The Cedarville Herald, Volume 29, Numbers 27-52

•F-*r E v ‘'li" a* *' * Lie Jt.L Pvilfo<"-JHpbl»v w ith Unit o f any o th er f i rm . . . , ffhe 'Cedarville Gerald § *ae/ci iicr.i ukea C 35 ?;cd v;.Pi C 3 j'S r( 3 rr] 0 ".,C''Y‘ta 0 ';.1::;" %7, ? c ' - ? | tj r x j l '- o acd o r*=^5t c - cl .'- JSCCt 15 OTT.Cttfy fkCJJCCi,» . . . , . * , L fi ’WJsNTY-KJSTIi YEAR MO, 51 ) CFTMRVff.LIL O H IO . FR IDAY - JULY 7(1 sQftfi PRICE SLOO A YEAR , HASBESICHEDS 5 S S ! ,.Tho Ledarvilla Btcc'ttlo Light(fom-1 pany, twiah to make thefoltartof1-! statement: '.; • • j rjfh»te appeared to.timGefofovilfo yix, B. B. Eoj-ca, who fox’ in opq ;a;i ton ycara Isas been the Ponn- Tiuqmwan a Joint.mooting of the inRtlfo-'u? njymt }..r;if,,<;:jKecor 4 i Juno 32-an atisele .a?t)W.riU«ta»*y board,. tovvnuhip tauBtees. i that the above mentioned eu’tlipd ,an^ committee representing the r;VL’slife resignation to tho i*m«par,y tufailjeoth'ctatoneo though he will jrinain yUtllanatlmr man is ueeumk Kovoral agents along the line have kinoe been offered the CedavviUe effleo hut up to the pyesent timo no one has accepted. The local o<SJeo is oiie of the hardest on the hue to / 1 U in that the-work foes* trendy heavy for one man, It is for this reason it is stated that the other agent 5 do not care to make the change- Mr, Forest Price, who was in tlm office before the tower was erected beingtbfi day operator, is an appli­ cant for tire position but, has only- had about a years expoifonco. Xfc •lj. ,c Kg tinner! tliahMr* Fl'iea may secure the place a$ he has proven to boafaithfall official for his company. Mr. -Keys Informs the Hearld that he had not expected tp resign until fall when ho would go to Orlando, Florida, where he has interests in anorange grove. The next day after ho received the telegram statmgthafc’ his home had burned he sent in his resignation and expects to leave for the South as soon as released,. - BETTER TASTE THIS. Tax payers in the corporation will have their appetite whetted up when, they go to pay fcbeir December taxes. If some of them don't have a case o f dyspepsia their digestive organs will be in good order. It fa reported that the rain will he $8.16. Property that is now earning six or .seven per cent and money that is bringing in five or six per cent may cause tax payers to wake up. and take notice of somp things.. THEN DRINK THIS. There has been' much said about the school house water in that it was impure and unfit to drink. Hon. George Little to test the -water at. the paper m ill. well. Winch is only a tew hundred feet distant, sent samples to the state chemist under their direction and bus re­ ceived tliereport. The water is pro­ nounced first class and A 1 pure, —No iiGfcdhaving to much bread at Once. • Six tickets for twenty-five cent entitles you to fresh bread daily. NagTey Bros. . •i|««i|i'law -ij !11 l ri-‘ 1Jk ■ —Everybody goes to the Greene County Rail*, August 7t H, 9,10. OurBargain ...Counter has been a w inner . A n d w e will con tinu e i t fo r ano th er week add ing t o sam e a num ber of th e b e s t barga in s y e t offer­ ed. Come S a tu rd ay— s e e a n d buy. Sets, each “ P in e A pp les” or two for l o e t s . (Suets. D o a .) Can th em uotv w h ile t h e y are cheap, “ today o n ly ” - -2 5 lb . Fine G ranu la ted Sugar fo r $1.25* Hardy P ood Quaker P u ffed l l i e e White IfthiSG M acaron i lO ets. t>cr P a ck ag e , 3-B am S ta r or t m o x S odp for ■■-■■■■ H)e. lib . A rbtick lcs or L ion t-offee for ’ New Comb H o n ey i>erlb. 20 c . 0 L o a v e s lA e s lt B r ead 2oc . 