The Cedarville Herald, Volume 29, Numbers 27-52

* l<< .'.V N i/i sS ^ THEEXCHANGEBANK v»n . ’■ rj''} r ; nfo ■ iTo: r. S,,'5A.r.i'i r: .1 u-^i faJarJcrr::^; •:2 ft u> nil tft'Jin. 3 . ir-LTD^tJ ?.i fU, C e d a r v i lle H e r a ld . 1 o m m j s m a . ~ “ ----~ «»***£*««i S&oo Pc**ycar» NRWVORK DRAFT 38J CA \K AftQNEVORDERS. TI;o c5y ° «s.4 sacst- &m» v* a; r l v&y «-> i p«fi money by rreik * ’ \! Waits Blade o*r EeaL Estate Personal or Collateral Security. IhnlstngIf-: sr35 '< A*^1*foO. JP*Jfo W«. HaiTSi, ■ Preaktesit. . <*, I». gfttp’Jf, CosMri, , ' L» K* WinKhbY* Aco't Cashier, t h e s e c r e t o f suc c e ss crrr-rr?--rs JWW 3 PLACING RESPONSIBILITY. ,-, Iflfcqty million bottles of AfigWtyiowei' ” ft>\$itt theUnited StntdS,alone since-its t folreriltrftUottl ’AttK’tiife jaeniapa fotfyif-. stilt ffi'qwing^ Isn’tifxat a line showing. 'o f success?..Don't it’prove that Augas* Hotter fcaa had ttttfsutmg success in the' enre^^ndlgcsOPP, aft#. 4y*k^?s[ft-*foe •worst enemies of health and happiness?’ <f#ocs it not afford the hestevioerrcethat AugnsTHowcr is a sure specific for all *l0s!3cli pudinteslsnri disorders it is thefeestof alllivcr regulators? , - r tJfAu^ugt Hotter has a matchless, fecaril of ovpr .35 years itt earing thp allf-g mil Jiotisxjf these distressing complaints.^ p , ^ISvo size* 3$a.and yse. Aft druggists Iriae Wirterman/Cedarviile, O,. - You dust . If you cannot, it is. due to an irritated or congested state of the brain, ’which will soon de- .velope intonervous prostration. Nature demands sleep, and it is as important as food; it is a part,of her building and sustaining process, Tins period of unconsciousness relates the mental and physical strain, and allows nature to restore ex­ hausted vitality*, Dr* Miles’ - Nervine brings refreshing sleep* because it soothes the irritation and re­ moves the congestion, ' It is also a nerve builder; it nourishes and strengthens ev­ ery nerve in your body, and creates energy in. all the organs, Nothing will give strength and vitality as • surely and quickly as Dr. Miles’' Nervine, J'Darfn* the past -winter 1 had two atfaeUo <! l.atirippo v.-filc-H left Jno wry weak, ansi la condition, X •was so i:;rvc’*s XeofiZii slot deep. .My • wife, after twins’ flifXoj-cafc mncolcc, west f r r a dc---P.iv Viio dsstor wna n-:t, anil a iieigUpor fceoauacRdcAnr, jjj’csjt iiCi'vir.c-. aod fijio tivoaniit JiOte* » holtla. i l-K! net Bfi-ptfor £omotime, mtsft Ijad ierrHilo pain-* la ray head, Alter taklav foxy Uasm Of iJeevlaft f:o jr.-iiti xva'j not vo-zovcie," etui X mlmh, l*&m now tahicir tl;o oficona L.*£i!fS n r l etat very thup ?*IraBtfovfid." msstR v 1 ? j «. BMi'Sis, vnaerfiia, vfc MEfes* ftarvintf fa cold by yotif ifnt-jqfst-, VJiiO\s;>i c'-'-VF.iRtce -that t::* liras pfitt‘8 witJ ter.fii'.t. If it a* will refundyc:;e nxeney. .• ■± „ Miles Medical Co,, Elkhart* Ind LSI Mtmwt . street vfrxt t„, Hi*\khusr’%*t 4 ^ ^ Hantnwsr,'IVa, 1003s, Iv;adlR s t a ftvaisawvs* B j ? fvrvhn cs::”c fri .0 o rr& S t ’a ".ulv:.-i r.-: . r c u ' j g,l-J i .. V':l: j £ ;• f'.