The Cedarville Herald, Volume 29, Numbers 27-52

PK IO K A Y EA R , Copy o f Letter and The Note. A., meeting of 'dflnM'll | took *>u yrUivm with Maynr ( i Weaver a t its head, again an Tues-* iday returned to the.‘old r«Hn <;an- •jhnnoas in 1'days of the infamous { Tim election passed off very quiet fought iWhf'ViA; ttio.iusuwnca :mmpMivs ww fceted ^ 5 Governor ■ H,- Tli« lattfif fafiPlfitf: .fttefety ; Monday evening, nil mcmliora bring j ly Tuesday the weather being ideas-1 j, j j u~jie8 w«,0 nmannf ovoont xV..afr«. W i n every rivmcct. Tim vote Uil\- Umr,0?’ ^ " U»Ue8* Who j;preso t exe pt MvAtert V.Y..,.’;' ■• 'j a w m ‘©ytjy r e je c t ■i«-A'iiotlt'rott'Bignedb y a ' finffibrir nfifes wrffbritton. j Urn streets was -presented and hud, '1’^ 1'6 ^’ttS ^ JwtI »«Mcftipg mr> 0{N^ V y otK 1}y ft jargff,plurality We give below the copy of the hate given by W. A. Smith tnW . P. G r r ,n' dm tal)te. Hwh the 1"iPuJ^lu’*,n ‘J,Pttwer6f~i v i,jfo the fanner won in the rural and also the letter from Mr. Smith ip which them has been so much ■' wdinanca granting the Pedal ■:»<*tickets atid inpH) indifference >dM^1(5{ricts talk, The copy of the letter anil note is given to shoiv that a report c u r - ..................... ............. . rent fthont the ^10 credit belonged to another part of the debt and not to ' Andrew Draws Kjiife. the note la not true. In the first place no such claim was matte to Hartley by Qrr upon no­ tice of the note having te;ra„Kold wltlmuta credit. The report Ik only a dodge oi) the facts of the ease, In the *e£mul place when two men are sVtUnwhp their Affairs with So , , ,ir ,, , , . ; The' Democrats elected Telegraph Company a renewal of i htoiuh I. Many refused to vote, par- their ivt 'hise which has had two j turnforty among Hepuhlieans. ' J)is- reatlings, was again laid on tlm table, j salwfaction over the nominees for ((<aa JOftiwity wUibo 40,000 and all1 Them was some discussion ol | congress ami jirot-eetiting attorney | c tja*,a- ^ l(5- state tlckefc fpr painting all poles on the street, .I t j « ? those^>wo«Ud nob . ' ' | many minor officials. Ip the state of Ohio Urn Hepubli- seemed as though there was a dif­ ference of opinion as to the color to. mnehVash find a note for the balance, all biffs are Included to that dpte^1^ ^ Andrew wanted pink Democratic ticket kept thorn from! going to the polls. ' " ' J Tu tim corporation Thompson nr. smith was never askeff for more tWVhafc c a s h ^ ^ T*,e htetk was instructed to, hold I 0f the note, - In the sale 'of the ifote for less than face value and allowing a S m ^ O " ' w eather r e po r t . thematter to go forMsye&rs Orr proves that there was no”other claim; ,He knew Smith to he a property holder and good for more than the note gi'vera.1 tunes. . ' . , . 1u the third place Mr, Orr Admits that he'is liable M the Holmes es­ tate for the note, t , '• , ‘ , In tneionrtp phtce Tnr. Orr agreeS'in his le ife r to^uppiy now rue amount he received sente time agoif the matter is settled. In this* letter to Snffth Mr. Orrqnakes no additional Maim beensprung? '-Hot a.word was sakt about the note not"cohering the entire .dehtiimtilafter themtposhrfeby Smith,1 ‘ l ' M5.od - - , X<mia, Ohm,. Yan, S g , WHffc ' , {^tsty days After date 1promise topoy to the order ot Willffim H v' OrrT’iffeen Dollars a t the Citi'/en’sNational Hank qfJSenia> Ohto; for val­ ue received With eight per cant interest fro'm today kintilpatd.