The Cedarville Herald, Volume 30, Numbers 1-26

r \VK - . : t h k PRICES FOK THK 'mM&A __ j, ■ ii -irriin-niiiiiiii, »•*»*# : ' 1 ! P v i i ' ^ % fe* I SCI^ f T^ air~x & * < , V * , ^ j r * J r i ; P ‘\ ' : i *■-'!■. - ; : " / A f e i ' d k ( f y T ^ *" **>*r ; x*i ***** * *,j>,v * >'"■*; The blank in tlxe sentence above is completed by, feature in the monument. a C>- WE DEAL DIRECT FROM THE / * • BEST GRANITE QUARRIES I have just returned from the granite quarrisc, while there I selected the best granite and gave orders for over 150 monuments to be made and shipped direct from the quarries,, thus saving you from paying the middleman’s profit. We have *made special arrangements with the different quarries and manufacturers to do work for us at the lowest cash prices, which Enables us to sell you first class work and first class granite at the lowest quarry prices. You take no risks in buying your work from the Iioupt Monument Co., for if any defects show after work is erected in cemeteries we will replace it free of charge. We are responsible and can give the best of references and security. Having been in the monu­ ment business for the past 38 years and by square and honest dealing we have never had any trouble or lawsuits with any of our customers, we will treat you the sarpe. • ■ <* ' - w"~^ ‘ W e have a Large stock of first class work on hand at all tim^e for you to select from. If you don’t see,what you want in our .work on hand we have hundreds of first class up-to-date drawings of monuments to select from tha t we have making at the quarries now. We have new work coming in every few days. We surely-can please you. We are specialists on designing and will draw you a special up to date Air Brush design, one that will conform with your, ideas and please you so don’t fail to see us. We will'guarantee perfect satisfaction to all. We have a great many orders for fine monuments^ Several fine large monuments to go to Ferncliff Cemetery arid several large monuments to go to Calvary Cemetery and many fine large jobs that go to the other towns and cities outside of Springfield. Among them is a fine large .job for Stroyer Brothers, General Merchants, De Graff, Ohio. We have also just recently taken an order of the Hon. Ex-Attorney General Monnett of Columbus and his mother of Bucyrus, Ohio. This monument,will be placedin the Cemetery at Monnett’s Ohapel, about four miles south ofBucyrus, in one of the finest small cemeteries in Ohio. This is a very large monument .and will be made of the best No. 1 Extra Hark Quincy Granite, and the entire monument from the ground up will be highly polished. The monument and five headmarkers, when all complete will cost $2,500, and will be one of the finest jobs in the state. Come to headquarters for first class work; from the smallest to the largest orders will receive prompt and careful attention. Don’t fail to see us before placing your order for any thing you want from the smallest markers to the largest and most elaborate monumentrior mausoleums. All will receive the most careful All flower vases furnished a t cost. Remember the locatioh. ion. The blank in the sentence above is completed by a ° ! feature in the monument. The W. H. Hoiipt Monument Co., CORNER OF MAIN AND SPRING STREETS. ONE SQUARE NORTH OF P. 0 . SPRINGFIELD, OHIO. We also have works a t SHELBY, GALIGN AND MARION, OHIO. Wo Give You tho Best, Workman­ ship and Boat Granite on the £2T ,'-?v -y-. ?. , wwrff,SVs«,:- '*•*jw»KA,-y I|t V.!i a iT*WM' 77*?* f" r '-‘ - j *• , «> ’• . i V . 1 ityfcJIf ",*,.'&¥ r ? j £ fu -*> i\ tm t ^ )] ,;lfgi The blank in the sentence above is completed by a feature in the monument. “323 This way for First-Glass Work at Low Prices. ; 1 i i 11 i i at f ! ii! ! ' l l 'HI IHI I I ! J The blank in the sentenpe above is completed by a . feature in the monument.. ■ i i*4tj The Hot Weather Shoe FOR MEN, WOMEN AND CHILDREN Is An Oxford. m Ulillfind m BestatYomigs Get your summer footwear a t this store and we guarantee tha t you will be the gainer in style, comfort and satisfaction a t a price unduplicated in the city. Here’s some of our prices. Note the one within your limit and come in and ask to see the goods Men’s—$1.50, $1.90, $2.50, 83.00, $3.50, $4, and $5.00 Ladies’—$1.25, $1.45, $1.90, $2.45,82.90, $3.50 and $4 Boys’......................