The Cedarville Herald, Volume 30, Numbers 1-26

CUT” ■ * "r ? t; thero isn't bare to trust a- Jmtober. or Meats only kind to .ppliojiccs for ana they’re :>1<1. Don’ tgo t’s hofct JSE , E, 0 , IVER ad I wrmia sols b» a Ktcat <IcaS"KitbL Now ninco taking il veryB)«eb better ' era to my frlauia v Been.*/ i 2,FoURlTey,!f*n, I J ?o ictoQoo4.DoGood, , 10e, 2jc, 50c, Never et stniused COO i : ay boelc. I cBgo or W.Y. Cor [ liion boxes ; >ance and unless structlon of jody. Th'c eryes must strengthen k.,.. ire Nervine ve tonic and ngtheni the he nervous ces refresh* : sleep and Lise seldom e afflictions. loptle fits; had 2 Hour* Wy ily physician, 10for me, ana » tuia at last vlth me, and I they Heard ot d nought a box ot Nervo talten only a to fCRLbettey.' , it cured i n f ' beenWorth all recommend it • ly use this aa to the merits ! am enjoying ferl .that my thinwonderful WITJCJAMS. S, Boston, <3a, cold' by your mteo that the if It falls, he Slkhart, Ind % a 'A m . /■4 L 4 rant. thd Book- ling across the old Restaurant rnd dining or, reached s 25 g and ingfield; 0 . tional treatment )Rur;s. fiend for ithUtssiHRArs., OHIO Unfair, arjcffefr, vt,r a old, the tan, th » H'fhs repsfr- *s had to 6# ft -.-1il.ugtotftaMfc 150# Da#*#. nrm I Buy Your Shoes atnd Slippers at Springfield’s Greatest BARGAIN SHOE STORE andsavemoney . . .for-. SSenes a n d . Wom en 's S3 Shoes $>Oxfords, . Fine assortment o f tho most tie* Spendable kind; nil leather#. 99c For W om en ’s fl.SQ and f t ,7$ Shoes and Oxfords Over 1500pairs? all tho best kinds. 69c For Children’s mid Misses $l.SQ Shoes fr Oxfords . HizouO to 2; all leathers; button and lace, • ti 4{if j'or ( ’bilili'i'iijS $1.23 Htsocs and Oxfords. All leathers; button and lace* all sizes. SDc for Boys’ and -Little Boy:;’ and $2.00Bliovs. All kathore, light and heavy; all fuzes o tof»'J 990 for Children’s $2 Shoes and T ies All sizes, lino Black VicI Kid and Patent Leathers; all styles, Over 1,800 Children’s Band turned shoes, with fancy tops worth 73c, Sale, pair 39e. 19c For Infants’ and Children's 00c Shoes; all leathers, all styles. DAN i?l.!!.’•! fni Men’s and Ladies’ Oxfords, worth $3to The very be: t grades, nil band; cwed; all kudu sJ, An iumten .e as* ,‘ ortniY-nt in the very latest style designs. 35 East Maul Street, T Springfield, Ohio, X lOCAt AND PERSONAL. | -Use Golden Buie Flour. Mower sections at Wolford’s. Found—A ladies jacket owner can.gefclame at Woimorsmeat storo —Curtains to lit at McMillan’s, • your windows Mr, O. M>Crousewas in Columbus Thursday'On business. . - -Bestpolisbitigpowder on earth at WISTEfcMAN’S ,—Fireworks of all kinds at Nagiey Bros, , I>r. J. W* Dixon spent Sabbath with friends near Dayton. —Carpets, mattings and linoleums at McMillan’ s, • “ . . . Dh Baldridge and wife of Dayton visited with Mr..J. C. Barber, Mon­ day. • , . • . :v., ’ ■■ ■ Messrs, Joseph McFarland and Olyae Barr, ,of Dayton spent Sab­ bath here. - —Pitman rods and Pitman heads at Wolford’ s. Miift Effle Conley has been em­ ployed to teach in Boss township this Coming year. —Fresh strawberries Nagiey Bros. each day at —Dustdown, Miilan’ s, Try it. Get it at Me- Mrs. F. C. Price; left Tuesday for Danville, 111., where she will visit for some time; —You can get sections for your mowet at'Wolford’s, —Mattresses, bed springs, best to be had at McMillan,s.