The Cedarville Herald, Volume 29, Numbers 27-52
trw as •1 % . r u , fc k) rv Bring Your Baby In December And if it was born this year we will give him or her a Solid Gold Ring. . Come* if you want a present for father, mother, sis ter, brother/wife, husband, friend or °r W e It&vo t u p l e s 3B « a e h a n d a l l . . - WA.hrvyn th^* b e s t, in our lines, and can please the most»parfcicular as well aa those easily satisfied. We can’t tell all the things we have to show, but come, look, if you don’t find what you want you’ll not be asked to buy. .He COLLUM, 1 r • j /, * The Jeweler. #<wMr?MnNf> Bff <” (? N othing equals .wh’atypu wfil find at . / - f times in a new stock of 1 \ '* u ,£ v t 1 f *- , » i > roceries, ,fruits;and notions and - „ e t us price these goods to you. Everything can be found here for our Christmas dinner. h 4V>*6 .V !| B Uyyour Christmas Candies where there is ur candies are carefully selectedfor *> , '*'* • » ^ 1 „ ,, i, 1 abbafch schooL and public schbol treats. Jobe BrothersStore News. $10 CloaK Sale. ' ’ •/. ; * •; See what you can buy here this week in a,Ladies* Cloak for $10. Fine all-wool black Kersey Cloaks, waist and sleeves lined with heavy satin, tight ahd loose f itf ig^ formerly $12.50 and $15, this Week.......... ..., .........$10.00 Ladies’ and Misses’ fine mixed cloths, cloaks, that were $15, $17.50 and a few higher priced garments, now $10.00 Fine Holiday Linens. Always an acceptable gift and never before have we shown / sd large and choice a selection of fine Linens of all kinds. E:; Pattern Cloths with napkins to match in sizes 2x2 yards, £. 2x21-2 and 2x3 yards-at $1, $1.25, $1.50, $2 and $2.50 a u yard. The ideal way to buy fine Linens, as the price is no | higher:, than the same quality cut from the piece and this 1 way you have a finished cloth. ] Rath Robe RlanKets. i- A special sale of fine Bath Robe Blankets for men and f women1in choice ne£w colorings and patterns. Prices j from. j 05c to $2.50■ ; Girdles for bath robes.,. — ...................... .-.25c . • New rleide. A very large selection of new Worsted plaids in the correct new colorings, a t . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15c, 20ct25c and 50c f ' New InlaidGinghams in the spring styles, at 12 l-2c ahd 15c Towels* ** 0 You have never seen such values nor so desirable patterns for the price as are here this year. Pine hem-stitched DamaskTowels, size 19x39 inches........ ..25c Very Pine Batin Damask and French Birds Eye, size m 23 x 42 « . . . . *..* i * . . . . . . « i . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,50c Finer Towels a t . . ............................ .75c, $1.00 and $1.25 E m h i r o M e r e 5 U e i U e s , 1 / In sizes 0,10,15 and 20 inches and at all prices, 10c, 15c, ■ 25c, 356* 50c, 75c and $1,00. Hand made Cluny Doilies » and Center Pieces 50c to $5,00 each, »' f- T # a N m j i k i i i j i * . r A newHapkin, size 15x15 inches, hem-stitched to match £ fine Pattern cloths, at very moderate prices. ft Otiam L rtm eh C lo tlxs. " , ^ Hemstitcficd/in sizes 3 0 x 30 inches, 30 x 30 and 45 x 45 , inches IP a t , , , , . . . . . . *. 700 , $ 1 *$ 1 , 25 , $ 1,50 and $ 2 , Ljobe Brothersfit Co hO PERSONAL j LOCAL AND Mr, and Mr*. D. 8, Ervin will en tertain a number of invited guests tonight, Friday. Messrs, C, M. Ridgway and T. Andrew left Monday for the stock show in Chicago, Jl, fa t —Honsler McMillan's, Kitchen Cabinets a t Rev. Ritchie, of Lisbon, O,, will flji the R, P. pulpit for several Bab- bhatha thia month. A glimpse Into thaFutureof Mu nicipal Ownership. A Thumb Nail 8k«teh of m "Practical Politician*'—Tha Profit* of an AH Around “Strvant of th* Pooplo, Who 8«an His Opportunitisa and Took 'Em.