The Cedarville Herald, Volume 30, Numbers 1-26
o O KGA.NI3SJRP ?S qo . CEDARVILLE, OHIO. Wv kb lirrs Yarn 1 and pronjirct careful urn? prompt . , attention to ail •business intrusted to He. NEW YORK DRAFT and BANKMONEVjORDERS. Tho cheapest and most; ■ con venient. way to send money by mail. Loans Made o a Real Estate, Persona! or Collateral {Security, Banking Hours; 8. A. M. to 8,“P. M. S. JW» S mith , Presidents , 0 . 1,. S mi 'M i , Cashier, The effect of malaria, last* a long time, You catch cold easily or ‘become run* down because) eff the after effect* of malaria# Strengthen yourself with S c o t t ' j ? X Em tilsion . It builds new blood and tone* up your nemnssl! ALL DRUGGISTS; SGo. AND *1.00. fheve a { premium PURE WATER. .and in such cases sale is made only a of a few hundred dollars isj q’jie strongest argument nm*o in paid. | favor of another into for the school ThP mmmnnioat,ion above hpU6° |ias b$en eJimt»ate<i *y th« xne coraniunuAUQii uuve.fa(JtthRfc t,)0 Eem>fc eXiimjnation of refered to gives the tax payer, the well water, which had previous an idea of what a S3O,OO01>Ybeen called impure, Slums that * , Vthnra iti nft /Innfl'Pr m nmmr rim tvn. building will cost. Those The Cedarville H e r a l d . Si.oo P e r Y e a r . K A R L H m JL Iy - K d ito r . FRIDAY, June 1, 1807. TO THOSE INTERESTED. •H t. •# ► + In. another column will be found a comunication from a tax payer in this school dis trict that contains many truthful statements that are o f interest to tax payers and patrons o f the schools. - The fact that one room in the building was used during - the past year, for recitation pursoses only for certain classes, while other classes re- ~ . cited in their own rooms, proves conclusively that the crowded condition ~ of ‘ the school is a myth. Regardless Of the fact that the school - board has given out infor mation to the contrary the patron must accept the prov en statement that the crowd- " ed condition has been over drawn for the mere purpose o f fl-n<v£Wr buMdimr* down or ,one o f its claims that ,. the location is bad owing to impure water since the Sec retary of the State Board of Health has decided otherwise. The. argument first ad vanced that taxes Would not be.raised has been proven un true and members o f the board have admitted the same. The fact that other towns are havin g trouble sel ling bonds at four per cent who have been so anxious to have such an expenditure made have never given the public all the facts. The things that took place at the mass meeting goes to show that there is more than “ the interests of the schools at stake,” * The election set for Satur day is the proper time to settle the matter. I t is also the time to express the senti ment of the community as to whether a building shall be built by the tax payers and patrons or by-a set o f- who will use money whiskey to influence a tain class of people in men and. cer- the there is no dauger In using the wa ter. At the meeting in Barber’s hall some time ago some questioned that tho water wan Impure and consider able diseussion toolc place. This re suited in Mayor- MoFarluurl sending samples of same to-Secretary Probsti of the State Board of Health. Tire water was token from the well* ac cording to.directions and was- wit nessed by a number of. citizens among them being a member of tire local board of health and the hoard of education. The report to the local board that the water is. of good quality, and safe for all purposes stops all argvt inept.against a change in location as far as that is concerned The examination’ has been made now for tile third time, the first showed that it was unfit for use; the secoyd about the same. . The last examination proves otherwise “ interest o f the schools/% as was done the last election. n f.» i $ 332*5 150,000 flSED IN EVERY LINE OF BUSINESS FOR ALt PURPOSE* i m <?«*»!