The Cedarville Herald, Volume 29, Numbers 27-52

fr\,r Kut*Hr*ut*e Our Jk.b VL a L \\*11 i m p u r e w ith tl.-Auf«u.v u tW f i rm. , , , ffhe 'GedarvUle I this item wfceo css s I t 3 wl:h c* i tfeat ycyr r::. i l* j5«i dAJ a;*d a j.;r ioj ;t ccr< f aun t« earr.c*:;yd«;:cd. .«*«»-. TWISTY-NINTH yeah NO. 44. C ED A ItV IL L E , OH IO , FR ID A Y , N O V EM B ER 2 , 1906. P R ID E $ U 0 A Y E A R . F. Orr Trapped by W. A. Smith, Colored in a Crooked Business Deal, week fhft ltoi;aTd exposed W, r.OrrmUiftt. he gave a check to m \ Richard Jiowmau oi Xenia for oo»l when ho find »o money In the bfiijc. The statement of what we loBiid on the Cleric of Court’s boohs hw? brought out many other things nsprivateand public Jit© that baa hada tendency to awaken voters of this county as to the kind or a man that je ohtfor office. ", - The most startling thing to allow develop©, especially on the eve of the election, is what W. F* <p,wr, the “gang’' nominee'on the Republican ticket for county 'prosecutor, has tdedfo do with'vv'immn' a , a mith, colored,, of this place. tfeveral years ago Rmitk ’hart Orr dosome legal work for him. He paid cash for part of his services arm the balance, Q it accepted his note for f 15 , dated January si, lpoi. Some months after that Smith palled a t p rr’s office to make a pay­ ment on the note. Smith met Orr justleavlngtiiebuilding and upon stating what lie came for Orr told him that be , was going away and did notjbave time to take the money, LaterHmith sent twomoney orders of $ 5,00 each to lie credited on the note. .One was No.,MOh and sent- May II, 1901 and cashed by W, F* Orr, May SO* 1901 . The other was No. 5838 and was sent June Cl, 1902 and cashed .by Orr June V, 1002 . These receipts Smith stfU has, hav- flfuwIluiljoieVT days ago from Frank Orr* Xenia postmaster and brother of W. F. Every effort was made on Smiths part to pay the note, ‘He' however was not going to make final pay­ ment until the note was ready for delivery, as is customary. What became of this note that Smith was put off thorn time to time on a pretense of being mislaid? W, F, Orr had sold the pots to Jackson Holmes a citizen of Xenia, yet he had received $h* m money through Hnole Bum’s pnstofflep and .Which is proven by special receipts from his own brother. .W. A, {Smith had' no knowledge where the njjte Was until he wag-no­ tified R'few days by M. J. Hartley,* •who is settUog.Ui© Jackson, Holmes wstatothat there te. a :iote.«gaJnef him for 315 long, past due, Bmjth upon receiving the notice became out of-htjmor tis any other man Would Utter having been trapped, He conihitunicated With Mr. Hartley amt found that there was no credit j on the note and here is where W* F, IOrr must unwer. 1 The circumstances wore related to 1Orr by Hartoly, who denied that- there over was a payment. He did not know* of the receipts from’ his owmbrother showing tha t the Xenia office had honored the orders. La- tor Orr haS-thn nerve to write Smith and -“ explain’*’how*' it happened. The campaign wns on and the ’‘gang” candidate couldn’t think of such a thing being placed against him a t this time, Orr tells Smith in-the, tetter-that hC- Vsupppses” ha will have to’taako good the cred­ it, Either Orr haa lied to Hhrttoy or is “ hushing” Smith on aproifiise. ' The above a te undisputed facts and if>is plain to bo seen that the “gang',’,candidate was going to force this poor innocentl^bonng man to pay a part of the debt twice. For­ tunately for Smith ho had his .re­ ceipts and in them