The Cedarville Herald, Volume 30, Numbers 1-26
<’EI)AHVJLJf/B, 011*0 WjK Y o t'ft DAa’BONAW a n d prynsisjo en ro l u l a n d p rom p t a tte n tio n to a il b u sin e ss In tru s te d to us. NUW YORK DRAFT ?*s ;4 b a js k m n m o r d e r s . Tim cheapest and m ost con ven ien t way to send money by mail. & i ' *% Loans Made on Real Estate, Personal or Collateral Security, B«nking Hours; 8 . A. to 3 , P- W, TV* ©jrnsff, President- , 0 , L . S m it h , C a sh ie r, Is yow baby ibin, weak, fretful ? Make him m S c o f f s Emulsion b*by* r, S c o f f s Emulsion Is Cod U vot Oil and Hypophoaphite* prepared so tK&t it Is easily digested by little folks* ' Consequently the baby that is fed oil S c o f f s Emtilsfpn is a sturdy, rosy- di^eked little fellow full o f Health and vigor. , ALL PHUpCISTSs 60m AND St.00. ^^ t& ^Q^N 8M £MQ uQ i^ ><St<SHON6 t<0 l^ tiS><5><9MQw9>|9 l< The Cecforville Herald* .° . r S x . q O Stair Ye£»r. SK^tor. FRIDAY, JANUARY U, W8, THE WRECK PROBLEM. Tim year 1006 ologedHvitli the rail road wreck problem unsolved. Soma terrible, accictente wore recorded during the,last twelve months. The 'causes have boon varied'in their na ture. Sijtmmhnr them. all hp it mightbe poH^ible to draw the gen- era! conclusion.that the railroads are trying to d o ,too much business and make too much speed With the .eqtupmenfca t hand. t?ha Baltimore &OhioWreck near Washington |s a horrible climax: to the old year’s railroad history. As one of the com-, party’s best trains, made' up of the y<ry Ibe&fc and strongest cars was stistroyed, any story of the wreck' should be run parallel with the sup posed theory 1 that the 'cheap trains and lightly constructed cars are the - ones to suffer In' th e ' event of acci dent. From ‘ newspaper accounts the accident on the B, '&O, was in- 1 •* ‘t - 'u ^ 1 t,* $ r excusable. There was a dense fog. Nut withstanding that the train -that caused the awful loss of fife was running at a high rate of speed, Possibly the engineer of the death desi yer had orders to mak^ time *t rttoiv tifcely ho knew that the an* ,ginemaU who piakes time is the o'm to he in- favor with the company, Railroad men see that thoHg who takes chances are the ones to re ceive promotion j Consequently there -is disposition, to take chances. It would seem that the wrecks of the year has taught that the only safe system is one calling for a strict observance of orders and rules. If trainmen were rewarded for observ ing the -letter of the rules instead of for making time there would be less loss of life* ROOSEVELT OR TAFT. pees, The question is settled on Ids own say, so that he Is available -as a candidate, It is known also that he is the cholcie of President Roosevelt as his successor in office. There is just a possibility'that the President might have selected Secretary Bootj for the place if he could have had his’way, hut that is one man who while he might make a good candi date, has said’ in private^ but em phatically, that he^does not want' the-job, and 'he would have to be- fchrown dowrtandbobbled jf it-were forced, on him. , v So the situation is tolerably plain,'' PresidentBoosevelt is about going to dictate the next nomination; that is unless there should be a*Wave of popular clamor that would BWeep him off his feet and, drive him ' into taking a third term. .He does 'not” want this, but he does want a man, in officewitlrwhom hie» in hearty • accord, and who he Jthmks would carry out many of bis awn ideas. Secretary Taft is that man. The confidence of the President in him has been demonstrated too often to need recounting. He says practi cally that he is willing to be a can didate,. I t is therefore as good as assured that he will get -the. nomi nation. There is also littleipiestfon that the nomination pf the Repub lican party will mean the election., Many things can happen^ between now and the next election, but it is( not-likelythat anythingwill happen to shakefthe faith of ihe country in the Republican party as the one of sanity andnouesty, the one under which prosperity has come, and .un der which it will stay. So the elec tup of Secretary Taft to the next term in the, White Hcmse may be confidently expected, barring al ways an, act o f. publliv insistance aforesaid which may’ force another term on present incumbent Whether he will or’not. ’ ' -ANew York minister alludes to pulpit as “the coward’s castle” ami straightway goes to preapl) in a-the atre, which some straight-laced peo ple ate in the habit of refpring to as “the devils playground.