*’ Mr, *nd Mrs, J , H . Stormont are entertaining a number of .relatives a t dinner to-(lav. • Five cents gets yon more pews- papers for your shelves than .ever before, a t th is odes. Rqv. and Mrs., W. J . Sanderson have for their guests, Mr. and Mrs, Adams of Utica, o . Second hand buggy a t Wolford’s, StOrm front included. —Picture framing for Christmas should be sent m at once. West’s Book Store, Xenia, Ohio. Jpr. and Mrs. E , C.‘Oglesbee enter tained a number‘of relatives In a very pleasant mannerTnesday even ing* . *’ ' ■ , ,..f Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Stevenson en tertained tbe members of the County Infirmary Board and their wives on Thursday. I t will pay yow to look a t the nn- deihyoar,- Sullivan, Tiie Hatter, is selllng-foi* 50c, 7&o and #1.00. &7 S. Limestone Rtreefc, Springfield, Ohio. Mr. F. B. Beggs and wife and-Mr. W, 31, Sterretfc and wife spent Tues day with Mr. S. L. Sterrett of South Charleston, —Violins, guitars, accordions, ban jos, mandolins, harps, Violin bows and strings,, less than Chicago or Hew York prices., West's, Xema, Ohio. . t Bev, John Wilson, .pastor" of the Riohiand Center, ’Wis., Presbyter-’ ian church arrived Wednesday and* wlij spend several days here visiting h is fmother and other iriends and relatives. >1 —A folding-bed is a necessity in many homes and is th a t will be useful as Well as Ornamental. S eeJ . H. McMillan, Mrs, <5. W.. Creswcll anil two children left Friday for Spann, til., for a DiontipH visit. They wiit also be j)resent a t th e fiftieth wedding 'anniversary of Mrs. Creswell's par- ents/M r. and Mrh. B lair/ —A great present for Ohm l mas is Hoosier Kitchen Cabinet, See them a t McMillan’s. a L, G>Bull as administrator of the Barr estate, sold the farm of fla acres p'n the Yellow Springs road to Mr, Louis Boolriian a t #87 per acre. Thp land was appraised a t #85 per acre. Mr Boblman takes possession mJyrarch, Hals' Sttordsy Is Naples. Naples celebrates In a curious man ner Lent.and the and of Passion week. Ropes are stretched from house to house across the.streets In tlio,ancient districts ou tlie day of the carnival, and dojis made of rags, wearing the midltiohnl Neapolitan costume and car rying a distaff and bobbin, arc surf-, pended from these ropes. At the feet of the spinner Is attached' an orange containing seven feathers, correspond ing to tho seven weeks? of Lent, Bach week one feather la piuclod, so that only one remalus a t Itciy Saturday, Then, as soon na the cannon ,of Fort St, Elmo and the ohureh boils announce the noon hoar ahd the resurrecllou of Christ, firecrackers, which have been tied in long strings to the orange at tho dolls' foot are lighted, nied the Quareslma figure explodes amid the cries of the crowd, wherein pious for mulas and profane phrases alternate. "Honest graft’*will reach its highest level when, as predicted by the en thusiast#, the principles of municipal ownership are accepted by New York and tbs -pity tiw U'oUpy lines, the electric light and gas works and all the ferries as well as the water works and the police,, the fire and the street departments. Then such patriots as Oeorge Wash ingttm Plunkitt, fo? many, yearn or gankntlon leader of the Fifteenth dis trict in New York, will reap rewards of greater magnitude than they have ever been able to gather under the present order of things. Perhaps you have never heard about Mr. Ptunkitt's “honest graft’*' schemes. He told'abbuf them himself in a book published last year, which wa# intro duced by a paragraph Indorsing him as a “veteran leader of the organisation,’* signed by Its greatest chief. PInnkJtt was sore because there were some objections, to "graft, being made blit of tfcCcity by men like Mm, and in the first chapter of his book he uttered a vigorous protest “Blackmailin’ gnrm biers, saloon keepers, disorderly peo ple, etc,,” hp admitted to b e ’wrong. That was “dishonest graft” ‘‘But*’ he kdded, “there’s an honest graft and I'm. an example qf how it works. 