Jhn'.Mins” W. F, Orr, We have still more of W. F. Orris official acts and they were not jinder the “gang” administration ns Xema city solicitor, W, F* Orr was once Justice of the Fence in Xenia township. That is he was until he resigned, Many of the older Inhab­ itants will remember of charges be­ ing filed by the game warden ay gainst a number of $priflg Valley people, among them, Mi|o Huniedn and, {son, Frank, and Clarence Fulk­ erson for unlawfully killing hah. These men. plead guilty and Were fined. $23 each and the costs. A mongst ft number of'events Orr r©-* sighed, for reasons not stated hero. and money ihat had not been in­ tended for personal use was made good by friends. Orr was not a candidate for a second term. ? Having exposed public and pri­ vate acts of W, F. Orr there should he something aald as to how be- was nominated, Cedarville township and corporation furnishes the best proof for they are recognized m the most corrupt places in this respect in the county. The Audrew-Ktdg- ^vay-Jackson gang has this reputa­ tion the state over and for their con­ duct in the thsit pf nominations and disturbance-last fall Andrew Jack- son received a stinging rebuke from his superiors m yowmbus. 1The “gang’-’ was out- for Orr. Nothing but'Ori" was the talk With this class. Bo hold was i t tha t a member of this trio stated five days previous to • th e primary • lhc.! Charles Howard would get Tmt i * votes in the corporation and th is »v* a all .Ije did get while Orr-wfw give * 149. I t w as-no t a question o f ho , many votes a candidate received bu t how m any were given. 31cv An­ drew;, tlie tax dodger, who w ith h b brother has personal, property lf<su 4 to the ex ten t pf $820 in the corpoll - tiojVhad charge of the primary,. Voters you have W . F . Orris obi- clal acts before you- You have lb • rotten methods of nomination betor f you. Yon do no t know when you, some relative o r friend will run for office"and, he slaughtered on the “ gangs” a lta r. -Put the rpiesfion _-———.-.l—iA «*/v»wsial£ 1 )ft Vflll ftD* fctjW**7*;!' *'J» %'*9‘ •’,-J^rr* — 3?* * Party loyalty is the great rally cry ofBosseswhether in a Republican or Democratic - strongbold. They In ‘themselves are nonpartizab. .They care little of any party other than from a selfish standpoint, , Notice the man tha t is in politics year after year. When election time copies his cry of “Vote her Straight” don’t “Scratch” W beard every­ where, Why? sBecause he -is,only strengthening ms hold on thepeople. Re is using the party cloak as a blind to carry on his devilish work. There was a time when “Boss” Schmidt worked as hard for.the suc­ cessof the Democratic party as lie Is today for the Republican party. The Democratic parly did not fnr- meli,UrnReid foroperafclon as did;the RepitblicattparlyowingTo tbe-form- er being in the minority. s- - ■ . \Vlmf is needed in Greene- County is a Joseph Folk for prosecuting at­ torney* Joseph Folk was prosecu­ ting attorney in St. Louis, a I)emoJ rratic city. He sent men of iiis pwn patty to the penitentiary for steal­ ing from the people. This RieR a? along politicians is now known aft graft, He made i t so warm for b- Uuitstfmt they left the state and never returned. The people of Mis­ souri were “fthowh” what an honest num cootd do ami Joseph Folk waft rewarded and honored by bWg ^lected by the people of both parties *as Governor of that state. "Greene county ,knows what wag cfone by “Boss” Schmidt and l) 0 ,c, Lowes of Dayton when the former had bis personal) attorney, ^Charles