer ter obtaining a goad crop of onions with the least possible labor: Cow early hi klflidi in cold le a ta a . Good varieties nro AdrlatSe, marietta White, ihfeetakeiv Conthpost, White Gioba and hod Weffiemfiolti ;6dtw.cSii be.sows Is chalfewdf!8o t m t taiiica opart. The card must be well cowed and the coil ptcaawl firm­ ly with- is board, iivtjt the frames dte* cd till-the young ouiowa Appear nnd then glvo on abundanco of ale oft nil favorable cccaslona, bearing to mind that the >•<■ h r -they am kept ffio owe* dler file grow®. . Ete-p tbo ourface coll constantly fitly* rrjdajtta t a itjtskm, a * io m vm rs«0dt«# WoPtrTitei B ia SUNS A BURDEft Euponalvc 4a QuilsJ and Topt aod doan -gQ 4 -*©a.t o f Goar, <sWiieH a big fun h moilo l i f e - conuS n perpetual charge on the ex* pejiBnueeoftnt of ilm goverameat/-’ remarked the inspector o f ‘naval ordnance. flIt costs a lot to make 'it, too, to try it when it is mounted, pnd its extreme limit of life ia 100 shots. The largest guns we mpke now are twelve inch. They are from forty to .fifty feet long, and the weight of the gun will cause it io droop and in a few years render it 'useless. I t has to he sent hack to the 'ordnance yard at intervals to have its rifling ‘trned up / JEven the toughest Bteol, with the highest elastic limit and greatest tensile strength, will head under its own weight. I f you support u har of steel even a few inches long at both ends for a long time it trill curve down in the center to a degree that cannot indeed be detected withont the aid o f precise instruments, hut it will take a permanent set, and a gun does the same thing in a greater measure. .’When we try a gun the armor makers furnish the plate, the -gunmaker the gun, the shellmakers the projectile and the government -the 'powder. The total ebst of a shot is approximately $1,000, and we usually fire three shots at dif­ ferent distances. “The shell is easehardened. at its point and now carries a charge of oleaginous graphite in its nose, which breaks at the moment of im­ pact and oils the hole in the armor, The patent Oft. that graphite scheme cost the government $50,000. The shell simply bores its way through the armor, and its progress is aided very materially by the graphite. The navy exacts armor that, can’t he pierced and shells that will go through anything, so we have about arrived at the paradox of an irre­ sistible force meeting an impenetra­ ble body.-As a result the few makers of this high quality, of steel ore now able to furnish from the plants con­ structed under the fostering care of the government a' much higher grade o f steel to the, trade than ever before, The tensile-strength and the elastic limit Of steel have been raised in the general market from 50,000 pounds a square inch to 275,000 for one and from. 45,000 for 185,000 pounds a square Inch for the other within a few years, and this as an indirect result of tlie gov­ ernment’s exactions.. “I t’s very seldom a gun ia fired after it is mounted. .Gun pointers ate used for drill, and once or twice d yeai' the gun is used for actual target practice and fired once or possibly twice. But it is too expen­ sive a machine to use for practice wheh there are exact ways of testing tlie range and accuracy by triangu-- lation end the known qualities of the powder and other factors that apply to it and which are preserved from its first test.” Tbo N<. 1 C"Easier.” Easier has, from the earliest times of Christianity* been celebrated as the Cliristian Passover, or festival of the resurrection of Christ-. The name is derived-from tlie old Sason word oster, which means rising, whence also is derived the word east, or the region of the rising sun. In the primxtmudayo of Christianity Easter was celebrated on the day of the full moon which falls on March 21 or next thereafter, hut by the council o f Nice, in the year 32o, the rule was adopted Which makc-a Eas­ ter day always the first Sunday after the full moon which happens on March 21 or nest thereafter, and if the full moon happens on a Sunday Easter is the Sunday after. By this arrangement Easter may come as early as March 23 or as late as April 25. and Isitrnilmed hhmidf as an im­ portant member, of Mr. Eng!bh*s party, l ie talked familiarly o f Feme of ifie 1-isex county poliiicians. For­ mer i{fprr:;cntntivc William Fiedler, afterward pOatsna.