The Cedarville Herald, Volume 29, Numbers 27-52

POLS STM When E, B. Keys* sent in hi# jisigntlon jw agent ter th* Psmmty- jvainte TwirowleMuiMtoy the ptee* was tendered othor sgaftt# buj; tjhe ’ jx-ttunu In most svvry hutaaca awing to the hosvy w « | i. of work, J, •W.F»d*b*'ttffh of South Lsbwum* toft, ah e**y Job to tha town on the Little Miami shorn tot^ke ohagge l nfujsrger station* Mr* Baflahaagh took charge last Friday but up went ., fashand* theTuosday following. Ha wasswamped m wofk and thought a vacation net* aary, *q asked vo he rellyetl atoned* It i&sniff that he and his wife and’ daughter loft for Manchester where Mr* B»ria~ ,ba»gh will try tcjforget hi* experi­ ence In the CedarvfiL offloo. He had a house rented -and expected • to remain hare. It is said that the nuly conditions on which lie' would remain would ho, ah assistant hud the eonmjiftny ha*not yet given In Oh t h i s . . » ' “ I ' " ' i r ,‘ <v Wednesday morning found a very 1 plcsenfcgentlemen, Mr. C.S, Leaver, t orhoveland, roUef.agenfcfor the com­ pany m charge; Mr*Lepver when •asked,by the Herald »* to whether ' he Would stay, did not know hut . that he wouhl dothe best he conld with the wprk., • John Fields, Jess*Town* ««y » John Tuwnsley, J, B. Brown, |Robert Townsley and John Lang. ,haa% war*, in <3*1ambus Tuesday where they iaspaetoa the famous Hartman stock farm south of that airy. Several of theparty aredirect-* or* or the tVdaryiU* Hors* Comp- any and they were- % t wtalned InA Th** ^«^«pnay i# contemplating Ihe purchase of another horsebut'hxve douenoih'ng **ys(. ‘ 1 ' , * TOWNSHORTON HITCHINGPUCES. POLITICAL NOTES. Tfcfe fall for the oonnty Bepubli- ©an primary ha* been issued for September at* The principal’ ofitee to he filled' where - there will be etrong opposition will *he ^onimis- slphetv Misbelieved that the fight has now stenmerod down' to .two «*»»* H* B.Kash and A. 0,:Cari)eta- tef. , , r , - ^ j Mr?- Howard Applegate, deputy sheriff, will have no opposition. ■Th&e different ones are,'being talked o f for prosecuting-attorney, ’Grr* ■M,o;Hi",'Bho 3 grass,,aTvd Charles F. Howard*'1' ‘ 7 - The Hexpoof*Uto mass convention Wilthe held in <Benia Saturday at which tithe <telsg»testwill-bo Select­ ed to the *Democratic cougreskiouai convention to be held at Lebanon. A county flpkefwill also beselected. The Herald’*StandOHthebitching .**ck question that cahm up before council inmckus«dconsiderablecam- nwitv judging from the expression# given us by larmprs and business men, * The question o f bitching places concerns the .tarmermost from the fapt that he must have some place to put bte horse* The next w Importance la the m.erehkut who wants the* farmer* to hitch a» con­ venient to his place of basinets as possible,, Itwa$ In the Interest"of these two classes that the Herald took np the fight, knowingWhat it would mean ip a loss, of .business, Jamestown i* a place that believes in bitching jracks•,tor they can be seen in front of all the pfjmes .of business, apd numbers or them at that.'