-j ilh fip-jp 1 a\ I f at ’t’h nr .,1 f"T’-» lit, f tr .'n rJ i y-’lvdD &a r r;l 3 fc ra t>zr/j t£ C 1 && l,J€ •.K/lt. rv.J tLvr.;f.!, csPnV.j U (f.ocrr t v v.Mb tA.'h r-'r.v’V;,.! v," y-f. 1 r . 4 -,^ i-i£dC::n?-:>tcC.;;5(.y’4^--S , uf, jriV tn cr k liken, ur.lci.ii,’: ”:. 1 Lxc./Lroib 1 'JlhtJv ; 07 ,i<:f. ;’.ie - n r h r it- f l.K n ^ u O f! i... 1 ■ n a *>^ ’- b o c: W ID E O F C A B D U 1 T lie far-readiing -effects o l the feefewt ilmsmt e l the ICtassa^ s«Ffeme mirfe that galeoafets aitd brewers may bs'resFQSBiable fo r damages? for the actions o l m m wlffle imder the influences of Jfquor, have already beenmanifested in that state. If it shall he found that other state courts are disposed to follow the ruHpg of the Kansas court* it is apparent th a t one of the most effective means of curb­ ing the power of evil of irre­ sponsible liquormen w ill have been pu t into the hands of thepeople- ..Tlie ...firs t decision of the court has been followed b y a large number of suits in all parts of tbe.state. In Shaw­ nee county the fam ily of a man murdered, in a jo in t is suing tliejbrewery firms for, § 50,000; in Wyandotte coun­ ty , the children of a habitual drunhard’ •are i suing lo r §50,000 because they have beendeprived of theirfather^ care, ' H o t only the saloons ate liable, but public officers who have allowed liquor men to violate the law are not likely to escape; I n another county the widow of a man killed in a saloon has brought suit, against the mayor and eoun dimen of the town, holding that they were parties to the crime, and in a measure re­ sponsible in that they had not done their duty in abat­ ing’ the saloon* T h e ' man who was killed was not even in.thefight which was.respon­ sible fo r Ih e shooting, but was killed b y a stray bullet. Th is claim for damages has not been substantiated but the Woman is said to have good legal, advice that she caff collect* Tffe bringing of. the suit is evidence Of the sweeping effect the Kansas decisionw ill have. Courts are popularly suppos­ ed to be independent ofpopu­ lar opinion, but the law is a creation,1! and in a way keeps pace w ith the progress of the times. A s the saloonbecomes more and more of an outlaw courts may be expected to treat all those who are con­ nected with it as engaged in a suspicious business. Th e growing stringency of the legal regulations surrounding saloons and the evident in ­ crease in sentiment against the flagrant violation of law which has been characteristic ofmostliquordealers is bound to be reflected in the- actions of the courts* I t w ill not be strange in the next fyear or two, the decision of the ^ Kansas supreme courf, w ill be followed in m any others ta te ' .I f this is the case it Is un­ deniable that one of the strougestforossevermanifest­ ed against the liquor business w ill have been set in motion. I f . the^ saloonkeeper o r the brewer la tube held liable for damages done by a man to whom he has sold liquor, lie' is going to be m ighty careful who is allowed to buy, There is apossibility, more*; over, tha t th e business w ill- become so hazardous as to: make It unprofitable to; thousands who nmt find it.; the easiest why in ti® world: a living. There isi ;no counting on what a man. is going to do when ho is fu ll I of liq tio iv-H p riiig fidd S u m , ^ Wtait tht Wtrnmni* C*rii 33» M»v *4 1 , ' - S» ©«j€CtfrS, x r -;^ vpL/ V ot is : p tfceatcr kero cScn tka pn'iJcnVa CG 3 :Irnsn !:a^p tlo inar^stF trecairo fic crarfi r.