H. Kyle, nominated CfommonFleas Judge .' All voters know full avo II how other candidates -wore warned ,ftt tbe time to stay orit of the race. To further Strengthen his hold on the law enforcement department of the', county- government “B obs ” Schmidt had W. F, Orr nommated for county prdftecntor. “Boss” Schmidt has property rented for sa­ loon purposes.; Murder and crime have visited these places. The sa­ loon keeper 1 must,have protection fora saloon keeper-always wants add most alwayf gets more than ,a hmn in any other-business,, . . . W. F. Orr was city solicitorduring the days of “Boss”' Schmidt’s ^rule- and ruin” reign in Xtmift, 1 The peo­ ple would no longer stand for such work. T*ie “Boss” and hia cohorts were Overthrown. ’ But- despite he- ingpntonf o f power Ju 'X en irre ify the “Bosft” hasmanaged to continue hte hold on the, county through such men as T. B» Andrew*, Ghatley Ridgway and Andrew Jackson* R- is now time for the voters of the county th FOLLOW XRFIA’B EX- AMFLE? Vr. ' No office is as important as that of county prosecutor, “B obs ” Schmidt* knmv this w*hen he had Orr nomi­ nated, No greater argumonFcan be set tortli why Orrshotitcl he detealed. Hisofficiftl notowhile city solicitor speak for themsnlveft? a»-wns' evi­ denced two years ago by the vote of Ihe people in Xenia for a change.. If Xenia .wanted a change why .then Should this candidate ho forced on the people? .On Tuesday-“Boss*’ Schmidt will be on trial before fife" voters of this county. But only the people of this , .............................. county will have the say as toJ A fair example of how a RepubR- Whether this Infamous'“Boss” wfll; «ftn &&**■ *BowMSchmidt continue bis rule and tigh ter grasp | ®an ^ddd tn. the, Xenia edition Of the judiciary of the county in the e -1 Si>ringfleld Fvefts-Republic - of lecriutofW F Orr - " ’ (March 29 ,' 1002 . At that time “Boss’ “On -th is day the quality ' and} Schmidt coutroUed the city, soul] strength of her Americanism- ah d |an“ breeches. ■' , W'blf- fthow (bo macbfnO-that. ,7, Republican name cannot delude you; fftto thinking that Jt h'as a Kopub- Rcnn iifiu'rfeand (ho rest will be easy.. “Theeyes of the State are onXep-" iat Mow will she'acquit herself?” . to have given country men fiict Tuesday, Show yotu* patriotism in the election oi goodmen to office has ;;to . .. march under a red flag with the Skull and cress-bones as their* cm . . . t blem^^The- color,- dmmoralitiv th ^ f e t t h tL ^ ^ ^ C f tU S o h e was opeiv ifc hfigb^ea ltx .tlie past. skull, graft and greed andtpe cross- f nSST*** ' Y^e"DeR iocratic is ^ f if s ta tu j bones the suffering ana privation ephi?in0 advocated by tiiat paper.- the innocent. ' , , - Tlm.foUmvmg is an editorial the * - ^ , ' day liijfoto the election And -gives some Insight as to machine methods . Rev, J , D . Houston,, a prq republican of Brown conntyi and ah able m inister of the Christian ebarcb in an article In the , Georgetown News-Democrat,' strongly advocates the Oleotiah o f MattiieW.R.' Denver. After reviewing the state of anarchy fpto which the boss and the machine pliinged. th e republican politics of (he S'tktii district, * Mr. Houston, Y speak ing for. the anti-machine re ll* , ^ l- - .. . I * . f * f MUOlhiyU yi 1 MAVViviVVIftJ' VAt - uuv ,k Apolitician W'ould state- Ip fact ,i t t ' j ' took asiand'tor the pebple and n(?t b a llo t 13 <Rfter£Rt thd,U, Wbat IT; for t e “Blips” because h J jt Bfisb^en. ill tlie pfist. . , i \ a m s s r c po r t d - : ay . R E i f o l V L D / that Jo ru t pcopcb oomt KMov ffov to DkEJr TheM v /etvev . VRY dont th e yw C0M£Thus ? WC CAM jHovJ-You.yHB-BeJT^ ctoTdcy ih fill jn n fid and QUAjumEP foK. THff LfAiT AOHEY.AWO JTND tbo fiu/AY L ooking Af S m sm o AsYoo F eel Y H £ POTrtVHO 1$ WELC. DiteJTED HA F et/ERY AOY a NT ag C id tVJitiZSS 'S ocial Life ovtfb T he ?oenY OMftfD Q tit$ i- f r ir »r true ?