(:# lad fall detnira oa desOM • Tho -OLIVER ‘"SIS T$pi*r»tfcr Writer Secretary Taft is flying tho tariff revision signal, and ’the chances are that It will.prove the battle flag of the coming campaign. ’The only trouble is that it is likely to be«more of an issue within .the party than it, is outside. The rnpk and file of the tariff revision 4arty is made up al most as ipuch of Republicans as It is o f Democrats, more so in fact if you take tariff revision to meaii re vision and not free trade. Tho peo ple as a rule want it, hut the lead ers of the Republican party are against it. From a purely political stand point, the talk of revision is . « i eohedules as they now stand are ■In iqmtous. They have contributed largely to building up the prosperity of the country, but the necessity tor them has passed away* Still mart ulacturers all over the country are keenly in favor of them because they—enable -the manufacturer to maintain nigh prices, and if he has any surplus of which ho iias had very little so far, ho can sell abroad at reduced prices. Tiius.for the peo ple at largo, revision would bo a blessing. But the enemies of revis ion say, and with a certain amount ot truth, that the crest of the pros perity wave has been reached if it has not passed. The Attacks on the railroads and other corporate Inter ests lias made capital timid, and if you prepare in earnest Mow for re- i vision on the eve of election, you will have the manufactureres laying off men and curtailing expenses. Importers naturally will hold off buying in the hope of cheaper prices the railroadsr will he restricted in freight traffic, and you will invite hard times with a vengerice. It Is a nice problem to solve. Perhaps a dose of hard times is necessary as a prelude to better times in the future. The Republican majority of throe hi the House of Representatives has by death and resignation been re duced during the past year from three to one. With the Democrats having one majority m the Sena te there would be a tie vote on joint ballot. It is expected that Governor Harris will call an election this fall to fill the vacancies thus, existing. The debate Friday night at the opera, house between Cedarville and Muskingum colleges resulted in , unanimous decision for the visitors The subject was, “ Resolved, That the ‘United States should abandon her present protective tariff,” Tho affirmative was upheld by Musking um and the negative b f Cedarville The question was one of great inter est and was well argued*_The af firmative hixd the. strongest'Argu meat, advocating tariff for revenue Only. Messrs. Livingston. Cleland and Pollock represented Myskiftg- .inn and Messrs. Carl and Iloy M«r- ©dftr Hutchison, Cedar- shjtfl and —Patina baby chicks feed can ho purchased of Hagley ‘ Bros. It With out doubt the best food on tho market and contains no grit, The life of the chicks depends largely on the feed It gets; Have chicks that are healthy and you will notice, a rapid growth by using Purina baby ckicks feed. , $50 REWARD IF IT FAILS. FREE TO THE AFFLICTED We wish every one who is afflicted with stomach trouble, indigestion, rheumatism, heart or kidney trou ble, nervous debility or any organic ailment to try Dr. Foiltz’ Com pound, at our expense. Just send your name and state your and the remedy will he sent you free by mall to- try. You will bo under no obligation whatever. Ad dress, Specific Remedy Co,, Terre Haute, Ind. ------------ Hi Fired (he Stick. “ I have $red tile walking-stick I’ ve carried over 40 years, on ac count of a sore that resisted every kind of treatment, until I tried Buokien’s Arnica Halve; that has heated the sore and made fild a happy man,” writes John Garret, of North Mills, N. G.. Guaranteed for Piles, Burns, etc., by all drug gists 23e. W. J. TflitBOX, LOCAL, A G EN T . PILES FISTULA A!3» AI.L DISEASES OF THE RECTUM ®*J t1 C'.j pJasZ-i tr.A Cis L-lv’ rV* a ««lasi?, f this#.Kecusi si .1I.4SI - i r jiiii, c.-.;isS3!* p«pcri.