^ rr-o'.p Ms cawfo^i?* clskrosli m t!w cprrlaa^ i t s®s c a lfteg for £0100 Wisifo Hons©garsfs* re- F 0 H THE UTTIE ONES. Vfi* En«rmsw* leg M*f* Which C*p«< ■ .... Cbr*#nl.iift{|,- - ' .'■» xaass a t wv in tlao ^rosid Is jtfokriiiy die o m wklch fills nearly ilse xvholc t f the in­ te rio r of d xm & u u b where fo fiat. Gcetaiasdoted s'foee before tbo d avq o f history. I t k believed to- now.: form a bleak ol«>at tO,O 0 O«q«are m fiettin area on‘3 aVoragrog « mile: and a fialf in taieJmess/ According io ibeas the Imnp of fov is larger in volume'’tfomfirs whole body o f water in th e Mediterranean* and there jls'enough of it ’to cover th e whole o f th e cn itnd ESngdom.' o f d r e a t B ritain and Ireland with® layer abou t seven miles thick. *I f i t were cu t into two convenient slabs and bu ilt up equally upon th e en tire surface o f ■‘'gallant little Wales” it ^ W A » d A o . j i d lm - n m u n miles high. The re is ice enough in Greenland to bury th e en tire area ' o f th e United S tates a qu a rte t of a m ile deep* y : - ■* 1 " y ( * Th# 8*H|ns Moon* < ’ Have yon ever had a*jchanee to see the moon as It was setting be­ low an unobstructed horizon, a t sea, fo r example -' I f so, i t was xiot th e moon’ itself, h u t Its refracted: image, th a t you saw us the- lower rim touched th e horizon line,, for the moon was- already below the' line* ’The atmosphere, ah th e Jbori- aon has a refractive power of ode- ha lf a degree* and one-half,a degree Is the-measnre of the apparent je II- araeter of th e fa ll moon. Therefore' when you .4ee the moon a t th a t time you don’fc^ee it. I t is th e same w ith th e sun, fo r its apparent diam­ e te r is also one-half a degree, - j .y .-ry-‘.m 1 - " % * G^mo of^ Change Seals* r , A ring should be made by the players.- Ohe choir should be xrass-i ing, and the- one without a chair m ust stand in the middle. A num­ ber k given to each person. The person in the eeiiter tken ealls th ree numher3, a n d 'th e persons who'have’ the numbers called must change places with each other. The one in th e middle tries tp get an empty Seat before the, Others, and th e one without a Seat then calls the num­ bers, and in fins way th e gome pro­ ceeds.- ‘ l • ^ ,>$«tt In tha^-tw* ( , ’ t I t is estimated that th e sea a t .present, contains 90,000,000,000,- 000,000 tons o f salt, I f th is salt should be gathered in n, solid form and Compressed in to the shape o f a cube i t would contain 10,173,000 .cubic miles. Each edge of such a cube would measure somewhat more th an 200 miles. This is enough to cover all the land on th is globe w ith a uniform layer of sa lt to a dep th of a thousand feet. Flyin# Fights. The flying flsh is one of th e few animals, if we except the aquatic birds* which can swim and also move through the air unsupported from: the ground. Among other fishes th e flying gurnard has similar modes of progression, and in insects we find quite a number o f forms which can awim and dive in the water' Us well as fly through th e air.