The Cedarville Herald, Volume 29, Numbers 27-52

* l f i r r i i B u y furs of a fu rrier x amm ismobranelxof retsiViiQerdiaxv * difiingInwMo^exporlemee'oountif®? .more- than the fur business, Seasonable and * •- ' :i’ f - -unseasonable pelts, natural and blended skins, o n ^ ^ ^ i e n look so much alike that - » t *only the expen; can detect the difference be- A fore tbe furs are used. Yet that difference means tbe article ydH -wear to your satisfac- r i- ^‘ 1 „ ^ 1 J / ' * , ( V>' '.:Ji tion or be, a poor investment. Since 1851 we’ve been selling furs to tbe people oft SpringficklU ^dsuxTOunding towns and that 55 years ,l*._*ee is at your service with- • , out cost to you. We, o f Course, do not think • ^ f • -we’re tbe only honest merchants, but yre do ; ' claim,to know the' fur business. „Eemembex* ' ' ■ ®\ '• ^tbat the fesul!; is the sameto you i f your furs ' l ' *jT do not wear/well because, the dealer did not' r^fA. , know as i f bo bad intended to deceive you, - • ajfj*, ^ ^ ^ _ f> * , t \ , * w, j ' ^ Our certainty is yours and tbe broad Ban* croft guarantee as well. ~ ‘ t ... 131 N .w/vvsr & *5xwHEm J2*l, ' W ft --**«'.fV ’ *=W.'«'S* tstfc every article in our store with tbe price in honest, plain figures—wo have no “ special” or “ confidential” figures to quote you. This is just as true whether you are buying .a$300 Alaska seal coat or a.5 0a scarf, - Another thing we do that few v-o— every ticket bears tbe real name o f the fur. There’s no deception here. Electric seal is not called near seal:Mended mink is not sold fo r natural mink; wolf does n o ! masquerade as fox, etc., etc. Wre buy and sell more furs than ,all the-' other stores in to r^ eambiued •and are in the business twelvemumu»xu the year.. W e ’ve been preparing for you since away last March and" stand ready to, com­ pare pricesuwitb anybody: W e do not ask fo r your trade unless we can deiTonstrate that we ,give you more for*your money^ Furs make ideal Christmasgiftsbecause few ftxit\g^^;^|jerfe,#tlY- * — **’ **J-rv r ^ t , ! fa J « .- £ * % -S* - fc « •< i . ' * » • i > 4 „ T-* - l " 5- * S s , ^ ft, r , * *- . •* i V 7 ” ,^u r v- tT * *»* ptf ^ '»•'> u ** u ^ **«* ** -i 4 i.v{ • =*' t ^ v , s ^ ^ * c r ~ v y, t f* ^ "i t \ ,v } ^ usefulandthebeautiful .? *)\ *. '-"j - De Line The follow ing, . Furs matched' %e t s ; are 'the perfect . '! - tion o f tbe furrier’s skill and art—Maiiy are high • in cost,'but the values are ,' , higher still. ‘ • Gonvijpe sable miiCf ot five ditipped: ssWps with t s 1 Is and, feel, the - , tbree flldn scyrf baa mounted ' beads, tails ami feUCft feet . . . . , ‘ . Samri Jaarten dropped sldri xmiff and Bklneffect scarf, S f t f ' j e petfectly.matched,akind ^ 11 Extra fine, dark mink, double drop. ' • BlaCk, lynx, pelerine and huge plb ped skin muff and large $ 4 4(1 , JovsNoauffTTretr-vvortb , ©Oft ’- ......... ' ^.|dU; v,!? 95 r for ,;i.. ....... >' vlctoritie jtomatch *■*•*44.U Genuine chinchilla piilovrmuff- and .Blue lynx 'throw"1’scarf and pillow". . shaped^scarf, a $13S.C0 e i f l f l muff of extra ’ * ■C[7C value, for . ............. ... » « I (III *slze ' ^ ■41 ^ ^ f S e , l ‘ l Royal ermine muff yrith alx drops . Broadtajl tor “baby iamb"]plalted \ ' pud 65-inch tlirow scarf- , ( n c muff and tie scarf to OCR"” tomatch—skin effects S|U. •watch .,*, t. .yw s l; ' H> ' .