-i-<i pain *}•>qyrt “'( ho !.i.s:c;{j DlnSdcr, XlSefi, art a wratfi. « « « ! tenC3»8ox iicovU, cesiumirsisj ifi^KtwsUttraectticacsi. EflaKi*caicw, D R . J . J . M c C L E I .L A N J i 'S s S B i b . ! COLUMSUS, 0 . Antioch Chautauqua and Summer School. J u n e 2 1 -3 0 . t h e f a m o u s n e , f f g r o u n d s * y e l l o w s p r i n g s , o , T H E E V E N T O F T H E S E A S O N . During the last ten days in June, the finest array of talent as sembled on oho platform will appear at the Chautauqua conduct ed by Antioch College. The Talent will include Gov. Buchtel, of Colorado, Mrs. Gen. Pickett, Oapt. Jade CrawfordJDr. Parks Catl- innti. Dr. J. W. Dawson and Dr. Spurgeon, both of London, Col. Lamar, “ Sunshine” Hawked, Col. Bain and others. The entertainers will include Magicians, Cartoonists, Moving Pictures, Recitals, Dialect Readers, etc. Tho music, will include Jubilee Singers, Lady Quartettes, Male Quartettes, Male Choruses, Noted Choirs, Violin Holoists, Vocal .Soloists, Piano Holoisfs, etc. These ten days on the Neff Grounds will offer superior oppor tunity for recreation and study. ~ IDEAL t e n t in g . Mend for particulars. a # B . F £ 8 S , * Yellow Springs, 0 . A 10c Parkage “Bcrax” will rid you of Ants Ihm-hes and Mediatry itior sale ' at fcird’s Mammcthf-torc. f .. . . . WALL PAPER “Cheap" a wonderful Ians at Gc per tingle rah, Bordei at same price. Our pamp|e hook to select .from on request, Bird’s Mammoth Store •ISOBTHY - • f,S0OShoes and 260 Oxfords also full line of"WHITE CANVAS” OXFORDS for Ladiqa(Bml Children for Ladic3white Oxfords l.fiy 1.26 1.60 Misses white Oxfords 76 1,00 1.25, Birds Mammoth Store, j * - ■ ri. •_ ;; 7r_\ ■ - Lost: A black knit shawl on the street between the opera house arid Miss Mary4Murdock’s last Monday evening. Please return to this office. ■.» p ■ Mr. J. C. McMillan was released on a bond of $2000yesterday in the C(ark cotfnty courts. The bond was signed by James Carson and Henry Bateman, two of the wealthiest men in Clark county. • WE PAY lie per ib for Lard, 12c for Bacon for Butter and 16c doz for Eggs. Bird’s Mammoth Store. 16c We have4becn handed a copy of tho ClermontCi^nrierbyDr. M. LMarshwhich gives an extensiveaccount of-the death of Mrs, Lucinda Galbraith, whommany here are. related to. She died Saturday June I at the age of 102 years, She lias seen the inarigeration' of twenty-three presidents since Thomas Jefferson and '’ 41 govenors of this state since Edward Tiffin, the first governor. 20 Mule Team Borax. ” Bb package life or for 25c. ■ 'A lb package 10c or 8 for 25c. - Bird’ s Mammoth Store. We ah know what we .are getting at present: while paying the $8.10 tax rate and what we received a few years back undera much lower rate, f With still greater indebtedness we must have a higher rate of, taxation to meet same. As your self tomorrow (Saturday) if you want to give the tax collector a greater sum next year? The place to decide is at the poles. The present rate wasincreased toa burdensome point with out voting a bopd issue, what can be the ultimate result if tuc Issue carries. Dr. KENNEDY’S FAVORITE REMEDY P* .Meinmt to take. X’ewArfttl to €‘uro» AndWelcome In everyHome. i\Uii SiidLtlERenra. Iw, VAvotitflriemeUy ------ *---------- -,iroj'.llnr(imr» toirltfoftftO J.iy» I’ora- r;.«iiirrcnlisrto The L ind Yon Have Always Bought, and which ha* been. In use Tor over BO years, has jpirne the signature o f v and has beenmode tinder his per sonal supervision since Its infancy. Allowno on* to deceive you in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and “ Just-as-good” are bub Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health o f Inihnts and Children—Experience against Experiment* What js CASTOR IA Castoria is a termless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops Soothing Syrups, I t is Pleasant. I t contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotio substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys worms and allays Feverishness. It Cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic.- It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Tho Children’ s Fanricea-The Mother’s Friend. , GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of The KindYouHaveAlwaysBought In Use For Over 30 Years. THECCRTJlun«OM,Ai4V> IT MUnfcftVST^CCT, UCWVOflK0>TV, _ffI one© ihottgltt the New York pickpocket about the slickest in the world,w said * detective just hack ^fFom Central America with a pris oner, ifbut thfrQuiitetnala' operators Ijave our local artists* bbaten to an omelet. ' . *ft was standing at the comer of one of the main streets of a Guate mala city about, noon one afternoon watching the handful of people abroad, £ mrorperotw looking man passed me. 1 took particular notice of him because he appSired to he well decorated with jewelry, He had heavy-finger rings, a massive raw gold watch chain and.earrings o f a curious pattern. I was think ing how ho would delight a New York pickpocket as lie halted a few yards away to look into his wallet, a fat, bulky affair, ^ “ dust then a young man about, six yards distant gave n shout and tan toward the man with the Wallet and jewelry, The latter started and stood perplexed for jest about two seconds. In that.time I saw the young mim run into him, knock him down by the foreo of the col lision and race toward me. As ho camo I saw him stow away the man’s watch, several ring3 and the wallet, “ I shouted aridmade a spring for him. He ran .into me, dodged a SwingXmade at him and was across tjm streefc in an inconceivably short thne, 1 started after him and saw him run, into a third man. The third man tried to hold him, but he might as welt have tried to eatcli a bunch of forked lightning. The man wa3 away and up an alley in two minutes after he had run into the first of tis. 1 “When wo compared notes it was found that lie had skinned the first man’s fin** rs of rings, got one of the earnt gs, the wallet and the watch ana chain. Third man had lost a handsome pin from his tie and his watch and chain. K‘What did yon lose?* they asked me. “ ‘I haven’t lost anything,’ I said. Then one of them pointed at my tie, whichhad become undone. “ I found that T, too, had lost n wallet, a stick pin, ray watch ar, t chain. I got my property hack through the chief of police. He sent for the chief of the gang and made him hold up the young oper ator for the goods. The operator was very obliging when lie heard I was a detective fromNew York. He wanted, to know if I could assist him in working in New York and how the pickpockets operated in the city. If he ever comes to New York it is all day with many a bundle of goods.”-—New York Press. j . h . M c M i l l a n , Manufacturer, of ' CEM ENT G RAVE VAU LTS , Hollow Cement Building Blocks, "Chimney Blocks, Veranda Col umns, Piers, Etc., E tc . Telephone 7 . Cedarvi l l e, Ohio iAr SUITS AT POPULAR PRICES Skirt* $5 to $12 the mw plaids, ? , Waists, wool, $1.25 to $2.50. , ■ .Black Bilk Waists, $-150 to $10. . 0 Brilfinfcme Waists, $1 to $2.50. Silk Petticoats, excellent for $5, six yds, ruffle, ..... Satin Petticoats, SI to 82.50. Purs—Collars, Muffs, ets., latest styles, $1.75. to . . 815 s? Muslin Underwear—Corsets Covers, Pants, 25c to 81. Gowns 5 0 to 83. Knit Corset Covers, Kn it Underwear and Mentor^are very popular. Five cases just in, New Outing Gowns, 50c to 81, Also Eain Coats, Boom Bugs—-Carpet size, all grades. Tapes try, 810.75. Bugs, 81.50, etc. Druggets, 83 up, j BdTGHTSOB & GIBNEY’S, XENIA, OHIO. T 0W N 5 L E Y BROS ., «. • Cedarville, Ohio. Manufacturers o f Cement^Building B locks , Build ings raised and foundations constructed. See us for Cement work o f all kinds.. Estimates 1cheer fu lly “given, • *, Quick and Quiet, r QUEEN 1 of cleanness, rapid in reaching results, silent and satisfactory in action, royal in simple beauty and purity, MapleCity Wathtag Soap The one eplej lid andsubstantial whiteSoip—thebest evet used Intab <sf boiler. Besides being themost effective of all cleansingagencies,(it actsi f asterilizerandpreservative. Whilemakingbleachedclothesdazzlingwhite, it prevents colored clothes from fading, andwoolens fromshrinking. It restores brightness to woodwork, andis unrivalled for down, dishes, glass, silverandtinware. One cake outlasts two of ordinary soaps. S cents, At all grneett* MAPLE CITY SOAP WORKS, Monmouth, Illinois. “ TAKE THIS CUT” M-tei ,r; “ Wo recommend it; there isn't nay better.,. „ In mid-summer you liave to • trust to a largo degree to your buteiier. Well Cared For Meats In hot weather are the only kind to buy: vra have proper appliaucea for keeping them right, and they’re sweet and safe when sold, pon ’t go meat shopping when it’s hot. *Buy of us and be sure. C. H . CROUSE , CEDARVILLE,’ O. ..... I .........