- Interest payahie^anVwally, The partners,1niclorsers, sqr^tles arid warrantees , of :' Z .'tiffs nohlYeverany. waive pr^sehtnien't forpqyjnehtrprotest mud 'notice of protest arid notice offnon-payment, *‘W, A- & M I T H . ‘ v \ \ ‘\ Indorsed across the hack of the note is: " ■STonrs very truly, - , > j T ' Dictnted. m William A. Sindh, M J lT«tiiLiL , ,-Y.Xeniat:}OHio. < V t rtedarvllle^ Olrfol I X? T “TKt'v", / \ ' I t is some six. years sinfee I havh iieai‘d»fromyou relative to.fhe note- ■My fee for yonr dlyorffewas to he paicTin CaSh, hutyou' will was in need of my mtmeY and sold the.note and indorsed jfcin the regular course ofb&Mnpss and*|ho estate of Mr. Holpaes ®bt its I d id , not get the faceof the tiofe by some two o r throe dollars, and I -suggested to Mr. Hartley that, heWrttefo yon about t t a n d l am glad that yon are willing now to pay the balance. y ’ r ' ' ' " ; ’ The amounts you sent’me were applied ffffonmy fee,-bnt f t you will •pay Mr. Hartley as attorney fotAtr, Holmes the amount of-pripcipaland interest Stm dim on i t anyon claim, I will a lsoapp lywha tl have'received .or a part of i t to it so as to get ft pA)4, although that was not my under* J sfancllug and it will leave me a vpfy'smaltfec. B u t! am out of the di­ vorce business and want to keep out, and. will not allow any client-to 1grumble a t any thing that. I may have.tu do with.if i.eaii help it., \ ' . .1 \ . "* * *,’ ‘ .vyY ‘ % ry - tru ly /- -'Y " * '' ' , 1,1 / / J 4 W. H. Dir, *V »"/T ’ €cdarviIleCown$bip School Reporf. Humber of D is tric t.. .:........................ : Enrollment Average 3>ailyAtiondancc.,-.,, ..... . .... Per OentDaily Attendance.......... ....... Humber T a rd y ............... ........ ................ Humber-Present Eve ry Day - ............. . Per Cent Presen t E v e ry Day......... ....... Humber of Visitors............ . ...... .............. Hank for October................ .............. - .M . 5 m .-j. 6Cf ! r ay in a~ o,y 'tT~ & tSi - 73 -dr I f r ' li CD.' >» ' s T71 :>3 ! "p! rn Ul 5 o-» F i ■g Vi. Vi , '■ ■►■•v ’ l »- ST f PV t/7 s .■ 0. ■-f s? 1 1 2 0 ■Al 0 A • 7 80 15 fij 14 16 14 26 13Q 83 •II ii 13 14-;■12 2F ilfi SB 85“ fif m .fid 36 02 81 11 » .4 4 0 2 8 , 35 d J 8 4 & V 6 8 60 23 40 Bt 05 m 86 31 . 45. t 1 2 . 0 0 S 1 3 7 SM 31 3, 5 6 1, D. L , O kawfobu , Supft. Jobe Brothers &Co. % Dress Coeds Specials 2$c :j H n in a n d E a n c y D rees G ock I b in a lt t h e good co lo rs fo r th is s e a so n , D r& s G oods t h a t w ere 35 c a n d som e h ig h o r in p rice a ll on a BPKO IAD T a b le th i s week a t 25c . Pony Stockings, The k in d t h a t w e a r b e s t. T h e re is n o o th e r a s good fo r t h e sam e p rice , 25c . A lls ia e e in 5 w e ig h ts fo r B o y s a n d G irls, ' Bifchor p la in o r F lee ced , B n y o n e p a i r a n d .y o u w ill have, no o th e r. P o n y S to ck in g s , a ll sizes 25 c «, M u n s in g U n d e rw e a r , The S a tis fa c to ry k in d , P eo p le w ho h a v e w o rn th em w ill w e a r no o th e r k in d T h e y c o s t n o m o r e t h a n t h e comm on km d t h a t do n o t fit, U d M V e s ts a n d P an tsSO e t o * L L ad ie s ' ttn io u S u its $1. t o $2 . C h ild ren 's U n io n S u its 50 c t o 75e. M en 's Tvn io n S u its $1 .60 t o $3 .00 l T r i m m e d H a t s , # 1 . 