2 lb s . F a n c y t'a lifo rn ia A pr i­ cots fo r . Today th e “B ig g e s t S a c k * 1 o f th e “JJcst P e a n u t s ” ev e r Hoasted fo r ^ e* 3ets. I W i P a r lo r M a tches for 3e . d h t |o y o n ly . , Our Qei T a b le lia s M any Bagains irft, i t conta ins 1.H42 15 and"2fte arthdes a ll a t t0e-ls. each. Y o u ahont/E;^ ‘^ th em . Bird's Mammoth Store. been compromisednutf tlmt my com pany bad-paid Urn costa m the case. I knowof no compromise! until t saw tho paper of that date and taking the matter up Immediately with my attorney, was informed that there had been no compromise, I asked Editor Wright where be received hifjs information and he in­ formed mo that it was from Sir. T, B, Andrew, I kindly asked* Mr, Wright to inquire of the Clerk of Court at Xenia as to the status of the case and he promised a retrac­ tion If l»ewas wrong. The following issue failed to correct tho statement and a second time Tasked him for a retraction hut up to the present time he has failed to do so. The Cedarylllo Electric Eight OoM ger, E, G, Dowry, r . S.--Beiug* the attorney and legal advisor for Mr, E. 0 , Dowry and the CodnvviHe Electric Eight'Com­ pany in the suit brought against E, G. Dowry. and hlfrcompany would state that any report in circulation as to a compromise having been effected is untrue,' , . ‘' ' ' M, B. Snodgrass, , Attorney forE, G, Dowry.” - COUNCIL MEETING, A recess meeting of council was held .Monday night to ffmsh np the regular business' left Over from the meeting two weeks ago. The Clerk was instructed to notify the Pennsy­ lvania railroad throngh -the/local agent that the sewer, leading from the W. I1. Townsley property must be opened. The company lias here­ tofore paid lxo attention-to notices and refused to allow the writer to home onto "railroad property. - The money Was appropriated for the cutting of the grade on Cedar street and work will he fitoriedits soon' as the bridge IS fixed to re­ ceive the dirt. The county s urveyor inspected the"bridge last Saturday and will have the coping- raised about three feet. GLANDERS IN DAYTOM, Dayton has an epidemic of gland­ ers among the horses, a disease said to he fatal to man as well as best, Already many horses have been ordered killed txythorstate vqterinar- isn aud a score ormore quarantined. The disease is similar to distexnper other than tlierumnngdfone nostral, the left. The authorities have order­ ed alt watering places closed in or­ der ’that tho epidemic can "becon­ trolled. Tuesday ovening -iOErhorse owner's mot to discuss the situation and every livery and sale barn m tho city is under quarantine and no sale or trade can be made without tho permission of T. I j , Calvert, of Helma, the secretai'y of the State Board of Live Stock Commissioners. Tuesday morning 22 horses belong­ ing to George Slate, a Jiyetymau, had to be killed. They were appraised before haiid. It is re­ ported that COOhorses lit the city will have to ha killed to cheek thonipeato. college on Tuesday evening at which time an agreement was reached on matters'that could not bo settled at a former meeting. ““There was a committee appointed consisting of Messrs. James Oros- well and J. W* Pollock to examine the records and look after the trans­ fer of the Pollock lot fo. the college upon which the building will be erected. The architect is already preparing plans .and some headway is/soon' expected as to the ■ erection Of the building. ^ - The library trustees wilt furnish tho librarian, janitor, and such movable furniture as '1 is necessary ana will nrrmsh a gnmcenc amount ofmagazines, books, e tc , as will be required.'’ The imwm Imp s E«xn<! will ha oao one of the most popular attractions at the Miami Valley Ghautamijua this enimnor. The eleventh annual assembly of flip Miami Valley Chautauqua will open duly sxlilt jmti eoutfouw n«Hi, August llth, inclusive. The demand for,tenfs this year is foven larger than it was last year which was tho banner camping boason m tho history of the Chautauqua, TRAIN KILLED HORSE. Mr. D, II. fSullenberger lost his black driving.mare last gatutday- night, ‘it being killed by the early morning train going east.; Mr. -Sul lenbetger keep's hjs horses in the Thomas Wylie lot next to the flour mill and in some foamier they got out and wandered towards the rail­ road, • They bait crossed tlxycattle-guards jptfthe Korthup.' crossing »nd gone West, the idaefc befog struck by the' train When near tlfo deep fill. Tho animal was pitched forwai'd some distance-but was able to get up andgo down IfiATrack to the Mc­ Clellan overhead bridge, where it got out into tire road, arid died. The gray horse was xinlnjured. Messrs. John Eietds and -W. TD Owens appraised the loss at $150, Programfor the 15«>G assembly of theMiami Valley ready for distribution fo a few days. Parties desiring programs mailed to their addresses should write E- Gil­ lum .Cromer, Gen,l, Manager,-1814 X. Main fit,,- Dayton, Ohio, Ilev, Bam P, Jones, who has never missed an assembly of the Miami Valley Chatauqua, has been en­ gaged lecture and sermon this year. He will appear ori Battttday and Sunday, Senator Dollivar, one of the fore­ most platform oratorsfo the country, will be. heard at the.Miami Valley Chautauqua this summer* - ' COMMERCIAL CLUBS* Xenia has a newly orgafozed commercial club anil has started'the boom for “theater Xenia”. The introduction of gas there is expected to attract’ mahxifactures. Sprmg'- iietd has Such an, organisation and it-has done much-goad for the city in theway of making improvements, drawing new concerns to locate there and keeping the tax rate with m vreason so that moneyed men would come there to resided The tax rate hits more to,’-do with the prosperity of-a .village or town than has, anything else. Cedarville evi­ dently heeds Just such an organiza­ tion. ' ' „ ^ The enemies of the Morgeuthalot law aro at la:>t victorious m their - {iliOi ’t". was aedarmi uu- consititution^l.bytho gndremc Court of Ohio, las^week. We have no b yofc scon the decision anil therefore can not comment upon it properly* The law of 1888, which lias been m operation J 8 years, has always- boon considered constitutionali It was not special legislation, for it applied to everyt county in the state. | The grounds upon which- the law was declared void must be purely; 'technical, and we have, no- doubt that half the laws of the state could ’be declared unconstitutional upon such grounds* The law wes directed mainly to the uncovering of hidden stocks and bonds, and the wealthy owners of these been at wan with .fhd fli-ai’uFa AtrAKxitnna .i-ta.Vtticcfn.Q'ft i ■v-rev- -v*."*»*- 18, years ago* Failing, last winter, to secure the repeal of law, they have carried-it to the Supremo Court and were sussccessful in destroying it—upon a technically. Uulil the law can he replaced by a constitutional one, tax dodger's will haVo a holiday* The state,will losemillions Ofdollars, but farmers and home owners, who cannot conceal their property, will have' to make good tho loss. As an example of how the law has worked take the statement of M. E. Wariek, who for years was the attorney for Morgenthafor in Cleveland, For the year ending Ah£* G> fo05, the tax NEW LIBRARY BOOKS. The follfog list of books have re­ cently been added to the Cedarville