- - 1 1 ’ £ ' ’ • ■ ' p l * ' 4 -Xv-’w^ies $ 4 5 Extra, fine* rainlc’ pillow muff‘ and 'throwf with sldn , . M E “.effect*. *v, . *,,,■ *.'^s il Natural lynx-pillow muft ahd skin , scarf with mounted ' SJVJE head. , . . . . v, «, . Black, marten vlctorine in .skin ef­ fect and dropped skin 0Af| ; muff to match . . . . . . . . . .•PtfU j ^ Japanese mink sets as $ 1 7 ,5 0 Siberian' squirret sets ;a3 low as .,b, Jtlvfer mink sets as; low ■-fl.S * » m * n • r 4 # * low jEi^^ ■ *a*X*^'***>f'* Pointed Siberianfox muff and large vlctorine to mateb^-very 9AA handsomev... . . . . , . . . . .w v ll ' .Kolinsky and ermine flat muff and shaped pelerine, very un- (Q E usual ip style $«lw ‘ " *? * ‘ r ' Japanese marten, throw scarf, 35 in, long and dropped # 4 4 C ; ’ skin muff to match' 1 1 3 - .f - % . Kolinsky plaited mpff with tails. . and feet ahd 8-sltin $ 7 7 ,5 0 Genuine Wink throw scarf # 0 7 and. fiat tauff:to match, .-..tipOl Genuine chinchilla flat muff and throyT scarfvC0 in. PQE long ,«,* f#.»e , 'Gable or Isabella fox sets as low as 1 *1 . ' t" «• / •“ k T ' Sable, squirrel sets as low ’ as . y . , , i . .Black lynx sets as low " as..*. . . . . . . . . . . $12 $12 $ 3 0 Genuine mink ^ets .as M 9 E}1 low, as . . . . ?r;.$6.O0L $6 ,00 ^ * V* ^ Brown coney sets as Jow # 0 Cfl ft 8 v«k r Black codey sets as .low # 0 fill r &S, *•*.*’ +**•* i * * '**'* * * ** rv Brownmaten sets as low OQ fill • £t£| ^*4* * 41 • ***** * Im, chinchilla sets as low as ........ Im. enfllne. sets, as low' Our fur coatassortment covers tbe samewide range. . Electric seal coats from $17.50 to $25.00, Hear seal coats from $30 to $50. Hovelty gamients in boleros, etohs attd pony * Persian lamb coats from coat's from $200 to $$65, I t ’s to your interest to make selections now—we’ll do with you as we.have with scores o f others who have made payments on just what suited them—put them away till the purchasers are ready to take them—you receive better attention and liaye more to pick from than i f you wait. if, Krof, if, M>Reynolds and family) &fs. A. O. Spahhof Xenia, 'spent _ , . . . WAXT OKK:--Xjargcst bundle of LOCAL AND PERSONAL * will visit at Ulanchestef during the Efiday with her parents Mr, and clean newspapers for 5 cents ever ^ Holidays. - Mrs, James l'ovmsley. offered In Cedarvlllh. ! , «k> - Ihctufe frames made to order at McMillans. Prof. Xieroy Allan will Spend T hs vacation at his iioiuemWooster, (>M Mrs, W.J. Smith Is sufferingwith rhemnatism. Mrs. J. O. St6warfc_*nent fTiie*ilay m Columbus. Second band buggyat Wolford’ s, Storm front Included. - Furniture and CarpetsatMeMil- An'a. Iir, F C, tlglf'Sbeo bus an attack of pjii'imioma, MI«# bloremreForbes has accepted a IwjAtion at the telephoneexchange. Mr.-AndrewWinter haa been un­ der theweather till* week-a* a re­ sult of the grip. Mr, A, J, McEIroy has Teturbed from Dayton where lie visited his son, John MeElroy. * -*-Yott can get a Special price on corduroy pants all next week at jxsgmy xtros, ait slkeg atlS grades, year for these articles^ Miss Louise Smith had for her guest Miss Mamie Donahue of Cin­ cinnati over Sabbath. . wn Second hand buggy at Wolford’#. Storm front Included, ' A number of the teachers bote at­ tended the teachers1# Association meeting m Xenia last Saturday. -—An appreciative gift la a couch of tho latest pattern. McMillan has. aflhelot. Holiday