5 0 . , Th is w e e k y tn i c a n t a k e y o u r cho ice from a b o u t 50 trim m e d ha ts, fo r L a d ie s a n d Misses, t h a t a re m u c h h ig h e r in - p ric e a t $l,5o» A g en ts fo r L ad ie s H om e J o u r n a l P a tte r n s , N o v em b e r S tv le B ook F r e e . A sk fo r one . Jobe B r o th e r s& c o an the Qedav street Jmproymenb ns the work had pot been performed fjatisfntdpry. ; , rtouucll, a t the 'suggestioH of’Mf- Audrew took official' noljca of tbo *wticle yegqj'dm" tjie H>>vnld in On* HerilaGastetfe.1The clerk was asked fa read it alqtul but objected, and Mr, ‘Andrew proceeded. A t this poffie the me&ftng'wns turned {nb«. poiiiioal ope. .Mr.' I-. C. Barbet’SVas present,and UftoY<Jip tebdbig 'of the: article .by Mr- Andrew, Mr, Harbor asked llnft the Editor'ji' thp Herald give Jiifi side of fiie rtoty." After, being invited to7malm A speed!,, the ‘f Editor look the flddr ana tl)Jinked the council for an op- • ., • ppiiunity to substantiate fcb<rt Her- ° * r charged with a crooked; transaction, with obe^ W<A- Smith.'' Our state*' meats bad nureference to tlie fchnith' case ivnd'broughb/jLu light1BOUip-.Tiejv' dftvelopnmnts ’ i b a t \ ‘ >cpmpletely caused a furore Mr. Andrew tiqffbtr ed If them was a, iminTn the. bou^e that believed what we said t»i be true, Mr; D. S. Erviii”wan present our KainfalJ, 1,01; pumbpr of rains, 8; Township, Tiiompson 126 agaipsfc OS for Herrick last year. - j number of snows, 3 ;' clear days, -iff; T’hq vole In tlm township for con-' Moudy days, M; part ploudy, ff; per gross wasvwy closeHildebrgntget-1beptr sunshine, 60 -t 'Vange 6t temper* ting 101 with Denver;10Q, l n J lH t ilj(tj.^> degrees; average lemper-, corporation Hildcbrant iGHapd Den* atiire, f>2 degrees] bighest'fempcra- ycr 91 , 'Epr shenff Howard Applegate - re* cMvdd, a nice rote, d'ownsbip Irt corporation Ijo. Thtcer, Democrat ■58and C;b . , * >- - "The ( ’oiffitwcoimmssioner vote re- salted in A- D- t ’drpenter gHtmg1a gqgd majority, ff’ownsblp,' 125, cor- pomtioli 18-, A*J '\ 3tii0nbur,-7Oand n r ; ; r, / ,v ■ .Injbh fight fo r ptWecu^ingattoL, npy every, effort was ,pinde by the/ tnre, 74degrees; lowest temperatne, S8 degrees, ,ilalnfaU iri 3,906 up to date was 25,1)6iufehes. The temppr-- afurfe^ of October- was ’about the -same for this mohtb." Samuel CTeswell; observer. Mr. Samuel Haney .Was In down yijestfay'fof tnofirst fiijno in many weeks, Mr. ffariey tielng quite aged is Mffi able to get about tho\ house While the election passed off very quietly there was no disturbance un­ til Tuesday night when, i t la-stated, *‘<)icar” Thomas Beveridge* Andrew let loose some -of Ills ubillingsgate about John,R obs and claimed tha t no Was responsible to t some ofthe Dem­ ocratic votes and also voted that In all the county we do n o f know of any man’s mouth being so adapt­ edand constantly used in tUe Issuance of billingsgate. Few them' are that have yet forgotten tffe dastardly at­ tack a few years ago on our efitfeem* ed ‘ citlzejf, Mr, David Brip’fute, whan heWas cursed to a jl that was low/ and vile illy “’Oga?