The Cedarville Herald, Volume 29, Numbers 27-52

i i : !&Co Sale. N f i U mQX* fi tea and dun** td C e n t e r Plcci*. ds you h^Veevit i l-SUV... Tlp.-te- Tv.t! p yard lengths fop lG piece. Lookat Nes at §i7 § |(2jj ues as yon can se* f i n c h e s ............... 25e £39 inches,. .,gQc em’stitched Lunch nefaes, at $>»$L50 and $}. oq 1 .fad, sizes 15x1$ fchs, at and $6.75 a dozen, 'allsizes from 6x6 n 25c. to $5.00 each, SifcCoi "raj , ,, > u ' ’ ues for Week. Jns of die foremost the Birifcsbades-rem- 'including the popu- ■Mous modistes. Ira* Xenia, Ohio. iiept, To tempt jrstem our choice ting* The weak jhe hearty eater McClellan- p E v e r y ■: a n o 'ACT ION tried {CGLER . partner* a m i c i s h t c . ijetimJ to tbs bffx teoie to 11 * * fg&im?*&***’* k iti0 O' *C . j I 'X ^ I I cjv v <*?5r r ]U b | C6® tyr«v w i t h | 11Lat o f m i f < t h v f i l m , , ; A iv v vw v v v ^ 1' ffhe 'CedarviUe ‘t vwV rT tA fiA ; v-^ .Tbio ucra wkro c aw ed wp.ii 0 : J fc"'V«.J{Jr- 'ICOri.4l VVlW C'iiCJ.," 5 is pen dso a ter,--, 1 jrasu £3 cam;ci3j,tl«y’.cd»-» ,* , • • | ,* #- T lV E ST Y -S IST II Y E A H X 0 ; 48. g*,v«s»«*>*>. CED A IIV ILLK , OHIO, FB ID A Y , N O T O JB B R 30, 1906* BUCK $1X0 A YBAIL FROM M ESB . I ^ ^■ I | Mr. David. Tarbpx n iw c d home f I la s t Sabbath from California where * |h e h a s been fa r several weeks*'- Mr. . jTarbpx and Ralph Murdock went to yorsfor the Springfield, W il-j b rown ’s stock and expected to ro- CEOARV1LLE WHITEWASHED* THEJAMESTOWR THEPETITION. Sam>; miugtou and Cincinnati traction jinn have been In tills v icin ity th is' wcefc- Tim route ou t of Springfield .will lie aa direct as popsrtrto to maim it, ' t}i(. course being near an a ir line, Tim road will bt west o t the Sprmg- ildd and Clifton pike about one-half mile following a land line. I t will enter CJifton by the lan y a rd roS8 and come direct south strik ing the ’• Q, Bridgman farm a t the corpor­ ation on the west, . , Tim road will be elevated over Xenia avemm and the railroad ac- . cording to present plans. I t -will cross the street a t Mrs, E lisabeth GalbreaiU’s’‘ property, which the company will purchase. The road south will he along land lines to the eoiporation line a t Jamestown. One feature- of the road yv IU be a private right of way. something re­ quired now-a-days for successful railroading, • We have considerable talk a,s to what the outcome Will he of th is project, a s so many others have been floated and then exploded. As for this one we must say1 th a t ii? looks hotter than any th ing y e t given' the public. The company to start, with Is spending considerable money, fpjn* incorporation fee to th e s ta te for the papers was 53000, Then, .proper­ ty.}!,'is been purchased in Springfield aeeordiUg to newspaper repo rts in that city and other has been secured by option, .I t is well known th a t i t takes years to build railroads and the temp aeenfs longer when we see *sotae ef­ fort bring made w ithout much ap ­ parent re su lt Surface indications are exceedingly bright a t this: "time. Tt in sta ted th a t Mr F rey has al­ lowed his franchise to expire in this county »nd will soon ask the county commissioners for a renewal. This body will not likely do so without the promise of a hu e between Oodar- ville or or some point near,' to Xenia. This it is proposed w ill he done. The power house which ds to he . one of the largest in th e s ta te Will be hear Wilmington, on the cen ter of fire lino. I t is stated th a t a eon tipr nous right-of-way for ten miles was secured in Warren county, the farm­ ers giving the same, in the hope of getting the line. main th is winter b u t circumstances a lte r cases and Mr, Turbos i$ home while Ralph hi expected soon, hav­ ing slopped to v isit his brother, W aiter Murdock, a t Independence, Kansas, Mr./Tarbox worked a t hb trade, p a ir i n g in Pasadena, and States t h a t the weather and climate are ideal. One day m October Hu thermometer Mood a t 103. Mr. Tar- box states th a t Sir. Brawn sent word, to h is friends here.that he likes the coun try very much, Messrs. Ralph and W alter Mur­ dock arrived home Wednesday even­ ing from Independence, Kansas, ’ EMPLOYEES OET TURKEY, j Tho .IfettotBPiUe 0oltego foo t'b a ll f I team met the W ittenberg team la s t! 1Saturday in- Springfield* hu t w ® | >■ out done by th e IAUhemiby a score ....