The Cedarville Herald, Volume 29, Numbers 27-52

t | R ” ’TA fellence Y h i r d* *h | \Wwk vcill compare with f tliatofas# otherfirm. „ , , She 'dedarvtUe Sterald. 8- THg itcci s?cc.i cot S cc 3 with p ‘In<Iex»<3exc.p?3 that your si^scrif- ;■ i$ past 4xe and a gimspp* ttlt.e ,> soer*t Ss caraeslSyffcsiica. • .• .« • ;{ T m S f Y ’X l X m TjRAlt N a 40 . CEDARVILIiB, OHIO, FRIDAY, DECEMBER, 7, 1906 . PRICE $LC0 A YEAR. *4iv>»Ww«TVp #"■•***... vvto taken from President- Iloose- , o U* b mes^ago to the Fifty-ninth t ’oagress, which opened i\n a<i- i.wrneil session. Monday. The njes- deals with very subjects ami la a strong I has rathe r nmoglngiy faisifltil the? {predictions, both of those who as-- p e tted th a t St would nisn the rad -f roads and of those who asserted; !**m£ ff did not go far enough and ■would accomplish nothing.** ^ i “The heat way to areri; the omte. sirable move for the Governmental ownership of raik*>ada Is !ia secure each adequate control ami regula­ tion of the great interstate common carriers as will do away with tin sevils which give rise to ogltatfoi 'a g a in s t them .” HELDA DON'T FORGETIT. Has a fine, assortment of high grade candies for the H O L in j tr s at right prices. Also Box papers in great varieties and a t prices from 5c to $1.00. Bulk paper and writing tablets in great profusion. BRUSHES Clothes, hair, nail and too£h brushes, and a great lot of other toilet requisites. Ho trouble to show goods and quote prices. CROUSE BLOCK Cedarville, Ohio. ATTENDED THE SHOW. The fa t stock show in Chicago has drawn many from this county the past few days. Among those who attended itrej Oiln and F red ' Dob­ bins, J>. Bradftffe, Martin Coffey, Ralph "Wolford# 13, O. Bradfute, John Btewart, P, B. TurnfralU W» A. Turnbull, H. M, Barber, I. 'F Cummins, R. D. and j . C. "William* son ' , Arch dlrieve, Flem­ ing Watt, H . H . Cherry, Isaiah Mason, Iiuther Faulkner. SIXTEEN “DONT'S”. importan 1 1 *‘ every reason why, w.hei do-mmoiff. next our system of taxation is re -Iagain recommend a law Prohib-j vised, the national Governmer Uiog all corporations from vontribn- 1 8bould imi)0H& a g fa aq aM inher. ting to the^ campaign expenses of [tance tax, and, if possible, a gradu any party.’- . fated income tax.” *Tbelieve it would he a wrong to prohibit altogether the usd of 'in­ junctions.” j “If men seek to destroy life or property by mob violence, there should he no impairment of the power of the courts to deal with thorn in the most summary. and ef­ fective way possible.*1 - There is hut one safe, rule for deal- ing with black men as with white men;that is, to treat each man, whatever his color, his creed or his speial position, With even-handed justice,” “Every colored man should real­ ize that the worst enemy of his ra*e isi the negro criminal, and anove' a ll " the negro criminal wh'o commits the crime of rape,” “The crime of rape Should be pun­ ished by d e a th ; assault, with in ten t n>commit rape should be made a capital crime; and .punishment should follow immediately upon the •heelsof the offense.” ' “Bet justice be" sure and sw ift; "but let it be justice tinder the law , and not the wild and crooked savag­ ery of the mob.** “The free public school, the chance for each hoy and girl to gel a good elementary education, lies a t the foundation of the'whole po litical sit­ uation.” „ ,■ . “In dealing w ith both labor and capital, there is b u t one m a tte r to remember more impo rtan t than aiightelse, a n d 'th a t is the infinite harm done by preachers of. mere dis­ content.” t!Th'e triumph of the mob Is just as evil a thing an the triumph of the plutocracy, and to have escaped one- danger avails nothing if we succumb to the other.