The Cedarville Herald, Volume 29, Numbers 27-52
mil ■;!>*• i°, i Jir' ;$WM [ R O T T L E D I LRY. CIFIC iCAGO &£A ** N *' S.t^Y?*£L f~[TH i H i Hijfl txvd ltim 0 ®* a ft- Vitt oodAfant wbk f 0 t‘ a^y otiwspitm . , , M e r a l d , This -km* *& «» steikg# wfck m h^vd«iwti«tfc*t ymr #&wm* l« pm due m& * prwwj* n^mt* m x * v & m j m m assess HO, 36 . men*l«earthly dwu#A. C E D A E V K iB , OHIO, FR ID A Y , 0 E P T EH B E R . 7 , 1905 , PR IC E * 1.00 A Y E A R . |T£STl [HEC0«™. ’**& locfl caucus wa* halfi last i*y evening by the “•‘fiimg" to tdiskgateB to ths oounty eoite oilheld mXcuiA last Saturday Aft; result M the managers like to have had I t For the fof the thing' names of differ- im«n were select «U as 4«Jag*te« ti do noVmeddle In politic* and p^oalil not attend. There weste reasons to r this* First to fly * of respectability second 4 '‘Boas1’ a chance to vote |h| slogftlon, as ha Wisb«tf by thhir ‘yfag absent Only two or Hire* of ’ ^a«e rained had anything to dp * lk the caucus. - ‘ - In the convention at Xenia the >/allowing delegates'and alternates la die Republican ^tate convention ia P*yton wereselectedbyGreene CoBnty Republlclana Saturday f t ptiegates: ‘Hon. H. I I Stjuith, Hon, Jjewge*’ ' Little,, fXen*n| * John % ’• IfSteYenBon, YellpwSpwngSsi; IV Q, Jane*,Beaver Creek; H . F. Howard, i *lMi*pA. Ffialkrter, Caesar ,ceek; GeorgeEllldWj, Sugar Creek ; ftE. Schmidt, •'•Alternate*J M , L. Osborn; Henry Johnson, jCeuiavi," EriiewiS/'Hosst Joseph! ^watty,-Xenia; Isaac ISJyans, Spring p l=Y^iy|.'j? i^FollOCk,; Ceda^yille.;, p” % 'th jkPaitdn, \ Jateeston.; The I ^delegateswere instructed‘to Votefor Hon. Horace Aokeney terStat© *>ndFoodCommissioner. The resold-; tSmsendorsed Prefeldenh-Bdosevelt, *'^Senators FCraker and Dick, -Hon. *ejat. E-. Smijth for Congtessnian,. m rttie Sixth district, Hod; George fe/BUtle and -Hon. Hbfscet Ahkenoy RURAL ROUTE CHANCES. * * tv »\ b . V-t/alt < Last Saturday there changes Inthe ; 1rural routes of this county went P?inh»effect* Thh. county hap been V Changed by orders of an Inspector some'of the chapgeswili not he t>*fttfsfiictory alt round'. Hr, W., 4 * 3 gpeucet' had Thl*route shortened t about two and % miles, '-the por- ’k'ftoh the-Clifton and Xenia pike, to ‘•{'Clifton hegid given, id the .Yellow "f Springs ojffltce*' CedarVllle'fo^year* Vlias had the Clif thhlh-W l yellowSpringMibw^ XehialMwitwo I nb\v loutes started Saturday, ‘ SEPTEMBER WEATHER. X « xmy emb€?Ba i ^nd during Sept. Storms, heavy rain, "changeable temperature, with some hot day* « id cooler nights and mormngs, Wisli COO I CQ Vr the rain* at times changing- to snow rate, espeelallybetween8thawH&fch, mvermen and others should pro- tect property from heavyrains, dam- aging winds andsudden dnngerons rises and high water daring Sept ember, j ■ between 1st and 4th—Stormy, heavy rates and highwinds. ,, 6th,6fchanrt7th-r-Unisettledweather. FromSth toJSfh-ChangeabletemV per«dnre, cool to cold wave, high Winds and heavy rains probably changing to mow at times, Hate andprobably snow and rain at Bayten, Ohio, Hth and 12 th fedn- ventlon), ' *■ . ' BetWeettteth and' Hth^Cool rate and wind stotms.' 20th and 21 st—Hlslng temperature, afhrmn, high Wind and rain, * Between rain and high winds, Between 28th andbOth-rUnsettled Weather: min M x im * FillFEST GREiTSHOW. Ctectenatt O., Ang.