*1 Affdrew^ Mr, Bradfitto resopted the aftapk from.the dirty coward hy"utterly" ignoring it. . ‘ ^ . However some men will not stand for such talk ami from, what baa taken place Mr, Ho® of them aud beprocefeded Wednesdaymom- ing to take ('Hia Highness” (<>task, After a few words Mr. “Boss was put ufhls fcOakand the fray wasiOff, . t ' of and -Mated / b a t '' be.^believed stdtmehtsW be true,, e v e r / word it."1The Ed fo r again tpok.thp1 floor and called aftfenflonJEoibe fact that one man in, the room believed fltenv to be turn siml ' so evpie-sed blmseft,. , , The meMibg, rtally was Inore ex­ citing than Uio timo Mayor McPTu- land rebuked mcinbor Andiow lor the use of vff&p improper" language m a m'edting of council.', .Thu argu­ ment laatedsoum time arid Covered all phases of the election trouble* tax returns,, which Mr.. Andrew so bitterly resented* arid whose word would stand the test in. fpurf. ” / ' The stfttemeniri of ti e 'rdSJor -to msmivrft fri council aKk'urium Wfe Wilt not punt ubluiJim.hJtdidely .uep- Wsrtuy as thb tamj:a'g,i luiy , tpaed,’ However1anyone wisiiing to know jhst' What they wore c&» gefSftjna a t this office, from the editor of tjm “gang4’ organ,d, Ti.-Am'rew,r,.T. 0. Barber or sijy member of vnu-p il; . ANNUAL REUM0N* pyery euffdidtttb drojiped to make vote fell short with the head of the ticket., Orrj towiislffp.lffl, Echlesin,- gertjs, corporationj OrrlCiS, Schlesln- gef 88,t Dobidns a fetal,of Klin both, precincts ojf'prohibition t{ckeff‘ i . John B, Imeusij ,'|or iuffmary- di­ rector, received {32^in the fownshii*. and !&f in the corporation-? - - ,E ; E ‘" DertVbf* .Democrat, was 'elected, over 0ha/le.%Qh Hitdebrdnt fot-congress from th-rt^ffetfr’ district by.a plurality of |85b,', j ■*" ' ■.iSousideririg that there';yvaVsmrie opposition to W. F. Orr ns rhe nnin- im-e loi Pj os. ciiftng attorney on the Repablitain tii'kfife arid every effort - made on the parr, of -1 the ‘‘gang1’ tp hold bim:.up by mgmg floaters tu vote for him alone to make a show* ing with {in'’head of the ticket he fell beinbd, ’ * . In tlie*corporation he rank! be­ hind anti township 25. In Xenia hity he was overwhelmingly defeated in the largest 7 residence wards. ,Ho only received US plurality,w rhatewy which Is usually noar thol,P 00 mark- T?m. .%b„ nin}Ujd_mjnio»,j^F Jthc IfuightTrof Pythnis of ift'cimn coun­ ty will ho bold in .the-Xen ia opera hourt', on the afternoon o f Hovembcr ffikb, neginnirig a t Dill) p, nW The follow log is tlu* program; ; Musjfc, OedarvlUe K . of B. Band* Invocation, Rev. E . A ten, Po rt Will­ iam ; Music, Bandj Address of Wel­ come, Mayor W» E , Brennan; Response, W . Is. MllleiVSilvcrRtar Dodge, Ho. COS; Music, Band; “ Pa­ triotism,1*D r. TV. D. Rouse, Amicus Lodge, Ho. mU “ W lm tvl Hen in Pythianispn,** J . E. Randafi, Cedar* Villa Lodge, Ho, 519; Solo, Miss Hetllo Speaks,' Yellow Springs, Ohio; “Why I-A mlttr Knight-of Py tin as,” Philip Powell, MeKirley T-Od^.