The Cedarville Herald, Volume 29, Numbers 27-52

| V Kx«*U*»«ii O u r J f#b ! W<uk w ill compare with ’ tbstof my oiWr firm.,„ % nJ,InI She Hedarville VM^itViAV^A-W*'to -^"Wv 'J ■• . • .' V f 1,T ill Cicm cashed wits #« . ’ fedesj, dt^-rica 4i*g$ f i J jrsbif’rip- i ; is pass 4 rc S r S a pr. *njj»t *eu,r-1 ‘meat is earnestly daiircd. # *» . , » • v ; " i TWENTY-NiNTH YEAH NO, 40 . OBDAItVILLK, OHIO, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 4 , 1000 . PRICE 11,00 A YEAR, The firm of WsMt^Fouat shipped « finu TluttfVi* .{mfscs^v mwla, nlm .AM ■ SiSiJW■ ^!«**fc* rwf!" ■. ;.ie*A*«e_e Iifi,. Wednesday to Mr, Thomu# Johnson of Columbus, tin t'oai maguafe The animal weighed stou t fiat pnauds oittl one year old last April. Watt &, Foust purchased Iho animal the week previous to the slate fair ami kiold it the last day of the fair. The purchase price was $*<)0and the Oeil- ,* 1 ngprice $2,000, a profit of $1,800 in fix days* Mr. Johnson has a fine tern) uem* Columbus stocked with high prices stuff ami doae not ihesi-. fate, to purchase what be -wants cm account of the price, Mr. W att has at yarious times sold slock to Mr. JohOb'CUi* WEAR B it JACKSON. p v . j , C. Jackson of Columbus, editor of the American Issue, a weekly paper publishe d in that city in the interests of the Anti-Saloon league will conduct the services at the M. K. church a t 10:30 Sabbat): morning ’ / in the evening there will bo a im- ton meeting in the ft, p . church at, T,8ti, the address to be delivered by Dr. Jackson. The meeting will he COMPLAINTMADE AGAINSTBAILEY. AT THE COLLEGE, Council met in regular session 1*,^ • Bov. Joseph Kyle,.I). J), of Xenia i Theological Seminary Will deliver ;an address at thaCollege next Fji- ,morningOct, 12 . at ip. 4 fio’clock. The ■ public is cordially Invited. The Coi lege has ‘ arranged for a series-of SENTIMENT1 XENIAVOTE BOOSTING BRENNAN. J Thm-GrecUri,, County Press :, of, | Jamesto»m|ss|]^aktei?of»«U(W'*ssojf' Ifor Hom.GeorgbLlttfe-JLn fbe tfe ijl^ I of Represent*,!iycs f roin tld t mentions the napes'of :Maym /W» JV Hetmmeni overflic country kooum I **&»**» «f3cbta ftirtho pltte. - II THEMS. that Mr. Little wilt not likely ho candidate again as ho in serving his second term. . The press certainly does not want to see so good a man to•* •-rw*'-. .J?**■♦vjWj***.*.. .J-V.- , * - . g . •» ■ ' *-3*'4»kA2#f-SA*.i.7& t'MkJ W r*W«ygyJc>'S- „ .'• • : • •'.. Monday eveningall member# being! Vli3 T V ^ v ^ ,UY t «??eml J to have arisen to a Mgh pitch present,, Bm«and Ralarle*to thea-; the Beal law election and the vie- mount ot $ 32 L 5 Jwere allowed. f Ij-alertnre. -.&h<apayfc:p<&U<>sboa _.............. w The ordinance giving the Postal Mwloowe*Ftegtoal!^ | p ^ a has'HOdoisht much to do the anpitat union teinpcraade meet- ^'^fifaph t'ompany a frauclusehad? Through the influence ot. Dri Mtv with, the defeat of the drys in the , „ ■ iugllm t is usually bold a t this sea-« second reading. Reports of the *Chesney the young men of- the ’col. contest. Because Mayor Brcm)an j 's au^ j ^ rea untUweget Jr compul- aon of the year, Rant year Dr, Moure' differBllt committees were read. lego who expect toenter the ministry* enforced the lawon a politician,7 would relegate Jixe simke la behalf of tips work and a , | - J t <!e^ded to ftii up the cistern | met m the chapelonThumday after- gxinst tee forces tha t were'ntfamrft- 0n street in that itw ill to a-fneouand organised a club called wei flf ti.f* r^Lr.n> 00ve grawnd wl:en ’the grade is Jin-] "TheYoungMen’s M Ished* The tire committee and! A committee was* appointed to chief engineerwere to*confer as to 1 draw upa constitution. Thepurpose theremoval of the brick. Iof the dub Is to train themselves a- Complaintsweremadebynumber;tonglines pertaining to the,minister­ ing to turn the power of the people over to the liquor traffic, Rvery seat in the church should be filled Sabbath evening. FARMFOR SALE. A farm of 95 acres, located.on the Yellow Springs road' .ftood house and barn and plenty of water, Con- jviently located to schools, college ‘ and churches. Call on. or write h, tx, Ball, administrator with will an­ nexed of the estate of James Barr, ' deceased. to buy your fa ll and winter Hats la ’ > ,-: M M i m i t j ‘ S t o r e f We Have an ew supply of SehooTGaps, Auto Caps and Hackabout Hats. Call and see them. H o o ve r Sisters, Rev. p, M. Clemans of IV.tshjpg'- gton. <). H., father 'ot W. R. Cletpans of this place hawrlhe fuijowing to say in the American Issue as to an ad- ^ -WiS’-■.W#• £•*.■ 'j'x' ^ vhtvivuucaua Bum |v, gqijv ference a t Raton by Dr* J . ft. Jack- son, the editor of the Issue. VThose of us wlmhad .heard* him frequently in other years, were glad to fcbow that hexetatns all the fire of former days. He was greeted by frequeut applause, heartily given by the members of hl» owu conference* as well as scores of the laity present. But holy shall I describe the pow­ erful addfess,of Dr. Jackson? I may as well say that ins address was packed full1of the most incisive and convincing'logie.He first showed plainly and successfnlly.' that the brewers and distillers are not the great power financially and politi­ cally which they a r e . accredited'' to' be. But why fey to tell in a short re­ port any thing of the masterly pre­ sentation pf the theme? Jhave heard a ll the best speakers of the tempor- ance reform, during the la s t' thirty years, and I am free to say ! -never heard Dr. Jackson’s address—made before our conference—surpassed. I t vms a tremendous address. Ifc vras made in the tone spirit, and took, a firm grasp upon the audience. Those who heard ifc will- nevex- cease to speak ot if as oneof the greatestever delivered before the, Cincinnati Con ference.'Rev.'Dr. Leonard said ,fo ]the wwiter: ‘’I tiso n e o f the greatest [speeches Thaye ever heard,-1- Wish ; it could be delivered before fee pco- ,ple everywhere.1” 3>at the'people ‘ hear thatspeech, wherever yon go for the next ttnadrenrum. St wfU keep. I t will not spoU hy b.-in‘g, re­ peated.*' Weiiner in that he could not get the street commissionerBailey to work as directed by the street committee. He stated that he 3 md ordered cer­ tain workat different femes hut that ifcremained unfinished* I fcseems as thoughBailey has Been obeying or­ ders fromsomeone other than the proper committee. Mayor McFqr- landjstafed ti at if chargesw'eretiled and another man secured for t|ie piaceife would make the appoint- menh Jf > ' ' , * ^Lfr.'Bailey took the contract for gradingCedarstreefcandwastohave the work finished by the first ofOct­ ober- For, spine tinie he has not struck a lick and asbad weather Is toSet in soon 1 Die street cannot be finished this 'winter.