-r-fSpU^Twp mysteries are keeping tbe' visitors to fch* Cincinnati Fall Festival guessing. Qne is the weird picture entitled uIn the Shadow of the Cross” * the other I * Auto girl. •The picture’ is on exhibition In MusicHall. Passingthroughheavy curtains, one find* himself in ah* solute darkness, save for the ard* ffcial lights in the room. There Is seen a' picture 'of- the Christ with handsfoldedacross his breast, The1 KASPER IS DEAD. Word was received her* Monday afternoon annoanoteg that Haspar Mllborn, ef Cbioegohadheen killed, Mr. James Howdy, Xenia grand father of the untorfemato lad left that evening f<wChicago. The Chicago Tribune ' •gives the following account of^tne oeaiiix' , ‘ ‘FlippingautomobSes,” asportin dulged in by many small hoys on the north side, ended fatally yes* terday for Kasper MBhum, iSyear* COUNCILBUCKS CLEARDOWH. MISS EMMA RNNEt COLLEGE OWNING, Council' met te'regular session |ifdnuoy Mayo* McFarland being absent, ann Freaideat Aon drew presiding. The first business o f importance w*s tfae^election of a member to dll by fhe removal stract,only j of ,^narlw Ciliaughto Bayton, Tphe names of Prof, F. A . Jurkat md' WINNERS AT COLT SHOW. The.cOltslfowkeld-last Saturday great; success, 'ther^bethg, anumber of enteries. For the FevQhoron horse Janies Fan Stole took Brat; A. B. Grooves, second; ‘Charles Gwens, third, " ____ : . first; David Hakestraw, second; Ohartos Bales, third. Bandy - Been, t Jack, Brat and second on. yearlings to David Bixoo, George -Powers first on Sprtng^Ooiti‘ and John Turner, Second! 7 The judg-’fl !were S. ‘ T, Charles Dean, Edward C aker, GROCERY SOLD. ANNOUNCfi*fEf)TS. %e are authorised to announce thename of A . G» Carpenter of lamcstown as a Candidate for nom- iKatloufor County oomruissionorbe fore the Republican Primary on September 22, ’ Wears authortoed toatmnuucethe name of Howard Applegate asahan- dadato for 'Sheriff before the B«p* ublican Primary Election. We arc authortoed to annouhoe the nameof John C. Cbnwell a# a candidate for County Oomnaiadoner ..before the Bepubllcatt Primary. Weare authorised toanuounoa the name •of Chari** F. Howard of Xeniaas a oandldate for re*nomiua ffonfor Proseoutlng Attorney before tlie liepubllean primary. •, Daniel B. WeBeon, the revolver manufacturer, baa left a forteoe e tlniated at $8O,00OfK)0. Thin mtte may be regarded a* the meaimre of thevaluewhich AmericaaitashoS 8w the revolver, for it I* In this country that the partlcclar brand of plsfoff i» most widly used. 161* aneuor-* tnous sum to stand ter tfi* aueoMk of a single de»tb dealing weapon - - a liomleidal luxury. Mr,'Oscar P* rTagley who’purchas ed %& grocery storeofMr. I- F. Puf fer about five weeks ngb has sold the Store to'M4 Price father qf Mr.jP0^ rest Pride, the day operator, at the tower- Mr, Price has been m bus iness In South Solon, Midway and. ridjsoihis ,*tor* m . _ Judb recently* ,The? invoice^ took -pla^e Thursday, at which time Mr. Frioo took charge! ’ backgropr sky,' Then all lights are turned out, As one** eyes grow accustomed to the darkness, the Christ appear* distinctly upon the canvas while backo f *him. is the shadow.o f the cross, ^dentists, painters, and other people have attompetod to fathom tbemystoty andhkve fatted, The picture Is the Work,of Henry: Hammohd Ahi; the