The Cedarville Herald, Volume 29, Numbers 27-52
m mt “Tttnwmna w IfiT a niitAKwm* mmh I f f i E X C H U G E B k K i.|T»IMPl^ gW.H.l<«nill;r^.!«|f.«W!.jBgSIM.|WOlHWI.IiMlMya^ i'-Kl}AliVlhhl\ OHIO. W » rioueiq? f o n t 1» atsioha « b *od promise careful andprompt attention tu all Imainees ( r i\ lotrastcd to us* ‘ f - , ■_■ ■•■ . ‘ ,J ‘ . . ■*?&!&* NewYORKDRAFT 40 4 BANKMONEYORDERS. ~lU**s ^ iiKiitviiuiir- . moifi' w tw 1 vonfont way to amid money' by mail. Loans Made on Real Estate, Personal or Collateral JSecurjly, Banking Jloun; A A. M. to 3, P*M. S. W*-Saimi, President-. O, L. ^snrii, Cashier. Girlhood *n 4 i S e o f f s J&m tifa fort iw linked together, 1 *■ . ' •■■•»■ Hie girl who take* S t a f f s E jn -a t* s io n ha* plenty of rich* red Blood; aheis plumps active and energetic* * . ■ 4 The reason is that at a period when 4 girl’* digestion is weak,, S c o f f s E m u l s io n provides K^mishnsent in easily digested forgn. The Cecfarville Herald • -a , - - .1 ( '. . • ■*.- - •: ■. j f r . o o P e r " y e a r . ‘ T C A R L H B U L L ? ", " .lE d titof, FRIDAY, RFCRMBFR' 34, J90f5. J(t is a food that build* and keeps up a girl’s strength* ] ALL DRUGGISTS J SOo. AND *1 .00 . , Congress having, as Sambled .tie first business taken up >vasa prep aration i >v tim holiday recess. • m The., newspapers o f Day top an -fussing as'to the guilty quein tin Oilman murder ease. A rhalf-witted ,uews(vernier, David Curtis, has con fessed to having committed the aW- ° - futdeed.’, Littlecredence has heei - ’ ^given,his,statements by those win . know,the circumstances and know his nature* " , Tip Journal Of that city has had Curtis arrested* found guilty aud all - ' hut hanged While tb.e,-evening Her ald ami JTews make fun of tin Journal and Culift audit is a ques- tiou as towiden is the higgeptfodl. Evidently Curtis ,b&d,’/nothing- |V no with tip mnt'iler'as fils employe* r, states that he was oh'duty at .the supposed! .time of the murder. H< confessed. ,to hating eommilpd' r erime soihe years'ago which proved * to he a myth, i t is claimed thaj - Curtis has heed Skidded’1 so .mud Oo ahouf such things that he really thinlvShe did do \ybafc he has con fesaed to' havO. done, Statement from citiwnsin geheral in Daytot give the Journal, the laugh /and ,ii must he true for tlri&paparfhis'vvoet rises to explain Its position. " The position of the Journal ha? taken is fehatjfc is right.ahd officers’ *nd the other papers are wrong. It has assumed Up attitude of '*yom one andhe is anotheru. . ‘ As this point it might he well l« recall'soms things that the Journal has had a hand m. During the re cent election campaign the Journal pictured the countryand particular ly HewYork state ruined if William R. Hearsfc was elected governor, Hearsfcwas made a mighty had man for ills ‘ ‘attacks’’ on trust Interests and private acts of these men* Rf was also charged With being a man who wrought class hatred and used hi* newspapers to scatter filth ovoi the land about the social classy.