The Cedarville Herald, Volume 30, Numbers 1-26
'W Buy Your Shoes and Slippers at Springfield’s Greatest BARGAIN SHOE STORE andsavemoney . F o r Men's and Women's . . . $3 Shoesd*Oxford?, ,j'Wo assortment of tho most de pendable kind; all leathers. 99 s JPopWomon's$}*$&-and$!.?& Shoes and Oxfords Over GOOpairsi all the best hinds. SO® JRor Ohildroa's and Mtssos SI,SO Shoes Sr Oxfords . $i55es<3 to 2; all leathers; button and lace. -30 ?oi- Oljildren.s $1.25 fjhoes ntui r Oxfords. All leathers; button and lace; all sizes, uoc for Boys’ and. Little Boya’ SI.GO and $2,00Shoes. All leathers, light and heavy; all sizes 0 to 5,'< 99 c for Children’s $3 Shoes and T ies AU sizes. Patent Leather# ' ?L0Hi'oi Men's and jLadics* Oxfords, worth $3 toga. The very best grades, oil liandsewed;all, leathers, An immense as sortment in the very latest style designs. Over 1,800 Children's Hand turned 10c For Infants' and Children’s 5(Jo zes, fine Black Vici Kid and T ! ^ fanCy top9 Worth ^ Shoes;, all leathers, all styles. ; all styles. Sale, pair ,i9C. DAN COHEN, 35 East Main Street, Springfield, Ohio, X LOCAL AND PERSONAL £ -Use Golden Buie Fleur, Forest Fields is on . Paint mafia with Linseed Oil pos sesses durability—that's LAW RENCE*—J. H. "Wolford has it, Bert Hitt, of Springfield Is visiting here. 2 -Best polishing powder on earth at WISTERMAN’S Miss Buth Jenfes o f South Solon is visitingMr* and Mrs, F. C. Price. »XenIa has over a score of saloons doing business within her limits. v Fq ogn mp m d~A ladies jacket Owner 'tsame at Weiniersmeat store. Mrs. Ervin F,afm and daughter, Ina, leftTuesday for Iowa to visit Mrs. AI. J. McKee, Mrs. Ervin’s sister. , Miss Florence Bussell of Cin dnnatl has been the guest of Miss Louisa Smith this weels. WANTED;—Telephone operator, oho who wants steady employment. A good-opening, apply at once, .at the Exchange. Mr, W, E. Blair who has been visiting at the home of G. C. Hanna returned to in ionic InCoulterville, til., Wednesday, Mr. Charles Tindall and wife of Xenia spent Sabbath with relatives here. .—Carpets, mattings at McMillan’s. and linoleums Mrs. Wm. Torrence of spent Thursday with Mrs. Gray; Xenia Belle Frank Ervin of Cincinnati spent the week here attending college festivities. Only the best Paint is cheap—ask for LAWBENCE -at J. H. Wol ford’s. ‘ ■< Bev. Walter Con-.on and .wife left Tuesday evening for Clarion, Iowa. . Miss Edith Neeld of Xenia visited at the homo Dr, E. O. Oglesbee, this week.. ........ .............. ■ Mr.. Elkany Finney and bride are -visiting Finney, Sr, Once used abravs used—LAW BENCE Paints--sold by J, II, Wol ford, Mrs, W , J. Smiley Of Sparta, III., Is the guest of her lather Mr. H . H„ McMillan and w ife .. —Golden Buie Is the brand that's boon, with you for year# and it’s bet ter now than ever. Try it. Mr. H, L Bull, and wife of Koko mo are the guests *o£ L. G. Bull and family this week. Miss Clara Adams of Utica IS be- «ihg entertained at the borne of Rev W. J. Sanderson. FOB SALE: One second hand canopy top carriage. WilPbo soidat a bargain, Kerr & Hastings Bros. Costs no more to apply BENCE than a cheap paint. Wolford has the best, LAW - J. H. „ Mrs. James Murry and Mrs. John Walker are guests of Mr. J. P, Barr and family,of Day toil. Mrs. F. M. Reynolds returned home Sabblah after a visit with relatives in Blanchester, —Do you long for the good bread your mother used to bake? Then n-je Golden Buie Flour and you can have it. ' . Mrs. I. C, Davis and children re turned to Cincinnati Wednesday evening after a visit with relatives. A Hair Dressing Nearly every one likes a fine half dressing* Something to make the hair more manage able; to keep it from being too rough, or from splitting at the ends. Something, too, that will feed at the same time, a regular hair-food. Weli-fedhalrwill bestrong,and will remain where it belongs— on the head, not on the combi *Ti»aWweMad oi a testimonial- “ •old for over sixty year*.” •■*........ .. -- m a jre«*Byj.o.xrwc»,.