well known artist, who plato* himself on record^ saymg 'he had no .Intention, what ever o fpainting the cross-teto/Hie ‘piothr%„ fjC‘ 51 Xa Auto Girl is either a human being or V girt-offlesh, and. blood; HObodykhoWSwhich, Shejsto be, kebn. IntheBackwoods fun in 'Wds'h* on to the stage in ’' securely fastened; -with iron clamps. < The oyeiatoP':tohke|;iiis,aniigupceteent; upon the Boor. Hy a moves, her arms,"head apd body in imitation 'of:.a' human-being nud while people are alidwed' to chlphhs close, as they like fo ekamiho thb ^ikdh- ‘i another button pfosscd.- Hiowiy a smite appears* upon the features Of the doll-like automaton.’ Then it says thank you” and walks off thO stage leaving everybody-thon- oughty'- mystified add guetoteg Whetfier thfe.figure is ‘» wonderful mechanical ''a wohian. With an egualiy wonderfully' control o^ ri ;hai;..ter>8htesana;hervon.' : i child of the widow, Young Milburn aart two compan ions were stealing rides on passing autosiuCassstreet,nearOhio.When they were discovered riding on an is the Woe and gray***®* t ^ OhuffenrsteFed down and J-- - toldThemto getoff. Jtunblngoffsud denly, Milburn rite fr e e ly in front * .... “ ..... oi.nuother auto driven by Mtohel wart, 42yearsof of age, 1088 West Ooogreas street. Despite Hirtte efforts to stop 'the machine, it ran over jbhe boy; chrus* ingbis ntekj Deatu?was inBtantah* eous, • WithHart, were sightseers from out. of 'town. *' , .*■ - Hart was arrestedand- laterroieasd,' An inquest held, In the afternoon resulted’ in k verdietof ” aecidelal death^ ,* s. i :k *• i f The remains arrived Wednesday FrankTarbox,where thefunetalwaS > 1 '# ; hridten Th^itey mototeF o’clock; BurlW tobkplacea t,Wood? *hX-!?vSsA-b*.%&.'&**'’ * 'Sr ”» *f i 5 f» , 'y C*' fc-ft j ■•iiy *su trd.,. V»y f’J < ‘?vf%Ls Thomas Leo, infant son of Thom as and Ella Joenson was.born Oct. on©yfar, fem.montftt'- aud^*Jd^yii tfnfmssi;’, ,., . )i>iV . y■* ttlri'ieirrTiV*!'rae'Vrti® To ^dwbltwlta Hhh Fho gave,v S E T •Ts sheltered, »B the grarp,' ,C God needed onemoro angte * . Jnd\fi i f ' h y i k I f Admisthte shininghan^;; And soHebentHte lovingsmite- >. And clasped our darling’sbaud. ! t 1 *f Vl* “iV v The raUroad company is making rtod C. C* Morion were offered hut, beforenominations closed Andrew proposed the namef,©f Karlh Bull.’" The election resuited'ln My. Morton getting thjee votes, W© understood, lastweek that Mr. Andrew was. tb Complement us by proposing bur name, probablyTfeelmg that he was Under,‘ ■ohilgatmus” for'our support In killing ;{hej Andrew ordinance making It » hitch to a pote, •'■*,*>•;;*:»*.<1 V|' ‘'Xi""'* The ordinance makingit a penalty to biteh^to poleswas uptorIts third reading ' but was tabled And the mehsuro givfep a etoiy death ter J the discussion v i providing ’hitching placei ; Jo^pepplm!' -Hcwai^reallS UmUsIhg to .Bee 'soitto of the. mefuj Bprs'hacklng 'jdQwh; on the: origihalt >dd'feafchaf sotee gel \aome^hdMhtyhafeaB,poles,dhouid |pave rings in.;toeteT F’hite others wanted , regular hitching placCs! Shroades moved thatregular hitch! ing places be .provided,'which waft appointedhsa’ couimitton.to_rputi|| ..The question of the railroad not carding fpr the wtefer on ^.ain street! received some attention.