—St, Nich­ olas. Conundrums. ■ What ia the hardest key to turn? A donkey. Why are grasshoppers like watches? Because they move by ■springs. ^ . When is an umbrella like a per­ son convalescent? When. |fe is r e ­ covered. - What is that whichwe never bor­ rowyet often return? Thanks. Origin of S um *diet. Nearly all surnames originally were descriptive, ©£ their owners, The Parkers were keepers of noble- men*bparks* the Warners were war- renera, or rabbit tenders; the Bark­ ers prepared bark for tanning, Pes­ ter means & forester, Webster & weaver* Wright n carpenter* bad so on. ' .......... . * tht> tUreteOe? Bearer*, Two- boyo or girls■ can get up a first e t o delndma by following m i the idea pMnred here. Tty It and tee what p n v friends say, Be«ft Uwalp, a moo tijera grew ‘ Vf> freaseaiow&crcKr.oeesfins*—-( Oze-y ^irewoadstowuntil 11 went«»aaa aoun a tan Wkezo a nrrtfv vllbga lay. VAcTiri tfio ia tftsirWav* lia .10 fcsiaonsJsfifists®as> m w offier#* U.ysi <awesJ a *t«?ron Jdfclcatv fcfcr.^, ’Us ealJ, it rafleil, miia nr ,'1-.50 utoa-a-- BWE) a stit:* tfifr*! Ato, ia fcorj ttftverttts m*>t tiMW tit ae» «»s x m » « i tmi < 4 tia wsi jmi. to keep carnages from etondlng at th e c a r ^ d tw ftly in fron t of th e "THATITAXESwompvEnssoE.' TOP HOST 1 ; >, v stafet" - ^ i 1 gtafion entrance, i t being necessary' to -keep that place ciear for ea?v riagea th a t were coming and going a t th a t point. President' Grant drove t o the station to m eet one of ■Ike incoming trains. While th e of-, fleer was in another place the cor­ dage stopped in, fro n t of -the sta-* don. When the ofScer returned he ’ noticed the president’s rig standing there and waited for i t to move along, • When it did not move and no one alighted the ofllcer supposed th a t the president bed gone into th e .station, ' , , • . “You know ns well n$ I do th a t you cannot s ta n d 'th e re /’ sa id th e ' oftjcm’ to the president’s eoaehman. •' “Do you know whose carriage th is is-?*’ was th e only answer of the m an on the box, , “ Tljnt-makes no difference. You m u st move.” But there was no move on the p a r i o f the ’coachman to s tir from the place, ’ ^Hawkins/’ ;came a voice from inside, “diil you hear what th a t of­ ficer said?” And the head o f the- president of .the Un ited S tates was poked ou t o f the carriage window. The carriage' moved;—Washington Cor. New York World.. How He |_o*t It. A party of Kentuckians, includ­ ing Senator Uindsay And members of th e house, were passengers on an eastbound train last fall on their Why to attend th e Opening of Con- gross.. i ’ Before the party retired fo r the n igh t the senator had permitted them to partake of the contents o f a flask, which, he returned with r e ­ ligious'care to the depths of his dress