*’ , ‘ • “The horrors inciden t to the em­ ployment ot young children in fac­ tories or a t work anywhere a re a blot on o u r civilization.” “The interstate commerce law s The county trengbfer will he liwre :Timmd.ayvDecember ifi, jpj 0 ,fo col­ lect taxes as usual. Tax payers in __ j the corporation must take » liberal | supply of cpsh along te meet the i-Vancii wan, ju regular session rate, au,lo. On each thousand 4©1- Mondny evening fill members lining lars you will bo asked to pay $31.60, present, During the absence o f .Don’t bite your lips and look sour Mayor McFarland, President An- a t tlie tax collector, for-lt is po t his irew presided. Ifau lt Pay up without grumbling The regular monthly hills were ] and resolve tha t from th a t time <m illowed and ordered paid. About you will pay more attention to pub- the only business of importance to lie affairs and where and for what mme up for discussion was the ques-; yonr money is spent. Jon of electric lights. ' ........ ............. . *- There has been some talk among the officials of a municipal light, plant, A committee composed of Morton, "Weimer and Shroades was i named to inspect the Dowry plant and what i t costs to run same. A recesswas taken until December 31, when business for the year will be finished. NOTICE TOBOX RENTERS. In every December, figures of fire losses reach this office which elo­ quently plead for more care "*111 the displaying of Christinas goods. The greater number of these fires start In show-windows, especially in those which are dust proof, These tightly enclosed show-boxes, after the lights (even electrical) are turned on ac­ quire a tempera! tire higher than blood heat, so everything m them is ready toblaze on slight provocation. Don’t use swinging gas brackets, .ever.-.,/' - tew ' Don’t deebrate,wHh straw, leaves of paper. ■ -, Don’t use cotton, to -imitate snow anywhere. Dort’t use an electric w ire, for a clothes-line. , Don’t use any light withoufca globe or wire screen. Don't fail to put out the smoker— or his cigar. Don’t use an . Arc light without a spark arrester. Don’t entirely cut off ventilation from a show-window, Don-tput inflammable stuff against an electric lamp socket. * Don’t have electric bulbs in show- windows hung by flexible cords. . Don’t 1 have open lights for ribbons, fancy papers and light fabrics to blow into. Don’t block susFs or exits with display? so to increase the danger from a fire panic,. 1 Don’t let cotton goods or paper shades rest against electric light bulbs. They may char and when charred ignite. Dph’fcfail, if you have a depart­ ment store, to test all fire appara­ tus, to have extra clerks participate in a fire drill. Don’t leave salesrooms littered With rubbish from the unpacking of goods. Show .windows, aside, rub­ bish is responsible for the greater number of holiday fires. Don’t expose articles of celluloid to any temperature above summer heat. In a Btoreat Waldo, during this month, a bunch of Celluloid combs'exploded from having a lamp placed two feet below them. D, 8* O bbameh , State Fire Marshal. GIRL WANTED. A girl is wanted or once a t the telephone exchange- to act ns opera­ tor, Apply to F. B„ Turnbull, man­ ager, TEACHERS’ ASSOCIATION. The Second Bi-Monthly Meeting of the Greene County Teachers’ Association for the year 1906-1907 Will be held In the Auditorium of the McKinley School Building, Xenia, Ohio, Saturday, December 10, 1906. - Music under tfieleadership ofMiss Bertha Stephenson, Supervisor of Music, Jamestown Public Schools. . Forenoon,Session.