- ‘ This+ mattof-has..bton'. up',jeVeraX' time^ hut tbe companvjias ■ failed- to take AtAformer ihuMteg;council.tooj Mtes Emma Finney, ft years of age, died on Tuesday morning » t thro* n’otook at the home of her sister, Mrs. James Miller, who re side* on the Gllftoh pike, about a mite and half .from k’llfton, Mias Fumey had been suffering from a iumiplicalluH of liteitpKS'.^pd- wasj taken seriously 111a couple of weeks ago :»inoe which rime she,, failed T*pld,ly until the end. ' 1 "She was. bom in Hamilton co«n- ly, but ban ftpeut most' of her life a* - a resident of Groyne county. •For. the past fifteen years she ha* made her home with her sister, Mrs. Miller, at whose homo she died Prior to that- time shemad* her hoitte in Xenia for a number, of years with her brother, Mr. J. M. Finney, ! She. i* survived by. two brother*; Mr. J, -M. Finney andJerry Finney, both Of this place; Mrs. James Mil- er near Clifton,- Mr*. Charles An- demon, whose borne is in Kansas and Mrs.- Daniel Dallas, of near Clifton are s is t e r ft .^ /, :/ r The deceased whs a member of the. Deformed Presbyterian church of this place. . - y The funeral'service^ -were:held- at. the lidme.-;of her{sister, Mrs.' Miller, rim Wednesday c'afterndofic ptw%nrtomwetoept''Odldmh Mthe name ofMr, .CJ^rlea^FfgM ard of Xenia who desires ra<,nomi- Ing attorney of the county. Mr* dffiri^bunducfv'yHio^totop'to^lSlIll .^ouidJtoean.tohnkto” ’ 2 %T|ridhoed., ii£i .-3 gpehriy^toehefittog |fie’p’epple{piKOf= an uhesporfericed 'man* - ; A ll are cerdiallg invited to *t- teinl the opening «x*msaa o f th» College in the Chapel, Tuesday morning at 9,20 o’clock. The ad dress will b* delivered by Dr. Black of Yellow Springs. The College offer* the following sui mss. ttite -Fall: Jj^«^nj|ff*hi ■ Higher Lessons, riuetoncSuti Coin- position, English Literature; la History, Mythology, Ancient, Eu ropean and American; In Math ematic*, Algebra, Geometry and Analytic*; In natural Hetenee, Zo ology, Chemistry' FbysIcsj^Astron- omy; In Pclitlcai Science, Soclol- ' ogy; In German,. The Lanaon*and advanced Headings; in Latin, The Lessons, Caesar, Cicero and Livy; In Greek, The Lessons, Anabasis,- Memorabilia and Demosthenes; In ’, French, Thd Lessons and Grammar; Itr Aebtow^TheLessons And Gram- . mar;. In Moral Science, Ethics.. In In Mdhtal Science, Fsyebology, in the Bible, Studies in ’ the Hew Testament, The Catechismand Ad- 1 vane©Sabbath School Lessons,Mrs. Bussell is -expected' to’ meet her students, in Music the first day, ; Tuoftday . ' ' 1 y , vJ •: ‘ ^4 * The College is arranging tor a ‘ series of monthly Cbajpel lectures byptomiUentspeakers. *Th©tuition payable at the opening is .228 tori • ' X sFUdjl;be/glad;-torw^om ^all; tohd- Jt Come- -J •-Men ~ wh 6pa tover-clieCk reins,on• ri- their horses' should, themselves boy • rCompeitd towearabtocOfbafiriluhi. | elevate tlieir noses in the air at an they had-started up at the sun a few dayjs-WoUld probably- be Villiug to’ •. - allow their horse* a chancerto look * 7 T 7 ify®.'“ fK r ,<i7 .was erected.was built on an,alley. Counmi Agrb^-toftth1# khaa.