suit; case. * I n the morning as the train was, Wending its way through the Alle­ gheny mountains a member of the p a rty who had risen early perceived the .senator pacing up and down the aisle, an expression of disgust and dismay upon his genial coun­ tenance. * ’ “What’s th e matter, ' Isay?” asked th e other* “Matter enough,” wca th e reply. “Why* I ’ve lost th e b e tte r p a ri o f my baggage.” “L est or stolen?” ^Neither,” eaid Senator Uiodsay; bo mrir came o u t/’^-Amcricatt “ the co k Specfotor. Te!d by Paul Morton. A t a recen t dinner of th e insur­ ance underwriters in New York Bail! Morton, president of the Earn- ■III :qti: table* was telling the agents what he thought of coino of the move­ ments nowunder way for insurance reform. To illtiafrate his point he tow thm story of Iloko Sm ith ; “It woowhen .SmithWassecretary of the interior/’ be said, “that he woa asked to apeak at- a dinner which io an annual ^vont in Wash­ ington and which- Is never tab®* seriously; The secretary got upand made & long and severe reform ftpeccli. lie told what he was going to do in his own department* and he oifored suggestions as in reforms in other departments. I t was amost tiiimsnai speech for -tin's- particular dinner* and the guests wore much flurdrisod. .-•■ ' •. 'ft / ‘The situationwa^ relieved, how­ ever, when the pfoaideutof the din­ ner arose and in the most aolenrn tones Imaginable announced: ^* ns all foia M-singing, ?4I , Want to Be an Angel.”?w p a likebest fotafl s c o ir s EMULSION a forribeance it stands m tm» phatitaliy for petlta/nutrition, And yet in the matter of xesfor* Ifig appetite, of giving new strengthtothetissues*eatKCially <0 the netveo, its nttioa fo that o f a inddlrine. . f tf 1 t'irSvf* ftef BOWK, V f ^ ^ ^ \ £ ^ * * * ^ * * T h u W o rn H »v« Aiwav'g B o u g h t , gnA jw h fo li t m i n <i«e f o r o v e r ISO y e a r s , h a s h o r a « <h<* a lg u a tu ro ok j ? ___ _ a n d b m h e « u f o i4 a e w u a « h fo jp e r- s ^ f r , mw a lfiap e rv isfou s in c e i t s in fan cy , A IIo irnoo« -* to< le c e iv eyou iJi.f» Is . A ll GonntcifeitS* f e i t a f i e n s a n d ^W nsfoas-good” a r e b u t E x p e r im e n ts t h a t t r i f t e w i t h a n d e n d a n g e r t h e h e a l t h o f I n f a n t s a n d ChUdJcn—B spe rieuc© a g a in s t Expewm eu fc W h a t i s U A & 1 u H i m C a s to ria i s a h a rm l g # s u b s titu te f o r C a s to r Q lh V n x fr - g o ric , D r o p s a n d t o o t h i n g Syrups* I t vs PIcaKH*t» I t c o n ta in s n e it h e r Opium* M o rp h in e n o r o t h e r N a rc o tm substance* IN a g e i s I ts g u a r a n te e . I t d e s tr o y s WoiraB a n d a lla y s F e v e rish n e s s . I t c u r e s D ia rrh o e a a m i Wn*d Colie. I t re liev e s T e e th in g T ro u b le s , c u re s C o n s tip a rio n a n d F la tu le n c y . I t a s s im ila te s t h e E om l, r e g u la te s t h e S tom a c h a n d B ovvc I k * g iv ing ' healthy - a n d n a t u r a l deep* T h e C bU d ren 's V # a a c e » - l k e I l o t k a , » FriendU-, G E N U I N E C A S T O R I A A LW A Y S Begra the Signature