**w5U, Ai*o puaanAturcir* of 9 sa BS apariha . ' M 1 .M, CHERRY MCT0RAL. tiers 1 Miss Grace McDonald of Selina, Ohio has returned home after a visit with her sister Mrs. J, W, Badabaugh. Mr. (Jharlos Brothortoh of Dayton spent Sabbath here with hla father, Mr, J. II. Brotherton, who is suffer- ing with a carbuncle. ' - Rev. Thomas Turner, wife and son, Robert, left Fiddly evening for New York w h e r e * oy will visit Mr. Turner’s relatives. Mr.. p. M, Hams has sold his farm of 82acres toMr. George Powers for $100per acre. Mr, Powers gets posesslon March first.. Mr. Frank Orr, Who has been sick with typhoid fever was regarded very serious Wednesday, However h' *Is much better at this*£ime. Mr. J. Harvey Crawford and daughter have returned fromJames town dn<i wid occupy ro.oms In Mrs. Elizabeth Owen’s residence during the siitnUier; Mr. and Utn. J. TSL Turnbull have homed for Juno St*te when tea GeMen wedding amhi- veruaryof Mr. and Mr*. S. K, Turn- bull will be celebrated. The post-office department has received the schedule of salaries fo* Ohio Postmasters, that is whore was an Increase in business. Day- ton will pay $1,000 pep7annum; Springfield, $&,600; London, $2,100; Osborn. $,300; Now Carlisle, $1,000; these towns have each been in creased $100 per year. Jamestown was cut from $1,700 to $1,500. After July 1 the rural earners from Cedarvillo will be able to get started on their routes earlier. The carriers have always had to count evorypiece^ofmail theyhandle which roquireef considerable time. After July 1 ail routes that have had an average of 5000 pieces per month will not bo required to count their mail. The routes from hero have had the following avoragea No, 1, 7280 No* 2, C530and No, 8, 8120. There will be no preacfalng at the U. P- church Sabbath ns Rev, Milligan is to assist Bov. McClure in communion services, of the second TJ. P, church Xenia. The Exchange has removed to No. 35 Green only a few doors south of tlio old stand. An ad ditional room has been opened In which lunches will be served each day consisting of sandwhlchcs salads, coffee,* ten and cocoa. Also ico cream and ices always on hand. When in Xenia, walk m and see us. COMMENCEMENT IS OVER. But I can still supply your wants in gouts furnishings, R.“W* tTstich, HABERDASAER. Mr- and Mrs. James Thomas of Chicago are visiting Mr. A. G. Evalyth, Bev. Alvin Orr of Philadelphia has been called hero by the illness of bis brother Frank. Mis# Anna Atkinson of Spent, the week with Mrs. Wade. Seimn liaper Mr. Frank B. Bull Of Shelbyvllle, IndM came in for tho Alumni banquet. Thursday evening return- Iing tnafc night. * Tho many friends of Bev, B, A, Hutchison of Altoona, Pa„ will be pleased to laio\V that ho lias been elected to the fiocretaryship of the Board of Homo Missions of tho Uni ted Presbyterian church to succeed Dr. Gilcrist. LAWRENCE Paints are sold by U. S, Standard Gallon at J, H. Wolford’s. Miss Lola Smith left Monday for Cleveland where she has accepted a ■position in a bank. —Dustdown. Try It, Get i t at Me Millan’s. Mr* M. C. Nagley went to Cincin nati Wednesday where he will visit until the first of the week, —Rockers, conches, •folding beds Side boards, at McMillan’s Prof. J, S. Gamble of Anderson, Ind., and Miss Elsie Harbifion, who I has been the guest of her uncle,' came Tuesday.- Prof, Gamble will! remain here a few days visiting at I the home of Mr, W. M, Harbison, COLEGE ui IT. The tax collector will he here Tues day, June 18, Bo get the necessary amount ready whether it be great or small. I t also la a good thne to decide whether you want the amount Increased or decreased. M r /G . F. Siegler has elected as supervisor of been re- music for Mr. Charles Clewansleft Wedues day for Bhortsvllle, N. Y,, to attend the weddmg of his nephew. He was accompanied by the groom’s broth er, Ralph Whittakerof South Solon, The bride ahd groom will return to •South Solon where a reception will |be tendered them.. Miss Belle' Bakestraw entertained foufteen young ladies to dinner the Green township schools in Clark Wednesday in honor -Of Miss Della county. • ----- — - » ■ . . . . —Curtains to fit your at McMillan’ s. • \ windows, Safe blowers secured $50 in cash from W. A. Anderson’s grocery in Wiiberforce Tuesday morning. I f your house looks shabby give it a coat of LAWRENCE—get it at J. H. Wolford’s. The Xenia Driving hold its first meeting June 13., Purses will be fchese'events. Club will Thursday, offered lor Tonkinson, who Is to be married to Mr, I.esfcer’ A. Hamer, the 12tli of June. Several toasts were given, M}Ss Hope Andrew being toast mistress. A three course dinner was served and all had a delightful time. —Overalls and over sblrts that Wear and give yott satisfaction. Prices 60c, 76'c and $1.00, are gold by Sullivan,, the Hatter, 27 South Limestone Street, Springfield, Ohio- Iftvitations are out for the wed ding of Miss Ethyl MeGlven to Erod MoBlwxin for Wednesday, Jane 10 bww bride. Mr, Frank IL Young has been elected as one of the high school teachers la thoVan WerfrO., schools, Mr, Young graduates this month from the O. S, U. and tins Capital School of