• SourStomach r i nsed OABCftrets and feel liken newxnfttu I have been » sufferer frpnt dyflpepaift.aml «our utomacn tor the last two years, rfcftvebeeh taking znedl* cine and other drugs, hut could find no reliet only for* aborttime. Turin recommend Cascarota to my friend* ue the only tiring for Indigestion and. «onr atomnob and to Reeptha bowola in good con* . Et!*,. ohnnk( Best For t TheBowels, j . CANOYCATHAfrtlC ■old !fi balk; a— ..— ...............^ . Qn.rantoeil to care er yourmoucy tmok. Sterliag Remedy Co.’, Chlcago or N.V. 599 ANNUALSALE,TENMILLIONBOXES Your Nerve It is nerve energy that runs the organs of your body. The storage battery is the nerve ’ cells iff- .the brain—and—spinal—- cord, and from this battery nerve force j s sent out through , - the system "of nerves. To-keep the body healtliy you must .have plenty o f nerve force-, if you have itot, the organs work imperfectly, the circulation is ’xhtgglffK <tgea#3A-.1 ^ ; appe tite poor, kidneys inactive, and aches, pains and. misery are the penalty. You can keep the system Strongswith Dr. Miles’ Nervine. It assists in generating nerve energy; it strengthens the nerves and makes the whole system strong and vigorous. "X taXC pleasure In recommending Dr. Mites’ Nervine to those eUfferinK from nervous prostration, Insomnia' and melancholy. After several months sufferlm? from above diseases* I tried this medicine and found Immediate relief. It soothon and strength ens tho nerves, chases away tho ' gloomy and depressing thoughts and gives •tho sufferer renewed strength and hope. It is n superb norvo re storer,,r .. . r> JUDGE JACOB SBEMANN. Madison, Wisconsin, Dr, Miles’ Heart Cure fs sold by your druggist, who wilt guarantee that the first nottle will benc’lt. If It fall* he will refund your money. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart,Xnd Restaurant. Now located in the Book- waiter Hotel Building across the street from * the eld “Adams” stand, Bestaurant in hotel lobby and dining room on second floor, reached by elevator. Meals 25c and 35c. High Street, Springfield, O* qnri,T- o im , xrr gyATxi | LIQUOR°»! MORPHINE tli? ?"]? rational trratefnt £’XS!??S0A'WIetA to ubin k or d r u g s . £end for Ptta Bookletand terms, (087 Hstth IHtnitlMa Ait., COLUMBUS OHIO Old Clock In Good Repair, , Jamoa H. Clark, of Hardwick’' Vf„ haa a clock about 1(50 years old. Tho mahogany cnac ia seven, feet tali’, Thri works are of wood, and all the repair ing needed for a long limo had to bo inado on these. ,Two.crtrt stniwnn .... nthof trial 8 *i» 'a’mohtfio' .. niieniDUos to riassa tv cja .Cstsxa Dorrii!. RUa Mvi V jv .-.’ jis :;-,Mcsioy UC.» fisu», speri*! »«!fWr. cf Intercutt t,ill. A Ma^aztiib IdiPAim tvith ftluitrAtWr.i* 180 GOPY^I.SO Yf.-ICOO srm m 'iS .w svY fii'f < V-M . ! . x tom a x a are made house thaj afford to honorabli tion by any sort except thl nor can yj to use ai the best, much th< in the 1( ■Made by Detroit 1 Sol CJVLCi Cedarville A FAMILY Dr, Green arranges wl schee to handle h| Throat and X,uug (JThe best family si household medicine! •coughs, colds, chilli eyes and nose, sorel affections—that wi| proof against all col qSueh a medicine! Svrup, which has r tfie cure of consun- lung and bronchial! (jpiie fame of Gel siitnptive cure, sinJ Gfecn from the nil fioschee, lias exteh earth. It has big i <JTv/o aizes, 25c ail iWrne C a r 1.213SouthPr \ ATrikUTAfG- I gnfft-rtd i Jpxtremonetv [ I had a sir stomachwbi to relievo, to I becamowi itVj*In thw ^mSs of A „n3'"sp?etk [health, fi Cardui pre [ friends, I £ certainly 1 results. "V appetitexe troubled h digeit rny andi tho. diminiollOt her feet and l ami well wots [Sficurcl Wine Ctueon’cl Queen Alf tho largont Europ<*. It 1 phantu In fftjqihlro an! bifiio, awaf which nte •far cnatncL
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