—9:80 Standard. Music. Invocation. Music. Fife and worklof Thomas Arnold of Rugby, Miss 1 Mary Turner, Spring -Hill School, Xenia. Intermission. Mu­ sic, Piano D tte tt,'Misses Bihgamort and HaMett, Jamestown High School. Recitation, Mr, Jesse Phil­ ips, Jamestown High School. Ad­ dress, Prof, W. W. Weaver, Antioch College,' Yellow Springs, Ohio. Afternoon Session,—1:15Standard. Music and Gymnastics by children from- Orphans’ Home: Education at"the Q- S. & S, O .. Home. Super­ intendent E . L- Mendenhall. Music by Children from O. 8. & S. O. Home- Intermission. Address, Memory in Education, Dr;", David R. Major; Professor of Education, Ohiq State University. Executive Committee.—C. E . Tit- low, Pres. Dota Sieglor, Sec’y. D. L, Crawford, Edwin B, Cox. R. H. Barnes. According to a recent order from P. O. Department, all box rents must be collected in advance. Ten days before the close of each quarter a notice will 1*®placed in your box with a bill for your box rent, If you fall to rehew your box nefore the first day of the next quarter, your box will be closed and mail placed in General Delivery. The department requires th a t this order "beenforced, so be prepared to pay your box rent; between Dec. ill and 31, , , * . •T. N, Tarbox, SLIGHTLY HURT. A report has. been In circulation tha t Mr. David.Bradfute had" been injured In Chicago, where ho had gone to attend tho stock show; by falliugfrom a car. The only inform­ ation; a t band Was th a t t he injury was sUghfcand not as bad as report­ ed. His shoulder was bfuised to some extent. W. L. Clemons’ Insurance office and Smith & Clemons’ Real Estate office have been moved, to their new quarters On top of the hill, next door to Odd Fellows Hall, on west side of Main street. —Rockers of a t McMillan’s. all kinds and Styles A Western Wonder. a t There’s a H ill A Bowie, Tex.* that’s twice as big as last year. This wonder is W.L. Hill, who from a weight of 90 pounds has grown to over 180, He says: “ I suffered with a terrible cough, and doctors gave me up to die of Consumption. T was reduced to 9!)pound*, when I began taking Dr. King’s Sew Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds. Now, after taking la bottles, I have more than doubled in weight and am completely cured.” Only sure Gough aud Cold cure. Guaranteed by all druggists. 5(H>and $1.00, Tri­ al bottle free. GIVEN FIVE YEARS. Joe Baker colored* will spend Christmas With Warden Gould a t the Ohio Pen, and for foqr success­ ive years will be ■ the State’s guest on Christmas ' unless' released. Joe assaulted the City Dog Catcher in Columhus ami was' sentenced to serye five years, "Wednesday, He •hails, from this place.biff hgs pot been here much'of late. ISREPOSTED. 1FAILURE.! .AEW VOKKs-Wcc, ^ (A s so c ia t­ ed' Press Dispatch).--The Tribune to-d&v says: The Publio.Qwjoership commission of the Rational Civic Federation, after an exhaustive in­ vestigation of public ownership, both in Europe and America, 1 b under­ stood to be unanimously opposed to, public, ownership on the grounds tha t It is unscientific, wasteful and totally undesirable. The commis­ sion is making up its report and will submit i t to ’the Federation before the middle of January. WEATHER REPORT. ' I • Rainfall 3,72 inches;, wind direc­ tion, Korthwesfc; per cent, sunshine so; clear days, 8; cloddy, 13; pa rt cloudy, S; rbins, 8; number *>fSnows. 