1 seen my opportunities and. 1 took ’em-” Mr, Phmlvitt’s explanation of how he did these things w|U illuminate the possibilities of-futute municipal owner ship days, if they over come, ’ , After elncUhUi’ug the ways be was “tipped'oft” at various^times by mem bers of hjrf party—the party ;Jn power— whem new bridges, new parks, new streets were to be opened,- so that lje might Invest In real estate likely to rise in price from the improvements contemplated, he adds*. “I haven’t Con fined inyself to land. Anything that; pays Is in my- line.” Then he gives a specific instance: Learning that the city was about to repave a certain street and so, would have , several hundred thousand old paving blocks to sell, he was “on hand to. buy,” and. he “knew just What they were-worth.” But a newspaper “tried to do him” and got some outside men from Brooklyn and New Jersey to bid against him. Mr, Munkltt’s own words tell the story best: “Was T done? Not much,' Lwent to each of the men. aiul said,' How many of those 250,000 stones do you want,?’ One said 20,000, and another wanted 35,000, and another wanted 10,- 000. el paid, ‘All right; let-me bid. for the lot,,and 1'U give each of. you all you want for nothin*’ “They agreed, of ebnrse. Then the auctioneer yelled, ’How much atn I bid for these fine .pavingstones?’ , “ ‘Two dollars and,fifty cents,’ says L **‘Two dollars, a’nd fifty cents!’ screamed the'auctioneer. 'Oh, that’s a Joke. Give me a real, bid.*, He found the bid was real enough., My rivals stood silent Xgot. the lot for $2.50 and gave them their share,' That's how the attempt to do PJunkitf ended, and that’s how all such attempts ei 3.” Xt is hardly necessary, in the light of tills authentic statement bit “honest graft's” workings, to enlarge Upon the extended opportunities that would come to the men of the Plunkitt Btftmp were the dream of-municipal owner ship to come true, Plunkitt Says “most politicians who aro accused of robbin’ the city get rich tho Same way” he did. They didn’t .etcai 'a dollar from the city, They just'seen their opportunities and took them ” ■While in the legislature Plunkitt in troduced the bills that provided for tile outlying pni-ks of New York, the Hof* Jem river speedway,, the Washington bridge, the One Hundred and Fifty- fifth attest viaduct, additions .to the Museum of Natural HHory and many other important public improvements. He is now a millionaire. Under tho proposed order of things, with city con- woi of everything, he might become a billionaire. , Under municipal ownership of all public utilities in- New York—and In most other cities la fact—politicians like Plunkitt, who a t different times has been elected state senator, assem blyman, county supervisor nnd alder man by hirf fellow cltlxenrf, besides serving as police magistrate for one term,.and wllo boasts of his record in filling four public offices in one year and drawing salaries from three of them at the same time, would flourish like a whole grove, of green bay trees. XrfMtddn’* Most Ancient Const. ’ The ancient court of ho tings is of Saxon origin, and the name irf derived from bus, a house, and tii|ng,? a matter of cause—that is, a house or hail of causes, Courts of the kind were estab lished in ail the great cities, ahd, as regards Xnhdoh, it is the supremo as wall as the most aucientr court and is the court of appeal from, the sheriffs' court, Xn the earliest times it was held weekly, but it is now summoned only as occasion requires, Go Blow on City Ownership. Until politics In America is purified far beyond its prescut CohdlfiOn any large experiment in government Own ership may be called a “thief breeder” with much Safety. The more authority there is vested in the hands of poli ticians (with ail due deference to our national administration) the more.cor ruption there will be, It i« a short sighted citizen who would lake iuore business out of private hands and com mit it to the tender mercies of the poli tician#.