The Cedarville Herald, Volume 30, Numbers 1-26
t **»$%** % AM r '• ‘U . , ■*, ■ i'j> «a;t. -#v* *. In. *•. » .'.. ■' **WMPyi!NMp!M The Great Sale of the Murphy stock of Portsmouth, Q., Now On in Pull Blast, Don’t Fail to Attend, .$1*49 For Mart's and Ufofna P 's SS Shads jc*.O Fine aa*:6rli«ent of (ho most <lo- pcndablo kind; all leathers. AT X»2 PRICE AND LESS, r n for Children,® H.B5 'Shoes and ®0^ aud * f ‘ l0 99c For W omans &.SQ and $ f ,7S tf9c /?or Children's and Misses ^ *1,2 " \ “ u J,1*™ ’ $**.49 fm Men's and- Ladjrs’ Osfcads, Shoes and-Oxfords i- bxron.i??, All wat|»orb} button and „ . ; ” — * —****•-*•_* --o-*- w rin^gts^ , i w very nesicmqcs, an Over (SOO'paire; all tho best kinds, Sizes 0 to 2, all leathers, butmo j»a e 'a ll sizes. and heavy; all sizes 0 toS5-* Murph>* handsewed;ailleathers. Animmense as* and lace. [ ’ ShoeCo. . • sorunent in the very lateststyle designs. DAN COHEN, 35 East Main Street, Springfield, Ohio, LOCAL AND PERSONAL —Uso Golden Buie. Flour. Tho township school board elects . teachers this afternoon. Mrs. Moore of Clarksville, is a guest at tho home o f Mr, Bam Mc Collum. \ LAWBENCE the best paint made —weather proof—sold by J. H, Wol ford. -Best polistiln^powder on earth at WISTERMAN’S Postmaster Oustis of Jamestown was called here'Wednesday. Miss Lena Gilbert of two O. S. & 8*.0, Ilome spent Sabbath at home .-—Curtains toUt your windows, at McMillan’s, ' ■ ’ ■ . Mrs.' J; Q, Stewart and son, John, who ' were called Bast some time a^o by the death of Mrs. .Stewart’s sister, returned home Thursday. ,*S£ j For the (Children T o succeed these days you,| must have plenty o f grit, cotir- r r age, strength. H ow is it w ifh the children? Are they thin, pale, delicate? Do* not forget A y e r ’s S a r s a p a r illa , Y ou know it makes the bipod pure and rich) and buffets up, the general health ip every way., Thechlldttne^nnotposalblyiiSvoBOodhciilth tmlessumbowolfatomprOper-condltUm.CM, te«t »nrconstipationby (Ovineatwill JaxstlMf tfoseaotAJor'arilla.AUvegoUule.lugar-ootitad. UltaWOgH to-teaaufiit«ta*»r»of 9 VAlfcVIfffe. Astiecm CBE8WPBCTOIWL, i/ers %•!»©#«<> V^ ikWhSt/’ *’’? ■■-fiso'— - -.. - — ...■ iravatulw*r*ai owrMcdifitM, Mrs. Cochran and children left Tuesday for an extensive.visit with Dayton relatives. •Miss Janet Tarbox had for her guest over Sabbath,. Mr, Robert Marithew o£ Ada, O. —Carpets, mattings’ and linoleums at McMillan’s. Alias JaneDixon of Tarentmn, Fa., fs the guest of Miss Mary Cooper. Miss Helen Marshall of, Xenia iB visiting at the home of Mr. F. B, Turnbull/ Bev. Will Pollock, who has been 'attending tho U. P, Beiplnary in Alleghany, Pa-, ishorefor.the Synod. Miss Florenqe Fprbes left Thurs day for a weeks visit with her sister, Mrs. M, W, Collins, Trenton, O. Rev/W , A. Pollock will preach Sabbath in -the M. E , ohurcb at. 10:30 a.m. Mr, Wilber Colletfj anil wife of Dayton visited relatives here Sab bath. , . —Rockers, conches, folding,beds skip boards, at’ McMillan’ s ■,’ * —Mattresses, bod < springs, the beBt to be had at McMillan,s. Mrs- Louis Straight of Albany, Ind., is visiting her brother, Mr. ■Joseph BrOthefton. Mr. Clyde Freeman and wife of Mt. Carmel, ill., are the guests, of Mr, R. Bird and family. Mrs. Homer Henderson Of Union- town, O, visited Mr. Arthur. Auld and wife Wednesday and Thursday.. .