* l*rrtt*frtn rttotrf YOU CANNOT FE EL ^ A T I ^ F I E D RNLE»S^ YOU LOOK J A T U F A C T ^ Y T o O T H E R S . CAN YOU THEN T A K E CHANCED ON NOT LOOKING Y 6 U K B E ^ T t THE W A Y TO BE JURE YOU Do TttM 1$ T o J o TO THE B E J T PLA C E T o / B U Y Y O U R CLOTHED . YOU CANNOT TOO MUCH TH INK ABOUT H oW PRO PER . ! ? R E ^ I N i S W ILL HELP YOU IN SO C IE TY A N P IN &U«$JNE>5& M ANY A 600 P MAN HA-S FA 1L E P TO d E T W H A T HE C oU L P HAVE < 3 0 t J U J T hEtAUJE HW LooKJ W ER E AESA IN^T HIM v Y o U HAV E NO T IM E TO K EE P UP W ITH W H A T L5 P R O P E R IN P R E iS ^ . MANY CLOTHING M ER C H A N T S A L ^ O P o N 'T TA K E TH E T IM E . W E P o , IT P A Y J VS. SATlSfYl t iJ A C U STOM ER BR ING S HIM BACK A N P HE T E L L ^ HW F R I E N P ^ . T H A T ; ^ W HY W E HAVE A LAR<SE CLOTH ING B U < 5 IN E ^ . W E ^HA LL NOT H ER E TELL YOU OF TH E T K lN d ^ WE HAVE FO R YOU— ONLY REM EM BER TH!<Si T H A T IF YOU COME TO VS F O R ANY TH IN G YOU W E A R YOU CAH F IND I T — ‘THE R IGH T Q U A L I­ T Y , THE R IG H T STYLE, TH E R IGH T P R IC E . R E S P E C T F U L L Y , ■ , THE.WHEN, AROAPE. ' 4 PR lN iF IiL^4 ' f ^ C lOfHt S SHOT* “R o j give da men. A Hmie. lik e . this demands'' Gfc-'ung minds, .groat hearts, (run . , faith iind ready i.m-dr; Men whom the h u t rf"<4i;,*f* .f.oes _ _rnet h iJ , ‘ ' ' , * •' , Men Wivpm life spo.ifj yf OiJc ■can '' ’ . ' ia o th u y ,, 1 • J Mon who possess opinions and a will, Mon wim have 'honor, men who will no t lie, MclTtoriTiFcli^I'Mimcl bMi5Kr*n,“ltt;Trnv-" gug’to, And damn his treacheroiisflaticriCSj without winking^' Tall nim/sah-rrohniedt who live n- bov<* the fog * In public du ty and In private (liink- * * ing .' FOR SA LK :- -A yea rling FoV u l China malc.hrtg. W. II. {hvnwetL employed by Bchmiclfc ‘ “Although the' Ftess-Repuhllc Is a Republican news papar ftnd be-t Jimrys_ thoroughly "in Republican |principles; it never connives a t cor- > rUption. Too often wwsep the vilest 'k1ml of political rottenness cloaked under tlte name of the noblest party FOR horse. SALE:- Common work Raymond, Bull. SIJv r Medal Cosdist, ‘Houh(*;N im-Tiilmbu, looit- Ojn-ra Mr. John Murdock will move into the D, M. Dean properly on Miller street and Mr Ira Tmvnslcy will move into ihd .nreperty owned by him and vacated by Mr, Murdock. Mrif.JSJmeou (lolly, fi 7 y«ars of age, dieci suddenly Friday mbrmtig. Mrs. (lolly lived near Etcaztl’ and weighed 828 pounds, and was con­ sidered {lie heaviest woman in the county. A conference wim held last Thurs­ day nt the second th F. church in Xenift ns to organizing a Men's League in the different congrega­ tions of the Fresbytry. Addivrses were delivered by Rev, J . Campbell White of Fitisburg, Dr ,Joseph Kyle' and gharon Join’s of Ilmhmonu* Rev, O. ’ H. Milligan and IB L. Arthur were also nhmug the speak­ ers. ’ Cedarville College losl ihe game of foot bail lasf l'riday with London, Tim home boy? hart one of the hard* cut teams (o battle with (hat lifts been here for years. Tin* Loudon team is composed of largo gusky fellows wlio have hud experience and become pWiv.rioilal players while attending other schools. The