—Troy X’resji, . ■waif, A writer in an English paper has this to say regarding the game of golfs “Golf Is a great game, but shiver mo niblick# if Xthink it comes up to tid- dledywjuks, it f# played with a con- pier of fdrms, a river or oo, two or three sand hills, a numhir of imple ments resembling dentist's! too!#, « strange language much like Hindoo* stance, any old clothes and a large as sortment of oaths,” Ansthsr Plant Abandoned, After many years’ trial of Its munlci* pal electric lighting plant‘Alexandria, V«., has finally leased the works to « f irate corporation for a period of Irty years, The lessee paid $3,SCO *?r the plant, which had cost the city ... TWO t.OOk#, He climbed down from the pay car. with his .month's wages still in bis htlid, , “burr, ye must be fceiin' rich, Tat, with all ye have there,” said a by stander, “And what doe# Ibis signify to me?* Answered Put “Just two looks, wan whin t get It and w*n whin I give it th* (wMwomsn,*'- Life. h . Nelson’s **, T Business £ r College Aft*##, Springfield, Ohio Nwk24*Ywi.\ t**iABYMr. BOOKKBRPINa i t SHORTHAND. . illjjfclyfk 'MdAijk dbfca.-i>ufeAtja.inaaVa*. iwmmmmu##*** f- I USEFUL HOLIDAY SUGGESTIONS -FROM THE- ARCADE SHOE STORE Tire Beat Footwear, Ths Heweet Styles, Hie Lowest Prices ! “ ft * ' MEN Dress Shoes Rubber Boots House Slippers 2-Buckle Arctics imeej, SilOCS■ ■Alaakas Felt Boots Polish Kit Leggings slumber Slippem Hunting Roots Work Shoes High'Cut Work Shoes BABY Moccasins, all colors. Soft sole Shoes, .all colors. Pat- Kid Shoes, white tops. Fine.' Kid Shoe#, . all styles. WOMEN StylishShoes Rubber Heel Ju liet 0lioeji Fleece Lined Shoes 10-Button Arctics. Leggings Slumber Slippers Rubber Boots 7 o r 10-button . Spats Comfort Slippers Rubbers Strap Slippers Felt Slippers Solite Overs and Purse Slipper Spies GIBBS Up-to-Bate Shoes Rubbers Bant-big Qhppera Gym. Shoes Walking Boot Leggings Boudoir Slippers Ankle Supports Rubber Heels. FOotform Shoes' Rubber Boots Ppllsb Kit Arpb Supports High Cut Shoes BOVS Rubber Boots press'Shoes Leather Boots School Shoes Gym- Shoes Polish k it Rubbers Felt Boots High Cut Shoes House Slippers Leggings Knockabout Shoes Hunting Boots Buckle Arctics Dancing Slippers for i i A1sritaffv SPECIALTIES—-Dainty Dancing Slippers Misses, sturdy. Storpt Boots for'Boys, Pretty patent and Bou doir Slippers for My Lsdy, Correct Dress Slid Hunting Boots for'Men, all klndgof footwear to 1 suit all tastes and Purses. ARCADE ’ 5 SHOE STORE f l i y / f v i • %f/A # \ y : X<?Z<if j-M * ff* SPRINGFIELD. OHIO Keep Theta Suggestions For reference and when ready for Christmas shopping ’call and see us. You will find it .very t profitable ' when yojj pome here to look around. Ask all the questions you wish, get acquainted with the merchandise and our salespeople. You are not Intruding if you do not intend mak ing purchases. ~Hr MSYSR-SOnf •>%^ * GET PRICES ON PRINTING Come and see and be satisfied that at Schell’s is the best place to buy. Diamonds from ........................,.$6.00 to $400 each Gents”Watches from.................. . $1 to $100 Ladies’Knameled Watches, reduced from $15*f°*... ..................... ......... -..................... $10.00 Sterling Silver Tea Spoons from ......... ............ U .50 to $15per set Sterling Silver Dessert Spoon# fro™.................. -................... . .