-.................... masses____ ____ :___ . I nf f-i Ht if. There werfi several good > John Bryan, the well known pro- \)0th ^ . . '*J!L. . * j M( h»% •htf thA hoinn fI’i n -»j-**-*’“ y* ---------------- - —i Of a ll exhibitions hel i m ibe Uni* prietor of-lliverside Farm ami P a r k ! ,)Cn w ^ the homo team* l i f t e d States since, the Fhikxtlejpbia , ; n “ ^ ^ jCesltenuial in lbTO, answer to the su it for $‘23,000 d a n ia -;^ . Y* *......... r m .............t Ter-Ccnteunial to bo held near Yellow Springs, has filed ;la .]line-up v>as as follows; ’ ■S eibert ...............Bt K ..... f FInufrocfe. ,B.'T...-,-. ■■ •triku ig her with a riding whip a n d ; Baakervlllo—*R* 13- -- .■ausiug hop .to ho ill, no th a t she “.van. law ye r, Swineharfc eausl „ ______ ,,___ ......... .......... ..... . . . . taken to a San itarium a t Conners-; S o r te r ...........................C vrlle, Ind ,, where she remained f i r Ku tb?.........,I j * II, R .......... live weeks. . Bryan says th a t about the date mentioned m a petition th a t Miss Stueler assaulted a guest Of id s and' drove her from his house and that; sh e iie d to th e barn where Bryan was, screaming for protection and with Miss S tuelerafter her, He says th a t he heard the cries for help and ran. out of.the barn and met Miss Stueier coming with two ' whips in tier hand, .threatening the life of h is guest, ’ the l Bryan says he used all possible The employecsat the H ag a r Straw Board and Paper Company word giv­ en *a dressed tu rkey Wednesday evening for their Thanksgiving din -11 her. The Company has given I employees turkeys for se number of means to stop Mi^s Stueler from go- earstto r w h ic h the employees ill- ing to the barn ui execute her insane ways feel tru ly grateful. HELD LEGAL. KTSS WhyNot Pay Cash! Yon can save money by paying cash instead Of runn ing a bill. The p a id out sooner .or later so take advantage of the fol­ lowing low prices, good un til Dec. 14. ■*■■ ■' ■■■■■■■„■■ Granulated sugar per lb. 5e Star Tobacco per lb* 40c Lion Coffee per lb, 15e Arbuekles Coffeeper lb. 16c Imperial Ted per- lb* 35c Irish Potatoes per bu, Snowball Flour 25 lb* Purity Flour 25 lb. Lump Starch per lb. Star Soap per cake Mohawk Soap ,2 cakes Old Mill Soap 2 .cakes F . C . P R I C E (jfAuhi Delivered Free* 65c 50c 40e 3c 3c 5c ,5c ■Cleveland, O,, Nov, 26,—By a de­ cision in the circu it ,court to-day, th e Jones liquo rlaw was upheld as was also th a t provision which pro­ vides for the ousting of saloons- by petition of residents o f a neighbor­ hood- 'l’he cotirfcin rendering the decision kohls ’ th a t the ru ling of mayors and common pleas court the th re a t ofmurder and destruction up­ on her fleeing victim and finding her beyond- reason, lie took frhm her band one of the whips and struck her over tlie.shoulders with it, w ith­ ou t malice and for the purpose of arousing her to a realization of what she was doing, , H e denies th a t she suffered any bodily, injury o r th a t she suffered apy damages'from any th ing th a t he did bu t says she probably suffered from the towering rage she perm it- ,1ted herself to enter Bryan admits tak ipg Miss Stmder m atte r nf petitions j f0 the Sanitarium a ? Comiersville. passed or. by them under Hie daw is | Ind ., wbere she was treated and do­ nu t su b je e tto review, or appeal to,; ingailbe couldto restore her to health both In body and mind