*—>Dqstdotyn. Try If. Get it at Mo Millah’K ■Mr. Bert Turner is building a*new barn, the frame work being raised last Saturday,- ’ LAWERNCE Paint possesses preserving qualities and beautifying eifects. Sold by J. BLWolford. Mrs. W. L . ;Marshall, Mary and Alford, of Xenia spent Sabbath with Mr. W. M. Barber and family. Mr. John Lott returned to Cincin- na'iSatibath,.evening, after having spent the day here, —Golden Rule is the brand ,that’s been with yon for years and it’ s bet ter now than eyer. Try it. The best paint made, sold or used —LAWRENCE Pure Linseed - Oil Ready Mixed Paint. Sold by J .N . Wolford. -Mrs. Isaac Stewart of Springfield spent Saturday and Sabbath with her .sister Mrs. Rpbfc. Ford: , Mrs. Margaret Crain and daughter Mabel, left/ Tuesday for the Child ren’s Home, where Mrs. Crain has accepted opposition as matron. Rev.' Thomas Turner, wife and’ son, Robert, of Marissa, 111*, ar rived hero Tuesday to attend Synod. Rev. W. G. Robb Of Boyina Cen ter,TSew York, and Mr. W- It. Ster- rett left Thursday for Alleghany,, where they will attend the Synod of their ChUi-ch. No cracking or blistering if you use the HAWRENCE Patpt—just sgffVNitefe **** BiLSC c o d 's CSUl THE! BLACK uch value a d s , coil - ive take rr id marked Walter BaliengeraArt Miss. Hazel Wilson .of Hamilton spent Sabbath Mr. D. is, Ervin has requested uA te publish “ A Down-to-Date PftUti- 'eal Pantde” .as taken from ^Shaf; Standard, It van .be. found In an other column* , « BILIOUSNESS COlfsfrpATlOH C U R E D B Y ’ THEDFORDS BLACK-DRAUGHT With'Mr. wife. L*. H.-Sttllenberger and Becai f. t ECgl 6 ct( withconsf headachesar I the lunge an takeholdof to paythat i kept in pr illness wouk Thedford’ successful irf because it liverregulaf medicine ii drastic dn healthful la stipation at mere chil harm.' Tho healtl cures bilioif vigoratii Because th network rJ acids aloud the bowels! andvirulent fCall early Because the liver is [headachesandfevers, Qoldsattack] thelungs and contagious diseases Ityles a n d n a 1 takehold of tho system.' Jfcis safe to saythat if thohverwOraalways kept in. proper working order, illnesswould do almost unknown. Mrs. Cora Birkhold o f Rosewood, O , returned home Sabbath after a visit- with lier-sister, Mrs. Wm. Clay. ‘ . WANTED:—Telepboito operator, on© who wants steady employment, cgbarFapimhrgrappIy-wtr'Otre**r ®t]-nutm,srlty't{rtvaiTlwoelaltTBir the Exchange. —DO yott lohg,for tho good bread your mother used to. bake? Then Use Golden Rule Flour and you can have it. Brush up with tho -LAWRENCE .Paints and give your house a pros perous appearance. It will preserve it, too* . Sold by J. H. .Wolford* ■Mrs. Mary J. McMillan continues very ill. She has been bedfast now about six weeks and her case seems to be very complicated. Joe McFarland and N. O. Minear of Dsiyton attended the commence ment exercises last Friday and were the guests o f Mr. “John McFarland and family. “ Timely >y 1 ford’s Biota dangerswhl liver andkl positively . Bright’s d i S l case in adfl no cure. / 2 oc. packofj Draught, 1 *t Thedford's Black-Draught is so I successful in curing such sickness * because it iswithout a rival asa liverregulator. This great family medicine is not a strong ana drastic drug, but a mild and healthful laxative that cures con stipation and may bo takenby a j mero child Without .possible harm. The healthful actionon the liver i cures biliousness. It has an in- Prof* K* E, Randall was elected superintendent of the Spring Valley public schools last Saturday even ing at a salary of *80a month. FOR SALE: Ono second hand canopy top carriage. \WilI ho sold at a bargain, Kerr & Hastings Bros. LAWRENCE on a can of paint or stain or enamel stands for all that’s good. All we ask is a trial. Sold by J. H. Wolford. Rev, W. J. Sanderson and wife left Monday for Utica, O., where Mrs. Sanderson will visit relatives while Mr. Sanderson attends Synod at Alleghany* uuu Aivum/o uu m w k regularly, the poisduouM acids alongWith tho waste from i tho bowels get back intothe