*’ o For ov«r sixty years doctors have endorsed'Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral for coughs, colds, weak lungs, bronchitis^ con* sumption." You can trust a mediciffethe best doctors, ap prove* Then trust this the next time you haye a hard cough. Tho pest kirid of a testim on ia l- “ Bold for over six ty years.” mm K‘a#lT, ,u, 7 .C.Ayer Go.,Iiowolt. UMI Alsoinenanotarersor > SARSAPARILLA. puts, mm vigor . WeU»%nosecrete t W» publish tHfrfbttanlaB df *Uon* tM&lQin*** ifers Tit* o t r «t IMrit*t*n,' Dates* w* coftnasnd the *♦§ we caff* not keep open the road* by which our people are fed. Britain has in effect ceased to be a country. Ski is now, considered from the political and mUI* tary point of view, a city, though a city with very large parks and pleas* auueeB and kitchen garden* in which to grow her flowers, fruits and vege tables. A city, from the point of view of war, mny bo described as a place which if besieged long enough must fall, since supplies once consumed can not be-replenished. Britain answers to this description, The'moment the sea roads to her are closed by an enemy she Se, Ipso facto, in a state of siege. Face to face with a peed so imminent, Ifc would ho mutineer,, for ura to give any consideration to what we hope or believe are the intentions of this or that foreign power. AU that we can rightly do tn considering how to secure our national safety xuid independence la to count ships and guns and to com pute the units of naval efficiency.— London Spectator, -—.....—"< ...... A Shooting Gallery Secret. *Do you" see this glass hail?” said the shooting gallery man, It was a ball Qfhollow glass, an airy glass soap bubble^ that had'Wung all season at the end of a thread In the foreground of the clay pipes, bells and what not that had made up the gallery’s targets. ’•This glass ball,” the man. went on, “is my great money maker, AU season long people tried to bit this ball—It was bigger and nearer than any Other target—and everybody' failed. tThon- ,sands of bullets were tired at the ball, thousands of nickels Were spent on it. yet here it IS, still untouched, my best breadwinner. Ail wise shooting gal lery meqhave a glass'baJl like this. It makes such a terhptlug target, yet ft is never hit, ft is n6ver hit hecauBe the air that precedes a gun charge' is snf- flclent to plow the hall aside, outrof5- the way. You plight fire a hundred shots at ft*but, like a living thing, Jlke a*tlmid,soldier/for instance, It would dodge each shot.” , '‘-Mary Anflcrson'* Voice, , Bliss Anderson’s voice wits always her predominant charm. Certain tones ,in it—so ‘thrilling, so- full of wild pas sion and, inexpressible melancholy- Went straight to the heart and brought tears Into the eyes, The voice Is the exponent of the soul. You ean paint your face* you can pad your person, you can wear a.wjg, yon' can walk'in Oboes that augment yOur height, yoU can'in various ways change your body, but your voice will sooner or later re veal you as you are. Just as the style of the- writer discloses his character, AND DAYTON JOURNAL Secretary Taft is pot making a noise calculated to scare off the presidential’nomination.. NNW SUBSCRIBERS ONLY Kentucky will continue to look With supreme contempt on the tttah who denatures hid alcohol even with water. ’ Secretary Taft has made a poli tical announcement that clears the atmosphere a good deal* He has been “ pestered” a good deal of late to declare his intentions about the Presidential nomination. He has come oilt plainly and said that he is not a clamorous candidate, but