3; depth of snoiv, 2 inches; thunder storms, 2: frosts 5, range of temper­ ature’ 13 degrees; average tempera­ ture 45degrees; highest temperature d ij lowest temperature, 26;, rainfall so far in 1906 Is 29-78 inches, gamuet OresWeH, Observer. THE THREE REVOLTS. i t is proable th a t if a close ana ly ­ sis was made of .the three revolts in this country—th a t against bossism, tha t against the liquor traffic Sind tha t against predatory wealth, i t will be found that- tliey. all originate in the BAtne Impulse and are promoted by the same conscientious purpose. I t is astageo t public sentiment, tha t has been reached, 'that, all these forces are arrayed ngaidst the square deal and the common welfare. Wheneveryolifind one, the ofhefs will be close by, kinkiy disposed. They are natural allies. They have been having their way a long time and have brought heavy burdens to% the people, so heavy tha t the people are restless. That is the diagnosis of the great unrest. And the lesson is th a t sober, patriotic reflection is the du ty o t the hour, to the end,-that the country may get i t bMff toward justice, honor and pqualopportunlty. No one is expecting tho millennium soon, b a t I t is with a nation aB with a man, whose careers a rc much alike th a t turned upward better things always. ' 1 \ "Wednesday was the last day of tho hunting season. The sport was not what i t usually is in tins section. Land owners have posted the farms against hunting and then the game was not very plentiful. The largest stock of Men’s, Boys’ and Children’s r u t r c n f f A a T c U V C R W U i i l i J C * I T J ' f ' C O U I l o RAINCOATS HATS FURNISHINGS at the most reasonable prices, is always to be found at KAUFMAN’S Springfield’s Greatest Clothing Store, 19.2i.23 S . Limestone Street. Springfield, Ohio. -NEWROAD LAW* The provisions of the new law, which went into effect December 1, doing away with township. road; su­ pervisors, affects sigh (men ff« Xenia township who have been appointed to tho position of supervisors by the township, trustees. Under the new law four road' superintendents will be appointed by th e . trustees, and eqgh one of these men -will have charge’of one of the four districts in which; the township will .be. di­ vided. The law changes the method by which the money is obtained for keeping up the ‘roads, and Instead of working out the road tax, as was done under the supervisors, $800 or $400 will be Apportioned to each superintendent by the trustees from the taxes on real and personal prop­ erty In the township, and, this will be used for ’keeping the roads in condition. For any work, Which Will amount to more, than $600 the superintendents Wlll be required to receive’bids and le tcon tract to low est bidder. Mary Law, wife of Die late Win. B. Stewart, died Sabbath ' a t the home' of her soh, R.' L. Stewart, three miles north of Clifton, The funeral was held Tuesday from the residence. Mrs, Stewart wfts past eighty years of age. —Hundreds of books, . formerly $1,50., We are now selling a t 50c you Should see them', popular books. West’s Book Store, Xenia, Ohm. t Itw ili pay you to look a t the un­ derwear, .Sullivan, The Hatter, is selling for 50c, 75e rttid $1.00. .27 S. Limestone street,, Springfield, Ohio, SELMA. Mrs. Charlie Holloway is sick with pneumonia,.. A large uumberof children are re­ ported slek .With tonsilitis this week. Mr. Richard Wolf and wife, of, WestCarrolUon,-wereSttnday.guest6 here.i Mrs. Hu rst has accepted a posi­ tion with Mrs. John Rankin a t Charlston. Misses Black and Wfldnsin spent Sunday a t their home in Spring- field. Mrs. J . W. Scanl&ud was taken sick lost Thursday night but-Is somewhat improved, Mr. and Mrs. J . G« Gano, ot Jamestown, were the guests of Joe Negus and family Sunday, ‘Mrs. R. G. (Jalvertwas in Cincin- natilast week attending the Friend’s Quarterly Meeting. Panhandle Agent King reports 11 carloads of cattle and 7 hogs ship­ ped from this point last Week. SCVeh cars of cattle being for export* Robert Tindall, the veteran stock shipper, is still doing business hav- shlpped Alarge consignment of live stock last Saturday. In