blood! and virulent contagion results. ‘ Timely treatment with Thed ford*gBlack-Draught re-mbves the, dangertwhichlurkinconstipatiort, liter and kidney troubles, andwill | positively forestall the inroads of might's disease, for which dis ease in advanced stages there is no cure, Ask your dealer for a Kxk package of Thedford's Black- Draught. —Golden Rule Flour has all tho flavor that’ s in tho wheat, and makes the biggest and sweetest loaf o f any on the market* Rev. Frank Orr, who has been at tending the U. P, Seminary in Al leghany, Pa., arrived at home flick. It was first thought that he would have typhoid fever hut ho hafl since Improved. Miss Margaret^ Lackey enter tained the graduating class o f the college, of Which she is’ a member, at her home near Jfamestown, Tues day evening, u Rev -iW . A. Condon of Clarion, Iowft, who Will bo married next Tuesday evening to Miss Margarotta W>tt, is spending a few days with his mother, Mrs* Jnlla Condon pre vious to that eVent. Mr. C.E. Radabaugli nnd wife of West Miltoh, 0., visited over Sab bath With hia brother, Mr, J, W . Radabaugli and family. Mr. Rada- bangh edits and publishes the West Milton Record* - EXCJ W i n i ’ ’Winona, 3amc CK Daily Low fare Cl Tuesday ( f PS July 12. Atlai May ill t o . ii};| Fori Pennsylvul J, W .Rad f fa# 0 # A card from Mr, 0. B* ColUns, who is located at Buena Vista, Col., states that he was elected superin tendent of the schools for next year at an increase of salary* The -commencement-'will_lifc JbfiliLJiine 7 th with a class of eleven graduates, LINES E X C U R S I O N S T O l& inon& Lake, la d , ‘ Winona Assembly, May 10 to September 80 fo iM ow n e d i t i o n Norfolk, Va. Dally until November 80 Low faro Coach Excursions every Tuesday Choice of a number o f PhUadeJtdjtia July 12 , 1:1 and 14-R. P* C. E. A tlan tic City, N* J . May 81 to Juno 5J-Ai»orica« Med-: teat Association. For details, consult Pennsylvania Lines Ticket Agent j , W.Riuffcbaugh, CedarVilte, 0. —Overalls ahd over shirts that wear and give you satisfaction, prices 60c, 7 Cc and $ l ( kv , are sold by Sullivan, the Hatter, 27 South XilitteStonO Street, Springfield, Ohio* Mr. 0* M. Townsley and family had for their guests Sabbath' Frank Welehans and wlfo of Springfield, Elmer Smith, wife and dairghters, of T*iackery, Mrs, Robert Smith of Dialton, It. E. Roberts, St* Paris. Rev. C. A* Youhg of Philadelphia, came Wednesday to attend Synod* Rev* Young is carrying his left hand in a sling owing to an accident that happened about throe weeks ago when he fell from hIs bicycle spraining Ins hand. He also re ceived 1 a cut over the left eye that required two studies. Miss Martha Brortiagem left Thursday forFairfield* She expects to visit relatives In J)Tlu<cetoh, Ind., next month. itev, Neil Forgtistm loft Thursday evening, for Arizona, where ho will remain several months, on account ot his health. Ho has had a long siege of sickness and[ hopes to “bo beneflttett by tho W^sts|*n climate, Mr. and Mrs. R, C. Watt enter tained at dinner Tuesday a number of cousins of Miss Margarotta Watt, whose marriage .to Rev. W. A* Con don fakes place Tuesday evening, in honor of Mrs,;Ralph Watt of Bahia Honda, Cuba. Those present were Mrs. Walter Nash, Mrs Hna- ton Cherry, Mrs. William Cherry, Mrs* Herbert Nash, Miss Jennie Watt. Mrs, William Cherry and Mrs. Huston Cherry gave a thimble party 'Thursday aftetfioon for tho bride-dect. Arthur Ray Hamilton has brought suit against fiarah E. Lucas execu trix of Lula Mae Hamilton and others, alleging that Mrs*-Hamil ton’s will is not a legal document. He claims teat his wife was of un sound mind andwas forced into wil ling the property to ..Mrs. Liicas. The will was probated last Satur day. Waynesvjile. several years ago was voted “ dry” by ordinance but since then the state larv has been changed under the Beal hijW elections. The village has not had a Saloon but of late there has been a groat’ deal of bootlegging anti the citizens are be coming enraged. Ifci is now being argued in.that place that a Beal law election bo held to arrest offenders under the “ Search and Seizure” law. ft is probable that an election will be held soon. ' At the last meeting of Currie Post it Was the wish that all o f the citi zens, young and old, and each and every society, order,-are es pecially invited to assist in the beautiful custom, and, duty^of gar landing' the graves', of those who once, stood between otnr homes and War’s desolation. parade will form in front of th e 1post.-ofllce ‘ at & a. mi sharp, headed by1the R , of P. band. Flowers will be left in Grouse & Son's room. ■Let ns make this the banner Decoration day. The Rev. Chemingtoii o f Xenia will de liver the addrosfl in, the opera honse, at 2 p m, The memorial sermon will bo preached' Sabbath, May 26’, at *;S,) p, rn. in the opera house! by R\ W* Chestnut* Let all and every duo attend this service. - ’ ’ The General' Synod of the Re formed Presbyterian church ol North America convened in tb f R. P. Church Wednesday evening* The sessionwas opened by a sermon from thp retiring moderator, Rev, J. Y, Boyce, of Philadelphia. The selection ofmoderator resulted in Rev, J. L. Ritchie of New .Lisbon 0., being chosen. Rev, Jdhn H. Kendall, D. D., of Tarentum, Pa., was elected stale’ clerk and Rev, W* W. Iliff of Duanesbury, N. Y., assistant clerk, Commitees have been named and reports read- from different Pres byteries and the usual routine gone through with. One of -the important things to come before the synod la^the action of ltev, C. A. Young, pastor ol* the Third Presbyterian church in Philadelphia who lias ordained three elders in,the Fifth church by order . of, the. Presbytery. The minority have appealed to synod for a decision”/ Among those here attending synod are Rev. Alexander Savage, R, W. Chestnut, Rev. W. J. Sniiliey, S. C Hemphill, Andrew Flemming and many others prominent in the denomination. MUST WEIGH MAILS. Postmaster l ’arbox lma ramai-ved Why Public Owo#r*hlp 1« Popular > In■ Euroi vidnafem'. Tba Wry. fi&plmmt* o f : tho pvoplo foBters\ad iieceesitata# pa- iemailsiu* That la why nnttonai and municipal governments oiaunte public ufliltiea. Undo? a monarchy, tor that reason, tho teudengy of the p-jople Is orders from tho post-office depart ment to make a separate-weight for ’all 1st, 2d,‘ 3d and 4th “ class matter, also to weigh all jmuchos used in- sending this mail. The postmaster Is required to do this weighing from July X till Jan. X XDQ&six months. M« will be forced to dote the mails at flfvp minittoa before- toe nsfial time in order to make these weights so that during this period please have your mail in the office a&early as possible, add thus avoid.any con fusion in woighing of tho maiL ’ The phenomenal, growth and pros perity of the United States have been attained without either pnternnlisin or socialism. -Compare the condition of tho people hero, their better living, their comfort and happiness. With the condition of the people of the nations of Europe, and there 1;> only olio con* clUafou-fthat is that for us individual* DROR IN And* boo the latest display of Gents’ ■.Furnishings.. In clothing tilt* Great Western Tailoring Co. will please all. R. W. USTICK, Haberdasher. Ispi is the state policy,, and we do not have to borrow the fusiilttUons of tor- elga nations created by a Heed from which wo are five, tt laJust because of our Individualism that socialistic In stitutions and co operative ‘schemes never prosper here.