The Cedarville Herald, Volume 29, Numbers 27-52

J J+, _ f r THEXCHAN6EBMK wwnpi#nmiwrPiwrjfiwiti^itrti UEUAIlVlftHTC* OHIO. Wll Y lire PATRONAGE prfljrjino pgrrCvl am] prompt .attention to ail buainrss intrusted to uu. NEWYORKDRAPT mid SANKMONEYORDERS- The cheapest »nct moot con- vf-niont way to «cml money by mail.. loans Made Real Estate, Personator Collateral{Security, Banking Hours: 8, A. M, to 8, P. M. j H« "W, S jiraL President, O, Jj. S mith , Gashter, The Cedferville Herald. S i.o o p e r Y e a r . KA .R I.H BTJL.L, - ’« E d i to r F HDAY, DECEMBER 7, 1906- ' Several- years ago, during ' trie days of - '‘Boss” Quay in 'Pennsylvania, the newspapers of that state made life miser* ’ able for the grafting ^politi­ cians. To eveQ with the ‘‘muckrahers'*, as those who come in the limelight call them, the Boss had, a press- nuizzeling bill passed. There was to he nothing said about the public officials or, their e,.4duct iii office and np car­ toons published of a political lUMire. . I t was believed at the time that Governor Pennypacker would ho t sign the measure to make it a law. . but he dicL- The newspapers were angered more than evei and paid little attention to the ’ law. They knew that their only remedy was In !the election of. non-machine -men to the legislature that would’ not pass a law to forbid the wrongdoings of officials and politicians being brought to light. In the election 125 members of the legislature were op for re-election and 110 were defeated, In the Senate 30 voted for the meas­ ure and 17 were defeated. There was no direct fight to defeat thesemen but the pea- —-pie voted their sentiments. .A lesson is to be drawnfrom the Pennsylvania election show­ ing tha t the. people, approve­ in a law that gives newspa­ pers the right tolay bare the fads concerning the acts of public officials and corrupt politicians. Cardinal Gibbons was evidently right when he said: “Thedread of exposure in the public press keeps ma­ ny a man sticking close to the path of rectitude who other­ wisewould stray off into the byways of “graft” . „ Obis session of Congress is goiyg to Cave "a very busy time ahead of ; it, Ordinarily them would have been no thought th a t any thing ex­ cept the Mg' supply Mils could he prtSaMlj hofc the present times are not ordinary ones. President lloose* vdfchftS a way of getting lug oWB irayiutd forcing the consideration of bills which oven a majority of Congrof® would prefer to mfpigeoh- jiok-d, H i ere ute four Measurer, he- Hide the appropriation hills, all of which iii'e likely to bo mentioned at the eomhsg session, and one or two of which are almost certain to ho passed, l-’or the find t line in its his* fory the shipping hill may ho eon* aidoreil an administration Measure, T/io chit of Secretary Moot* d«live-red a t the tmns-Misstssipp f!ofjgro8^af-i4t fioufej. demonstrated tho nocf«?dty ter much a, hall amt tils* <.fo*cd that the Pmddont was heart., $iy in favor of If. There Are » great powerful In iAvmfpt i'h .131! j «u'bop;'iso* rpjtfo tbtij hdl that flow testing in a im* | milter !»hf ft Hhbsldy Hill nofio- tho te>i8.. with *1:0 ttepo In the bawife f t t m w l ftacit fe fWft n t Us provisions #.mld h* moillflrdhef Uti' tllOhlllWAS 'ihate i t f* likely, In the f jgfthttlsn''- thatWlH ftsflwtu hl-fWreii Rapid change* of t«mp«r*turo are liawl on tjbe toughest cOttibtutlcHi, The conductor passing fronxthe heated inside of a trolley car to .the Icy temperature of the platform—the canvasser spending an hour* or so in & heated building and then walking against a biting wind—Imow the difficulty* of