. ; . OedrirvIHe ban been short -on the regular bitching rack for about two years and to have an ordinance Passed making it apeualty to hitch to telephone, telegraph and electric light pbles, would Works, hardship «n the farmer-and merchant. Mr. J. D, Williamson received telegram last Saturday from Jtov. | C?. A, T©ong, statingti*at he arrived safe in Hew York City .that day niter a pleasant sojourn •on the British laics, ftov. Young filled bis pulpit in Philadelphia Sabbath. GEORGE FRANKLIN FISHER. t # ’•George Franklin BisberdledTburs* day morning after an illness pi several ‘ mouth* suffering from con­ sumption, He was *1 yeajtoot age, ba& beeu on the decline, tor rmore than a year, The funeral will he tUjld Saturday afternoon. FOR SAlE OR RENT. ywo store room* on Main street, centrally .located* beingopposite the post-ofiicc. JThese, rooms"' into, be thrown together and/ would make exceUenttocfttton foraiiy business^ fieiit rea$bnabl#^ For.information' call at'Herald office or Kidg- w»y, fi02B . Mkln street. I&yton, O. PUBLIC SALE. ■Yiaying^ bemd /.Vik shies • i CjConttoyersy;; Xcoto'fdiffctout':oneS a p ‘ 'i ,' T ijc ’ ‘ Herald repEfesebtoilvc' ivcn^bvef:tltol, v ^ sale <pd $fri®P o f town A PEDRO PARTY. IT WAS SMALL PAY. Miss Zola Hownard entertained about ten couple* Tuesday evening A-HutoinVuspaperm,speaking of the release of Harry Shull r from -with©aids, pedro beingithe game, the penitentiary baS- tbe following Prizeswere won by Mr. Hed Bar- ’ tosay:— , •herana Miss Fannie Jackson. Be-}. ghhliand threeothersbtirglmbsed, [Was 'five pounds, and he got a year cbun|edeight vehiclestoloseiycrowd- ■-oex ftuu. luifi * 4 *®“ y ’p « u u » n c i tur^e otufirn u -ffeshmbntsyrere served. the. guest* ‘ a store and got away with in dainty style. Iof butter. His share of 1 ........ .................. ....... 1 ' • fW jue -five bminrls. anrl lie places, in fact, the only regular provided ‘ places In town. ^ We found at the different poles as tallows: Wolford shop, Two; Pet- tilbrd -barber Shop, threc; W©imer< NOTICE FARMERS. Please return onr grain sacks as we want to loan them;.' ftgmfi. ' ' > * .-jK e r t,* Hksing^ B*o^. tor eachpound. He was la the pen- itontlftrjr- E-20days and goVles/- tbatj one-fifth ofacenfca day for hi* time. uuu^ **u»M9A meat*shop* tWo; Bird’k corner, one* alongside <»t Bird’ s one; Mitchell, throe; Finney restaurant, one; Crouse block, one; Magley grocery, FOR SALE. M ' Haniel .Coffey spent a day or bo , help the Amt o f ’ the week* Bel ' leffc-Wcdnesday to join a party of |and cajf_torsale. Inquire o f W. I . -n i u e m e d ' a * An excellent pure-bred Jersey cow v iia ftlf' * T ' ' w r J \|Smitls, Asuinmaty oftiieabovbwill show thafethere>'ere?fattb'erbgularraeksf; iwnt at fim poles 22. -Theneccssity of more racks i s .appearaut- and a, flue tor bitching to a pole would* be■outrageous under the ■>present circumstance*.; . . • .. . Leghorn tdilpkeua Jbe cattle are mostly registerod Polled Jersey*,. ^VS-' Srn 3 The adjourned meeting of council last Friday evening did not bring forth that whichwas looked tor, the ordinance waking it a flue tor f»mi- ii« .S’ 'ctir,, ’ *0 % telephone, electric lighter telegraph pole In the corporation. Tbq ordinance was read for the first time, but as only tour members werepresept the rules could noth* suspended and placed op the other two readings, Messrs, McAfee and Gillaugb were,absent. The article in the.Herald giving an account of what had^beeh pur­ posed » t a tonner/meeliu^' brought out Several new faces at the Friday evening meetmg. "We doubtjf ever a subject was proposed by the ’ •gang’ ’ - Or “anyone' else that ha* so tboroiigly aroused -the people. FarnVers. have ,ho liesitapoy in ex­ pressing themSelyes in. ine mpst surprislngmanner of the^conducfc of the * ‘gang’>leaders, ”, ^ ' Tbeoruinauce did pot stole ‘wh^k ■file df:*tr would’ be tor Such an. of­ fence, that part;behig left tor coun­ cil towW in. Mot a- man dared to say a word," even.