Slippers —For blankets, storm fronts o t rain aprons, see the line, carried by R. K. l'ownsley. just the time of Mrs. Wm, Turnbull, Mrs. Oliver (Dodds, Mrs. W. W. Creswoll and ‘MissJennie Bratton Spent Friday in Springfield, , • Mh# Bernice Wolford of <’lnein- nat!, will spend t'bristinas with her |tarcnf>*, ’ Mr. and Mts. If. A, Townaley will enterfjnttrelative#at dinner rbrlst- mas. Townsle^spent Babbhth InDayton vMtiiig Jiis cousin, Mr* FfiankRnsley, who Issicle:with,ty­ phoid fever, '■ r'-r ■ . . ' ■ —Yon eatt'^efc' &special prke- n« .corduroy pants all next, week at Xagley iiros. All she# ahd ,grades*: r, Mr*!. Jesse Townsley, Mrs,-.■ j . .IJ3 !Andrew and Mrs. L, O. Bull;- were Miss Merle McFarland returned hy Mrs. Charles Ervin home Saturday after a visit with bf Xenia Tuesday, her sister in Dayton. Mrs, W, If. Barber is improving Mr. W.- W WrtImT» ^th fMd Tuesday from Bhdbyvillo, Inch, where be spent feevcral days in the interest of the Ifagar Gtraw Board A Paper Company, Mrs. Millard Snroade* has return­ ed to her homo in Gpringfleld Ohio after a Visit w'fthrelatives here, FOR HALE:— Oood sccohU-iyiihd, coal healmg stove. Jacob Lott, - -Huosicr Kitchen (Jaldnefs a ,7r” ’fJ',*n *ec^hnt that Iiappchcd a few days ago, when she slipped on thaporchand■Iniurett a knee3 McMillan's, Hccomt hand buggy at Wolford’s, Storm frent included.' —Brldonf f ihet-ty J’louf at $li^h y Mtt», The best flour on the nmrket, | Mr.^ and Mrs, L o, Davia and Jaidifders ana teborettes, a fine children of Cincinnati will spend the display at MrMJlian's. < tt \,lll pay y<*a to look at the un­ derwear, Sullivan, The Manor, is selling for 80c, Has aud $i.0o;J W H. Limestone street, Hptlugfteld, Ohio. Mr, W. A, Hp eiwhv haa resumed 'Mu worka*ruralcarrier« {eraslcgt; 0 typhoidfever, ’ Holidayswith relatives hero. - r . , a .. . 7, “Mr. and Mrs* Edward Kisbet of ,, , *, ^ 7 Muncie, tnd., are visiting here, bdioonets put Friday for M o I f Theywillprobablyremainsometime ’ day*andwiJl n^tiske upagnlii mv owing to Mrs. Xlsbst being in jn IHIWaitt»*d«yJanuary if* ■ h#*ltb. The Xenia city council defeated an ordinance last Friday night that it passed would allow the saloons to put up screens. The tcmpcratieo' forces strongly opposed tho meas­ ure.- . .■ ■ , .... On this page will be found the most beautiful advertisement over given the people of L’edarville. Not only is it pleasing to look at but troma typographical standpoint is as near perfect ns could bo made for newspaper purposes. While the ad­ vertisement is pleasing to tho eye it ift iiiSti'iu’Hvo w well. It is in keeping with the policy of tho house it represents, where tho hast of everyHung is to no found In the way of furs, MBaueyoft’»w is a name that has been associated with furs ttir over fifty years, With these years the firm has an assent to offer that few houses can boastof, uck» peneuw*,1 which means much to thos* ifhp do hot know quality, AND SHOES. Lots of ’em. Also Footwear for every day and season of the year. Our styles, quality and prices will bring you back ifyou try ns once. Comeand give us a looknext time you are in Springfieldi PRICES RIGHT, QUALITY RIGHT, Springfield,Ohio, M E.MaiaSt. jggasita8ij!aft*gaBifta3Mitft!Bmttaa^aaaa«x'!artiBa^.n*nftew^«w4>^giip^ GET OUR PRICES ON PR3NHNG |yvr*. j>«suv« i >Y;/ , . a, ,4LS i 'jl ° ' jda'-' vVT*i^& Ids,