- Council gave Bailey fifteen daysto complete the work and notifled his hondsnmn, to that effect. ‘ 1 . A Communication from the Benn- sylvania railroad was read in refer- y andencourageother yoimgmen to fake up thework of the gospel. eace to the water being backed up on Main street In front of the TOwns- ley-properiy, Tins was caused by the change of grade on the ’new track. Tlie company,does not want fchqwater, run on to its property and thinks that the gutter sliould..he ’ run. i t north, The-mut- torwas left with the solicitor. The company has heed notified several times and ifcis prohabfe"that'a weather R eport , Rainfall, 1,51 inchesJper cent,''sun­ shine fid} range of temperature 14 $ average Jemperatuye 74 degrees; highest temperatureSftdegrces;low­ est 5 Gdegrees$cleat' daysJ 4 $cloudy 2 ;part cloud 10 $number of rains 6 $ number Ofshowers 4 ; foggy 5 ; wind direction sputh->yesfcj no frosts /in the state anywhere,which is a ,very unusual thing. This has heeda very piersanfcmonth. ' ‘ , .Samuel Gfeswell, Observer. M.V,C,S Trooaom wax. a l«wi pHrchasing.votes werealso released. SlutWillhe necessary to settle the . , . . . . , . •* • FOR SALE. An excellent pure-hied Jersey cow and calf for sale. Inquire of IV. J, Smith, ; question Tim ordinance making ifca fine to hitch to pofes and compelling fche telephone and electric light com­ panies to paint same, was np again for consideration. I t went over un­ til the next meeting. The eoipmItte« ccnsts^ny «jf TVei- merandiLhroad ‘s to bniidnevldtch ,i|ig racks has Ufd' y-*( ,,t; ifed the work;. Kji'oadrs rep«>r("d' l'mf the racks along the Barber and Bird buildings on Xenia avenue will he repaired also the one on the. hill, Mew racks will be’,built in front, of (he telephone company Okie \ 1Terr & Bastings waVi‘hou«e a rt!; tor**, R, Cl* llidgway propel ty and the Her­ ald office* GRAND JURY .REPORTS. The Grand Jbry has finished its work and made ite repori, Rourln- jdteinents Were petunfed and six ca*.es Ignored. 1n all seventy wit ness­ es were exaniined. rPwo cases were from, here and both ignored. One’ wasDudleyBallardwho was charged with assault on Jemllfe Jeffrey and the other Rlm.Cf Rotnnsort Who was hound over for *cutting his brother, Egrl, Both were dissrtuBsed. Coke Ryan and Dr. HaWklns who were SPECIAL EDITION. Brother Rult* o f ^toffees hmfc.cdition if that paptfe. I t iren certainly t toonvllle cit- edifc forDm f£90& firiley illustrated' with half-tone views of th e ' churches, public buildings and bufeness ' blocks. The illustrations covered elghfc pag­ es and wereprinted on the finest cal­ endered paper," Sdnday, September 80was the firsfc anniversary of the fire that destroyed so much proper­ ty lastycar. dim views .of the new buildings shows that Jeffersonville is a prosperous town. PAY PLEASINGENTERTAINMENT. cents for Egjfii a • : . and r. •-, >• ♦ - 22 cents for Butter. 0. M. TOWNSLEY, TheCornerGrocer. , WANTED. • .,••••. ^.a • . MEN- BETWEE 1 ST "THE AGES OF 22 AND 40 TOO WEIGH NOY HESS THAN 150 POUNDS AND WHO ARE ACCUSTOMED TO HEAYY WORK. A GOOD OPPORTUNITY EOR MEN OF THIS KIND TOHAVE A STEADY PLACE FOR THE WINTER, .AT GOOD WA­ GES. CALL ON OR AD­ DRESS THE EMPLOY­ MENT DEPARTMENT. THE NATIONAL CASH REGISTER COMPANY, DAYTON, OHIO. The entertainment a t the opera house lasfc Frlbay evening- as given by the Trinity Church Choir ofXen­ ia under the auspices of the /Ladies’ Aid Society of the M. R, church was well attended. The choir was under the directions of Mrs. McGervey, whose solo was a feature of ’the pro­ gram- The audiencewasvery appre­ ciative attd judging from Hie -ap­ plause was well pleased. The members of the cliotr and tlmir friends to the number of thirty were tendered a recepfeoh a t the home of