not because th e h igher court. The ru ling was made as a , re su lt, of a number of* casest involving the legality of Jones law petitions. * COSTS TOO MUCH. The Xettia H erald h a s been speak­ ing,' from the' shoulder «S to the cost o f operating the County. Infftm - , . . ary , Oompariaons show th a t the p e r cap ita cost is $£01.73 from the official report. The Herald does not charge crooked work on Hut p a rt of the board bu t th a t business is not looked a fte r ,aS f t should be. One he was responsible for her condition bu t ou t of respect- for plaintiff who has a goOd side as well as an objec­ tionable one, Bryan* says th a t Miss Sfuebir ought not to recover against him for any reason sta led In the petition or for an y other reason; Snodgrass & Sehnebly are his attorneys. of the Homes in Springfield costs try and locate where the Board pur­ chases the supplies. Mr. and Mrs. F rank Welchbans of Springfield spent Thursday a t the home of Mr. O. M, ToWnsley and latniiy* Miss Carrie Townsley re­ turned home w ith them to Spend n- few* days. ’ Burglars made an attemp t Friday night* to loot- .too J am '‘Mown post- office, b u t wore misnecf E.,ful. Thu doom were heavily hauvrt and of-, forts were m ade to fore j l hem with j » “ J imniy*’ bu t to no \ vail. The tools were taken from ft local black- bur- ottup. Thomas O’Conner, th a t had never be:*n dri­ ven and drove to th is place where the rig was abandoned. -There is no, due . : . ■ GIRL WANTED. A girl is wanted a t once a t tho telephone exchange to act as opera­ tor.- Apply-to F- B . Turnbull, man­ ager* The l £ of F , hand received the new instruments Thursday evening and pufctliem in use today for the County reunion of the members of the Jin igh ts of Pythias in Xenia. A .number of the members of the local 'lodg e attended. —Rockers of a lt kinds ami stylos a t McMillan’s. There is no number on the lecture course program that has been looked to as has the one for December 5, when L. B. YVickersham returns * to Cedarville. His lectures have a popular strain that is very instructive and amusing as well A systematic and successful effort, to cu t down the vote in Greenfield was made by th e saloon element a t the recent election under the suppo­ sition th a t they would have less trouble i.n securing the iff per cent of names to apetition for another boat law election, As fa r m; doing the saloon keepers any good the move­ m en t was a failure as Hie law* -bases the number of signatures on the vote a t the preceding.municipal election. .There were no municipal officers elected t his fall. Mftrftball .Bryson Swiuehart, H all , Isley,........ R. H , B .....R , Marshall Hanaing...........F. R .............Graham Referee—Brownr of Xenia semina-’ ry. Umpires—Phillips1and Hanning, Head linesman—Miller, Time, 25 m inute halves. Touchdowns—Ba^kervllto 2, Swffic- hart 2, Goals kicked, Flncfrook .3, MARSHAL i RESIGNS. Om Boakler, marshal a t Osborn has resigned a fte r an exciting time in th a t village,, He was tried in the Probftte Court, for malfeasance of office but* the ju ry disagreed and the case was. to come up again. Jle had already been removed by the village Mayor until the charges could be Investigated bu t the council re-instated imn. The action of th is body in so doing caused consterna­ tion among the residents and the officer resigned to sOtfle the matter, .Editor McGill has Won a g reat fight, for law enforcement. ^ - „ , 4 Mr, W» J , Smith, and Misses Elettnor Smith jand Ed ha Townsley and illy Herman Townsley w'ere guests of ytr. Frobipan of 'Kew York Oily, the great, theatrical.m anager a t Day tub. last Satu rday ; night, They were given a box a t the Victo­ ria wmn*e they ,•witnessed Giara Bloodgood in the Clyde F itch play, ’’T ru th ,” one of the highest class productions on the road. Mr. Frob- tnan will in a sh o rt time v isit Mr. Sm ith and view* the former home hi Ambassador Reid. Mr, Frohmnn first introduced Mr,, Reid to Horace G rcely / ‘ ' Mp. Charles^ X, Qtuckcy and sou Edward and wife, lo ft Tuesday for Gerardstown, Virginia, where they wdll v isit for some time. This is Mr. S tuckey’s hpme-town and the v isit Will he a pleasant one, Mr, and Mrs, Edward Stuckey may remain there, some time. Mrs. Charles Stuckey will meet her husband in Pennsyl­ van ia ortdiiB re tu rn and v isit there. I n n I Ifftfi* th e Jamestown , ............