- the Mrs. Boberfc Kyle are visiting with Mr, and family. amt" daughter W n l. H a in e s —Gebypur sieldes for any machine at Wolford’s. The 'Ladies Aid Society of the M. 33, church will give a Plymouth dinner this evening. Carnages will be provided and tbp station will be located on the church lawn. The races in Xenia Tuesday were the attraction for many trom this place, The weather was fine, and With the new track the meeting was a success.” The attendance was placed at 1000. MX* Last Saturday while, a number ot young people were down to the cliffs some; attempted to cross over the creek at ihv foot-log. In some manner Mis# Gertrude Reynold?,, daughter of Prof. F. M» Reynolds, slipped and fell into the water* Bird Oreswell was the hero of the hour by plunging In and rescuing the young lady. Straw Bats everything in the line from the 23c to the $1,- grade in the “latest” styles at Bird’s Mammoth Store. WANTED: Country Produce we pay 15c for Eggs i5q, lb for Butter, lie for Lard, 12c for Bacon .Bird’s,Mammoth Store. ■ —McCormick, -Leering, Osborn and Champion mower sections at Wolford’s. Miss Mary,Barber, who has been spending.the winter here, has re turned t"o her home m Springfield. Have a little private fire works of your own. Nagley Bros, have a complete line and can fit you out. —Tornados and sky-rockets at •TSTagleyBros. Paint prepared for the brpsh, made by LAWRBNCF sold by J , B . Wol- ford. - ■ ' • ; ./ .. Mrs. Charles Blsbet and children of Loveland •are visiting Mrs. AndrewWinter, MissClam Adame-has-returned home afteravisitof several week# withRev.W. J*Saodergon. ■ / r -Golden Buie Is the brand that’ s been with you for years aud it’s bet­ ter now than oyer* Try It. FOB SALE:—Two one horse spring wagons, your choice at $23 each. Kerr &Bastings Bros. Miss Ida Hardy has returned home after a visit with relatives and friends here anti in Xenia. That colonial effect can be bad,by usingLAWBENCE Paint, sold by J. H, Wolford. Mr. Oscar Hagley left Wednesday for the Jamestown Exposition, He expects to secure employment there/ Don’ t think about the cost of good gaintttiink will ,do, Bsfe LAWBENCE, sold by J. H. Wol­ ford. Mr. F. P. Hastingswife anddaugli- ter, have gone to Zanesville and New Concord where they will visit for two Weeks. Have your painter use LAW­ RENCE and note the results, Gold by J. H. Wolford. NOTICE;—Persons are forbidden from fishing or otherwise trespass­ ing on the farm known as that be­ longing to the Turnbull Bisters. Mr. W . J. Hawthorne left Thurs­ day forth© north west expecting to locate In Oregon. Mis family ha# gone to Athens, Ohio., where they will visit until a permanent location is found. of theHair Therearc fourverses. Vowel, Ayer’s HiurVigorstops falling hair. Verse 2. Ayer’s Hair Vigor ;makes the hair groxv.i Verse 3. Ayer’s Hair Vigor ctires dandruff. Verse 4. Ayer’s Hair Vigor makes the scalp healthy, and keeps it so. It Is * regular hair-food \ this It the real secret of its won­ derful auceeas. mnUmldiii effct-Mtaonfct** •*» om fw **#* #i*tyy*£**< 3 d f * «♦ *> nit yswtt.” ... iter’s JL umir/MXk, m i x ...... ....„ WANTEDTelephone operator, one who wants steady-employment, A good opening, ^apply at once,, at the Exchange, . Miss Mede._MoFarland -and her guests. Misses Connoly and Sparks, spent Sabbatli with Mr. and Mrs, John Beeler of Xenia. —Golden Riile ,Flour has all the flavor that’s in the wheat, and make# the biggest and sweetest loaf of any, on.the market. MrTheo, Bennett .and family of Yellow Bprlhjjfsand Mr, Frank Na- gl«y and family ofXenia Visited rel- »Mve# h*s:e Saturday and Sabbath. ..... —Booker#, eotuaie#,. folding bed# sideboards, atMcMillau’s , Miss Pearl Doan, who has been assisting MiSs Katie NisbCt ns trim­ mer in her millinery, store, returned to her home in Do Graff Wednesday, Miss DoaU expects to relntn here again tlus fall. County Treasurer, O. Jjh Kauff­ man was in town Tuesday making liis semi-annual collection. The collections here tbis year amounted to something over $1200, much less than former yeai;s. This is partly dqo to the farmers being busy with their work. Mr. Kauffman look in pyer $6000 in Osborn last Saturday. Square Deal Tobacco per lb 23c Bird’s Mammoth Store, * ‘ ^ > „ % *. Gasoline per gallonjlflc or 2. gallon for 83c at’Bird’s Mammoth Store. Hon, George Little and. Mr. A, Z. Smith are in Cincinnati op business to­ day. Dr. J; O. Stewart and wife attended Antioch commencemfent .