sente was Ifi to tb The Hocond team de­ feated Cedarville High Hchool by a seem of ft to d ^ Sunday t*y(«trbh to Coksmhui vid Vc mi.sylvanift Lines. $ 1.00 round trip from CedamiUe; Special train kaveft fi;Ma. hi . Nov, -i- tfte world'lias eVor. khorm, And 1n such cases wo cfttoom it a privilege to rise to the, defense of Republican­ ism ; to say to th e voters: Gentleman, tbefta fallows are .im­ postors. The party of-Lincoln,, the 'parry ofMelvtolt*jraml;timparty~of Roosevelt has nothing In common with them. They are spoilsmen, atid w'e beg that yort deal with litem as you wmffdwithany othermasked robbers who eudenvofed to.ply their trade in your conmnity” ‘ I t has come to our attention that such a state of affairs exist in Xenia, A soealled Republican organization, which, in reality is nothing more than a limited corporation for mu­ tual gain, has staid the Will of the people; held up, bound and gagged the men who made the city whack it is, and there Is none to help them, —1‘Ihere ift powerful Opposition, al­ so, to HTE. Helimidtribe recognized Republican “boss.” He, I t Was, who said a t the time of the last pri­ mary that it did not make any dif­ ference how many votes tho Oom- mltlee of One Hundred polled m the Third*Ward; be had his plans so arranged that lm could poll more, and ho did. There were Just twon- ty-inne m<jto Republican votes-cast in (ho Third Ward than there were voters in tho’ward, counting in Democrats and Prohibitionists with possibly a few women and children thrown in for good measure. I t was Hchmfdfc who refused to allow challengers m the ppHingpIaces. Itt fact, lie is the Republican organiza­ tion In Xenia, strange as it may seem, inasmuch as howas converted from Democracy only eight, years a- go. It*Is said tisat his business in­ terests demanded ft change. At any rate, Mr, Schmidt him lost tothing by it- Iff flesh, sleep or dollars. Home political capital Was been made by tho gangsters out of. the fact that the Gitizen leaders refused to abide by tho result of th a t won­ derful primary. They ask why the Committee of One Hundred did hot make a formal protest if it believed that unfair tactics had been employ­ ed. Protest, indeed 5 Jt would have beon like asking a niftti to go hang himself. The Committee did the sensible thing and bolted, Ho, now, tho people of Greene Coni«y have an opportunity to throw off liotulftjteand reorganise licpub- lieanistu tUefd, oi< tvotrisJ.j Xt'yB?*-. lican basis, Fn»t, «tnp off thoj trtuepto olotbffigv Then kilt thoj the Republican, second. To he Bure that your vote ‘Ys counted do not put the' X in the circle fts in former years,' Put the mark (X)'opposite the name of each man you want to vote fol* andthis will ensure yourvote being count­ ed. , v;,.‘ t , S . , Last year charges' word made that many a Pattispn vote was not counted for this reason^Unscrupulous judges and an inspector not up to the tricks of corrupt politici- clanswill depriveyo.u of your vote by not counting it as-it should be. .. There can. be no fraud charged if ydii keep the (X) out of the cirple. Be care­ ful of instructions from pro­ fessional politicians , who will lureyou into a plan to lriose voutvote.