- Hot only has thejourilalmademuch noise during a political campaign about oue of its candidates being at* tacked for some corrupt deed but newspapers in this County anil town have made charges concerning the •U'CAlied Hearsfcmethods. How the Ghlrnan murder Was an J~*gvrptfHtiia'g which carried with it the stigma of criminal assault hut Wad it necessary to go into 'the <fe tails on the “ Hearsfcmethod” as has been? The very newspapers that j, have preached against’ Hearsfism, but only in politics, are the ones that arepouring the vilest filth on the ptthjh*. There appears a lesson -to news* paper realtors in that the “ Heated method** is all right in a case of iiiD tiihi’icji order, according fo the opinion of some editors, but let 1 a politician or public* olficial help himself to public, money or use his Influence as an official to his benefit personally and a newspaper takes him to fas.k about if. the newspaper Is then elmj'gcd as being on tie ‘ Velfnv** order and copying,after '•Hearsfc* • . • . .* Timnewspapers that are conffmt* ally defending public officials and corrupt politicians have- a reason to fear “ Henrat methods **1 for that means exposure. But a question as to the chastity of some unfortunate, who htmfallen a victim to tficlmiiig bauds til mute brute' and tin so <«*■ giinuannounce the fact m the bold-* °*sfciypA 'Awaji ?mtn ilotnA ‘wnifh thef ftianwfeo tried to avoid youMdfjetesdeflpot topolledyou ?’1 4-fhap# oflft of tjso dcacoua of nut* etharch," bo o«o ^ mhaftys*’ ■*m but 1 m $«tm Utii in T*ri» *#w>i*nf LMi*r. It j» apparent that; the revised foot-ball ruleshavenuthurfcjfchegamo Very mueh. There was only two-less players killed this year than last* Kentucky- -has. Just managed to ■ruction off a vagrant. Thera are ktttie people who will buy’ almost anything, •/ , • ■ ‘ Macaroni W heat la Canada. _ ■While It la possible to make ’ good flour from some /kinds of macaroni -wheat, such flour Is generally 'unpop ular. Furthermore, the peculiar char acter of the kernels necessitates the use o f somewhat different methods In tho irjlfiug of these kinds of wheat. They are naturaily, [therefore, looked • upott/wlth disfavor by millers, Farm ers who grow any of .these Varieties "should exercise great care t0 prevent them, from becoming mixed with the Standard’ sorts used for flour niaklng.^- Dr. William fiaunders, - It is to he’wopderetl whether the fact that lie blew oif steapi in ‘Chi- ciigOAvifilighten up thq winteristraid that Senator Tillman usually puts oh the Congressional record. At the rafe Piltshurir is now lock- ing up its prominent citizens for rraffcng, the town,,will sooh' lose all vttraotion for either holdup men or chorus, girls. __ - ’ ' k%. '< - ^--- V ■V-- T,he Kaiser spends $800,000 artnu-. iilyofiJiis foreign tours.. The, bulk of,Jus subjects would, be* willing to make It ,twice as much i f ' it would tedp him away twice as Tong. After all the preparations that the .Public Printer had been- mdicing to 'ake a fall out of Uncle Joe Gantton m the subject of spelling reform* it must have heeli rather a blow to find uimself referred fcba stenographer. Sehafcor elect Jeff ‘Davis may be apprised at the calm with which he Senate received his announce ment that he. wav coming to‘ wake themup. He probably does not re alise how many of the present Sena tors made that threat .before they took their seats in Washington/ . . , . 1 . ’ ’ ' ■ 4 . t ‘ X 1 A ‘. * ’ i ", X' ' —Rockers of all kinds and, styles at McMillan's. ■ •‘ * . * . _ \ : ' * * v \ ‘ 11 ’ ’ llj.’*■ LongTerthehee Fight. Xtor twenty yearsW . I a R uw I h , of Bells* Tenn., fought paBal catarrli. He writesj “ The sweiUng and sore- less inside mymose was fearful, till I began.appiying Buckleii’s Arnica Jalve ti? thesoresurface; fcbis caused .Tie soreness and swelling to disap pear, never to fetarn,>i’ Best salve n existence. 