*Wednesday, Mrs.1Stewart going the day previous to hear Congressman Burton Ift his address to the Alumni. Dr. and -Mrs. Stewart are both graduates-of Antioch. Hammocks $1, to £$.50 each Croquet sets (k)c to $1.50. Bird’s Mammoth Store. Rev, E, L, Tiffany of Syracuse, N. Y. will preach in,tint R, P. church Sabbath both morningand evening, COLLARS and CUFFS duett Peabody ‘ Co, latest styles in stocks Bird’* Mammoth .Store. Mrs, Kate Hutson Kizer died at her home in South 'hatieston,. Tuesday morning, June IS, ot heart trouble, 'The remains were brought here Thursday morning, funeral services being con­ ducted by Dr, H, C, Middleton. The deceased was a daughter of the late Wesley Hutson. IT’S UP TO YOU Men’s “Clothing” summer weight goods elegant suits $10. and 12.50 and $16. each, give us a'look Bird’s3fammoth Store. Tho past week has been one un­ usually qutefcaboufc town. The street during, the day has been practical­ ly deserted, every man that; wanted work .being able to find it. The farmers aro busy with their corn and making every effort to bo ready for wheat harvest, which is not very far distant. —Fresh car of Portland cement. Saylor’s, tho finest on the market, D. S, Ervin $ Go. ProL F. A. Jurkat, wife and son,- loft Monday for New Galilee, Pa,, where they will visit for some time" It has been seven years since Prof, has been home. Every gallon •of LAWBENCE Paint is tested before it leaves the factory, Ask for card of informa­ tion at J . H. Wolford’s. —A six foot paper balloon in colors for twenty-five cents at Nagley Bros. Mr. Jamos H . Gowfly, of Xenia, who Is well known here, has re­ turned home after a five weeks visit With his son, Albert and at Chicago with his daughter, Mrs. Lillms Gowdy Milburm, Mr. J. W, Eadabaugh and family are visiting in Sallnft, during, the tv >week# vacation that Mr Badu- batigh is taking. During Ills ab­ sence Mr. M. B. Smith, is supplying bis place as agent at the railroad station. The new breakfast food “ Wheat Berries’ * the finest ytt. Wheat puffed and baked and ready to serve with cream and sugar. Ten cents a package. The coining cereal Gold by Nagley Bros. Wo note Mr. Fred Anderson’s name in the list of law students that has passed tho state examination and has been admitted to the bar. Mr. Apdersort graduates from the O, S. tL- this month.- -- Bev. O. H. Milligan and wife entertained - tho members of the Session of the United Presbyterian church and tholr wives Thursday evening. Mr. O. E. Bradfiito spent Tuesday and Wednesday in Columbus at­ tending the O. S. V, commencement festivities, he beluga member of the Board of Trustees. The preserving quality o f LAW­ RENCE Paint is m its superior quality of pigment (Lead and Zinc) and purity of the Iflnsoeu oil used spid by J. H. Wolford. Mr. (diaries Dean is able to be around ftftey being laid up from the effects of funiting A nail into his foot some weeks ago. Ho walks with the aid of crutches. Oscar WOodard, A young lad of near Clifton came near losing his life Gabhath afternoon at the saw- ti. A't.iiinbcl ux bO-yjs frlnV- irrg agouti tliO plant when one of them concluded to- turn on -the water the tie# and had .a eevan inch scalp wound