- “ sunny ’ Jim” fitnseif,: ?%'i Jame4Bailey did notbave his bond ready tor the Oeddr street imiprove- menfc ana .council -.ndjournOfi until ’'Wedn’esaay;evetopg.A^;^ ..A; The meeting Wednesday . was Short and -sweet.'«Messrs. Weimef and ^broads cDald nofc leave -their business just when the 'second bell rang and were about ton,minutes ' £ & ? 0 t * V £ O THAT *5fcME PTOpi.E tm rHH m tt they &> L ook w ce v tm KNV tfmw they txm% r w w & m ’f a t m e m t a FJHEPLACE VE tfffO ljLP look as v&bt as w t cm mcms£wm Wf-cm LOVETOSEE PEOPLE WEAH y " m a s t , ? Do t e a 490<k&?THETlW5T««*ffV«CO* >4^A \ E Corj y, aaetioneer, R. I-’, Ken, ctork'.- v BROTHER CUTS BROTHER. ■sr and' adjourned”himself to the bufsitto- Weimcr and Sluoadcb ippoared, but the “ gang” leader would not --i. / ;A~butting scrape took place;1 be­ tween Fltuer and Bari .Robinson at thcir Abme lasl Sunday *afterimom. The trbuble'wasover sproatonf "earn, Elmer claiming that tapd*$ not. get ,’bis 'share'. A raior,was - used,op Bari wUb'good cdtect^'A cut on the arm.and a s1a*b bn the .side to *the ribs was the ente«t- o f it. pr. ;J. O. Sfatw&rt. sbwed Up tbeWounds. A hearing was beld before. MayoifMc- t-’ Farlaud Mouday_afb?rnoon at which Urn cutting was in a- spirit of fun. MayorMeFurJUind hound him aver to the Grand jury under f250 bopd. .return He evidently forgot the times council has waited until a m w r Yoif LOVE roK oTH^Tt PEOPLETO ^EE YoV IWEARJNG T^NY T 06$f IF YOU PoN^.T RELIEVE . VEAR.m<3 doo ^ d o m e s h * il « you ^u^r tr y IT ON E: to ' NT THE PEOPLE YOU KNOW Who HoLE> TnE dE^T P0-51TJoN^. THEY WEAR.GOOD CLOTHED, WnY NOT TAKE A TIP F*RoMTHEM? A^K THEM WHERE. THEY GET THELR. CLoTH'.' ’4 .PATCHED\SHiRT^;- *5oCKbSWITH HOLE^ IN THEM OR FADED. FRAYED. NECKTIES Eli HER* WE JUDGE fAFT. Take*Advantage of these Greatly Reduced Prices. 'T*v*r- m Men's G ood y ea r W e lt o x fo rd s $3 .00 va lues, n o w ' $1.89 , M en 's G oody ea r W e lt shoas $3 .00 va lu es, n ow . . . . . . . . -$2 ,39 M en 's a ll-so lid $2 .50 cen t shoes, n o w * . . . . » « . . . . > » * ' " -$1 .79 M en 's a ll-so lid w o rk shoes $1 .50 va lues, n o w . . . . . . . . . . $ 1 . 1 9 L ad ies’ $3 .50 ox fo rd s in K id and P a ten t C olt, n o w . . , .$2 .75 L ad ies’ $3 .00 o x fo rd s in K id and P a ten t C o lt, n ow , ,$2 .48 Lad ies’ $2 .50 dress shoes in K id , n o w ,. . . . . . — -------- $ k 6 9 E v ery th in g in ou r sp rin g and summ er s to ck su b jee t t o these cu t p r ice s n o th - , ^ in g r e s^ v e d . ' ■ " HORNER BROS, & CO. N o . 39, S ou th L im e s ton e S t. Springfield, Ohio, TheKew York SunsaysJufige Taft cannot be nominated toy president a^ < ■«l °*j ^ * 1 rt J j He bak net profited financially by hi* public employment, ’ , , Hfs opinions as a -Judge Titore guided by the law and the fabto not by thb pnohe" temper, : . He ‘ is unafraid. , J HJs abilities are ton eoimidferabje. He exudes energy. He to' too. unselfish and despises peanut politick, And be might take it, anyway. The embtoyment 6t sarcasmAs'ah argument to often !mo*t effective, and this to one bf the instance*. 