2 oe atali druggists, « WIVESANDDAUGHTERS Too fi»»B often Rom thim wllH TAil* iieM, Jxjor»pp«tlt«,he*d*Btl DMkMehs.BrmpI^^oomraont*fcao __ raU»ra*ad:n»UMrvJoa*:a0 UnBlaMntrlnit Dr.ntrtd Kenn*. dj'^nTorite11910*10,oiaowJoot, A CratefufWoman. Mm, J, K. GU m , of Kt»r»H, P*^ *W:A‘ a «»#*<«?r«M?nUai jwrtB •OUMM ____ m r «o«i/TSa*ilr tmta o *! b * nr. W W I S & S f t S S S S W ortn More TIi»n A ll tUe d o la Mlac*. , Alfalfa1 Is' worth more in Colorado today than all the gold mines jh the state, add some of us arepasslng.up the best prospects of our life in not growing tbe great legume, .remarks Denver Field and Farm*’ G A R D E N T A L K A Miraculous Cure.'' ' , * f '•'! [ . -•; The following statement by H« M. Adams and wife/ Henrietta, Pa., is, “ A miraculous cure has" tak enplace in our home. Our child had eczema 5 years and was pronounced Incurable,'' when we read about Elec- tuo Betters, and concluded to try it. Before the second bottleWhsall taicr sn we noticed a change f o r ' the better, and after taking 7 bottle he was completely Cured.” It’ s the up-to-date blood medieine and body building tonic. . Guarauieed, 50c' uid $ 1.00 at ali druggists. , "He-drew u probe from his pock- tot, and; pressing’it into the alliga tor's. gums, he said; ' ' “ *Does this hurt you V 1 ■ “ The" alligator^ screamed with paip, and the dentfst, amid its great agony, made good, ms escape. Philadelphia IpijuireA , ■ New Cure tor Epilepsy* J. B» Waterman, of Watertown, A, Rural free delivery, ^vrites; “My laughter, afiUcted, for .years with jpilepsy, was cured by Dr* King's Hew Life Pills, She*has not had an vttack for over years/* Best body jleaUsers and life giving tonic pills on earth. 25cat all druggists* 3tMdttu,N. Y« ydM*i;«f«r|C. $ 23,00 l o u t $ 25.001 “Winh fiuv Rid)filacKarmCand IX XOHTH15ABT TEXAS, v Along the i m $ M M RAIL ROAD in a community not iar behind youf own in development* •Val ues range from ton to flifcydollars per acre, and the land is ail good —Absolutely tbe best in .Texas. O ur people want YOU, and a neighborly welcome awaits the thrifty man and his family. Round trip hoineseoker tickets are on sale twice monthly to a il points in Texas, and the- sight**, seeking way to Houston. Galves ton ami H ah Antonio (with, inter- huediAte stop-overs) IS via the 1'rigco, Texas Midland and South ern Pacific Systems, Further particulars will be gladly furnished upon application to H. W. TRUAX, LAND AOI2NT Reib«M BnlMlng, Daytetfi^ Ohio. o » P. B, MtKh% tientttl Passenger Agent, V fitil,T ex ii.. ulaci£ Bills Beetle. It is now known that the Black Hills beetle Infests “the eastern sections oi the Rocky mountain region from the, Black Hills of South Dakota to north ernNew Mexico, and there Is evidence that Its distribution extends westward Into Utah and northern Arizona, It attacks and kills the western yel low oh bull pine, and the white spruce In the Black Hills of South Dakota and the western yellow or bull pine, the limber pine agd the Eagelmaiin spruce In the Pike's peak region. Wherever this insect is found In ab normal numbers its depredations oh living timber are more or less exten sive. It has killed between fOO,600,000 and 3,000,000,000 feet of timber in the Black Hills-forest reserve and is also demonstrating Its destructive powers Is central Colorado and New Mexico. •r** tmMwvm* ** «*» »'**■*« The farm H the tto*t security w* have for our sM-jstrweil being, and ’uhatC'cr ismiu'-tos ‘ interest them, whatcrcc raises It in inti-lfigm'e and scUMiflc spirit, G one of the i;u>gt cotetordug influoiKCs t>( our civiliza tion. And so to have our young men Imbued with the trim agricultural spir it, to turn away from the adventures of the commercial fife and the allure ments of mere money making to^ihe simple, productive, independent life on the farm, Jsoneof the richest promises in our educational system, For there is where it helpugs--to the expanding mind force of fka nation. The finest triumphs of the next fifty- years, re sults that will go further than all father raitevpsfco !p Meaning men, will he won on Ifae farm. There is n .science of soil culture, and the art that is to he based upon it will open wide tbe door to men of thought and refinement, The answer of the old artist that he mixed his paint with brains Is akin to flic experience in the farming of the future, which wifi mix brafiis with the soil,—Columbus (0.) Journal. lie K n ew TApm* ’ "What's "up, Tommyi" said a good matured London coster, who was pass ing, to a small boy who was sobbing bitterly. "Oh, me furdput HL’ye lorstme brlte fardent" wailed the little lad, cgnttuu-' inglds searcU. “ 'Frc, mates," suld'The man to some others’ standing near, "Jet’s help tlie pore kid find. ’Is fardem" And the com pany set to Work, ..................... * In a few moments one of them pick ed up the missing coin,. “ ’Ere y’ate, Tommy,*’ he satfl;."tere’s yer farden.l’ . Thept lobljng at it in the Jlght of a Street lamp, "W’y, it ain't a farden at •ali;'lt’s a ’arf guid,” ."Garni" said the boy as he snatched away the Coin. "D’ye, think Hi was golnr to let .yew blokes know bit was a 'art thick 'Du? Wy, Wunof yer would ’a' tod Ms foot,on_ it afore HJ'd tod time ter thru rahnd/’ And he -vanished round the corner like a streak of Hghtniug-Z-LouUob-An swers. • , * I > 4 - c - ' Ho^ilnR tbe BIril vt Faradfae, , Inside a queer, birdcage-like wicker contrlvrtueetouilt high up in a tree the 'Arti Islander wifi watoh patiently’ for days to get a shot pfca bird of paradise, perhaps' the loveliest of uaturfe’s crea tions, His food is supplied.every morn ing, by another native, who remains at the toot of the tree during ihe day to secure any bird, which may fall, killed or stunned. Only the adult males, with .long plumes, are sought after, for were' not this" the cuss this beautiful species would, long ago have become extinct. To^secure-living specimens the natives employ*ah arrow having three prongs at the end. These prou'gs are barbed on the' inside, and the object 14to shoot at the legs of. the' bird, which, when .hit,-flutters helplessly to- the ground.— A E. Rratfc la wide "WorldMagazine., M sttef of Poet • toVemaklmf. For downright prose Dr. Johnson’s offer of hand and heart to his second wife wouldhe hard to [(eat. "My dear woman,” said Johnson, toi am a hurd-. working man‘ anti withal something of a, philosopher/- J am; as yap know, very poor. I have always been -ve. spectable myeelf. 