Oratory, ije will receive a salary of $00per month. The Ladies Aid Society of the M* E . church will give a progressive dinner at different houses on the eveningofJune20, 1907. Carnages will bo provided for tho guests from ■first, station, - Price of tickets 25 cents. • —Golden Rule Flour has all the flavor that’ s in the yfteat, apd makes the biggest and sweetest loaf of any on tho market.! Bishop B, F, Lee will preach at tho A, M, E. church next Sunday at 11 A, M. sun -tim_e,_AU are ifi- vlted to hear tho Bishop. Miss Alary Dobbins will entertain fifty of'her friends Friday evening In honor of Miss Della Tonkinson, who is soon to become tho bride of Mr. Lester Hamer. NOTICE:—Persons itro forbidden from fishing or otherwise trespass ing on the farm known as that be longing to the Turnbull Sisters. Air. J. Fred Barber, who has been attending Columbia University, Now York City In the study of law, ha# returned nome for ills summer vacation. The fourth and lastdlvidend of 25 per cent has been paid the creditors of the defunct Citizens Bank at Yellow Springs. Tills will pay in full for all claims. Bev* Homer Henderson and wife of Alarion, Ohio visited Mr. Arthur Auld and wife Monday, returning home Tuesday. Bev, Henderson is a brother of Mrs. Auld, Dr, J . C, George, who has been connected With the Gorman Deacon- ness hospital in Cincinnati the past year, has given up flmt place to ac cept the chief surgconstitp of the State hospital in Columbus, Dr., Getjrgo entered on lit# new duties laStAfonday. Mr, and Mrs. Harvey Hill and daughter, Miss Abbie Bussell of Haaeiton Penn are guesto at the hom’e o f Mr. and Mrs. ®d D mm *. » „ .5 "the pt&r afifel# 'ball Tfejiaebtf afternoon between Antioch and •Cedar- ville resulted a »coiw of four to one in favor of the visitor*. The game was interesting throughout. Mr. Andrew, Winter came Thursday morning having ijtiislHtd his work as mail weigher on train*. Master Lawrence Ncsbit of Loveland is visiting his grandmother.Airs. Andrew Winter* Dr. Af, I. Marsh read a « paper “The Evolution of Medicine" before the Greene County Medical society .at the meeting of this organization in Xenia Thursday. „ Afrs. RobertWilson of CrdSwell Atiqh., arrived Thursday being called here by the sickness of her brother, Mr. Frank Orr. Croquet sets 60c to 1,60each*Hammocks 1.00 to 3A0 Bird's Mammoth Store. White wash brushes 2569 and 1.00 each paint brushes 5 1016 and 23c at Bird's Mammoth Store, Airs* Carl Van Hom and son of Xenia are guests at the home of Mr, Edward Stuckey andwife* The practical part of taxation comes on June 18 at which time thecollector will be here to get the $8,10 assessment. Look up your old receipts and compare With ten years ago and note the differ ence, If you want-to Still pay more, it Is your duty to vote for the bond issue Saturday, If you do, it would be ad- visiable to begin saving that same day to meet the Increased rate tor the next thirty years. The proposition is one of business principles and should appeal to tax-payer and patron. CRITERION ; ■ ; . ^ ■Is the Brand o f Clothing that we handle* The name is one that stands for quality find style. The season's newest patterns are to be found with us. Give us a look whether y ou purchase or not. Men's Suits............... .$10.00, $12.60 ffiid $16*50 \Boys' Suits,........ .. *$7.50, $ 10.00 and $12.50 Fancy White V e s t s . ........ ,*. ,$1.50 find $2.50 efieh BMs Iffammoth Store. betterment of this life for the future, The individual conflict was 'strongly pictured for no soul ever won the battle without the physical, intellectual and spiritual preparation* There must be preparation for distinction for no one can leap into a distinction that will en dure. It is common duty happily per formed that leaves its 4trace. It is not what we get out of Christianitybut what we are doing for the world assoldiers' of Jesus Christ. Temptations are calls to victory so. you may win temptation from holiness. Fix firmly in your m/nd the tiling to which you aspire, for the high est order of courage is required. The optimist, faces the future with a hopeand he well knows that the joy of living is inconquering these obstacles. The need of moral courage is apparent. Are you prepared for the conquestt Your exis tence will be worse than ‘ useless un lessyou have given theworld your ser vices.' ' ■'■'■■■.