The Cedarville Herald, Volume 30, Numbers 1-26

I * * ..- ™ :" m r it; there inn’ t La have,to trust Lour huttriicr. |For Meats m only Jcliirt -to appliances for |Ut, and tjjoy’ru >sold, Don't go |i it’s hot Buy >USE, . ' 0 , DO NOT OVER-LOOK THE GASOLINE ENGINE Y ou mate a mistake if yon think'yon can run your farm economically or profitably without a gasoline engine,- U o not overlook the possibilities o f a, gasoline engine, for farm use, A gasoline engine .will furnish power to do the hundred and one little job s about yowr farm which make farm work drudgery if hand, wind or horse power is used. The gasoline engine is so reliable, so simple, sevsafe, and so economical to operate that yon can not afford to over­ look it. Of all the gasoline engines on the market, the L H. C. engine stands, first because It is designed b y men who understand the requirements o f a practical and cheap farm power, I. E. -C, engines are made in sizes from 2 to 20 horse power in vertical or . horizontal stationary and portable types. We have one that will fit your needs. Call on us mid wo will gladly explain. JitafairIn«omiria,irIil( ■fororeriwijuty-yearn, 1- havqgiven las Bjprs ?\ liovaevertried*- 1 ; kow.iolayfriend* ** ■ ps.OUlMd.Elfiln,111* For iowets G. N. STUCKEY, It,, • Iripe. 10e,Sje.fdelNevee ‘ I.tabletstamped" OOC, Imoeiiybarit. I ChicagoxnN.y, sjf [HILLIOHBOXES m g tlf I what yon ake I fail to get reg* pt Sleep, Your, Ins unconscious ,; with-* rve energy be­ ll, Arid you .ate f» nervous, ex- fkadache, new- an, poor .appe; tless, |ine; it soothes 5 the »nerves, bet, refreshing, I, and gives the Ip work nature, Hay. [ifeii of fever, which Walt condition end 13 severe spells of Iraida, and could I Kvory ertort that Ir my strength yttu* I-heGAn taking Or. INcrvlno. After I 6 Iho Nervine my -ana restful, and ad, an well as two ,t mo to a certain tadually better.'' I. GIUUEUTSOIt.<, Eclvldere, III*, le Is sold by your guarantee that the refit. If it fails, h« |ney, .Elkhart, Itid EL $ lurant. in the Book­ building .acroea rotn the old Restaurant |y and dining floor, reached [leak 25c and [Springfield, 0 . Lure lahi rational tefeMM R i s s s w s s r IS OHIO Jfciofm fronts or tFlinti carried 1 *y ust the tlmo S 6 f fetes," (hitiasilfdl ilittsttwksMi, Yf.*~SS<K> " u V S f i Ypjji Y lfajit . A , _ (_,.- Summ er Su it W e want to jtnake it for you, and there are niany rea­ sons why we can best make it fo r yon . ' FIRST—Because our assortments o f new summer . suitings are the largest and most fashionable shown in" the city, thus affording you a range o f patterns to se­ lect from n o t to be equaled, elsewhere. SECONIk-Because we guarantee to make you a .suit to your fit and measure, absolutely correct in style, faultless’in workmanship, and properly tailored throughout, at a price that cannot be duplicated by any other first class tailoring establishment in this v i­ cinity. ” Prices $17,50 up* / W e call your special attention to our new line o f . “ Shadow Stripes” in serges ahd light colors. T&ffdrs, W W e s# SBgff.Str 6 efc, Springfieldl Ohio, This Can of Paint and a Brush Are the only requisites necessary for a first class job o f painting, A can bearing'this label contains1*the best ready mixed paint made. This paint is mace by expert paint makers' who have devoted the best part o f their lives to the sfcudy and inanufacture o f high grade paints, * * H A N N A ’S GREEN S E A E F A IN T S are today recognized by most first-class painters as the best and most economical paints they can(buy, and many o f them use it Oil all their Work, Hanna’s Green Seal Paints are for Sale by Kerr &Bastings Bros. ’ ♦ T- : ■Vrr-f’-r'Vr' / _ ^t i YOUR APPETITE I f y ou r appetite is poor, eat m eat, T o tempt y ou r appetite and nourish the system our ch o ice m eats are not excelled by anything. T he weak and the strong, the sm all and the hearty eater a like en joy them . C. G WEIMER, Sugar-coaled, easy, to take, mild ift action* They cure constipation, biliousness, sick-headache. fiwirtf*%»»«!I A DOWNTO-DATh POLITICAL PARADE. The Rev. Will B. Simple had just returned from hiss mid-vieek prayer meeting, which was attended by three elderly ladies and one superannuated preacher, and finding iris worthy spouse and fourteen-year old boy sitting about joined the family circle. He had no more than comfortably-seated himself when the young hopeful addressed hirai (Jeremiah) "Say, pa, you are proud that you are a Republican aren’t you?’