that if the oifteo comes to him, he will m l turn It down. This" is tenta- tnount to a declaration that he is a candidate. <.No sensible man is •fee ing to either decline o f accept some thing that has nob been offered him, aud it would thefefoPe be iti bad tasto for Becrotary Taft to declare himself a candidate. There is still fresh in the idemcry of the public an estimable and inner cut admiral who made that sort ojr announce ment. A lso»tie only plan*' sjieskujg for Mr. Taft to say that he is not going to run if he hogs the nomination heading Ids way. Thera is no case o*i record of a man declining a Horn Iftatlon for the presidency wdien It Was offered him in good faith by a responsible party, and it is noj; the habit of Mr. Taft to step aside and make motions on the score of sliy- BpleaceDfatstfifMiataiy STH* C-Itmm, . aw r.rrin*iwiatMCtnwttrlie)', my. mm »mmi<m *!*«, m tfc#matmil'M r* m, 1 m * ki Mmtmi Wimm - The Duchess o f Olancarty Is the only music hall peeress on •record who died before she had/firne to-get a divorce. . .................v, We should think news WAS too plenty just now to revive tbftfcrumor about Mr. Cortelyou quilting the Naiiomd Committee. Perhaps the Senate wants that re port on safety appliances in vieW of the threats of Jeff Davis has made about what he will do when he comes to Washington. The small section Of railroads In tids country equipped with block signals seem to have a, corner on all* accidents that happen. ______________________ _ so the auailtv o f toe voice- discloses Ayer’aWHa keep the bowma regular* the actor’s nature. It seems unlikely All vegetable and gently laxative. ^ W s Anderson’s melting, tragic tones were uttered in any of her girl ish imparttneiits* but the copious, love ly voice was there,. and if gained bet 'first victory.—William Winter'in Sat urday Evening Post \ Rfixtningrai ExcrcUfe. • The fact that .a person is capable of doing the best VunnlUg and speed walking, before the thirtieth year need not lead those who have passed the third decade to think that they are on the dofirn' grade of life, says nh author^ Ityf These exercises call for elasticity of the entries, and that. lessens soon after the thirtieth year, but powers Of endurance Increase jri the well pre* served man or wotottn up to fifty or fifty-five or even later, Soldiers of fif ty, are like leather and can perform feats pf endurance that would kill the stripling, and tjie same iftt true of women. \ _________ v v j : ■ , That the color of the eyes should af fect their strength may seem strange, yet that, such is the case need not at this time Of day be doubted, and those whose eyCa are brown Or dark colored ' ;should he Informed that they are Weaker ahd more susceptible to in jury from ,virioUS causes than gray or bine eyes. Light bine eyes afo gen erally the most powerful, and. next to those are gray. Hie lighter toe pupil the greater and longer continued is toe degree of tension the eye can sus tain. ■ .■/ A Brave Sinaer. . 4*t tell yon,” said one man to another as they emerged from toe dimly light ed corridor of ft concert hall, *1 envy that fellow who was singing,” w2bivyhimPecboed toeotocr, *WeM. If t were going to euvy tt singer I’d select somebody with a better voice. His was about toe poorest t over beard.’’ ■ . “it’s not his voice % envy, man,” was toe reply, ‘i t ’s his tremendous cour-! Mgel4 . ^ ■ ........... •_ ' ' ' 3he*« toe “If.” The LancnShlro clergyman who re cently left the word ,,QbeyWi^ut of the m&rriagu service gives ns his reason that he does hot wish women to start married life at a disadvantage. But it really matters little to practlee. It has long been understood that, though * man and his wife are one, toe Wife is that one,—London Globe, 8 Two-cent stamps | for3months’tmt | sahscrlpUoa to r ; i t f i i n 1.1 m jnmsm IhsonlySuataywswrins -tppMlIar to ail In the . .......... w*;*1!—!