^No. 735; “ Quaililcatioimof a Knight of Pythhls,11 Z, 'i‘- Hehhle, Osiiorn Lodge, Ho. $79; Music, Baud ; Kecitat ion,-- ' !,f he Bear Story,” M >m Louise Brpadsfono, Xenia, Ohio; “ Pyrtdan Traditions,’rtfudgo }L L. Smith* Ivan boa L o d g e ,. Xfi. 56; '•Onr Obligation,*’ Hon, Jesse Taylor JSnJestown Lodge, Ho, 54^; Mui.ic, BfttnD Address, lion . O. M, * Chancellor: Music, B Gran Bake. tnd. AN EVEN BREAK* ■ fWftrVri!1! fitUo!stW!l rite Wit mil- ptvtt Academy team last Friday mi tig^tftunn grounds. *Thti homo boys jm jH t fast Andfurious and soon had the best of the game, The following was rim lineup: Academy Overiuils and Mimuir* let Ports, It; Rasmussen, Ig; Cro­ well, e ; Hawthorne, r>; ’iViJson.'rtl Htovcr ami Hbeets, re; tJeigm*, qlt; Hahti, Ihb; YAting, ridri Httfford, lb, Crtdurvlfle .Brigham, 1<-; Ware, it; Witiiamsoii.fg; Haslwe; Fowell, Waldo rt; Finney, n*; Idp/pate rick, qb; <l3Marshall, lhly IS. Mar- sfmll, riib; Oralmm, fb.' Academy, 0; CedarviUe, 12. .Ref- areo< Jtrown uf. Xenia Kmnltmry; umpire, McKinney, of Wriflenherg, Time of halvasi, 2ri mimites each, Tonth-dowiM, Graham, R, Marshal!. Goals after (ouphthnvii, Gralmnt 2. on Saturday IVdatviIle lost the, badball game with Ht* Marj’a of; Dayton hy a score d! 23 to tl ’lim team hmtaluiut «a ea°y a* cmihl Is- akpacted, The Ht. M*ry team la very air mg till* year, * chiefs in the county, .and* ran 700 ahead of the county ticket. -.. > Orris plurality 603, ks compared to other i-candidates is as follows: Thompson 1,401; Curp^nterV 1,521; Applegate,-1,503, . In Xenia-city the vote Was mtefcedr ingly light mut'wo ale told-t.liat ma­ ny rbfnsect'to go to tlm poils In (hat tijey.would not support Hildobmnt antiE r r and did not, care toyotoover. Thm-total-votedn -‘the- -coumy-was- probably more tliui; £,oo& short. Jh the fourth ward,‘colored, Xenia, Qrr received 188votes out of more than 4Off. • 1 ThertMections over the country .Tuesday show that itt most cases it w*asa good day for the “ Boss'*, and machine politics- in omchmai George B. Cox, the one-time barton, der and' pugilist, now Republican “ leader1*again proved himself king in the election of the same kiud or a ticket that Roosevelt aud Taft op­ posed last year.' Cox judges had the day and Cox now bus his men ill the different offices so important to hint,- - • to How York, where the Demo erats areas rottenas the Cox Repub­ licans' in Cincinnati, the machine juagea Jittd their own wjgy. Tam- mrinywiffugain have control of those offices. Philadelphia, which a- year kgo Look! M r.D S,-Keyes ofOrlamlo,Flor- ula, has shipped *o Kagley Bun.. toiiic oranges from u grove that he arid lus iatbei: own; J The fruit is of fine quality- ^f \ ft- * 1 mmir*tsy ,, / i, 1 5.- .• :. jijidgoKylrt. off the Courtrof ,C’om- iriori Pleas on Mondi^rtritemortri •d ’e- Ho lickswere landed hut bystam - ers say had the *‘C*arn stopped (:■•* blow Ross delivered ho wriuhl ht, ' landed in flic neighboring towpsh: •. “ Cxari’ Andrew- had ins knife mu and fo ra' rime it looked dangen * and Ross might have been eut ht U not the eoneitS'doh of his blow caused the *£zari* tp retreat, & Offleer Kemiori got in it at the h> * . -1 and separated.Hm; men by takri.jr "J Rons to. fail.