* (Rhy S,) “ Proudof it. 1shouldsay so. I can think of no greater honor than to be known as a member of the Grand 01b Party," . ~ (Jeremiah) "Would you be willing to stand upforyourG. O.Pl anywhere?" (Rev, S.) "You can just bet your—-I meanjmost assuredly I would.” (Jermiah) "Would you parade with it?” (Rev S, with dignity) “My son, when my presence is noeded to give moral tone and dignity to the party l can always be relied upon to be there,” (Jermiah) “Well pa, we are going to arrange for ,a Republican parade to­ night.” ' (Rev. S.) “Parade tonight—where?” (Jermiah) Right here on this table.” (Rev. S,) ''Jermiah, are you losing your mind?” , ■ , „ (Jermiah) ‘'Oh no; you'll understadd in a minute what I mean. Of course we are only goingto arrange for a parade, and we will suppose that it' is going to come off tomarrow. Now, pa, in this bat I have—” (Rev. S. suspiciously) ’ -Jermiah, whatsmart trick are you up to now? You’d better be .careful, for I am in no mood-to be trifled with.” •(Jeremiah) "There is nothing trifl­ ing in this, pa. You alwayssay thatyou .area temperance man, and against Whisky tarffic, You •. preach red-hot sertnonsagainst the saloonkeepers and theirbusiness, and prajl that "the Lord /will hasten the day when the—traffic shall dip. You are also proud of being a Republican, and not- ashamed of parade ing the public streets with your party. (Rev. S ,) “Weil, all of that is ..true," but what I want to know is what are you up to?" 1 (Jeremiah) “I have secured a list of the prominent Republican Voters of this Statewhose names Ihave clipped out of the newspapers and 1 have written the names of each voter On a card and have themhere/in my hat, Now the parade is to take'place oWHigh Street, all the voters walking by-twos, arm in atm. Ma shall draw the cards, and we will arrange themift twos oa this table, ( Rev. S.) "'Veil, I declare, that will be interesting. One thing,l am certain of, there will be some -pretty solid men well fftvis m ticket, eo«~ card pa.” “Well, if here isn’t ?\ O, Wollol, President of the County Liquor Dealers Association and proprietor *>fthe boore joint on Kart L,sng fit.,the man who was recently arretted and convicted for keeping his saloon open on Sunday—a saloon keeper, a Sabbathbreakerand a criminal. 1 wonder who ’11 be his partner? (Rey, S. draws another card.jt ( Jeremiahreading if jl J’R& v . Will B. Simple,—Hooray, p5, ITS'yBiir Hooray, hop—oo-*1’ ■ (Rev. Simple risingexcitedly) "Here, you young jackanapes, atop that - Indian yell and get out of this oy I’ll thrash you till you can’tsit down, I)o you think Pd parade with a safnou-keeper, n Sabbath breaker and a criminal—me a minister of the Gospel? ♦ (Jenninh) "P», tins is a Republican parade, and you agreed to the rules. There’ s your partner. He votes the? same ticket and does a good deal more for the success of the party than you do He “ influences" theho; s andkeepsthem inline.' Pa, your vote goes in with the votes of this: gang and the government counts you with them for the liquor traffic every time. Nobodycan tell your ballot from the saloonkeeper’s when it gets into the box. The saloonkeeper talks for license and -votes for license, and is perfectly consistent in,supporting the Republican -party. You preach against license, nrav for prohibition and vote with the saloonkeeper for the 'con­ tinuationof the saloon, Honestly now, pa, are you contented? If I were you, pa, I would either quit- talking and preaching against the -liquor traffic or I would quitvoting forit. Just keep the parade in mind pa. Every time you preach Or pray for temperance just let your mind wander to the Saloonkeeper, your partnerin parade, and It wifi show, you Jiqwsincere you areln— (Rev. S.) “ Here, you impudent yoimgj’mp, quit lliat. '"Take away’ your fool cards and get out of this quick, 'vnid don’tyou speakto me