Mr. Vt, H. Owefaa after’the entertainment*. Light refreshments were served and the evening spent in a social manner. The Aid Society cleared about $50. has a great holfl on the pcoplc and hia’party, the city of Xenia was iniaterialClnb” ‘thrown into the wet colmmnHiink ing tha t the better element would drop Mayor Brennan* But such will not be the case* We have more oon- fiden'ce m thevoters of Greene coun ty than this* • t_ The Yellow Springs News sums up the situation ns follows: **Is Urn-Republican, party io jbe made the Ihstr«m$mtt in the hands of an unscrupulous Boss, to cater’to the whims of- the enemy of virtue? Boss,Schmidt isi the man who owns the buildings in which are. lo­ cated some Of- .Xenia’s notorious joints and of course is directly in forested* He is the ■man that; went on the bond of those who were ar­ rested last Saturday for purchasing votes, and In many other ways lias he been closely allied with those to favor of in temperance. Not pnly lias he used Ins personal eftorfs, bttt the party machinery up on which he has snob - a firm grip -has been brought: into play, Bow Mtv tempci'anca man bow po you Ijfee your bosses: actions? ' Are they conducive do, the. welfare, of your capvictiohs?' This is the self-, samcboss ,that seeks' to control the course of the County, and Jfc will he •remembered tha t hewas instrument­ a l fn placing Judge Kyle on the bench. He ik the man -who settles tho'quesfeon in Hrecne Gouifiy as to whom Will bo ; candidates',-on ,the County tickets,'he dictates the pol­ icy and controls the actions In all affairs, Jfcls ho who holds ,thjs American flag tn one hand and wills t o . the .Greene Oountians iu‘ the name of Roosevelt, .to stay, by its standards, while In tl/e other hand he holds the flag ofAnarchy/flaunts it in the face,-of-, the UttWary arid betrays, him into traps and games of trickery that mean gam to the on* and loss ,to the other and td the quhllc/to say noihmg Ofmoralissues Involved. ' ,. , ,. ' Now since wo have the Boss and his machine and i t has been largely responsibloforth« condition of Xett- ia the problem before the better el­ ement m Greene Gounty is to smash the machine-'closer organization of the people throilglmnt the rural dift- feicids and smaller, towns becomes necessary; for the, large rural vote with the sentiment spcli as ifc is m coimfcy and acting together wotld ineuh the political death of the Boss” , , ■The oldreliableArbucklescoRcd can he had of F. G» Brice, Bridge Grocery, for 1Ccentea pound. Schmidts, Dines, Andrews, Rldg- way& and Jacksons to the rear. Mayor Brennan would have noshow whatever In a, primaay under the p resen t committee, The m en In Charge havb no use fo r-an ofllciai th a t does his sworn dufy. . Th’e men th a t will enforce only certain par tiona c f the law . ■ FINECATTLESALE* : ?- Messrs. R, F. Kerr, J; AY, Pollock, R. G. Watt, "W. R*Dean ^ud Arthur Powell willhold a eombumtihii cat- tlesale of PolledDnrhams and Short Horns a t the 'VYeimer Livery Barn rear of City Hotel, on Oct. 17- The sale will comprise some of the best blood in the country and it large crowd will no rfonbfcattend, .particu­ larly out-of-town buyers. Between 35and 40 head wiR he offered^ >' Klrqsnlof hl<! colors, disgraced and reduced m the ranks,. *"kion,s. And­ rea’ Jackson,' wfm'has starred'«»: ”The Corini.v Chairman1.1for sever­ al seasons in the "Paitehand Judy’'1 show sent out by “Bo sk ” Schmidt <d Xenia, has landed as vice chairman of the Central Committee