- .. . ...... on the ges which was institu ted against, — **’ ........... j shores and w a te r s of Hampton him, some time ago by Mary ij , t M^nhart-Hinos, B. G .............. b low | xtoads, near the cities of Xorfolk, Stueler. In h e r petition 'for dam a*! Slyaland'., ... C........ teitzpatruff, | Portsmouth and Kewporb News, Vft., pis she claimed th a t he seized and *E h n e ............... .Iv. <*,,. ...Hawthorne j April 20 to November SO, 1907, it is to Ragged her, “tearing her clothing, ] ^Plgler-*......... *R* T ...............•yw'?ire| ho the most unique, and in original- .........’ ‘ F m n e y j ^ n n d novelty^■■will completely ' ‘ etd ip ioh li previous ExpoaitIons,.v...- ■■'■ :Thn erj^bration commemorntes’ tliiiJmiSFlmportant even t in 'history ; tho founding of th e first Engilsb- 'speaking settlement in Am e ric a ,;at" Jamestown, Va.Fin lOOl, Where Gap- tain Jobn Sm ith and a sniall party of colonists established a village .from -wbich Ims growm America,; ivlth'v; nea rly one hundred million population. The celebration will :'t botehmuaritablh vposittah;;,i*f-; talned by the United States'in history and education, together -with the marvelous industrial development and commercial expansion during three hundred years. Contempora­ neous w ith the Exposition will be held on' the Waters of Hampton Roads th e greatest naval pageant ever witnessed in the world, in Which every type ot w ar vessel from the navies of a ll foreign nations will parcipitnte, An° tb e r attractive feature will be the international m il­ itary encampment in which detach­ ments of troops of European coun­ tries w ill unite w ith 'the soldiers of the United S tates In a series ot drills, maneuvers, parades, etc* The site of the Exposition is loca­ ted w ith in twenty m inutes’ ride ol the Tidewater cities of Virginia, reached either by trolley orsteamer, and nature has combined with the ingenuity of man iu making a beau­ tiful and picturesque spot. The grounds cover more than 400 acres, with two miles of water frou tfac ing the great .-sfcwaterway in the world, and commands an unsurpassed view of innumerable points of national and historic interest. The scheme of landscape decora­ tion will be novel find elaborate, one of the attractive^ features being the’ ffbfftl ;vfehce';.‘;;'wfiicb ground, I t is made of trum pet vines, trained oil meshed wire, mterwined w ith ' honeysuckle -ami crimson ramb ler roses, the effect being an a rtistic triumph offfowering beauty. palaces a re noiv neariog completion, comprising Auditorium , Manufac­ tu re .and:,.TJb%a,l; Arts, Mines and; Metallurgy, Marine Appliances, Ma­ chinery, Food Products, A rts and Cf&fta, Transportation, SoCialEcon- omy» etc., in add ition to the govern-: ruent atld S tates ’ didings and pa­ vilions. They wiU be o f ,semi^per** maneht constrUctionand in appo ih t ments will excel any sim ilar group of buildings ever erected'. In arch i­ tecture they w ilt a il be of th e colon­ ial period:, forming a n appropriate setting to th e n a tu ra l beauties of the ertvironnient, * ’• ano ther a ttrac tive fea tu re will be th e government pleasure p ier ex ­ tend ing 200b fee t into Hampton Roads. A t either end it w ilt be afire mounted with ligh t towers and a working exh ib it of wireless telegra- phy.