avoiding cokL body* so that it can better withstand the danger o f cold from changes of temperature. It will help you to avoid taking cold. AM* DRUGG ISTS j 5 0 o . AND $1.QQ. appropriation Measures, th a t a Ship Subsidy Bill m ay be jammed through. There is another subject, th a t of currency reform, which has been knocking a t the doors of Congress far many years past. I t is a subject R fftcuronl W lie » t X n C*Jta<tw» While It is possible to make good flour from some kinds, of macaroni wheat, such floor is generally unpop­ ular,, Furthermore, the peculiar char­ acter of the kernels necessitates the use of somewhat different methods In the milling of these kinds “of wheat They are naturally, therefore, looked f MWnt interest and one which a t upoa & dlsfayor by mlller8* Fawri. last the financial institutions ot the who grow any of these varieties country seem to' be agreed on ,1’here is little,.doubt th a t a bill em­ bodying the suggestions of the cur­ rency commission,, will be intro* duced a t the nex t session, and it doubtless would, be passed were it not th a t the time lim it is so much against it. Howbver, this may be regarded -' as , possible legislation. The two other measures, which Stand comparatively little show, are tariff reform and the inheritance •ax, With the general subject of tariff revision is bound up the ques­ tion of tbe Philipine tariff, which may possibly be passed aSa separate measure but whidh m all probablli ty will bb pu t off to a mote conren lent season. when the subject of tariff revision can be considered as a whole. ■ should exercise great carp to prevent them from becoming mixed with the standard sorts used for flour making.— Dr, William Saunders. Mrs. Parsons might follow up her book on the Trial Marriage by one «vMarriage Trials, {■Senator P la tt wants It mentioned th a t he a t least was never mixed up in ah insurance scandal. ' 3olm D. Rockefeller s a y s “There ts no place like my home” . But' yha ttb e process servers would like .o find out iswhere it is located. P ittsburg has nothing better to chronicle today than a Black hand shooting scrape, indicating th a t the supply of ‘ millionaires- is running tow. ’LongTennessee Fight. For twenty years W. Ii. Bawls, of Sells', Tend., fought nasal catarrh. He writes; “The'swellingand sore­ ness inside my nose was fearful, till I began applying •Bucklen’s Arnica Salve to the sore -urface; this caused ;he soreness add swelling to disap­ pear, never to return.” ' Best salve m existence. 26o a t all druggists. D rrkENNEDY -S FAVORITE REMEDY P I c a iit t o t a k e , yowcrfUl toCuro*- - .A n a W e lc o m e i n everyHome. . KIDNEY ib IUVEI cbi . jn*n?atrcUetla omm muink J by imparity of th* blood, loch « , Kidney, Bladder and U re r Com­ plaint*, CnnrtipattaL and wbakaetwea peculiar tv *umSSf"amp* $25.00 i d ! $25.00 ——wmr. nt?Y a - RichBlackfarm Land IN NORTHRAST TEXAS, along tho teas midknd RAIL ROAD itt a community not ia r behind your own in development,. Val-; uea range from ten to fifty dollars , per aero, and tho land is all good * ’ ‘ * the best in Texas. -absolutely Our people f! Want YOtT, and a neighborly -welcome awaits the thrifty man and his family. Rotuld trip homeseeker tickets are on sale twice monthly to all points in Texas, and the flight- seeking >vay to Houston, Galves­ ton and Ban Antonio (with Inter­ mediate stop-overs) is via the Frisco, Texas Midland and Month- urn Pacific Systems, Further particulars will bn gladly furnished upon application to H. W. TRUAX, LAND AflfiNf Reifoy building, Ohio. 8. McKAV» t j m m t