again until you promise not to talk politics. I won’t be insulted in my own house. Not anotli'er -word out of you—git]~r-— (Exit Jeremiah.) . . . (The Rev. Will. B*. Simple with a sigh of 'relief) "Them, he’s gone and I’ll have a little peace'' once more; but Iwonder.whift on earth_put the idpa of a political parade into that boy’s head.' He musthave been reading The Stand­ ard, tliat Ohio prohibition paper,” CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. , Be KindYouHairsAlways Bought The Famous * Some o f the latest ideas in Millinery whiefe are meeting the approval o f those who are informed as to style. High CROWN HATS, made of Neapolitan Satin braid and trimmed with Os- trieh Feathers! o r Inrtfo r o w . These hotq h ov e th e ■nor\nl»V ehont fvrmt- FJxtremely LARGE SAILORS trimmed with big loops of Ribbon and "Wings* Leghorn and Hair Braid Flats, shaped into becoming MUSHEROOMS, and trimmed with Flowers and foliage, also Ostrich Feathers, , We show a variety o f these styles beside any number o f others equally new and desirable? Trimmed Hats are priced f r om ! . . . . ___ ................83.50 to 815.00 OU R SPEC IA L FO R THURSDAY , FR ID A Y AN D SATURDAY* Trimmed bats, blaclc Neapolitans, Leghorns* Fancy Braids in all the new styles, and a variety o f Wnite Hats. Extra Values, fo r ........ _______ ; ,83.50 and 84.95. . SA ILORS , We are making a special o f 69c SAILORS, epuafHo any $L50) Sailors in the city or elsewhere. \ J Also see our BALTIC and GAY HEAD Sailors in rougffbraid, equal to the Dunlap or Knox f o r . . / .............................. .................. f . . . . $1,75 and 82.25 Children's Trimmed Hats, one l o t ,............. .......................................................... 81.95 Other' from 82.50 to 85.00. . 35 to 39 So. Fountain Ave. Sears the Signature of f Springfield; 0 W E DEAL DIRECT With the best granite quarries and can save you money- and give you first plass work at the lowest quarry pri­ ces.- We have a Jargestoelc of monuments on hand for you lo select from. All work guaranteed perfect, If found otherwise, we willreplace it free of ch'nrge. You take no, risks when buying from,us. We have Hundreds of Drawings of Monuments, up to. date styles, If y ou ' wish wo will draw you a special up-to-date Ain Brush design thatwill please you. Don’ t fail to see us. We can save you money. . '■ - tbem. fi.fiouptmonument€o. Cor. Main and Sprjng-Sts,, Springfield, O., One Square * North of Postoifice. . - / , -Also Have Works at Marion, Gallon-and ShelJ>ysO, fn line," (Jeremiah) pa, "Some of m "That’s what’s thenutter them, sire so*solid that Wantyourmoustacheorbeard i&eaattmibrowa orncuwacitf use BUCKINGHAM’SJY E run t«, vfvwi iirwoaar.uu>*eo->*MM9&»tw. * m mm&Htww?' "*'W* _ (Jeremiah) “By <»e«rge, the first man out is Conrad Born*, the brewer; solid, too; weigh* 885 pounds. Now, ma, drawanother card." (Ivfrs. Simple draws another card.) (jeretqiah) "C)h! Ha, htf, ha-a-ah! His partner is Rev, P. A. Baker, National Superintendent of the Anti- Saloon League, who talks- so^muqli against the liquor traffic* There they are, arm in arm,-at the head of theG, 0. P. parade. One for"personal liberty" and high license saloons and other (or prohibition, but both voting the same ticket. Now let play, “We’re marching to Zion.” Next.” (Rev, S, suspiciously) "Hold on there, Jeremiah, this is another of your Smart tricks. You and your ma have fixed up these cards to fit your scheme. Just pass that over here. 1*11do the drawing myself." (Jeremiah)' "All right pa go a head," (The ReVi Simple mixes the cards in the hat, drawsone Out and hands it to his son.) - (Jeremiah) "Hello, here John P. Rockefeller, one of the Standard Oil magnate*,* several hundred million dollar fbW, wfiorri nearlyall the people despise! ‘ Nq,xt. Well*byall that’s ho— funny, here’* Rev. Washington Gladden, 0 .D. who has been preaching about "tainted money" and making the air fairly blue each Sunday as he preaches against the wickedness of monopolies and the selfishness of the "big hogs,” of which he points out John^1). as the most conspicious example. They seem tomarch together in peace and unity in the G, 0. P., though.” (Rev*S,) "Jeremiah, 1 wish you, would hot make remarks* about every man that is drawn out of this hat. It isn’t respectful, and besides we’ll be here all -night. Here the next .card,!’ (Jeremiah) "Geo. B.Gox, ex-proprietor of "Murders’ Corner" Saloon-and erst­ while reputed boss of the Republican party of Ohio. They do say that "Gawge" is of a retiring disposition, ostensibly, since the campaign of 1008, but he still votes the Republian ticket,— and-— -but—here’s Wayne & Wheeler, Superintendent of the Ohio Anti-Salooii League, for his partner. Wowl how they do keep step with each other in the G, 0. P. parade" since Gov, Paulson’* death,—arm in arm—just like two brothers. Aren’t they a daisy pair?" "Again,—Well, if here isn’t the Rev, fames Alfred Pattison, I). D„ President of the Ohio Anti-Saloon League, who lands Gov, Harris as "the Lieutenant of the Almighty" for having ’saved the $1,000.00Aiken HighLicense Law fn the Legislature last year, (Rev, hands hint another card)->And here’s Billy Bott, proprietor of one of the most dangerous glided saloons in the city andtheWicked adulterer trim broke up a home a few years ago. Strange partners they !* - but everything goes in G, O, P, politics it seems, Bottpays the $1,000,00 license and he and Dr. Pattisonvote the same \W‘ The wen who transfer ' - lutge blocks o f granite Into beautiful monuments jW f and headstones iu our workshop are the most skillful ' that money eaiLprocure.^ _ ; You can depend on "getting the very finest artistic creations here—-and at prices below the ordinary. With Otir* superior facilities amt equipment, which arc not equalled by any retail concern in the TJ, S., we aro prepared as never before to furnish high grade Worfc'for leas money than infer- lor work wilt cost elsewhere. Wo employ no agents m this terri­ tory. I f at all interested m anything ih onr line, write, phone for catalogue or i f possible call to see n.,. Boil phono 3 Of. Citizens 215. Established 1884, GEORGE DODDS & SON, H3,115,117,119W. MamSt., Xenia, O.’ 5FRING AND SUMLER <f*..lfin*r < >— COP'fBltWIB9J If you want to dress right up to date let us mak e y o u r c l othes . W e have the goods and we guar­ antee the workmanship. Every thing to be first class or no Sale* JACOB K#NY, The Leading Merchant Tailor, Xenia, Ohio* Science has better than developed something infinitely the old-style wrap or clamp. wmmji' Gfi ITTSBURCH PERFECT” FENCES ARE WELDED BY ELECTRICITY. Th.ri in fwnth>fn method o f conStruttion. YeatS o l fife ata k added through the elimination of serious fciice defects. -A WRAPtcfisjsscfcfec,CMcfcrths-gafvanhlng irlm A mifl* amount of dispIX&d gitAuUfng On"PITTSBURGH PERFECT^ REINFORCES THE PRO­ TECTION AGAINST RUST AT THE ELECTRICALLYWELQEOJOINT; tximinothtjolnfc, STAYS CANNOT S lip . Thsy are alwaysjust whri* ffisy Stay a«f(:ten d Trim* facome one piecewhenIke-unionb made. The fenceit like ksoltl sheetotperfojratdiskeL Every Red is Guaranteed Perfect. Don’t allpw your prcjudicala fwot of thcrapfdfyvdeefiulngiShdnte 8ttdqv$f«4mlfhhd»yottlliyi heretofocaknown, to warp yowrgeiodjudgment. “ PITTSBURGH PERFECT>» FENCES REPRESENT 'PROGRESS', because hundred* W ' Ihoasancfc of doliaraworthof standardmaterial fadallywelded by^ifefekfikity# * Ths hoop cu (heaveragesugar barrel hi theIsolatedcountry grocery store I* an electrically welded ^ .......... - product. , s ‘ ’ ~ ~T' ^ Kyour wagonWasmadefna large factory, Itstire*were weldedby electricity. Y m vriHfindefectricalfy*wefdedboop*OnIcec/eamfreecentAndwashinghiachines, onmany tubsand buckets. Examine them. " PITTANURGH PERFECT” fencesaremadeby thismodem, simpleandmarvelousprocess*producing ” *»’« « 'w/r, n THAT HELD.” . ■ ■ ^ — p r tiedto^tarantecthin ■ ■ ■ ' " ” ■ ,4*V Tkatttn MR. FARMER t LISTEN, MOW. Every agent handling•«PITTSBURGH PERFECT'* fenCwbaottoe* : >» Jwtrta«rS nril IriJUrad «< itioJoints, „ ‘h* tint* la asrfaotiy adjuatabl* lo unevensreuna. N«May*win nei *t*arat* fromtheatranda, Mten** l«ail rlshiInevery periiculer. , . :arieany snoredefinite protection? Your complete satfdactfon Is absolutely ■39* CROUSE. P1TWDUR6H PEMEcVFfJKlN'filjyetml S ly® i f >* ; ,.r—.