—Tlie eutlre structu re Yvill be Illuminated by thousands of are and incandescent electric lights, afford­ ing an unexcelled view of th e naval display* Amusements have no t been lost s ig h t nf* a n d the “ W arpath ,” covering more than a m ile, w iil Offer a diversified class of original novel­ ties* , In assembling the exhibits, espec­ ially those rep esenting tho varied Industries and th e liberal a rts tho managers oi die .Exposition have been careful to select only such as show the la te st and bestattalnmowts in every line of industry . Hence, ti will be th e first “ selective” Exposi­ tion ever held in the United Elates, in which every phase of commercial and industrial development w ill be d isp layed so arranged and classified th a t visitorft m ay obtain an intelli­ gen t understand ing of the history a n d g row th . of a n y .specific,., branch of th e trades and industics, without the necessity of visiting other btiilff- ings t<vinspect ano the r p a rt of the same exhibit. Many reasons combine to make the celebration th e anosfcsuccessful ever attempted, .and When President Roosevelt touches a n electric button A p ril 2s, ■ o f next* y ea r, signifying the form al opening o f the gates, tin thousands of visitors w ill no t be dis­ appointed in the wonders and a t­ tractions o f the J amestown Ter-CJen- tennlal. George Holversott, sent to the penitentiary iu (1386 for killing bis neighbor, Wolt^ lias been pardoned by the Board a fter serving 20 years Of time. The Board thought he has suffered enough. "John Monday sen t Bp from here for 19 years lias had Tils case reopened. Catarrh Cannot Be Cured. Midi loan! applications, as they cannot reach tho seat of--tho disease* Catarrh 4s. a : blood or constitutional disease, and in order to cure it you renst take internal remedies Hall’s Catarrh Cure is not aqnacl; incdicifie it was prtstnbf.U by one ot the best physi­ cians in this country fur years and is a. reg­ ular prescription. It is composed Ot the best tonics known, combined with tho best blood noriiicrs, acting directly on tho mu­ cous Surfaces. Dio perfect Combination of two ingredients Is What produces such won­ derful results in curing Catarrh, bend for testimonials free. Address I*. J. CHBN’IiY &, (10, Toledo, O. Sold by druggist, 75c, Halt's Family Pills are tho best. ■tCMM ■IQVSM The largest stock of Men’s, Boys’ and Children’s SUITS RAIN COATS HATS FURNISHINGS at th6 most reasonable prices, is always to be foimd at KAUFMAN’S Springfield’s Greatest Clothing Store,. rp* 2 l «23 S* Limestone Stfeet. Springfield, Ohio m m J' iwa—i MtiMMl wiiiiv MXHHN m m I R ^ O L V E D T H f i T i$ H £ R £ A G M t t V £ S H O U L B B t T hank fOLTBATmRE ts A t STORE INCUR .TOW jy U ^ E R E W ^ ] C a m BUYaW lTH S’oL .im J& TR o oB tt, Mft> EKPQV5C* n & W m w z V t i t i T o V E ftR . "OU R FO R E FA TH E R S ’- C O U L b N y O O T U h T T BVY WITH LITTLE TROUBLE. THERE L5 LoT.5 IN THAT. THE MAIN TROUBLE YOU HAVE, L5 IT NOT, 1^ IN KNOWING YOU ARE GOING To GET A .SQUARE DEAL? CAN YOU KNOW A-5 MUCH ABOUT THE CLOTHING BU*SINE*S^ A^.THE MAN WHO. I-S IN THE CLOTHING BU^INE-S.5? WHAT HAVE YOU LEFT To DO THEN? ONLY To TRU^T TO A REFUTATION* WE REFER YoU TO OUR PATRoN-S. A-SK THEM WHETHER O R NOT WE HAVE -’GIVEN* T-HEM A .SQURE DEAL. MANY MEN BELIEVE IN GETTING IT ALL AT ONCE. - WE DO NOT* WE HAVE FOUND THAT r r PAYiS VS TO GIVE TO OUR CUSTOMER'S A SQUARE‘DEAL. RESPECTFULLY, THE WHEN, ARCADE, SPRINGFIELD^ GOOD CLOTHES SHOP / Chicago..Excursion}. Pennsylvania Lines accoun t Stock Show. Special fares XdVembpr 30th, De­ cember 1st, 2nd, 3rd add 4 th for ev­ erybody. • F o r . particu lars consult J . W. Radabaugn, CCdarvllle, Ohio. "Wm, jtfcDanicl of th is p lace has asked fo r a divorce from his wife, Mattie, They were married* m iffxs and have three children. The wife le ft home, in 1905 a n d has boon ab ­ sent since then . B e asks for custody of the children, , , > Mr. G. M. Crouse has taken time