- Eennpn;claims rio t Q he did ffofcsee Andrew have a kiff,» ^ or anything tvrqng. Bystandm; j hav'fi^k.diffeteHt viow but wtiep rim . J situation is undersriiod we never.! ^ poet the' 'President of t;m Epriid j rffates or the Lssar of Russia te n s vh ~"lJ them se iw arrested or ordered to In hanged. lartead-of “mare work ter theuiUlei‘[Ft.i;er.s’' 'i t l s more' work ? for BeV’s Prosecuting A ttorney. , fa Ross w^'te Aped/Mri„ami it in **>- * ported 6 | her papers'w itt be filed*# ' j J lucUiding «,’ peace bond -to uevcv ^ againa tteck lbe “ fea r,1' reffardlfi^s' "J of yrlinf be’mnysdo 1 o bim. 4 fr LOTT-OWENS. A very ptetty and 'quiet' Weddjpg f;qokplace Tuesday evening, a t tbp home ot Jrr. and Mrs. W. H. Owens. elded th e case of Thoinas M* 'Mopte aud ’W a tt 'Framo agiunsfM. 3: Behfi, ‘inweferenee tq iv-dispute, ‘to ’’'the .royally"'to Svhich4Mr.,rRebb ;Is- qptl-| tied in.fiitf inamifactucdof th e dis­ p lay raclte vteicii the -Standard Manufaoturmg 'Go,, ip engaged in making m trite city. ’»■ " The, court field th a tB ebb wTas no t mititted to 1any royalties prior to March IP, 1304; also-that he was. en­ titled to 2&cents royalty on thoover­ head boarff attachm en t, frp&v Jan 1st, 4906, an ti, th a t the contract claimetfiby .Frame'and Mtiore wasA Valid. otlo.ftri'd . du ly -entered Mhto.’ The court fa rth e r’ held th a t Bebb was entitled to 33^ per cen t royalty on a ll racks sold in Canada. The cou rt reserved lv]g, decision ns to whether the contract providing, for a 25 cent royalty was an asset rif the partnership and ,could bp sold to a third party . 7. V * ‘ \ COKKLIN WOH, „ Another, case decided by Judge Kyle was , flint, of "Dr. Ravage and H an uah RndorerijifinirigAVm.Ciiuk' lln from ■Closing up an .alley Atpng h isp roperty oh Second street/. The court held In, favor of Mr. Conk* liftfinding th a t the plaintiffs had not a public righ t of way for the reason" th a t thorn lmtl been a g a te closing the alley, up to within six or eight: years ago. BRNXKTTSEXTKHCED, GeorgeHarrison Berinritf, who was found guilty afew days ago ofassault and battery-on Albert Faticber* the crime having been committed a t Os­ born, has been sentenced by Judge Kyle. He was ordered committed to-the Work house for Jour months anil to pay Hie costs, which will amount to over «. hundred dollars* In sentencing him Judge Kyle took Into 'consideration the fact that Bennett had already been impris­ oned in the ootmty jail about three months, so tha t the punishment a i-: tngefiier is quite,heavy. .. *.- . ■..-. ., to Mr. John Lott. The wedding arrangements had been k ep t a profound secret until a shurt timetoeforertfie baPPyVevenfc took place. Oniyaf&W'rbiafciVeeand friends of the edutnicting patties were The ceremony wus pel formed by Aviiioh came congratulations and Supper, \ . ;;Mr. LotA.atidhiS bride'j\vere driven toXeni.i by Mr. Rped Owens and -uA.fJMrU“-•dp * '•'Sl.vrti.d _ one of’•Gedarville-j> popular,young ' i iafiiesv Congratulatteus and well J wfsbes fpttow them fr^m-tticte1 ntrtn- -'2 erous Irtepd rt' ' 1 *i| Tim ,‘bit horiio’Vvards amibunce iba t they will he'aiiionte aftprHort 36th, a t 1st’West Hinfn street, Cm- pinnati, O-" ’ ‘ , They will Spejut m ost o f tfteir tune af.H0fcRi>ririgst Vft. - . Mr. L o tt is ’’connected w ith the Dravo-Doyle Company pf P ittsbu rg as $n electrical engineer a n d bolQs a responsible position*. A t present And for the winter he ydD bn in- Cin­ cinnati and a t Oxford, 0 ,, where he is superintending the erection