~NeW.irk (N. J,) Ad*, vertlser. - Officials-Already Overloaded* A third general objection to govern ment agency tests on the principle of toe division of labor. Every additional function undertaken by the govern ment Is a fresh occupation Imposed on a body already overcharged . with duties. A natural cotumaucucc Is that most things are ill done, much not done at all. because the government la not able to do it without delays which are fatal to its purpose: that the more troublesome and less- showy of toe functions undertaken nre postponed and neglected, add tmexcuse is always ready for the neglect, while tho heads ef the administration have their minds go fully taken'np with official detail, In however perfuuetory a mannerGtiperlh- tended, that they have no time or 'thought to spate for the great interests of the state and the preparation of en larged measures of wnmd improve* menh—John Stuart Mill, A NarrowEscape. ‘ G. W. Cioyd, a merchant, of Pluck, Mo., bad a narrow escape four years ago, when ho ran a jtmson bur into Ills thumb* Ho says: “ The doctor wanted to amputate It but I would not Consent. Xbought a box Bueklen’s Arnica Salve nnd that cured the dangerous wound.’’ 23c at all Druggists. Perhaps Put to Better Use, A church in London still drawn an income which wan bequeathed It for the purpose of ‘buying wood where with to bum heretics. W h en in Xen ia looK at the and we are showing for spring and summer wear. If they are not the best for the money you ever saw, don’t buy1/ ; ^ s i i d E , S T O R E iT t , f * ° SODA-FOUNTAIN Has Been Installed in the ' Finney Restaurant. Come in and get a “ Cooler/* Leave orders for ice cream in my quantity. , Phone 85. 1 ■* TRY OUR JOB PRINTING • A Traris. UrtTfth inconsistency. Ono of too aiuiuudio&or trades union ism is the demand for “closed shops” nnd tho advocacy of municipal owner ship when it is inevitable that every lirdustry-transiermi frets private to public ownership wlil become an “open shop.” In public employment all con ditions and wag** of labor burnt bo determined by laws and ordinances. No law excluding nonunion men from •public employment can stand tho test of its Constitutionality.—Public Policy, Us* Anssthstio* in Beth Cases, duncr—ln surgery they can restoFo n person’s alcht by grafting. Cuyca-What « big differeoe between surgery aud polities! Gunner--What Is tho difference? ’ Guyor—Why, In politics they skin people by grafting, —Chicago Dally News. Unwise Under Present Conditions. Until \V6 remove th# political lntlu* cnee that tends toward corruption and extravagance X bslfcue that municipal ownership would b# unwise,—Profess* or Sedgwick* FOR MEN AND WOMEJST OF TASTE . # 1 . 5 0 t o $ 5 . 0 0 There is not only a correct fit for eveiy foot, but also a correct style for every taste and occasion. You instantly notice a great difference when you put on a pair e f Baldwin’s Oxfords. They feel different and they look different, and different in this case means better. We want you to come and see our great stock o f the very latest designs from the great producers. I t is our aim to have eveiy pattern exactly fitted. This means much to oiir patrons and much to us, for we want your trade, not only today, but for all time. Incapability 6f City ti-avtrrtment, 1 am opposdfl to municipal ownev* ship because mtf city governments hhte toot shoFn a* any capacity ter ptepiarjy wtodattejf toait butoaia** Stocy l , . PRICES RIGHT. Springfield, OWo, 25 Ii. Main St. * ff\
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