Pttitwg** hgm* fewdi# T iixmv . - ■Worth M o re T h a n A lt M o tiolfl M in e r. Alfalfa Is worth “ am in Colorado today than'all the gold mines In the state, and some of us are passing up the beat prospects of our life In not growing the great legume, remarks Denver Field and Farm. g a r d e n t a l k A Miraculous Cure.' • The following statement by H . M. Adams and wife, Henrietta, Pa., is, “ A miraculous feure has tak- <mplace in our home. Our child had eczema 5 years and was pronounced incurable, when we read about Elec­ tric Bitters, and concluded to try It. Before the second bottle was all tak­ en. we noticed a change for the- better,-and after taking 7 bottle he was "completely cured,”1 I t’s the up-to-date blood medicine apd body building tonic.' Guaranteed. 50c and $1.00a t all druggists. 'Tle-drew a probe from his pock­ et, and, pressing it into the alliga­ tor’s gums, he said; ?* "Does this hurt you,? '^The alligator^ screamed, with pain, and the dentist, amid its great- agony, made good his escape, *— Philadelphia Inquirer. NeW Cure for Epilepsy, J . B. Waterman, of Watertown, ■()., Rural free delivery, writes; “My daughter, afflicted for years with epilepsy, Was cured by Dr. King’s New lnfe Pills. She has not had an attack for over years,” - Best body cleansers and life giving tonic pills m earth. 25c a t'a ll druggists. mmois. mu* Beetle. Xt is now known that the Black Hills beetle infests the eastern sections of the Rocky mountain region from the Black Hills of South Dakpta to north- erp New Mexico, and there is evidence that Its distribution extends westward info Utah and northern Arizona, Xt attacks and kills the western yel­ low or bull pine and the white sprucfe in the .Black Hills of South Dakota and the western yellow or bull pine, "ttte"lbnb6r”plne“ and'tlie;,Rngeiiaann spruce in the Pike’s peak region, Wherever this insect is found in ab­ normal numbers its depredations on living timber are more or less extern sive, It has killed between 700,600,000 and TWO,000,000 feet of timber hi the Black Hills forest reserve and is also demonstrating Its destructive powers in centra] Colorado and New Mexico, Subscribe ForThe XCHia Gazette. BV MAIL; Semi Weekly.,., $2 pet y«ar Daily ..... - 1 ... $3 per year The Daily delivered by carriers in Xenia, James­ town, Gedarville and Yel­ low Springs, xocts per week. All the General News in &condensed arid satis* factory form and six times m o m G o ttf ity N e w s t h a n : any other paper, because published six times often- er, Subscribe Today Cxpaitalva t« Build and Twit ftftd Been 0*1 Out of G*ar» "When g big gun i# made i t be­ come* g perpetual charge on the ex­ pense Account of the go7e?alaenV, remarked the inspector of naval ordnance. “I t costs a lot to make it, too, to try it when i t is mounted, *nd it* extreme limit of life is 1GQ shots. Tho largest guns we make now are twelve Inch. They are from forty to fifty feet long, and tho weight of the gun will cause it to droop and in a few years render it useless. I t has to he sent back to the ordnance yard a t intervals to nave: iih rifling 4tyig& "’■?? ^Tivm the toughest steeh with the highest elastic limit and grea test‘tensile strength, will bend under itB own weight. I f you support a bar of steel even a few inches long at both ends for a long time i t will curve down in the center tp a degree that cannot indeed be detected without the aid of precise instruments, hut it will take a permanent set, and a gun does the same thing in a greater, measure. When we try a gun the armor makers furnish the plate, the gunmaker