sn the or­ ganisation last fiatnrday- Sorne time ago ihe' Herald stated a friend of the organieation had used his influence to eliminate the Add- rcw-Ridgeway-Jackson triofebm the county jjolfffcs and utaless-sueh v,»s done ‘•iloss” ' Sclimidfc and all hia push would go down in defeat be­ fore the people, Ifc wow1hegms to look as if the “Ross” In making the slate ter Central Committee organi* . cation had handed Andy a ♦-lemon1* in fete vice-chairinanship as a, re­ ward for. his services and the Demo­ cratic majority in this township last fell,. . ’ ’ As far u» the ftomld aiid Dm peo­ ple arc concerned “Boss'1 Schpddfc ’ and the whole contingent of follow- £ opsmust be eliminated. To refeas j _ Jackson, as offensive ak he is to Hie people^ wilt not square’ Urn “Bo?u'T MONEY TO LOAN. i i* i * J^t , %*■^ Without/'commission on first, mortgage realestafe. 1In amounts auging from $500 te^5000 a t six per cent. Apply or address James Pefeyman. 27 S, Limestone, Bpring- fieidv .Ohio. V '■v*^ V '/>//■ J will operate •the David Tarfiox eiaer press OnTuesday of each week ufitilfurther’notice. The Republicttii Central ‘Commit­ tee affected Um followingorganizar tioii at.a meeting'Saturday after-. noon; . ’ , Chairman,-Amos Faulkner; A’pfe Chairman, Andrew Jdeksdiu Secretary, A.D. DcHaveh. The follow-, TUglSkocutive Committeewasselect- edXtMamisfjhoiip, GeorgeJR.Kelley, A. Dr DeHaven/"!, S. Dines, D. O. 'Jones, Hunter T. B.-Andrews, J. J. Brennan, Oscar, Simons, .Will­ iamJenkins, JohnA. Ncsbit, Arth-. arHumphrtym- TlU)Officiali'etums froin ttteconn - ' - O. N . S tnok ey. primary olcctiou s held a w e ek - ‘ i go lust SalUiday, shop a decrease of,eleven, votes, in the majority of ‘ W..F. Orr'fer prosecuting attorney ’ making ltJl-i. Themajority of A, O. Carpenter for Cotirty, Ctiinmishoncr wasJuereased by 98 votes,‘minting’, the majority CM. *> All alarm of fire last Monday eve­ ning aboiifc six o’clock called the do- parfeiferifcto the electric light plant- box- The power of the steam forced the doom of tho fire' box open and threw tyu-lfre coals qnfcmto the coal bin, For^a itmo i t looked dangerous diifc tno stcsoU soon put out; the firB. Tberewtere no lights on Monday or FOR RENT. .Afarm in the black cprn -belt 'ot Logan. Connty, near Lewlafenvn, G., Tuesday Ovenmgs, hut everything & ^n ta in ing 160,acres. For particulars in runningsbape again. ' isC&orwrite H. W, Truax, Dayton, ‘ »01uo#alOBeihold Building. - ..Fall and Winter Footwear.. Wo want your Fall*a»d Winter business, atfd to ge t this * we have taken extra pains in putting in the best line of Boots, Shoes and Rubbers for th is sea son .. You know from past experience that none excel tis in regard tor quality, and no dealer's prices lower when this same “quality” is eottsidered. When you patronize u» you are trading with the people who believe in giving eyeiy customer a “square deal,” and you w ill get i t every v time here. We make a speciality o f men’s and wom­ en's good solid every-day Shoes. Try a pair, for it will mean a t least a third more wear at the same money you have been paying elsewhere. HORNER BROS. & aa B. Limestone Street, Springfield, O, NOTICE. All members of Cedar Cliff Lodge No. 6301* O, O. F. are requested to bo present a t the next regular meet­ ing a t their Hall on Tuesdayevening Oct. 9th, to transact; special business of Importance. G. W. F ran tz Bec’y. CatarrhCannot Be Cured, .With local applications, as they cannot reach tilcap*tot the