'Rut* throw these reason*on ascreen, and nee liowtliey blaze. Why, theylight the whole heavens* and throw a ra- diCnccover theearth, Unselfishness, conscience, courage, ability, noble politics, mbdeBty-^there they all are, and What more -douid one ask to grace hmnanity?Ahd this, too, from the 2tow York Sun, which would rather not sec a virtue tlufnto make a mistake about it. I t really seem* that the country Is getting ready for the day whep it will be just as easy tor the Re­ publicans to nominate Judge Tail as it will be for President Boose volt to says “ There’s your man*? —Ohio State Journal,. game, pf pool was finished bpfoto he would edmeal the_stolieitatiohjoOlifiL officers.',Tiieir aguto -the Wednes­ day evening meetingwhs the third ht\ tl,ie moptii iind ' this law ' oply allows two meetings at $2her night. HI* needless ^to"say that had the ^gangtTuiembe^bbeA.altondilnig fehei first or. second meeting he'would have h^en .there yet. ' - ” Ai(other object in getting away stop- th*.action of council merphansn «In" -kiHsng_ js>pe .JjtiLuHlft., .M_gah^’^>pe^, measures. Bi^ice ffib last Issue qf the Herald the mem­ bers o f council have,token some­ what different view o f the matter and are now.dead against the .ordi­ nance proposed to satisfy personal £jplfe«* ri‘‘ ; • The prediction is made that coun­ cil will kill the measure and when such a thing to done the people have once.”' more downed the vicious menfc that has become a leach on H 0 5 U R Y - F o R 2 4 C . 'V E c a n l e t y o u h a y ^ ^ o m e '^UMME ifL ' U N D ^R lY E A R THAT W IL L KEEP YOU COOL F a R MONTHS Y E T . CHEAP T d o N O W - - 5 0 C THE VHEN^ ARCADE, #FR^N< 3 FIELD <,5 GOOD CLOTHED 5 HGP* S. VOWT MISS OUR. CHALLENGE ^ 5 ALE. CafarrhCannot Be Cured. . , - WidiJptot **. IA»s 'iim i tbesestef tltoUiwN^e itho puhlic body.1 Connell meets again tonight. OHIO STATE FAIR KAUFMAN’S Clearance Sale of Clothing Close, Saturday, August 2 fth, If you want to buy HIGH GRADE CLOTHING jflt Greatly Induced Prices. Don’t fail to take advantage of it. , ; .. Springfield Ohio The Ohio Stoto Board of Agrl- cultcr tomaking active preparation* for It* annual exposition offthe.State Fair GtoudisColumbus,fl,tod,? In this connection our. Annual GrangeReunionwilibe remembered. This year the datetf are Wednesday andTl»iir»d*y, September5th and 0 th. The 'prekCM year providing"one unusual activity irtGrange workand extension, anq a very large attend* ance Of patoniato ahticipated. Our new and eleganthall in theAdmifi- istlatlon'" Building toadmirably sit-' uated for Grange headquarter* dur­ ing the Fair. PatronsarrivingWednesdaymorn- wilt find a reliable brother In charge jot the hall, and baskets, wraps, etc* will be safe lit hi* c£fe, Some prominent ont-of statespeak­ er will; be in attendance, on both day*, ffhfe forenoons Will-be given tosocial and fraternal function*; the afternoon to music,'recitations and address. The BxposUion to today ♦recog­ nized as one of the greatest edu*; catiaft force* In the country* The Grange has always stood for it* developemenf, and every mem­ ber ot the Order will he Warmly welcomed by the management. Let a* all make preparation* to attend tin* Bouillonj extend our acquaint­ anceship, teheW our friendship* and witnes* Whafc mad ha* to* arte and science*. ,-The entire plant,belong* to the people of Ohio, and we should alt “ try to be (herd..’ Fraternally. F. A. Dertbick, , j Master Ohio Hfate Grange* \) B. Limestone St. Tin Can*, Jelly Qiaase* at Nagley Bros. Saturday night firedestroyed the bwo story frame residence pn Ghest- nhfc fittoejr, owned by Miss’Sarah F. Watoop, of'SOutb Detroit street and occupied -ns’a tesidnnee by Mr, Frank Jfewtond, firettiauou the Pau- Handlc railroad, _ The -fife broke Oufcl about; 8:S0 .o^fclockadd- was caused by Mr*. SjteWhmd dropping a coal oil tamp. Sh e ha d come’ down froni the up stairs, earring a'Very large lamp which contained abouta half gallon of oil. She djd not notice a door staotfing-'partly Opened *hd fan against it attd the lamp was knOked from her hand. I t “fell to the floor and-exploded and immediately a ghoetofflame sprpngup, Fortunately for Mr*. .Hewlaud her clothing did not catch and she uot at ail burned. Her first thought was for her little son Ernest, who was asleep ih ahother“part oT“ the housK she immediately went to lite rescue and. carried him out, at the same; time giving the alarm of fire. A * : Soon a* she got the little hoy to place of safety she returned toa room upstairs and took out a trunk which containedmsursnce papersandsome article* of clotnlng, -She also saved some silverware. L.ff few of the neighbor* were at home and before touch aesmtouoe arrived the fiauies had spread toan extenfcthatit wa* an extent tnat it wa* impoeeible to care much of the household good*. The departmentwade the long run udder difficulty. The street lamps In that vicinity Were out and the street to in such bad condition that it wa* a little hazardous in the darkneis for rapid drive. The flames were ’finally put. out but not before the entire interior of the house hail been wrecked. The fire not get up into the roof and the exterioro f the house does not show much damage from the flames but the exception of\mje room wa* homed out and cafpCnters who have examined it pay that there is not enough materi­ al left to j»ay for tearing rt down, A gded portion of the household goods belonging to Mr. BolandKyle, father of Mr*. Sfewland. Th# house; was i&snred for |000. The household good# were also partly insured. Mr. and Mr*. iSbwiand are now at the home o f her brother, Mr. T. Dales Kyle, will remain for « abort tithe when they expect to take np their residence In Columbus, UhtXlte. i bloodprconatitgtionat di^n-V,«nd in order ’ to ettrp it yog retorttaketotem*!reniedtes Hull's (MarchCureisnota^nackmedicine it'Was jwwcxuk Utoy ope ottha'Ocst pbysl- „ clan* in (his countryfgr years -andisa-reg-» alar prescriptiun'. It ia coptportrt of tlie best tonics known, Combined y?ituibe boat blood purifiept, actingdirectlyOn the rton- ci'toafcuriacef'. The perfect tointUnrtlon of two ingrtsdlwitaiswlwtproduccssuchwon- lerfui rcBulbfinCuring t'itatth. {fend for 'testimonialsFree* '. [ ! • ' ' AddressF, 3, C1H2XBY & CO, Toledo, O. Sold bydrtrggirt, ?5c. JHalPa Family Ftlln are tiib best, * - ,i 1 I “ Try ■O. P. Nagley on'your next Order of 'groceries. HORSE FOR SALE. A horse that women or school- children* can drive with perfect safty,,Just the kind to drive bank and forth to school. For sale cheap inquire at this office for particulars. A Shifts, working:, and Dress* Over* alls and hosiery at Nagfey Bros* M *■» J ■-I '1 Wisterman’s ( Mr. (\ F. Mlnser formerly of ihc ,Mnncto, Indiana wrvlds has boon prmnotetl to Agent o f toe American ’^toptoa* W , MftfM' at Altfh. |to Is agood place to buy jtH the meditiftes for Ailment# meidenfc to hotweather and thedevelopmentof malaria, - Many popular brands—■' Keep Cool Keep as cool m you can, ■ ■ 9 * ' i during this broilingweather; and when in need of any thing In the drug line eafl at the almve place where you can have a square dead at all times. ' i t‘4 ! vu .. ■ai ft Wi& a m u s e b l o c k Cedarvfile, Ohio. y o ,’Sff nf*4-