the gun, the shellmakets the projectile and the government the powder, Tho total cost' of a shot is approximately $1,000, and we usually fire three shots a t dif­ ferent distances. “The shell is caseliardened a t its point and now carries a charge of oleaginous graphite in its nose, which breaks at the moment Of im­ pact and oils the hoi? in the armor. The patent on that graphite scheme cost the government $50,000. The shell simply bores its way through The armor, and its progress is aided very materially by the graphite. The navy exacts arteor that can't be pierced and shells that will go through anything, so we have about arrived a t the paradox of an irre­ sistible force meeting an impenetra­ ble body. As a result the few.makers Of this high quality of steel are now able to furnish from th,e plants con­ structed under the fpstenng care of the. government a much higher grade of steel to the trade than ever before. The tensile strength and the elastic limit of steel have been raised ip. the general market from 5O,0OQ pounds a square inch to 575,000 for one and from 45,000 to 185,000 pounds a square inch for 1tho .other within a few years, and this as an indirect result of the gov­ ernment’s exactions, ’ , . ‘ . *Ttfa very seldom a gun is fired is mounted. Gun pointers axe used for.drill, and once or. twice •a year the gun is used for actual target practice and fired once or possibly twice. But it is too expen­ sive a machine to, use for practice when there ore exact'ways o f testing the range and accuracy by triangu­ lation and the known qualities of the powder and other factors tha t apply to it and1which are preserved from its first test.” Tho Name «ga»ter„" Easter' has, from the earliest times' of Christianity, been celebrated as tho Christian Passover, or festive! of the resurrection of Christ, The name is derived from the Old Saxon word oster, which means rising, whence also is derived the word east, or the region of the rising sun. In the primitive days of Christianity Easter was celebrated on the day of the full moon which falls on March 51 or next thereafter, hut by the council of Nice, in the year 825, the rule was adopted which makes Eas­ ter day always the first Sunday after the full moon which happens' on March 21 or next thereafter, and if the full moon happens on a Sunday Easter is the Sunday after. By tlfis arrangement Easter may come as early^as“March" 22 ot~ as Tate ~ April 2 6 .___ , ^ Uytrig In B*d. Avoid &cramped position as you go to sleep. I f . the base of the brain, the spine or the chest is es­ pecially tired, take the middle of the bed and place a pillow under you perpendicularly, so that it reaches juBt below should’er blades and the head hangs over slightly at the top—enough to throw out the chin. Then throw the arms out horizontally. This expands the chest wonderfully, and, in fact, re- S rates all the upper part of the When the posture becomes irksome, turn the pillow about at once and assume the usual sleeping Attitude. Let all the muscles of the body remain as passive as possible. . , i A 0afo'altrti««fc Old Woman (awaiting 'magis­ trate's signature to her declaration that she has lost a pawn ticket)— An awkward thing, your honor, to loso a pawn ticket. Felice Superintendent—Bh-h-h. Old Woman (not to bo sup- pressed)—-Aheml It's an awkward thing, yer honor, to lose a ticket, Magistrate-^My good woman, I never lost one. Old Woman—Ah 1 Sure, yer honor, some people are Very care­ ful.