$10 to $18 per set Sterling Silver Table Spoons from.*..................................... ....$16 to $24 pet set Sterling Silver Forks from......$10 to $20 per set filch Out (Hass from ........ $1,75 t« $20 per piece Also Cut Claes Tumblers from ............................$2.6o to $12 per K dozen Bracelets, solid gold, from........... $12 t f $83 each Fine Roll F late and Fillpd Bracelets .................................. ..............$2to $8«hch Finest line of Signet Rings ever seen in Southern Ohio...................$2 to $16.60 each Also a fine lino of Plain Rings, 10 -K, >fi-K and 22-K fine, from."......$1.60 to $10 each Umbrellas, natu ra l wood, horn plain and horn gold or silver trimmed, goldand silver handles both for ladies amt gentlemen, fr<»n ....................................... .......$1 to$12 each ' Rings tori children from................. ,76c to $5 each « ,1* f Iea trom ..........................$1.50 fo $200 Solid Gold Calt Links from $2,60 to $20 per pair Plated Cuff Links from,.......,..,...,50o to $2 per pair Solid Gold Scarf Pins, with or without sets, from........—......... ............. ..... $ 1,50 to $16each Plated Scarf Pin# from .................. 5 O 0 to $1 each Ladies’ Hat Pins from.............. 26c to $2 60 each Gents’ Fob# from........................... $1 to $10 each Ladies’ Guard Chains from........ $2 to $»0 each Clocks from,........................ ............ $i to $60 each y6?Y Mile line of ladies’ Solid Gold Brooches from...................-..........-........ $2.50 to $120 each Kodaks from........... ...................... $1 to $20 each A very fine lino of Carving Sets fr0n1....................................... $2.60 to $10 eaah Triple Plated Knives and Forks ftotn.................. -........... ...... $2.60 to $6.60 per set Also a special line of Quadruple Knives and Fork# a t............. ....................... $5 pef not Something entirely new—SilVer filled Spoofts a t the following prices, Tea Spoons . . .................................. .$* Dessert and Tablespoon#......... ........ .,..$6 perpofc Necklaces, Dockets, B u t e ’s Back Combs, BideCombs, Studs, Collar Buttons and *the entirely new Collarettes, velvet band trimmed with solid gold ornaments a full line of all kinds of Jewelry which it is impossible to name in this small space will be seen at Steele Building, Xenia, mv local and m jroorti lu lts a t- Sabbath with Mr- Wm | .■f .»■ "-'.11' "J.1 Rellbvook Wlii hav ea l onJan-4 a nd 5, during [ geaondhandbugg^ al gtorm front included. Mrs. Anna Soyd ifj Xenia and Springfield. Mrs- Lilta« Gowdy Chicago visited hero las FOR SALE:— Good s | coal heating stove. Jacl Mrrf- 3 oim-McClellan J B, gidney, are visiting Chal t f and family th is week,' WART ONE:—Larged clean newspapers lo r 5| .offered in Cedarville. Frank Barber, who had riibg in all parts o f the \ | ! for a short time. Mrs. Emina H a rp e r - spent the week with her and Mrs James Townslejjj —An appreciative gift of the latest pattern. Mcj a fine lot. *Miss Lula Smith enter! . nephftjv, Mr. Fred Ham,f Cothe Saturday and Sabbl —Furnitfire and Carpets ■i an’s. —Pride of Liberty Flour I Bros. The best flour on tb| Mr. H arry Tftrbpx auj Findlay are gueBts of Shelf Tarbox and 'fam ily ol Messrs. H a rry and Frank! ling on friends liero \ | evening. We A r 25lb. Sack Fine Gr| 241-2 lb. Sack Snc Flour for........ 8lb. New Navy Bet 101b- Sack New Bl 11H. Star Tobacco .1 31-2 lb, Best f‘Stai[ LAMP! * ta This is th e s | when they arc nj most. And a Decorate n m would made a Christmas present have an elegant ii these in stock which to make selection, WE’VE O r a n g e s H u t s oi C^nd i e t a i i im m Bird 1 jyiL, •ta#*
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