by the fore-iock and lias oii display a number of styles in gas ranges. Though no pipes havc heen laid I t is expected th a tsu c h will be done soon, as the company comes here a fte r finishing Wllberforce. The B radfu te cattle were shipped to Chicago Monday, Messrs. Phillips and Stowart going through w ith the herd . ■ Mrs. j, O. S tewart and Mrs. Anna Townsley attended the funeral of Mrs. Anna Stewart la s t Friday a t the home of Mrs. Spahr near Jam es­ town. Mis. E s te r -McClain was given a verd ict last. Thursday n ig h t by &ju» ry for flfiOO in her damage su it against.the village of YellowSpring« for $5000 damages. The accident, happened in' 1994 when thrown from h e r buggy while driving in th a t v il­ lage. The horse scared a t an ob­ struction in the stree t in the dark ­ ness causing th e damage. * * W . I». d am a n s ' Insurance office and Smith Si Cleinans’ Real E s ta te Office have been moved to their new quarters on top of th e hill, nex t door ' to Odd Fellows B a ll, on west side of Main street, Ralph Gordon and Jesse Bailey the two boys arrested for tak ing money from th e Phillips m ilk wagon had their hearing before Judgo Shoup the first of the week an<kwere released. The Judge wanted to give them ano th e r chance before sending them to the reformatory. A number of stockmen from this vicinity will go to Chicago to-night and on Saturday to attend the Live Stock Show, Mr. O. E . Bradfute has been chosen to have charge of tho students tb a t go-from the difler- emt slato universities to Judgo the Cattle on Saturday. A fter the jud- ing Mr. B rndtute takes the papers and grades and points b u tth a t w-hieh has boon overlooked, it such there be. - Mrs. Jacob SieglerWns taken very seriously ill h ist Tuesday morning with h ea rt trouble. She whs em­ ployed w ith h e r house work when suddenly taken with a smkingspell. Dr. J . O. S tewart was sente for and heroic treatm en t revived her, All daylifo hnng in t he. balance and not before Sabbath morning were there much change. Since then there has been noticahle iinprovment* and it Is to be hoped th a t she will be restored to h e r usual health . All that heard YVickersham last year will hear him again this season. Thismeans that a full house is to be expected. Better get your seat early. Mrs. J^U.KoUdchtish of Memphis am sister, Mtiss .Verna Mimcc of OirtcinhaU were guests of Dr. and Mrs, M, I* Marsh ov*w Thatflisgiv- i»ff. * intwrtuEoW.rrrshwagMi. The eeeoM number m tho lecture course will tabo place Wednesday evening, Decern-* her 5, Jloh’t forget, Tho Susan Bradford estato was ap ­ praised Monday by Messrs; C* W* Grouse, John Melds and J , \V. Pol­ lock. Tho house on Main Btreefc n t $900, Bridge s tree t $1tOOand Church stree t a t |8Vf». Tho entire estate was appraised a t $0032.91, L. B. YVickersham was on the lecture course last year and was voted the best for years as a leiiurer. Better not Bliss it; / A Yearof Blood, Tho your 1003 will lung be remem­ bered in tho homo of F , X. 'Packet, of Alliance, Ky., a s h yea r of bloody which flowed bo goploualy from Mr. Taekcfc’p lungs th a t death seemed very near. Ho writes; “ Severe bleeding from the lungs and a frig h t ful cough had brought m e a t death ’s door, when I began tak ing I)r* King's Ne\v Discovery fbrCobsump tlun, w ith tho astonishing result limb a fte r tak ing four bottles I ita s Completely restoreiTniid as time has proven permanently cured,” Guar- mitet d for i*oro Lungs, Goughs and Golds, a t ail diugglsts. Price 00c and ^1.00, Trial Imttlo free. Wisterman’s Btill sells Burnsteads Cele­ brated Grippe Cure, a sure remedy for heavy colds and headache* About 75 brands of £Mfll>Kentt<iie$. An assortment of Halves and Lotions for roughness of the skin, chapped face and hands, Incident to com husking and the surly blasts of chill November. C R O U S B U t M K Cedarville, Ohio.