$1.25, $1.50, $2.00, $2.50 and $3.00 Misses’..................$1.00, 81 25, $1.45, $1.90, and §2.45 Children’s ................ 50c, 75c, $ 1 , 00 , $1.25 and $1.50 W hite Canvas Oxfords—For all the family. The finest line yet shown in the city. Complete range of styles and sizes. Get our prices before you buy. Meet your friends and leave your packages a t OSCAR YOUNG, 7 East Main St., Springfield, Ohio. cs SOSE a. L I N E S SPECIAL. LOW PARES. NIAGARA FALLS Kxoiu’b’ion Tlekofs on Hale Tuesday July Jioth. Good rehmiinf? until August loth. 00.60 round trip. JAJJKSTOWN KXPOHITION fNorfolk, Va.) dally until Noyeinher CO. Choice of many desirable routes-all-rail, or by Ocean steamer; Potomac River and Gliosapeako bay steam­ boats, Htop-overs at New York, Boston, Washington, Balti­ more, Philadelphia. BVUMm i TOtTRTBT KARIM to famous resorts aloug Jersey Coast, inJbong Island ami New Rutland, with New York and Pliilidelphiastop-overs. Also to Lake and mountain resorts, aud io Colorado anil the Pacific Coast. LOriBVlLLR, K.Y.w Julio Ld and S3, Muster Plumbers’ Convention, ' » SARATOGA SPRINGS. N\ Y,, July 51to V, K. T. Conclave. HH1KANR, July 1, R. Y. P, tJ. BKATTLI-l. Washiurcton June Sift to July 5,' C. K. . PHILABKLPIirA, July 12 to 30—12. V. 0 , 15.-- direct or via Washington . with ohnwovewaf BaUhivce^nrl Wef' W ■ SI-lAHIiORK liN friUbnoN to Atlantic (Tty, Capo "May and eiyht other v.opular oea^ldnmioi’ts, Aitguot-D. WINONA LAJ£B. INI) Dally until September .W, I mu ’ full pi rUcnkfii consult J . W. ihtdnbaurfli, Ticket Agent. Information Com cerning Farmers. Harry Creator, of Springfield pur-bt tablespoanful of the nolloborc add chased about 12,000 pounds of wool a quart of hot water, and allow it to from C. H. Wolthall, one of the Jarg- *stand a few hours. Spray tho bushes est sheep raisers In this locality, well with it. An old broom will -Greene County Press. answer very well for spraying. Tho worms are soon killed, and the pois- n r . a , on will not last long. In a few days A. W. Kennedy ofMt. btorlinbl O. | th bemc8 may bo eaten, buyer for Swift &Co., purchased 308. head of fine cattle of Messrs. Willis McDorman and Hnrve Cummins, j The grayish rilaek sqilnsh bug is As usual both received the top price ’difficult to manage, Gathbrntg^tho $5.75 and a premium. Mr. McDor- eggs and tho old bugs early In tin? man's 35 cattle averaged 1310and Mr. Cummin's 72 averaged 1410. These aro for expert trade,—Greene Coun­ ty Press. spring; it laborious but sure, if thoroughly done, The bugs will crawl upon a piece of board laid among the vines, and may bo gathered and caught. The use of A young calf, the property of Mr. Poison will d* no good in the case IBqnlres, is certainly a freakof nature .oLfho bugs as they do not cat-the that is attracting considerable atten- Heaves, but pass i their beaks through ! tlon at this time. It was born with i f ' cr,Ht51( 0 °£, t b° lGaf to sucl£ th? teeth, blind and Is minus a tail be. ;J“« cb and w« l not consume any of sides being deformed m o ther ways ‘no powon. In a senes of experl- 'but quite lively and' apparently, hl ?f P l e a t i n g !strong for Its age. In an attempt, attacks of tlm sqnash vme borer the !on the part Mrs, Squires, to learn P™ventiV« employed where paris }tho calf to drink It bit her hand r' tC:iap°on* • causing the Wood to flow from tho !wound anil is quite sore at this , time.- Sprmgfteld Blade. That one cow can he made to do the work of two has been found to bo \ easily accomplished by the s^foetion of the best Ind tviduals. A Vermont dairyman, whoso cows pro(Uw.eAllOh-poiinda_of__hntter_fiai*jL Iier year has succeeded in getting200 pounds per year from each cow in the herd. Dairymen In other sections have done fully as well. It is claimed that if one cow gives as formely did two, there Is a sav­ ing in stable room labor and care, This can’t be accomplished however unless the cows are reared on the farm or purchased from some breed­ er who makes ^specialty of improved .breeds. Feed of course is an im* Iporfont matter also hut a good cow 'w illg ive more product from the food eaten than mi Inferior cow •that Is fed in the same manner. • The currants find gooseberry worm l that'consume tho leaves of the | currant and gooseberry, leaves the i hushes bare of folio go. will weaken [tho hushes bo much that tho berries \ will not ripen; even the bushes be­ ing sometimes killed by thorn,- The worms way he poisoned by the use nf hellebore dissolved m water, the ‘bushes being sprayed with It. Take fill to tv/o gallons of water, corncobs dipped in coal far and tho kerosene emulsion; tho application of the patio green and koroscao was re­ peated after very hard rain until •September; tho cobs dipped In coal for again once in three weeks. All three of tho applications seemed to bo beneficial, with perhaps a little something in favor of tho corncobs as being chcapeHt amt inofilr xron- vonlenf. The odor of the tar has no effect on tho insects blit sometimes repels tho moth, causing her to lay her eggs elsewhere. DAUGHTER CHRISTENED. Tlio following is laken from Hie Dayton Herald and will be of in­ terest to fho friends of Mrs. F. O. Gray, formerly Mis# Paeon Gregg, The beautiful party given at the homo of l)r. and Mrs. F. (1. Gray on Rust Third street Friday evening was featured by tho christening of their -dear little daughter, Mary Elisabeth, who although hut lour years old bars won a secure place in the , * y yfcy.tly a id thefr innumerable liieud*. Forty guests were welcomed in rooms that were beautifully decorated with flimlax and valley lilies, and afc 7:30 the ceremony was performed by the llev. D, G. Latshaw, minister of the St. Paul M« 33,- church. Mrs. A. E. Johnson led the little girl to the baptismal front and Dr, and Mrsi G-ay followed; Tho ceremony was beautifully impressive, and was preceded by tho singing of two duets by Miss Maria Hammer and Miss. Annabel Ambrose and numbers being arranged from Mendelssohn's- Athaha, “Ever Blessed Child Re­ joice, By Heaven Protected,” and “Hearts Feel that Love Thee.” A beautiful appointed three-course supper was served by Miss Slioup,, tho place cards boing cabinet photos ot Miss Mary Elizabeth, and among! tho pleasant features of the evening] Was tho singing of Shakespeare’s “Seven Ages of Man” by Miss I Ambrose and the playing of a Glrieg Lullaby and a Chopin Cradl(\J»ong! by Miss Hammer, I Miss Mary Elizabeth received nfany beautiful gifts from the guests,: Among those invited from a dis-f fonce wore: Dr. and Mrs. Isaac, Kay, of Springfield, Mrs. Lon Disher and daughter Leon, of Lowlsdurg, I Mrs. H. E. Barber, of Walnut H ills ,. Cincinnati, uiid Mr. nud Mrs. Greon! of Eaton. i ~'l Weakness Vcmen cannot possifcly be strong,while suffering from any of the diseasespeculiar to their sex. Even if you do not feel weak,the weakness ■ of your system is there, and is a^constandangcr# P u t strength into your ^ frame with • * ■ WINE OF, GARDUI WOMAN’S RELIEF * It givesyou strength,where you mostneed ih It relieves pain. I t regulatesunnatural irregularities, It has been found a most successfulcure for all thediseases peculiar to women. T ry it. At ?U Druggists £32 EVERYTH ING FOR P ICTURE MAKING IN THE KodakBox A No. 2 Brownie Camera for taking 2 # x 3 # pictures, a Brownie Developing Box for devel­ oping the negatives in daylight , Film, Velox paper, Chemicals, Trays, Mounts. .Everything needed for making pictures is included in this complete little outfit. • ■ And the working of it is so simple tha t anybody can get good results from the start. No dark-room is needed and every step is explained in the illustrated instruction book tha t accompanies every outfit. * Made by Kodak workmen in the Kodak factory—tha t tells the story of the quality. THE KODAK BOX No. 2, CONTAINING; S30ft 1.00 .no 1 ITo. 8 Brownlo Camera, * 1 Brownlo Dovelopinr; I!ox, 1 Boll No. 2Brownlo 1'ilm, 0 c 2 Brownlo Developing Powdcrn, .03 1 Plifi, Kodak Acid Fixing Powder, .16 - eirndiatCf — - -.— »----,10- 1 Stirring Bod, • * - • .03 1 No. SBrownloPrinting Frame, § 1 Dor. ft! 4 x fl!4Brownlov clox, 2 Eastman M, Q. DovolopingTuljES, 3 Paper DevelopingTrays, • 1 hot. 2H x !l’i Duplex Sfonnfs, Uinf. KrillnkTfrVl?fiHhTihof|t(caVA .15 .15 .10 .00 ,IK i D«7.1Altai: I a y 116uh*inB'Assiio, !()o 1 Instruction Boole, » - - .10 $4.92 Price, Complete CEf/l OO At all Kodak Dealers. aPMST.—— S1.45 Write fo r Booklet of the Kodak Box . EASTMAN KODAK CO. Rochester, N„ Y., eT(>sKodakChp. YOUR APPET ITE . « If your appetite is poor, eat meat, To tempt your appetite and nourish the system .our choice meats are not excelled by anything. The weak dttd th e o trong , tho Q ffliiil ad d th e hen rty ea ter a lik e en joy th em . G WEIMER, - i ...,it