Dlbraryt- \ f ; '■ ' The {spenders, Harry Deorr Wil­ son; That trintcrof Udells, H. ID Wright; Ptedra,- Gmustarkf Beverly of Graustarlc, Geo« McCuteheon; Lady Baltimore, The Virginan, Owen Wisfor; The Conquest of Ganmiu, Isooth Tarkington; The Debtor, Mary Wilkins Freeman; Hespcr, EHatfolton Garland; Tho Little Shepherd of Kingdom Conic, John FdX Jr.;-Gordon Keith, Thus. Nelson Fage; Tim Crossing, Wlnson Chorchlll; Tim Prospector, Balph Conner; Dovey Mary, Sandy, Alien Hogan Bice; Freckles, Gene Porter Stratton; Cherry, Booth Tatking- tou; Tim Filigree Ball, A.K. Green; In the Bishop’s Carriage, Miriam Michelson; Wlfcand Humor Poems, Kiley &’Nye; Opening of a Chesniit Burr, Barriers Burned Away, E. P. Iloe; Tile Beal Dairy of a Beal Boy, Henry A. Shitte; The Silent Places, S. E. White; The Yoke-, Elizabeth Miller; The Sign of the Jack O’Lan- fern. Lavender and Old Lace, Myrtlq- Feed; Five Little Peppers and How They Grew, Margaret SidJney; A Guernsey .Lily* Susan Cooledge. ^ . REV. A. B. HENRY RESIGNS. MRS. ROBERT STEWART. - The many friends hero of Mrs. linbett Btcwartwcro pained to hereof her very sudden death about mid- niglit Tin sday. rihb had not in good health but was able to b> around looking after her household duties. She retired for night feeling as well as ffmeial. Mr. Gtewart v/aS awakHMl by heavy breathing, bat hrforoassmtanea could be summoned tho spirit had taken Its flight. Dr. Spain* was called and pronounced death due to apoplexy, Tho deceased was a member of tho Presbyterian church at Clifton and lasurvived by a husbandanddaogh* ter. ; Tim fmiomt w ill be, held fr«>mthe late rrsidfesica Friday a t 1Uo’clock, intrial a t Clifton. MRS. ELIZABETHDAILY, Tho taneral ot Mfo. ElKabeth Dally was hold fcofli tho homo at hat son, Mr. James Dally on tho Eiitfob piko last Sabbath afternoon aft two o'clock. Sim was y«a m _of age and laid been ill for sama ilnia. Tho MurvleeaW (to esmdacted by Itov, ID 1*. Middleton, ID D*. the deeeas- n l being a mombt-S of Al. Ik Church at Clifton. Burial took ptatro at fhe CHftonwethtl!-j-y. NOTICE EARMERS, Pfomm Tofnitt mir ys-wn fftt-k wo want to iotm them aitafo' Kerr A Ilev* A. ID Henry who for tv/o years has been the pastor of tho* iteformed Presbyterian congrega­ tion, announced trom ins pttipffc last Sabbath that he had offered ma ro aignotion to take effect JUy£8, liio last sermon being preachcdthafc day. Bov. Henry has aeceivcd a call to tho Gerrard Avcnuo Presbyterian church in Philadelphia, a congre­ gation that 1ms about cuomembers with a Sabbath School Ot tlio same number. The salary of the former pastor was $3,000. Tho- announcement of tho resign­ ation was received with great re- great by many who had become a t iaolmd to the pastor and who worts so well pleased with Inr. work. Bev, Henry expects to visit his parents in Kansas before taking Up Ms new pastoral charge in Heptefo- ber. Tho Champion Bridge Company of Wilmington has boon given tho Contract for tho erection of a ctae! bridge over Clark's run at ^?hat is know 4 as the Melliitton bridge. —Gfoeno County Fair, AugustT, g, « amt id. —An elegant new liiduotriat hall has bean built tor the Greene Cotm - ty Fair* . . . COX STILL CONTROLS. The State Central Committee met in Colutnbus Wednesday ana selec­ ted Dayton as the .place of holding the next state convention to nomin­ ate the Bcpnblican ticket. Sept­ ember 11 amt 12 being the dates, Columbus is usually Urnplace of holding tho convention but Dayton was selected after a bitter contest. Senator Dick, who supported . all the trust issues and failed to support ^President Boosevelft on tho rate bill, wanted Cedar Point because there were ho newspapers there to give tho “machine” convention. The Cox, Herrick, Malloy, forces had abjqtuto control of the foe.