o f The Kind You Haye Always Bought I n U s e F o r O v e r S O Y e a r s . thcccut * mi « rt miStiWtvtmetr. ntwvbiut cnv. “ Wo recommend i t ; them ! r ; ; iftny liettef*,, • - ''1"- l o mld^ummor you have t« ttr - to ft largf? dt'gvee to your butdiej/ W e ll C a r e d -For Meats in ?sot TveRther arc the only fciufi *-fJ h a y ; We have proper appliances I - heephsg^ them right, and thctye ^weet acd cafe when sold . Dcaq^ meftt shopping when it's hot. few o f tigam i he guve. ' •. /.‘I- ■■' C, H . CROUSE, o e d a b v i l l e , o . ’dam’s B e s l a n f^ — -r- f BSHrBiutnglooms %%rmt High ftad Limestone etreef Springfield, Ohio. B1 & G I B N E Y DpToDate. V ,- riuWu in ’ , ‘ SILKS* i t m , A s t surtmeut 371 -ff to 49 c. ^ B LAN LETS , com- forts* B ed d in g low ■ prices. . UNDERWEAR, Bar dies* Cents* Children 2£ cents up. qOODS , CARPETS , JACKETS* CAPES , and LADIES* Suits* Fa lsa le a t jiDTCHISOH & GIBpEY’S, KEN IA . OHIO. AyersPills Ayer’s Pills. Ayer’s Pills. Ayer’s Pills. Keep saying this over and over again. The best laxative, Want your moustache or beard R U n K IN R H A H ^ f lY p a beautifulbrownorrichblack? Use^;55wcs«.».iuu,*cR,sisarjiu!ft«» ». Nelson’s T Business sum C o l l e g e Arcade; Springfield, Ohio LIQUOR or MORPHINE Atlw, Plot»*!MMfc3dwllhJ»«c:r£at beefc ■keeper**»tt»ClJNrfc New is Z54hYe*“. OpenAll Vttr. BOOKKEf PINO & 5 I10R I HAND. W rit* for Catalogue. r The Genuine W ROGERSBROS: hwkrtfrt JtfcV Spoons, Porks,Knives,ric. W e all the qtriUflesfetdsW* . to a s lilp tifttl fifiioh of t!io beat sfof* K&gslke-riat oae-fcmttlifoos.e-elgSt!v i h o m z i,.. Hueli oS tlie ate?!W 'a& ^ oa tlife- markefe ;9 c a tM y tao tls& a a d light •forpK&ticai ti-e, and la fos> fa*- *>1% feriof l a e v e i /w a y f o n S i t c r I P k t e i L i i M em ™ as ! j €e&* u «* im ? m m m W0&»’ A\‘da aatetitfttes." Uar-foU toCe n;a)ik ‘njHi Koalas lz£k Iv'2 it, 5 g ;U i j Iraltr-f; i!ealr.» tttrjvibiSi!. 2Jost> tajIfig’OiK# io$ carca’u! g-ja“CM .'1 m m m wmvmis » ' ~m.» c m . fir*, ONLYRAILROADv £QUIPPED.%WITH. AUTOMATIC ELECTRIC BLOCKSIGNALS QUEEH&CRESCENT ROUTE Aim SOUTHERNRAILWAY >' . 'jrso ix CincinnatiAlocisKilli [TO ILL ItlMRTtlltT CITIES I Soudi, Southeast* , om Southwest. [ atOKmEKESS’ ItCNEtt oh tux n«sr Aw>mutt TUE»Awer MCE NOHTHTOJMHY MnnasooiH. PAULBROWN, T.P.A. CUkSW.ZEa.D.'P.A. , <2ndnB*tL W A*UATjRETT*Ccntrd TiUiagcr,. W. C. RWEARSO.V.O.P. A-, Sallies, I 3 tfiftenty *ort etk I rtlionef hsrttattnD 1 !rt:-.?33caaictc*to drink crORUQS. Ctz'i ter S'KaEoctemfiSttiSa*, MtxVirtli OtinlttnAnt.., COLUMBUS OHIO ON YOUR -____ H U N T IN G TRIP tvcc ^.* p .j r a r s ,. . , ftcn$o.cS toexcacg yvvnOiA . , . ‘fcots s.Mio w.09> oixoiauso, * itoa w ow j f«l t-r fg» — A, If fJ-Wl <S *2 i • *»•-'> tl'fj "ii Qxtz&r-s f* a to tiizez •- Cjt£> te.w*»o 3t StnVKCa Alttio M8t to o t QQ* _ .. s C A S T O R IA t o n r f im i a M a e a k K s . an Kind Y jb Hate Alwayseisf fiesss -t!:.e Slgnatmv.ftf' .as** REVIVO , wsTGrisa-HifiMitt Wc!!*l<*» o i mssmimwM MMn.wm w 'tttz f-.:? 1 « t»n:j yireiaa imm * w i w 11 m e I 5 t iV -t M; 2 iir 7 ,v.c^te*Tsi-IISEiaa