the Matter of tho Publication of Notice in tbo Estate of Susan Bradford, Deceased, Notice is hereby given th a t the undersigned has been appointed and duly quali­ fied by the Probate Court of Greene County, Ohio, as Administator with Will annexed of the above named estate. All persons indebted to said estate must'm ake immediate pay­ ment; those having claims will present them for settlement. A* Bradford, RESOLVED THATTHEREHAY&EArtORg COAfOHTABLETEELirfG. BUT r&R m t h e k e S nothing uke SrwCSUNGMTo a F ine " comfy " . . . . . . - U Y L f t ,>W < * t wr M M * S * IS W IS TR Y I T M A K E S IS F E E L 5 ©J assy To be warm and well DRESSED- BEUKE the PRUDENT A(NT, BEREADYFSR THEW 1 MT e B. j BU 5 7ER brown - ' H ik e Y po ROVER fiOATSET’ TKS T Vi tPRYAKSHt l» * r e s bk * wmc « chicaso . .0 YOU WI/SH TO -SNUGGLE INTO A COMFORTABLE OVERCOAT, DO YOU NOT? COMFORT I S THE QUALITY YOU FIR a ST LOOK FOR TNAN OVER- . CoAT.r THLS GOOD, . W l 1 WHEN YoU ARE GETTING A ^oMFbRTA&LE OVERCOAT THERE NO REASON WHY YOU .SHOULD* NoT AL^P GET A .STYLLSH OVERCOAT. IT WILL WEAR JV ST A S WELL AND LOOK BETTER. REMEM­ BER YOU WEAR YOUR oVERCo’AT ON THE OUTGIDE- THAT liS.oNE REASON WHY WE'VE PUT ^TRE-SiS UPON OUR LINE OF OVERCOATS, MADE ESPECIALLY’ FOR \3S BY', THE WORLDS BE-ST MAKEJ. WANT ONE? "ROGERS,,PEET CO / S OVEKCOATSITKOH. 1 20 ,TO$ 45 ; K lKSO ir- BAUM^S OVERCOATS FROM $ 9 .65 To $ 25 ? PECK^J OVERCOATS FROM $ 9 .65 To $ 25 . RE­ MEMBER AGAIN: YOU WEAR Y-’oUR OVERCOAT ON THE OUTRIDE. ‘ RESPECTFULLY;'^ : - THE. WHEN, ARCADE, ^SPRmGFIELD^ GOOD CLOTHEJS\SBOF Cedarville CownsBip School Report. Number of District..,............................. . Enrollment............ ....... ..............’...... Average Dally Attendance.................... Per Cent Daily Attendance.................. Number Tardy ....... .......................... , Number Present Every Day.........”... Per Cent Present Every Day.............. Number of Visitors ...,......... .................... Hank for October....*.... .... ;.........., MissSferrett .. 1’OB<9 f : Km.55 5 * (D tn 1 i .B W »r ■Cas,■ O K 5 ^ 31 ttoB w*-p § 5 * A T 3 rs* &. H L .JWNk-Si vs ■ a t *4 Total ..— .. 1, .2 8: 4 ^•6■v» 7 8 18 7 20 15142813 8317 71913 12 24[125 879 i 959592 80 .92 91 7 i 1- 7 0 3 8 28 1 , 8 3 10 8 5 8 53 295045505336 . 31 40 1 ‘2 0 4 0 3 0 10 0 8| O I 4 7 5 D. L. CRAW'fORD, Bup’t. R e a l V a lu e s I N FOOTWEAR Catarrh Cannot Be Cured. ffith local applications; as they cannot icsch Use scat ot the disease. Catarrh Is a Moodor constitutional disease, and in order to cure Uyou must take internal remedies Halite Catarrh Cure is not aqttackmedicine ff waa presenbea toy one t t the best physi­ cians in this country for years and is a reg­ ular breffription. It Is composed ot the best tonics known, Coiteiblecd with fliertest bhKt-1bullfic.K. ucbLgff.rcctly t-i Ik? r,:‘U ecus snr/aces, Die perfect Cumbinstion of two Ingredienia is Whatproducessuch Won­ derful remits In furhig Catarrh, 8eud for UStlmonlals free. Address F, F t'HB.MEVAGO, ’foteuo, O. field by dragglal, Tfh% Hail’s Family Pill* ate the heat. The iBffti or woman who gives the question •of dreg®the attention i t deserves, demand of their shoes that they have ^'distinctive style and careful jSni8h,,, that their quality be the * very highest and the price ashed be consistent. Qur Shoes, Boots, Rubbers - And Arctics Gome up to these requirements in every particular. That's why we please. Horner Bros. &Co’s. 39 South Limestone Street, Springfield, Ohio. i A y e r * P i ll t. A y« r5* Pill** ^ A y e r 's Pill*. K eep s i y i i i t th is o v e r a n d e v e r T h e h e x t ItxiHve* Wttit ymmrnmclmm fee»fd R I ( ( ! I | l ( l i i | i tt J- vw