—Punch. Architect Knew H All.' ■When It was a question ot 'eon* Stfuetlng the Cupola ?hr tho cathedral At Florence, liruneflesdil, the famous architect, plainly told the council, assembled te consider the claims of the various competitors, that he wan the only one who knew huythlr*^ about it, and that they had therefore better fttve him -the eatmnigsion at once, . as pawn - Jardinlers and iaboroffes, a fine display at McMillan’s. Avertable IVeparaliouforAs­ similating IheFoodandBegula- lmg%eSto*wd)3awlBcwrelsoir PromotesDigestion,Cheerful­ n e ss andRest.Contains neither Opium,Morphine norMineral. N o t N A r o o t i c . o fO U JfrS W €E L P T T C iatt Seett- SmMUUx- AperfectRemedy forConslipa* non, Sour Stomach,Diarrhoea Worms(Convateions,Feverish- nes$ andLOSS OF SlJBES*. TacSunil® Signature of N E W YORK . CASTORIA ror Infanta and CfhilcbMm. [The KindYouHave Always Bought Bears the Signature of Use For Over Thirty; Years ■EXACTCOPTOFWRAPPER. THece«r*un com **«V. » i » to «* c ( t ». New Fall Attractions laBBSB FALL SUITS AT POPULAR PRICES Fall Skirts $5 to $12 the new plaids. FalljWaists, wool, $1.25 to $2.50. Black Silk Waists,' $4.50 to'$10. Brillintine Waists, $1 to $2.50. ’ Silk Petticoats, excellent for $5, six yds, rufBte, . Satin Petticoats, $1 to $2.50. Furs—Collars, Muffs, ets., latest styles, $1-75 to .$15 ' * . Muslin Underwear-Corsets Covers, Pants, 25c to $1, Gowns 50 to $3. 1Knit Corset Covers, Knit Underwear and Mentor are very popular. Five cases just in. New; Outing, Gowns,, 50c to $1. Also, Bain Coats. Boom Bugs—Carpet size, all grades. Tapes­ try, $10.75. Bugs, $1.50, etc. Druggets, $3 up. ' HUTCHISON&GIBNEY’S, i TRY OUR JOB PRINTING ONEIDA COMMUNITY TRAPS Tho HEWHOUSE TRAP Is the best , lit tho world, it Is a perfect machine, tland-fitfodl Thoroughly inspected and tested! T—■ -V—'*- Tho VICTOR TRAP fs tho only re- Ifable low-priced trap. Don’t buy cheap Imitations. Be eure the Tran Pan reads as followsr ASK ANY TRAPPER We Help You to Save and HAKE HONEY. i T H M T H A P P B -r t '3 G U iD M f y n j l f feHii fo r ihe JVtaiioUte tWflPtRS* GUIDE. ■ ‘Jtlit i>esi n.'ihod o f tra/f>in» and tbiiittlng Stud to Jit/i. A> Vntida CbMWwHfty, JM.t Oneida, i?IAK. HUNT£rt~r*ADE#~r/*APPiStt 7 h i only MASA2l(IE <hvolidio the inltrtiit i f the irapfir, Jtend JO Unit fo r -toft* A. ft,HARDINGPUS. CO., Calambu*, Ohli PATENTS CnvtM*, «mlTraile.MafktoUSxiseii «nd*11l‘«t M * ,ehtIsnsUif*3toftiltscteOforMftfteftktK £ icaanmau jccvreasiama.M'?ewowfe| nt*.lwe t sn-ff«f*pat^v.t in kjoan-.attrtnthiose* f »eraolfl#'HtnVV4^!iirgtoc* Se'.tilni;ii3<'t,dcrxWMf? ">l)OfA•crilh ditlthi [Itiftj. \vt, l«e of tllJlffTfr. OuffeeTV.l tiii '3 .1 cost til ajurrfc ift iher tt$, tetdM Coa»Uit*4 A i l ■ C .A . 8 NOWAOO. Mvtftvflviiax,VifAiaiNifiiftt#, Having arranged fot exceedingly low clubbing rates with publishers of the best and most popular publi­ cations in the United States, Daily, Weekly and Monthly, we are now ready to fill orders a t froth Thirty to Fifty per cent, less than the re­ gular prices, giving Subscribers full , benefit of the lowest clubbing rates, ; at same time allowing a liberal com- l mission to Soliciting Agents. To advertise our new offers would entail A cost which We save to the Subscriber by asking each reader of this item to send a postal Card for Sample Copies of T hu Whhxr,vENOunU5ftj and if so situ­ ated to do a little agencyWork dur­ ing the winter, make application for agency, I t is a fact that T ub E n * StmuftL offers more and better bargains than may be had from other sources, One offer gives $5.00 Worth for only $2,00, another gives a Daily paper, two Weeklies and two Monthlies for only $1.75. The Veterinary column of