inflicted. Had -dot the car been stopped when it was the boy would have been killed. • ’ , Muskingum Go!lege has conferred the degree of D. D. on Bev, R, .A. Hutchison of Altoona, Pa., and the degree of L. L. D. on Dr. W- H. French of Fresno, paliforumf Both ministers are well known here. Card wtih shades of LAWBENCE paints and suggestions for painting at J. if. Wolford. Mr. J. W . Marshall, of Xenia has disposed of the farm near Yellow Sprihgs, known as the Hutton farm, to Mr. T» V. Dubois, of this city. Tlio farm consists of 175 acres o f goodland. Fire Works everything in the line immense 'stock at' "* Bird’s Mammoth Store. Mrs. Mary McCurdy,,of Toronto, -O., wagthe guest bf Mr. and Mrs, ’William ConleyThursdayand Frtday. Ruffled Swiss Curtain* handsome effect $Eaod $1,23a pairat ,r '■ Bird* Mammoth -store. CtiHtomers'take notice. Oyr ‘Stqrfc. closes at “noon” July 4thmake your purchases early at Bird’s Mammoth Store, Mrs. S. M. Murdock lefflast night for the JamestownExposition and will also visit her daughter Mrs. Waiter Morton before her return. Mrs. Jolm. .William­ son and Mrs'. S. C. Anderson left- last night also for the exposition and will attend the marriage oi their nephew, Rev C. A. Yqung, of PhTladelpeia to Miss Margaret Rena Nelson of the same city. . “TRY OUR” 5c catxcom (its extra good)Lima Beans the- are cheap 4lb for23c. If>20 and 25c Blended Coffee’s they are the best that money can bny. Bird’s Mammoth Store. Miss Agnes Stormont entertained in a delightful manner Tuesday 'afternoon. Indy ii iC'uuS ju ■ hvmui si i« ii\.< ■* Miss Louise Smith attended the High Miss Hope Andrew of Jamestownand ^ . - a , .... - ........ - ’ -.fto 'nod ■were, u „ II>ink and white roses, while, file favors Prof. Raymond Fmjwtm* br-mymg ^ vM me& - r water C()k^ ^ a cane^and limping ,wwh be can think of it, on his'rounds hero Thursday. A horse stepped on hi# foot Tuesday which was the source of the tfoUble. Mr. James H, MpMHlan lias pur­ chased a new concrete mixer to** the manufacture of cement si >s and building blocks. His other machine was too small lor the contracts he link taken. Miss Lizzie Adams of Jamestown gave ti six o’ clock dinner last Tues­ day evening to Hie young ladies of the Shakespeare club of that place. The occasion was tho announcement of tho coming marriage of Miss Hope Andrew to Mr. Wallace Barnes, a young business man of Philadelphia. Mr. Fretl MeElwttih and Miss Ethel McGiveti Were married Wed­ nesday noon at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. MeGiven. Mr. McEIwaln Is a son of Mr. and Mrs, I). B. Me-, Elwaitt and lias been a student a t’ Delaware. Miss MeGiven has been' a public school teacher and both; are highly estoeemed. They left; that- afternoon for a short trip.' Their many friends wish them mi-.- bounded success. '' < > The following Invitations. have been received here; “Mr; Hugh Nelson re­ quests the pleasure o£ your company M the wedding reception of his daughter, Margaret Rena and Rev, Clarence An­ drew' Young on.Tuesday evening, the twenty-fifth of Jtmp, nineteen hundred and seven, from eight until ten thirty o’clock”. Rev, John 11. Kendall of Tarentum, Pa.,will performthe ceremo­ ny assisted by PtoftW. R;,,McClj»Sficy, Rev. Yoitng and bride will arrive’'here about July IS LINOLEUM makes flic best floor covering. We have them. | Bird# Mammoth Store.* Men’r / Fine “ Dress Trousers” Targe stock to select ftom choice Pattern from ’ $2. to $3. it pair. { Bird’*Mammoth Store, dainty two course luncheonwas s erved. Among those from n distance present wereMiss Mildred .Rife, Anthony, Kan., mid Miss Kate Comaek bf Mercer county. Pennsylvania ■— - L I N E S - ------- EXCURSION TO COItllffIMS $1.60 Bound Trip, Sunday, Juno a;).