disease. Catarrh f e * blood,or constitutional disease, and in order IOCure it yott must take internal remedies ffall's Catarrh Cure is not aquackmedicine it was presfnbed by one ot trie best physi­ cians in this country for years arid is a reg­ ular prescription. It is composed ot the best tonics known, combined with the beat blood.purifiers, acting directly on the mu­ cous surfaces. Tim perfect combination of two itigredienfs Is what produces snch won­ derful results in curing Catarrh, Bend for testimonials free. AddressF, J. CHIiN’BV & CO, Toledo, O. Sold by druggist, 75c. Hall’s Family Tills are the best. ■ R e : j r o i* V £ £ ? « - TBATWHEH AHToric Rr^CHtS th e To? crT.-is: tn oD m r m m i s m U A '^yc CEJ& &r~'YZ?ZQPLt are Footise e/YouuniDTHlNK T f i^ tM E y r is m f ic c iD m x o r course IT 15 / not : S uccess )$ THE ftZSULTcF HARD WORK am > P£ o F l £ S m t f t t im TOTfiFlA/IOKCY WHICH ' PKoVES W A T H o H B S T T 15 THE BixST POLICY IF Wwmr-To dress G o WHERE'IDSt’UAV t MADfeA S u c c e s s a t DR£Y 5 INC P ZO P L j: - f i f t h 0 RE.SUC «4 ¥i£MWELL /)fiD CHEAPLY BD 57 E fc B U o w K iei */r ~’ r.eera** t it*t,av tok ansraa rs ^.- mwchh 1***. NOTICE OP APPOINTMENT. Jit th e Matter of the Publication of Notice to th e -Estate of James Miller Deceased. Notice Is hereby given th a t the Undersigned has been appointed and du ly qualified in tho Probate Court of Greene County, Ohio, as Adm inistrator o f the above named estate. All persons indebted to said estate m ust lnakq immediate paymen t; those having claims will ptesmfc them for settlement. L. G. Bttll. In the Matter of the Publication of Notice in tlm Estate of Benjamin Heath cook Deceased. Notice is hereby given tha t the undersigned has been appointed and duly quali­ fied by the Probate Court of Greene County, Ohio, as Adinintstatfix of i% -,.W ’ r ^ . f .A.- ■A V aV Kr. ^ wU<i.te U L i f sons indebted to said estate must.] make immediate payment; those having claims claims will present them for *efti*m«nt» Loaloa Haafchcook. Wisterman’s Is FeadquartBfs for the Just­ ly celebrated A. D . S. prep­ arations and for some other reliable remedies. Also, at this store, not how cheap but how good the quality. What does the A, D, 8 . do? , Pools the experiences of thousands of reputable druggists and physicians. Picks out the best pre­ scription for each series of ailments and markets the remedy made up from that best prescription, That's the r American Druggists'Hyndi- cate. ' CROUSE BLOCK C e d & r v i l l e * O h i o * YOU V A y t BEE I S E d i m v s StlVCS HAVE MADE TV 1 E LADDER CP o tR S’JCCtS $+ INd dOOD .dOOD-S; ^ E l l IN d o n L Y R E A S O H A 5 l S OUARELY— d I V I N d ALL S A M E ' PRICE; S T A H P m &EHIND WE S E l l } TREAT IN j c UR PA CLt v,& V/ . CUR- JiOtJiWS TO THE OF WHATf & 7 Y~ dOOD 6 oDsS AT m t r S x DEAUNd CU 5 TOMSAA THE EVIPvYTalNS R : l i ; .Wf fdv CoURTEAY; AND, A^YoU K'ioW, BY ATTEND­ ING To OUR BU^JNE^^'/ND cA'lRYINd TH£ ^ tock . dooD in ;’ en iy\s c , me o N- y ojt o r THE HEAr. Coot). 6 ,>Ot>S MU j T C 0 4 E OUT o r A GOOD tfToRETHAr ABIE To d:ST d :oD G oo D i S. V/£ EMW cVk hVSiMSh ACTIVITY, PROdREA^, I S ENJOYABLE WE Akfc BU* 5 ? 1 N SS MEN, PROUD o f O .R P ^O^E^^ION, AN> WE MAKE A PROfEAAUN o r oUL bUS.HESS, A PRdrfcdAIoNAl MAN A MAN ESPECIALLY SKILLED TN WHAT H DOE^. WE HAVE MAD.*; A ST.VVY PX l S me P c OP l E j THIS I S OUR PROFE^ION. AND TJ 15 IS OV t CXitsSSIoH. R f \ P t V THE WHEN, *^pjuNeriELD^ mm clothed s io * v s 1 •at,