* H o S m ; lklldn b/Taa Maclirsn, bhan K Bollcsclc, Ann»Wamer.H«l«iK«l|w,*u;,;hundredsofillustm- llan*. pagesforchlflrmi Aacfsdatisle, *tc. » 5 c ’riO P Y -* l BO Y r.: 1400 p aK « * ‘ Trelt-3 moritn* for fi-2o.atanreS With BIO PREfAtUM OFFERS WeHelp You to Save and HAKE HONEY* Hon. James Bryce has it fused A peerage prior to cominfe to Y/as! ingtett, Evidently wants to make a record as peerless ambassador. KiDMgy THayaL f, ; a mrsrftffEffttf m im * mm - The damaging effects of the rate law on the railroads is demonstrated by the tact that this year they have increased ibeir dividends acont ♦36,- 000,000. As if overburdened hbmahlty did not have trouble enough with know* ing about germs*. here comes tha Pure Eood Law to compel na to know what we are eating. Oatrie Nation shys that waitting is nothmgbut plain hugging. ’Wrong again Carrie! dust think what a drain it would ho on •’ e average young mall’s recotifcesif he had to charter an orchestra alt the time to do hi* bagging by! , Having arranged for exceedingly 'ow clubbing rates vvilli publishen ifthe best and most popular pvtbli .■ations in the United States, Daily Weekly aild Monthly, we Are non ■\.ady to fill orders at from Thirty ,o Fifty per cent, less than, the re jular prices* giving Subscribers full benefit of the lowest dubbing rates, it same time allowing a liberal com* uission to Soliciting Agents. To advertise our new offers would entail ff cost which We save to the Subscriber by asking each reader'of this item to send a postal card for Sample Copies of Tita W#UKbYH nqttzri !R; and if so situ* Uted tOdo n little agency work dur ing the winter, make application for agency* It is a fact that T im E n - j)tnsr?» offers more and better bargains than may be had from Other. {Sources. One offer gives $5,00 Worth for only $2.00, another gives a Daily paper* two Weeklies and two Monthlies for only $1.70* The Veterinary column cf T h » W rjmdvy ENQtmmK is worth from five to fifty dollars to any horse oxVner. Write to-day to A Ooofl Pftiisb. Every hearty laugh tends to prolong life, ns It makes toe blood flow mote rapidly and gives s UsW and different stimulus to all tile Organs of too body from wliftt Is In force at toe other times, The saying, “Laugh and grow tat,” haa therefore a foundation in tAft. ; ■ WiMeA, Caller—You call this garden scene “June,” but the leaves are nil on the ground Instead of on the trees. fc’Aub- er—They were on the trees, but toe picture got such rt withering criticism from toe committee that they curled Up ftnd fell off.—London Tit-Blts. May UvtldO Year*. ' The chances for living a full cen tury a re excellent in the cash nfMrs. Jennie Duncan’ of Haynesville, Me., now to years old. Bhe writes? “ E l ectric B itters cured me ot Chrome Dyspepsia of So years standing, and made mu feel as Well and strong as a young g irl,” • ElcetriqBit,tots euro Hionmcli and Liver diseases, Blood disorders, (tenoral Debility and bod ily weakness. Bold on a guarantee At all druggist*. Frio* oply M e , JfV^^hle^pi^lmnforAs- slmflating ftcRsodandfiegtiia;: tog Stoaacia andBovrels of l \ t Promotes Di^shon.CheerfuF ness andlfcswdntalns neither Opium,Korp[unei nor>fineraL N o x K A i t c o t x c . . ... nj.i . W & r - Worms,Ccnvatsionsjeverish- ness nnd L o s s OF SLEEP. 1 rifijiwiEinAy^s,i)HilnPiirtmnx. PacSingle Signature of "■ H E W Y O H K , ( ' G A S T B R I A Foy la & a tg aad Children* [The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of In Use For Over •\ t (> *t*«jJ-*ii '* i)j(I D om s ■ Jj'C I N 1S . EXACTCOPYOF WRAPPER. t"- ’ .................... 1 ,, r . ? hb ot«T*im cph *A mv .’ newV vxk cmrv iV*: Fall Attractions 4 FALL SUITS AT POPULAR PRICES Fall SIdrts $5 to .$12 the new plaids." FalijWaists/ wool, J1.25 to $2,50f •-Black Silk Waists, $4,50 to $10. Brillintihe Waists, $1 to $2.50. ^ ■ Silk Petticoats, excellent for $5, six yds, ruffle. Satin Petticoats, $1 to $2.50. Purs—Collars, Muffs, ets., latest styles^ $1.75 to ’ $15. i; : ^ v- m (., ‘ V . Muslin Underwear1-Corsets Covers,. Pants, .25c to. , $1. downs 50 to $3. Knit .Corset Covers> Knit Underwear and Mentor are very popular./ Five cases just in, New Outing Gowns, 50e to $1. . Also/Bam Coats. , ■ Room Bugs—-Carpet size, all grades. Tapes try, $10,75. Rugs,. $1.50, etc.. Druggets, $ $U p . / HUTG0ISOH&GIBJEY’S, XENIA. OHIO. TRY OUR JOB PRINTING Ebersole Pianos A B S O L U T E L Y D U R A B L E . “We have foYaawnbMfof yams usedEbPilSeYtanosla the Ccnsemtory where they am COX'Uantlysubjected to the harf- eat kind z i use.