—Lcavo-Cedarvillo 9HOa. m* Here is q, matter which should interest you. You know what ,.We offer 1u Fell and Straw Hats and we know that in offering them wo have the best'interest ot qiu “ customors in -mind. W.e give the’Htylo and tlie Quality, which will Insure service. It is easy to make your selection now, before our stock Is broken, Prices on Felt I-Iats. 50c to $5.00; Straw'Hats, 50o to $3.00. Pana­ mas, $3.00 to $0.00. ' , - Sullivan, The Hatter 27 South Limestone Street, ' Springfield; Ohio. Auction Sale Of Valuable Farm On-the premises, l;.f milfiffTTijHli east of Xenia on tlie Colum­ bus pike and known as the Daniel McMiltau. farm, but now owned by the W, B. Hardje heirs. " THURSDAY, JUNE ss.7, a t 2 p, to . ■This fuvnr cunfuiin# US.’ Xa<wes, consisting of 20 acres Of timber, fim* ..rcJiaidof 75 healthful trec» and the balance in high state of cultivation. Improvement* On- ih«s said farm consist of a toll-room brick house with slate roof. Good well of water and spring and cistern at tho bouse; large hank barn that will accommodate 20 horses and 19 head Of cat­ tle, Combination crib and cow stable. One modern pair of farm scales, A running stream through the. north side of the farm, makes it an Idea’ stock farm. ’ This estate is being sold for a division of the estate, of the late W. 13, Hardie. Terms of Sale * . __ . A deposit of $1,000 to bind the contract of sale is required, One-tifirdonihc purchase, price to be paid when possession o f- farm is given about Oct. 15. The $1,000 to bind the contract to be part of tho ono-titird purchase price. Balance in two equal payments of one ami two years, secured by .first mprlgage on the farm bearing 0 per cent interest, or ail cash if. purchaser so desires. For all information call on W. C. Hardie; On the Farm. W. F» Smith, Auctioneer, 71ft Boibold Blog. Dayton, Ohio. D7. KENNEDY’S FAVORTE REMEDY PIc ant to tftfcfly - jeowpHUlto cure* AiultVelconioin - every H om e , KIDHEf andLIVERcun. . . - - tt ®r.KpflnMyfcttw-artWfc'tr.Wly IsMfiphrAVmtt imt>iN?xf*»nrroWltneCfiv maflf-jseteiwrinnura-rsf tRimpiiKyoffli* I)!.-;; k 5, *urh fit, Kldupjr. l;lad<Ior Mul l.iVf# CASTOR IA For lu&nt* And (Mdren. theKindYouHaieAlwaysBought The Famous Millinery Sale extraordinary For Friday and Saturday. So much success attended our sale of last week, that we are going to have another one along Similar lines for this com ing Friday and Saturday. T h e specials given be low are all new and stylish and some o f them w ill surely meet your ideas in style and price. You w ill find them all exactly as represented in every particular. , Our Pattern bat-i that pold from F13 to $*fi. #mne trimmed with ostrich plume*; regardless of cost apeclnl $ 7 .9 5 an d $ 5 .9 5 Trimmed h#t« iu white and all colon). Chip*, Neapolitans), Eltiffous and Tan­ ey braid# lu ail the newest styles. ,Si»m# of tiieae hats sold as high as $10 amt IIS. For this sale 4 9 5 , 3 .5 f t $ 2 -5 0 Radio*' f trout and Enlrlmtned Hats; fo-m* wild a* high ns $3. Hale price 49c F L O W E R S 15c 25caod 35c Children Trimmed Hats in white and all colors; leghorns and fancy braids, from Clfildren’ s Hchool Hats, some for­ merly sold for $2.50; divided into two lots aft 25cand69c tipeouti lot of Ribbons, some 5.0c, val­ ues* Hale price 95c up 25c Special lot, which sold for R5c. Halo price 17c Those talked-of Bailors wo have them in great variety. Our $!.?"> ami $2.oo Hats equal to the Knox of Dunlap, tiee our specials at- 29c and 49c Board tho f&gftAtute of L— *TMU.« . wm , 3 Sto 39 -So. Fountain Ave., i n e r a n io u s , sj>ring«ew, omo . 1