-.-tcr of Newark, was 'dpserihe'd as “Me chnm, 'Billy ■ * fiio c ! aapefvision- sfeieo it s Inftwey* ’r$ % iSUov/H© «m<9ta x lc ed v c yow Sa th*& AIS €o*wsterfdste, Smite-tleas nB& «ed£K.'£-w-"; 5~™*a - EsuCTijmrnfe -m a t tr i.fe w ith as«I e»ia®y«a? t h e fem lta m, . W h a t ia C A S T O R IA Castorhi fg at -teirnitess ;aii-festltu.te Tor Castor. O il, ■gor je , jtrop s an d Soo th ing ISyrnph*.. - Xt Is d e n s ^ f c f i v ■ .contains n e ith e r Opduni, Morphlnq. n o r o th e r 2ftn?cop0 snhstanee, I t s a g o is Its guarantee* I t destroy© Wwnss- nnd aljtoys F everishness. I t cures p larrhcen an n w i n a - Colie, It; re liev e s T ee th in g 5?ronhles? cu re s Constipation a n a F ia ta leneyv I t assim ila tes the; IBoml, regu la te s t h o -stom a ch and jsow e lc , g iv in g isealtliy ■ : - qg>p fflflqyfm ifi FAHaeem***S2W5Mofiher^is Friend* ■ ^inuiniE C A S T O R I A ALWAYS Bears th e Signature of G & o v r o am u to iOM icit vaa tsnv-mmnaaam m o qcvZt?:incut Ci>_Oft'-a3cr«fttf. fc .i t .V.tUatvv/s. byibfi in fled. Avoid a cramped position as yon go to sleep. I f the base of the brain, the spine or the dic-st is e o pecially tired, take the middle o f the had and place a pillow nndof you perpendicularly, so that i f reaches just below shoulder Mates and the head hangs over slightly at the top*—enough to throw out the clan. Then throw the arms out horizontally. Tub Ospajiua the chest wonderfully, and, m fact, re* onperatea all thd upper part of the: body. When the poaturo bccomca irkcoiue, turn the pillow about at oneo ami fiteumo the usual sice * - Old Woman fawaiting mads-: rohe^uperintendent*—ilWnh, •ptessall—Aliem! I t’o an awkward thing, y«t> honor, to lose a pawn “onsTAXNiiX iw riit nm row have aain JSOJUW.” Fiedler,” while former Representa­ tive Lehlhach was spoken of as “Lelly” - After the fellow had al­ most exhausted Ms stock Judge English finally said: “Weil, my. man, all this tolls:' is leading up to something. What ean I do for you?” “ ’Tis awfully embarrassing to me, yer, honor, to have to make me declaration, but truth is 1 am tem­ porarily financially embarrassed and want enough money to see me home to Newark. An X will do the act, and 1 will return it as soon as I reach home/’ “Certainly I will let you have the ‘money,” said Judge English, with a good matured twinkle in his eyeqt The hobo’s face was at once wreathed* in smiles, as ho could al ready, in imagination, feel the crisp ten dollar hill in fisa hand, “But,” added the New Jersey rep­ resentative, his face assuming *a more grave expression, “of course before letting yon have the money I will have to verify your story, which yon have so plausibly and in- tercstinMy told. 1 will wire the chairman of the Essex county com­ mittee, and if be confirms what yon have said I will cheerfully let yon have the $10. I t is. now 3 o’clock. Come to my hotel at 7:30, and hy that time I will have heard from -Newark. I f your story is true the $10 wilt he waiting for"yon.” I t is needled to add that the fel­ low did not pni in an appearance at the hotel. __ Hoi* Loot Baby. i Since the death a few years ago of Bishop Clark of Rhode Island an amusing anecdote has been going the rounds, among bi3 former friends. While a young pastor, in charge of a small pariah m ”northern New England, Mr. Clark was making calls one day and came to the house of a woman who believed in having a^ large family. In fact, several times during h’is pastorate the cler­ gyman hail had her babies presented for baptism, and her thrift