^ ^_____ . have grownVs-ifterand strong- can do, aylllsiuol do as th©machine and ail the hoards WapfUft to. We have' concluded fhatuibeRest thiug-fbc-iia:to-fforto get rid of this gang and gangster, both alike unfitted in any way for th©positions of trust iii winch they have been placcd. ts toVote for Ma|- thevvR,Derivcr. ThaworstthinglhaL can befall a party is to'put bad inch in office* ,If we want to kill our par­ ty kefep such men .ns Hildebrand In office. We are in mighty good com­ pany these days- whon we voto in­ dependently, or ©veafor a goodman on -the , ticket of another party. There is no stigma,any more a t ­ tached to a man who scratches. X am no less a republican because I voted tor Pftttison. and 1 am no> less a ,republican because 1 .refuse to, vote for Hildebrant.. I say ho is not the people’s nominee. Mr. Denver was-selectcd'in-andioneshJair way,, and is the ekprossion of the wish of ft majorityiof his party, and being a good^ clean man, I can conscien­ tiously votofor him, I regret ex­ ceedingly that our party has become; the victim t>fsuch unhappy circum­ stances as to render It impossible for me to. support some or any of its candidates. As a matter of fact the * party as such' has no candidate. For Hfldebrant is not the Candidate of the party. They have not select­ ed him as their .candidate, and' they will not vote tor him as their by casting your vote tor W. F. -Or the "gang’*:” nomine*- and not ih regular R .qmblmui nominee? candidate. A good man, regardless of his party, will always (10 what to best to r Jus country? A bad anm, regardless of party, will do wbatsel- flshness dictates. . “ I t has been said, anditr ift true, that if Hildtebr'fth't is elected ibis same unfortunate conditionwill con- tin ue, 'He will see to it that the same or the same kind of *commit-- tees will be kept in ppwerrand the party kept continually handicapped*. “Deliver ’us < -from .this.maohine candidate for congress. ' 1 * “j , D, Houston.” THIS. HAPPENED YEARS AGO. Au incident is given^of what Hon, Matthew R< *Depver fiak done’ tot- two colored glrisof Wilmington that were brought Up ih the Denver fain-* i l y . ' Having been raised under good influence flto giris.'were industrious and desirous of getting a gtmd edu­ cation. They were given fh©^bfisfc the common Schools of ."Wilmington cOuld afford and later desired a col* lege"educatioh^s(Obartwejnjoulrt" take up teaching Ih' the Sontblamt. and advance the interests of their race. Mr. Denver never stopped tor expense hut gave the two girls the best' education* tjiafc was possible.. They ato-now teaching in the Souths and earning their own living. This was don©in th©dayswhen Mr, Den­ ver Was* not before, the public but was busy earnittg hisxitescnt station In life. A brother employed by;Mr. Arch Affdersoh off the JnmftstOVvn pike will substantiate these facts. Underwear. Extra hfiavyvdouble breasted, fleepe lined, underwear BOt? per garment. Wright's med­ icated double breasted, extra fine, $1.00per garment. SULLIVAN ’ THE HATTER, 57 ft. Limestone, St, Springfield, O. Silver medal contest a t the Opera House November Oth, 1900. Home ta leb t,' eight cmitestants. Under supervision Of MisiTlallSflQ. BroWn. Wisterman’s Is Headquarters for Wrig- ley’s World rpnowned Chewinggtim and the un- equated remedies put-up by The American Drug­ gist’s Syndicate, a trial! is always more convincing than argument. Here you can always find a large assortment of up to date stationery at prices ranging from five cents to one dollar. Come and see for yourself and yon will not forget the place, CftOOSB BLOCK uedarviflOi Ohio# • ■ ■ ■■ • ■ V.............. "' • ' V ' • Horner Bros. & Go’s. Dependable Shoes Boots JP':J Rubbers BigValues at kittle Prices GoodStroke flbtoisttiy GnaraBtttd f t ‘ t f | ° / t HornerBros. &Co, 30 Limestone wtreet, Bpringiumj,