T h * V teBurir EiTguiKBR is wotth fiom five to fifty dollars to any horse owner. ... \ Write to-day to ItaettttftNik# £&Mg»&«&yv “We recommend it; there isn’t any better.,, • I n mid-summer you have | 0 trust to a large degree to your huteller. Weii Cared For Meats In hofc weather are the only klftci to buy; we have proper appliances for keeping them right, and they're sweet and safe when sold. Don’t go m eat shipping when it’s hot. Buy of us and be sure. C. H . CROUSE, GEDARVILLE, O. Yarn's Restaurant and Dining Rooms Oortter High and Limestone street* Springfield, Ohio. SourStomach ./UuAed OnscsretBund fool llk< t»»n * snfforerlron dyspepsia for the laafc two years . I have 1 i e n newman. I have ' and sour stomaeh been' takinc raedt 1iln<J no relief only .fora.horttim e. Twill recommend Oascarets to toy friends as the only.thing for Indigestion and •onr stomach and to keen the bowels in good con. ditlop. They are very nice to esf,” Jlsrry Stuckley, Mauch Chunk, Pa. PJeasant, Palatable, Potent, Tasto Good,DoGood, Kerer sicken, Weaken or Gripe, XOe, So, Me.Woyer ■old Jn balk. Tho genuine .tablet stamped OCO. Guaranteed to cure or youy money buck. ' Sterling Remedy Ca., Chicago or N.Y. 599 AMNUALSALE*TEHMILUOHBOXES Yourself That' is ju s t what you are doing when you fail to get reg­ ular and sufficient sleep. Your' body requires tins unconscious period for repair work; with­ ou t i t your nerve energy be­ comes exhausted, and you are ‘ tired, ‘ worn-out, nervous, ex­ citable; have headdche, neu­ ralgia, indigestion,, poor appe­ tite, or-other ailments caused by a lack Of nerve force. Make it your business to sleep. If you are > restless, take Dr. Miles’ Nervine; it soothes and strengthens the nerves, and brings sweet, refreshing, life-giving sleep, and gives the organs power" to work natur­ ally. T ry it to-day* “ l had a sovero spell o f fever, which le ft m a In ft v ery w eak condition and v ery nervous, I iia d sovero spells of headache a n d neuralgia, a n d ' could Bleep b u t v o ty little, isvo ry effort that ■was m ade to 're c o v e r m y strength wna o f no avail Until I .began taking Or. M iles’ B cstorative Nervine. A lter I commenced to ta k e tho Nervine mV ; sleep Was profound find reatful, ■and th e p ain s In xny head, a s Well ns tho -djeuralgla- pains,-left.-TOft. m -ft.r£ ro iin j e x te n t and I grew gradually better. _ MRS. 15. H. GILBERTSON. , 8SI B erylan Ave., Belvldcrc, Ills.; Dr. Mile** Nervine 1» sold by your druaglst, who wilt Guarantee that the ■ first bottle will benefit. If It fails, he will refund your money. ^ Miles Medical C o ., Elkhart, Ind ■ CUBES 'TTtlE body gets its life from *■ food properly digcstea* Hellthy digestion means pum bloodfof tho body, but ntomacli .frouolei arfcc' from tarolrssncts in. eating and stomach disoraora upset the entire cystcni. Improp-, m y masticated food sours on tuo . Btomaeh, causing distressing l pains, belching and nancca. 1 When over-eating idpersistedm the stomach becomes weateiica :and worn out and dyspepsia Iclaims ih.ovictim. ... j Thod fo rd ’a Bhth-Drauflht. ' cures dyspepsia. It frees tho stomach and bowels oscongested matter and. gives tho atoinecit newlife. Tha stomachtoquidily invigorated and the natural Stimulation resuite in a good appetite, with tlio pc set to ihor* oughiy digest food. , You can build upyoureiom-iCJ With this mild and naltnM remedy. TryThediord'a ljlatA- Draught toilay. You can buyu pOckagfi from your dealer for 25c. if he docsnot kCt-Pit. *»du Fbatt ‘ THEUFOBU’S H a U D K - im M - m m g . fap ito l „ B m W $ f f ai fsic*^