of r a a * ejhlnery In water-works plants. "Mr* Lott’s headquarters and home will be in Pittsburg, ' . The groom is an estfmabte young man arid has scores ot friends whore ever he is known.' The- bride has taugh t in th e public schools and is H omou ;—Hupters' aud trappem I have been mstructed by a uumbev Of farmers to arrest ail persons found hunting or, tresspassing *on tiielr lands Without awrittebpermik. Take warning, .’Jv F* Matehffl^ . Dep* Game ‘SPardeu. *tn rite su it of Bteoer Vs*,Arthup a jq ry Thursday allowed Urn .plaintiff ^<*5 and in terest. On ayomptormse the A rthu r esta te <bad once offered more than;thls to vettfiv tfie m atter, ' t ,1: ■ .-if 1 , ' f ." /..../N O T IC E .,- ' i , ‘ i Mr-' Jolm Bryan of Rive: Farm, wifi contribute to the Anderson-Bryan .Combination Bale at Yellow Springs Ohio, .on Hoy* 14tb, 15 Short Horn 8 year old hei- iers, and their, first igst spring calves oll clttgible to registration: the whole S3 head being .good indi­ viduals, excellent to start a herd on, Will be sold singly Several of„the calves are fine bulls. . A t th e N ew M illine ry S to re is a “ N E W L I N E o f w in te r h a t s fo r young a n d o ld , a lso a su p p ly of lad ies bonn e ts , a ll a t a re a ­ son ab le price . ,J W e a re a lw ay s g lag to h a v e y o u v is it Our s to re an d g e t p rices. H a t s from • . $106 t o $ 7.00 W e in v ite y o u to come. H o o v e r S i s t e r s . Wisterman’s D ru g S to r e is a good p lace to b u y th e b e s t T o rp id L iv - e r iituueay^ p i - uip juax, m e b e s t R em ed y f o r R h eum a ­ tism , A. D„ S. S am e b r a n d com pounded . I ly p o p h o s - ph a te s , B r a in a n d N e rve Ton ic , D igestive , Tablets* R e lie f fo r. A s thm a , A n ti in fiam a tion s B lood M ix tu re , C harcoa l T a b le ts , E x t r a c t Beef, Rerox , H yd rog en , K idn ey ROmedy, C om a n d B un ion p la s te rs , B e lladon ­ n a B lasters, W o rm S y ru p , L in im en t, T a lc um a n d T o o th Pow der, B a b y S y ru p , Q u ick H e a lin g Salve* 0) lijiw;...■.4IMlilMWIM.W.llM.Wiw c u m i s R B l o c k C e d a r v i l l e , O h i o . ril ^ _ J R E 5 0 L V E D ' : ■ T H A T WE a l l h a v e OUR. UPS AMD noVMS. b u t WHEN . WE ARE UP.AND R oLUN iJ HIGH, IT BEHOOVES u s TO GET PLENTY 6 EGbob' THINGS T&WErtR.mrtPEOPLE WHO A R E DOWN e f t N T EVER EX“ p e e r T > R I S E IN T H E WORLD RYjwie - „ ■ *. --- — AYTaHL4y»TSjs»M»»«c*.« TO WHAT EMPLOYMENT CAN YoV PUT YoUR EARNINGS THAN IN BUYINd GOOD CLOTHED THEY ARE A GOOD INVESTMENT., If YOU AKE AWAY UP NoW WE CAN GIVE YOU A TINE FRENCH FORM FITTING OVERCOAT (MADE ESPECIALLY E o R U*G’BY R q GER-5, PEET & co*) for $ 4 5 ., A FIFTH AVE* i GTYLE .SUIT FoR $^6« IF YOU ARE ONLY GETTING UP WE CAN GIVE YOU A \ PECK TOP COAT FOR $ 34 .6 $ o% A KIR£CH&AUM UUiT FOR $14*65 THATWILL HELP YoU To <stT UP* FoR THo*SE WHO ARE PoWN $UT ANXIOUS TO GET ON THEIR4FEEt WE HAVE AL*SOLOOS OUTV NOT THE &E*ST, BUT a GOOP WOOLEN OVERCOAT FOR $^ .65 , OR *SUIT FOR $9 .6 5 . THE 50RT Of. 5TUFF THAT KEEP*S A MAN PoWN WE PO NOT KEEP IN OUR .STORE. IF WE PIP WE'P SOOH GO PoWN oUR^ELVEiS* EVERY- THING—GOOP— A MAN OR BoY WEARS' IN OUR gtore , j ■' * RESPECTFULLY, THE WHEN - ARCADE ^ P R I N i f l E L P ^ GOOP CLOTHED M ® ? M