^catie them to^move^the. building to-grf into writing as to the title of the land. ‘The- firm; has, agreed' to do thte andtbe mRtte’ri.'ii.s5tt|ed^:'t';’.'' }■ Mr. Joseph McAfee stated toat he xsFdw^tori;^wpg^-’:m^n^®ipo^ 'dhietosh: stlidyv *•m others, Mi*-. Ora A. Stephens, of Port 'Wilba is, O., has learned how She writes: “ Throe hot- *Ws-- ,Jv< til CLEAN THE PATCH; The 2rm ol W .tt S Foust bsll things thete way at the Ohio State p'alr regardless ofthe factthat there were lp hftrdsof DurocJerseyhogs in the shhw. Thtofirm won eleven first* out of -twelve; eight Seconds two thirds* The show to tlie largest in the hwtofy of the fair. '’The Xenia "hitj ou «<}|1tips,acted oh the jiwet” p>-i kon,and basket Saturday 22a* fbe day tor the elec tion. Tin* is also the day for the driveway from Main.' street to, tb depot haabeen gradedwith crush* «d stohkover; to'-the property-line. This, is in .itself ohe of the heat Im provemente Blade in a long -time.; Eaatof ’ the depot blooming flowers will be put out and thelawn trimt mod to first class ordBri The depot; and other buildings are being paiute toailliihlf a* . u n si kl * flea of Dri. King’s Hew Discovery ^d#rstooAAhlteMis« Jeume Eridd my cough oftero yoaiKumd- •Woo'nr-friwwif. Lorh - - •' ^ w aste hring suit againstthe corpo^ 1 - * * * * ** hfirfe. • •• rarion tinC her-gutter,and mombei* Andrew thought ,thdft bhd 'couldn’ t he; blamed. -The gptterhH» beCni « eontrovetey along with the “Wolford gutter tor.twoyears.. The solicitor* thought that caution hati better be exercised in 1that' as ,the matter standsWolford intothe legal g«tter cured mo-bf what • my •: friends; thought consumption. Q, it's grand for throat and Jung' troubles^’ *1 Ganratiteed by all druggists. Pric4 60c and M'.hd. • Trial bottle"free,’ county primafy and it moans dam ger ahead for ’“ Boss” Schmidt in uwtw*. wnw.—&»™.v «v—o f - ’- " ;j - , Vriin nui in wronsr also throw-the. town /wet’, at the :same time. * ■ ' l ' ' r 1 t „ WEATHER REPORT. where hew tratka have Seen placed wilt he sodded. Men are wanted tori this work as help, is scarce; The ted will be token from Andrew Bros.- field. Mr. and Pis, J. a Wolford and Son, Ralph attended agatheringof the.Mills relatives at WestAlexan der, feabbath. CaUrrhCannot Be Cured. ,With hwri ippliwtiute,** they esnnot reachthtsettof thedtowse. C»tarrh is * Wood or coteatariwul di*w«t*nd toorder ioCtfreHyou n»ta»ttikeinternal remedies Bril’sC*t*frhOar*Is jiOtsqmiokmedicine it w*sjHwmritedny oweol.t&« test phyri* d»ns Inthi»’tOUHtryforytwra *nd Is* reg- aTsr prrioriptwn. It 5* competed ot the be«<tonicstaxiwa, cotahteed Wiiti thebtet Wb*dpaxiSrr*, *cdn*directly <m the mti- cowMite*, ffe* p*risetcomWmitlon of t^togwdkffftekwhwtiwduweachn^* 4«rhdrttedt*incaring C*t*rrh. Send m t*#Umcu»iri»frte. ■- AddrsteF, J, CHTC.VJSYA CO, T-L kw , O. Bold by drttggitt, 76c. Bril’* kAtrily Pilh *r*tb*btek Hainfall,L2 inches; winddirection southwest: sunshine per cfc. te; clear days, IS; cloudy, 5 ; part* cloudy, 11; rains,IS; thunderstorms,7 ;range 01 temperzmte, 18; average terrfper- aufe, 78; highest temperature, 9o defirees; lowest, 68degrees; log gy, 3. The temperature tor 8 mouths last year was 66degrees on an aver age, to 68 degrees tor thisyear tor same time, this year for same time, thisyear averaging 2 degreesmore for the same rime. gamtfelCfeswell, Observer; Mis* Kate Coffey, who has been in the telephoneexcha-igc forsev eral years and of lately m poor health, has resigned her position and will take a vest. Her many friends hope she may he restored to perfect health. A team of large gray’horsesbe ing,driven byMr. BlchardHaokotfe