■,■•■ ■ " At this Juncture Dr, Benton paid a masterly tribute to President Roosevelt for his courage to wage War fare against the evils insocial, political and commer cial life. We are called to a higher and nobler building and citizens are called to the border line of better things, ." The'degree of blaster of Arts was conferred upon Prof* Raymond Fitzpat rick and Miss Belle Winter. The bin ary degree of Doctor of Divinity was conferred on Rev, Alexander Savage of NewGalifee, Pa, • The degrees were given by Rey. Da vid McKinney, D, D., president of the college, ahd were conferred as follows. on the graduates: Degree of P, B. B., or Bachelor of Philosophy, Gowdy \VH- lintnson, Fred WUIiamtott, L, T Mar shall, J, C Marshall. G, <$, Stewart,; degree of A*^B, or Bachelor of Arts: Lackey, Ra*klqmd C, G*Ware Mimses BeJRMiddleton and Nellie Sei bert arethe graduates of tinsmusical de partment. '' ^- ’ BANQUET A .■ . • ' ■ . , The Alumni banquet was held in the college halls. Thursday evening. The rooms were beautifullydecorated for the occasion. Many of .the members were back forthis event. The evening xvas one enjoyably spent, the light fan tastic being tripped until tho wee small hours of the morning.. Bigio furnished the music; Tbo.following were tho toasts and thd menu. T O A S T S fjympoaiarch R aymond F itzpatrick , ‘M A ddiucss of W elcome . . Rcsjjonse , . L. T. M arshall -, '07 ■ The Banquet Committee J ohn M, F inney , J k ., '03 College Girls ■- - N eele L ewis , ’03 Educated People J. F eed B arber , ’04 Song L ucy S mith , '03 inferences Irom the Past P rof . J urkat M E N U Fruit Salad with Whipped Cream and Alaraschino Cherries MushroomPattes Fricassee oi Chicken French Fried1Potatoes Tomatoes Peas Coffee White Bread Brown Bread W hen in X e n ia look a tth e and we are showing for spring ahd summer w ean ' If they are not the best for the money you ever saw, don’t buy. SHOE* STORE TR Y OUR JOB PRINTING -/ Veal Salad Radishes Wafers Neapolitan Ico Cream Cakes . Macaroons Lady Fingers Salted Almonds A FortunateTexan. Mr. E. W. Goodloo, or 107St. Louis St., Dallas, Tex. s ys: "I fho past year I have become acquainted with Dr. King's New Life Pill#, and no laxative X ever before tried so effectually disposed of malaria and biliousness,” They don1fe grind nor gripe. 25c* at alt druggisto Remarkable Rescue* That truth is stranger than fiction, has once more been demonstrated'!!! the little town of Fedora, Tonn., the residonceof C, V. Pepper. Ho Writes: " I was in bod, entirely disabled with hemorrhages of Uio lungs and throat, Doctors failed to help me, and all hope 1*1*0 fled when I began taking Dr King's Nejv Discovery Then instoiit relief catne. The coughing noon ceased; the bleeding diminished rapidly* and in throe ■weeks I whs able to go to work." Guaranteed for coughs and colds hoc .and $1,09, at” nil druggists, Trial i bottle free, Enlarging Your Business If you are in businessandyou want to make more money you will read every word We have to say* Are you spending your money for ad vertising in hap hazard fashion as if intended for charity, or do you adver tise for direct results? Did you ever stop to think how your advertising can be made a Source of profit to you, and how its value can be measured in do llars and . cents. If you have not, you are throwing money away. ’ Advertising is a modern business necessity, but must be condu cted on,business principles* If you are not satisfiedwith your advertising you should set aside a certain amount of money to be spent annually* and then carefully note the effect it has in in creasing your volumeof busi ness; whether a to, ao or 30 per cent increase. If you watch this gain from year to you will become intensely in terested in your advertising, and how you can make it en large your business* ■If ;ou try this method we believe you will' not waift to let a single issue of this paper go to press without something from your store. We will be pleased to have ypu call on us, and we will ( take pleasure in explaining our animal contract for so many inches, and how it can be Used in whatever amount that seems necessary to you. If you can sell goods over the counter we can also show you why this paper will best serve your interests when you want to teach the people of* this community. Let Us Be Your W a iter We never tire,of helping others when they ask for good job printing. We can tickle fh^most exuding typographic appetite, Peopld who have partaken of our excellent service come * back for a second serving, Our prices are the most reasonable, too, and you tmt ^Iways de pend on ns giving your orders the most prompt and careful attention. Call at this office and took over our samples.
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