'hut I grieve to tell •you that one of my uncles was hung,” ’ "I have less motley than you, doctor," demurely Answered the lady, "but l Shall try to be phSltaophl<?ttl too. None of my relatives have Over beeh'hung,, but I-have several wjo ought tg be,” “Providence aad philosophy fiuve evl- dehtly mated us, my good woman,” said the doctor as ho pressed a chaste salute on the lady's brow. Subscribe ForThe Xenia ' Xf. Gazette. CBY MAIL Semi Weekly... per year Daily* $3 per year The Daily delivered by carders in Xenia, James town, Cedarville and Yel low Springs, xocts per Week, AU the General News in a condensed and satis- factory form and six times more County Mews than any other paper, because published six times often- er»'! Subscribe Today DcfratjUJ*s« fht! IV,lifer. In a Parisian cate an American, or dered a hors d’oeuvre, sole, agnoau pro pale, artichoke salad, peebo Melba, and' so on, and When the, waiter brought him otoill of 80 francs he paid it like a man* After his 'change was brought he counted It and pushed a franc toward the waiter for a tip. But the man, pushing back the franc, said In gentle reprdach: "Pardon, monsieur, but that Is the counterfeit franc.”—Argonaut. WI« Income, . "They say you get 230 marks a month* I can’t believe it. Tell me how." * “I get 110 matka salary; then I don’t pay my rent? A0 marks; that’s ICO marks; 2 owe the milkman 80. marks, that’s 380 marks; my butcher 40 marks, 220 marks, and every month I raise 30 marks Out of my friends, making an income of 250 marks a month!”—Fliegendo Blatter, Browing? i Tooth. An elephant had a raging toothache/ the agony of which eaused hen to near ly destroy her caravan. She was thrown on her sldo and roped to stakes, Two men held a pair of ieo tongs fast totmd the aching tooth, and a couple of dray horses attached to the tongs by a rope did the rest. The tooth was sixteen Inches long by three Inches across, -fill Complaint* Inlcwlrer—tvhat became' Of ih«t queer patient you Were telling me about last Spring? Dr. Priee-Oh, he's got ft complaint now that's giving mo ft great deal of trouble! Snkwirer—^ In deed! What is It? Dr. Price-*Why, a complaint1,about tbe o f tisy bill So Savin# Time. • i ‘You shouldn’ t treat your boy harshly. Ton’ll break his spirit.” “Well, he'll probably get married Some tlmo> and he might as welt have It broken now!” Site more violent the storm the soon er It is over*—Bcneca. Archl^rKnevTtt Ail. Whon it was a question of con structing thor'cupola % r the cathedral at Florence, Brunelleschi, the tamous achtiat, yMnh told too e^nsidi, assembled td consider tho claims of the various competitors, that ho was tho only on« who knew anything about it, and that they had therefore better give him the commission at once, ■■. Jaftltuiers and tefiofetteft. u fine <Uaj?1*y fit McMillan's, The Hindi You Have Always Bought, and. which has hem in use for over SO years, has borne the signature o f and has beenmodeunder his P«*> aoualsupervision since its iufancy* , , Allowno one to deceive you to this, All Counterfeit', Imitations and “ Just-as-good’^are lmb SiXRCrtoiepfe t&i&o r.nsl emlaarfepithe health m infants and Chiidreu—Experience against Experiment, What is CASTOR IA Castori* is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups* It is Pleasant. 16 contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance* Its age Is Its guarantee; It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind , Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sloop* Tbe Children’s Panacea/—The Mother’s Friend*, GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Sears the Signature of “TAKE THIS CUT',. In Use For Over 30 Years. /me ccwtMin «iunn*vmuter, riewvomt ottv* 1 i i l I FALLSUITS AT POPULAR PRICES Fall Skirts $5 to SI2 the new plaids. Fall|Waists,.wool, $1.25 to $<5,50, .Black SillrWaists, $4;$10. ' . Brillintihe Waistsj $1 t o $2.50. ' SilkPetticoats, excellent for $5, six yds, rufSe, - Satiii Petticoats/ § f to $2.50. . , > Furs—Collars, Muffs, ets., latest styles, $1.75/ to, ’$ i 5 ‘ ’ ‘y * \ ‘ ‘ Muslin Underwear—Corsets Covers, Pants, 25c to $1. Cowns 50 to $3. Knit Corset Covers,, Knit Underwear and ■Mentor are very popular* * Five cases just in* New Outing Gowns, ,50c to $l. Also^feain » Coats., , ' ‘ . Room Rugs—Carpet size, all grades. Tapes try, $10.75. Rugs, $1,50, etc. ; Druggets, $3. u p . ' . H f i T G f l l S O H & G I B f l E Y ’ S , XENIA. ONEIDA COMMUNITY TRAPS Tin NEWHQUSE TRAP l> tin bat in thoworld. It Isaperftctmachinfe. Hand-fitted! Thoroughly inspected andtestedI The VICTOR TRAP is the only reliable few-priced trap. Don't hoy cheapfraitations! Be aura theTrap Pan reads a£follows: ask any trapper WeHelpYou to Savf and MAKE MONEY. THB TRAPPEtt’S QUIOM tttmtjs ttnit M theKeztihext* TftApPCH*' 8UI0E. Tilts hst v.ithsd ef trafiint and *hntnt*ir ftuai. SandU Aft. X, Omidti tty, T,td.tOneida.If.-V, CitHmunil Thefnlf t(4CSflN£ t ieitiltdte l hi itiUrctis V iht tiapfir. Atadin tut*fee ft, B. HASQlSOPUS. C0..’Cai*!nW». 0hl« DATFMTC 1 fit I K m 1 C*v*h»<(,utidTrgdtAfarkk ofauitiifdttnd* 1 Jl’*t- itSrtUiWiintssec.ndacwq tat MobtttAteVtt*. ovftUrucatsrveoSivtu.a.HAvcNrorncc! > *ml Wo(gner:ur«pat-ntitthcstir.iaBilftthosfc ' TtmateC-.itiWasliifitjfiu' StttlJfrtodri, t.» c,ith dfiftfin; imXittt, ASdren. fantifatojwitie* O . A . S N O W & O O . I Em H im * n#nsK. wAiMtNifAti, 6, <#< Having arranged for exceedingly love clubbiug rates with publisher^ of*the best and most popular publi cations in tlie* tfnited. States, Daily, Weekly and Monthly, we ate now ready fo fill orders at from Thirty to Fifty per cent, less than the re gular prices, giving Subscribers full benefit oil.the lowest clubbiug rates, at same time allowing a liberal com mission to Soliciting, Agents. , *J,V advertise,-our new offers Would entail a cost* which we save to the Subscriber by asking each reader o f this item to send a postal card for Sample Copies of Tm* WimKi*vFivXtofli?HJ and if SOsitu ated to do a little agency Work dur ing tilewinter, make application for agency. It 13 a fact that T im Rm ’OttiRUR offers more and better bargains tlian may be had from ther sources, One offer gives $5.00 .“Worth for only $2.00, another gives a Dally paper, two Weeklies and two Monthlies for only $1*75? The- Veterinary column o f 'ftgrfc WftERry FNGtmmft is worth from ftVp to fifty dollars to any horse owjtef. f• V/rile to-day to E ft*!**!#*# CSoinpaitiar* , £*ifta!»fcmittl«Olalo* “ W e re com m end H ; there Isn’ t .any iiettel*.,.. Inmld-sunimeryou luive to trust ton large degree to your butcher. Well Cared For Meats iu hot weather are the only kind to buy; we have proper appliances for keeping them right, and they’ re svyeet and safe when sold. Don’r go meat shopping when it’ s hot. Buy of uk and be sure. C, H. GROUSE, CEDARVILLE, O. \dam’s Restaurant anil Dining Roms Corner High and Limestone street- ' ’ Springfield, Ohio. s**» BADBLOOD “ I tad trouble with my bowel* which made n r jlood impnre. My face yras covered wjth ptmplea which no extornnf remedy could remove, 1 tried Caacareta aud Croat was my joy when the !esdlsAppeered after « month'* — - - _ ..__^rf-t’.mnmtinded fchf Qnlte yonr DimplesdlsAppeeredafter« month’ssteadypae. 