CreatedttipilteanexcitementonMain Street lastSaturdaymcrning. Mr. Hackett bad Just finished some businesswithKerrAHaftringsBros, whentheteamfrtghtaedatapa&airig train. Mr. Hackeftremained fithis post bravely andmanagedtosteer the runaways With' out A mishap. Several-''rimeIt, seemedthatstand ing vechtclea and wagons ou the- streetwouldbe erushedlntheteams mad Bight. By th* Gmo.ihe bill wasreachedthehofseswerewinded and Mr. Hackett was ahletocdn-j ttolthem. ■ Mr. John .'Silver and wife* Mr, George Bilvsy, of Cinoinuati, and Mr. Marion BUveyattended toe fun eral of a neloe, .Mite Jsshy Taylor of Jamestown, Wednesday. But by passing an ordinance mak ing or cpmpellfng residehte iumovd cut two feet Miss Brvift would be all rignt andWolford in thewrong, 3rd action was taken on -toe ordin ance as Andrew -thought that a few* mefisiuments 'had botteribe ^taken first. - v Cofindiladlourned until this, Fri- day eVenifig.. saysGam, Kendall', of phiUipaburg,; Kart.j,“]u8tcoveritoyer with.Buck-' len’S. Arnica Salvo and the’ Salve will do the rest.” Quickest cure tor. Burns, Bolls,. Sores, Scalds, Wounds, Piles, Eczema, Salt Bbeum, Chapped Hands, SoreFeet and Sore Eyes. Only 2&o at all druggists- Guaranteed*. The, trustees of Bote; township Greenecounty, ore invelyed Ih a law suit over thebuilding ofHueoffence between two t&rhis in the township.’ A fter ndVertislngforbinsand having' part of the work ddne^ the trustees Fere stopped and w ill have to fight' the matter out ip ' the courts. Marion haft discovered thfttithasa White elephant on its hands ih-.ttte shape of a garbage plank The plant Wte built at a cost Of $55,000* The plantwasasucctesln,everywayuntil it was discovered that it tekbs 20,000. cubic feet of gas to bnmABbarrelsof garbage, and costthe gas thacItySO cents »• thostmd. ' , tneslp- handle. tLenT; you will find a more comph a^ortfibefife e d „ Fresh Air,, Sunshine rand Natural Exfircise-^ " ; . generally cure,the-^an ills. , f 1 When a siihstitute. is1 needed get the best. . For everjr one o f. the8e Ills there is ope best' pre scription >determinfed by thfi^rAtaencan. Druggists Syndicate,-' - •‘ . > * Fhll line of above prep- rations herfe., ' ■ - -c ., CROUSE BDDCK C e d a r v i l l e , O h i o . .¥ , A Shirts, 'working and Dress, Over* ails and hosiery at Nagley Bros. DAN COHEN Urbana, Ohio, Bankrupt ShoeStock NOW ON SALE AT Bridgman’s Track SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER -£s Stock consists ol well-known makes of Ladies’, Men’s, Girls’ and Boys’ Shoes of every description and kind. /Howis youf h^portimity tc•huy two, t ^ r * of Shoes for the price oi one pair. Mothers, now is your chance to buy reliable S?f!Lt shoe* for your children. RESPECTFULLY . . ‘ , 3 g East Main Street, fs COMEN DAN COHBN The Club has arranged four races, classes A and S pace and A and B trot* A watch with stop horse timing at* te,chment wilibe giveh to the first in class A and qu^rtetvhootsto theseepnd To winner of B pace a fine cooling blanket* To second a good whip* Winner of class A trot a stop watch, second, quarter-boots* To winner of B trot, a cooling blank* ot, second, a goodwhip. Wlftttefs to bo detcrtnlned b y mcm won at four mpptingnt Races called at 1:30 o’clock. ADMISSION 10 CENTS, *».i i ' • ?
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