-fc- fog aiid Herrick v clrosen for temporary chairman of the conven­ tion and tho Cox adhearant, Malloy, secretary. The selection of Herrick for temporary chairman is said to, have been dorm as a revenge for Ms defeat last fall. The anti Herrick forces Were un­ able to tide the strength of Cox, Herrick and Malloy and the conven­ tion will be conducted on the came principles that KepubliconS repudi­ ated at the polio last November. inquisitors of Cuyahoga county'ferr­ eted out $n8i,80S ot hidden property and placed it on the duplicate. The year before, the amount was $215,505, and the year before that, $881,939. Since tlio law went info effect, about $5,(JOOjOOoof taxes have been dollected fo the county by the. inquisitors. They received 20 per cent for Col­ lecting, but this.amount Wasadded to toX as a penalty for violation of the law. The inquisitors paid all the expense attending the detection of .hidden-property- and collection the tax, apd„frequently Ms expense was large, so that, th'e commission was not too great. * - There .is now no legal Avay to ferret out property hidden from the assessors Farmers will be the only sufferers, ns they are the oneswhose property Is ptactfcaily ail in sight? and every dollar dodged by the owners of such ’forms of wealth as can be readily concealed, must bo -made good by the owners of farms and homes mainly. Farmers should not tamely submit to this outrage. Let them keep up the agitation fer aii affective inquisitor law until the legislature meets again,, nud then unite their efforts‘for a law that Will malm men who arc responsible for this Supreme Gourfc decision wisii that they had .let it alone. , —Ohio Farmer, Harry Shull, who was sent to the penitentiary some months ago for the theft ot butter from the Townsley creamery, has been recommended for parole by the pardon board, Tlio Governor has pot yet made the papers out but. ho is expected home in. a few days. , REyOkVCD THAT WHEN THE H 0 T S P E I U corns r r w b e s t T o b e PRE P A R E D fOR IT.YOW f o l i T W ANT HOT W I N G S . ‘ C O O L A P P A R E L IS BECOA IW S I tt H & f W E A V H E H . fcO»VcilCUT.<no<>. BYTug Blnrrgfe.hnoWN co.fmtnGr? a a r a g y WH EW , BUT U N ^ T IT H o t ? YOU* R E A L l Y NEED N o I H r N d / M O R E T H A N ' A N I ^HT ^OWN AHD A PAIR. OP ^ L I F P d R.S dUT Y o U HAVE MORE T H - N T H E ^ e . P o T H I N THE NEXT BE<ST THINiS {A n 5 I E T U-5 JU6 YO U p 'JT JN . R E A L L I 6 H T - V^EJdH UNkERWEAR , ;NE ( j l , I t j -EE a 5HI*RT<S A N P A «5U|T ' . H A T WILL KEkP Y ^ U COoL . IT WON ' T Co ST y O.U MUCH— ONLY - 4 7 , 6 5 , $ 3 . 6 5 , $ J 1 . 6 5 , ' 4 3 2 . 6 0 , $ 1 4 . 6 5 OR $ 2 ^ P o R A ^WELL K I R ^ C H - , &A, M A N 71 .PECK SUMMER ^ U l T . . 4 9 C , $ T . O O / I ' i . 5 0 , OR U ' WILL WUNO YOU A PRO P ER N E (3 - • L I - E ^ H I R L NICE-HQ^E JOO - ARE d C o P .TH INd^ . T o ;A H oW ‘BETWEEN THE T o ? S o r Y o U R LOW ,5HOE $ A N P ,TH ,EB o T T p M S o T Y o V t .T -R oU ^ E R J , PR ICER RANGE 9 C , J 2 J - 2 C , . 2 .4C , A N P 4 9 C » ; RE^PECTPULLY ' , . ‘ THE W H EN , A R C A D IA - 4 P R I N G n E L l > ^ C i 0 0 p C L 0 T H E y ^ H 0 P . ’ * PASTOR INSTALLED. CatarrhCannot Be Cured. On last Tuesday evening, July 10, at the-First' -Presbyterian church, Bev, J, J l Wilson was' ordained to the gospel ministry and installed as pastor of that congregation. Bev. fil. B. Laird, of Prairie du Sac, pre­ sided and preached the sermon, Bev, George 3D Hunt, of Madison, offered the ordination prayer and tlelivered the charge to the pdstor,' jcongsurfaces. 