1hevpreco endedthem^oallmyfriendsand finitea fewhavefonndrelief C.J. Pusch, 90 TPath A-vo., Now Vorlt City, N. ?. Potenti’rsateOodd.DoGood, i or Gripe. ICcvCsc- 50 c.Never tgenuine tablet etattiped Ofift ; e or yonrmoney hack Sterling Remedy Co.. Chicago or te-V. 6 oo 4NNUALSALE, TEHMILLIONBOXES The action of the heart de pends upon the heart nerves and muscles. ■ .When from any cause they become weak or ex- , hausted, and t fail to . furnish • •sufficient power, the heart flut ters, palpitates, skips beats j and in its, effort,to keep up its work, causes pain and distress, sucji 1 as -smothering spells, short breath, fainting, pain around heart, arm and-shoul ders. The circulation is im peded,, and the, entire -system suffers from lack o f nourish-, • ,mcnt. - , , Dr. Miles '1 Heart-Cure makes a heart strong arid vigorous by strengthening these nerves and muscles* “I hail ri&Ipit&tion end-pain around my heart, and the doctors said It -was Incurable. I don't believe It now, for •after'taking' six bottles of -Dr. -Allies’ HeartCure,three.bottles of theNervlno . and three boxes of the Nerve and Diver Pills I am entirely cured, and feel better than I have for five years, and It is all due to these remedies. I Want you to know that your,medicines... cured me. It. relieved mo from tho first doge, and I kept right on till tho pain 1stmy chest was None, and I kept ,on feeling; better even after ,1 quit taking It.” JOHN ir. SIXERA c AN, Belding, Mich. Or. Mites' Heart Cure Is sold by your1druggist, who will guarantee that the first bottle Will benefit* If it fails he will refund your money. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind Thedford'e Black-Draught cornea nearerA?gulaiing tho Cntiro system andkeeping ihoiKxlyinhealththan' any other medicine made, ft ia \ ithrttya tc&df in any emergency’ to iireat ailau<juts that arc^rc-tifmfcIn.J any family, such as indigestion, biliousness, colds, diarrhtea, and stomach aches. . ThetliOrd'a Black-Draught is tho standard, never-failing remedy for stomach, bowel, liver and kidney troubles. It is a euro for tho domes tic ills which so frequently summon tho doctor, ft isasgoodfor children| iwit ft for grownpersons. Adoteof this medicine every day will soon Curathdmost obstinate Casaof dys- j pttwia or constipation, and When, twfflhWdirectedbringsqnftkrelief. ,WbMffiSfi'ii B:»fK4>rat(#'hfchasWittcai11 mmlir <loct«i fop era yoaf*Andweviisit noother. When »ny of, ui fcoihiunywo Mkfi ft S ots Mm] *w» Mil N*ht Intwelve aottrt, Wo h«vo teent tot* of money -for m set Sion* flits m wen ww», SAOkn. _ Alik 3PfWttt deolor for.A pscitag®of Thtefora* sad It bo &*•not it«onitSend*!».toahe<M«a* «o«f« MedifinsCo,ChaiUnoogs,Tcnu, and «, pt^jkogowill h« mailed to you. mi i-g»nMr»osr>i \ local and pi —Bed room suits at jfrs. Estella Holtie j hero* 3 fr. O. IM. Crouse a;| ig CoInmbUH, Mrs, ^arah BarStir f| week in Xenia,*’ , Second baud buggy I Storm front, included. ,MV. Trunk Orr retu^ gheny last Monday. _ , Mi*, and Mrs. Out spent Sabbath in Xem ' Mr. and btr8.'Q.''W J Tuesday, to-Oolumbus.l ■—Furniture and Carj ap’s. Mr. Frank Y oung ’ was in town last Safcurl Miss A- L, CraufUrdJ nejsriay in Dayton,. .Mrs, 0,,L. Smith ancl •Ervin were iu-Springfll Miss Margaret Mel home Friday after visit with her paren] Centre, Ohio. WE SI 25 lb . Sack I| for ,$1.25 trade accept} figure, it mus none chargee TAKl At our displl P a r | They will Gift*for you^ to $6.50 Our D eparti choice itig Cups . Fai From CHRli full! (Doi $ £
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