was well known in the neighborhood. The lady saw Mr, Clark passing and called to him: “Oh, Sir. Clark, do come in! You haven’t seen mv la5t baby yet.” The minister replied, with a cmiie, “No, madam, and never ex­ pect t o / ’-—Boston Herald. OcnsSoi' ATcJHeti’ff Siory, rT am afraid,” said Senator Knox, “that tho railroad ihte advoi-atea havejgot a rod in pickle for u s/’ “Yes” replied Senator Elkino of - West Virginia, “and the hast we can do is to go t It ao lightly pickled as possible/” ■, - ^“Reminds me,” said Senator Aid* rich, “of the hoy in ProvM exico who Went to the drug stero foe 5 ciuifA worth o f salts. w - ’■ “Yhe druggist began measurihj is out. The hay stood aroum and watched.' ‘Hero,’ ho said final­ ly to the druggist, hlofi’-t civo mo I ii U s e F o r O v e r 8 0 Y e a r s , t ;: e cei«r*yfi cownuv, n wopnnvttr.ser. ( HUTCHISON & GIBNEY * j j p T o B a t e . •8’ 41 i 4 4 1 WRAPS , down m prices Suits Skirts. SILKS, New Ash sortment 371-2 to 40c. BLANLET5, com­ forts, Beddings, low prices. ‘UNriaiRWEAR, La- ’ dies, Gents, Children 25 cents up. - GOODS, CAPPETS, JACKETS, CAPES, and LADIES* S u its . F a lsa le a t flOTGPISOfi &GlBflEY’S, XENIA, OHIO. HALES 3*Wci3IDa V E G E T A B L n StlSSV.IAlU -Always restores color to gray hair, all the dark, rich Colorit-used to nave. The hair stops falling, grows Ions and heavy, and all dandruff disappears. An elegantdressing,CitwYA;l ^ c S Mo Belie? 1st State Nelson’s Business College ‘ Haiti Areacle, Spi-liiglield, Olilo LIQUOR OH MORPHINE Anvs» p iosttzlvodZel irkhivctiieal bosk* xcajawaatcMBeia _ Wowto2-Si£fYm OpcaABVear* BOOKKeEMMO £& ^HOfSTHAND. WtSle fur Catefogns.' I -.O, la V.-.- jcm ’.? s::r« a-J taStosa! £f'Sfc:cii ia brinkcjbruso . etaJ ns I-rcxsEscgteSaaaterzs, tos? Cs;*:»s&*., COLUMBUS OHIO The Genuine ‘1847ROGERS Spoons,PofsCSjfwiveS^fe • > U < £ 5— 1 “V/e rccummcmi m then, i.jj’j- Iany .better.., In you i .:* h * i *^. to a large (leprae to your hutdjcr. Well Cared For Meats ill hot wiatlier are the only liiud t(l buy; we lutve proper ajj|.li;uH‘<a fer keepiiigr them right, and ihoy’ro sweet and iiafe w hen sold. Don’t go meat chopping when ii!h hoi.t j}Uy of lb and he aure. G H . C R O U S E , OKPAJtyrw.E, o. . Hestanrant . . and lining.B osks Comer High and Limestone street- Springfield, Ohio. ONL^ RAILjROAD^ 0 e d c f Ifctte At&CZCZt TaitQfcd U JOW 5 J? 0 fi mil £3.00 Wngerlp, Jto embroidery* i f 13 EQUIPPEDIWITH. AUTOMATIC ELECTRIC i BLOCK SIGNALS r o u t e / ■' ; AS® ' SOUTHERN RAILWAY FHOU Cincinnati £ lauisville TOEL m s n i CITIES S o o th , Southeast, c»u Sou thw e st “j. m . a : ^rc made of aAsbf the greatest fire rel triictible. - As a rel aor affected by ehf gases. Furthcrmc to preserve it, . Write for booklel A . w . C l i LOCAL AND PE«J J--Mason jars a t TSTag]] Glass Fruit jars, all s| at Bird’s. Mr, Wallace STaxsol mother in Bonnelsvilfil Mr, O. E. Bradfute it a trip to Chicago, Wml Dorothy Dodd ahoes| Birds. r Rev. W, W. Iliff 51. E. pnlpit Sahbath Some one poisoned sliall’s valuable bird dl —We want your eggij Nagley Bros. —You can getoecfctul of mowers at Wolfof^t Mrs. Thomas Wyll very ill with heart froi The Patterson eomr ho held in Xenia Satul Miss J.Iary Coffejr oj the guest ot relative “ rods and atWolford’s. @Kt Y G U f l - 7:~.~S C- ./ O*1?T^V« & 3 * > T itixa. 0353to01063 . . * Eszzi aaaio co.oa ioiaunc Caor.l 7.C3SO £3-63 .'OTv-.-iCr-'.-.-sRii-:-,?'" -i rj- r::;> u n f l . _er*3.i, is t*::Lot f, --ii.-o-Q. tc t -‘ t . p cd ^-.e 3 .r?SsS~Loi’/fLi’•./•vS ■££? ?-<■ £?•',?te-'y eZ~’, vs ''.tlabhveI?» '*Tc; r?f.-»rr:titatta.Tpw G l ? td'GZ f eYto?-rf*jAt ba J. osi?jc:o sgo &eft* * P i- r >-- 5 c-a:c.vto b:::d,z:vxs., v.p.&* Phil Dixon in vital tothe. Mr, W. J. Wildml kit Monday evening: f 1V»L. Douglas $3.5i fords for men at Biril Xow cultivator f<J lord’s cheap. CASTO! Eor Infante on2 SMlcnos. Ifio KitiiSYon ia?o illuap M $ Eficss tfco A <koquet cote BCe to| Mammockp, t Mr. "Krif? K.F. Mr.