- We have found the Etarsole to WTTgond, ffarabtapiano, weU.abCato«ann ittwear and iearof themusic *O01B* . M e t/v* /! B atth , Dlrectrew .H ’-itiSoasemtoiyai **«*!*> awmWAon.«ibnv T h e S m ith & N ix o n Plano Co. lO and 12 E. Fourth Street* CINCINNATI, o . T h e \ k A lm a m fhriiMr* £t,H JTnV*. G enu ine n v u u w BROS* Spoons, Forks, Knives,etc. have all the dualities in design* work* manship and finish o£ the best ster ling silver, at one-fourth to ond^eighth the cost. Much o f the sterling novr on the market is entirely too thin and light for practical use, and is far in ferior in every way to ” Silver Plate that W ean ” Askyou* dealer fot —1647 j»UE«4 SSOi,” Avoid iahstlCtnaT**Dat fall ttade-ftuwk Is «j|£7 ItOMM.ISUS.n look for It. Sold by feadlnj' dealeia avtitywBere, Eriore buylttgwrite (ot oht Cfttalogne sstsas'fttHWA?,sn,vr«co„ • .... ....... , Haamfg MtoAttMAc*., iiMteta* am . 0 ArrMUe* j n« iwA “TAKE THIS CUT . . • "V w*. “We recommend it?, there isn’t any'better,,, Jn mid-summer you have to trust to a large degree to your but*ier. Well Cared For Meats in hot weather are the only kind to puy? we have proper appliances for keeping them , tight, and they’re sweet and safe when sold. Don’t go meat shopping When it’s hot. Buy Of us and, be sure. C. H . CROU SE , CEDARVILLE, O. Wain’s Restaurant and Dining Rooms Comer High and Limestone street- Springfield, Ohio. 1 h»T»liken: trat>without u tnoro In a day,than alt .TroQld tn ayoar." — Jainet ltoQanO, 108 Mercor St., JerseyCity, S . 3 . Best For CANDVCA-ntArtTIC M Pteasant,Pafatabte,Potent,TasteGood,DoQoo 8 , flerer Steken, Weakenor Qripe. 10 c, 25 c, 50 c.Norer •old In,bulk. Tho genuine tablet stamped' OOO. OBaraDteedto.cpre or yourmoney back. Sterling RemedyCo;, Chicago orN.Y* cgs MMMLSUC, TEKMItUSK BOIES Reward ' w ill be paid to apy person ivKo can find ohe atom' of \ opium*- chloral, morphine, cocaine, ether or chloroform' or •their-' derivatives^ in any * of Dr.^Miles’ Remedies^- • ' ‘ .This rewaid is offered’ be cause certain 'unscrupulous persons make false statements about these remedies. It is understood that this reward applies only .to goods* purch ased in the open market* which have not been tampered with.- Dr. Miles’ remedies cure by their strengthening and invig orating effect upon the nervous system* and not by .weakening the nerves. - » ‘ ”1 consider th a t there are no better remedies put up than. Dr. Miles’ Nervine,. Antt-Paln Pills,' and Nerve »anft Diver DlUs.' >Wo have, used them for years, and recommend them to many others. My wife-Is using-the Nervine, and considers,It the best medicine* In the world. A, lady friend of mine, Who was almost a total nerv ous wreck, through my earnest solici tation has,Used several bottles ofthe NerVlnft with wonderful results." , WM. CKOME, Salt Xako City, Utah. < Dr.,Mile*’ Antt-Paln Pills are sold by your druggist, who wilt guarantee that the first package will benefit If It falls, he will return yobr money. 26 doses, 23 cents.- Never sold in bulk. Miles Medical Co.* Elkhart, Ind ONEIDA COMMUNITY TRAPS m »c Tk# NEWHOUSE TRAP is toe beet la the World, it law permit machine. Hamt.fittetfi Thorouphly Inspected aad tealadl . Tha VICTOR TRAP I* the anty re liable law-prlofld trap. Don’t hay cneap imitations. Be sera Fne Trap Pan reads as follows J , “ A5K ANY TRAPI^R turn riVAMMraFA tat n o s £*n(t Ar the AVa-4«ateVMtPfRS' iVIK> iilh (ttf m>thtk 4 / tmffitir tttnninr tyHHi, Smd ft Dipt. X* Otmda tiMmumtf, TJd., OtitUtA, Mr, TAt tnlf MM&niC distil} U ilk* imftristi A R,RftMHMm , 0 *., Msietat, 0 M« CASTORIA 3Pof Intacta p d SMIdfea. DuKMY m SinAhrtjsB«%l( Renta rita ee*<«* t n*** *Jt i “ is*- "
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