1’Ue, perfect combination of and Bev. J. AV. Laugblin, D, D.. of ,t\vofogrcdioritaLwhatproduccBBiiehwou- Janesville, charged the people. The | d®**1*“ “1®*in^rlng Catarrh, Send for services throughout' were very testimonials) free. . 0 solemn and impressive, Since tho 75 c i L l Family Piit coming of the new pastor the church l u yj; ‘"7 seems to he taking on new life in !arc Ul° best‘ __________ all of its departments and the proh- •VVita local applications, as they cannot reach thoseat of the disease. Catarrh is a bloodor constitutional disease, and in order to onto it yovt must take internalRemedies Hail's Catarrh Cureis"notaqttacUmedicpio It'esoribpdby one of tho best physi­ cians iu tbio country for years alxf is ftreg­ ular prescription. It is composed ot the Best tonica known, combined a,\vltb thn'best blood;puriliera, actingdirectly on the lUU- FOR SALE. .McGormick, Deerfog, Osborn and Champion mower sections at Wolford's, poets for its future growth are ,very bright.—The Bichland Center, Wis, Democrat. —Harness repaired Hasting Bros. at Kerr & •—Genuine Jackson Nat Coal for the •cook stove at D, S. Krvin Co. Sunday Excursion to Golumbiis via Pennsylvania Linos, $.100 round trip from Cedarville. special train leaves 8:53 a. m. July 15, Go' with Dr; Clayton, Yellow Bprlngs/c., on excursion to Western Canada wheat lands. Ho farms there and know’s the country. ICheap lands and great crops. Tho L. W. Blair property (house' and lot) situated on corner of Bridge and Cedar streets, Cedarville. In­ quire of J. ID Hastings. 10d. —Get. ti free catalogue of Mr. K. It. Gfoive, Xenia, of the Greene County Fair. ........... .....»—♦ ■ ------- - -.... ...-*-1- BOGGAN’S TOGGERY SHOP ONLY EXCLUSIVE CLOAK AND, SUIT HOUSE IN SPRINGFIELD HbT. MydtoJ. Pivioo a?m mi exh'ndi'd visit with her parent®, Mr. ami Mfo, M. I t Bta.lgeiv le ft (Mm* day her iMnstoas Murifo^skosta, III., arcowpartedliy hi* fiiafer, M#s. as ILee iMaia Ifatlntay, iif liwennhoro, |Ky.. will visie hid’ «.while bs* Jte'f Ifofo foi* ht-f work 8n that city • Wisterman’s 1OurGrandJulyClearanceSale D o iT t i a k c com ebody ek e 's word T op i t en tire ly b u t com e in and cee fer y o u r se lf a n d th e n i f y o u ta k e a n o t io n t o b u y and a re p lea sed w ith th e gooda th a t ’s a l l ' t h e r e ' i s t o It. J u s t g o t In a fine lin e o f b o x papers, qu a litie s and , s ty le s s tr ic t ly u p - tc n la t e . E n g lish K ew -C a stle S od a wow In s to ck , i f n o t b e s t y o u e v e r used w ill |sa y y o u fo r b r in ing i t ba ck . G lad t o sh ow good s and answer queo tio iis, C R O U S E B L O C K Cedarville, Ohio. W h ich comm enced l a s t w eek , w a s a m o s t ph en om en a l su eeees. D u r in g 1‘th e en ­ tir e Week our s to r e w a s crowded , w ith hundred o f eager buyers w h o rea lized w h a t e x c ep tion a l reduction s w e a re offering r igh t in th e ir c e a to n on TAIItOR-pDESUlfS,SHIRTWfilSTSlllTS-l g O B £ e a s s s s s & ^ W 'Separate Coats, S epara te Sk irts, W a sh S u its , L inger ie S u ite , Sk ir ts, W a is ts , e le . T h is grea t s a le con tinu es th is w e ek a t e v e n grea ter r edu c tion s . E v e r y th in g in s to ck m u s t g o a s i t fo th e p o lic y o f th is h o u s e n o t t o ca rry o n e eeasoiT s good s o v e r t o ano ther , Tha tfo w h y our good s are a lw aya n ew a n d th e p ie v a iliu g fa sh ion s. Come and y o u w ill n o t b e dfesapo in tcd . P e te r A. B oggan , | 11 B, L im e ston e B t. BpriiigbdT , D h lo ,